Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * */ package com.globalsight.webservices; import static com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute.FORMAT; import static com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute.FROM_WORLDSERVER; import static com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute.SID; import static com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute.TRANSLATABLE; import static com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute.TYPE; import static com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.SegmentTmAttribute.UPDATED_BY_PROJECT; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.ElementHandler; import org.dom4j.ElementPath; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.jbpm.JbpmContext; import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance; import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance; import com.globalsight.calendar.ReservedTime; import com.globalsight.config.UserParamNames; import com.globalsight.config.UserParameter; import com.globalsight.config.UserParameterPersistenceManagerLocal; import com.globalsight.cxe.adapter.documentum.DocumentumOperator; import com.globalsight.cxe.adaptermdb.filesystem.FileSystemUtil; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.customAttribute.Attribute; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.customAttribute.AttributeSet; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.customAttribute.JobAttribute; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileextension.FileExtension; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileextension.FileExtensionImpl; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileProfile; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileProfileImpl; import com.globalsight.cxe.persistence.fileprofile.FileProfilePersistenceManager; import com.globalsight.cxe.util.CxeProxy; import com.globalsight.diplomat.util.XmlUtil; import com.globalsight.diplomat.util.database.ConnectionPool; import com.globalsight.diplomat.util.database.ConnectionPoolException; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.Comment; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.CommentFile; import com.globalsight.everest.comment.CommentUpload; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.Cost; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.Currency; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.Money; import com.globalsight.everest.costing.Rate; import com.globalsight.everest.edit.offline.OEMProcessStatus; import com.globalsight.everest.edit.offline.OfflineEditManager; import com.globalsight.everest.edit.offline.OfflineFileUploadStatus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.integration.ling.LingServerProxy; import com.globalsight.everest.integration.ling.tm2.LeverageMatchLingManagerLocal; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.Job; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobException; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobGroup; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobHandlerWLRemote; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobPersistenceAccessor; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.JobSearchParameters; import com.globalsight.everest.jobhandler.jobcreation.JobCreationMonitor; import com.globalsight.everest.localemgr.LocaleManager; import com.globalsight.everest.localemgr.LocaleManagerLocal; import; import; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.permission.Permission; import com.globalsight.everest.permission.PermissionGroup; import com.globalsight.everest.permission.PermissionSet; import com.globalsight.everest.persistence.tuv.SegmentTuvUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.LeverageProjectTM; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.Project; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectHandlerException; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectHandlerLocal; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectTM; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectTmTuT; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.ProjectTmTuvT; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.TranslationMemoryProfile; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.WorkflowTemplateInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.WorkflowTypeConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.projecthandler.importer.ImportOptions; import com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.DITAQACheckerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.QAChecker; import com.globalsight.everest.qachecks.QACheckerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.EnvoyServletException; import com.globalsight.everest.servlet.util.ServerProxy; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.Task; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskException; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskManager; import com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.TaskPersistenceAccessor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.LdapHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.usermgr.UserManagerException; import com.globalsight.everest.util.system.SystemConfigParamNames; import com.globalsight.everest.util.system.SystemConfiguration; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.WebAppConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.PageHandler; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.ReportConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.CharacterCountReportGenerator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.PostReviewQAReportGenerator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.TranslationVerificationReportGenerator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.reports.generator.TranslationsEditReportGenerator; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.tmprofile.TMProfileHandlerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.users.UserHandlerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.users.UserUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.jobvo.JobVoSearchCriteria; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.workflows.JobSummaryHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.projects.workflows.WorkflowHandlerHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.tasks.TaskHelper; import; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.Activity; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.ConditionNodeTargetInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.EventNotificationHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WfTaskInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowConfiguration; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowConstants; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowException; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowInstance; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowJbpmUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowProcessAdapter; import com.globalsight.everest.workflow.WorkflowTaskInstance; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.ArrorInfo; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.TaskJbpmUtil; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.Workflow; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowAdditionSender; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowExportingHelper; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowImpl; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowManager; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowManagerException; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowManagerLocal; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowManagerWLRemote; import com.globalsight.everest.workflowmanager.WorkflowPersistenceAccessor; import com.globalsight.exporter.IExportManager; import com.globalsight.importer.IImportManager; import com.globalsight.ling.common.URLEncoder; import com.globalsight.ling.common.XmlEntities; import; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.AbstractTmTuv; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.BaseTmTuv; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.PageTmTu; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.PageTmTuv; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.SegmentTmTu; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.SegmentTmTuv; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.TmCoreManager; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.leverage.LeverageDataCenter; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.leverage.LeverageMatchResults; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.leverage.LeverageMatches; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.leverage.LeveragedTuv; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.leverage.Leverager; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.persistence.DbUtil; import com.globalsight.ling.tm2.segmenttm.TMidTUid; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.BaseTm; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.TM3Attribute; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.TM3Tm; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.TM3Tu; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.persistence.SQLUtil; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.core.persistence.StatementBuilder; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.GSDataFactory; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.GSTuvData; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.TM3Util; import com.globalsight.ling.tm3.integration.segmenttm.Tm3SegmentTmInfo; import com.globalsight.machineTranslation.MachineTranslator; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.terminology.Hitlist; import com.globalsight.terminology.Hitlist.Hit; import com.globalsight.terminology.Termbase; import com.globalsight.terminology.TermbaseList; import; import; import; import com.globalsight.util.AmbFileStoragePathUtils; import com.globalsight.util.Assert; import com.globalsight.util.Entry; import com.globalsight.util.FileUtil; import com.globalsight.util.GeneralException; import com.globalsight.util.GlobalSightLocale; import com.globalsight.util.IntHolder; import com.globalsight.util.RuntimeCache; import com.globalsight.util.ServerUtil; import com.globalsight.util.SessionInfo; import com.globalsight.util.StringUtil; import com.globalsight.util.XmlParser; import; import com.globalsight.util.edit.EditUtil; import com.globalsight.util.edit.GxmlUtil; import com.globalsight.util.file.XliffFileUtil; import com.globalsight.util.mail.MailerConstants; import; import com.globalsight.webservices.AmbassadorHelper.TaskJbpmNode; import com.globalsight.webservices.AmbassadorHelper.TaskJbpmTransition; import com.globalsight.webservices.attribute.AddJobAttributeThread; import com.globalsight.webservices.attribute.AttributeUtil; import com.globalsight.webservices.attribute.Attributes; import com.globalsight.webservices.attribute.DateJobAttributeVo; import com.globalsight.webservices.attribute.JobAttributeVo; import com.globalsight.webservices.vo.JobFiles; /** * WebService APIs of GlobalSight handles