Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012-2015 Rafal Lewczuk <> * <p/> * This is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * <p/> * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * <p/> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software. If not, see <>. */ package com.jitlogic.zico.client.views.traces; import com.jitlogic.zico.widgets.client.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jitlogic.zico.client.ClientUtil; import com.jitlogic.zico.client.api.TraceDataService; import com.jitlogic.zico.client.resources.Resources; import com.jitlogic.zico.client.inject.PanelFactory; import; import; import; import com.jitlogic.zico.widgets.client.MenuItem; import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method; import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.MethodCallback; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class TraceCallTreePanel extends Composite { interface TraceCallTreePanelUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, TraceCallTreePanel> { } private static TraceCallTreePanelUiBinder ourUiBinder = GWT.create(TraceCallTreePanelUiBinder.class); @UiField DockLayoutPanel panel; @UiField(provided = true) Resources resources; @UiField ToolButton btnParentMethod; @UiField ToolButton btnSlowestMethod; @UiField ToolButton btnErrorMethod; @UiField ToolButton btnExpandAll; @UiField ToolButton btnSearch; @UiField ToolButton btnSearchPrev; @UiField ToolButton btnSearchNext; @UiField(provided = true) DataGrid<TraceRecordInfo> grid; private static final ProvidesKey<TraceRecordInfo> KEY_PROVIDER = new ProvidesKey<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public Object getKey(TraceRecordInfo item) { return item.getPath(); } }; private TraceInfo trace; private TraceDataService traceDataService; private TraceRecordSearchDialog searchDialog; private PanelFactory panelFactory; private SingleSelectionModel<TraceRecordInfo> selection; private ListDataProvider<TraceRecordInfo> data; private TraceCallTableBuilder rowBuilder; private Set<String> expandedDetails = new HashSet<String>(); private PopupMenu contextMenu; private boolean fullyExpanded; private List<TraceRecordInfo> searchResults = new ArrayList<TraceRecordInfo>(); private int curentSearchResultIdx = -1; private MessageDisplay md; private final String MDS; @Inject public TraceCallTreePanel(TraceDataService traceDataService, PanelFactory panelFactory, MessageDisplay md, @Assisted TraceInfo trace) { = md; this.traceDataService = traceDataService; this.panelFactory = panelFactory; this.trace = trace; this.MDS = "TraceCallTree:" + trace.getHostName() + ":" + trace.getDataOffs(); this.resources = Resources.INSTANCE; createCallTreeGrid(); ourUiBinder.createAndBindUi(this); initWidget(panel); btnSearchPrev.setEnabled(false); btnSearchNext.setEnabled(false); createContextMenu(); loadData(false, null); } private final static String SMALL_CELL_CSS = Resources.INSTANCE.zicoCssResources().traceSmallCell(); private final static String SMALL_CELL_CSS_R = Resources.INSTANCE.zicoCssResources().traceSmallCellR(); private void createCallTreeGrid() { grid = new DataGrid<TraceRecordInfo>(1024 * 1024, ZicoDataGridResources.INSTANCE, KEY_PROVIDER); selection = new SingleSelectionModel<TraceRecordInfo>(KEY_PROVIDER); grid.setSelectionModel(selection); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colExpander = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>( DETAIL_EXPANDER_CELL); grid.addColumn(colExpander, "#"); grid.setColumnWidth(colExpander, 32, Style.Unit.PX); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colMethodName = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>( METHOD_TREE_CELL); grid.addColumn(colMethodName, new ResizableHeader<TraceRecordInfo>("Method", grid, colMethodName)); grid.setColumnWidth(colMethodName, 100, Style.Unit.PCT); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colTime = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>(METHOD_TIME_CELL); grid.addColumn(colTime, new ResizableHeader<TraceRecordInfo>("Time", grid, colTime)); grid.setColumnWidth(colTime, 60, Style.Unit.PX); colTime.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colCTime = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>(METHOD_CTIME_CELL); grid.addColumn(colCTime, new ResizableHeader<TraceRecordInfo>("CTime", grid, colTime)); grid.setColumnWidth(colCTime, 60, Style.Unit.PX); colCTime.