Source code

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 * Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * InfoWindowContent describes the type of content that can be displayed in an
 * InfoWindow.
public class InfoWindowContent {

     * Design Note: This class that wraps the GInfoWindowOptions object and
     * enables us to unify the three Maps API classes for plain info windows
     * (GInfoWindow), Info Windows with tabs (GInfoWindowTab) and blowup info
     * windows into a unified InfoWindow class for the gwt-google-apis version of
     * the Maps API.

     * Class that allows access to one tab of a tabbed info window.
    public static final class InfoWindowTab {

        // TODO: DELETE ME! (needs to function w/o)
        private static final Extractor<InfoWindowTab> __extractor = new Extractor<InfoWindowTab>() {
            public InfoWindowTab fromJS(JavaScriptObject jso) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public JavaScriptObject toJS(InfoWindowTab o) {
                return o.jsoPeer;

        private final JavaScriptObject jsoPeer;

        private final Widget widget;

         * Create a new tab on an InfoWindow with the specified HTML string as the
         * content.
         * @param label The label to display on the tab.
         * @param content The HTML data to display when the tab is in focus.
        public InfoWindowTab(String label, String content) {
            widget = null;
            jsoPeer = InfoWindowImpl.impl.createInfoWindowTab(label, content);

         * Create a new tab on an InfoWindow with the specified GWT widget as the
         * content.
         * @param label The label to display on the tab.
         * @param content The widget to display when the tab is in focus.
        public InfoWindowTab(String label, Widget content) {
            widget = content;
            jsoPeer = InfoWindowImpl.impl.createInfoWindowTab(label, content.getElement());

        protected Widget getWidget() {
            return widget;

     * Class that represents the content of a blowup map.
    public static final class MapBlowupContent extends InfoWindowContent {

         * Create a new blowup map with default parameters for map type and zoom
         * level.
        public MapBlowupContent() {

         * Create a new blowup map.
         * @param mapType The type of map to display in the blowup.
         * @param zoomLevel The level of zoom to display in the blowup.
        public MapBlowupContent(MapType mapType, int zoomLevel) {
            InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMapType(super.options, mapType);
            InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setZoomLevel(super.options, zoomLevel);

         * Type of blowup map to show in the info window. Sets the mapType property
         * in a GInfoWindowOptions object. See also the MapBlowupContent class
         * constructor.
         * @param mapType A valid GMapType value.
        public void setMapType(MapType mapType) {
            InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMapType(super.options, mapType);

         * Zoom level of the blowup map in the info window. See also the
         * MapBlowupContent class constructor. Sets the zoomLevel property in a
         * GInfoWindowOptions object.
         * @param zoomLevel Zoom level of the blowup map in the info window.
        public void setZoomLevel(int zoomLevel) {
            InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setZoomLevel(super.options, zoomLevel);

    protected static final int TYPE_ELEMENT = 0;

    protected static final int TYPE_MAP_BLOWUP = 1;

    protected static final int TYPE_TABBED = 2;

    private final JavaScriptObject content;

    private final JavaScriptObject options = InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.construct();

    private final int type;

    private final List<Widget> widgets = new ArrayList<Widget>();

    private Widget windowMaximizedContent;

     * Create a new InfoWindowContent object given an array of tabs.
     * @param tabs A populated array of tabs to display in an info window.
    public InfoWindowContent(InfoWindowTab[] tabs) {
        this.content = ((JSWrapper) JsUtil.toJsList(tabs)).getJavaScriptObject();
        this.type = TYPE_TABBED;
        for (int i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
            Widget w = tabs[i].getWidget();
            if (w != null) {

     * Create a new InfoWindowContent object given an array of tabs, setting the
     * focus to a particular tab.
     * @param tabs A populated array of tabs to display in an info window.
     * @param selectedTab The tab to select when the info window is displayed.
    public InfoWindowContent(InfoWindowTab[] tabs, int selectedTab) {
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setSelectedTab(options, selectedTab);

     * Create a new InfoWindowContent object containing an HTML string to display
     * in the window.
     * @param content An HTML string to display in the window.
    public InfoWindowContent(String content) {
        Element e = DOM.createDiv();
        DOM.setInnerHTML(e, content);
        this.content = e;
        this.type = TYPE_ELEMENT;

     * Create the new InfoWindowContent object containing a GWT Widget.
     * @param content A widget to display in the window.
    public InfoWindowContent(Widget content) {
        this.content = content.getElement();
        this.type = TYPE_ELEMENT;

    private InfoWindowContent(int type) {
        this.content = null;
        this.type = type;

     * Returns the underlying GInfoWindowOptions object constructed from the
     * building of this InfoWindowContent object.
     * @return the underlying GInfoWindowOptions object constructed from the
     *         building of this InfoWindowContent object.
    public JavaScriptObject getOptions() {
        return options;

     * Specifies content to be shown when the InfoWindow is maximized.
     * @param windowMaximizedContent content to be shown
    public void setMaxContent(String windowMaximizedContent) {
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMaxContentString(options, windowMaximizedContent);

     * Specifies content to be shown when the InfoWindow is maximized.
     * @param windowMaximizedContent content to be shown
    public void setMaxContent(Widget windowMaximizedContent) {
        this.windowMaximizedContent = windowMaximizedContent;
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMaxContentElement(options, windowMaximizedContent.getElement());

     * Specifies title to be shown when the InfoWindow is maximized.
     * @param windowMaximizedTitle
    public void setMaxTitle(String windowMaximizedTitle) {
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMaxTitleString(options, windowMaximizedTitle);

     * Specifies title to be shown when the InfoWindow is maximized.
     * @param windowMaximizedTitle Title to be shown
    public void setMaxTitle(Widget windowMaximizedTitle) {
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMaxTitleElement(options, windowMaximizedTitle.getElement());

     * Maximum width of the info window content, in pixels.
     * @param maxWidth Maximum width of the info window content in pixels
    public void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth) {
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setMaxWidth(options, maxWidth);

     * Indicates whether or not the info window should close for a click on the
     * map that was not on a marker. If set to <code>true</code>, the info window
     * will not close when the map is clicked. The default value is
     * <code>false</code>
     * @param noCloseFlag Pass <code>true</code> to leave the window open when the
     *          map is clicked.
    public void setNoCloseOnClick(boolean noCloseFlag) {
        InfoWindowOptionsImpl.impl.setNoCloseOnClick(options, noCloseFlag);

    protected JavaScriptObject getContent() {
        return content;

    protected int getType() {
        return type;

    protected List<Widget> getWidgets() {
        return widgets;

     * Returns the widget passed to
     * {@link InfoWindowContent#setMaxContent(String)}.
     * @return the widget passed to
     *         {@link InfoWindowContent#setMaxContent(String)}.
    Widget getMaxContent() {
        return windowMaximizedContent;