Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) Max Kastanas 2012 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package; import android.androidVNC.COLORMODEL; import android.androidVNC.ConnectionBean; import android.androidVNC.VncCanvasActivity; import android.androidVNC.VncConstants; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.http.HttpConnection; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.InputType; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.ScrollView; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; //import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; public class LimboActivity extends Activity { private static Installer a; public String TAG = "LIMBO"; public View parent; public TextView mOutput; public static boolean vmStarted = false; public static Activity activity = null; public static VMExecutor vmexecutor; public boolean userPressedUI = false; public boolean userPressedCPU = false; public boolean userPressedMachineType = false; public boolean userPressedCPUNum = false; public boolean userPressedMachine = false; public boolean userPressedRAM = false; public boolean userPressedCDROM = false; protected boolean userPressedHDCfg = false; protected boolean userPressedSndCfg = false; protected boolean userPressedVGACfg = false; protected boolean userPressedNicCfg = false; protected boolean userPressedNetCfg = false; protected boolean userPressedBootDev = false; protected boolean userPressedFDB = false; protected boolean userPressedFDA = false; protected boolean userPressedHDB = false; protected boolean userPressedHDA = false; protected boolean userPressedKernel = false; protected boolean userPressedInitrd = false; protected boolean userPressedACPI = false; protected boolean userPressedHPET = false; protected boolean userPressedBluetoothMouse = false; protected boolean userPressedSnapshot = false; protected boolean userPressedVNC = false; private static final int HELP = 0; private static final int QUIT = 1; private static final int INSTALL = 2; private static final int DELETE = 3; private static final int EXPORT = 4; private static final int IMPORT = 5; private static final int CHANGELOG = 6; private static final int LICENSE = 7; private ImageView mStatus; private EditText mDNS; private EditText mAppend; private boolean timeQuit = false; private Object lockTime = new Object(); public static String currStatus = "READY"; private TextView mStatusText; private WakeLock mWakeLock; private WifiLock wlock; public void setUserPressed(boolean pressed) { userPressedCPU = pressed; userPressedMachineType = pressed; userPressedCPUNum = pressed; userPressedUI = pressed; userPressedMachine = pressed; userPressedRAM = pressed; userPressedCDROM = pressed; userPressedHDCfg = pressed; userPressedSndCfg = pressed; userPressedVGACfg = pressed; userPressedNicCfg = pressed; userPressedNetCfg = pressed; userPressedBootDev = pressed; userPressedFDB = pressed; userPressedFDA = pressed; userPressedHDB = pressed; userPressedHDA = pressed; userPressedKernel = pressed; userPressedInitrd = pressed; userPressedACPI = pressed; userPressedHPET = pressed; userPressedBluetoothMouse = pressed; userPressedSnapshot = pressed; } // Generic Dialog box public static void UIAlert(String title, String body, Activity activity) { AlertDialog ad; ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); ad.setTitle(title); ad.setMessage(body); ad.setButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { return; } });; } private String output; private Spinner mMachine; private Spinner mCPU; private Spinner mMachineType; private Spinner mCPUNum; private Spinner mKernel; private Spinner mInitrd; private Spinner mHDA; private Spinner mHDB; private Spinner mCD; private Spinner mFDA; private Spinner mFDB; private Spinner mRamSize; private Spinner mBootDevices; private Spinner mNetDevices; private Spinner mNetConfig; private Spinner mVGAConfig; private Spinner mSoundCardConfig; private Spinner mHDCacheConfig; private Spinner mUI; private CheckBox mACPI; private CheckBox mHPET; // private CheckBox mSnapshot; // private CheckBox mBluetoothMouse; private CheckBox mVNCAllowExternal; private CheckBox mMultiAIO; private CheckBox mPrio; private CheckBox mReverseLandscape; private Spinner mSnapshot; private Button mStart; private Button mStop; private Button mRestart; private Button mSave; // private Button mResume; public static FavOpenHelper favDB; public static MachineOpenHelper machineDB; // ADS public static void quit() { activity.finish(); } /** * Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); OShandler = this.handler; if (LimboSettingsManager.getOrientationReverse(this)) setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE); if (Const.enable_fullscreen || android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); } getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); // Declare an instance variable for your MoPubView. activity = this; // DB init favDB = new FavOpenHelper(activity); machineDB = new MachineOpenHelper(activity); this.setContentView(R.layout.main); this.setupWidgets(); this.enableOptions(false); resetUserPressed(); populateAttributes(); if (Const.enableAds) { LimboAds.setupAds(); } execTimeListener(); if (this.isFirstLaunch()) { onFirstLaunch(); } // acquireLocks(); } private void resetUserPressed() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub userPressedUI = false; userPressedCPU = false; userPressedMachineType = false; userPressedCPUNum = false; userPressedMachine = false; userPressedRAM = false; userPressedCDROM = false; userPressedHDCfg = false; userPressedSndCfg = false; userPressedVGACfg = false; userPressedNicCfg = false; userPressedNetCfg = false; userPressedBootDev = false; userPressedFDB = false; userPressedFDA = false; userPressedHDB = false; userPressedHDA = false; userPressedKernel = false; userPressedInitrd = false; userPressedACPI = false; userPressedHPET = false; userPressedBluetoothMouse = false; userPressedSnapshot = false; userPressedVNC = false; } private void populateAttributes() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.populateMachines(); this.populateCPUs(); this.populateMachineType(); this.populateCPUNum(); this.populateRAM(); this.populateKernel(); this.populateInitrd(); this.populateHD("hda"); this.populateHD("hdb"); this.populateCDRom("cd"); this.populateFloppy("fda"); this.populateFloppy("fdb"); this.populateBootDevices(); this.populateNet(); this.populateNetDevices(); this.populateVGA(); this.populateSoundcardConfig(); this.populateHDCacheConfig(); this.populateSnapshot(); this.populateUI(); } public void onFirstLaunch() { onLicense(); } static protected boolean isFirstLaunch() { PackageInfo pInfo = null; try { pInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity); boolean firstTime = prefs.getBoolean("firstTime" + pInfo.versionName, true); // UIUtils.log("Getting First time: " + firstTime); return firstTime; } static protected void setFirstLaunch() { PackageInfo pInfo = null; try { pInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity); SharedPreferences.Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putBoolean("firstTime" + pInfo.versionName, false); edit.commit(); // UIUtils.log("Setting First time: "); } static private void install() { progDialog =, "Please Wait", "Installing Files...", true); a = new Installer(); a.execute(); } private static final String WAKELOCK_KEY = "LIMBO"; private void releaseLocks() { if (mWakeLock != null && mWakeLock.isHeld()) { Log.v(TAG, "Release wake lock..."); mWakeLock.release(); } if (wlock != null && wlock.isHeld()) { Log.v(TAG, "Release wifi lock..."); wlock.release(); } } private void acquireLocks() { if (mWakeLock == null) { PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKELOCK_KEY); mWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false); } // Creates a new WifiLock by getting the WifiManager as a service. // This object creates a lock tagged "lock". if (wlock == null) { WifiManager wmanager = (WifiManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); wlock = wmanager.createWifiLock("lock"); wlock.setReferenceCounted(false); } if (!mWakeLock.isHeld()) { Log.v(TAG, "Acquire wake lock..."); mWakeLock.acquire(); } if (!wlock.isHeld()) { Log.v(TAG, "Acquire wifi lock..."); wlock.acquire(); } } private static class Installer extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) { // Get files from last dir onInstall(); if (progDialog.isShowing()) { progDialog.dismiss(); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void test) { // Toast.makeText(activity, // "Setting Google DNS servers in /sdcard/limbo/etc/resolv.conf.\n You can modify resolv.conf to use your own DNS server if you wish.", // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } // Define the Handler that receives messages from the thread and update the // progress public Handler handler = new Handler() { @Override public synchronized void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle b = msg.getData(); Integer messageType = (Integer) b.get("message_type"); if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_PAUSED) { // Show a progress while saving Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Paused", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_RESUMED) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Resumed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_STARTED) { if (!vmStarted) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Started\nDon't forget to Save/Load State so you don't have to boot again!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Resumed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } enableNonRemovableDeviceOptions(false); mStart.setText("Resume"); vmStarted = true; } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_STOPPED) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Shutdown", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); mStart.setText("Start"); vmStarted = false; } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_RESTARTED) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Reset", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_SAVED) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Saved", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_NO_QCOW2) { Toast.makeText(activity, "Couldn't find a QCOW2 image\nPlease attach an HDA or HDB image first!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_NO_KERNEL) { Toast.makeText(activity, "Couldn't find a Kernel image\nPlease attach a Kernel image first!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_NO_INITRD) { Toast.makeText(activity, "Couldn't find a initrd image\nPlease attach an initrd image first!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_NOTRUNNING) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM not Running", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_CREATED) { String machineValue = (String) b.get("machine_name"); if (machineDB.getMachine(machineValue, "") != null) { Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Name \"" + machineValue + "\" exists please choose another name!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } currMachine = new Machine(machineValue); machineDB.insertMachine(currMachine); machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.CPU, "pentium3"); machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.MEMORY, "64"); Toast.makeText(activity, "VM Created: " + machineValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); populateMachines(); setMachine(machineValue); if (LimboActivity.currMachine != null && currMachine.cpu != null && currMachine.cpu.endsWith("(arm)")) { mKernel.setEnabled(true); // Disabled for now mInitrd.setEnabled(true); // Disabled for now mMachineType.setEnabled(true); // Disabled for now } } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.IMG_CREATED) { String hdValue = (String) b.get("hd"); String imageValue = (String) b.get("image_name"); if (progDialog != null && progDialog.isShowing()) { progDialog.dismiss(); } Toast.makeText(activity, "Image Created: " + imageValue, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); setDriveAttr(hdValue, Const.machinedir + currMachine.machinename + "/" + imageValue); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.SNAPSHOT_CREATED) { String imageValue = (String) b.get("snapshot_name"); savevm(imageValue); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VNC_PASSWORD) { String imageValue = (String) b.get("vnc_passwd"); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.UIUTILS_SHOWALERT_LICENSE) { String title = (String) b.get("title"); String body = (String) b.get("body"); UIAlertLicense(title, body, activity); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.UIUTILS_SHOWALERT_HTML) { String title = (String) b.get("title"); String body = (String) b.get("body"); UIAlertHtml(title, body, activity); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.STATUS_CHANGED) { String status_changed = (String) b.get("status_changed"); if (status_changed.equals("RUNNING")) { mStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_radio_on); mStatusText.setText("Running"); } else if (status_changed.equals("READY") || status_changed.equals("STOPPED")) { mStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_radio_off); mStatusText.setText("Ready"); } else if (status_changed.equals("SAVING")) { mStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_selected); mStatusText.setText("Saving State"); } } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_EXPORT) { if (progDialog.isShowing()) { progDialog.dismiss(); } Toast.makeText(activity, "Machines are exported in " + Const.DBFile, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (messageType != null && messageType == Const.VM_IMPORT) { if (progDialog.isShowing()) { progDialog.dismiss(); } Toast.makeText(activity, " Machines have been imported from " + Const.DBFile, Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); resetUserPressed(); populateAttributes(); } } }; public static void UIAlertLicense(String title, String html, final Activity activity) { AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle(title); WebView webview = new WebView(activity); webview.