Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013, 2014 Megion Research & Development GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mrd.bitlib; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.BitcoinSigner; import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.IPrivateKeyRing; import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.IPublicKeyRing; import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.PublicKey; import com.mrd.bitlib.model.*; import com.mrd.bitlib.util.ByteWriter; import com.mrd.bitlib.util.CoinUtil; import com.mrd.bitlib.util.HashUtils; import com.mrd.bitlib.util.Sha256Hash; import; import java.util.*; public class StandardTransactionBuilder { // 1000sat per 1000Bytes, from private static final long MIN_RELAY_FEE = 1000; // hash size 32 + output index size 4 + max. script size 140 + ? 1 + ? 4 private static final int MAX_INPUT_SIZE = 32 + 4 + 140 + 1 + 4; // output value 8B + script length 1B + script 25B (always) private static final int OUTPUT_SIZE = 8 + 1 + 25; public static class InsufficientFundsException extends Exception { //todo consider refactoring this into a composite return value instead of an exception. it is not really "exceptional" private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public long sending; public long fee; public InsufficientFundsException(long sending, long fee) { super("Insufficient funds to send " + sending + " satoshis with fee " + fee); this.sending = sending; this.fee = fee; } } public static class OutputTooSmallException extends Exception { //todo consider refactoring this into a composite return value instead of an exception. it is not really "exceptional" private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public long value; public OutputTooSmallException(long value) { super("An output was added with a value of " + value + " satoshis, which is smaller than the minimum accepted by the Bitcoin network"); } } public static class UnableToBuildTransactionException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public UnableToBuildTransactionException(String msg) { super(msg); } } public static class SigningRequest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // The public part of the key we will sign with public PublicKey publicKey; // The data to make a signature on. For transactions this is the // transaction hash public Sha256Hash toSign; public SigningRequest(PublicKey publicKey, Sha256Hash toSign) { this.publicKey = publicKey; this.toSign = toSign; } } public static class UnsignedTransaction implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final int NO_SEQUENCE = -1; private TransactionOutput[] _outputs; private UnspentTransactionOutput[] _funding; private SigningRequest[] _signingRequests; private NetworkParameters _network; public TransactionOutput[] getOutputs() { return _outputs; } public UnspentTransactionOutput[] getFundingOutputs() { return _funding; } public UnsignedTransaction(List<TransactionOutput> outputs, List<UnspentTransactionOutput> funding, IPublicKeyRing keyRing, NetworkParameters network) { _network = network; _outputs = outputs.toArray(new TransactionOutput[outputs.size()]); _funding = funding.toArray(new UnspentTransactionOutput[funding.size()]); _signingRequests = new SigningRequest[_funding.length]; // Create empty input scripts pointing at the right out points TransactionInput[] inputs = new TransactionInput[_funding.length]; for (int i = 0; i < _funding.length; i++) { inputs[i] = new TransactionInput(_funding[i].outPoint, ScriptInput.EMPTY, getDefaultSequenceNumber()); } // Create transaction with valid outputs and empty inputs Transaction transaction = new Transaction(1, inputs, _outputs, getLockTime()); for (int i = 0; i < _funding.length; i++) { UnspentTransactionOutput f = _funding[i]; // Make sure that we only work on standard output scripts if (!(f.script instanceof ScriptOutputStandard)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported script"); } // Find the address of the funding byte[] addressBytes = ((ScriptOutputStandard) f.script).getAddressBytes(); Address address = Address.fromStandardBytes(addressBytes, _network); // Find the key to sign with PublicKey publicKey = keyRing.findPublicKeyByAddress(address); if (publicKey == null) { // This should not happen as we only work on outputs that we have // keys for throw new RuntimeException("Public key not found"); } // Set the input script to the funding output script inputs[i].script = ScriptInput.fromOutputScript(_funding[i].script); // Calculate the transaction hash that has to be signed Sha256Hash hash = hashTransaction(transaction); // Set the