Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>. */ public class VanFood implements EntryPoint { private LoginInfo loginInfo = null; //Panels===================================================== private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private HorizontalPanel vendorPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private ScrollPanel vendorsScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); private ScrollPanel favouritesScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); private TabPanel vendorsTabPanel = new TabPanel(); private VerticalPanel mapPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private FlowPanel buttonsPanel = new FlowPanel(); //============================================================ //Tables & Lists =================================================== private FlexTable vendorsFlexTable = new FlexTable(); private FlexTable favouritesTable = new FlexTable(); private ArrayList<Vendor> vendors = new ArrayList<Vendor>(); private ArrayList<Vendor> favouriteVendors = new ArrayList<Vendor>(); private ListBox lb = new ListBox(); //==================================================================== //Map================================================================= private MapWidget map; private String apiKey = "AIzaSyC9HJfCdipVC6W6qo8ewsZkJz0mCpmviHQ"; //===================================================================== //Services=============================================================================== private VendorServiceAsync vendorSvc = GWT.create(VendorService.class); private MailServiceAsync mailSvc = GWT.create(MailService.class); private final FavouriteServiceAsync favouriteService = GWT.create(FavouriteService.class); //======================================================================================== /** * This is the entry point method. */ public void onModuleLoad() { LoginServiceAsync loginService = GWT.create(LoginService.class); loginService.login(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL(), new AsyncCallback<LoginInfo>() { public void onFailure(Throwable error) { handleError(error); } public void onSuccess(LoginInfo result) { loginInfo = result; if (loginInfo.isLoggedIn() && loginInfo.isAdmin()) { Maps.loadMapsApi(apiKey, "2", false, new Runnable() { public void run() { loadVanFood(); loadAdminPage(); } }); } else if (loginInfo.isLoggedIn()) { Maps.loadMapsApi(apiKey, "2", false, new Runnable() { public void run() { loadVanFood(); } }); } else { loadLogin(); } } }); } private void loadLogin() { Anchor signInLink = new Anchor("Sign In"); signInLink.setHref(loginInfo.getLoginUrl()); Label loginLabel = new Label("Please sign in to your Google Account to access the VanFood application."); VerticalPanel loginPanel = new VerticalPanel(); loginPanel.add(loginLabel); loginPanel.add(signInLink); RootPanel.get("vendorList").add(loginPanel); } //handles not logged in error private void handleError(Throwable error) { Window.alert(error.getMessage()); if (error instanceof NotLoggedInException) { Window.Location.replace(loginInfo.getLogoutUrl()); } } private void loadContactPage() { DOM.getElementById("vendorList").getStyle().setDisplay(Display.NONE); DOM.getElementById("adminPage").getStyle().setDisplay(Display.NONE); Label subjectLabel = new Label("Subject: "); final TextBox subject = new TextBox(); Label msgLabel = new Label("Enter your feedback: "); final TextArea msg = new TextArea(); msg.setPixelSize(300, 200); Button submitButton = new Button("Submit"); submitButton.getElement().setClassName("btn btn-default btn-primary"); submitButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { final String msgFrom = loginInfo.getEmailAddress(); final String message = msg.getText(); final String msgSubject = subject.getText(); if (msgSubject == "") { Window.alert("There's no subject, please fill it out and press the submit button again!"); return; } if (message == "") { Window.alert( "There's no message to send, please fill it out and press the submit button again!"); return; } mailSvc.sendMail(msgFrom, msgSubject, "", message, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("The message was not sent:( Try again!"); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { Window.alert("Thank you for the feedback, we will get back to you soon!"); } }); } }); VerticalPanel contactPanel = new VerticalPanel(); contactPanel.add(subjectLabel); contactPanel.add(subject); contactPanel.add(msgLabel); contactPanel.add(msg); contactPanel.add(submitButton); RootPanel.get("contactPage").add(contactPanel); } private void loadAdminPage() { Button updateButton = new Button("Parse Updated Data"); updateButton.getElement().setClassName("btn btn-default btn-primary"); VerticalPanel adminPanel = new VerticalPanel(); adminPanel.add(updateButton); updateButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { vendorSvc.parseVendors(new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Data NOT parsed/stored!"); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { Window.alert(result); } }); } }); RootPanel.get("adminPage").add(adminPanel); } private void loadVanFood() { // Set up sign out hyperlink. Anchor signOutLink = new Anchor("Sign Out"); signOutLink.setHref(loginInfo.getLogoutUrl()); // Create table for vendor data. createVendorsTable(); // Create table for favourites createFavouritesTable(); // Call to service proxy