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); webview.loadData("<font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + html + " </font>", "text/html", "UTF-8"); alertDialog.setView(webview); alertDialog.setButton("I Acknowledge", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (isFirstLaunch()) { install(); onHelp(); onChangeLog(); } setFirstLaunch(); return; } }); alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { if (isFirstLaunch()) { if (activity.getParent() != null) { activity.getParent().finish(); } else { activity.finish(); } } } });; } public static void UIAlertHtml(String title, String html, Activity activity) { AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle(title); WebView webview = new WebView(activity); webview.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); webview.loadData("<font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + html + " </font>", "text/html", "UTF-8"); alertDialog.setView(webview); alertDialog.setButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { return; } });; } private void createImage(String imageValue, String hdValue, int imgSize, boolean prealloc) { String image = imageValue + ".qcow2"; String dir = Const.machinedir + currMachine.machinename + "/"; File dirf = new File(dir); if (!dirf.exists()) { dirf.mkdir(); } else if (dirf.exists() && !dirf.isDirectory()) { Toast.makeText(activity, "Could not create dir: " + dir, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } String imagef = dir + image; ImageCreator i = new ImageCreator(imagef, imgSize, prealloc ? 1 : 0); i.createImage(); } public void enableOptions(boolean flag) { this.mCPU.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mCPUNum.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mRamSize.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now if (this.currMachine != null && currMachine.cpu.endsWith("(arm)")) { this.mKernel.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mInitrd.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mAppend.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mMachineType.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now } this.mHDA.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mHDB.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mCD.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mFDA.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mFDB.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mBootDevices.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mNetConfig.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now if (mNetConfig.getSelectedItemPosition() > 0) this.mNetDevices.setEnabled(flag); // Enabled conditionally for now this.mVGAConfig.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now if (Const.enable_sound) this.mSoundCardConfig.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now // if (Const.enable_SDL) // this.mUI.setEnabled(flag); if (Const.enableCache) this.mHDCacheConfig.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mACPI.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mHPET.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now // this.mBluetoothMouse.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now // this.mSnapshot.setEnabled(true); // Disabled for now if (mUI.getSelectedItemPosition() == 0 && flag) this.mVNCAllowExternal.setEnabled(flag); } // Generic Message to update UI public static void sendHandlerMessage(Handler handler, int message_type, String message_var, String message_value) { Message msg1 = handler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("message_type", message_type); b.putString(message_var, message_value); msg1.setData(b); handler.sendMessage(msg1); } public static void sendHandlerMessage(Handler handler, int message_type, String[] message_var, String[] message_value) { Message msg1 = handler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("message_type", message_type); for (int i = 0; i < message_var.length; i++) { b.putString(message_var[i], message_value[i]); } msg1.setData(b); handler.sendMessage(msg1); } static public ProgressDialog progDialog; // Another Generic Messanger public static void sendHandlerMessage(Handler handler, int message_type) { Message msg1 = handler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("message_type", message_type); msg1.setData(b); handler.sendMessage(msg1); } private void onDeleteMachine() { if (currMachine == null) { Toast.makeText(this, "Select a machine first!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return; } machineDB.deleteMachine(currMachine); this.resetUserPressed(); this.populateAttributes(); Toast.makeText(this, "Machine " + currMachine.machinename + " deleted", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } private void onExportMachines() { progDialog =, "Please Wait", "Exporting Machines...", true); ExportMachines exporter = new ExportMachines(); exporter.execute(); } private void onImportMachines() { // Warn the user that VMs with same names will be replaced promptImportMachines(); } private void promptImportMachines() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Import Machines"); RelativeLayout mLayout = new RelativeLayout(this); mLayout.setId(12222); TextView imageNameView = new TextView(activity); imageNameView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); imageNameView.setId(201012010); imageNameView.setText( "Step 1: Place the machine.CSV file you export previously under \"limbo\" directory in your SD card.\n" + "Step 2: WARNING: Any machine with the same name will be replaced!\n" + "Step 3: Press \"OK\".\n"); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams searchViewParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); mLayout.addView(imageNameView, searchViewParams); alertDialog.setView(mLayout); final Handler handler = this.handler; // alertDialog.setMessage(body); alertDialog.setButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // For each line create a Machine progDialog =, "Please Wait", "Importing Machines...", true); ImportMachines importer = new ImportMachines(); importer.execute(); } }); alertDialog.setButton2("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { return; } }); alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { return; } });; } private static void onTap() { ApplicationInfo pInfo = null; String userid = "None"; try { pInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(activity.getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); userid = pInfo.uid + ""; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!(new File("/dev/net/tun")).exists()) { showAlertHtml("TAP - User Id: " + userid, "Your device doesn't support TAP, use \"User\" network mode instead ", OShandler); return; } FileUtils fileutils = new FileUtils(); try { showAlertHtml("TAP - User Id: " + userid, fileutils.LoadFile(activity, "TAP", false), OShandler); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void onHelp() { PackageInfo pInfo = null; try { pInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } FileUtils fileutils = new FileUtils(); try { showAlertHtml(Const.APP_NAME + " v" + pInfo.versionName, fileutils.LoadFile(activity, "HELP", false), OShandler); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void onMenuHelp() { String url = ""; Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setData(Uri.parse(url)); activity.startActivity(i); } private static void onChangeLog() { PackageInfo pInfo = null; try { pInfo = activity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(activity.getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } FileUtils fileutils = new FileUtils(); try { showAlertHtml("CHANCELOG", fileutils.LoadFile(activity, "CHANGELOG", false), OShandler); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void onLicense() { PackageInfo pInfo = null; try { pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getClass().getPackage().getName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } FileUtils fileutils = new FileUtils(); try { showAlertLicense(Const.APP_NAME + " v" + pInfo.versionName, fileutils.LoadFile(activity, "LICENSE", false), handler); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void showAlertLicense(String title, String message, Handler handler) { Message msg1 = handler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("message_type", Const.UIUTILS_SHOWALERT_LICENSE); b.putString("title", title); b.putString("body", message); msg1.setData(b); handler.sendMessage(msg1); } public static void showAlertHtml(String title, String message, Handler handler) { Message msg1 = handler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("message_type", Const.UIUTILS_SHOWALERT_HTML); b.putString("title", title); b.putString("body", message); msg1.setData(b); handler.sendMessage(msg1); } public void exit() { onStopButton(true); } private void enableNonRemovableDeviceOptions(boolean flag) { // Everything Except removable devices this.mMachine.setEnabled(flag); this.mCPU.setEnabled(flag); this.mCPUNum.setEnabled(flag); this.mRamSize.setEnabled(flag); if (this.currMachine != null && currMachine.cpu.endsWith("(arm)")) { this.mKernel.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mInitrd.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mAppend.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now this.mMachineType.setEnabled(flag); // Disabled for now } mHDA.setEnabled(flag); mHDB.setEnabled(flag); this.mCD.setEnabled(true); this.mFDA.setEnabled(true); this.mFDB.setEnabled(true); this.mBootDevices.setEnabled(flag); this.mNetConfig.setEnabled(flag); if (mNetConfig.getSelectedItemPosition() > 0) this.mNetDevices.setEnabled(flag); this.mVGAConfig.setEnabled(flag); if (Const.enable_sound) this.mSoundCardConfig.setEnabled(flag); this.mMultiAIO.setEnabled(flag); this.mPrio.setEnabled(flag); if (Const.enable_SDL) this.mUI.setEnabled(flag); if (Const.enableCache) this.mHDCacheConfig.setEnabled(flag); this.mACPI.setEnabled(flag); this.mHPET.setEnabled(flag); // this.mBluetoothMouse.setEnabled(b); if (mUI.getSelectedItemPosition() == 0) this.mVNCAllowExternal.setEnabled(flag); this.mSnapshot.setEnabled(flag); } static private void onInstall() { FileInstaller.installFiles(activity); } public class AutoScrollView extends ScrollView { public AutoScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public AutoScrollView(Context context) { super(context); } } public AutoScrollView mLyricsScroll; private ArrayAdapter cpuAdapter; private ArrayAdapter machineTypeAdapter; private ArrayAdapter cpuNumAdapter; private ArrayAdapter uiAdapter; private ArrayAdapter machineAdapter; private ArrayAdapter ramAdapter; private ArrayAdapter cdromAdapter; private ArrayAdapter vgaAdapter; private ArrayAdapter netAdapter; private ArrayAdapter bootDevAdapter; private ArrayAdapter hdCacheAdapter; private ArrayAdapter sndAdapter; private ArrayAdapter nicCfgAdapter; private boolean userPressedHDCacheCfg; private boolean userPressedSoundcardCfg; private ArrayAdapter fdaAdapter; private ArrayAdapter fdbAdapter; private ArrayAdapter hdaAdapter; private ArrayAdapter hdbAdapter; private ArrayAdapter kernelAdapter; private ArrayAdapter initrdAdapter; private ArrayAdapter snapshotAdapter; // Main event function // Retrives values from saved preferences private void onStartButton() { if (this.mMachine.getSelectedItemPosition() == 0 || this.currMachine == null) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Select or Create a Virtual Machine first", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); return; } String filenotexists = validateFiles(); if (filenotexists != null) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Could not find file: " + filenotexists, Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); return; } if (currMachine.snapshot_name != null && !currMachine.snapshot_name.toLowerCase().equals("none") && !currMachine.snapshot_name.toLowerCase().equals("") && currMachine.soundcard != null && !currMachine.soundcard.toLowerCase().equals("none") && mUI.getSelectedItemPosition() != 1) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Snapshot was saved with soundcard enabled please use SDL \"User Interface\"", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } if (currMachine != null && currMachine.cpu != null && currMachine.cpu.endsWith("(arm)") && (currMachine.kernel == null || currMachine.kernel.equals(""))) { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NO_KERNEL); return; } // Initrd is optional // if (currMachine!