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 * Copyright 2015, The IKANOW Open Source Project.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.utils;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory;

import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.Tuple3;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataBucketBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataSchemaBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BeanTemplateUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BucketUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Lambdas;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Optionals;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Patterns;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Tuples;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean.CollidePolicy;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.shared.crud.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchContext;


/** A collection of utilities for converting buckets into Elasticsearch attributes
 * @author Alex
public class ElasticsearchIndexUtils {

    public static final String CUSTOM_META = "_meta";
    public static final String CUSTOM_META_SECONDARY = "secondary_buffer";
    public static final String CUSTOM_META_BUCKET = "bucket_path";
    public static final String CUSTOM_META_IS_PRIMARY = "is_primary"; //"true" or "false" 

    public final static String DEFAULT_TOKENIZATION_TYPE = "_default_";
    public final static String NO_TOKENIZATION_TYPE = "_none_";
    protected final static String STRING_OVERRIDE_NAME = "__OVERRIDE_STRING_FIELDS__";



    /** Returns the base index name (before any date strings, splits etc) have been appended
     *  Generated by taking 1-3 directories from the path and then appening the end of a UUID
     * @param bucket
     * @param secondary_buffer - for "ping pong" buffers
     * @return
    public static String getBaseIndexName(final DataBucketBean bucket, final Optional<String> secondary_buffer) {

        final Optional<String> override_string = Optionals
                .<String>of(() -> ((String) bucket.data_schema().search_index_schema().technology_override_schema()

        return override_string.orElseGet(() -> {
            return BucketUtils.getUniqueSignature(bucket.full_name(), secondary_buffer);

    /** Returns a readable copy of the base name  (before any date strings, splits etc)
     *  Uses the read alias that all non-overridden indexes have
     * @param bucket
     * @return
    public static String getReadableBaseIndexName(final DataBucketBean bucket) {
        final Optional<String> override_string = Optionals
                .<String>of(() -> ((String) bucket.data_schema().search_index_schema().technology_override_schema()

        return override_string.orElseGet(() -> {
            return ElasticsearchContext.READ_PREFIX
                    + BucketUtils.getUniqueSignature(bucket.full_name(), Optional.empty());

    /** Returns either a specific type name, or "_default_" if auto types are used
     * @param bucket
     * @return
    public static String getTypeKey(final DataBucketBean bucket, final ObjectMapper mapper) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(bucket.data_schema()).map(DataSchemaBean::search_index_schema)
                .filter(s -> Optional.ofNullable(s.enabled()).orElse(true))
                .map(t -> BeanTemplateUtils
                        .from(mapper.convertValue(t, JsonNode.class), SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean.class).get())
                .<String>map(cfg -> {
                    return Patterns.match(cfg.collide_policy()).<String>andReturn()
                            .when(cp -> SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean.CollidePolicy.error == cp,
                                    __ -> Optional.ofNullable(cfg.type_name_or_prefix())
                                            .orElse(ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.DEFAULT_FIXED_TYPE_NAME)) // (ie falls through to default below)
                            .otherwise(__ -> null);
                }).orElse("_default_"); // (the default - "auto type")

    /** Grabs the data suffix (including the leading "_") away from the full index (well, assuming it doesn't include the buffer #)
     * @param index_name - in the format <base_index>[_<secondary>]__<id>[_date] NOTE WITH NO BUFFER NUMBER AT THE END
     * @return
    public static Optional<String> snagDateFormatFromIndex(final String index_name) {
        return Optional.of(index_name).map(s -> Tuples._2T(s, s.lastIndexOf("__"))) // find the __<id>
                .filter(t2 -> t2._2() >= 0).map(t2 -> t2._1().substring(t2._2() + 2)) // step over the __
                //  then same(-ish) again to find the date 
                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(s, s.indexOf("_"))) // find the _<date>[_segment]
                .filter(t2 -> t2._2() >= 0).map(t2 -> t2._1().substring(t2._2())) // return the _<date>[_segment]
                .filter(substr -> substr.length() > 3) // get rid of just [_segment] case
                .map(substr -> { // remove the _segment if present
                    final int segment = substr.lastIndexOf("_");
                    if (segment > 0) { //>0 because of the leading _
                        return substr.substring(0, segment);
                    } else {
                        return substr;

    /** Utility that returns a set of types for the specified (comma separated indexes)
     * @param client
     * @param index_list
     * @return
    public static Multimap<String, String> getTypesForIndex(final Client client, final String index_list) {
        return Arrays
                .map(obj -> (IndexMetaData) obj)
                        (acc, v) -> Optionals.streamOf(v.getMappings().keysIt(), false)
                                .filter(t -> !t.equals("_default_")).forEach(t -> acc.put(v.index(), t)),
                        (acc1, acc2) -> {
                            return acc1;



    /** Builds a lookup table of settings 
     * @param mapping - the mapping to use
     * @param type - if the index has a specific type, lookup that and _default_ ; otherwise just _default
     * @return
    public static LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> parseDefaultMapping(
            final JsonNode mapping, final Optional<String> type,
            final Optional<DataSchemaBean.SearchIndexSchemaBean> maybe_search_index_schema,
            final Optional<DataSchemaBean.DocumentSchemaBean> maybe_document_schema,
            final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override, final ObjectMapper mapper) {
        //(see similar code in createComplexStringLookups)
        final boolean tokenize_by_default = -> schema.tokenize_by_default())
        final boolean dual_tokenize_by_default = Optional

        final JsonNode default_string_mapping = ((ObjectNode) (ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getMapping(
                Tuples._2T(tokenize_by_default, dual_tokenize_by_default), search_index_schema_override, mapper,
                true))).put(TYPE_MATCH_NAME, "string").put(PATH_MATCH_NAME, "*");

