Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2009. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A function allowing invocation of R from within Jaql. * * R(fn, args=[item arg1, ..., item argN], * inSchema=[schema arg1, ...,schema argN], outSchema=null, * init, initInline=true, binary=false, flexible=false) * * A single R process is forked per RFn instance (i.e., call site in the query). * The R process is forked and the init script/string is passed to R only on the * first invocation. * * To configure R, add -DR.home=<path to R> and -DR.args=<args to R> to the * VM arguments. * * // TODO: need jaql.conf * */ public class RFn extends Expr { // The indices to the function arguments. Too many arguments, it is better // to use it this way so that it is easier to reorder arguments in future. private static final int INDEX_FN = 0; private static final int INDEX_ARGS = 1; private static final int INDEX_IN_SCHEMA = 2; private static final int INDEX_OUT_SCHEMA = 3; private static final int INDEX_INIT = 4; private static final int INDEX_INIT_INLINE = 5; private static final int INDEX_BINARY = 6; private static final int INDEX_FLEXIBLE = 7; public static class Descriptor implements BuiltInFunctionDescriptor { private static final Class<? extends Expr> implementor = RFn.class; private static final String name = "R"; private Schema schema = SchemaFactory.anySchema(); private JsonValueParameters parameters; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Descriptor() { JsonValueParameter[] params = new JsonValueParameter[8]; params[INDEX_FN] = new JsonValueParameter("fn", SchemaFactory.stringSchema()); params[INDEX_ARGS] = new JsonValueParameter("args", SchemaFactory.arrayOrNullSchema(), null); params[INDEX_IN_SCHEMA] = new JsonValueParameter("inSchema", SchemaFactory.arrayOrNullSchema(), null); params[INDEX_OUT_SCHEMA] = new JsonValueParameter("outSchema", SchemaFactory.make(JsonSchema.class, null), null); params[INDEX_INIT] = new JsonValueParameter("init", SchemaFactory.stringOrNullSchema(), null); params[INDEX_INIT_INLINE] = new JsonValueParameter("initInline", SchemaFactory.booleanSchema(), JsonBool.TRUE); params[INDEX_BINARY] = new JsonValueParameter("binary", SchemaFactory.booleanSchema(), JsonBool.FALSE); params[INDEX_FLEXIBLE] = new JsonValueParameter("flexible", SchemaFactory.booleanSchema(), JsonBool.FALSE); parameters = new JsonValueParameters(params); } @Override public Expr construct(Expr[] positionalArgs) { return new RFn(positionalArgs); } @Override public Class<? extends Expr> getImplementingClass() { return implementor; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public JsonValueParameters getParameters() { return parameters; } @Override public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } } protected static String program = System.getProperty("R.home", "R"); protected static String args = System.getProperty("R.args", "--no-save --no-restore --slave -q"); protected static String cmd = program + " " + args; protected Process proc; protected BufferedReader stdout; protected PrintStream stdin; protected Throwable error; protected JsonParser parser; private Schema schema; private boolean flexible; private boolean binary; // This is the RCode which is used for the interface for transferring large data // into R. There is an option on putting it as an R package and installing it on // all the nodes, or just streaming these few lines of code into R at startup. // TODO: decide which approach to select. private static String[] initStrings = { // "tableFromJaql = function(descriptor) { \n" + // " if (descriptor$mode == 2) {\n" + // " numfiles<-length(descriptor$name); \n" + // " prefix<-descriptor$path;\n" + // " l<- list();\n" + // " types<-eval(parse(text=descriptor$type));\n" + // " for (i in 1:numfiles) { \n" + // " filename<-paste(prefix,i,sep='/'); \n" + // " l[[descriptor$name[i]]] = scan(filename, what=eval(parse(text=types[[i]])),quiet=T); \n" + // " unlink(filename); \n" + // " }\n" + // " unlink(prefix,recursive=T); \n" + // " return(data.frame(l)); \n" + // " } else if (descriptor$mode == 3) {\n" + // " filename<-descriptor$path; \n" + // " type=eval(parse(text=descriptor$type));\n" + // " res<-scan(filename, what=type,quiet=T);\n" + // " unlink(filename);\n" + // " return(res);\n" + // " } else if (descriptor$mode == 