Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import android.os.Build; import; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.TextView; import com.googlecode.eyesfree.utils.AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils; import com.googlecode.eyesfree.utils.StringBuilderUtils; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Utility class for checking accessibility of apps. * * <p>All methods that take {@link View} or {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} objects as arguments * require them to be fully initialized and in a valid hierarchy. Neither a newly constructed * {@link View} nor an object returned by {@code View.createAccessibilityNodeInfo()} have the * required properties because calls like {@code View.getRootView()} and * {@code AccessibilityNodeInfo.getParent} do not return reasonable values unless the objects are * part of a valid hierarchy. */ final class AccessibilityCheckUtils { private AccessibilityCheckUtils() { } /** * Retrieve text for a node, which may include text from children of the node. This text is an * approximation of, but not always identical to, what TalkBack would speak for the node. One * difference is that there are no separators between the speakable text from different nodes. * * @param info The info whose text should be returned. * * @return Speakable text derived from the info and its children. Returns an empty string if there * is no such text, and {@code null} if {@code info == null}. */ static CharSequence getSpeakableTextForInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { if (info == null) { return null; } /* getLabeledBy for API 17+ */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { AccessibilityNodeInfo labeledBy = info.getLabeledBy(); if (labeledBy != null) { /* There could be a chain of labeledBy. Make sure it isn't a loop */ Set<AccessibilityNodeInfo> infosVisited = new HashSet<>(); infosVisited.add(info); infosVisited.add(labeledBy); AccessibilityNodeInfo endOfLabeledByChain = labeledBy.getLabeledBy(); while (endOfLabeledByChain != null) { if (infosVisited.contains(endOfLabeledByChain)) { infosVisited.remove(info); for (AccessibilityNodeInfo infoVisited : infosVisited) { infoVisited.recycle(); } return null; } infosVisited.add(endOfLabeledByChain); labeledBy = endOfLabeledByChain; endOfLabeledByChain = labeledBy.getLabeledBy(); } CharSequence labelText = getSpeakableTextForInfo(labeledBy); infosVisited.remove(info); for (AccessibilityNodeInfo infoVisited : infosVisited) { infoVisited.recycle(); } return labelText; } } AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat compat = new AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat(info); // TODO(caseburkhardt) Pull in TalkBack's actual logic CharSequence nodeText = AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.getNodeText(compat); StringBuilder returnStringBuilder = new StringBuilder((nodeText == null) ? "" : nodeText); /* If this node has a contentDescription, it overrides anything in children */ if (TextUtils.isEmpty(compat.getContentDescription())) { for (int i = 0; i < compat.getChildCount(); ++i) { AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat child = compat.getChild(i); if (AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.isVisibleOrLegacy(child) && !AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.isActionableForAccessibility(child)) { returnStringBuilder.append(getSpeakableTextForInfo((AccessibilityNodeInfo) child.getInfo())); } } } return returnStringBuilder; } /** * Retrieve text for a {@link View}, which may include text from the children of the {@code View}. * This text is an approximation of, but not identical to, what TalkBack would speak for the * {@link View}. One difference is that there are no separators between the speakable text from * different nodes. * <p> * TalkBack also will not speak {@link View}s that aren't visible. This method assumes that the * {@link View} passed in is visible. The visibility of the rest of child nodes is inferred from * {@code view.getVisibility}. * * @param view The {@link View} whose text should be returned. * * @return Speakable text derived from the {@link View} and its children. Returns an empty string * if there is no such text, and {@code null} if {@code view == null}. */ static CharSequence getSpeakableTextForView(View view) { if (view == null) { return null; } View labelForThisView = ViewAccessibilityUtils.getLabelForView(view); if (labelForThisView != null) { return getSpeakableTextForView(labelForThisView); } SpannableStringBuilder returnStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(""); // Accessibility importance is considered only on Jelly Bean and above if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) || ViewAccessibilityUtils.isImportantForAccessibility(view)) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(view.getContentDescription())) { // contentDescription always wins out over other properties return view.getContentDescription(); } if (view instanceof TextView) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(((TextView) view).getText())) { returnStringBuilder.append(((TextView) view).getText()); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(((TextView) view).getHint())) { returnStringBuilder.append(((TextView) view).getHint()); } } } if (view instanceof ViewGroup) { ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) view; // TODO(sjrush): Only evaluate child views if they're importantForAccessibility. for (int i = 0; i < group.getChildCount(); ++i) { View childView = group.getChildAt(i); if ((childView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) && !ViewAccessibilityUtils.isActionableForAccessibility(childView)) { returnStringBuilder.append(getSpeakableTextForView(childView)); } } } if (view instanceof CompoundButton) { if (((CompoundButton) view).isChecked()) { StringBuilderUtils.appendWithSeparator(returnStringBuilder, "Checked"); } else { StringBuilderUtils.appendWithSeparator(returnStringBuilder, "Not checked"); } } return returnStringBuilder; } }