        // (this is always not tokenized but inherits dual tokenization)
        final ObjectNode not_analyzed_field = ((ObjectNode) (ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getMapping(
                Tuples._2T(false, dual_tokenize_by_default), search_index_schema_override, mapper, true)))
                        .put(TYPE_MATCH_NAME, "string");

        final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> ret = Optional
                .ofNullable(mapping.get("mappings")).map(m -> {
                    if (!m.isObject())
                        throw new RuntimeException("mappings must be object");
                    return m;
                .map(m -> Optional.ofNullable(m.get(type.orElse("_default_")))
                        .map(mm -> !mm.isNull() ? mm : m.get("_default_")).orElse(m.get("_default_")))
                .filter(m -> !m.isNull()).map(i -> {
                    if (!i.isObject())
                        throw new RuntimeException(type + " must be object");
                    return i;
                }).map(i -> {
                    // OK so I have a list of dynamic_templates, and a list of properties - and then a set of string defaults to apply
                    // 1) want to leave the properties alone
                    // 2) then the tokenization overrides from createComplexStringLookups
                    // 3) then the existing templates
                    final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> override_props = createComplexStringLookups(
                            maybe_search_index_schema, search_index_schema_override, mapper);

                    // ensure string doc fields aren't analyzed
                    final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String> type_override = maybe_search_index_schema
                            .map(s -> s.type_override()).map(m -> buildTypeMap(m)).orElse(Collections.emptyMap());

                    final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> doc_props = maybe_document_schema
                            .map(ds -> ds.deduplication_fields())
                            .<Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>map(fields -> {
                                return -> !override_props.containsKey(Either.left(f)))
                                        .filter(f -> !override_props.containsKey(Either.right(Tuples._2T(f, "*"))))
                                        .filter(f -> !type_override.containsKey(Either.left(f)))
                                        .filter(f -> !type_override.containsKey(Either.right(Tuples._2T(f, "*"))))
                                        .<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>map(
                                                f -> Tuples._2T(Either.right(Tuples._2T(f, "string")),
                                                        not_analyzed_field.deepCopy().put(PATH_MATCH_NAME, f)))
                                                (Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> t2) -> t2
                                                t2 -> t2._2()));

                    final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> props = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    props.putAll(doc_props); // (put these first - though actually i'm fixing the order with an explicit sort in the columnar section)

                    // extra mappings and extra templates
                    Optionals.of(() -> search_index_schema_override.extra_field_mappings())
                            .map(o -> mapper.convertValue(o, JsonNode.class)).ifPresent(j -> {
                                props.putAll(getTemplates(j, default_string_mapping, props.keySet()));

                    // full mappings at the end
                    props.putAll(getTemplates(i, default_string_mapping, props.keySet()));

                    return props;
                }).orElse(new LinkedHashMap<>());

        return ret;

    /**  Recursive function that will return all fields in an insert (eg "geoip", "geoip.location")
     * @param index
     * @return
    protected static Stream<String> getAllFixedFields_internal(final JsonNode index) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(index.get("properties")).filter(p -> !p.isNull()).map(p -> {
            if (!p.isObject())
                throw new RuntimeException("properties must be object");
            return p;
        }).map(p -> {
            return, Spliterator.ORDERED), false)
                    .map(kv -> {
                        return kv;
                    }).<String>flatMap(kv -> {
                        final Stream<String> parent_element = Stream.of(kv.getKey());
                        return Stream.concat(parent_element,
                                getAllFixedFields_internal(kv.getValue()).map(s -> kv.getKey() + "." + s));

    /** Top level function to return the fixed fields that we need to exclude from auto type generation
     * @param mapping - the top level mapping
     * @return
    public static Set<String> getAllFixedFields(final JsonNode mapping) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(mapping.get("mappings")).filter(p -> !p.isNull()).filter(p -> p.isObject())
                .flatMap(p -> Optional.ofNullable(p.get("_default_"))).filter(p -> !p.isNull())
                .filter(p -> p.isObject()).map(p -> getAllFixedFields_internal(p).collect(Collectors.toSet()))

    /** Get a set of field mappings from the "properties" section of a mapping
     * @param index
     * @return
    protected static LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> getProperties(
            final JsonNode index) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(index.get("properties")).filter(p -> !p.isNull()).map(p -> {
            if (!p.isObject())
                throw new RuntimeException("properties must be object");
            return p;
        }).map(p -> {
            return, Spliterator.ORDERED), false)
                    .map(kv -> {
                        if (!kv.getValue().has("type") && !kv.getValue().has("properties"))
                            throw new RuntimeException(SearchIndexErrorUtils
                                    .get("field {0} must have a 'type' or 'properties' sub-field", kv.getKey()));
                        return kv;
                            Collectors.<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>, Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode, LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>toMap(
                                    kv -> Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>left(kv.getKey()),
                                    kv -> kv.getValue(), (v1, v2) -> v1, // (should never happen)
                                    () -> new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>()));
        }).orElse(new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>());

