Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies * * Licensed under the BSD-3 License (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.palantir.lock.impl; import static com.palantir.lock.BlockingMode.BLOCK_UNTIL_TIMEOUT; import static com.palantir.lock.BlockingMode.DO_NOT_BLOCK; import static com.palantir.lock.LockClient.INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT; import static com.palantir.lock.LockGroupBehavior.LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE; import static com.palantir.lock.LockGroupBehavior.LOCK_AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.palantir.common.base.Throwables; import com.palantir.common.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory; import com.palantir.common.concurrent.PTExecutors; import com.palantir.common.random.SecureRandomPool; import com.palantir.common.remoting.ServiceNotAvailableException; import com.palantir.lock.BlockingMode; import com.palantir.lock.ExpiringToken; import com.palantir.lock.HeldLocksGrant; import com.palantir.lock.HeldLocksToken; import com.palantir.lock.HeldLocksTokens; import com.palantir.lock.LockClient; import com.palantir.lock.LockCollection; import com.palantir.lock.LockCollections; import com.palantir.lock.LockDescriptor; import com.palantir.lock.LockGroupBehavior; import com.palantir.lock.LockMode; import com.palantir.lock.LockRefreshToken; import com.palantir.lock.LockRequest; import com.palantir.lock.LockResponse; import com.palantir.lock.LockServerOptions; import com.palantir.lock.LockService; import com.palantir.lock.RemoteLockService; import com.palantir.lock.SimpleHeldLocksToken; import com.palantir.lock.SimpleTimeDuration; import com.palantir.lock.SortedLockCollection; import com.palantir.lock.StringLockDescriptor; import com.palantir.lock.TimeDuration; import com.palantir.util.JMXUtils; import com.palantir.util.Pair; /** * Implementation of the Lock Server. * * @author jtamer */ @ThreadSafe public final class LockServiceImpl implements LockService, RemoteLockService, LockServiceImplMBean, Closeable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LockServiceImpl.class); private static final Logger requestLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("lock.request"); /** Executor for the reaper threads. */ private final ExecutorService executor = PTExecutors .newCachedThreadPool(new NamedThreadFactory(LockServiceImpl.class.getName(), true)); private static final Function<HeldLocksToken, String> TOKEN_TO_ID = new Function<HeldLocksToken, String>() { @Override public String apply(HeldLocksToken from) { return from.getTokenId().toString(Character.MAX_RADIX); } }; /** * A set of locks held by the lock server, along with the canonical * {@link HeldLocksToken} or {@link HeldLocksGrant} object for these locks. */ @Immutable private static class HeldLocks<T extends ExpiringToken> { final T realToken; final LockCollection<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> locks; static <T extends ExpiringToken> HeldLocks<T> of(T token, LockCollection<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> locks) { return new HeldLocks<T>(token, locks); } HeldLocks(T token, LockCollection<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> locks) { this.realToken = Preconditions.checkNotNull(token); this.locks = locks; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass().getSimpleName()).add("realToken", realToken) .add("locks", locks).toString(); } } public static final String SECURE_RANDOM_ALGORITHM = "SHA1PRNG"; public static final int SECURE_RANDOM_POOL_SIZE = 100; private final SecureRandomPool randomPool = new SecureRandomPool(SECURE_RANDOM_ALGORITHM, SECURE_RANDOM_POOL_SIZE); private final boolean isStandaloneServer; private final TimeDuration maxAllowedLockTimeout; private final TimeDuration maxAllowedClockDrift; private final TimeDuration maxAllowedBlockingDuration; private final TimeDuration maxNormalLockAge; private final int randomBitCount; private final Runnable callOnClose; private volatile boolean isShutDown = false; private final LockClientIndices clientIndices = new LockClientIndices(); /** The backing client-aware read write lock for each lock descriptor. */ private final LoadingCache<LockDescriptor, ClientAwareReadWriteLock> descriptorToLockMap = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().weakValues().build(new CacheLoader<LockDescriptor, ClientAwareReadWriteLock>() { @Override public ClientAwareReadWriteLock load(LockDescriptor from) { return new LockServerLock(from, clientIndices); } }); /** The locks (and canonical token) associated with each HeldLocksToken. */ private final ConcurrentMap<HeldLocksToken, HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken>> heldLocksTokenMap = new MapMaker() .makeMap(); /** The locks (and canonical token) associated with each HeldLocksGrant. */ private final ConcurrentMap<HeldLocksGrant, HeldLocks<HeldLocksGrant>> heldLocksGrantMap = new MapMaker() .makeMap(); /** The priority queue of lock tokens waiting to be reaped. */ private final BlockingQueue<HeldLocksToken> lockTokenReaperQueue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<HeldLocksToken>(1, ExpiringToken.COMPARATOR); /** The priority queue of lock grants waiting to be reaped. */ private final BlockingQueue<HeldLocksGrant> lockGrantReaperQueue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<HeldLocksGrant>(1, ExpiringToken.COMPARATOR); /** The mapping from lock client to the set of tokens held by that client. */ private final SetMultimap<LockClient, HeldLocksToken> lockClientMultimap = Multimaps .synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.<LockClient, HeldLocksToken>create()); private final SetMultimap<LockClient, LockRequest> outstandingLockRequestMultimap = Multimaps .synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.<LockClient, LockRequest>create()); private final Set<Thread> indefinitelyBlockingThreads = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); private final Multimap<LockClient, Long> versionIdMap = Multimaps.synchronizedMultimap(Multimaps .newMultimap(Maps.<LockClient, Collection<Long>>newHashMap(), new Supplier<TreeMultiset<Long>>() { @Override public TreeMultiset<Long> get() { return TreeMultiset.create(); } })); private static final AtomicInteger instanceCount = new AtomicInteger(); private static final int MAX_FAILED_LOCKS_TO_LOG = 20; private static final int MAX_LOCKS_TO_LOG = 10000; /** Creates a new lock server instance with default options. */ // TODO (jtamer) read lock server options from a prefs file public static LockServiceImpl create() { return create(LockServerOptions.DEFAULT); } /** Creates a new lock server instance with the given options. */ public static LockServiceImpl create(LockServerOptions options) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Creating LockService with options=" + options); } final String jmxBeanRegistrationName = "com.palantir.lock:type=LockServer_" + instanceCount.getAndIncrement(); LockServiceImpl lockService = new LockServiceImpl(options, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { JMXUtils.unregisterMBeanCatchAndLogExceptions(jmxBeanRegistrationName); } }); JMXUtils.registerMBeanCatchAndLogExceptions(lockService, jmxBeanRegistrationName); return lockService; } private LockServiceImpl(LockServerOptions options, Runnable callOnClose) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(options); this.callOnClose = callOnClose; isStandaloneServer = options.isStandaloneServer(); maxAllowedLockTimeout = SimpleTimeDuration.of(options.getMaxAllowedLockTimeout()); maxAllowedClockDrift = SimpleTimeDuration.of(options.getMaxAllowedClockDrift()); maxAllowedBlockingDuration = SimpleTimeDuration.of(options.getMaxAllowedBlockingDuration()); maxNormalLockAge = SimpleTimeDuration.of(options.getMaxNormalLockAge()); randomBitCount = options.getRandomBitCount(); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName("Held Locks Token Reaper"); reapLocks(lockTokenReaperQueue, heldLocksTokenMap); } }); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setName("Held Locks Grant Reaper"); reapLocks(lockGrantReaperQueue, heldLocksGrantMap); } }); } private HeldLocksToken createHeldLocksToken(LockClient client, SortedLockCollection<LockDescriptor> lockDescriptorMap, LockCollection<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> heldLocksMap, TimeDuration lockTimeout, @Nullable Long versionId) { while (true) { BigInteger tokenId = new BigInteger(randomBitCount, randomPool.getSecureRandom()); long expirationDateMs = currentTimeMillis() + lockTimeout.toMillis(); HeldLocksToken token = new HeldLocksToken(tokenId, client, currentTimeMillis(), expirationDateMs, lockDescriptorMap, lockTimeout, versionId); HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken> heldLocks = HeldLocks.of(token, heldLocksMap); if (heldLocksTokenMap.putIfAbsent(token, heldLocks) == null) { lockTokenReaperQueue.add(token); if (!client.isAnonymous()) { lockClientMultimap.put(client, token); } return token; } log.error("Lock ID collision! The RANDOM_BIT_COUNT constant must be increased. " + "Count of held tokens = " + heldLocksTokenMap.size() + "; random bit count = " + randomBitCount); } } private HeldLocksGrant createHeldLocksGrant(SortedLockCollection<LockDescriptor> lockDescriptorMap, LockCollection<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> heldLocksMap, TimeDuration lockTimeout, @Nullable Long versionId) { while (true) { BigInteger grantId = new BigInteger(randomBitCount, randomPool.getSecureRandom()); long expirationDateMs = currentTimeMillis() + lockTimeout.toMillis(); HeldLocksGrant grant = new