4) {\n" + // " numfiles<-descriptor$ncols;\n" + // " prefix<-descriptor$path;\n" + // " l<- list();\n" + // " types<-eval(parse(text=descriptor$type));\n" + // " for (i in 1:numfiles) {\n" + // " filename<-paste(prefix,i,sep='/');\n" + // " l[[as.character(i)]] = scan(filename, what=eval(parse(text=types[[i]])),quiet=T);\n" + // " unlink(filename);\n" + // " }\n" + // " unlink(prefix,recursive=T);\n" + // " return(data.frame(l));\n" + // " } else return (NA);\n" + // "}\n", // "toBinary<-function(file, obj, ...) { \n" + // " x<-obj;\n" + // " save(x,file=file);\n" + // "}"+ // "\n"+ // "# Convert a hexadecimal string into a raw vector\n"+ // "hexToRaw = function(hexStr)\n"+ // "{\n"+ // " A = as.numeric(charToRaw('A'))\n"+ // " F = as.numeric(charToRaw('Z'))\n"+ // " c0 = as.numeric(charToRaw('0'))\n"+ // " c9 = as.numeric(charToRaw('9'))\n"+ // " hexStr = as.numeric(charToRaw(toupper(hexStr)))\n"+ // " hexStr = sapply(hexStr,\n"+ // " function(x) {\n"+ // " if( c0 <= x & x <= c9 ) x = x - c0\n"+ // " else if( A <= x & x <= F ) x = x - A + 10\n"+ // " else stop('invalid hex character '+x)\n"+ // " x\n"+ // " } )\n"+ // " i = 1\n"+ // " j = 1\n"+ // " n = length(hexStr)\n"+ // " result = raw(n/2)\n"+ // " while( i <= n )\n"+ // " { {\n"+ // " result[j] = as.raw(hexStr[i] * 16 + hexStr[i+1])\n"+ // " i = i + 2\n"+ // " j = j + 1\n"+ // " }\n"+ // " result\n"+ // "}\n"+ // "\n"+ // "# Serialize an object into a hexadecimal string\n"+ // "objectToHex = function(object)\n"+ // "{\n"+ // " filename = tempfile()\n"+ // " save(object,file=filename)\n"+ // " file = file(filename,open='rb')\n"+ // " seek(file,0,'end')\n"+ // " bin = readBin(file,'raw',n=seek(file,0))\n"+ // " close(file)\n"+ // " unlink(filename)\n"+ // " paste(as.character(bin),collapse='')\n"+ // "}\n"+ // "\n"+ // "# Deserialize an object from a hexadecimal string\n"+ // "hexToObject = function(hexStr)\n"+ // "{\n"+ // " if( length(hexStr) > 1 )\n"+ // " {\n"+ // " return sapply(hexStr, hexToObject)\n"+ // " }\n"+ // " bin = hexToRaw(hexStr)\n"+ // " filename = tempfile()\n"+ // " c = file(filename,open='wb')\n"+ // " writeBin(bin,c)\n"+ // " close(c)\n"+ // " load(filename)\n"+ // " unlink(filename)\n"+ // " object\n"+ // "}\n"+ // "" }; static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RFn.class); public RFn(Expr[] exprs) { super(exprs); schema = SchemaFactory.anySchema(); } @Override public Bool3 evaluatesChildOnce(int i) { return Bool3.TRUE; } @Override public JsonValue eval(Context context) throws Exception { try { if (proc == null) { init(context); } JsonString fn = (JsonString) exprs[INDEX_FN].eval(context); if (fn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("R(init, fn, ...): R function required"); } binary = ((JsonBool) exprs[INDEX_BINARY].eval(context)).get(); JsonValue tmp = exprs[INDEX_OUT_SCHEMA].eval(context); if (tmp != null) { if (!(tmp instanceof JsonSchema)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid outSchema."); schema = ((JsonSchema) tmp).get(); } else if (binary) { schema = SchemaFactory.binarySchema(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Initialized outSchema to: " + schema); String sep = ""; File rOut = null; if (binary) { String tmpFileName = RUtil.getTempFileName(); rOut = new File(tmpFileName); tmpFileName = rOut.getAbsolutePath(); tmpFileName = tmpFileName.replace('\\', '/'); rOut.deleteOnExit(); stdin.print("cat(toBinary(file='"); stdin.print(tmpFileName); stdin.print("',"); } else { stdin.print("cat(toJSON("); } stdin.print("("); stdin.print(fn); stdin.print(")"); tmp = exprs[INDEX_ARGS].eval(context); if (tmp != null) // we have args { if (!(tmp instanceof JsonArray)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Arguments to function " + fn + " must be enclosed as an array."); } JsonArray args = (JsonArray) tmp; tmp = exprs[INDEX_IN_SCHEMA].eval(context); JsonArray argSchema = null; if (tmp != null) { if (!(tmp instanceof JsonArray)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Schema for arguments of function " + fn + " must be enclosed in an array"); } argSchema = (JsonArray) tmp; } Schema inferred = exprs[INDEX_ARGS].getSchema(); stdin.print("("); for (int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++) { JsonValue value = args.get(i); Schema elemSchema = null; if (argSchema != null) { tmp = argSchema.get(i); if (!