    /** Get a set of field mappings from the "dynamic_templates" section of a mapping
     * @param index
     * @return
    protected static LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> getTemplates(
            final JsonNode index, final JsonNode default_string_mapping,
            final Set<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>> already_processed) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(index.get("dynamic_templates")).filter(p -> !p.isNull()).map(p -> {
            if (!p.isArray())
                throw new RuntimeException("dynamic_templates must be object");
            return p;
        }).map(p -> {
            return StreamSupport
                    .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(p.elements(), Spliterator.ORDERED), false)
                    .map(pf -> {
                        if (!pf.isObject())
                            throw new RuntimeException("dynamic_templates[*] must be object");
                        return pf;
                    .flatMap(pp -> StreamSupport
                            .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(pp.fields(), Spliterator.ORDERED), false))
                    .filter(kv -> !kv.getKey().equals(STRING_OVERRIDE_NAME)
                            || !already_processed.contains(Either.right(Tuples._2T("*", "string")))) // (don't override a specified string)
                    .map(kv -> !kv.getKey().equals(STRING_OVERRIDE_NAME) ? kv
                            : Maps.immutableEntry(kv.getKey(), default_string_mapping)) //(special case - overwrite with system default)
                            Collectors.<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>, Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode, LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>toMap(
                                    kv -> Either.right(buildMatchPair(kv.getValue())), kv -> kv.getValue(),
                                    (v1, v2) -> v1, // (should never happen)
                                    () -> new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>()));
        }).orElse(new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>());

    private static final String RAW_MATCH_NAME = "match"; //(only use this to read, never set)
    private static final String PATH_MATCH_NAME = "path_match";
    private static final String TYPE_MATCH_NAME = "match_mapping_type";

    /** Builds a match pair from a field mapping
     * @param template
     * @return
    protected static Tuple2<String, String> buildMatchPair(final JsonNode template) {
        return Tuples._2T(
                Optional.ofNullable(template.get(RAW_MATCH_NAME)).map(j -> j.asText()).orElse(
                        Optional.ofNullable(template.get(PATH_MATCH_NAME)).map(j -> j.asText()).orElse("*")),
                Optional.ofNullable(template.get(TYPE_MATCH_NAME)).map(j -> j.asText()).orElse("*"));

    /** Creates a single string from a match/match_mapping_type pair
     * @param field_info
     * @return
    protected static String getFieldNameFromMatchPair(final Tuple2<String, String> field_info) {
        return field_info._1().replace("*", "STAR").replace(".", "DOT").replace("_", "BAR") + "_"
                + field_info._2().replace("*", "STAR");



    // Quick guide to mappings
    // under mappings you can specify either
    // - specific types
    // - _default_, which applies to anything that doesn't match that type
    //   - then under each type (or _default_)..
    //      - you can specify dynamic_templates/properties/_all/dynamic_date_formats/date_detection/numeric_detection
    //         - under properties you can then specify types and then fields
    //         - under dynamic_templates you can specify fields
    //           - under fields you can specify type/fielddata(*)/similarity/analyzer/etc
    // (*)
    // OK so we can specify parts of mappings in the following ways:
    // - COLUMNAR: 
    //   - based on field name .. maps to path_match
    //   - based on type .. maps to match_mapping_type
    //   (and then for these columnar types we want to specify 
    //      "type": "{dynamic_type}", "index": "no", "fielddata": { "format": "doc_values" } // (or disabled)
    //      but potentially would like to be able to add more info as well/instead
    //      so maybe need a default and then per-key override
    // OK ... then in addition, we want to be able to set other elements of the search from the search override schema
    // The simplest way of doing this is probably just to force matching on fields/patterns and then to merge them



    /** Creates a mapping for the bucket - temporal elements
     * @param bucket
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
    public static XContentBuilder getTemporalMapping(final DataBucketBean bucket,
            final Optional<XContentBuilder> to_embed) {
        try {
            final XContentBuilder start = to_embed.orElse(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject());
            if (!Optional.ofNullable(bucket.data_schema()).map(DataSchemaBean::temporal_schema)
                    .filter(s -> Optional.ofNullable(s.enabled()).orElse(true)).isPresent())
                return start;

            // Nothing to be done here

            return start;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //Handle fake "IOException"
            return null;



    // (Few constants to tidy stuff up)
    protected final static String BACKUP_FIELD_MAPPING_PROPERTIES = "{\"index\":\"not_analyzed\"}";
    protected final static String BACKUP_FIELD_MAPPING_TEMPLATES = "{\"mapping\":" + BACKUP_FIELD_MAPPING_PROPERTIES
            + "}";
    protected final static String DEFAULT_FIELDDATA_NAME = "_default_";
    protected final static String DISABLED_FIELDDATA = "{\"format\":\"disabled\"}";

    /** Util to prevent nested fields from being treated as properties
     * @param s
     * @return
    public static Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>> getKey(String s) {
        return s.contains(".") ? Either.right(Tuples._2T(s, "*")) : Either.left(s);

    /** Utility to build a lookup map based on a columnar schema
     * @param columnar_schema
     * @return
    protected static Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, Boolean> createComplexStringLookups_partial(
            final DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean columnar_schema) {
        return Stream
                .<Stream<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, Boolean>>>of(
                                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(getKey(s), true)),
                                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(getKey(s), false)),
                                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(
                                        Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>right(Tuples._2T(s, "*")), true)),
                                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(
                                        Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>right(Tuples._2T(s, "*")), false)),
                                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(
                                        Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>right(Tuples._2T("*", s)), true)),
                                .map(s -> Tuples._2T(
                                        Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>right(Tuples._2T("*", s)), false)))
                .flatMap(__ -> __).collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2()));