web services related to projects, * jobs, workflows, import, export,setup, etc. for GlobalSight * * NOTE: The web service that Apache Axis generates will be named * AmbassadorService */ public class Ambassador extends AbstractWebService { // Method names public static final String CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID = "cancelJobById"; public static final String GET_USER_INFO = "getUserInfo"; public static final String GET_ACCEPTED_TASKS = "getAcceptedTasksInWorkflow"; public static final String GET_CURRENT_TASKS = "getCurrentTasksInWorkflow"; public static final String GET_TASKS = "getTasksInJob"; public static final String ACCEPT_TASK = "acceptTask"; public static final String COMPLETE_TASK = "completeTask"; public static final String REJECT_TASK = "rejectTask"; public static final String ADD_COMMENT = "addComment"; public static final String GET_ALL_PROJECTS_BY_USER = "getAllProjectsByUser"; public static final String CREATE_JOB = "createJob"; public static final String GET_UNIQUE_JOB_NAME = "getUniqueJobName"; public static final String UPLOAD_FILE = "uploadFile"; public static final String GET_STATUS = "getStatus"; public static final String GET_JOB_AND_WORKFLOW_INFO = "getJobAndWorkflowInfo"; public static final String GET_JOB_STATUS = "getJobStatus"; public static final String GET_LOCALIZED_DOCUMENTS = "getLocalizedDocuments"; public static final String CANCEL_WORKFLOW = "cancelWorkflow"; public static final String CANCEL_JOB = "cancelJob"; public static final String EXPORT_WORKFLOW = "exportWorkflow"; public static final String EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO = "editJobDetailInfo"; public static final String EXPORT_JOB = "exportJob"; public static final String ARCHIVE_JOB = "archiveJob"; public static final String GET_IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUS = "getImportExportStatus"; public static final String GET_USER_UNAVAILABILITY_REPORT = "getUserUnavailabilityReport"; public static final String PASS_DCTMACCOUNT = "passDCTMAccount"; public static final String CREATE_DTCMJOB = "createDocumentumJob"; public static final String GET_FILE_PROFILEINFOEX = "getFileProfileInformationEx"; public static final String CANCEL_DCTMJOB = "cancelDocumentumJob"; public static final String GET_DOWNLOADABLE_JOBS = "getDownloadableJobs"; public static final String GET_VERSION = "getVersion"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_COMMENT_FILES = "downloadJobOrTaskCommentFiles"; public static final String GET_JOBS_BY_TIME_RANGE = "getJobsByTimeRange"; public static final String GET_WORKFLOW_PATH = "getWorkflowPath"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_XLIFF_OFFLINE_FILE = "downloadXliffOfflineFile"; public static final String GET_JOB_EXPORT_FILES = "getJobExportFiles"; public static final String EXPORT_TM = "exportTM"; public static final String DELETE_TU_BY_TUID = "deleteTuByTuIds"; public static final String TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH = "tmFullTextSearch"; public static final String TM_EXPORT_STATUS = "getTmExportStatus"; public static final String CREATE_JOB_GROUP = "createJobGroup"; public static final String ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP = "addJobToGroup"; public static final String GET_JOB_EXPORT_WORKFLOW_FILES = "getJobExportWorkflowFiles"; public static final String GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES = "getWorkOfflineFiles"; public static final String UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES = "uploadWorkOfflineFiles"; public static final String IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES = "importWorkOfflineFiles"; public static final String GENERATE_TRANSLATION_EDIT_REPORT = "generateTranslationEditReport"; public static final String GENERATE_CHARACTER_COUNT_REPORT = "generateCharacterCountReport"; public static final String GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_REPORT = "generateReviewersCommentReport"; public static final String GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_SIMPLIFIED_REPORT = "generateReviewersCommentSimplifiedReport"; public static final String GENERATE_POST_REVIEW_QA_REPORT = "generatePostReviewQAReport"; public static final String GENERATE_TRANSLATION_VERIFICATION_REPORT = "generateTranslationVerificationReport"; public static final String GENERATE_DITA_QA_REPORT = "generateDITAQAReport"; public static final String GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORT = "generateQAChecksReport"; public static final String GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS = "generateQAChecksReports"; public static final String GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK = "getInContextReviewLink"; public static final String GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE = "getTranslationPercentage"; public static String ERROR_JOB_NAME = "You cannot have \\, /, :, ;, *, ?, |, \", <, >, % or & in the Job Name."; public static String ERROR_JOB_GROUP_NAME = "You cannot have \\, /, :, ;, ,,.,*, ?,!,$,#,@,[,],{,},(,),^,+,=,~, |, \',\", <, >, % or & in the Job Group Name."; public static String ERROR_EXPORT_FILE_NAME = "You cannot have \\, /, :, ;, ,,.,*, ?,!,$,#,@,[,],{,},(,),^,+,=,~, |, \',\", <, >, % or & in the Export File Name."; public static String ERROR_EXPORT_PROJECT_NAMES = "You cannot have \\, /, :, ;, .,*, ?,!,$,#,@,[,],{,},(,),^,+,=,~, |, \',\", <, >, % or & in the Project Name."; private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Ambassador.class); // jboss/jboss_server/server/default/deploy/globalsight.ear/globalsight-web.war/ private static String webServerDocRoot = null; static public final String DEFAULT_TYPE = "text"; // store object for files and file profiles used in sending upload // successfully mail private static Hashtable dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail = new Hashtable(); // Cached jobIds that jobs creation had been started, this is used to avoid // job with same ID to be created repeatedly. // For "uploadFile...()" and "CreateJob...()" APIs only. private static Set<Long> cachedJobIds = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Long>()); private static String NOT_IN_DB = "This job is not ready for query: "; private final static String XML_HEAD = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"; private final static String ENTRY_XML = "\r\n\t<entry>" + "\r\n\t\t<tm id={0}>{1}</tm>" + "\r\n\t\t<percentage>{2}%</percentage>" + "\r\n\t\t<sid>{3}</sid>" + "\r\n\t\t<source>" + "\r\n\t\t\t<locale>{4}</locale>" + "\r\n\t\t\t<segment>{5}</segment>" + "\r\n\t\t</source>" + "\r\n\t\t<target>" + "\r\n\t\t\t<locale>{6}</locale>" + "\r\n\t\t\t<segment>{7}</segment>" + "\r\n\t\t</target>" + "\r\n\t</entry>"; private final static String ENTRY_XML_SAVE = "<entry>" + "\r\n\t<sid>{0}</sid>" + "\r\n\t<source>\r\n\t\t<locale>{1}</locale>\r\n\t\t" + "{2}\r\n\t</source>\r\n\t" + "<target>\r\n\t\t<locale>{3}</locale>\r\n\t\t" + "{4}\r\n\t</target>\r\n</entry>"; private final static String NULL_XML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\r\n<entries>\r\n\t<entry>\r\n\t\t" + "<percentage>0%</percentage>\r\n\t</entry>\r\n</entries>"; private static final SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); /* * The version of desktop icon e.g. VERSION = "(3.1,8.2)" -> 3.1 is the * minimal version to allow access webservice, 8.2 is the current version of * desktop. Abandoned since 8.2.1. */ private static String VERSION = "(3.1,8.5)"; // new version used to check, since 8.2.1 // need to be changed according to the release version each time private static String VERSION_NEW = "(3.1,8.5)"; /** * used by checkIfInstalled() to remember whether the web service is * installed */ // Whether the web service is installed private static boolean isWebServiceInstalled = false; private XmlEntities xmlEncoder = new XmlEntities(); private JobSummaryHelper jobHelper = new JobSummaryHelper(); /** * Check if the installation key for the WebService is correct * * @return boolean Return true if the installation key is correct, otherwise * return false. */ public static boolean isInstalled() { // String expectedKey = "WSVC-" + "GS".hashCode() + "-" // + "wsdl".hashCode(); isWebServiceInstalled = SystemConfiguration.isKeyValid(SystemConfigParamNames.WEBSVC_INSTALL_KEY); return isWebServiceInstalled; } static { try { isInstalled(); SystemConfiguration config = SystemConfiguration.getInstance(); webServerDocRoot = config.getStringParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.WEB_SERVER_DOC_ROOT); if (!(webServerDocRoot.endsWith("/") || webServerDocRoot.endsWith("\\"))) { webServerDocRoot = webServerDocRoot + "/"; } } catch (Exception ne) { logger.error("Failed to find environment value " + ne); } } /** * Constructs a GlobalSight WebService object. */ public Ambassador() {"Creating new GlobalSight Web Service object."); } /** * Logs into the WebService. Returns an access token and company name * * The format of returning string is 'AccessToken+_+CompanyName'. * * @param p_username * Username used to log in * * @param p_password * Password used to log in * * @return java.lang.String Access token and company name which user works * for * * @exception WebServiceException */ public String login(String p_username, String p_password) throws WebServiceException { String accessToken = this.doLogin(p_username, p_password); String separator = "+_+"; try { User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(p_username); return accessToken + separator + user.getCompanyName(); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = makeErrorXml("login", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(errorMsg); } } /** * Says Hello. Trivial web method. * * @return String Message to welcome * * @exception WebServiceException */ public String helloWorld() throws WebServiceException { checkIfInstalled(); return "Hello from the Welocalize GlobalSight Web service."; } /** * Returns an XML description of the current set of file profiles. * * @deprecated -- this method is not well designed, not suggest to use it. * * @param p_accessToken * String Access Token for invoking method * * @return java.lang.String Returns an XML description which contains * current set of file profiles * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getFileProfileInformation(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeResponseXml("getFileProfileInformation", false, "Access token is invaild").toString(); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getFileProfileInformation"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.FILE_PROFILES_SEE_ALL); ArrayList fileProfileIds = new ArrayList(); ArrayList fileProfileDescriptions = new ArrayList(); ArrayList fileProfileNames = new ArrayList(); queryDatabaseForFileProfileInformation(fileProfileIds, fileProfileDescriptions, fileProfileNames); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<fileProfileInformation>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < fileProfileIds.size(); i++) { xml.append("<fileProfile>"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(fileProfileIds.get(i).toString()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(fileProfileNames.get(i).toString()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<description>").append(fileProfileDescriptions.get(i).toString()) .append("</description>\r\n"); xml.append("</fileProfile>"); } xml.append("</fileProfileInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Returns an XML description containing project information * * @param p_accessToken * * @return java.lang.String An XML description format which contains all * projects information * * @exception WebServiceException */ public String getAllProjects(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllProjects"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.GET_ALL_PROJECTS); Collection c = null; try { c = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getAllProjects(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all projects"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllProjects", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<ProjectInformation>\r\n"); Iterator it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Project project = (Project); xml.append("<Project>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(project.