=null && currMachine.cpu !=null && // currMachine.cpu.startsWith("arm") // && (currMachine.initrd == null || currMachine.initrd.equals(""))) { // sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NO_INITRD); // // } if (vmexecutor == null) vmexecutor = new VMExecutor(currMachine); // Global settings vmexecutor.dns_addr = mDNS.getText().toString(); vmexecutor.append = mAppend.getText().toString(); if (this.mMultiAIO.isChecked()) { vmexecutor.aiomaxthreads = Const.MAX_AIO_THREADS; } else { vmexecutor.aiomaxthreads = Const.MIN_AIO_THREADS; } vmexecutor.print(); output = "Starting VM..."; sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_STARTED); if (mUI.getSelectedItemPosition() == 1) { // SDL Thread tsdl = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { startsdl(); } }); tsdl.start(); } else { // VNC if (!vmStarted) { Thread tvm = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { startvm(Const.UI_VNC); } }); if (mPrio.isChecked()) tvm.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); tvm.start(); } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LimboActivity.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } Thread tvnc = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { startvnc(); } }); // t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); tvnc.start(); // MK setting DNS via command line options // Thread tdns = new Thread(new Runnable() { // public void run() { // setDNSaddr(); // } // }); // tdns.start(); } } private String validateFiles() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if ((this.currMachine.hda_img_path != null && !currMachine.hda_img_path.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.hda_img_path)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.hda_img_path; } else if ((this.currMachine.hdb_img_path != null && !currMachine.hdb_img_path.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.hdb_img_path)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.hdb_img_path; } else if ((this.currMachine.fda_img_path != null && !currMachine.fda_img_path.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.fda_img_path)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.fda_img_path; } else if ((this.currMachine.fdb_img_path != null && !currMachine.fdb_img_path.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.fdb_img_path)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.fdb_img_path; } else if ((this.currMachine.cd_iso_path != null && !currMachine.cd_iso_path.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.cd_iso_path)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.cd_iso_path; } else if ((this.currMachine.kernel != null && !currMachine.kernel.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.kernel)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.kernel; } else if ((this.currMachine.initrd != null && !currMachine.initrd.equals("None")) && !(new File(this.currMachine.initrd)).exists()) { return this.currMachine.initrd; } else if (!(new File(Const.basefiledir + "/bios.bin")).exists()) { return Const.basefiledir + "/bios.bin"; } return null; } private void setDNSaddr() { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { String dns_addr = mDNS.getText().toString(); if (dns_addr != null && !dns_addr.equals("")) { // Log.v("LimboDNS", "Setting DNS: " + dns_addr); vmexecutor.change_dns_addr(); } } }); // t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); } private void onStopButton(boolean exit) { stopVM(exit); } private void onRestartButton() { // TODO: This probably has no effect Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { restartvm(); } }); // t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); } private void onSaveButton() { // TODO: This probably has no effect Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { promptStateName(activity); } }); // t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); } private void onResumeButton() { // TODO: This probably has no effect Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { resumevm(); } }); // t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); } // Setting up the UI public void setupWidgets() { this.mStatus = (ImageView) findViewById(; this.mStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_radio_off); this.mStatusText = (TextView) findViewById(; this.mDNS = (EditText) findViewById(; this.mDNS.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); this.mDNS.setFocusable(true); this.mDNS.setText(LimboSettingsManager.getDNSServer(activity)); this.mAppend = (EditText) findViewById(; this.mAppend.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); this.mAppend.setFocusable(true); this.mAppend.setEnabled(false); this.mAppend.setText(LimboSettingsManager.getAppend(activity)); this.mMachine = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mCPU = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mMachineType = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mMachineType.setEnabled(false); this.mCPUNum = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mUI = (Spinner) findViewById(; if (!Const.enable_SDL) this.mUI.setEnabled(false); this.mRamSize = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mKernel = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mKernel.setEnabled(false); this.mInitrd = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mInitrd.setEnabled(false); this.mHDA = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mHDB = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mCD = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mFDA = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mFDB = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mBootDevices = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mNetConfig = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mNetDevices = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mVGAConfig = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mSoundCardConfig = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mHDCacheConfig = (Spinner) findViewById(; this.mHDCacheConfig.setEnabled(false); // Disabled for now this.mACPI = (CheckBox) findViewById(; this.mHPET = (CheckBox) findViewById(; this.mVNCAllowExternal = (CheckBox) findViewById(; // No // external // connections // mVNCAllowExternal.setChecked(LimboSettingsManager.getVNCAllowExternal(activity)); mVNCAllowExternal.setChecked(false); this.mPrio = (CheckBox) findViewById(; // mPrio.setChecked(LimboSettingsManager.getPrio(activity)); this.mReverseLandscape = (CheckBox) findViewById(; // mReverseLandscape.setChecked(LimboSettingsManager.getOrientationReverse(activity)); this.mMultiAIO = (CheckBox) findViewById(; // No // external // connections mMultiAIO.setChecked(LimboSettingsManager.getMultiAIO(activity)); this.mSnapshot = (Spinner) findViewById(; SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); mStart = (Button) findViewById(; mStart.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); mStart.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { onStartButton(); } }); mStop = (Button) findViewById(; mStop.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { Log.v(TAG, "Stopping VM..."); onStopButton(false); } }); mRestart = (Button) findViewById(; mRestart.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { Log.v(TAG, "Restarting VM..."); onRestartButton(); } }); // mSave = (Button) findViewById(; // mSave.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { // public void onClick(View view) { // Log.v(TAG, "Restarting VM..."); // onSaveButton(); // // } // }); // mResume = (Button) findViewById(; // mResume.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { // // public void onClick(View view) { // Log.v(TAG, "Resuming VM..."); // onResumeButton(); // // } // }); mMachine.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position); if (position == 0) { } else if (position == 1) { promptMachineName(activity); // Log.v(TAG, "Promtp for Machine createion"); } else { String machine = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mMachine.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Machine selected: " + machine); loadMachine(machine, ""); populateSnapshot(); } } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mCPU.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { // your code here String cpu = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mCPU.getAdapter()).getItem(position); Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " CPU = " + cpu + " userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedCPU) { currMachine.cpu = cpu; int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.CPU, cpu); if (currMachine.cpu.endsWith("(arm)")) { mKernel.setEnabled(true); mInitrd.setEnabled(true); mAppend.setEnabled(true); mMachineType.setEnabled(true); } else { mKernel.setEnabled(false); mInitrd.setEnabled(false); mAppend.setEnabled(false); mMachineType.setEnabled(false); } } userPressedCPU = true; Log.v("setOnItemSelectedListener", "set userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); // Log.v("CPU List", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here userPressedCPU = true; Log.v("setOnItemSelectedListener2", "set userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); // Log.v("CPU none", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); } }); mMachineType.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { // your code here String machineType = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mMachineType.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " CPU = " + cpu // + " userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedMachineType) { currMachine.machine_type = machineType; int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.MACHINE_TYPE, machineType); } userPressedMachineType = true; // Log.v("CPU List", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); userPressedMachineType = true; // Log.v("CPU none", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); } }); mUI.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { // your code here String ui = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mUI.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " CPU = " + cpu // + " userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedUI) { // save UI fav LimboSettingsManager.setUI(activity, ui); } if (position == 0) { mVNCAllowExternal.setEnabled(true); if (mSnapshot.getSelectedItemPosition() == 0) mSoundCardConfig.setEnabled(false); } else { mVNCAllowExternal.setEnabled(false); if (mSnapshot.getSelectedItemPosition() == 0) mSoundCardConfig.setEnabled(true); } userPressedUI = true; // Log.v("CPU List", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); userPressedUI = true; // Log.v("CPU none", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedCPU); } }); mCPUNum.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String cpuNum = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mCPUNum.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " RAM = " + ram // + " userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedCPUNum) { currMachine.cpuNum = Integer.parseInt(cpuNum); int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.CPUNUM, cpuNum); } userPressedCPUNum = true; // Log.v("Ram list", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); userPressedCPUNum = true; // Log.v("Ram none", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); } }); mRamSize.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String ram = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mRamSize.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " RAM = " + ram // + " userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedRAM) { currMachine.memory = Integer.parseInt(ram); int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.MEMORY, ram); } userPressedRAM = true; // Log.v("Ram list", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); userPressedRAM = true; // Log.v("Ram none", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); } }); mKernel.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String kernel = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mKernel.