    /** Returns a JsonNode with the field's mapping
     * @param tokenize_dual
     * @param defaults
     * @return
    protected static JsonNode getMapping(final Tuple2<Boolean, Boolean> tokenize_dual,
            final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean defaults, final ObjectMapper mapper, boolean is_dynamic_template) {
        return Optional
                        .when(td -> td.equals(Tuples._2T(true, true)),
                                __ -> mapper.convertValue(defaults.dual_tokenized_string_field(), JsonNode.class))
                        .when(td -> td.equals(Tuples._2T(true, false)),
                                __ -> mapper.convertValue(defaults.tokenized_string_field(), JsonNode.class))
                        .when(td -> td.equals(Tuples._2T(false, true)),
                                __ -> mapper.convertValue(defaults.dual_untokenized_string_field(), JsonNode.class))
                        .when(td -> td.equals(Tuples._2T(false, false)),
                                __ -> mapper.convertValue(defaults.untokenized_string_field(), JsonNode.class))
                .map(j -> is_dynamic_template ? mapper.createObjectNode().set("mapping", j) : j).get();


    /** Builds an inverted type map (type not inserted into tuple2 key to allow it to match against types)
     * @param types
     * @return
    public static Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String> buildTypeMap(
            final Map<String, DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean> types) {
        return types.entrySet().stream().flatMap(kv -> {
            return Stream
                    .<Stream<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String>>>of(Optionals
                            .map(s -> Tuples._2T(getKey(s), kv.getKey())),
                                    .map(s -> Tuples._2T(
                                            Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>right(Tuples._2T(s, "*")),
                    .<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String>>flatMap(__ -> __);

        }).collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2()));

    /** Converts a fully specified non-nested field into a property
     * @param in
     * @return
    //   protected static Map.Entry<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> convertTemplateToProperty(final Map.Entry<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> in) {
    //      return Patterns.match(in.getKey()).<Map.Entry<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>andReturn()
    //               .when(k -> k.isRight() && !k.right().value()._1().contains("*") && !k.right().value()._2().contains("*") && !k.right().value()._2().contains("*"), k -> {
    //                  return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>(Either.left(k.right().value()._1()), in.getValue().get("mapping"));
    //               })
    //               .otherwise(__ -> in)
    //               ;
    //   }

    /** Utility to build a lookup map based on a columnar schema
     * @param columnar_schema
     * @return
    protected static Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> createComplexStringLookups(
            final Optional<DataSchemaBean.SearchIndexSchemaBean> maybe_search_index_schema,
            final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override, final ObjectMapper mapper) {
        // (see similar code in parseDefaultMapping)
        final boolean tokenize_by_default = -> s.tokenize_by_default())
        final boolean dual_tokenize_by_default = Optional

        // Start with streams of tokenized, non-tokenized, and dual fields
        return Stream
                .of( -> s.tokenization_override())
                        .map(m -> m.get(DEFAULT_TOKENIZATION_TYPE))
                        .map(columnar_schema -> createComplexStringLookups_partial(columnar_schema))
                        .<Tuple3<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, Boolean, Boolean>>map(
                                kv -> Tuples._3T(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue(), null)),
               -> s.tokenization_override())
                                .map(m -> m.get(NO_TOKENIZATION_TYPE))
                                .map(columnar_schema -> createComplexStringLookups_partial(columnar_schema))
                                .<Tuple3<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, Boolean, Boolean>>map(
                                        kv -> Tuples._3T(kv.getKey(), !kv.getValue(), null)),
                                .map(columnar_schema -> createComplexStringLookups_partial(columnar_schema))
                                .<Tuple3<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, Boolean, Boolean>>map(
                                        kv -> Tuples._3T(kv.getKey(), null, kv.getValue())))
                .flatMap(__ -> __)
                // Merge the map
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(t3 -> t3._1(), t3 -> Tuples._2T(t3._2(), t3._3()),
                        // use the existing value, unless it's null in which case overwrite it
                        (t2_1, t2_2) -> Tuples._2T(Optional.ofNullable(t2_1._1()).orElse(t2_2._1()),
                // Now convert to the JSON mapping
                .map(kv -> Tuples._2T(kv.getKey(),
                                search_index_schema_override, mapper, kv.getKey().isRight())))
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2()));

    /** Sorts keys based on how unspecific they are
     *   - anything with no *s first (10 + 1)=11
     *   - then string fields with * type (10 + 3)=13
     *   - then glob fields with fixed type (20 + 1)=21
     *   - then glob fields with * type (20 + 3)=23
     *   - then * fields with fixed type (30 + 1)=31
     *   - then *,* (3 + 30)=33 (30 + 3)=33
     * @param key
     * @return
    protected static int sortKey(Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>> key) {
        return key.either(s -> 0, t2 -> 10 * sortKey(t2._1()) + sortKey(t2._2()));

    /** Sorts a string based on unspecific it is
     * @param field
     * @return
    protected static int sortKey(String field) {
        return Patterns.match(field).<Integer>andReturn().when(k -> k.equals("*"), __ -> 3)
                .when(k -> k.contains("*"), __ -> 2).otherwise(() -> 1);

    /** Creates a mapping for the bucket - columnar elements
     * @param bucket
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
    public static XContentBuilder getColumnarMapping(final DataBucketBean bucket,
            Optional<XContentBuilder> to_embed,
            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> field_lookups,
            final JsonNode enabled_not_analyzed, final JsonNode enabled_analyzed,
            final JsonNode default_not_analyzed, final JsonNode default_analyzed,
            final Optional<JsonNode> doc_schema, final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override,
            final ObjectMapper mapper, final String index_type) {
        try {
            final XContentBuilder start = to_embed.orElse(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject());
            final boolean columnar_enabled = Optional.ofNullable(bucket.data_schema())
                    .map(DataSchemaBean::columnar_schema).filter(s -> Optional.ofNullable(s.enabled()).orElse(true))

            final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String> type_override = Optionals
                    .of(() -> bucket.data_schema().search_index_schema().type_override()).map(m -> buildTypeMap(m))