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(project.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); if (project.getDescription() == null || project.getDescription().length() < 1) { xml.append("\t<description>").append("N/A").append("</description>\r\n"); } else { xml.append("\t<description>").append(project.getDescription()).append("</description>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t<projectmanager>").append(project.getProjectManagerId()).append("</projectmanager>\r\n"); xml.append("</Project>\r\n"); } xml.append("</ProjectInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Returns an XML description containing activity type information * * @param p_accessToken * * @return java.lang.String An XML Description which contains all current * activity types information * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllActivityTypes(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllActivityTypes"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITY_TYPES_VIEW); Collection c = null; try { c = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getAllActivities(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all activities"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllActivities", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<ActivityInformation>\r\n"); Iterator it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Activity activity = (Activity); xml.append("<Activity>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(activity.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(activity.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); if (activity.getDescription() == null || activity.getDescription().length() < 1) { xml.append("\t<description>").append("N/A").append("</description>\r\n"); } else { xml.append("\t<description>").append(activity.getDescription()).append("</description>\r\n"); } xml.append("</Activity>\r\n"); } xml.append("</ActivityInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Returns an XML description containing all user information, including ID, * first name, last name and status * * @return java.lang.String Returns an XML description which contains all * current users information * * @exception WebServiceException */ public String getAllUsers(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllUsers"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.USERS_VIEW); Vector v = null; try { v = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUsersForCurrentCompany(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all users"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllUsers", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<userInformation>\r\n"); Iterator it = v.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { User user = (User); xml.append("<user>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(user.getUserId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(user.getUserName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<firstName>").append(user.getFirstName()).append("</firstName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<lastName>").append(user.getLastName()).append("</lastName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>").append(LdapHelper.getStateAsString(user.getState())).append("</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</user>\r\n"); } xml.append("</userInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Returns an XML description of the user information specified by the user * id. * * The information will be contained as below: ID, First name, Last name, * Title, Email, Status, Default UI locale and all permissions the user has. * * @param p_accessToken * * @param p_userId * Special User ID * * @return java.lang.String An XML description which contains user's detail * information. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getUserInfo(String p_accessToken, String p_userId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_USER_INFO); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.USERS_VIEW); // Logged User object String loggedUserName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User loggedUserObj = this.getUser(loggedUserName); String loggedCompanyName = loggedUserObj.getCompanyName(); // User to retrieve information User user = null; Collection userRoles = null; try { user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(p_userId); userRoles = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserRoles(user); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Failed to get user object by userId : " + p_userId; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getUserInfo", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } // Current logged user and the user to get info must belong to the same // company. if (!UserUtil.isSuperAdmin(p_userId)) { if (loggedCompanyName != null && !loggedCompanyName.equalsIgnoreCase(user.getCompanyName())) { String msg = "Current logged user '" + loggedUserName + "' and the user '" + p_userId + "' are NOT in the same company."; logger.error(msg); msg = makeErrorXml("getUserInfo", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<userInformation>\r\n"); // xml.append("\t<userId>").append(user.getUserId()).append("</userId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<userName>").append(user.getUserName()).append("</userName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<firstName>").append(user.getFirstName()).append("</firstName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<lastName>").append(user.getLastName()).append("</lastName>\r\n"); if (user.getTitle() != null && user.getTitle().equalsIgnoreCase("null") == false && user.getTitle().length() > 0) { xml.append("\t<title>").append(user.getTitle()).append("</title>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t<status>").append(LdapHelper.getStateAsString(user.getState())).append("</status>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<companyName>").append(user.getCompanyName()).append("</companyName>\r\n"); // Contact Info xml.append("\t<contactInfo>\r\n"); String address = user.getAddress(); if (address != null && address.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(address) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<address>").append(address).append("</address>\r\n"); } String homePhone = user.getHomePhoneNumber(); if (homePhone != null && homePhone.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(homePhone) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<homePhone>").append(homePhone).append("</homePhone>\r\n"); } String workPhone = user.getOfficePhoneNumber(); if (workPhone != null && workPhone.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(workPhone) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<workPhone>").append(workPhone).append("</workPhone>\r\n"); } String cellPhone = user.getCellPhoneNumber(); if (cellPhone != null && cellPhone.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(cellPhone) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<cellPhone>").append(cellPhone).append("</cellPhone>\r\n"); } String faxPhone = user.getFaxPhoneNumber(); if (faxPhone != null && faxPhone.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(faxPhone) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<faxPhone>").append(faxPhone).append("</faxPhone>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t\t<email>").append(user.getEmail()).append("</email>\r\n"); String ccEmail = user.getCCEmail(); if (ccEmail != null && ccEmail.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(ccEmail) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<CCEmail>").append(ccEmail).append("</CCEmail>\r\n"); } String bccEmail = user.getBCCEmail(); if (bccEmail != null && bccEmail.trim().length() > 0 && "null".equalsIgnoreCase(bccEmail) == false) { xml.append("\t\t<BCCEmail>").append(bccEmail).append("</BCCEmail>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t\t<defaultUILocale>").append(user.getDefaultUILocale()).append("</defaultUILocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</contactInfo>\r\n"); // projects List projectList = UserHandlerHelper.getProjectsByUser(p_userId); if (projectList != null) { xml.append("\t<projects>\r\n"); Iterator it = projectList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Project project = (Project); xml.append("\t\t<project>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<projectId>").append(project.getId()).append("</projectId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<projectName>").append(project.getName()).append("</projectName>\r\n"); try { long companyId = project.getCompanyId(); String companyName = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompanyById(companyId).getCompanyName(); xml.append("\t\t\t<projectCompanyId>").append(companyName).append("</projectCompanyId>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } xml.append("\t\t</project>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</projects>\r\n"); } // roles if (userRoles != null && userRoles.size() > 0) { xml.append("\t<roles>\r\n"); List lpList = new ArrayList(); Iterator rolesIter = userRoles.iterator(); while (rolesIter.hasNext()) { Role role = (Role); String lp = role.getSourceLocale() + "-" + role.getTargetLocale(); if (!lpList.contains(lp)) { lpList.add(lp); } } for (int i = 0; i < lpList.size(); i++) { xml.append("\t\t<role>").append(lpList.get(i)).append("</role>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</roles>\r\n"); } // permission groups xml.append("\t<permissionGroups>\r\n"); try { Collection groups = Permission.getPermissionManager().getAllPermissionGroupsForUser(p_userId); Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PermissionGroup pg = (PermissionGroup); xml.append("\t\t<group>").append(pg.getName()).append("</group>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</permissionGroups>\r\n"); } catch (Exception pe) { throw new WebServiceException(pe.getMessage()); } xml.append("</userInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Create new user * * @param p_accessToken * String Access token. REQUIRED. * @param p_userId * String User ID. REQUIRED. Example: 'qaadmin' * @param p_password * String Password. It requires 8 characters at least. REQUIRED. * @param p_firstName * String First name. It can have 100 characters at most. * REQUIRED. * @param p_lastName * String Last name. It can have 100 characters at most. * REQUIRED. * @param p_email * String Email address. REQUIRED. If the email address is not * vaild then the user's status will be set up as inactive * @param p_permissionGrps * String[] Permission groups which the new user belongs to. The * element in the array is the name of permission group. Example: * [{"Administrator"}, {"ProjectManager"}] * @param p_status * String Status of user. This parameter is not using now, it * should be null. * @param p_roles * Roles String information of user. It uses a string with XML * format to mark all roles information of user. REQUIRED. * Example: <?xml version=\"1.0\"?