input to the empty script again inputs[i] = new TransactionInput(_funding[i].outPoint, ScriptInput.EMPTY); _signingRequests[i] = new SigningRequest(publicKey, hash); } } public SigningRequest[] getSignatureInfo() { return _signingRequests; } public long calculateFee() { long in = 0, out = 0; for (UnspentTransactionOutput funding : _funding) { in += funding.value; } for (TransactionOutput output : _outputs) { out += output.value; } return in - out; } public int getLockTime() { return 0; } public int getDefaultSequenceNumber() { return NO_SEQUENCE; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String fee = CoinUtil.valueString(calculateFee(), false); sb.append(String.format("Fee: %s", fee)).append('\n'); int max = Math.max(_funding.length, _outputs.length); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { UnspentTransactionOutput in = i < _funding.length ? _funding[i] : null; TransactionOutput out = i < _outputs.length ? _outputs[i] : null; String line; if (in != null && out != null) { line = String.format("%36s %13s -> %36s %13s", getAddress(in.script, _network), getValue(in.value), getAddress(out.script, _network), getValue(out.value)); } else if (in != null) { line = String.format("%36s %13s %36s %13s", getAddress(in.script, _network), getValue(in.value), "", ""); } else if (out != null) { line = String.format("%36s %13s %36s %13s", "", "", getAddress(out.script, _network), getValue(out.value)); } else { line = ""; } sb.append(line).append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } private String getAddress(ScriptOutput script, NetworkParameters network) { Address address = script.getAddress(network); if (address == null) { return "Unknown"; } return address.toString(); } private String getValue(Long value) { return String.format("(%s)", CoinUtil.valueString(value, false)); } } private NetworkParameters _network; private List<TransactionOutput> _outputs; public StandardTransactionBuilder(NetworkParameters network) { _network = network; _outputs = new LinkedList<TransactionOutput>(); } public void addOutput(Address sendTo, long value) throws OutputTooSmallException { addOutput(createOutput(sendTo, value, _network)); } public void addOutput(TransactionOutput output) throws OutputTooSmallException { if (output.value < TransactionUtils.MINIMUM_OUTPUT_VALUE) { throw new OutputTooSmallException(output.value); } _outputs.add(output); } public void addOutputs(OutputList outputs) throws OutputTooSmallException { for (TransactionOutput output : outputs) { if (output.value > 0) { this.addOutput(output); } } } public static TransactionOutput createOutput(Address sendTo, long value, NetworkParameters network) { ScriptOutput script; if (sendTo.isMultisig(network)) { script = new ScriptOutputP2SH(sendTo.getTypeSpecificBytes()); } else { script = new ScriptOutputStandard(sendTo.getTypeSpecificBytes()); } return new TransactionOutput(value, script); } public static List<byte[]> generateSignatures(SigningRequest[] requests, IPrivateKeyRing keyRing) { List<byte[]> signatures = new LinkedList<byte[]>(); for (SigningRequest request : requests) { BitcoinSigner signer = keyRing.findSignerByPublicKey(request.publicKey); if (signer == null) { // This should not happen as we only work on outputs that we have // keys for throw new RuntimeException("Private key not found"); } byte[] signature = signer.makeStandardBitcoinSignature(request.toSign); signatures.add(signature); } return signatures; } /** * Create an unsigned transaction and automatically calculate the miner fee. * <p> * If null is specified as the change address the 'richest' address that is part of the funding is selected as the * change address. This way the change always goes to the address contributing most, and the change wil lbe less * than the contribution. * * @param inventory The list of unspent transaction outputs that can be used as * funding * @param changeAddress The address to send any change to, can be null * @param keyRing The public key ring matching the unspent outputs * @param network The network we are working on * @param minerFeeToUse The miner fee to pay for every 1000 bytes of transaction size * @return An unsigned transaction or null if not enough funds were available * @throws InsufficientFundsException */ public UnsignedTransaction createUnsignedTransaction(Collection<UnspentTransactionOutput> inventory, Address changeAddress, IPublicKeyRing keyRing, NetworkParameters network, long minerFeeToUse) throws InsufficientFundsException, UnableToBuildTransactionException { // Make a copy so we can mutate the list List<UnspentTransactionOutput> unspent = new LinkedList<UnspentTransactionOutput>(inventory); OldestOutputsFirst