HeldLocksGrant(grantId, System.currentTimeMillis(), expirationDateMs, lockDescriptorMap, lockTimeout, versionId); HeldLocks<HeldLocksGrant> newHeldLocks = HeldLocks.of(grant, heldLocksMap); if (heldLocksGrantMap.putIfAbsent(grant, newHeldLocks) == null) { lockGrantReaperQueue.add(grant); return grant; } log.error("Lock ID collision! The RANDOM_BIT_COUNT constant must be increased. " + "Count of held grants = " + heldLocksGrantMap.size() + "; random bit count = " + randomBitCount); } } @Override public LockRefreshToken lockAnonymously(LockRequest request) throws InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkArgument(request.getLockGroupBehavior() == LockGroupBehavior.LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE, "lockAnonymously() only supports LockGroupBehavior.LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE. Consider using lockAndGetHeldLocksAnonymously()."); LockResponse result = lock(LockClient.ANONYMOUS, request); return result.success() ? result.getLockRefreshToken() : null; } @Override public LockRefreshToken lockWithClient(String client, LockRequest request) throws InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkArgument(request.getLockGroupBehavior() == LockGroupBehavior.LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE, "lockWithClient() only supports LockGroupBehavior.LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE. Consider using lockAndGetHeldLocksWithClient()."); LockResponse result = lock(LockClient.of(client), request); return result.success() ? result.getLockRefreshToken() : null; } @Override public HeldLocksToken lockAndGetHeldLocksAnonymously(LockRequest request) throws InterruptedException { LockResponse result = lock(LockClient.ANONYMOUS, request); return result.getToken(); } @Override public HeldLocksToken lockAndGetHeldLocksWithClient(String client, LockRequest request) throws InterruptedException { LockResponse result = lock(LockClient.of(client), request); return result.getToken(); } @Override public LockResponse lock(LockClient client, LockRequest request) throws InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(client); Preconditions.checkArgument(client != INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT); Preconditions.checkArgument(request.getLockTimeout().compareTo(maxAllowedLockTimeout) <= 0, "Requested lock timeout (%s) is greater than maximum allowed lock timeout (%s)", request.getLockTimeout(), maxAllowedLockTimeout); Preconditions.checkArgument( (request.getBlockingMode() != BLOCK_UNTIL_TIMEOUT) || (request.getBlockingDuration().compareTo(maxAllowedBlockingDuration) <= 0), "Requested blocking duration (%s) is greater than maximum allowed blocking duration (%s)", request.getBlockingDuration(), maxAllowedBlockingDuration); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (requestLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { requestLogger.debug("LockServiceImpl processing lock request {} for requesting thread {}", request, request.getCreatingThreadName()); } Map<ClientAwareReadWriteLock, LockMode> locks = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); if (isShutDown) { throw new ServiceNotAvailableException("This lock server is shut down."); } try { boolean indefinitelyBlocking = isIndefinitelyBlocking(request.getBlockingMode()); if (indefinitelyBlocking) { indefinitelyBlockingThreads.add(Thread.currentThread()); } outstandingLockRequestMultimap.put(client, request); Map<LockDescriptor, LockClient> failedLocks = Maps.newHashMap(); @Nullable Long deadline = (request.getBlockingDuration() == null) ? null : System.nanoTime() + request.getBlockingDuration().toNanos(); if (request.getBlockingMode() == BLOCK_UNTIL_TIMEOUT) { if (request.getLockGroupBehavior() == LOCK_AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE) { tryLocks(client, request, DO_NOT_BLOCK, null, LOCK_AS_MANY_AS_POSSIBLE, locks, failedLocks); } } tryLocks(client, request, request.getBlockingMode(), deadline, request.getLockGroupBehavior(), locks, failedLocks); if (request.getBlockingMode() == BlockingMode.BLOCK_INDEFINITELY_THEN_RELEASE) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".lock(" + client + ", " + request + ") returns null"); } if (requestLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { requestLogger.debug("Timed out requesting {} for requesting thread {} after {} ms", request, request.getCreatingThreadName(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } return new LockResponse(failedLocks); } if (locks.isEmpty() || ((request.getLockGroupBehavior() == LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE) && (locks.size() < request.getLockDescriptors().size()))) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".lock(" + client + ", " + request + ") returns null"); } if (requestLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { requestLogger.debug("Failed to acquire all locks