> <roles> <role> * <sourceLocale>en_US</sourceLocale> * <targetLocale>de_DE</targetLocale> <activities> <activity> * <name>Dtp1</name> </activity> <activity> <name>Dtp2</name> * </activity> </activities> </role> </roles> * @param p_isInAllProject * boolean If the user need to be included in all project. * REQUIRED. * @param p_projectIds * String[] ID of projects which user should be included in. If * p_isInAllProject is true, this will not take effect. Example: * [{"1"}, {"3"}] * @return int Return code 0 -- Success 1 -- Invalid access token 2 -- * Invalid user id 3 -- Cannot create super user 4 -- User exists 5 * -- User does NOT exist 6 -- User is NOT in the same company with * logged user 7 -- Invalid user password 8 -- Invalid first name 9 * -- Invalid last name 10 -- Invalid email address 11 -- Invalid * permission groups 12 -- Invalid project information 13 -- Invalid * role information 14-- Current login user does not have enough * permission -1 -- Unknown exception * @throws WebServiceException */ public int createUser(String p_accessToken, String p_userId, String p_password, String p_firstName, String p_lastName, String p_email, String[] p_permissionGrps, String p_status, String p_roles, boolean p_isInAllProject, String[] p_projectIds) throws WebServiceException { AmbassadorHelper helper = new AmbassadorHelper(); return helper.createUser(p_accessToken, p_userId, p_password, p_firstName, p_lastName, p_email, p_permissionGrps, p_status, p_roles, p_isInAllProject, p_projectIds); } /** * Modify user * * @param p_accessToken * String Access token. REQUIRED. * @param p_userId * String User ID. REQUIRED. Example: 'qaadmin' * @param p_password * String Password. It requires 8 characters at least. * @param p_firstName * String First name. It can have 100 characters at most. * @param p_lastName * String Last name. It can have 100 characters at most. * @param p_email * String Email address. If the email address is not valid, the * user's status will be set up as inactive. * @param p_permissionGrps * String[] Permission groups which the new user belongs to. The * element in the array is the name of permission group. Example: * [{"Administrator"}, {"ProjectManager"}] * @param p_status * String Status of user. This parameter is not using now, it * should be null. * @param p_roles * Roles String information of user. It uses a string with XML * format to mark all roles information of user. Example: <?xml * version=\"1.0\"?> <roles> <role> * <sourceLocale>en_US</sourceLocale> * <targetLocale>de_DE</targetLocale> <activities> <activity> * <name>Dtp1</name> </activity> <activity> <name>Dtp2</name> * </activity> </activities> </role> </roles> * @param p_isInAllProject * boolean If the user need to be included in all project. * REQUIRED. * @param p_projectIds * String[] ID of projects which user should be included in. If * p_isInAllProject is true, this will not take effect. Example: * [{"1"}, {"3"}] * @return int Return code 0 -- Success 1 -- Invalid access token 2 -- * Invalid user id 3 -- Cannot create super user 4 -- User exists 5 * -- User does NOT exist 6 -- User is NOT in the same company with * logged user 7 -- Invalid user password 8 -- Invalid first name 9 * -- Invalid last name 10 -- Invalid email address 11 -- Invalid * permission groups 12 -- Invalid project information 13 -- Invalid * role information 14-- Current login user does not have enough * permission -1 -- Unknown exception * @throws WebServiceException */ public int modifyUser(String p_accessToken, String p_userId, String p_password, String p_firstName, String p_lastName, String p_email, String[] p_permissionGrps, String p_status, String p_roles, boolean p_isInAllProject, String[] p_projectIds) throws WebServiceException { AmbassadorHelper helper = new AmbassadorHelper(); return helper.modifyUser(p_accessToken, p_userId, p_password, p_firstName, p_lastName, p_email, p_permissionGrps, p_status, p_roles, p_isInAllProject, p_projectIds); } /** * Returns an XML description containing all locale pairs information * * @param p_accessToken * * @return java.lang.String An XML description which contains all locale * pairs information * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllLocalePairs(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllLocalePairs"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.LOCALE_PAIRS_VIEW); Vector v = null; try { v = ServerProxy.getLocaleManager().getSourceTargetLocalePairs(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all locale pairs"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllLocalePairs", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<LocalePairInformation>\r\n"); Iterator it = v.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { LocalePair lp = (LocalePair); xml.append("<localePair>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(lp.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<sourceLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<code>").append(lp.getSource().toString()).append("</code>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<displayName>").append(lp.getSource().getDisplayName()).append("</displayName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</sourceLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<targetLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<code>").append(lp.getTarget().toString()).append("</code>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<displayName>").append(lp.getTarget().getDisplayName()).append("</displayName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</targetLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("</localePair>\r\n"); } xml.append("</LocalePairInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Returns an XML description containing project information according by * current user * * This method will return projects information which are in charged by * current user. * * @param p_accessToken * * @return java.lang.String An XML description which contains all projects * information that current user managed. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllProjectsByUser(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_ALL_PROJECTS_BY_USER); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.GET_ALL_PROJECTS); List projects = null; try { String username = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(username); projects = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectInfosManagedByUser(user, Permission.GROUP_MODULE_GLOBALSIGHT); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all projects infos managed by user"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllProjectsByUser", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } Iterator it = projects.iterator(); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<ProjectInformation>\r\n"); while (it.hasNext()) { ProjectInfo pi = (ProjectInfo); xml.append("<project>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(pi.getProjectId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(pi.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); if (pi.getDescription() == null || pi.getDescription().length() < 1) { xml.append("\t<description>").append("N/A").append("</description>\r\n"); } else { xml.append("\t<description>").append(pi.getDescription()).append("</description>\r\n"); } xml.append("</project>\r\n"); } xml.append("</ProjectInformation>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * To create a job * * @param accessToken * @param jobName * String Job name * @param comment * String Job comment * @param filePaths * String Path of files which are contained in job, split by "|" * @param fileProfileIds * String ID of file profiles, split by "|" * @param targetLocales * String Target locales which like to be translated, split by * "|" * @throws WebServiceException */ public void createJob(String accessToken, String jobName, String comment, String filePaths, String fileProfileIds, String targetLocales) throws WebServiceException { createJob(accessToken, jobName, comment, filePaths, fileProfileIds, targetLocales, null); } /** * To create a job * * @param accessToken * @param jobName * String Job name * @param comment * String Job comment * @param filePaths * String Path of files which are contained in job, split by "|" * @param fileProfileIds * String ID of file profiles, split by "|" * @param targetLocales * String Target locales which like to be translated, split by * "|" * @param attributeXml * String Attributes used to create job * @throws WebServiceException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void createJob(String accessToken, String jobName, String comment, String filePaths, String fileProfileIds, String targetLocales, String attributeXml) throws WebServiceException { HashMap args = new HashMap(); args.put("accessToken", accessToken); args.put("jobName", jobName); args.put("comment", comment); args.put("filePaths", filePaths); args.put("fileProfileIds", fileProfileIds); args.put("targetLocales", targetLocales); args.put("attributes", attributeXml); createJob(args); } /** * Creates a job. * * <p> * Make sure that all files has been uploaded to the service. * * <p> * The following informations need included args. * <ul> * <li>accessToken String</li> * <li>jobName String Job name</li> * <li>comment String Job comment</li> * <li>filePaths Vector(String) Path of files which are contained in job</li> * <li>fileProfileIds Vector(String) ID of file profiles</li> * <li>targetLocales Vector(String) Target locales which like to be * translated</li> * <li>priority String Job priority, the default value is 3</li> * </ul> * * @param args * @throws WebServiceException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void createJob(HashMap args) throws WebServiceException { // Checks authority. String accessToken = (String) args.get("accessToken"); checkAccess(accessToken, CREATE_JOB); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); // Read parameters. String jobName = (String) args.get("jobName"); jobName = EditUtil.removeCRLF(jobName); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("createJob", jobNameValidation)); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; Job job = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "createJob(args)", activityArgs); job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobByJobName(jobName); if (job == null) { String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); String priority = (String) args.get("priority"); Vector<String> fileProfileIds = new Vector<String>(); Object fpIdsObj = args.get("fileProfileIds"); if (fpIdsObj instanceof String) { for (String fId : ((String) fpIdsObj).split("\\|")) { fileProfileIds.add(fId); } } else { fileProfileIds = (Vector<String>) fpIdsObj; } ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList(); for (String s : fileProfileIds) { FileProfile fp = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, Long.parseLong(s), false); if (fp == null) { list.add(s); } } if (list.size() > 0) { String invalidFpIds = AmbassadorUtil.listToString(list); String errXml = makeErrorXml("createJob(HashMap args)", "Below file profiles do not exist : " + invalidFpIds); throw new WebServiceException(errXml); } if (fileProfileIds != null && fileProfileIds.size() > 0) { String fpId = (String) fileProfileIds.get(0); long iFpId = Long.parseLong(fpId); FileProfile fp = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager().readFileProfile(iFpId); if (priority == null) { long l10nProfileId = fp.getL10nProfileId(); BasicL10nProfile blp = HibernateUtil.get(BasicL10nProfile.class, l10nProfileId); priority = String.valueOf(blp.getPriority()); } job = JobCreationMonitor.initializeJob(jobName, userId, fp.getL10nProfileId(), priority, Job.PROCESSING); for (String fpIdcp : fileProfileIds) { long Fpid = Long.parseLong(fpIdcp); FileProfile fpcp = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager().readFileProfile(Fpid); if (fpcp.getCompanyId() != job.getCompanyId()) { String message = makeErrorXml("createJobOnInitial", "Current user cannot create job with the file profile which is in other company."); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } } } args.put("jobId", String.valueOf(job.getId())); createJobOnInitial(args); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } private void changeFileListByXliff(String p_filename, String p_targetLocale, FileProfile p_fileProfile, Vector p_fileProfileList, Vector p_fileList, Vector p_afterTargetLocales) { Hashtable<String, FileProfile> splitFiles = new Hashtable<String, FileProfile>(); XliffFileUtil.processMultipleFileTags(splitFiles, p_filename, p_fileProfile); if (splitFiles != null && splitFiles.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<String> iterator = splitFiles.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String tmp =; p_fileList.add(new File(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDir(), tmp)); p_fileProfileList.add(p_fileProfile); p_afterTargetLocales.add(p_targetLocale); } } } /** * Creates a job on the instance initialized during upload process. * <p> * From GBS-2137. * * @throws NamingException * @throws GeneralException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NumberFormatException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void createJobOnInitial(HashMap args) throws WebServiceException, NumberFormatException, RemoteException, GeneralException, NamingException { Job job = null; // Checks authority. String accessToken = (String) args.get("accessToken"); checkAccess(accessToken, CREATE_JOB); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { // Read parameters. String userName = getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); String jobId = (String) args.get("jobId"); Assert.assertIsInteger(jobId); job = JobCreationMonitor.loadJobFromDB(Long.parseLong(jobId)); if (job == null) { String msg = "current jobId : " + jobId + " does not exist."; throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("createJobOnInitial", msg)); } String jobName = job.getJobName(); String recreateFlag = (String) args.get("recreate"); if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(recreateFlag)) { String msg = checkIfCreateJobCalled("createJobOnInitial", job.getId(), jobName); if (msg != null) { throw new WebServiceException(msg); } } cachedJobIds.add(job.getId()); String uuId = ((JobImpl) job).getUuid(); String comment = (String) args.get("comment"); // filePaths Vector<String> filePaths = new Vector<String>(); Object filePathsObj = args.get("filePaths"); if (filePathsObj instanceof String) { for (String path : ((String) filePathsObj).split("\\|")) { filePaths.add(path); } } else { filePaths = (Vector<String>) filePathsObj; } // fileProfileIds Vector<String> fileProfileIds = new Vector<String>(); Object fpIdsObj = args.get("fileProfileIds"); if (fpIdsObj instanceof String) { for (String fId : ((String) fpIdsObj).split("\\|")) { fileProfileIds.add(fId); } } else { fileProfileIds = (Vector<String>) fpIdsObj; } ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : fileProfileIds) { FileProfile fp = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, Long.parseLong(s), false); if (fp == null) { list.add(s); } } if (list.size() > 0) { String invalidFpIds = AmbassadorUtil.listToString(list); String errXml = makeErrorXml("createJobOnInitial", "Below file profiles do not exist : " + invalidFpIds); throw new WebServiceException(errXml); } for (String fpids : fileProfileIds) { long iFpId = Long.parseLong(fpids); FileProfile fp = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager().readFileProfile(iFpId); if (fp.getCompanyId() != job.getCompanyId()) { String message = makeErrorXml("createJobOnInitial", "Current user cannot create job with the file profile which is in other company."); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } // targetLocales Vector<String> targetLocales = new Vector<String>(); Object trgLocalesObj = args.get("targetLocales"); if (trgLocalesObj instanceof String) { targetLocales = handleTargetLocales((String) trgLocalesObj, fileProfileIds.size()); } else if (trgLocalesObj == null) { targetLocales = handleTargetLocales("", fileProfileIds.size()); } else { targetLocales = (Vector<String>) trgLocalesObj; } GlobalSightLocale[] targetLocales_l10n = job.getL10nProfile().getTargetLocales(); Set<String> gls = new HashSet<String>(); for (GlobalSightLocale trgLoc_l10n : targetLocales_l10n) { gls.add(trgLoc_l10n.toString().toLowerCase()); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String trgLocs : targetLocales) { for (String trgLoc : trgLocs.split(",")) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(trgLoc) && !gls.contains(trgLoc.toLowerCase())) { sb.append(","); sb.append(trgLoc); } } } if (sb.length() > 0) { String message = makeErrorXml("createJobOnInital", "invalid or non-exsit tagetLocale: " + sb.toString().substring(1) + " in current L10nProfile"); throw new WebServiceException(message); } String priority = (String) args.get("priority"); String attributesXml = (String) args.get("attributes"); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("jobId", jobId); activityArgs.put("jobName", jobName); activityArgs.put("recreate", recreateFlag); activityArgs.put("comment", comment); activityArgs.put("filePaths", filePaths); activityArgs.put("fileProfileIds", fileProfileIds); activityArgs.put("targetLocales", targetLocales); activityArgs.put("attributes", attributesXml); activityArgs.put("isJobCreatedOriginallyViaWS", (String) args.get("isJobCreatedOriginallyViaWS")); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "createJobOnInitial(args)", activityArgs); if (filePaths != null && filePaths.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.size(); i++) { String filePath = (String) filePaths.get(i); String extensionMsg = checkExtensionExisted(filePath); if (extensionMsg != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("createJobOnInitial", extensionMsg)); } } } FileProfilePersistenceManager fppm = null; String fpId = ""; long iFpId = 0l; String filename = "", realFilename = "", tmpFilename = ""; String zipDir = ""; String vTargetLocale = ""; FileProfile fp = null, referenceFP = null; File file = null, tmpFile = null; Vector fileProfiles = new Vector(); Vector files = new Vector(); Vector afterTargetLocales = new Vector(); ArrayList<String> zipFiles = null; long referenceFPId = 0l; boolean isWSFlag = true; if ("false".equals((String) args.get("isJobCreatedOriginallyViaWS"))) { isWSFlag = false; } try { fppm = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.size(); i++) { vTargetLocale = (String) targetLocales.get(i); fpId = (String) fileProfileIds.get(i); iFpId = Long.parseLong(fpId); fp = fppm.readFileProfile(iFpId); referenceFPId = fp.getReferenceFP(); referenceFP = fppm.readFileProfile(referenceFPId); filename = (String) filePaths.get(i); filename = filename.replace('\\', File.separatorChar); String srcLocale = findSrcLocale(fpId); filename = getRealPath(jobId, filename, srcLocale, isWSFlag); realFilename = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDir(job.getCompanyId()) + File.separator + filename; file = new File(realFilename); if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".xml")) { saveFileAsUTF8(file); } // indicates this is an "XLZ" format file profile if (48 == fp.getKnownFormatTypeId()) { /** * Process XLZ file If file extension is 'xlz', then do * below steps, 1. Unpack the file to folder named with * xlz file name For Example, ..\testXLZFile.xlz will be * unpacked to ..\testXLZFile\xlzFile01.xlf * ..\testXLZFile\xlzFile02.txb * * 2. add new file profiles according with reference * file profile with current xlz file to all xliff files * unpacked from xlz * * 3. add target locales according with reference target * locale with current xlz file to all xliff files * unpacked from xlz * * NOTE: We just process xliff files for now, ignore any * other types of files. */ zipDir = realFilename.substring(0, realFilename.lastIndexOf(".")); zipFiles = ZipIt.unpackZipPackage(realFilename, zipDir); String relativePath = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")); String tmp = ""; for (String f : zipFiles) { tmpFilename = zipDir + File.separator + f; tmpFile = new File(tmpFilename); if (XliffFileUtil.isXliffFile(f)) { tmp = relativePath + File.separator + f; changeFileListByXliff(tmp, vTargetLocale, referenceFP, fileProfiles, files, afterTargetLocales); } } } else if (39 == fp.getKnownFormatTypeId()) { changeFileListByXliff(filename, vTargetLocale, fp, fileProfiles, files, afterTargetLocales); } else { fileProfiles.add(fp); files.add(file); afterTargetLocales.add(vTargetLocale); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (job != null) { JobCreationMonitor.updateJobState(job, Job.IMPORTFAILED); } logger.error(e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } // Calls script if has. // Vector result = FileSystemUtil.execScript(files, fileProfiles, // targetLocales); Vector result = FileSystemUtil.execScript(files, fileProfiles, afterTargetLocales, Long.parseLong(jobId), jobName); Vector sFiles = (Vector) result.get(0); Vector sProFiles = (Vector) result.get(1); Vector stargetLocales = (Vector) result.get(2); Vector exitValues = (Vector) result.get(3); // cache job attributes List<JobAttributeVo> atts = null; String companyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); try { if (attributesXml != null && attributesXml.length() > 0) { Attributes attributes = com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.string2Object(Attributes.class, attributesXml); atts = (List<JobAttributeVo>) attributes.getAttributes(); List<JobAttribute> jobatts = new ArrayList<JobAttribute>(); for (JobAttributeVo jobAttributeVo : atts) { jobatts.add(AttributeUtil.createJobAttribute(jobAttributeVo)); } RuntimeCache.addJobAtttibutesCache(uuId, jobatts); } else