oldestOutputsFirst = new OldestOutputsFirst(minerFeeToUse, unspent); long fee = oldestOutputsFirst.getFee(); long outputSum = oldestOutputsFirst.getOutputSum(); List<UnspentTransactionOutput> funding = pruneRedundantOutputs(oldestOutputsFirst.getAllNeededFundings(), fee + outputSum); // the number of inputs might have changed - recalculate the fee fee = estimateFee(funding.size(), _outputs.size() + 1, minerFeeToUse); long found = 0; for (UnspentTransactionOutput output : funding) { found += output.value; } // We have fund all the funds we need long toSend = fee + outputSum; if (changeAddress == null) { // If no change address s specified, get the richest address from the // funding set changeAddress = extractRichest(funding, network); } // We have our funding, calculate change long change = found - toSend; // Get a copy of all outputs List<TransactionOutput> outputs = new LinkedList<TransactionOutput>(_outputs); if (change > 0) { // We have more funds than needed, add an output to our change address if (change >= TransactionUtils.MINIMUM_OUTPUT_VALUE) { // But only if the change is larger than the minimum output accepted // by the network TransactionOutput changeOutput = createOutput(changeAddress, change, _network); // Select a random position for our change so it is harder to analyze our addresses in the block chain. // It is OK to use the weak java Random class for this purpose. int position = new Random().nextInt(outputs.size() + 1); outputs.add(position, changeOutput); //} else { // The change output would be smaller than what the network would // accept. In this case we leave it be as a small increased miner // fee. } } UnsignedTransaction unsignedTransaction = new UnsignedTransaction(outputs, funding, keyRing, network); // check if we have a reasonable Fee or throw an error otherwise int estimateTransactionSize = estimateTransactionSize(unsignedTransaction.getFundingOutputs().length, unsignedTransaction.getOutputs().length); long calculatedFee = unsignedTransaction.calculateFee(); float estimatedFeePerKb = (long) ((float) calculatedFee / ((float) estimateTransactionSize / 1000)); // set a limit of 20mBtc/1000Bytes as absolute limit - it is very likely a bug in the fee estimator or transaction composer if (estimatedFeePerKb > Transaction.MAX_MINER_FEE_PER_KB) { throw new UnableToBuildTransactionException(String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "Unreasonable high transaction fee of %s sat/1000Byte on a %d Bytes tx. Fee: %d sat, Suggested fee: %d sat", estimatedFeePerKb, estimateTransactionSize, calculatedFee, minerFeeToUse)); } return unsignedTransaction; } private List<UnspentTransactionOutput> pruneRedundantOutputs(List<UnspentTransactionOutput> funding, long outputSum) { List<UnspentTransactionOutput> largestToSmallest = Ordering.natural().reverse() .onResultOf(new Function<UnspentTransactionOutput, Comparable>() { @Override public Comparable apply(UnspentTransactionOutput input) { return input.value; } }).sortedCopy(funding); long target = 0; for (int i = 0; i < largestToSmallest.size(); i++) { UnspentTransactionOutput output = largestToSmallest.get(i); target += output.value; if (target >= outputSum) { List<UnspentTransactionOutput> ret = largestToSmallest.subList(0, i + 1); Collections.shuffle(ret); return ret; } } return largestToSmallest; } @VisibleForTesting Address extractRichest(Collection<UnspentTransactionOutput> unspent, final NetworkParameters network) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!unspent.isEmpty()); Function<UnspentTransactionOutput, Address> txout2Address = new Function<UnspentTransactionOutput, Address>() { @Override public Address apply(UnspentTransactionOutput input) { return input.script.getAddress(network); } }; Multimap<Address, UnspentTransactionOutput> index = Multimaps.index(unspent, txout2Address); Address ret = extractRichest(index); return Preconditions.checkNotNull(ret); } private Address extractRichest(Multimap<Address, UnspentTransactionOutput> index) { Address ret = null; long maxSum = 0; for (Address address : index.keys()) { Collection<UnspentTransactionOutput> unspentTransactionOutputs = index.get(address); long newSum = sum(unspentTransactionOutputs); if (newSum > maxSum) { ret = address; } maxSum = newSum; } return ret; } private long sum(Iterable<UnspentTransactionOutput> outputs) { long sum = 0; for (UnspentTransactionOutput output : outputs) { sum += output.value; } return sum; } public static Transaction finalizeTransaction(UnsignedTransaction unsigned, List<byte[]> signatures) { // Create finalized transaction inputs TransactionInput[] inputs = new