for {} for requesting thread {} after {} ms", request, request.getCreatingThreadName(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } if (requestLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Current holders of the first ") .append(MAX_FAILED_LOCKS_TO_LOG).append(" of ").append(failedLocks.size()) .append(" total failed locks were: ["); Iterator<Entry<LockDescriptor, LockClient>> entries = failedLocks.entrySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FAILED_LOCKS_TO_LOG; i++) { if (entries.hasNext()) { Entry<LockDescriptor, LockClient> entry =; sb.append(" Lock: ").append(entry.getKey().toString()).append(", Holder: ") .append(entry.getValue().toString()).append(";"); } } sb.append(" ]"); requestLogger.trace(sb.toString()); } return new LockResponse(null, failedLocks); } Builder<LockDescriptor, LockMode> lockDescriptorMap = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); for (Entry<ClientAwareReadWriteLock, LockMode> entry : locks.entrySet()) { lockDescriptorMap.put(entry.getKey().getDescriptor(), entry.getValue()); } if (request.getVersionId() != null) { versionIdMap.put(client, request.getVersionId()); } HeldLocksToken token = createHeldLocksToken(client, LockCollections.of(, LockCollections.of(locks), request.getLockTimeout(), request.getVersionId()); locks.clear(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".lock(" + client + ", " + request + ") returns " + token); } if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted while locking."); } if (requestLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { requestLogger.debug("Successfully acquired locks {} for requesting thread {} after {} ms", request, request.getCreatingThreadName(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } return new LockResponse(token, failedLocks); } finally { outstandingLockRequestMultimap.remove(client, request); indefinitelyBlockingThreads.remove(Thread.currentThread()); try { for (Entry<ClientAwareReadWriteLock, LockMode> entry : locks.entrySet()) { entry.getKey().get(client, entry.getValue()).unlock(); } } catch (Throwable e) { // (authorized) log.error("Internal lock server error: state has been corrupted!!", e); throw Throwables.throwUncheckedException(e); } } } private boolean isIndefinitelyBlocking(BlockingMode blockingMode) { return BlockingMode.BLOCK_INDEFINITELY.equals(blockingMode) || BlockingMode.BLOCK_INDEFINITELY_THEN_RELEASE.equals(blockingMode); } private void tryLocks(LockClient client, LockRequest request, BlockingMode blockingMode, @Nullable Long deadline, LockGroupBehavior lockGroupBehavior, Map<? super ClientAwareReadWriteLock, ? super LockMode> locks, Map<? super LockDescriptor, ? super LockClient> failedLocks) throws InterruptedException { String previousThreadName = null; try { previousThreadName = updateThreadName(request); for (Entry<LockDescriptor, LockMode> entry : request.getLockDescriptors().entries()) { if (blockingMode == BlockingMode.BLOCK_INDEFINITELY_THEN_RELEASE && !descriptorToLockMap.asMap().containsKey(entry.getKey())) { continue; } ClientAwareReadWriteLock lock; try { lock = descriptorToLockMap.get(entry.getKey()); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } if (locks.containsKey(lock)) { // This is the 2nd time we are calling tryLocks and we already locked this one. continue; } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Nullable LockClient currentHolder = tryLock(lock.get(client, entry.getValue()), blockingMode, deadline); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (duration > 100) { log.debug("Blocked for {} ms to acquire lock {} {}.", duration, entry.getKey().getLockIdAsString(), currentHolder == null ? "successfully" : "unsuccessfully"); } } if (currentHolder == null) { locks.put(lock, entry.getValue()); } else { failedLocks.put(entry.getKey(), currentHolder); if (lockGroupBehavior == LOCK_ALL_OR_NONE) { return; } } } } finally { if (previousThreadName != null) { tryRenameThread(previousThreadName); } } } @Nullable private LockClient tryLock(KnownClientLock lock, BlockingMode blockingMode, @Nullable Long deadline) throws InterruptedException { switch (blockingMode) { case DO_NOT_BLOCK: return lock.tryLock(); case BLOCK_UNTIL_TIMEOUT: return lock.tryLock(deadline - System.nanoTime(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); case BLOCK_INDEFINITELY: case BLOCK_INDEFINITELY_THEN_RELEASE: lock.lockInterruptibly(); return null; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("blockingMode = " + blockingMode); } } @Override public boolean unlock(LockRefreshToken token) { return unlockSimple(SimpleHeldLocksToken.fromLockRefreshToken(token)); } @Override public boolean unlock(HeldLocksToken token) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(token); boolean success = unlockInternal(token, heldLocksTokenMap); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".unlock(" + token + ") returns " + success); } return success; } @Override public boolean unlockSimple(SimpleHeldLocksToken token) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(token); LockDescriptor fakeLockDesc = StringLockDescriptor.of("unlockSimple"); SortedLockCollection<LockDescriptor> fakeLockSet = LockCollections .of(ImmutableSortedMap.of(fakeLockDesc, LockMode.READ)); return unlock(new HeldLocksToken(token.getTokenId(), LockClient.ANONYMOUS, token.getCreationDateMs(), 0L, fakeLockSet, maxAllowedLockTimeout, 0L)); } @Override public boolean unlockAndFreeze(HeldLocksToken token) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(token); @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken> heldLocks = heldLocksTokenMap.remove(token); if (heldLocks == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".unlockAndFreeze(" + token + ") returns false"); } return false; } LockClient client = heldLocks.realToken.getClient(); if (client.isAnonymous()) { heldLocksTokenMap.put(token, heldLocks); lockTokenReaperQueue.add(token); String errorMessage = "Received .unlockAndFreeze() call for anonymous client with token " + heldLocks.realToken; log.warn(errorMessage); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage); } if (heldLocks.locks.hasReadLock()) { heldLocksTokenMap.put(token, heldLocks); lockTokenReaperQueue.add(token); String errorMessage = "Received .unlockAndFreeze() call for read locks: " + heldLocks.realToken; log.warn(errorMessage); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage); } for (ClientAwareReadWriteLock lock : heldLocks.locks.getKeys()) { lock.get(client, LockMode.WRITE).unlockAndFreeze(); } lockClientMultimap.remove(client, token); if (heldLocks.realToken.getVersionId() != null) { versionIdMap.remove(client, heldLocks.realToken.getVersionId()); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".unlockAndFreeze(" + token + ") returns true"); } return true; } private <T extends ExpiringToken> boolean unlockInternal(T token, ConcurrentMap<T, HeldLocks<T>> heldLocksMap) { @Nullable HeldLocks<T> heldLocks = heldLocksMap.remove(token); if (heldLocks == null) { return false; } long heldDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - token.getCreationDateMs(); if (requestLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { requestLogger.debug("Releasing locks {} after holding for {} ms", heldLocks, heldDuration); } @Nullable LockClient client = heldLocks.realToken.getClient(); if (client == null) { client = INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT; } else { lockClientMultimap.remove(client, token); } for (Entry<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock, LockMode> entry : heldLocks.locks.entries()) { entry.getKey().get(client, entry.getValue()).unlock(); } if (heldLocks.realToken.getVersionId() != null) { versionIdMap.remove(client, heldLocks.realToken.getVersionId()); } return true; } @Override public Set<HeldLocksToken> getTokens(LockClient client) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(client); if (client.isAnonymous()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("client must not be anonymous"); } else if (client == INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal client!"); } ImmutableSet.Builder<HeldLocksToken> tokens = ImmutableSet.builder(); synchronized (lockClientMultimap) { for (HeldLocksToken token : lockClientMultimap.get(client)) { @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken> heldLocks = heldLocksTokenMap.get(token); if ((heldLocks != null) && !isFrozen(heldLocks.locks.getKeys())) { tokens.add(token); } } } ImmutableSet<HeldLocksToken> tokenSet =; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".getTokens(" + client + ") returns " + Iterables.transform(tokenSet, TOKEN_TO_ID)); } return tokenSet; } @Override public Set<HeldLocksToken> refreshTokens(Iterable<HeldLocksToken> tokens) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(tokens); ImmutableSet.Builder<HeldLocksToken> refreshedTokens = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (HeldLocksToken token : tokens) { @Nullable HeldLocksToken refreshedToken = refreshToken(token); if (refreshedToken != null) { refreshedTokens.add(refreshedToken); } } Set<HeldLocksToken> refreshedTokenSet =; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".refreshTokens(" + Iterables.transform(tokens, TOKEN_TO_ID) + ") returns " + Iterables.transform(refreshedTokenSet, TOKEN_TO_ID)); } return refreshedTokenSet; } @Override public Set<LockRefreshToken> refreshLockRefreshTokens(Iterable<LockRefreshToken> tokens) { List<HeldLocksToken> fakeTokens = Lists.newArrayList(); LockDescriptor fakeLockDesc = StringLockDescriptor.of("refreshLockRefreshTokens"); SortedLockCollection<LockDescriptor> fakeLockSet = LockCollections .of(ImmutableSortedMap.of(fakeLockDesc, LockMode.READ)); for (LockRefreshToken token : tokens) { fakeTokens.add(new HeldLocksToken(token.getTokenId(), LockClient.ANONYMOUS, 0L, 0L, fakeLockSet, maxAllowedLockTimeout, 0L)); } return ImmutableSet .copyOf(Iterables.transform(refreshTokens(fakeTokens), HeldLocksTokens.getRefreshTokenFun())); } @Nullable private HeldLocksToken refreshToken(HeldLocksToken token) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(token); @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken> heldLocks = heldLocksTokenMap.get(token); if ((heldLocks == null) || isFrozen(heldLocks.locks.getKeys())) { return null; } long now = currentTimeMillis(); long expirationDateMs = now + heldLocks.realToken.getLockTimeout().toMillis(); heldLocksTokenMap.replace(token, heldLocks, new HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken>(heldLocks.realToken.refresh(expirationDateMs), heldLocks.locks)); heldLocks = heldLocksTokenMap.get(token); if (heldLocks == null) { return null; } HeldLocksToken finalToken = heldLocks.realToken; logIfAbnormallyOld(finalToken, now); return finalToken; } private boolean isFrozen(Iterable<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> locks) { for (ClientAwareReadWriteLock lock : locks) { if (lock.isFrozen()) { return true; } } return false; } @Override @Nullable public HeldLocksGrant refreshGrant(HeldLocksGrant grant) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(grant); @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksGrant> heldLocks = heldLocksGrantMap.get(grant); if (heldLocks == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".refreshGrant(" + grant.getGrantId().toString(Character.MAX_RADIX) + ") returns null"); } return null; } long now = currentTimeMillis(); long expirationDateMs = now + heldLocks.realToken.getLockTimeout().toMillis(); heldLocksGrantMap.replace(grant, heldLocks, new HeldLocks<HeldLocksGrant>(heldLocks.realToken.refresh(expirationDateMs), heldLocks.locks)); heldLocks = heldLocksGrantMap.get(grant); if (heldLocks == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".refreshGrant(" + grant.getGrantId().toString(Character.MAX_RADIX) + ") returns null"); } return null; } HeldLocksGrant refreshedGrant = heldLocks.realToken; logIfAbnormallyOld(refreshedGrant, now); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".refreshGrant(" + grant.getGrantId().toString(Character.MAX_RADIX) + ") returns " + refreshedGrant.getGrantId().toString(Character.MAX_RADIX)); } return refreshedGrant; } private void logIfAbnormallyOld(final HeldLocksGrant grant, final long now) { logIfAbnormallyOld(grant, now, new Supplier<String>() { @Override public String get() { return grant.toString(now); } }); } private void logIfAbnormallyOld(final HeldLocksToken token, final long now) { logIfAbnormallyOld(token, now, new Supplier<String>() { @Override public String get() { return token.toString(now); } }); } private void logIfAbnormallyOld(ExpiringToken token, long now, Supplier<String> description) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { long age = now - token.getCreationDateMs(); if (age > maxNormalLockAge.toMillis()) { log.debug("Token refreshed which is " + age + " ms old: " + description.get()); } } } @Override @Nullable public HeldLocksGrant refreshGrant(BigInteger grantId) { return refreshGrant(new HeldLocksGrant(Preconditions.checkNotNull(grantId))); } @Override public HeldLocksGrant convertToGrant(HeldLocksToken token) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(token); @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksToken> heldLocks = heldLocksTokenMap.remove(token); if (heldLocks == null) { log.warn("Cannot convert to grant; invalid token: " + token); throw new IllegalArgumentException("token is invalid: " + token); } if (isFrozen(heldLocks.locks.getKeys())) { heldLocksTokenMap.put(token, heldLocks); lockTokenReaperQueue.add(token); log.warn("Cannot convert to grant because token is frozen: " + token); throw new IllegalArgumentException("token is frozen: " + token); } try { changeOwner(heldLocks.locks, heldLocks.realToken.getClient(), INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT); } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e) { heldLocksTokenMap.put(token, heldLocks); lockTokenReaperQueue.add(token); log.warn("Failure converting " + token + " to grant", e); throw e; } lockClientMultimap.remove(heldLocks.realToken.getClient(), token); HeldLocksGrant grant = createHeldLocksGrant(heldLocks.realToken.getLocks(), heldLocks.locks, heldLocks.realToken.getLockTimeout(), heldLocks.realToken.getVersionId()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".convertToGrant(" + token + ") returns " + grant); } return grant; } @Override public HeldLocksToken useGrant(LockClient client, HeldLocksGrant