if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(recreateFlag)) { AttributeSet as = ((JobImpl) job).getAttributeSet(); List<Attribute> jas = as.getAttributeAsList(); List<JobAttribute> jobatts = new ArrayList<JobAttribute>(); atts = new ArrayList<JobAttributeVo>(); for (Attribute ja : jas) { JobAttributeVo vo = AttributeUtil.getAttributeVo(ja.getCloneAttribute()); atts.add(vo); jobatts.add(AttributeUtil.createJobAttribute(vo)); } RuntimeCache.addJobAtttibutesCache(uuId, jobatts); } } catch (Exception e) { // log this exception to avoid break job creation logger.error("Get JobAttribute failed with exception.", e); } // Sends events to cxe. int pageCount = sFiles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { File realFile = (File) sFiles.get(i); FileProfile realProfile = (FileProfile) sProFiles.get(i); String targetLocale = (String) stargetLocales.get(i); String path = realFile.getPath(); String relativeName = path.substring(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDir().getPath().length() + 1); try { publishEventToCxe(jobId, jobName, i + 1, pageCount, 1, 1, relativeName, Long.toString(realProfile.getId()), targetLocale, (Integer) exitValues.get(i), priority); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Create job(" + jobName + ") failed with exception " + e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException( "Create job(" + jobName + ") failed with exception " + e.getMessage()); } } // set job attribute if (atts != null && atts.size() > 0) { AddJobAttributeThread thread = new AddJobAttributeThread(uuId, companyId); thread.setJobAttributeVos(atts); thread.createJobAttributes(); } // Send email at the end. sendUploadCompletedEmail(filePaths, fileProfileIds, accessToken, jobName, comment, new Date()); // It is allowed to create job with inactive file profile Ids, but // throw exception to warn user. ArrayList<String> inactive_list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : fileProfileIds) { FileProfile fp_inactive = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, Long.parseLong(s), true); if (fp_inactive == null) { inactive_list.add(s); } } if (inactive_list.size() > 0) { String invalidFpIds = AmbassadorUtil.listToString(inactive_list); String errXml = "You are using inactive profile ids " + invalidFpIds + ", in a future release this create job may fail."; logger.warn(errXml); throw new WebServiceException(errXml); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } private Vector<String> handleTargetLocales(String p_targetLocales, int fileSize) { Vector<String> tLocales = new Vector<String>(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_targetLocales) || StringUtil.isEmpty(p_targetLocales.replace("|", ""))) { for (int i = 0; i < fileSize; i++) { tLocales.add(" "); } } else { for (String tLocale : p_targetLocales.split("\\|")) { if (tLocale.contains(",")) { String locales = ""; for (String locale : tLocale.split(",")) { locales += locale.trim() + ","; } if (locales != "" && locales.endsWith(",")) { tLocales.add(locales.substring(0, locales.lastIndexOf(","))); } } else { tLocales.add(tLocale.trim()); } } } return tLocales; } private String checkIfCreateJobCalled(String methodName, long jobId, String jobName) throws WebServiceException { // Job with "jobId" is being created or has been created, can't start // job creation with same job ID. if (cachedJobIds.contains(jobId)) { String message = "Current job (jobId:" + jobId + ";jobName:" + jobName + ") is being created or has been created already."; return makeErrorXml(methodName, message); } return null; } /** * Saves specified file with UTF8 format * * @param file * The file which need to be saved with UTF8 format */ private void saveFileAsUTF8(File file) { String originalEncode = ""; try { originalEncode = ImportUtil.guessEncodingByBom(file); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (originalEncode == null && file.isFile()) { logger.warn("Can not get the encoding of file: " + file + ", please check whether the encoding of file: " + file + " is unicode."); } else { ImportUtil.saveFileAsUTF8(file.getAbsolutePath(), originalEncode); } } /** * Gets a unique job name. * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_jobName * Job name * * @return job name used in database. */ public String getUniqueJobName(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_UNIQUE_JOB_NAME); HashMap<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>(); args.put("accessToken", p_accessToken); args.put("jobName", p_jobName); return getUniqueJobName(args); } /** * validate job name with "[\\w+-]{1,}" pattern (character, '+', '-') * * @param p_jobname * @return */ private String validateJobName(String p_jobname) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_jobname)) { return "Empty job name."; } String name = p_jobname.trim(); int index = name.lastIndexOf("_"); if (index > -1) { name = name.substring(0, index); } if (name.length() > 100) { return "The length of job name exceeds 100 characters."; } if (!p_jobname.matches("[^\\\\/:;*?|\"<>&%]*")) { return ERROR_JOB_NAME; } return null; } private String checkExtensionExisted(String p_filePath) { if (p_filePath == null || p_filePath.trim().length() == 0) return "filePath is null or empty"; try { String fileName = null; String path = p_filePath.replace("\\", "/"); int index = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index > -1) { fileName = path.substring(index + 1); } else { fileName = path; } index = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (index > -1) { String extension = fileName.substring(index + 1); if (extension != null && extension.trim().length() > 0) return null; } } catch (Exception ignore) { return null; } return "The file " + p_filePath + " has no extension."; } /** * Gets a unique job name. * * @param args * accessToken String jobName String * * @return job name used in database. */ public String getUniqueJobName(HashMap args) throws WebServiceException { String accessToken = (String) args.get("accessToken"); checkAccess(accessToken, GET_UNIQUE_JOB_NAME); String jobName = (String) args.get("jobName"); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("getUniqueJobName", jobNameValidation)); } String randomStr = String.valueOf((new Random()).nextInt(999999999)); while (randomStr.length() < 9) { randomStr = "0" + randomStr; } jobName = jobName + "_" + randomStr; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", getUsernameFromSession(accessToken)); activityArgs.put("jobName", jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getUniqueJobName(args)", activityArgs); String sql = "SELECT ID FROM JOB WHERE NAME=?"; connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); query.setString(1, jobName); results = query.executeQuery(); if ( { return getUniqueJobName(args); } else return jobName; } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database to get job."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("getUniqueJobName", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for job."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("getUniqueJobName", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (WebServiceException le) { throw le; } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get job information from System4."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getUniqueJobName", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { releaseDBResource(results, query, connection); if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Uploads a file to service. * * <p> * Following informations must be included in <code>args</code>. * <ul> * <li>accessToken --- String</li> * <li>bytes --------- byte[]</li> * <li>filePath ------ String</li> * <li>fileProfileId - String</li> * <li>jobName ------- String</li> * </ul> * * @param args * @throws WebServiceException */ public void uploadFile(HashMap args) throws WebServiceException { try { uploadFileForInitial(args); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("uploadFile", e.getMessage())); } } /** * Uploads a file to service. * <p> * An initial job will be created in database. From GBS-2137. */ public String uploadFileForInitial(HashMap args) throws WebServiceException { Job job = null; String jobId = null; // Checks authority. String accessToken = (String) args.get("accessToken"); checkAccess(accessToken, UPLOAD_FILE); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; boolean updateJobStateIfException = true; try { String jobName = (String) args.get("jobName"); jobName = EditUtil.removeCRLF(jobName); String filePath = (String) args.get("filePath"); String fileProfileId = (String) args.get("fileProfileId"); String priority = (String) args.get("priority"); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("uploadFileForInitial", jobNameValidation)); } String extensionMsg = checkExtensionExisted(filePath); if (extensionMsg != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("uploadFileForInitial", extensionMsg)); } String userName = getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", jobName); activityArgs.put("filePath", filePath); activityArgs.put("fileProfileId", fileProfileId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "uploadFile(accessToken, jobName,filePath,fileProfileId,content)", activityArgs); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "uploadFileForInitial(args)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); FileProfile fp = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager() .readFileProfile(Long.parseLong(fileProfileId)); if (priority == null) { long l10nProfileId = fp.getL10nProfileId(); BasicL10nProfile blp = HibernateUtil.get(BasicL10nProfile.class, l10nProfileId); priority = String.valueOf(blp.getPriority()); } jobId = (String) args.get("jobId"); // validate if there is job with current job name if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jobId)) { job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobByJobName(jobName); if (job != null) jobId = String.valueOf(job.getId()); else { // for GBS-2137, initialize the job with "UPLOADING" state job = JobCreationMonitor.initializeJob(jobName, userId, fp.getL10nProfileId(), priority, Job.UPLOADING); jobId = String.valueOf(job.getId()); } } // GBS-3367 (special case checking) String msg = checkIfCreateJobCalled("uploadFileForInitial", Long.parseLong(jobId), jobName); if (msg != null) { updateJobStateIfException = false; throw new WebServiceException(msg); } if (!isInSameCompany(userName, fp.getCompanyId()) && !UserUtil.isSuperPM(userId)) { String message = makeErrorXml("uploadFile", "Current user cannot upload file with the file profile which is in other company."); throw new WebServiceException(message); } byte[] bytes = (byte[]) args.get("bytes"); // change the '\' in the file path to get used to the Linux env. filePath = filePath.replace('\\', File.separatorChar); // Save file. String srcLocale = findSrcLocale(fileProfileId); String path = getRealPath(jobId, filePath, srcLocale, true); writeFile(path, bytes, fp.getCompanyId()); } catch (Exception e) { if (jobId != null && updateJobStateIfException) { JobCreationMonitor.updateJobState(Long.parseLong(jobId), Job.IMPORTFAILED); } logger.error(e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } }"uploadFileForInitial API returning: " + jobId); return