            // If no columnar settings are specified then go with a sensible default
            final Optional<DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean> maybe_user_columnar_schema = Optionals
                    .of(() -> bucket.data_schema().columnar_schema());
            final DataSchemaBean.ColumnarSchemaBean columnar_schema = maybe_user_columnar_schema
                    .filter(__ -> columnar_enabled).filter(schema -> (null == schema.field_include_list()) && // ie the entire thing is empty
                            (null == schema.field_exclude_list()) && (null == schema.field_include_pattern_list())
                            && (null == schema.field_type_include_list())
                            && (null == schema.field_exclude_pattern_list())
                            && (null == schema.field_type_exclude_list()))
                    .map(schema -> BeanTemplateUtils.clone(schema)
                                    Arrays.asList("string", "number", "date"))
                    .orElseGet(() -> maybe_user_columnar_schema.orElse(null)) // (NOTE: can only be null if columnar_enabled is false)

            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> column_lookups_pretypes = Stream
                            ? createFieldIncludeLookups(
                                    fn -> getKey(fn), field_lookups, enabled_not_analyzed, enabled_analyzed, true,
                                    search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type)
                            : Stream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>empty(),
                                    ? createFieldExcludeLookups(
                                            fn -> getKey(fn), field_lookups, search_index_schema_override,
                                            type_override, mapper, index_type)
                                    : Stream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>empty(),
                                    ? createFieldIncludeLookups(
                                            fn -> Either.right(Tuples._2T(fn, "*")), field_lookups,
                                            enabled_not_analyzed, enabled_analyzed, true,
                                            search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type)
                                    : Stream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>empty(),
                                    ? createFieldIncludeLookups(
                                            fn -> Either.right(Tuples._2T("*", fn)), field_lookups,
                                            enabled_not_analyzed, enabled_analyzed, true,
                                            search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type)
                                    : Stream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>empty(),
                                    ? createFieldExcludeLookups(
                                            fn -> Either.right(Tuples._2T(fn, "*")), field_lookups,
                                            search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type)
                                    : Stream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>empty(),
                                    ? createFieldExcludeLookups(
                                            fn -> Either.right(Tuples._2T("*", fn)), field_lookups,
                                            search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type)
                                    : Stream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>empty(),

                            // Finally add the default columnar lookups to the unmentioned strings (ensures that *_* is at the end)

                                    .flatMap(kv -> createFieldIncludeLookups(Stream.of(kv.getKey().toString()),
                                            __ -> kv.getKey(), field_lookups, default_not_analyzed,
                                            default_analyzed, false, search_index_schema_override, type_override,
                                            mapper, index_type)))
                    .flatMap(x -> x).collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2(), (v1, v2) -> v1, // (ie ignore duplicates)
                            () -> new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>()));

            // Also any types that didn't map onto one of the fields or tokens:
            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> column_lookups_types = type_override
                    // (filter - convert name/* to name/type and check if I've already created such an entry using the type map)
                    .filter(kv -> !column_lookups_pretypes
                            .containsKey(kv.getKey().either(s -> s, t2 -> Tuples._2T(t2._1(), kv.getValue()))))
                    .flatMap(kv -> createFieldIncludeLookups(Stream.of(kv.getKey().toString()),
                            __ -> kv.getKey().<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>>either(s -> Either.left(s),
                                    t2 -> Either.right(Tuples._2T(t2._1(), kv.getValue()))),
                            field_lookups, default_not_analyzed, default_analyzed, false,
                            search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type))
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2._1(), t2 -> t2._2(), (v1, v2) -> v1,
                            () -> new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>()));

            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> column_lookups = Stream
                    .concat(column_lookups_pretypes.entrySet().stream(), column_lookups_types.entrySet().stream())
                    .sorted((a, b) ->, sortKey(b.getKey())))
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(t2 -> t2.getKey(), t2 -> t2.getValue(), (v1, v2) -> v1,
                            () -> new LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>()));

            final XContentBuilder properties = column_lookups.entrySet().stream()
                    // properties not dynamic_templates
                    .filter(kv -> kv.getKey().isLeft())
                    // overwrite with version built using columns if it exists
                    .map(kv -> Tuples._2T(kv.getKey(),
                            column_lookups.getOrDefault(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue())))
                    .reduce(Optional.of(start.startObject("properties")) // add doc_schema if it exists
                            .map(props -> doc_schema
                                    .map(ds -> Optionals.streamOf(ds.fields(), false)
                                                    Lambdas.wrap_u((acc, kv) -> acc.rawField(kv.getKey(),
                                                    (acc1, acc2) -> acc1 // shouldn't be possible
                            Lambdas.wrap_u((acc, t2) -> acc.rawField(t2._1().left().value(),
                                    t2._2().toString().getBytes())), // (left by construction) 
                            (acc1, acc2) -> acc1) // (not actually possible)

            final XContentBuilder templates = column_lookups.entrySet().stream()
                    // properties not dynamic_templates
                    .filter(kv -> kv.getKey().isRight())
                    // overwrite with version built using columns if it exists
                    .map(kv -> Tuples._2T(kv.getKey(), column_lookups.getOrDefault(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue())))
                            Lambdas.wrap_u((acc, t2) -> acc.startObject()
                                            t2._2().toString().getBytes()) // (right by construction)
                            (acc1, acc2) -> acc1) // (not actually possible)

            return templates;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //Handle in-practice-impossible "IOException"
            return null;