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedKernel && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.KERNEL, null); currMachine.kernel = null; } else if (userPressedKernel && position == 1) { browse("kernel"); } else if (userPressedKernel && position > 1) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.KERNEL, kernel); currMachine.kernel = kernel; // TODO: If Machine is running eject and set floppy img } userPressedKernel = true; } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mInitrd.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String initrd = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mInitrd.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedInitrd && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.INITRD, null); currMachine.initrd = null; } else if (userPressedInitrd && position == 1) { browse("initrd"); } else if (userPressedInitrd && position > 1) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.INITRD, initrd); currMachine.initrd = initrd; // TODO: If Machine is running eject and set floppy img } userPressedInitrd = true; } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mHDA.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String hda = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mHDA.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedHDA && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDA, null); currMachine.hda_img_path = hda; } else if (userPressedHDA && position == 1) { promptImageName(activity, "hda"); Log.v(TAG, "Promtp for Image createion"); } else if (userPressedHDA && position == 2) { browse("hda"); } else if (userPressedHDA && position > 2) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDA, hda); currMachine.hda_img_path = hda; } // if (userPressedHDA && currStatus.equals("RUNNING")) { // vmexecutor.change_dev("ide0-hd0", currMachine.hda_img_path); // } userPressedHDA = true; // Log.v("HDA List", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedHDA); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mHDB.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String hdb = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mHDB.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " HDB = " + hdb // + " userPressed = " + userPressedHDB); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedHDB && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDB, null); currMachine.hdb_img_path = hdb; } else if (userPressedHDB && position == 1) { promptImageName(activity, "hdb"); // Log.v(TAG, "Promtp for Image createion"); } else if (userPressedHDB && position == 2) { browse("hdb"); } else if (userPressedHDB && position > 2) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDB, hdb); currMachine.hdb_img_path = hdb; } // if (userPressedHDB && currStatus.equals("RUNNING")) { // vmexecutor.change_dev("ide0-hd1", currMachine.hdb_img_path); // } userPressedHDB = true; // Log.v("HDB List", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedHDB); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mSnapshot.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String snapshot_name = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mSnapshot.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedSnapshot && position == 0) { currMachine.snapshot_name = ""; userPressedSnapshot = false; loadMachine(currMachine.machinename, currMachine.snapshot_name); mStart.setText("Start"); enableNonRemovableDeviceOptions(true); mSnapshot.setEnabled(true); } else if (userPressedSnapshot && position > 0) { currMachine.snapshot_name = snapshot_name; userPressedSnapshot = false; loadMachine(currMachine.machinename, currMachine.snapshot_name); mStart.setText("Resume"); enableOptions(false); mSnapshot.setEnabled(true); } else { userPressedSnapshot = true; } // Log.v("Snapshot List", "reset userPressed = " + // userPressedSnapshot); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mCD.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String cd = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mCD.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedCDROM && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.CDROM, null); currMachine.cd_iso_path = null; } else if (userPressedCDROM && position == 1) { browse("cd"); } else if (userPressedCDROM && position > 1) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.CDROM, cd); currMachine.cd_iso_path = cd; // TODO: If Machine is running eject and set floppy img } if (userPressedCDROM && currStatus.equals("RUNNING") && position > 1) { vmexecutor.change_dev("ide1-cd0", currMachine.cd_iso_path); } else if (userPressedCDROM && currStatus.equals("RUNNING") && position == 0) { vmexecutor.change_dev("ide1-cd0", null); // Eject } userPressedCDROM = true; } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mFDA.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String fda = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mFDA.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedFDA && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.FDA, null); currMachine.fda_img_path = null; } else if (userPressedFDA && position == 1) { browse("fda"); } else if (userPressedFDA && position > 1) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.FDA, fda); currMachine.fda_img_path = fda; // TODO: If Machine is running eject and set floppy img } if (userPressedFDA && currStatus.equals("RUNNING") && position > 1) { vmexecutor.change_dev("floppy0", currMachine.fda_img_path); } else if (userPressedFDA && currStatus.equals("RUNNING") && position == 0) { vmexecutor.change_dev("floppy0", null); // Eject } userPressedFDA = true; } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mFDB.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String fdb = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mFDB.getAdapter()).getItem(position); if (userPressedFDB && position == 0) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.FDB, null); currMachine.fdb_img_path = null; } else if (userPressedFDB && position == 1) { browse("fdb"); } else if (userPressedFDB && position > 1) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.FDB, fdb); currMachine.fdb_img_path = fdb; // TODO: If Machine is running eject and set floppy img } if (userPressedFDB && currStatus.equals("RUNNING") && position > 1) { vmexecutor.change_dev("floppy1", currMachine.fdb_img_path); } else if (userPressedFDB && currStatus.equals("RUNNING") && position == 0) { vmexecutor.change_dev("floppy1", null); // Eject } userPressedFDB = true; } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mBootDevices.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String bootDev = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mBootDevices.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " bootDev = " + bootDev // + " userPressed = " + userPressedBootDev); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedBootDev) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.BOOT_CONFIG, bootDev); currMachine.bootdevice = bootDev; } userPressedBootDev = true; // Log.v("BootDev List", "reset userPressed = " // + userPressedBootDev); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); this.mNetConfig.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String netfcg = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mNetConfig.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " netfcg = " + netfcg // + " userPressed = " + userPressedNetCfg); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedNetCfg) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.NET_CONFIG, netfcg); currMachine.net_cfg = netfcg; } if (position > 0) { mNetDevices.setEnabled(true); } else { mNetDevices.setEnabled(false); } userPressedNetCfg = true; ApplicationInfo pInfo = null; if (netfcg.equals("TAP")) { onTap(); } // Log.v("Net CFG List", "reset userPressed = " // + userPressedNetCfg); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); this.mNetDevices.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String niccfg = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mNetDevices.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " nicfcg = " // + niccfg + " userPressed = " // + userPressedNicCfg); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (position < 0) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Not a valid card, using ne2k_pci instead", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); userPressedNicCfg = true; mNetDevices.setSelection(4); return; } if (userPressedNicCfg) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.NIC_CONFIG, niccfg); currMachine.nic_driver = niccfg; } userPressedNicCfg = true; // Log.v("BootDev List", "reset userPressed = " // + userPressedNicCfg); } public void onNothingSelected(final AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mVGAConfig.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { // your code here String vgacfg = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mVGAConfig.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " vgafcg = " + vgacfg // + " userPressed = " + userPressedVGACfg); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedVGACfg) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.VGA, vgacfg); currMachine.vga_type = vgacfg; } userPressedVGACfg = true; // Log.v("BootDev List", "reset userPressed = " // + userPressedVGACfg); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); this.mSoundCardConfig.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String sndcfg = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mSoundCardConfig.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " sndfcg = " // + sndcfg + " userPressed = " // + userPressedSndCfg); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedSndCfg) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.SOUNDCARD_CONFIG, sndcfg); currMachine.soundcard = sndcfg; } userPressedSndCfg = true; // Log.v("Snd List", "reset userPressed = " // + userPressedSndCfg); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mHDCacheConfig.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { String hdcfg = (String) ((ArrayAdapter) mHDCacheConfig.getAdapter()).getItem(position); // Log.v(TAG, "Position " + position + " sndfcg = " + hdcfg // + " userPressed = " + userPressedHDCfg); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedHDCfg) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDCACHE_CONFIG, hdcfg); currMachine.hd_cache = hdcfg; } userPressedHDCfg = true; // Log.v("HDCache List", "reset userPressed = " + // userPressedHDCfg); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mACPI.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton viewButton, boolean isChecked) { // Log.v(TAG, "ACPI checked: " + isChecked + " userPressed = " + // userPressedACPI); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedACPI) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.DISABLE_ACPI, ((isChecked ? 1 : 0) + "")); } userPressedACPI = true; // Log.v("ACPI ", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedACPI); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mHPET.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton viewButton, boolean isChecked) { // Log.v(TAG, "ACPI checked: " + isChecked + " userPressed = " + // userPressedHPET); // LimboSettingsManager.setLastCPU(activity,cpu); if (userPressedHPET) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.DISABLE_HPET, ((isChecked ? 1 : 0) + "")); } userPressedHPET = true; // Log.v("ACPI ", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedHPET); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mDNS.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { LimboSettingsManager.setDNSServer(activity, mDNS.getText().toString()); } public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { // Log.d("seachScreen", "beforeTextChanged"); } public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { // Log.d("seachScreen", "onTextChanged"); } }); mAppend.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { LimboSettingsManager.setAppend(activity, mAppend.getText().toString()); } public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { // Log.d("seachScreen", "beforeTextChanged"); } public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { // Log.d("seachScreen", "onTextChanged"); } }); // mVNCAllowExternal.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton viewButton, boolean isChecked) { if (isChecked) { promptVNCAllowExternal(activity); } else { vnc_passwd = null; vnc_allow_external = 0; // LimboSettingsManager.setVNCAllowExternal(activity, // false); } } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mPrio.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton viewButton, boolean isChecked) { if (isChecked) { promptPrio(activity); } else { LimboSettingsManager.setPrio(activity, false); } } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mReverseLandscape.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton viewButton, boolean isChecked) { LimboSettingsManager.setOrientationReverse(activity, isChecked); } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); mMultiAIO.