jobId; } /** * Uploads a file to service * * @param accessToken * @param jobName * String Job name * @param filePath * String Absolute Path of file * @param fileProfileId * String ID of selected file profile * @param content * String Job content * @throws WebServiceException */ public void uploadFile(String accessToken, String jobName, String filePath, String fileProfileId, String content) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(jobName, "Job name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(filePath, "File path"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(fileProfileId, "File profile Id"); Assert.assertNotNull(content, "Content"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("uploadFile", e.getMessage())); } byte[] bytes; try { bytes = content.getBytes("utf-8"); HashMap args = new HashMap(); args.put("accessToken", accessToken); args.put("jobName", jobName); args.put("filePath", filePath); args.put("fileProfileId", fileProfileId); args.put("bytes", bytes); uploadFileForInitial(args); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Uploads a file to service * * @param accessToken * @param jobName * String Job name * @param filePath * String Absolute Path of file * @param fileProfileId * String ID of selected file profile * @param content * byte[] Job content * @throws WebServiceException */ public void uploadFile(String accessToken, String jobName, String filePath, String fileProfileId, byte[] content) throws WebServiceException { HashMap args = new HashMap(); args.put("accessToken", accessToken); args.put("jobName", jobName); args.put("filePath", filePath); args.put("fileProfileId", fileProfileId); args.put("bytes", content); uploadFileForInitial(args); } /** * Returns the status of the given job in XML. Also includes the cost * information * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * String Job name * @return String An XML description which contains job status and cost * information * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getStatus(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_STATUS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); String jobName = p_jobName; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getStatus(p_accessToken, p_jobName)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); String status = job.getState(); float estimatedCost = (float) 0.0; float finalCost = (float) 0.0; boolean isOverrideCost = false; Currency pivotCurrency = null; boolean costingEnabled = false; String pivotCurrencyName = "USD"; try { SystemConfiguration sc = SystemConfiguration.getInstance(); if (sc.getBooleanParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.COSTING_ENABLED) == true) { costingEnabled = true; pivotCurrency = ServerProxy.getCostingEngine().getPivotCurrency(); pivotCurrencyName = pivotCurrency.getDisplayName(); // calculate expenses Cost cost = ServerProxy.getCostingEngine().calculateCost(job, pivotCurrency, true, Cost.REVENUE); if (cost != null) { Money m = cost.getEstimatedCost(); if (m != null) estimatedCost = m.getAmount(); m = cost.getFinalCost(); if (m != null) finalCost = m.getAmount(); m = cost.getOverrideCost(); if (m != null) { finalCost = m.getAmount(); isOverrideCost = true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to get costing information for getStatus() web service call for job " + jobName, e); } xml.append("<jobStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobName>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(jobName)).append("</jobName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobId>").append(job.getId()).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>").append(status).append("</status>\r\n"); if (costingEnabled) { xml.append("\t<cost>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<currency>").append(pivotCurrencyName).append("</currency>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<expense>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<estimatedCost>").append(estimatedCost).append("</estimatedCost>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<finalCost isOverrideCost=\"").append(isOverrideCost); xml.append("\">").append(finalCost).append("</finalCost>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t</expense>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</cost>\r\n"); } xml.append("</jobStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!e.getMessage().startsWith(NOT_IN_DB)) { logger.error("getStatus()", e); } String message = "Could not get information for job " + jobName; message = makeErrorXml("getStatus", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Returns general information about a job and its workflows. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * String ID of Job * @return String An XML description which contains job information and its * workflow information * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getJobAndWorkflowInfo(String p_accessToken, long p_jobId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_JOB_AND_WORKFLOW_INFO); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_VIEW); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getJobAndWorkflowInfo(p_accessToken, p_jobId)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(userId); Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(p_jobId); Assert.assertFalse(!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId())), "Cannot access the job which is not in the same company with current user"); String status = job.getState(); status = new String(status.getBytes(), "ISO8859-1"); xml.append("<jobInfo>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(p_jobId).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(job.getJobName())).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>").append(status).append("</status>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<creator>").append(job.getCreateUser().getUserName()).append("</creator>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<createDate>").append(job.getCreateDate().toString()).append("</createDate>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<priority>").append(job.getPriority()).append("</priority>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<sourceLocale>").append(job.getSourceLocale().getDisplayName()) .append("</sourceLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<state>").append(job.getState()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<pageCount>").append(job.getPageCount()).append("</pageCount>\r\n"); // Source pages xml.append("\t<sourcePages>\r\n"); List sps = new ArrayList(job.getSourcePages()); SourcePage sp = null; for (int i = 0; i < sps.size(); i++) { sp = (SourcePage) sps.get(i); xml.append("\t\t<sourcePage>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<id>").append(sp.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<externalPageId>").append(replaceAndString(sp.getExternalPageId())) .append("</externalPageId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<wordCount>").append(sp.getWordCount()).append("</wordCount>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t</sourcePage>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</sourcePages>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<sourceWordCount>").append(job.getWordCount()).append("</sourceWordCount>\r\n"); Collection wfs = job.getWorkflows(); xml.append("\t<workflowInfo>\r\n"); long l10nprofile = 0l; Workflow w = null; TranslationMemoryProfile tmp = null; TaskInstance taskInstance = null; String currentTaskName = ""; TimeZone timeZone = ServerProxy.getCalendarManager().findUserTimeZone(userId); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(Timestamp.DATE, timeZone); Locale uiLocale = new Locale(user.getDefaultUILocale()); ts.setLocale(uiLocale); for (Iterator wfi = wfs.iterator(); wfi.hasNext();) { currentTaskName = ""; w = (Workflow); l10nprofile = w.getJob().getL10nProfileId(); xml.append("\t\t<workflow>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<id>").append(w.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<targetLocale>").append(w.getTargetLocale().getDisplayName()) .append("</targetLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<state>").append(w.getState()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<dispatchDate>") .append(w.getDispatchedDate() == null ? "" : w.getDispatchedDate().toString()) .append("</dispatchDate>\r\n"); // currentActivity taskInstance = WorkflowManagerLocal.getCurrentTask(w.getId()); if (taskInstance != null) { currentTaskName = TaskJbpmUtil.getTaskDisplayName(taskInstance.getName()); } xml.append("\t\t\t<currentActivity>").append(currentTaskName).append("</currentActivity>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<estimatedTranslateCompletionDate>"); if (w.getEstimatedTranslateCompletionDate() != null) { ts.setDate(w.getEstimatedTranslateCompletionDate()); xml.append(ts); xml.append(" "); xml.append(ts.getHour() + ":"); if (ts.getMinute() < 10) { xml.append("0"); } xml.append(ts.getMinute()); xml.append(" "); xml.append(ts.getTimeZone().getDisplayName(uiLocale)); } else { xml.append("--"); } xml.append("</estimatedTranslateCompletionDate>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<estimatedCompletionDate>"); if (w.getEstimatedCompletionDate() != null) { ts.setDate(w.getEstimatedCompletionDate()); xml.append(ts); xml.append(" "); xml.append(ts.getHour() + ":"); if (ts.getMinute() < 10) { xml.append("0"); } xml.append(ts.getMinute()); xml.append(" "); xml.append(ts.getTimeZone().getDisplayName(uiLocale)); } else { xml.append("--"); } xml.append("</estimatedCompletionDate>\r\n"); if (w.getCompletedDate() != null) { xml.append("\t\t\t<completeDate>").append(w.getCompletedDate().toString()) .append("</completeDate>\r\n"); } tmp = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getL10nProfile(l10nprofile).getTranslationMemoryProfile(); xml.append("\t\t\t<isInContextMatch>").append(tmp.getIsContextMatchLeveraging()) .append("</isInContextMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<percentageComplete>").append(w.getPercentageCompletion()) .append("</percentageComplete>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<targetWordCount total=\"").append(w.getTotalWordCount()).append("\">\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<contextMatch>").append(w.getContextMatchWordCount()) .append("</contextMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<segmentTmMatch>").append(w.getSegmentTmWordCount()) .append("</segmentTmMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<lowFuzzyMatch>").append(w.getLowFuzzyMatchWordCount()) .append("</lowFuzzyMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<medFuzzyMatch>").append(w.getMedFuzzyMatchWordCount()) .append("</medFuzzyMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<medHiFuzzyMatch>").append(w.getMedHiFuzzyMatchWordCount()) .append("</medHiFuzzyMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<hiFuzzyMatch>").append(w.getHiFuzzyMatchWordCount()) .append("</hiFuzzyMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<repetitionMatch>").append(w.getRepetitionWordCount()) .append("</repetitionMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<noMatch>").append(w.getNoMatchWordCount()).append("</noMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<noExactMatch>").append(w.getTotalExactMatchWordCount()) .append("</noExactMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<inContextMatch>").append(w.getInContextMatchWordCount()) .append("</inContextMatch>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t</targetWordCount>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t</workflow>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</workflowInfo>\r\n"); xml.append("</jobInfo>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_JOB_AND_WORKFLOW_INFO, e); String