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colCalls = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>(METHOD_CALLS_CELL); grid.addColumn(colCalls, new ResizableHeader<TraceRecordInfo>("Calls", grid, colCalls)); grid.setColumnWidth(colCalls, 60, Style.Unit.PX); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colErrors = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>( METHOD_ERRORS_CELL); grid.addColumn(colErrors, new ResizableHeader<TraceRecordInfo>("Errors", grid, colErrors)); grid.setColumnWidth(colErrors, 60, Style.Unit.PX); Column<TraceRecordInfo, TraceRecordInfo> colPct = new IdentityColumn<TraceRecordInfo>(METHOD_PCT_CELL); grid.addColumn(colPct, new ResizableHeader<TraceRecordInfo>("Pct", grid, colPct)); grid.setColumnWidth(colPct, 60, Style.Unit.PX); rowBuilder = new TraceCallTableBuilder(grid, expandedDetails); grid.setTableBuilder(rowBuilder); // Disable hovering "features" overall to improve performance on big trees. grid.setSkipRowHoverStyleUpdate(true); grid.setSkipRowHoverFloatElementCheck(true); grid.setSkipRowHoverCheck(true); grid.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy.KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); grid.addCellPreviewHandler(new CellPreviewEvent.Handler<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<TraceRecordInfo> event) { NativeEvent nev = event.getNativeEvent(); String eventType = nev.getType(); if ((BrowserEvents.KEYDOWN.equals(eventType) && nev.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) || BrowserEvents.DBLCLICK.equals(nev.getType())) { TraceRecordInfo tr = event.getValue(); panelFactory.methodAttrsDialog(trace.getHostName(), trace.getDataOffs(), tr.getPath(), 0L) .asPopupWindow().show(); } if (BrowserEvents.CONTEXTMENU.equals(eventType)) { selection.setSelected(event.getValue(), true); contextMenu.setPopupPosition(event.getNativeEvent().getClientX(), event.getNativeEvent().getClientY());; } } }); grid.addDomHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() { @Override public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); } }, DoubleClickEvent.getType()); grid.addDomHandler(new ContextMenuHandler() { @Override public void onContextMenu(ContextMenuEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); } }, ContextMenuEvent.getType()); data = new ListDataProvider<TraceRecordInfo>(); data.addDataDisplay(grid); } private void createContextMenu() { contextMenu = new PopupMenu(); MenuItem mnuMethodAttrs = new MenuItem("Trace Attributes", Resources.INSTANCE.methodAttrsIcon(), new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { TraceRecordInfo tr = selection.getSelectedObject(); if (tr != null) { panelFactory .methodAttrsDialog(trace.getHostName(), trace.getDataOffs(), tr.getPath(), 0L) .asPopupWindow().show(); } } }); contextMenu.addItem(mnuMethodAttrs); } @UiHandler("btnSearch") void doSearch(ClickEvent e) { if (searchDialog == null) { searchDialog = panelFactory.traceRecordSearchDialog(this, trace); } searchDialog.asPopupWindow().show(); } public void setResults(List<TraceRecordInfo> results, int idx) { this.searchResults = results; goToResult(idx); } private void goToResult(final int idx) { // Tree has to be fully expanded in order to search results if (!fullyExpanded) { this.loadData(true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { goToResult(idx); } }); return; } String path = searchResults.get(idx).getPath(); if (path.length() == 0) { path = "/"; } List<TraceRecordInfo> lst = data.getList(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { TraceRecordInfo tr = lst.get(i); String trPath = "/" + tr.getPath(); if (trPath.equals(path)) { selection.setSelected(tr, true); grid.getRowElement(i).scrollIntoView(); break; } } curentSearchResultIdx = idx; btnSearchPrev.setEnabled(idx > 0); btnSearchNext.setEnabled(idx < searchResults.size() - 1); } private void loadData(final boolean recursive, final Runnable action) { if (recursive) { btnExpandAll.setEnabled(false); } data.getList().clear(); if (recursive) { fullyExpanded = true; }, "Loading data. Please wait ..."); TraceRecordListQuery q = new TraceRecordListQuery(); q.setHostName(trace.getHostName()); q.setTraceOffs(trace.getDataOffs()); q.setMinTime(0); q.setPath(null); q.setRecursive(recursive); traceDataService.listRecords(q, new MethodCallback<List<TraceRecordInfo>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable e) { md.error(MDS, "Error loading trace data", e); } @Override public void onSuccess(Method method, List<TraceRecordInfo> response) { data.setList(response); if (action != null) {; } if (response.size() > 