    /** Creates a list of JsonNodes containing the mapping for fields that will enable field data
     * @param instream
     * @param f
     * @param field_lookups
     * @param fielddata_not_analyzed
     * @param fielddata_analyzed
     * @param override_existing
     * @param mapper
     * @return
    protected static Stream<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>> createFieldIncludeLookups(
            final Stream<String> instream, final Function<String, Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>> f,
            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> field_lookups,
            final JsonNode fielddata_not_analyzed, final JsonNode fielddata_analyzed,
            final boolean override_existing, final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override,
            final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String> type_override, final ObjectMapper mapper,
            final String index_type) {
        return createFieldLookups(instream, f, field_lookups,
                Optional.of(Tuples._3T(fielddata_not_analyzed, fielddata_analyzed, override_existing)),
                search_index_schema_override, type_override, mapper, index_type);

    /** Creates a list of JsonNodes containing the mapping for fields that will _disable_ field data
     * @param instream
     * @param f
     * @param field_lookups
     * @param mapper
     * @return
    protected static Stream<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>> createFieldExcludeLookups(
            final Stream<String> instream, final Function<String, Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>> f,
            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> field_lookups,
            final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override,
            final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String> type_override, final ObjectMapper mapper,
            final String index_type) {
        return createFieldLookups(instream, f, field_lookups, Optional.empty(), search_index_schema_override,
                type_override, mapper, index_type);

    /** Creates a list of JsonNodes containing the mapping for fields that will _enable_ or _disable_ field data depending on fielddata_info is present 
     *  (note this can convert a property to a dynamic template, but never the other way round)
     * @param instream
     * @param f
     * @param field_lookups
     * @param fielddata_info 3tuple containing not_analyzed, analyzed, and override
     * @param mapper
     * @return
    protected static Stream<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>> createFieldLookups(
            final Stream<String> instream, final Function<String, Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>> f,
            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> field_lookups,
            final Optional<Tuple3<JsonNode, JsonNode, Boolean>> fielddata_info,
            final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override,
            final Map<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, String> type_override, final ObjectMapper mapper,
            final String index_type) {
        return instream.<Tuple2<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode>>map(Lambdas.wrap_u(fn -> {
            final Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>> either_tmp = f.apply(fn);
            final Optional<String> maybe_type = Optional.ofNullable(type_override.get(either_tmp));

            // add type if present
            final Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>> either = maybe_type
                    .<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>>map(type -> {
                        return either_tmp.<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>>either(s -> Either.left(s),
                                t2 -> Either.right(Tuples._2T(t2._1(), type)));

            final ObjectNode mutable_field_metadata = (ObjectNode) Optional.ofNullable(field_lookups.get(either))
                    .map(j -> j.deepCopy())
                    .orElse(either.either(Lambdas.wrap_fj_u(__ -> mapper.readTree(BACKUP_FIELD_MAPPING_PROPERTIES)),
                            Lambdas.wrap_fj_u(__ -> mapper.readTree(BACKUP_FIELD_MAPPING_TEMPLATES))));
            //(note that these 2 mappings don't have "type"s - therefore they will result in default_templates not properties - you need the type to generate a property)

            final ObjectNode mutable_field_mapping_tmp = either.isLeft() ? mutable_field_metadata
                    : (ObjectNode) mutable_field_metadata.get("mapping");

            //(override with type if set)
            maybe_type.ifPresent(type -> mutable_field_mapping_tmp.put("type", type));

            final boolean has_type = mutable_field_mapping_tmp.has("type");

            final Tuple2<ObjectNode, Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>> toplevel_eithermod = Lambdas
                    .get(() -> {
                        if (either.isLeft() && !has_type) {
                            final ObjectNode top_level = (ObjectNode) mapper.createObjectNode().set("mapping",
                            return Tuples._2T(top_level,
                                    Either.<String, Tuple2<String, String>>right(Tuples._2T(fn, "*")));
                        } else { // right[dynamic] *OR* (left[properties] and has-type)
                            return Tuples._2T(mutable_field_metadata, either);

            final ObjectNode mutable_field_mapping = toplevel_eithermod._2().isLeft() ? toplevel_eithermod._1()
                    : (ObjectNode) toplevel_eithermod._1().get("mapping");

            // Special case ... if we're columnar and we're merging with tokenized and non-dual then convert to untokenized instead 
            if (fielddata_info.filter(t3 -> t3._3()).isPresent() && mutable_field_mapping.equals(
                    mapper.convertValue(search_index_schema_override.tokenized_string_field(), JsonNode.class))) {
                mutable_field_mapping.setAll((ObjectNode) mapper
                        .convertValue(search_index_schema_override.untokenized_string_field(), ObjectNode.class));

            if (toplevel_eithermod._2().isRight()) {
                if (!toplevel_eithermod._1().has(PATH_MATCH_NAME) && !toplevel_eithermod._1().has(RAW_MATCH_NAME)) {
                    toplevel_eithermod._1().put(PATH_MATCH_NAME, toplevel_eithermod._2().right().value()._1());

                    if (!toplevel_eithermod._1().has(TYPE_MATCH_NAME))
                        toplevel_eithermod._1().put(TYPE_MATCH_NAME, toplevel_eithermod._2().right().value()._2());
                if (!has_type) {
                    if (toplevel_eithermod._2().right().value()._2().equals("*")) { // type is mandatory
                        mutable_field_mapping.put("type", "{dynamic_type}");
                    } else {
                        mutable_field_mapping.put("type", toplevel_eithermod._2().right().value()._2());
            handleMappingFields(mutable_field_mapping, fielddata_info, mapper, index_type);
            setMapping(mutable_field_mapping, fielddata_info, mapper, index_type);
            return Tuples._2T(toplevel_eithermod._2(), toplevel_eithermod._1());