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() { public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton viewButton, boolean isChecked) { if (isChecked) { promptMultiAIO(activity); } else { LimboSettingsManager.setMultiAIO(activity, false); } } public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView) { // your code here // Log.v(TAG, "Nothing selected"); } }); } private static String vnc_passwd = null; public static String getVnc_passwd() { return vnc_passwd; } public static void setVnc_passwd(String vnc_passwd) { LimboActivity.vnc_passwd = vnc_passwd; } private static int vnc_allow_external = 0; // This is easier: traverse the interfaces and get the local IPs public static String getLocalIpAddress() { try { for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en .hasMoreElements();) { NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement(); for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements();) { InetAddress inetAddress = enumIpAddr.nextElement(); if (!inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress() && inetAddress.getHostAddress().toString().contains(".")) { Log.v("Internal ip", inetAddress.getHostAddress().toString()); return inetAddress.getHostAddress().toString(); } } } } catch (SocketException ex) { Log.e("Internal IP", ex.toString()); } return null; } private void promptPrio(final Activity activity) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Enable High Priority!"); TextView textView = new TextView(activity); textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textView.setId(201012010); textView.setText( "Warning! High Priority might increase emulation speed but " + "will slow your phone down!"); alertDialog.setView(textView); final Handler handler = this.handler; // alertDialog.setMessage(body); alertDialog.setButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { LimboSettingsManager.setPrio(activity, true); } }); alertDialog.setButton2("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { mPrio.setChecked(false); return; } }); alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { mPrio.setChecked(false); } });; } public void promptVNCAllowExternal(final Activity activity) { final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Enable VNC server"); TextView textView = new TextView(activity); textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textView.setId(201012010); textView.setText("VNC Server: " + this.getLocalIpAddress() + ":" + "5901\n" + "Warning: VNC is not secure make sure you're on a private network!\n"); EditText passwdView = new EditText(activity); passwdView.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD); passwdView.setHint("Password"); passwdView.setEnabled(true); passwdView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); passwdView.setId(11111); passwdView.setSingleLine(); RelativeLayout mLayout = new RelativeLayout(this); mLayout.setId(12222); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams textViewParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); textViewParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP, mLayout.getId()); mLayout.addView(textView, textViewParams); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams passwordViewParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); passwordViewParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, textView.getId()); // passwordViewParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM, // mLayout.getId()); mLayout.addView(passwdView, passwordViewParams); alertDialog.setView(mLayout); final Handler handler = this.handler; alertDialog.setButton("Set", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // UIUtils.log("Searching..."); EditText a = (EditText) alertDialog.findViewById(11111); if (a.getText().toString().trim().equals("")) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Password cannot be empty!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); vnc_passwd = null; vnc_allow_external = 0; mVNCAllowExternal.setChecked(false); // LimboSettingsManager.setVNCAllowExternal(activity, false); return; } else { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VNC_PASSWORD, "vnc_passwd", "passwd"); vnc_passwd = a.getText().toString(); vnc_allow_external = 1; // LimboSettingsManager.setVNCAllowExternal(activity, true); } } }); alertDialog.setButton2("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { vnc_passwd = null; vnc_allow_external = 0; mVNCAllowExternal.setChecked(false); // LimboSettingsManager.setVNCAllowExternal(activity, false); return; } }); alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { mVNCAllowExternal.setChecked(false); // LimboSettingsManager.setVNCAllowExternal(activity, false); vnc_passwd = null; vnc_allow_external = 0; } });; } public void promptMultiAIO(final Activity activity) { // if (!ICS) { // Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), // "Multithread AIO supported only for ICS and above!", // Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // this.mMultiAIO.setChecked(false); // return; // } final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Warning!"); TextView info = new TextView(activity); info.setText("Enabling Multithreaded AIO might speed up I/O in the VM " + "but it might not work for all devices. " + "Multithreaded AIO is experimental and might damage any disk image you open with Limbo so keep a " + "backup of your images if you're not certain. " + "If you see errors uncheck this option and try again."); alertDialog.setView(info); final Handler handler = this.handler; alertDialog.setButton("Set", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { LimboSettingsManager.setMultiAIO(activity, true); } }); alertDialog.setButton2("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { mMultiAIO.setChecked(false); LimboSettingsManager.setMultiAIO(activity, false); return; } }); alertDialog.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { mMultiAIO.setChecked(false); LimboSettingsManager.setMultiAIO(activity, false); } });; } private void loadMachine(String machine, String snapshot) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.v(TAG, "Loading attribs for machine: " + machine + ":" + snapshot); // Load machine from DB this.currMachine = machineDB.getMachine(machine, snapshot); this.setCPU(currMachine.cpu, false); this.setMachineType(currMachine.machine_type, false); this.setCPUNum(currMachine.cpuNum, false); this.setRAM(currMachine.memory, false); this.setKernel(currMachine.kernel, false); this.setInitrd(currMachine.initrd, false); setCDROM(currMachine.cd_iso_path, false); this.setFDA(currMachine.fda_img_path, false); this.setFDB(currMachine.fdb_img_path, false); this.setHDA(currMachine.hda_img_path, false); this.setHDB(currMachine.hdb_img_path, false); this.setBootDevice(currMachine.bootdevice, false); this.setNetCfg(currMachine.net_cfg, false); this.setNicDevice(currMachine.nic_driver, false); this.setVGA(currMachine.vga_type, false); this.setHDCache(currMachine.hd_cache, false); this.setSoundcard(currMachine.soundcard, false); this.setUI(LimboSettingsManager.getUI(activity), false); this.userPressedACPI = false; this.mACPI.setChecked(currMachine.disableacpi == 1 ? true : false); this.userPressedHPET = false; this.mHPET.setChecked(currMachine.disablehpet == 1 ? true : false); this.userPressedBluetoothMouse = false; if (this.currMachine == null) { return; } this.setUserPressed(true); enableOptions(true); } public static Machine currMachine = null; private static Handler OShandler; public void promptMachineName(final Activity activity) { final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Machine Name"); EditText searchView = new EditText(activity); searchView.setEnabled(true); searchView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); searchView.setId(201012010); searchView.setSingleLine(); alertDialog.setView(searchView); final Handler handler = this.handler; // alertDialog.setMessage(body); alertDialog.setButton("Create", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // UIUtils.log("Searching..."); EditText a = (EditText) alertDialog.findViewById(201012010); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_CREATED, "machine_name", a.getText().toString()); return; } });; } public void promptImageName(final Activity activity, String hd) { final String hd_string = hd; final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Image Name"); RelativeLayout mLayout = new RelativeLayout(this); mLayout.setId(12222); EditText imageNameView = new EditText(activity); imageNameView.setEnabled(true); imageNameView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); imageNameView.setId(201012010); imageNameView.setSingleLine(); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams searchViewParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); mLayout.addView(imageNameView, searchViewParams); final Spinner size = new Spinner(this); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams setPlusParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); size.setId(201012044); String[] arraySpinner = new String[7]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySpinner.length; i++) { if (i < 5) { arraySpinner[i] = (i + 1) + " GB"; } } arraySpinner[5] = "10 GB"; arraySpinner[6] = "20 GB"; ArrayAdapter sizeAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); sizeAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); size.setAdapter(sizeAdapter); setPlusParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, imageNameView.getId()); mLayout.addView(size, setPlusParams); // TODO: Not working for now // final TextView preallocText = new TextView(this); // preallocText.setText("Preallocate? "); // preallocText.setTextSize(15); // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams preallocTParams = new // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // preallocTParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, size.getId()); // mLayout.addView(preallocText, preallocTParams); // preallocText.setId(64512044); // // final CheckBox prealloc = new CheckBox(this); // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams preallocParams = new // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, // RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // preallocParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, size.getId()); // preallocParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, // preallocText.getId()); // preallocParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT, // preallocText.getId()); // mLayout.addView(prealloc, preallocParams); // prealloc.setId(64512344); alertDialog.setView(mLayout); final Handler handler = this.handler; // alertDialog.setMessage(body); alertDialog.setButton("Create", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { int sizeSel = size.getSelectedItemPosition(); String templateImage = "hd1g.qcow2"; if (sizeSel < 5) { templateImage = "hd" + (sizeSel + 1) + "g.qcow2"; } else if (sizeSel == 5) { templateImage = "hd10g.qcow2"; } else if (sizeSel == 6) { templateImage = "hd20g.qcow2"; } // UIUtils.log("Searching..."); EditText a = (EditText) alertDialog.findViewById(201012010); progDialog =, "Please Wait", "Creating HD Image...", true); // CreateImage createImg = new // CreateImage(a.getText().toString(), // hd_string, sizeInt, prealloc.isChecked()); // CreateImage createImg = new CreateImage(a.getText().toString(), // hd_string, sizeInt, false); // createImg.execute(); String image = a.getText().toString(); if (!image.endsWith(".qcow2")) { image += ".qcow2"; } createImg(templateImage, image, hd_string); } });; } protected boolean createImg(String templateImage, String destImage, String hd_string) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub boolean fileCreated = FileInstaller.installFile(activity, templateImage, Const.machinedir + currMachine.machinename, "hdtemplates", destImage); try { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.IMG_CREATED, new String[] { "image_name", "hd" }, new String[] { destImage, hd_string }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return fileCreated; } private class CreateImage extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { String imageName; String hd; int size; boolean prealloc; private CreateImage(String imageName, String hd_string, int sizeInt, boolean prealloc) { this.imageName = imageName; this.hd = hd_string; this.size = sizeInt; this.prealloc = prealloc; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) { createImage(imageName, hd, size, prealloc); return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void test) { try { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.IMG_CREATED, new String[] { "image_name", "hd" }, new String[] { imageName, hd }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class ExportMachines extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) { // Export String machinesToExport = machineDB.exportMachines(); FileUtils.saveFileContents(Const.DBFile, machinesToExport); return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void test) { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_EXPORT); } } private class ImportMachines extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0) { // Import ArrayList<Machine> machines = FileUtils.getVMs(Const.DBFile); if (machines == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < machines.size(); i++) { Machine machine = machines.get(i); if (machineDB.getMachine(machine.machinename, "") != null) { machineDB.deleteMachine(machine); } machineDB.insertMachine(machine); addDriveToList(machine.cd_iso_path, "cdrom"); addDriveToList(machine.hda_img_path, "hda"); addDriveToList(machine.hdb_img_path, "hdb"); addDriveToList(machine.fda_img_path, "fda"); addDriveToList(machine.fdb_img_path, "fdb"); addDriveToList(machine.kernel, "kernel"); addDriveToList(machine.initrd, "initrd"); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void test) { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_IMPORT); } } public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { moveTaskToBack(true); return true; // return } return false; } public void promptStateName(final Activity activity) { final AlertDialog alertDialog; alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("Snapshot/State Name"); EditText searchView = new EditText(activity); searchView.setEnabled(true); searchView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); searchView.setId(201012010); searchView.setSingleLine(); alertDialog.setView(searchView); final Handler handler = this.handler; // alertDialog.setMessage(body); alertDialog.setButton("Create", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // UIUtils.log("Searching..."); EditText a = (EditText) alertDialog.findViewById(201012010); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.SNAPSHOT_CREATED, new String[] { "snapshot_name" }, new String[] { a.getText().toString() }); return; } });; } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); // Log.v(TAG, "RET CODE: " + resultCode); if (resultCode == Const.FILEMAN_RETURN_CODE) { // Read from activity String currDir = LimboSettingsManager.getLastDir(this); String file = ""; String fileType = ""; Bundle b = data.getExtras(); fileType = b.getString("fileType"); file = b.getString("file"); currDir = b.getString("currDir"); // Log.v(TAG, "Got New Dir: " + currDir); // Log.v(TAG, "Got File Type: " + fileType); // Log.v(TAG, "Got New File: " + file); if (currDir != null && !currDir.trim().equals("")) { LimboSettingsManager.setLastDir(this, currDir); } if (fileType != null && file != null) { setDriveAttr(fileType, file); } } else if (resultCode == Const.VNC_RESET_RESULT_CODE) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Resizing Display", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); this.startvnc(); } else if (resultCode == Const.SDL_QUIT_RESULT_CODE) { Log.v("Limbo", "SDL Quit"); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "SDL Quit", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); if (LimboActivity.vmexecutor != null) { LimboActivity.vmexecutor.stopvm(0); } else if (activity.getParent() != null) { activity.getParent().finish(); } Log.v("Limbo", "Limbo Finish"); activity.finish(); } // Check if says open } private void setDriveAttr(String fileType, String file) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.addDriveToList(file, fileType); if (fileType != null && fileType.startsWith("hd") && file != null && !file.trim().equals("")) { if (fileType.startsWith("hda")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDA, file); if (this.hdaAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.hdaAdapter.add(file); } this.setHDA(file, false); } else if (fileType.startsWith("hdb")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.HDB, file); if (this.hdbAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.hdbAdapter.add(file); } this.setHDB(file, false); } } else if (fileType != null && fileType.startsWith("cd") && file != null && !file.trim().equals("")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.CDROM, file); if (this.cdromAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.cdromAdapter.add(file); } setCDROM(file, false); } else if (fileType != null && fileType.startsWith("fd") && file != null && !file.trim().equals("")) { if (fileType.startsWith("fda")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.FDA, file); if (this.fdaAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.fdaAdapter.add(file); } this.setFDA(file, false); } else if (fileType.startsWith("fdb")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.FDB, file); if (this.fdbAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.fdbAdapter.add(file); } this.setFDB(file, false); } } else if (fileType != null && fileType.startsWith("kernel") && file != null && !file.trim().equals("")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.KERNEL, file); if (this.kernelAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.kernelAdapter.add(file); } this.setKernel(file, false); } else if (fileType != null && fileType.startsWith("initrd") && file != null && !file.trim().equals("")) { int ret = machineDB.update(currMachine, MachineOpenHelper.INITRD, file); if (this.initrdAdapter.getPosition(file) < 0) { this.initrdAdapter.add(file); } this.setInitrd(file, false); } int res = this.mHDA.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mHDA.setSelection(0); } res = this.mHDB.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mHDB.setSelection(0); } res = this.mCD.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mCD.setSelection(0); } res = this.mFDA.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mFDA.setSelection(0); } res = this.mFDB.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mFDB.setSelection(0); } res = this.mKernel.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mKernel.setSelection(0); } res = this.mInitrd.getSelectedItemPosition(); if (res == 1) { this.mInitrd.setSelection(0); } } @Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.v("Limbo", "OnDestroy"); // this.releaseLocks(); super.onDestroy(); this.stopTimeListener(); } private ConnectionBean selected; private void startvnc() { // updateSelectedFromView(); // saveAndWriteRecent(); // Intent intent = new Intent(this, VncCanvasActivity.class); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (vnc_passwd != null && !vnc_passwd.equals("")) { vmexecutor.change_vnc_password(); } } }); // t.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); t.start(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LimboActivity.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } Intent intent = new Intent(this, LimboVNCActivity.class); startActivityForResult(intent, Const.VNC_REQUEST_CODE); } private void startsdl() { Log.v("LimboSDL", "Starting SDL"); Intent intent = null; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { intent = new Intent(this, LimboSDLActivityCompat.class); } else { intent = new Intent(this, LimboSDLActivity.class); } android.content.ContentValues values = new android.content.ContentValues(); startActivityForResult(intent, Const.SDL_REQUEST_CODE); } // private void updateSelectedFromView() { // selected = new ConnectionBean(); // if (selected == null) { // return; // } // selected.setAddress(""); // try { // selected.setPort(Integer.parseInt("5900".toString())); // } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // } // selected.setNickname("limbo"); // selected.setUserName("limbouser"); // selected.setForceFull(BitmapImplHint.FULL); // or : BitmapImplHint.TILE // //TODO: Set password only for external VNC clients // //TODO: add x509 verification option also // selected.setPassword(""); // selected.setKeepPassword(false); // // selected.setUseLocalCursor(true); // selected.setColorModel("64 colors (1bpp)"); // // if (repeaterTextSet) { // // selected.setRepeaterId(repeaterText.getText().toString()); // // selected.setUseRepeater(true); // // } else { // selected.setUseRepeater(false); // //} // } // private void saveAndWriteRecent() { // SQLiteDatabase db = database.getWritableDatabase(); // db.beginTransaction(); // try { //; // MostRecentBean mostRecent = getMostRecent(db); // if (mostRecent == null) { // mostRecent = new MostRecentBean(); // mostRecent.setConnectionId(selected.get_Id()); // mostRecent.Gen_insert(db); // } else { // mostRecent.setConnectionId(selected.get_Id()); // mostRecent.Gen_update(db); // } // db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // } finally { // db.endTransaction(); // } // } // Start calling the JNI interface public static void startvm(int UI) { if (UI == Const.UI_VNC) { if (Const.debug) { vnc_passwd = "test"; vnc_allow_external = 1; } vmexecutor.sound_card = null; } else if (UI == Const.UI_SDL) { vmexecutor.enablevnc = 0; } vmexecutor.vnc_allow_external = vnc_allow_external; vmexecutor.vnc_passwd = vnc_passwd; // disable sound card with VNC vmexecutor.startvm(); sendHandlerMessage(OShandler, Const.VM_STOPPED); } public void restartvm() { if (vmexecutor != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Restarting the VM..."); output = vmexecutor.stopvm(1); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_RESTARTED); } else { Log.v(TAG, "Not running VM..."); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NOTRUNNING); } } public void savevm(String name) { if (vmexecutor != null) { if ((currMachine.hda_img_path == null || currMachine.hda_img_path.equals("")) && (currMachine.hdb_img_path == null || currMachine.hdb_img_path.equals(""))) { sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NO_QCOW2); } else { Log.v(TAG, "Saving State of the VM..."); output = vmexecutor.savevm("test_snapshot"); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_SAVED); } } else { Log.v(TAG, "Not running VM..."); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NOTRUNNING); } } public void resumevm() { if (vmexecutor != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Resuming the VM..."); output = vmexecutor.resumevm(); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_RESTARTED); } else { Log.v(TAG, "Not running VM..."); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NOTRUNNING); } } // Not needed public static String sendHttpGet(String url) { HttpConnection hcon = null; DataInputStream dis = null; URL = null; try { URL = new; } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LimboActivity.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } StringBuffer responseMessage = new StringBuffer(); try { // obtain a DataInputStream from the HttpConnection dis = new DataInputStream(URL.openStream()); // retrieve the response from the server int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { responseMessage.append((char) ch); } // end while ( ( ch = ) != -1 ) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); responseMessage.append(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (hcon != null) { hcon.close(); } if (dis != null) { dis.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } // end try/catch } // end try/catch/finally return responseMessage.toString(); }// end sendHttpGet( String ) // Set Hard Disk private void populateRAM() { this.userPressedRAM = false; String[] arraySpinner = new String[128]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySpinner.length; i++) { arraySpinner[i] = (i + 1) * 8 + ""; } ; ramAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); ramAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mRamSize.setAdapter(ramAdapter); this.userPressedRAM = false; this.mRamSize.invalidate(); } private void populateCPUNum() { this.userPressedCPUNum = false; String[] arraySpinner = new String[4]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySpinner.length; i++) { arraySpinner[i] = (i + 1) + ""; } ; cpuNumAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); cpuNumAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mCPUNum.setAdapter(cpuNumAdapter); this.userPressedCPUNum = false; this.mCPUNum.invalidate(); } // Set Hard Disk private void setRAM(int ram, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedRAM = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedRAM + " RAM=" + ram); if (ram != 0) { int pos = ramAdapter.getPosition(ram + ""); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for RAM=" + ram); mRamSize.setSelection(pos); } else { this.userPressedRAM = true; // Log.v("RAM", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); } } private void setCPUNum(int cpuNum, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedCPUNum = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedRAM + " RAM=" + ram); if (cpuNum != 0) { int pos = cpuNumAdapter.getPosition(cpuNum + ""); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for RAM=" + ram); mCPUNum.setSelection(pos); } else { this.userPressedCPUNum = true; // Log.v("RAM", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedRAM); } } // Set Hard Disk private void populateBootDevices() { String[] arraySpinner = { "Default", "CD Rom", "Floppy", "Hard Disk" }; bootDevAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); bootDevAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mBootDevices.setAdapter(bootDevAdapter); this.mBootDevices.invalidate(); } // Set