(tmp instanceof JsonSchema)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument schema at index " + i + " not an instance of " + JsonSchema.class.getCanonicalName()); } elemSchema = ((JsonSchema) tmp).get(); } else { elemSchema = inferred.element(new JsonLong(i)); } stdin.print(sep); processFnArgument(context, value, elemSchema); sep = ","; } stdin.print(")"); } stdin.println("),'\n')"); stdin.flush(); // parser.ReInit(stdout); // TODO: we can read directly from the stdout stream, but error reporting is not so good... String s = stdout.readLine(); if (s == null) { throw new RuntimeException("unexpected EOF from R"); } if (binary) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(rOut), 4096); int length = 0; while ((length = > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, length); } in.close(); rOut.delete(); byte[] rBin = out.toByteArray(); //System.err.println("Output: " + new String(rBin)); return new JsonBinary(rBin); } else { parser.ReInit(new StringReader(s)); try { JsonValue result = parser.JsonVal(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Bad JSON from R:\n" + s); throw e; } } } catch (Throwable e) { if (error == null) { error = e; } if (stdin != null) { try { stdin.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } stdin = null; } if (stdout != null) { try { stdout.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } stdout = null; } if (proc != null) { try { proc.destroy(); } catch (Throwable t) { } proc = null; } if (error instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) error; } throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(error); } } private void processFnArgument(Context context, JsonValue value, Schema elemSchema) throws Exception { flexible = ((JsonBool) exprs[INDEX_FLEXIBLE].eval(context)).get(); if (flexible) { encodeAsString(value); } else { if ((value instanceof JsonAtom) || (value instanceof JsonRecord)) { encodeAsString(value); } else if (value instanceof JsonArray) { JsonArray array = (JsonArray) value; JsonRecord result = RUtil.serializeIterator(array.iter(), elemSchema, new RUtil.Config()); stdin.print("tableFromJaql("); encodeAsString(result, true); stdin.print(")"); } } } private void encodeAsString(JsonValue value) { stdin.print("eval(parse(text='"); stdin.print(RUtil.convertToRString(value)); stdin.print("'))"); } private void encodeAsString(JsonValue value, boolean escape) { stdin.print("eval(parse(text='"); String s = RUtil.convertToRString(value, escape); stdin.print(s); stdin.print("'))"); } protected void init(Context context) throws Exception {"Initializing R..."); parser = new JsonParser(); proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); InputStream is = proc.getInputStream(); stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); ErrorThread errorThread = new ErrorThread(); errorThread.start(); OutputStream os = proc.getOutputStream(); stdin = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(os)); JsonString initStr = (JsonString) exprs[INDEX_INIT].eval(context); stdin.println("sink(type='output',file=stderr())"); // Changed it to library to avoid the message "Loading required package: rjson" stdin.println("library('jaqlR')"); for (String initString : initStrings) { stdin.println(initString); } stdin.println("library('rjson')"); if (initStr != null) { boolean initInline = ((JsonBool) exprs[INDEX_INIT_INLINE].eval(context)).get(); if (initInline) { stdin.println(initStr); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Initialization from File not yet supported"); } } stdin.println("sink(type='output')"); stdin.flush(); // TODO: contexts are not getting closed properly; // mapreduce creates contexts, fncall creates contexts, but not cleaned up! context.doAtReset(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (stdin != null) { stdin.println("q()"); stdin.close(); } else if (proc != null) { proc.destroy(); } if (proc != null) { proc.getErrorStream().close(); int rc = proc.waitFor(); if (rc != 0) { LOG.error("non-zero exit code from process [" + cmd + "]: " + rc); } } } catch (Throwable t) { } } }); } @Override public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } protected class ErrorThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { try { InputStream is = proc.getErrorStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int n; while ((n = >= 0) { //LOG.error(new String(buffer,0,n)); String s = new String(buffer, 0, n); System.err.println(s); } is.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { if (error == null) { error = e; } proc.destroy(); } } } }