    /** Utility function to handle fields
     * TODO (ALEPH-14): need to be able to specify different options for different fields via columnar settings
     * @param mutable_mapping
     * @param fielddata_info
     * @param mapper
    protected static void handleMappingFields(final ObjectNode mutable_mapping,
            final Optional<Tuple3<JsonNode, JsonNode, Boolean>> fielddata_info, final ObjectMapper mapper,
            final String index_type) {
        Optional.ofNullable(mutable_mapping.get("fields")).filter(j -> !j.isNull() && j.isObject()).ifPresent(j -> {
  , Spliterator.ORDERED), false)
                    .forEach(Lambdas.wrap_consumer_u(kv -> {
                        final ObjectNode mutable_o = (ObjectNode) kv.getValue();
                        setMapping(mutable_o, fielddata_info, mapper, index_type);

    /** More levels of utility for code reuse
     * @param mutable_o
     * @param fielddata_info
     * @param mapper
     * @param index_type
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
     * @throws IOException
    protected static void setMapping(final ObjectNode mutable_o,
            final Optional<Tuple3<JsonNode, JsonNode, Boolean>> fielddata_info, final ObjectMapper mapper,
            final String index_type) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException {
        if (fielddata_info.isPresent()) {
            final JsonNode fielddata_not_analyzed = fielddata_info.get()._1();
            final JsonNode fielddata_analyzed = fielddata_info.get()._2();
            final boolean override_existing = fielddata_info.get()._3();

            final boolean is_analyzed = Optional.ofNullable(mutable_o.get("index"))
                    .filter(jj -> !jj.isNull() && jj.isTextual())
                    .map(jt -> jt.asText().equalsIgnoreCase("analyzed") || jt.asText().equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))

            final JsonNode fielddata_settings = is_analyzed ? fielddata_analyzed : fielddata_not_analyzed;

            Optional.ofNullable(Optional.ofNullable(fielddata_settings.get(index_type)).filter(jj -> !jj.isNull())
                    .orElse(fielddata_settings.get(DEFAULT_FIELDDATA_NAME))).ifPresent(jj -> {
                        if (override_existing || !mutable_o.has("fielddata"))
                            mutable_o.set("fielddata", jj);
        } else { // This means it's a columnar exclude lookup
            //Previously did this, however I think it's preferable if columnar is disabled just to leave it alone
            mutable_o.set("fielddata", mapper.readTree(DISABLED_FIELDDATA));



    /** Creates a mapping for the bucket - search service elements .. up to but not including the mapping + type
     *  NOTE: creates an embedded object that is {{, ie must be closed twice subsequently in order to be a well formed JSON object
     * @param bucket
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
    public static XContentBuilder getSearchServiceMapping(final DataBucketBean bucket,
            final Optional<String> secondary_buffer, final boolean is_primary,
            final ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean schema_config, final Optional<XContentBuilder> to_embed,
            final ObjectMapper mapper) {
        try {
            final XContentBuilder start = to_embed.orElse(XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject());

            // (Nullable)
            final ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_schema = schema_config

            //(very briefly Nullable)
            final JsonNode settings = Optional.ofNullable(search_schema).map(s -> s.settings())
                    .map(o -> mapper.convertValue(o, JsonNode.class)).orElse(null);

            //(very briefly Nullable)
            final ObjectNode aliases = (ObjectNode) Optional.ofNullable(search_schema).map(s -> s.aliases())
                    .map(o -> mapper.convertValue(o, JsonNode.class)).orElse(mapper.createObjectNode());

            if (is_primary) { // add the "read only" prefix alias
                                + ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getBaseIndexName(bucket, Optional.empty()),

            // Settings

            final String type_key = getTypeKey(bucket, mapper);

            return Lambdas.wrap_u(__ -> {
                if (null == settings) { // nothing to do
                    return start;
                } else {
                    return start.rawField("settings", settings.toString().getBytes());
                    // Aliases
                    .andThen(Lambdas.wrap_u(json -> {
                        if (!aliases.elements().hasNext()) { // nothing to do
                            return json;
                        } else {
                            return start.rawField("aliases", aliases.toString().getBytes());
                    // Mappings and overrides
                    .andThen(Lambdas.wrap_u(json -> json.startObject("mappings").startObject(type_key)))
                    // Add the secondary buffer name to the metadata:
                    .andThen(Lambdas.wrap_u(json -> {
                        return json.rawField(CUSTOM_META,
                                createMergedMeta(Either.right(mapper), bucket, is_primary, secondary_buffer)
                    // More mapping overrides
                    .andThen(Lambdas.wrap_u(json -> {

                        return Optional.ofNullable(search_schema).map(ss -> ss.mapping_overrides())
                                .map(m -> m.getOrDefault(type_key, m.get("*"))).orElse(Collections.emptyMap())
                                .entrySet().stream().reduce(json, Lambdas.wrap_u((acc, kv) -> {
                                    if (CUSTOM_META.equals(kv.getKey())) { // meta is a special case, merge my results in regardless
                                        return acc.rawField(kv.getKey(),
                                                                mapper.convertValue(kv.getValue(), JsonNode.class)),
                                                        bucket, is_primary, secondary_buffer).toString()
                                    } else {
                                        return acc.rawField(kv.getKey(), mapper
                                                .convertValue(kv.getValue(), JsonNode.class).toString().getBytes());
                                }), (acc1, acc2) -> acc1 // (can't actually ever happen)
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //Handle fake "IOException"
            return null;