1) { grid.getRowElement(0).scrollIntoView(); } md.clear(MDS); } }); } @UiHandler("btnParentMethod") void findParent(ClickEvent e) { TraceRecordInfo rec = selection.getSelectedObject(); if (rec == null) { return; } List<TraceRecordInfo> recList = data.getList(); int nsegs = rec.getPath().split("/").length; TraceRecordInfo prec = rec; int idx = 0; for (idx = recList.indexOf(rec) - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { prec = recList.get(idx); if (prec.getPath().split("/").length < nsegs) { break; } } selection.setSelected(prec, true); grid.getRowElement(idx >= 0 ? idx : 0).scrollIntoView(); } @UiHandler("btnErrorMethod") void findErrorMethod(ClickEvent e) { if (!fullyExpanded) { this.loadData(true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { findErrorMethod(null); } }); return; } TraceRecordInfo rec = selection.getSelectedObject(); List<TraceRecordInfo> recList = data.getList(); if (rec == null) { rec = recList.get(0); } for (int i = recList.indexOf(rec) + 1; i < recList.size(); i++) { TraceRecordInfo tr = recList.get(i); if (tr.getExceptionInfo() != null) { selection.setSelected(tr, true); grid.getRowElement(i).scrollIntoView(); break; } } } @UiHandler("btnSlowestMethod") void findSlowestMethod(ClickEvent e) { TraceRecordInfo rec = selection.getSelectedObject(); List<TraceRecordInfo> recList = data.getList(); if (rec == null) { rec = recList.get(0); } TraceRecordInfo lrec = null; int lidx = -1, startIdx = recList.indexOf(rec); if (rec.getChildren() > 0 && !isExpanded(startIdx)) { doExpand(rec); return; } if (startIdx + 1 < recList.size()) { for (int idx = startIdx + 1; idx < recList.size(); idx++) { TraceRecordInfo r = recList.get(idx); if (r.getPath().startsWith(rec.getPath())) { if (lrec == null || r.getTime() > lrec.getTime()) { lrec = r; lidx = idx; } } else { break; } } } else { return; } if (lrec != null) { selection.setSelected(lrec, true); grid.getRowElement(lidx).scrollIntoView(); if (!isExpanded(lidx)) { doExpand(lrec); } } } @UiHandler("btnExpandAll") void expandAll(ClickEvent e) { loadData(true, null); } @UiHandler("btnSearchPrev") void goPrevResult(ClickEvent e) { goToResult(curentSearchResultIdx - 1); } @UiHandler("btnSearchNext") void goNextResult(ClickEvent e) { goToResult(curentSearchResultIdx + 1); } private void doExpand(final TraceRecordInfo rec) {, "Loading trace data..."); TraceRecordListQuery q = new TraceRecordListQuery(); q.setHostName(trace.getHostName()); ; q.setTraceOffs(trace.getDataOffs()); q.setMinTime(0); q.setPath(rec.getPath()); q.setRecursive(false); traceDataService.listRecords(q, new MethodCallback<List<TraceRecordInfo>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable e) { md.error(MDS, "Error loading trace data", e); } @Override public void onSuccess(Method method, List<TraceRecordInfo> records) { List<TraceRecordInfo> list = data.getList(); int idx = list.indexOf(rec) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { list.add(idx + i, records.get(i)); } md.clear(MDS); } }); } private void doCollapse(TraceRecordInfo rec) { List<TraceRecordInfo> list = data.getList(); int idx = list.indexOf(rec) + 1; while (idx < list.size() && list.get(idx).getPath().startsWith(rec.getPath())) { list.remove(idx); } } private void toggleSubtree(TraceRecordInfo rec) { if (rec.getChildren() > 0) { if (isExpanded(rec)) { doCollapse(rec); btnExpandAll.setEnabled(true); } else { doExpand(rec); } } grid.redrawRow(data.getList().indexOf(rec)); } private boolean isExpanded(TraceRecordInfo rec) { int idx = data.getList().indexOf(rec); return idx >= 0 ? isExpanded(idx) : false; } private boolean isExpanded(int idx) { List<TraceRecordInfo> lst = data.getList(); if (idx < lst.size() - 1) { TraceRecordInfo tr = lst.get(idx), ntr = lst.get(idx + 1); return tr != null && ntr != null && ntr.getPath().startsWith(tr.getPath()); } else { return false; } } private void toggleDetails(TraceRecordInfo rec) { String path = rec.getPath(); if (expandedDetails.contains(path)) { expandedDetails.remove(path); } else { expandedDetails.add(path); } grid.redrawRow(data.getList().indexOf(rec)); } private static final String PLUS_HTML = AbstractImagePrototype.create(Resources.INSTANCE.treePlusSlimIcon()) .getHTML(); private static final String MINUS_HTML = AbstractImagePrototype.create(Resources.INSTANCE.treeMinusSlimIcon()) .getHTML(); private static final String EXPANDER_EXPAND = AbstractImagePrototype.create(Resources.INSTANCE.expanderExpand()) .getHTML(); private static final String EXPANDER_COLLAPSE = AbstractImagePrototype .create(Resources.INSTANCE.expanderCollapse()).getHTML(); private