Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Willi Ye <> * * This file is part of Kernel Adiutor. * * Kernel Adiutor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Kernel Adiutor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Kernel Adiutor. If not, see <>. * */ package com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.R; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.views.dialog.Dialog; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; import com.squareup.picasso.Target; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Created by willi on 16.04.16. */ public class ViewUtils { public static int getTextSecondaryColor(Context context) { TypedValue value = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.textColorSecondary, value, true); return; } public static Drawable getSelectableBackground(Context context) { TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { R.attr.selectableItemBackground }); Drawable drawable = typedArray.getDrawable(0); typedArray.recycle(); return drawable; } public static void showDialog(FragmentManager manager, DialogFragment fragment) { FragmentTransaction ft = manager.beginTransaction(); Fragment prev = manager.findFragmentByTag("dialog"); if (prev != null) { ft.remove(prev); } ft.addToBackStack(null);, "dialog"); } public static void dismissDialog(FragmentManager manager) { FragmentTransaction ft = manager.beginTransaction(); Fragment fragment = manager.findFragmentByTag("dialog"); if (fragment != null) { ft.remove(fragment).commit(); } } public static float getActionBarSize(Context context) { TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { R.attr.actionBarSize }); float size = typedArray.getDimension(0, 0); typedArray.recycle(); return size; } public static int getColorPrimaryColor(Context context) { TypedValue value = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary, value, true); return; } public static int getColorPrimaryDarkColor(Context context) { TypedValue value = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimaryDark, value, true); return; } public static int getThemeAccentColor(Context context) { TypedValue value = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorAccent, value, true); return; } public interface OnDialogEditTextListener { void onClick(String text); } public interface onDialogEditTextsListener { void onClick(String text, String text2); } public static Dialog dialogDonate(final Context context) { return new Dialog(context).setTitle(context.getString(R.string.donate)) .setMessage(context.getString(R.string.donate_summary)) .setNegativeButton(context.getString(R.string.donate_nope), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } }).setPositiveButton(context.getString(R.string.donate_yes), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Utils.launchUrl( "", context); } }); } public static Dialog dialogEditTexts(String text, String text2, String hint, String hint2, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener negativeListener, final onDialogEditTextsListener onDialogEditTextListener, Context context) { LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(context); layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); int padding = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dialog_padding); layout.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding); final AppCompatEditText editText = new AppCompatEditText(context); editText.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); if (text != null) { editText.append(text); } if (hint != null) { editText.setHint(hint); } editText.setSingleLine(true); final AppCompatEditText editText2 = new AppCompatEditText(context); editText2.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); if (text2 != null) { editText2.setText(text2); } if (hint2 != null) { editText2.setHint(hint2); } editText2.setSingleLine(true); layout.addView(editText); layout.addView(editText2); Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context).setView(layout); if (negativeListener != null) { dialog.setNegativeButton(context.getString(R.string.cancel), negativeListener); } if (onDialogEditTextListener != null) { dialog.setPositiveButton(context.getString(R.string.ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { onDialogEditTextListener.onClick(editText.getText().toString(), editText2.getText().toString()); } }).setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { if (negativeListener != null) { negativeListener.onClick(dialog, 0); } } }); } return dialog; } public static Dialog dialogEditText(String text, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener negativeListener, final OnDialogEditTextListener onDialogEditTextListener, Context context) { return dialogEditText(text, negativeListener, onDialogEditTextListener, -1, context); } public static Dialog dialogEditText(String text, final DialogInterface.OnClickListener negativeListener, final OnDialogEditTextListener onDialogEditTextListener, int inputType, Context context) { LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(context); int padding = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dialog_padding); layout.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding); final AppCompatEditText editText = new AppCompatEditText(context); editText.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); editText.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); if (text != null) { editText.append(text); } editText.setSingleLine(true); if (inputType >= 0) { editText.setInputType(inputType); } layout.addView(editText); Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context).setView(layout); if (negativeListener != null) { dialog.setNegativeButton(context.getString(R.string.cancel), negativeListener); } if (onDialogEditTextListener != null) { dialog.setPositiveButton(context.getString(R.string.ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { onDialogEditTextListener.onClick(editText.getText().toString()); } }).setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { if (negativeListener != null) { negativeListener.onClick(dialog, 0); } } }); } return dialog; } public static Dialog dialogBuilder(CharSequence message, DialogInterface.OnClickListener negativeListener, DialogInterface.OnClickListener positiveListener, DialogInterface.OnDismissListener dismissListener, Context context) { Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context).setMessage(message); if (negativeListener != null) { dialog.setNegativeButton(context.getString(R.string.cancel), negativeListener); } if (positiveListener != null) { dialog.setPositiveButton(context.getString(R.string.ok), positiveListener); } if (dismissListener != null) { dialog.setOnDismissListener(dismissListener); } return dialog; } private static final Set<CustomTarget> mProtectedFromGarbageCollectorTargets = new HashSet<>(); public static void loadImagefromUrl(String url, ImageView imageView, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { CustomTarget target = new CustomTarget(imageView, maxWidth, maxHeight); mProtectedFromGarbageCollectorTargets.add(target); Picasso.with(imageView.getContext()).load(url).into(target); } private static class CustomTarget implements Target { private ImageView mImageView; private int mMaxWidth; private int mMaxHeight; private CustomTarget(ImageView imageView, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { mImageView = imageView; mMaxWidth = maxWidth; mMaxHeight = maxHeight; } @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) { mImageView.setImageBitmap(scaleDownBitmap(bitmap, mMaxWidth, mMaxHeight)); mProtectedFromGarbageCollectorTargets.remove(this); } @Override public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable errorDrawable) { mProtectedFromGarbageCollectorTargets.remove(this); } @Override public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) { } } public static Bitmap scaleDownBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { int width = bitmap.getWidth(); int height = bitmap.getHeight(); int newWidth = width; int newHeight = height; if (maxWidth != 0 && newWidth > maxWidth) { newHeight = Math.round((float) maxWidth / newWidth * newHeight); newWidth = maxWidth; } if (maxHeight != 0 && newHeight > maxHeight) { newWidth = Math.round((float) maxHeight / newHeight * newWidth); newHeight = maxHeight; } return width != newWidth || height != newHeight ? resizeBitmap(bitmap, newWidth, newHeight) : bitmap; } private static Bitmap resizeBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int newWidth, int newHeight) { return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, newWidth, newHeight, false); } }