    /** Utility to build the "_meta" field
     * @param to_merge
     * @param bucket
     * @param is_primary
     * @param secondary_buffer
     * @return
    protected static JsonNode createMergedMeta(Either<JsonNode, ObjectMapper> to_merge, DataBucketBean bucket,
            boolean is_primary, Optional<String> secondary_buffer) {
        final ObjectNode ret_val = to_merge.either(j -> (ObjectNode) j, om -> om.createObjectNode());

        ret_val.put(CUSTOM_META_BUCKET, bucket.full_name())
                .put(CUSTOM_META_IS_PRIMARY, Boolean.toString(is_primary))
                .put(CUSTOM_META_SECONDARY, secondary_buffer.orElse(""));

        return ret_val;



    /** Create a template to be applied to all indexes generated from this bucket
     * @param bucket
     * @return
    public static XContentBuilder getTemplateMapping(final DataBucketBean bucket,
            final Optional<String> secondary_buffer) {
        try {
            final XContentBuilder start = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject().field("template",
                    getBaseIndexName(bucket, secondary_buffer) + "*");

            return start;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //Handle fake "IOException"
            return null;

    /** The control method to build up the mapping from the constituent parts
     * @param bucket
     * @param field_lookups
     * @param enabled_not_analyzed
     * @param enabled_analyzed
     * @param mapper
     * @return
    protected static XContentBuilder getFullMapping(final DataBucketBean bucket,
            final Optional<String> secondary_buffer, boolean is_primary,
            final ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean schema_config,
            final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> field_lookups,
            final JsonNode enabled_not_analyzed, final JsonNode enabled_analyzed,
            final JsonNode default_not_analyzed, final JsonNode default_analyzed,
            final Optional<JsonNode> doc_schema, final SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean search_index_schema_override,
            final ObjectMapper mapper, final String index_type) {
        return Lambdas.wrap_u(__ -> getTemplateMapping(bucket, secondary_buffer))
                .andThen(json -> getSearchServiceMapping(bucket, secondary_buffer, is_primary, schema_config,
                        Optional.of(json), mapper))
                .andThen(json -> getColumnarMapping(bucket, Optional.of(json), field_lookups, enabled_not_analyzed,
                        enabled_analyzed, default_not_analyzed, default_analyzed, doc_schema,
                        search_index_schema_override, mapper, index_type))
                .andThen(Lambdas.wrap_u(json -> json.endObject().endObject())) // (close the objects from the search service mapping)
                .andThen(json -> getTemporalMapping(bucket, Optional.of(json))).apply(null);

    /** Utility function to create a mapping out of all the different system components (see also ElasticsearchUtils)
     * @param bucket
     * @param config
     * @return
    public static XContentBuilder createIndexMapping(final DataBucketBean bucket,
            final Optional<String> secondary_buffer, final boolean is_primary,
            final ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean schema_config, final ObjectMapper mapper,
            final String index_type) {
        final JsonNode default_mapping = mapper.convertValue(schema_config.search_technology_override(),

        // Also get JsonNodes for the default field config bit

        final boolean columnar_enabled = Optional.ofNullable(bucket.data_schema())
                .map(DataSchemaBean::columnar_schema).filter(s -> Optional.ofNullable(s.enabled()).orElse(true))

        final boolean doc_enabled = Optional.ofNullable(bucket.data_schema()).map(DataSchemaBean::document_schema)
                .filter(s -> Optional.ofNullable(s.enabled()).orElse(true)).isPresent();

        // (these can't be null by construction)
        final JsonNode enabled_analyzed_field = columnar_enabled
                ? mapper.convertValue(schema_config.columnar_technology_override().enabled_field_data_analyzed(),
                : mapper.createObjectNode();
        final JsonNode enabled_not_analyzed_field = columnar_enabled
                ? mapper.convertValue(schema_config.columnar_technology_override().enabled_field_data_notanalyzed(),
                : mapper.createObjectNode();
        final JsonNode default_analyzed_field = columnar_enabled
                ? mapper.convertValue(schema_config.columnar_technology_override().default_field_data_analyzed(),
                : mapper.createObjectNode();
        final JsonNode default_not_analyzed_field = columnar_enabled
                ? mapper.convertValue(schema_config.columnar_technology_override().default_field_data_notanalyzed(),
                : mapper.createObjectNode();
        final Optional<JsonNode> doc_schema = doc_enabled
                ? Optional.ofNullable(mapper.convertValue(schema_config.document_schema_override(), JsonNode.class))
                : Optional.empty();

        // Get a list of field overrides Either<String,Tuple2<String,String>> for dynamic/real fields

        final LinkedHashMap<Either<String, Tuple2<String, String>>, JsonNode> field_lookups = ElasticsearchIndexUtils
                        (CollidePolicy.new_type == Optional
                                        ? Optional.empty()
                                        : Optional.ofNullable(
                        Optionals.of(() -> bucket.data_schema().search_index_schema()),
                        Optionals.of(() -> bucket.data_schema().document_schema()),
                        schema_config.search_technology_override(), mapper);

        // If a time field is present then adding the default mapping for it (overwrite @timestamp if that's the specified field):

        final Optional<JsonNode> time_mapping = Optional.ofNullable(schema_config.temporal_technology_override())
                .map(t -> (Object) t.get("default_timefield_mapping"))
                .map(js -> mapper.convertValue(js, JsonNode.class));
        time_mapping.ifPresent(json -> {
                    .filter(s -> Optional.ofNullable(s.enabled()).orElse(true)).map(t -> t.time_field())
                    .ifPresent(time_field -> {
                        field_lookups.put(Either.left(time_field), json); //(MUTABLE CODE WARNING)

        final XContentBuilder test_result = getFullMapping(bucket, secondary_buffer, is_primary, schema_config,
                field_lookups, enabled_not_analyzed_field, enabled_analyzed_field, default_not_analyzed_field,
                default_analyzed_field, doc_schema, schema_config.search_technology_override(), mapper, index_type);

        return test_result;