grant) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(client); Preconditions.checkArgument(client != INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT); Preconditions.checkNotNull(grant); @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksGrant> heldLocks = heldLocksGrantMap.remove(grant); if (heldLocks == null) { log.warn("Tried to use invalid grant: " + grant); throw new IllegalArgumentException("grant is invalid: " + grant); } HeldLocksGrant realGrant = heldLocks.realToken; changeOwner(heldLocks.locks, INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT, client); HeldLocksToken token = createHeldLocksToken(client, realGrant.getLocks(), heldLocks.locks, realGrant.getLockTimeout(), realGrant.getVersionId()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".useGrant(" + client + ", " + grant + ") returns " + token); } return token; } @Override public HeldLocksToken useGrant(LockClient client, BigInteger grantId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(client); Preconditions.checkArgument(client != INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT); Preconditions.checkNotNull(grantId); HeldLocksGrant grant = new HeldLocksGrant(grantId); @Nullable HeldLocks<HeldLocksGrant> heldLocks = heldLocksGrantMap.remove(grant); if (heldLocks == null) { String message = "Lock client " + client + " tried to use a lock grant that doesn't" + " correspond to any held locks (grantId: " + grantId.toString(Character.MAX_RADIX) + "); it's likely that this lock grant has expired due to timeout"; log.warn(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } HeldLocksGrant realGrant = heldLocks.realToken; changeOwner(heldLocks.locks, INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT, client); HeldLocksToken token = createHeldLocksToken(client, realGrant.getLocks(), heldLocks.locks, realGrant.getLockTimeout(), realGrant.getVersionId()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".useGrant(" + client + ", " + grantId.toString(Character.MAX_RADIX) + ") returns " + token); } return token; } private void changeOwner(LockCollection<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock> locks, LockClient oldClient, LockClient newClient) { Preconditions.checkArgument( (oldClient == INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT) != (newClient == INTERNAL_LOCK_GRANT_CLIENT)); Collection<KnownClientLock> locksToRollback = Lists.newLinkedList(); try { for (Entry<? extends ClientAwareReadWriteLock, LockMode> entry : locks.entries()) { ClientAwareReadWriteLock lock = entry.getKey(); LockMode mode = entry.getValue(); lock.get(oldClient, mode).changeOwner(newClient); locksToRollback.add(lock.get(newClient, mode)); } locksToRollback.clear(); } finally { /* * The above call to KnownLockClient.changeOwner() could throw an * IllegalMonitorStateException if we are CREATING a lock grant, but * it will never throw if we're changing the owner FROM the internal * lock grant client TO some named or anonymous client. This is true * because the internal lock grant client never increments the read * or write hold counts. * * In other words, if a lock has successfully made it into the grant * state (because the client didn't hold both the read lock and the * write lock, and didn't hold the write lock multiple times), then * these same conditions cannot possibly be violated between that * time and the time that the rollback operation below is performed. * * In conclusion, if this method is being called from * convertToGrant(), then the call to changeOwner() below will not * throw an exception, whereas if this method is being called from * useGrant(), then the try block above will not throw an exception, * which makes this finally block a no-op. */ for (KnownClientLock lock : locksToRollback) { lock.changeOwner(oldClient); } } } @Override @Nullable public Long getMinLockedInVersionId() { return getMinLockedInVersionId(LockClient.ANONYMOUS); } @Override public Long getMinLockedInVersionId(String client) { return getMinLockedInVersionId(LockClient.of(client)); } @Override @Nullable public Long getMinLockedInVersionId(LockClient client) { Long versionId = null; synchronized (versionIdMap) { Collection<Long> versionsForClient = versionIdMap.get(client); if (versionsForClient != null && !versionsForClient.isEmpty()) { versionId = versionsForClient.iterator().next(); } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".getMinLockedInVersionId() returns " + versionId); } return versionId; } private <T extends ExpiringToken> void reapLocks(BlockingQueue<T> queue, ConcurrentMap<T, HeldLocks<T>> heldLocksMap) { while (true) { try { T token = null; try { token = queue.take(); long sleepTimeMs = token.getExpirationDateMs() - currentTimeMillis() + maxAllowedClockDrift.toMillis(); if (sleepTimeMs > 0) { Thread.sleep(sleepTimeMs); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (isShutDown) { break; } else { log.warn("The lock server reaper thread should not be " + "interrupted if the server is not shutting down.", e); if (token == null) { continue; } } } @Nullable HeldLocks<T> heldLocks = heldLocksMap.get(token); if (heldLocks == null) { continue; } T realToken = heldLocks.realToken; if (realToken.getExpirationDateMs() > currentTimeMillis() - maxAllowedClockDrift.toMillis()) { queue.add(realToken); } else { log.warn("Lock token " + realToken + " was not properly refreshed and is now being reaped."); unlockInternal(realToken, heldLocksMap); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Something went wrong while reaping locks. Attempting to continue anyway.", t); } } } @Override public LockServerOptions getLockServerOptions() { LockServerOptions options = new LockServerOptions() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0x3ffa5b160e838725l; @Override public boolean isStandaloneServer() { return isStandaloneServer; } @Override public TimeDuration getMaxAllowedLockTimeout() { return maxAllowedLockTimeout; } @Override public TimeDuration getMaxAllowedClockDrift() { return maxAllowedClockDrift; } @Override public TimeDuration getMaxAllowedBlockingDuration() { return maxAllowedBlockingDuration; } @Override public int getRandomBitCount() { return randomBitCount; } }; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(".getLockServerOptions() returns " + options); } return options; } private <T> List<T> queueToOrderedList(Queue<T> queue) { List<T> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { list.add(queue.poll()); } for (T element : list) { queue.add(element); } return list; } /** * Prints the current state of the lock server to the logs. Useful for * debugging. */ @Override public void logCurrentState() { StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder(); logString.append("Logging current state. Time = ").append(currentTimeMillis()).append("\n"); logString.append("isStandaloneServer = ").append(isStandaloneServer).append("\n"); logString.append("maxAllowedLockTimeout = ").append(maxAllowedLockTimeout).append("\n"); logString.append("maxAllowedClockDrift = ").append(maxAllowedClockDrift).append("\n"); logString.append("maxAllowedBlockingDuration = ").append(maxAllowedBlockingDuration).append("\n"); logString.append("randomBitCount = ").append(randomBitCount).append("\n"); for (Pair<String, ? extends Collection<?>> nameValuePair : ImmutableList.of( Pair.create("descriptorToLockMap", descriptorToLockMap.asMap().entrySet()), Pair.create("outstandingLockRequestMultimap", outstandingLockRequestMultimap.asMap().entrySet()), Pair.create("heldLocksTokenMap", heldLocksTokenMap.entrySet()), Pair.create("heldLocksGrantMap", heldLocksGrantMap.entrySet()), Pair.create("lockTokenReaperQueue", queueToOrderedList(lockTokenReaperQueue)), Pair.create("lockGrantReaperQueue", queueToOrderedList(lockGrantReaperQueue)), Pair.create("lockClientMultimap", lockClientMultimap.asMap().entrySet()), Pair.create("versionIdMap", versionIdMap.asMap().entrySet()))) { Collection<?> elements = nameValuePair.getRhSide(); logString.append(nameValuePair.getLhSide()).append(".size() = ").append(elements.size()).append("\n"); if (elements.size() > MAX_LOCKS_TO_LOG) { logString.append("WARNING: Only logging the first ").append(MAX_LOCKS_TO_LOG).append(" locks, "); logString.append("logging more is likely to OOM or slow down lock server to the point of failure"); } for (Object element : Iterables.limit(elements, MAX_LOCKS_TO_LOG)) { logString.append(element).append("\n"); } } logString.append("Finished logging current state. Time = ").append(currentTimeMillis()); log.error(logString.toString()); } @Override public void close() { isShutDown = true; executor.shutdownNow(); wakeIndefiniteBlockers();; } private void wakeIndefiniteBlockers() { for (Thread blocked : indefinitelyBlockingThreads) { blocked.interrupt(); } } @Override public long currentTimeMillis() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } private String getRequestDescription(LockRequest request) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\twaiting to lock() ").append(request); builder.append(" starting at ").append(ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().print(; builder.append("\n\tfor requesting thread\n\t\t"); builder.append(request.getCreatingThreadName()).append("\n"); return builder.toString(); } private String updateThreadName(LockRequest request) { String currentThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); String requestDescription = getRequestDescription(request); tryRenameThread(currentThreadName + "\n" + requestDescription); return currentThreadName; } private void tryRenameThread(String name) { try { Thread.currentThread().setName(name); } catch (SecurityException ex) { requestLogger.error("Cannot rename LockServer threads"); } } }