TransactionInput[unsigned._funding.length]; for (int i = 0; i < unsigned._funding.length; i++) { // Create script from signature and public key ScriptInputStandard script = new ScriptInputStandard(signatures.get(i), unsigned._signingRequests[i].publicKey.getPublicKeyBytes()); inputs[i] = new TransactionInput(unsigned._funding[i].outPoint, script, unsigned.getDefaultSequenceNumber()); } // Create transaction with valid outputs and empty inputs return new Transaction(1, inputs, unsigned._outputs, unsigned.getLockTime()); } private UnspentTransactionOutput extractOldest(Collection<UnspentTransactionOutput> unspent) { // find the "oldest" output int minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; UnspentTransactionOutput oldest = null; for (UnspentTransactionOutput output : unspent) { if (!(output.script instanceof ScriptOutputStandard)) { // only look for standard scripts continue; } // Unconfirmed outputs have height = -1 -> change this to Int.MAX-1, so that we // choose them as the last possible option int height = output.height > 0 ? output.height : Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1; if (height < minHeight) { minHeight = height; oldest = output; } } if (oldest == null) { // There were no outputs return null; } unspent.remove(oldest); return oldest; } private long outputSum() { long sum = 0; for (TransactionOutput output : _outputs) { sum += output.value; } return sum; } private static Sha256Hash hashTransaction(Transaction t) { ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter(1024); t.toByteWriter(writer); // We also have to write a hash type. int hashType = 1; writer.putIntLE(hashType); // Note that this is NOT reversed to ensure it will be signed // correctly. If it were to be printed out // however then we would expect that it is IS reversed. return HashUtils.doubleSha256(writer.toBytes()); } /** * Estimate the size of a transaction by taking the number of inputs and outputs into account. This allows us to * give a good estimate of the final transaction size, and determine whether out fee size is large enough. * * @param inputs the number of inputs of the transaction * @param outputs the number of outputs of a transaction * @return The estimated transaction size */ private static int estimateTransactionSize(int inputs, int outputs) { int estimate = 0; estimate += 4; // Version info estimate += CompactInt.toBytes(inputs).length; // num input encoding. Usually 1. >253 inputs -> 3 estimate += MAX_INPUT_SIZE * inputs; estimate += CompactInt.toBytes(outputs).length; // num output encoding. Usually 1. >253 outputs -> 3 estimate += OUTPUT_SIZE * outputs; estimate += 4; // nLockTime return estimate; } /** * Returns the estimate needed fee in satoshis for a default P2PKH transaction with a certain number * of inputs and outputs and the specified per-kB-fee * * @param inputs number of inputs * @param outputs number of outputs * @param minerFeePerKb miner fee in satoshis per kB **/ public static long estimateFee(int inputs, int outputs, long minerFeePerKb) { // fee is based on the size of the transaction, we have to pay for // every 1000 bytes int txSize = estimateTransactionSize(inputs, outputs); long requiredFee = (long) (((float) txSize / 1000.0) * minerFeePerKb); // check if our estimation leads to a small fee that's below the default bitcoind-MIN_RELAY_FEE // if so, use the MIN_RELAY_FEE if (requiredFee < MIN_RELAY_FEE) { requiredFee = MIN_RELAY_FEE; } return requiredFee; } // TODO: generalize this into an interface and provide different coin-selectors private class OldestOutputsFirst { private List<UnspentTransactionOutput> allFunding; private long fee; private long outputSum; public OldestOutputsFirst(long minerFeeToUse, List<UnspentTransactionOutput> unspent) throws InsufficientFundsException { // Find the funding for this transaction allFunding = new LinkedList<UnspentTransactionOutput>(); fee = minerFeeToUse; outputSum = outputSum(); long found = 0; while (found < fee + outputSum) { UnspentTransactionOutput output = extractOldest(unspent); if (output == null) { // We do not have enough funds throw new InsufficientFundsException(outputSum, fee); } found += output.value; allFunding.add(output); // When we estimate the fee we automatically add an extra output for an eventual change output. // This slightly increases the change for paying a little extra, but adding change is the norm fee = estimateFee(allFunding.size(), _outputs.size() + 1, minerFeeToUse); } } public List<UnspentTransactionOutput> getAllNeededFundings() { return allFunding; } public long getFee() { return fee; } public long getOutputSum() { return outputSum; } } }