Net Cfg private void populateNet() { String[] arraySpinner = { "None", "User", "TAP" }; netAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); netAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mNetConfig.setAdapter(netAdapter); this.mNetConfig.invalidate(); } // Set VGA Cfg private void populateVGA() { String[] arraySpinner = { "std", "cirrus", "vmware", "qxl", "xenfb", "none" }; vgaAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); vgaAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mVGAConfig.setAdapter(vgaAdapter); this.mVGAConfig.invalidate(); } private void populateSoundcardConfig() { String[] arraySpinner = { "None", "sb16", "ac97", "es1370", "hda", "all" }; sndAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); sndAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mSoundCardConfig.setAdapter(sndAdapter); this.mSoundCardConfig.invalidate(); } // Set Cache Cfg private void populateHDCacheConfig() { String[] arraySpinner = { "default", "none", "writeback", "writethrough" }; hdCacheAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); hdCacheAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mHDCacheConfig.setAdapter(hdCacheAdapter); this.mHDCacheConfig.invalidate(); } // Set Hard Disk private void populateNetDevices() { String[] arraySpinner = { "e1000", "pcnet", "rtl8139", "ne2k_pci", "i82551", "i82557b", "i82559er", "virtio" }; // Arm supports only smc91c111 so it's used by default nicCfgAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); nicCfgAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mNetDevices.setAdapter(nicCfgAdapter); this.mNetDevices.invalidate(); } private void setMachine(String machine) { if (machine != null) { int pos = machineAdapter.getPosition(machine); this.mMachine.setSelection(pos); } else { userPressedMachine = true; // Log.v("Mach", "reset userPressed = " + userPressedMachine); } // mStart.requestFocus(); } // Set Hard Disk private void populateMachines() { this.userPressedMachine = false; // Add from History ArrayList<String> machines = machineDB.getMachines(); int length = 0; if (machines == null || machines.size() == 0) { // Log.v(TAG, "No machine in DB"); length = 0; } else { // Log.v("PopMachines", "Found " + length + " machines in DB"); length = machines.size(); } String[] arraySpinner = new String[machines.size() + 2]; arraySpinner[0] = "Open"; arraySpinner[1] = "New"; int index = 2; Iterator i = machines.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner[index++] = file; } } machineAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); machineAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mMachine.setAdapter(machineAdapter); this.mMachine.invalidate(); } // Set Hard Disk private void setCPU(String cpu, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedCPU = userPressed; Log.v("setCPU", "UserPressed: " + userPressedCPU + " CPU=" + cpu); if (cpu != null) { int pos = cpuAdapter.getPosition(cpu); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for CPU=" + cpu); mCPU.setSelection(pos); } else { this.userPressedCPU = true; Log.v("setCPU", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedCPU); } } private void setMachineType(String machineType, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedMachineType = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedCPU + " CPU=" + cpu); if (machineType != null) { int pos = machineTypeAdapter.getPosition(machineType); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for CPU=" + cpu); mMachineType.setSelection(pos); } else { this.userPressedMachineType = true; // Log.v("CPU", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedCPU); } } private void setCDROM(String cdrom, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedCDROM = userPressed; this.currMachine.cd_iso_path = cdrom; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedCDROM + " CDROM=" + cdrom); if (cdrom != null) { int pos = cdromAdapter.getPosition(cdrom); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for CDROM=" + cdrom); if (pos > 1) { mCD.setSelection(pos); } else { mCD.setSelection(0); } } else { mCD.setSelection(0); // Log.v("CDROM", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedCDROM); } } private void setKernel(String kernel, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedKernel = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedKernel + " Kernel=" + // kernel); currMachine.kernel = kernel; if (kernel != null) { int pos = kernelAdapter.getPosition(kernel); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for Kernel=" + kernel); if (pos >= 0) { mKernel.setSelection(pos); } else { mKernel.setSelection(0); } } else { mKernel.setSelection(0); // Log.v("Kernel", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedKernel); } } private void setInitrd(String initrd, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedInitrd = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedInitrd + " Initrd=" + // Initrd); currMachine.initrd = initrd; if (initrd != null) { int pos = initrdAdapter.getPosition(initrd); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for Initrd=" + Initrd); if (pos >= 0) { mInitrd.setSelection(pos); } else { mInitrd.setSelection(0); } } else { mInitrd.setSelection(0); // Log.v("Initrd", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedInitrd); } } private void setHDA(String hda, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedHDA = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedHDA + " HDA=" + hda); currMachine.hda_img_path = hda; if (hda != null) { int pos = hdaAdapter.getPosition(hda); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for HDA=" + hda); if (pos >= 0) { mHDA.setSelection(pos); } else { mHDA.setSelection(0); } } else { mHDA.setSelection(0); // Log.v("HDA", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedHDA); } } private void setHDB(String hdb, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedHDB = userPressed; this.currMachine.hdb_img_path = hdb; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedHDB + " HDB=" + hdb); if (hdb != null) { int pos = hdbAdapter.getPosition(hdb); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for HDB=" + hdb); if (pos >= 0) { mHDB.setSelection(pos); } else { mHDB.setSelection(0); } } else { mHDB.setSelection(0); // Log.v("HDB", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedHDB); } } private void setFDA(String fda, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedFDA = userPressed; this.currMachine.fda_img_path = fda; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedFDA + " FDA=" + fda); if (fda != null) { int pos = fdaAdapter.getPosition(fda); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for FDA=" + fda); if (pos >= 0) { mFDA.setSelection(pos); } else { mFDA.setSelection(0); } } else { mFDA.setSelection(0); // Log.v("FDA", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedFDA); } } private void setFDB(String fdb, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedFDB = userPressed; this.currMachine.fdb_img_path = fdb; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedFDB + " FDB=" + fdb); if (fdb != null) { int pos = fdbAdapter.getPosition(fdb); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for FDB=" + fdb); if (pos >= 0) { mFDB.setSelection(pos); } else { mFDB.setSelection(0); } } else { mFDB.setSelection(0); // Log.v("FDB", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedFDB); } } private void setHDCache(String hdcache, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedHDCacheCfg = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedHDCacheCfg + " HDCache=" // + hdcache); if (hdcache != null) { int pos = this.hdCacheAdapter.getPosition(hdcache); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for HDCache=" + hdcache); if (pos >= 0) { this.mHDCacheConfig.setSelection(pos); } else { mHDCacheConfig.setSelection(0); } } else { mHDCacheConfig.setSelection(0); // Log.v("VGA", "reset userPressed = " + // this.userPressedHDCacheCfg); } } private void setSoundcard(String soundcard, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedSoundcardCfg = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedSoundcardCfg + " Soundcard=" // + soundcard); if (soundcard != null) { int pos = this.sndAdapter.getPosition(soundcard); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for Soundcard=" + soundcard); if (pos >= 0) { this.mSoundCardConfig.setSelection(pos); } else { mSoundCardConfig.setSelection(0); } } else { mSoundCardConfig.setSelection(0); // Log.v("VGA", "reset userPressed = " + // this.userPressedSoundcardCfg); } } private void setUI(String ui, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedUI = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedSoundcardCfg + " Soundcard=" // + soundcard); if (ui != null) { int pos = this.uiAdapter.getPosition(ui); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for Soundcard=" + soundcard); if (pos >= 0) { this.mUI.setSelection(pos); } else { mUI.setSelection(0); } } else { mUI.setSelection(0); // Log.v("VGA", "reset userPressed = " + // this.userPressedSoundcardCfg); } } private void setVGA(String vga, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedVGACfg = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedVGACfg + " VGA=" + vga); if (vga != null) { int pos = vgaAdapter.getPosition(vga); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for VGA=" + vga); if (pos >= 0) { this.mVGAConfig.setSelection(pos); } else { mVGAConfig.setSelection(0); } } else { mVGAConfig.setSelection(0); // Log.v("VGA", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedVGACfg); } } private void setNetCfg(String net, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedNetCfg = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedNetCfg + " Net=" + net); if (net != null) { int pos = this.netAdapter.getPosition(net); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for Net=" + net); if (pos >= 0) { this.mNetConfig.setSelection(pos); } else { mNetConfig.setSelection(0); } } else { mNetConfig.setSelection(0); // Log.v("NET", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedNetCfg); } } private void setBootDevice(String bootDevice, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedBootDev = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedBootDev + " Boot Dev=" + // bootDevice); if (bootDevice != null) { int pos = this.bootDevAdapter.getPosition(bootDevice); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for BootDev=" + bootDevice); if (pos >= 0) { this.mBootDevices.setSelection(pos); } else { mBootDevices.setSelection(0); } } else { mBootDevices.setSelection(0); // Log.v("NET", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedBootDev); } } private void setSnapshot(String snapshot, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedSnapshot = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedBootDev + " Boot Dev=" + // snapshot); if (snapshot != null && !snapshot.equals("")) { int pos = this.snapshotAdapter.getPosition(snapshot); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for BootDev=" + snapshot); if (pos >= 0) { this.mSnapshot.setSelection(pos); this.mSnapshot.invalidate(); } else { mSnapshot.setSelection(0); } } else { mSnapshot.setSelection(0); // Log.v("NET", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedBootDev); } // mStart.requestFocus(); } private void setNicDevice(String nic, boolean userPressed) { this.userPressedNicCfg = userPressed; // Log.v("DB", "UserPressed: " + userPressedNicCfg + " Nic=" + nic); if (nic != null) { int pos = this.nicCfgAdapter.getPosition(nic); // Log.v("DB", "Got pos: " + pos + " for Nic=" + nic); if (pos >= 0) { this.mNetDevices.setSelection(pos); } else { mNetDevices.setSelection(3); } } else { mNetDevices.setSelection(3); // Log.v("NIC", "reset userPressed = " + this.userPressedNicCfg); } } private void populateCPUs() { this.userPressedCPU = false; Log.v("populateCPUs", "set userPressed = " + this.userPressedCPU); String[] arraySpinner = { // x86 32bit "Default (x86)", "qemu32", "coreduo", "486", "pentium", "pentium2", "pentium3", "athlon", "n270", // x86 (64Bit) "Default (64Bit)", "qemu64 (64Bit)", "phenom (64Bit)", "core2duo (64Bit)", "kvm64 (64Bit)" }; ArrayList<String> arrList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(arraySpinner)); if (Const.enable_ARM) { arrList.add("Default (arm)"); arrList.add("arm926 (arm)"); arrList.add("arm946 (arm)"); arrList.add("arm1026 (arm)"); // "arm1136 (arm)", "arm1136-r2 (arm)", "arm1176 (arm)", // "arm11mpcore (arm)", "cortex-m3 (arm)", "cortex-a8 (arm)", // "cortex-a8-r2 (arm)", "cortex-a9 (arm)", "cortex-a15 (arm)", // "ti925t (arm)", "pxa250 (arm)", "sa1100 (arm)", "sa1110 (arm)", // "pxa255 (arm)", "pxa260 (arm)", "pxa261 (arm)", "pxa262 (arm)", // "pxa270 (arm)", "pxa270-a0 (arm)", "pxa270-a1 (arm)", // "pxa270-b0 (arm)", "pxa270-b1 (arm)", "pxa270-c0 (arm)", // "pxa270-c5 (arm)", "any (arm)" } cpuAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arrList); cpuAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mCPU.setAdapter(cpuAdapter); this.mCPU.invalidate(); } private void populateMachineType() { this.userPressedMachineType = false; String[] arraySpinner = { "None", // "beagle - Beagle board (OMAP3530)", // "beaglexm - Beagle board XM (OMAP3630)", // "collie - Collie PDA (SA-1110)", // "nuri - Samsung NURI board (Exynos4210)", // "smdkc210 - Samsung SMDKC210 board (Exynos4210)", // "connex - Gumstix Connex (PXA255)", // "verdex - Gumstix Verdex (PXA270)", // "highbank - Calxeda Highbank (ECX-1000)", // "integratorcp - ARM Integrator/CP (ARM926EJ-S) (default)", // "mainstone - Mainstone II (PXA27x)", // "musicpal - Marvell 88w8618 / MusicPal (ARM926EJ-S)", // "n800 - Nokia N800 tablet aka. RX-34 (OMAP2420)", // "n810 - Nokia N810 tablet aka. RX-44 (OMAP2420)", // "n900 - Nokia N900 (OMAP3)", // "sx1 - Siemens SX1 (OMAP310) V2", // "sx1-v1 - Siemens SX1 (OMAP310) V1", // "overo - Gumstix Overo board (OMAP3530)", // "cheetah - Palm Tungsten|E aka. Cheetah PDA (OMAP310)", // "realview-eb - ARM RealView Emulation Baseboard (ARM926EJ-S)", // "realview-eb-mpcore - ARM RealView Emulation Baseboard (ARM11MPCore)", // "realview-pb-a8 - ARM RealView Platform Baseboard for Cortex-A8", // "realview-pbx-a9 - ARM RealView Platform Baseboard Explore for Cortex-A9", // "akita - Akita PDA (PXA270)", // "spitz - Spitz PDA (PXA270)", // "borzoi - Borzoi PDA (PXA270)", // "terrier - Terrier PDA (PXA270)", // "lm3s811evb - Stellaris LM3S811EVB", // "lm3s6965evb - Stellaris LM3S6965EVB", // "tosa - Tosa PDA (PXA255)", "versatilepb - ARM Versatile/PB (ARM926EJ-S)", // "versatileab - ARM Versatile/AB (ARM926EJ-S)", // "vexpress-a9 - ARM Versatile Express for Cortex-A9", // "vexpress-a15 - ARM Versatile Express for Cortex-A15", // "z2 - Zipit Z2 (PXA27x)", }; machineTypeAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); machineTypeAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mMachineType.setAdapter(machineTypeAdapter); this.mMachineType.invalidate(); } private void populateUI() { this.userPressedUI = false; String[] arraySpinner = { "VNC", "SDL" }; uiAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); uiAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mUI.setAdapter(uiAdapter); this.mUI.invalidate(); } private void populateKernel() { // Add from History ArrayList<String> kernels = favDB.getFavURL("kernel"); int length = 0; if (kernels == null || kernels.size() == 0) { length = 0; } else { length = kernels.size(); } ArrayList<String> arraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>(); arraySpinner.add("None"); arraySpinner.add("Open"); Iterator i = kernels.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner.add(file); } } kernelAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); kernelAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mKernel.setAdapter(kernelAdapter); this.mKernel.invalidate(); } private void populateInitrd() { // Add from History ArrayList<String> initrds = favDB.getFavURL("initrd"); int length = 0; if (initrds == null || initrds.size() == 0) { length = 0; } else { length = initrds.size(); } ArrayList<String> arraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>(); arraySpinner.add("None"); arraySpinner.add("Open"); Iterator i = initrds.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner.add(file); } } initrdAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); initrdAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mInitrd.setAdapter(initrdAdapter); this.mInitrd.invalidate(); } // Set Hard Disk private void populateHD(String fileType) { // Add from History ArrayList<String> oldHDs = favDB.getFavURL(fileType); int length = 0; if (oldHDs == null || oldHDs.size() == 0) { length = 0; } else { length = oldHDs.size(); } ArrayList<String> arraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>(); arraySpinner.add("None"); arraySpinner.add("New"); arraySpinner.add("Open"); Iterator i = oldHDs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner.add(file); } } if (fileType.equals("hda")) { hdaAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); hdaAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mHDA.setAdapter(hdaAdapter); this.mHDA.invalidate(); } else if (fileType.equals("hdb")) { hdbAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); hdbAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mHDB.setAdapter(hdbAdapter); this.mHDB.invalidate(); } } private void populateSnapshot() { // Add from History ArrayList<String> oldSnapshots = null; if (currMachine != null) { oldSnapshots = machineDB.getSnapshots(currMachine); } int length = 0; if (oldSnapshots == null) { length = 0; } else { length = oldSnapshots.size(); } ArrayList<String> arraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>(); arraySpinner.add("None"); if (oldSnapshots != null) { Iterator i = oldSnapshots.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner.add(file); } } } this.userPressedSnapshot = false; snapshotAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, arraySpinner); snapshotAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mSnapshot.setAdapter(snapshotAdapter); this.mSnapshot.invalidate(); if (oldSnapshots == null) { this.mSnapshot.setEnabled(false); } else { this.mSnapshot.setEnabled(true); } } // Set CDROM private void populateCDRom(String fileType) { this.userPressedCDROM = false; // Add from History ArrayList<String> oldCDs = favDB.getFavURL(fileType); int length = 0; if (oldCDs == null || oldCDs.size() == 0) { length = 0; } else { length = oldCDs.size(); } ArrayList<String> arraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>(); arraySpinner.add("None"); arraySpinner.add("Open"); if (oldCDs != null) { Iterator i = oldCDs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner.add(file); } } } cdromAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); cdromAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mCD.setAdapter(cdromAdapter); this.mCD.invalidate(); } // Set Hard Disk private void populateFloppy(String fileType) { // Add from History ArrayList<String> oldFDs = favDB.getFavURL(fileType); int length = 0; if (oldFDs == null || oldFDs.size() == 0) { length = 0; } else { length = oldFDs.size(); } ArrayList<String> arraySpinner = new ArrayList<String>(); arraySpinner.add("None"); arraySpinner.add("Open"); if (oldFDs != null) { Iterator i = oldFDs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String file = (String); if (file != null) { arraySpinner.add(file); } } } if (fileType.equals("fda")) { fdaAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); fdaAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mFDA.setAdapter(fdaAdapter); this.mFDA.invalidate(); } else if (fileType.equals("fdb")) { fdbAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.custom_spinner_item, arraySpinner); fdbAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.custom_spinner_dropdown_item); this.mFDB.setAdapter(fdbAdapter); this.mFDB.invalidate(); } } public void browse(String fileType) { // Check if SD card is mounted // Log.v(TAG, "Browsing: " + fileType); String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); if (!Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(state)) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error: SD card is not mounted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } String dir = null; // GET THE LAST ACCESSED DIR FROM THE REG String lastDir = LimboSettingsManager.getLastDir(this); try { Intent i = null; i = getFileManIntent(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("lastDir", lastDir); b.putString("fileType", fileType); i.putExtras(b); // Log.v("**PASS** ", lastDir); startActivityForResult(i, Const.FILEMAN_REQUEST_CODE); } catch (Exception e) { // Log.v(TAG, "Error while starting Filemanager: " + // e.getMessage()); } } public Intent getFileManIntent() { return new Intent(LimboActivity.this,; } public Intent getVNCIntent() { return new Intent(LimboActivity.this,; } private void addDriveToList(String file, String type) { // Check if exists // Log.v(TAG, "Adding To list: " + type + ":" + file); if (file == null) return; int res = favDB.getFavUrlSeq(file, type); if (res == -1) { if (type.equals("hda")) { this.mHDA.getAdapter().getCount(); } else if (type.equals("hdb")) { this.mHDB.getAdapter().getCount(); } else if (type.equals("cd")) { this.mCD.getAdapter().getCount(); } else if (type.equals("fda")) { this.mFDA.getAdapter().getCount(); } else if (type.equals("fdb")) { this.mFDB.getAdapter().getCount(); } favDB.insertFavURL(file, type); } } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { menu.clear(); menu.add(0, INSTALL, 0, "Install Roms").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_agenda); menu.add(0, DELETE, 0, "Delete Machine").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_close_clear_cancel); menu.add(0, EXPORT, 0, "Export Machines").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_save); menu.add(0, IMPORT, 0, "Import Machines").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_send); menu.add(0, HELP, 0, "Help").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_help); menu.add(0, CHANGELOG, 0, "Changelog").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_help); menu.add(0, LICENSE, 0, "License").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_help); menu.add(0, QUIT, 0, "Exit").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_lock_power_off); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) { super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); if (item.getItemId() == this.INSTALL) { this.install(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.DELETE) { this.onDeleteMachine(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.EXPORT) { this.onExportMachines(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.IMPORT) { this.onImportMachines(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.HELP) { this.onHelp(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.CHANGELOG) { this.onChangeLog(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.LICENSE) { this.onLicense(); } else if (item.getItemId() == this.QUIT) { this.exit(); } return true; } public void stopVM(boolean exit) { if (vmexecutor == null && !exit) { Log.v(TAG, "Not running VM..."); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.VM_NOTRUNNING); return; } new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("Shutdown VM") .setMessage("To avoid any corrupt data make sure you " + "have already shutdown the Operating system from within the VM. Continue?") .setPositiveButton("Yes", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (LimboActivity.vmexecutor != null) { LimboActivity.vmexecutor.stopvm(0); } else if (activity.getParent() != null) { activity.getParent().finish(); } else { activity.finish(); } } }).setNegativeButton("No", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } }).show(); } public void saveStateDB(String snapshot_name) { currMachine.snapshot_name = snapshot_name; int ret = machineDB.deleteMachine(currMachine); ret = machineDB.insertMachine(currMachine); if (this.snapshotAdapter.getPosition(snapshot_name) < 0) { this.snapshotAdapter.add(snapshot_name); } } public void stopTimeListener() { // Log.v("Limbo", "Stopping Listener"); synchronized (this.lockTime) { this.timeQuit = true; this.lockTime.notifyAll(); } } public void onPause() { super.onPause(); Log.v("Limbo", "Limbo Console Pause"); this.stopTimeListener(); } public void onResume() { super.onResume(); Log.v("Limbo", "Limbo Console Resume"); execTimeListener(); } public void timeListener() { while (timeQuit != true) { if (vmexecutor != null) { String status = checkStatus(); if (!status.equals(currStatus)) { currStatus = status; Log.v("Inside", "Status changed: " + status); sendHandlerMessage(handler, Const.STATUS_CHANGED, "status_changed", status); } } // Log.v("Inside", "Status: " + currStatus); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Log.v("Limbo", "Could not sleep"); } } // Log.v("Limbo", "Limbo Stopped"); } void execTimeListener() { // Log.v("Limbo", "ExecTImeListener"); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { startTimeListener(); } }); t.start(); } public void startTimeListener() { this.stopTimeListener(); timeQuit = false; try { // Log.v("Listener", "Time Listener Started..."); timeListener(); synchronized (lockTime) { while (timeQuit == false) { lockTime.wait(); } lockTime.notifyAll(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); Log.v("Limbo", "Time listener thread error: " + ex.getMessage()); } // Log.v("Listener", "Time listener thread exited..."); } private String checkStatus() { String state = "READY"; if (vmexecutor != null && vmexecutor.libLoaded && vmexecutor.get_state().equals("RUNNING")) { state = "RUNNING"; } else if (vmexecutor != null) { String save_state = vmexecutor.get_save_state(); // Log.v("Listener", "Save State: " + save_state); if (save_state.equals("SAVING")) { state = save_state; } else { state = "READY"; } } else { state = "READY"; } return state; } }