loadVendorList(); loadFavouritesList(); // Open a map centered on, Vancouver BC LatLng van = LatLng.newInstance(49.2500, -123.1000); map = new MapWidget(van, 12); map.setSize("35em", "35em"); mapPanel.add(map); //create tab area vendorsTabPanel.add(vendorsScrollPanel, "Vendors"); vendorsTabPanel.add(favouritesScrollPanel, "Favourites"); vendorsTabPanel.selectTab(1); // Add margins for map and table. mapPanel.addStyleName("addPanel"); vendorsTabPanel.addStyleName("addPanel"); //add vendors list and map to main panel to display vendorPanel.add(vendorsTabPanel); vendorPanel.add(mapPanel); //add contact us button addContactButton(); // Assemble Main panel. mainPanel.add(signOutLink); mainPanel.add(buttonsPanel); mainPanel.add(vendorPanel); // Associate the Main panel with the HTML host page. RootPanel.get("vendorList").add(mainPanel); } private void addContactButton() { Button contactButton = new Button("Contact Us"); contactButton.getElement().setClassName("btn btn-default btn-primary"); buttonsPanel.add(contactButton); contactButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { loadContactPage(); } }); } private void createVendorsTable() { vendorsFlexTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(0, "vendorListHeader"); vendorsFlexTable.addStyleName("vendorList"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(0, 0, "Vendor"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(0, 1, "Location"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(0, 2, "Food Type"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(0, 3, "Add to Favourite"); //create scroll for vendors vendorsScrollPanel.add(vendorsFlexTable); vendorsScrollPanel.setSize("45em", "35em"); //highlights row clicked vendorsFlexTable.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { selectVendor(event, vendorsFlexTable, vendors); } }); } private void createFavouritesTable() { favouritesTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(0, "vendorListHeader"); favouritesTable.addStyleName("vendorList"); favouritesTable.setText(0, 0, "Vendor"); favouritesTable.setText(0, 1, "Location"); favouritesTable.setText(0, 2, "Food Type"); favouritesTable.setText(0, 3, "Remove Favourite"); //create scroll for favourites favouritesScrollPanel.add(favouritesTable); favouritesScrollPanel.setSize("45em", "35em"); //highlights row clicked favouritesTable.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { selectVendor(event, favouritesTable, favouriteVendors); } }); } /** * Dropdown menu for food descriptions */ private void addDropDownMenu(Vendor[] result) { lb.addChangeHandler(new MenuHandler()); lb.addItem("Food Descriptions"); for (Vendor v : result) { if (!isInMenu(lb, v.getFoodtype())) { lb.addItem(v.getFoodtype()); } } lb.setVisibleItemCount(1); lb.addStyleName("dropdownMenu"); buttonsPanel.add(lb); } private boolean isInMenu(ListBox lb, String foodType) { for (int i = 0; i < lb.getItemCount(); i++) { if (lb.getItemText(i).equals(foodType)) { return true; } } return false; } // handle clicking on a table row (so a vendor can be selected) public void selectVendor(ClickEvent event, FlexTable table, ArrayList<Vendor> vendors) { Cell src = null; try { src = table.getCellForEvent(event); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int rowIndex = 0; if (src != null) rowIndex = src.getRowIndex(); if ((rowIndex == 0) || (src.getCellIndex() == 3)) return; map.clearOverlays(); String rowStyle = table.getRowFormatter().getStyleName(rowIndex).trim(); String vendorName = table.getText(rowIndex, 0); String vendorAddress = table.getText(rowIndex, 1); if (rowStyle.equals("FlexTable-noHighlight") || rowStyle.equals("")) { setRowHighlighted(table, rowIndex, true); for (Vendor v : vendors) { if (vendorName.equalsIgnoreCase(v.getName()) && vendorAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(v.getAddress())) v.setHighlighted(true); } } else { setRowHighlighted(table, rowIndex, false); for (Vendor v : vendors) { if (vendorName.equalsIgnoreCase(v.getName()) && vendorAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(v.getAddress())) v.setHighlighted(false); } } for (Vendor v : vendors) { if (v.isHighlighted()) { map.addOverlay(createMarker(v)); } } } private void setRowHighlighted(FlexTable table, int rowIndex, boolean isHighlight) { if (isHighlight) { table.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(rowIndex, "FlexTable-Highlight"); table.getRowFormatter().removeStyleName(rowIndex, "FlexTable-noHighlight"); } else { table.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(rowIndex, "FlexTable-noHighlight"); table.getRowFormatter().removeStyleName(rowIndex, "FlexTable-Highlight"); } } // handles drop down menu class MenuHandler implements ChangeHandler { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { map.clearOverlays(); HTMLTable.RowFormatter rf = vendorsFlexTable.getRowFormatter(); // Make sure everything on the table is not highlighted for (int r = 1; r < vendorsFlexTable.getRowCount(); r++) { rf.setStyleName(r, "FlexTable-noHighlight"); } for (Vendor v : vendors) v.setHighlighted(false); highlightSelectedFoodType(rf); for (Vendor v : vendors) { if (v.isHighlighted()) { map.addOverlay(createMarker(v)); } } } } // Highlight vendors that serve the selected food type private void highlightSelectedFoodType(HTMLTable.RowFormatter rf) { int index = lb.getSelectedIndex(); String foodType = lb.getItemText(index); for (int r = 0; r < vendors.size(); r++) { if (vendors.get(r).getFoodtype().equals(foodType)) { int i = (r + 1); rf.setStyleName(i, "FlexTable-Highlight"); vendors.get(r).setHighlighted(true); map.addOverlay(createMarker(vendors.get(r))); } } } // last updated time stamp private void addTimeStamp() { Label lastUpdatedLabel = new Label(); lastUpdatedLabel.setText("Last update : " + DateTimeFormat.getFormat(DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.DATE_TIME_MEDIUM).format(new Date())); mainPanel.add(lastUpdatedLabel); } //------------------------- Vendors Table Starts --------------- //service proxy private void loadVendorList() { // Initialize the service proxy. if (vendorSvc == null) { vendorSvc = GWT.create(VendorService.class); } vendorSvc.getVendors(new AsyncCallback<Vendor[]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable error) { handleError(error); } @Override public void onSuccess(Vendor[] result) { displayVendors(result); addDropDownMenu(result); addTimeStamp(); } }); } //remove all data and display vendor table with new data private void displayVendors(Vendor[] result) { for (Vendor v : result) { //display vendor in table displayVendors(v); } } // helper function for displayVendors(Vendor[] result) private void displayVendors(final Vendor vendor) { // don't add vendor if it already exists if (vendors.contains(vendor)) { return; } int row = vendorsFlexTable.getRowCount(); vendors.add(vendor); vendorsFlexTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(row, "FlexTable-noHighlight"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(row, 0, vendor.getName()); vendorsFlexTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(0, "vendorColumn"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(row, 1, vendor.getAddress()); vendorsFlexTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(1, "vendorColumn"); vendorsFlexTable.setText(row, 2, vendor.getFoodtype()); vendorsFlexTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(2, "vendorColumn"); // Add a button to add this vendor to favourites Button favouriteButton = new Button("Favourite"); vendorsFlexTable.setWidget(row, 3, favouriteButton); favouriteButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { new TwitterPopup(vendor).show(); addFavourites(vendor); } }); } //------------------------- Vendors Table Ends --------------- //------------------------- Favourites Table Starts --------------- //load user's favourites private void loadFavouritesList() { favouriteService.getFavourite(new AsyncCallback<Vendor[]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable error) { handleError(error); } @Override public void onSuccess(Vendor[] result) { displayFavourites(result); } }); } //display favourites table private void displayFavourites(Vendor[] result) { for (Vendor vendor : result) { displayFavourites(vendor); } } // adds vendor to favourites (from favourite click) private void addFavourites(final Vendor vendor) { //don't add vendor if it's already in the list of favourites if (favouriteVendors.contains(vendor)) return; favouriteService.addFavourite(vendor, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable error) { handleError(error); } public void onSuccess(Void ignore) { displayFavourites(vendor); } }); } private void displayFavourites(final Vendor vendor) { int row = favouritesTable.getRowCount(); favouriteVendors.add(vendor); favouritesTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(row, "FlexTable-noHighlight"); favouritesTable.setText(row, 0, vendor.getName()); favouritesTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(0, "vendorColumn"); favouritesTable.setText(row, 1, vendor.getAddress()); favouritesTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(1, "vendorColumn"); favouritesTable.setText(row, 2, vendor.getFoodtype()); favouritesTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(2, "vendorColumn"); Button removeButton = new Button("Remove!!"); favouritesTable.setWidget(row, 3, removeButton); removeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { removeFavourite(vendor); } }); } private void removeFavourite(final Vendor vendor) { favouriteService.removeFavourite(vendor, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable error) { handleError(error); } public void onSuccess(Void ignore) { undisplayFavourite(vendor); } }); } private void undisplayFavourite(Vendor vendor) { int removedIndex = favouriteVendors.indexOf(vendor); favouriteVendors.remove(removedIndex); favouritesTable.removeRow(removedIndex + 1); } //------------------------- Favourites Table Ends --------------- // handle removing favourites ClickHandler RemoveHandler = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Cell src = null; try { src = favouritesTable.getCellForEvent(event); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int rowIndex = 0; if (src != null) rowIndex = src.getRowIndex(); if (rowIndex == 0) return; } }; private Marker createMarker(Vendor v) { double lat = v.getLat(); double lon = v.getLon(); final String name = v.getName(); final String address = v.getAddress(); LatLng point = LatLng.newInstance(lat, lon); final Marker marker = new Marker(point); marker.addMarkerClickHandler(new MarkerClickHandler() { public void onClick(MarkerClickEvent event) { InfoWindow info = map.getInfoWindow();, new InfoWindowContent("<b>" + name + "<br>" + address + "</b>")); } }); System.out.println(v.toString()); return marker; } }