final Cell<TraceRecordInfo> METHOD_TREE_CELL = new AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo>("click") { @Override public void render(Context context, TraceRecordInfo tr, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { String path = tr.getPath(); int offs = path != null && path.length() > 0 ? (path.split("/").length) * 24 : 0; String color = tr.getExceptionInfo() != null ? "red" : tr.getAttributes() != null ? "blue" : "black"; sb.appendHtmlConstant( "<div style=\"margin-left: " + offs + "px; color: " + color + ";margin-top: 3px;\">"); if (tr.getChildren() > 0) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<span style=\"cursor: pointer;\">"); sb.appendHtmlConstant(isExpanded(context.getIndex()) ? MINUS_HTML : PLUS_HTML); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</span>"); } sb.appendHtmlConstant("<span style=\"vertical-align: top;\">"); sb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(tr.getMethod())); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</span></div>"); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, TraceRecordInfo rec, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<TraceRecordInfo> valueUpdater) { super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, rec, event, valueUpdater); EventTarget eventTarget = event.getEventTarget(); if ( { Element target = eventTarget.cast(); if ("IMG".equalsIgnoreCase(target.getTagName())) { toggleSubtree(rec); } } } }; private AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo> METHOD_TIME_CELL = new AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void render(Context context, TraceRecordInfo rec, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"" + SMALL_CELL_CSS_R + "\">"); sb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(ClientUtil.formatDuration(rec.getTime()))); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); } }; private AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo> METHOD_CTIME_CELL = new AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void render(Context context, TraceRecordInfo rec, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"" + SMALL_CELL_CSS_R + "\">"); sb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(ClientUtil.formatDuration(rec.getCtime()))); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); } }; private AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo> METHOD_CALLS_CELL = new AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void render(Context context, TraceRecordInfo rec, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"" + SMALL_CELL_CSS_R + "\">"); sb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString("" + rec.getCalls())); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); } }; private AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo> METHOD_ERRORS_CELL = new AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void render(Context context, TraceRecordInfo rec, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"" + SMALL_CELL_CSS_R + "\">"); sb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString("" + rec.getErrors())); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); } }; private AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo> METHOD_PCT_CELL = new AbstractCell<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void render(Context context, TraceRecordInfo rec, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { double pct = 100.0 * rec.getTime() / trace.getExecutionTime(); String color = "rgb(" + ((int) (pct * 2.49)) + ",0,0)"; sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"" + SMALL_CELL_CSS + "\" style=\"color: " + color + ";\">"); sb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(NumberFormat.getFormat("###.0").format(pct) + "%")); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</div>"); } }; private final Cell<TraceRecordInfo> DETAIL_EXPANDER_CELL = new ActionCell<TraceRecordInfo>("", new ActionCell.Delegate<TraceRecordInfo>() { @Override public void execute(TraceRecordInfo rec) { toggleDetails(rec); } }) { @Override public void render(Cell.Context context, TraceRecordInfo tr, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { if ((tr.getAttributes() != null && tr.getAttributes().size() > 0) || tr.getExceptionInfo() != null) { sb.appendHtmlConstant("<span style=\"cursor: pointer;\">"); sb.appendHtmlConstant(expandedDetails.contains(tr.getPath()) ? EXPANDER_COLLAPSE : EXPANDER_EXPAND); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</span>"); } } }; }