message = "Could not get information for job " + p_jobId; message = makeErrorXml(GET_JOB_AND_WORKFLOW_INFO, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get job status by job name, added by Leon for GBS-2239(GSSmartBox) * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getJobStatus(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_JOB_STATUS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; String id = ""; String status; try { User user = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", user.getUserName()); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getJobStatus(p_accessToken, p_jobName)", activityArgs); String condition = appendJobCondition(p_jobName); String sql = "SELECT ID, STATE FROM JOB WHERE COMPANY_ID=? AND " + condition; connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); query.setLong(1, CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(user.getCompanyName()).getId()); query.setString(2, p_jobName); results = query.executeQuery(); if ( { id = results.getString(1); status = results.getString(2); } else { // This job is not in the table of DB, it was not created status = "UNKNOWN"; } } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database to get job status."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for job status."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (WebServiceException le) { throw le; } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get job information from System4."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } releaseDBResource(results, query, connection); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<job>\r\n"); xml.append("<id>"); xml.append(id); xml.append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("<name>"); xml.append(p_jobName); xml.append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("<status>"); xml.append(status); xml.append("</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</job>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get exported job files (do not care if the workflow is "EXPORTED") * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_jobName * Job name * @return String String in XML format contains information of exported job * files * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getJobExportFiles(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_JOB_EXPORT_FILES); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_EXPORT); String jobName = p_jobName; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); long jobId = job.getId(); String jobCompanyId = String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()); if (!isInSameCompany(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken), jobCompanyId)) throw new WebServiceException( "Cannot access the job which is not in the same company with current user"); String status = job.getState(); if (status == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Job " + jobName + " does not exist."); } JobFiles jobFiles = new JobFiles(); // jobFiles.setJobId(jobId); // jobFiles.setJobName(jobName); StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(); prefix.append(getUrl()).append("/cxedocs/"); String company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()); prefix.append(URLEncoder.encode(company, "utf-8")); jobFiles.setRoot(prefix.toString()); Set<String> passoloFiles = new HashSet<String>(); long fileProfileId = -1l; FileProfile fp = null; FileProfilePersistenceManager fpManager = null; boolean isXLZFile = false; try { fpManager = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot get file profile manager.", e); return makeErrorXml(GET_JOB_EXPORT_FILES, "Cannot get file profile manager." + e.getMessage()); } try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getJobExportFiles(p_accessToken, p_jobName)", activityArgs); for (Workflow w : job.getWorkflows()) { if (Workflow.CANCELLED.equals(w.getState()) || Workflow.PENDING.equals(w.getState()) || Workflow.EXPORT_FAILED.equals(w.getState()) || Workflow.IMPORT_FAILED.equals(w.getState())) continue; ArrayList<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TargetPage page : w.getTargetPages()) { SourcePage sPage = page.getSourcePage(); if (sPage != null && sPage.isPassoloPage()) { String p = sPage.getPassoloFilePath(); p = p.replace("\\", "/"); p = p.substring(p.indexOf("/") + 1); passoloFiles.add(p); if (fileList.contains(p)) continue; else { fileList.add(p); } continue; } fileProfileId = sPage.getRequest().getFileProfileId(); fp = fpManager.getFileProfileById(fileProfileId, false); if (fpManager.isXlzReferenceXlfFileProfile(fp.getName())) isXLZFile = true; String path = page.getExternalPageId(); path = path.replace("\\", "/"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(fp.getScriptOnExport())) { path = handlePathForScripts(path, job); } int index = path.indexOf("/"); path = path.substring(index); path = getRealFilePathForXliff(path, isXLZFile); if (fileList.contains(path)) continue; else { fileList.add(path); } StringBuffer allPath = new StringBuffer(); allPath.append(page.getGlobalSightLocale()); for (String s : path.split("/")) { if (s.length() > 0) { allPath.append("/").append(URLEncoder.encode(s, "utf-8")); } } jobFiles.addPath(allPath.toString()); isXLZFile = false; } } for (String path : passoloFiles) { StringBuffer allPath = new StringBuffer(); allPath.append("passolo"); for (String s : path.split("/")) { if (s.length() > 0) { allPath.append("/").append(URLEncoder.encode(s, "utf-8")); } } jobFiles.addPath(allPath.toString()); } String returnStr = com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.object2String(jobFiles); if (returnStr != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"getJobExportFiles API returning: " + returnStr); } return returnStr; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in getJobExportFiles.", e); return makeErrorXml(GET_JOB_EXPORT_FILES, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } private String getUrl() { return AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl(); } private String getRealFilePathForXliff(String path, boolean isXLZFile) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(path)) return path; int index = -1; index = path.lastIndexOf(".sub/"); if (index > 0) { // one big xliff file is split to some sub-files path = path.substring(0, index); } if (isXLZFile) { path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")); path += ".xlz"; } return path; } private String handlePathForScripts(String path, Job job) { path = path.replace("\\", "/"); String finalPath = path; // for new scripts on import/export if (path.contains("/PreProcessed_" + job.getId() + "_")) { finalPath = path.replace( path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/PreProcessed_" + job.getId() + "_"), path.lastIndexOf("/")), ""); } // compatible codes for old import/export else { int index = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index > -1) { String fileName = path.substring(index + 1); String extension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); String rest = path.substring(0, index); if (rest.endsWith("/" + fileName)) { finalPath = rest + "." + extension; } } } return finalPath; } /** * Return exported files information for job's "EXPORTED" state workflows. * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_jobName * Job name * @param workflowLocale * Locale of workflow, it can accept fr_FR, fr-FR, fr_fr formats * If it is null, all "EXPORTED" workflows' exported files info * will be returned. * @return String String in XML format contains all exported files list of * job according with special workflow locale * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getJobExportWorkflowFiles(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName, String workflowLocale) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_JOB_EXPORT_WORKFLOW_FILES); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_EXPORT); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; String jobName = p_jobName; Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); long jobId = job.getId(); String jobCompanyId = String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()); if (!isInSameCompany(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken), jobCompanyId)) throw new WebServiceException( "Cannot access the job which is not in the same company with current user"); String status = job.getState(); if (status == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Job " + jobName + " does not exist."); } JobFiles jobFiles = new JobFiles(); // jobFiles.setJobId(jobId); // jobFiles.setJobName(jobName); long fileProfileId = -1l; FileProfile fp = null; FileProfilePersistenceManager fpManager = null; boolean isXLZFile = false; try { fpManager = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot get file profile manager.", e); return makeErrorXml(GET_JOB_EXPORT_WORKFLOW_FILES, "Cannot get file profile manager." + e.getMessage()); } StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(); prefix.append(getUrl()).append("/cxedocs/"); String company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()); prefix.append(URLEncoder.encode(company, "utf-8")); jobFiles.setRoot(prefix.toString()); Set<String> passoloFiles = new HashSet<String>(); try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityArgs.put("workflowLocale", workflowLocale); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getJobExportWorkflowFiles(p_accessToken, p_jobName,workflowLocale)", activityArgs); for (Workflow w : job.getWorkflows()) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(workflowLocale)) { // need to download all 'Exported' workflow files if (!Workflow.EXPORTED.equals(w.getState())) continue; } else { // download workflow files if (!isWorkflowOfLocaleExported(w, workflowLocale)) continue; } ArrayList<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TargetPage page : w.getTargetPages()) { SourcePage sPage = page.getSourcePage(); if (sPage != null && sPage.isPassoloPage()) { String p = sPage.getPassoloFilePath(); p = p.replace("\\", "/"); p = p.substring(p.indexOf("/") + 1); passoloFiles.add(p); if (fileList.contains(p)) continue; else { fileList.add(p); } continue; } fileProfileId = sPage.getRequest().getFileProfileId(); fp = fpManager.getFileProfileById(fileProfileId, false); if (fpManager.isXlzReferenceXlfFileProfile(fp.getName())) isXLZFile = true; String path = page.getExternalPageId(); path = path.replace("\\", "/"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(fp.getScriptOnExport())) { path = handlePathForScripts(path, job); } int index = path.indexOf("/"); path = path.substring(index); path = getRealFilePathForXliff(path, isXLZFile); if (fileList.contains(path)) continue; else { fileList.add(path); } StringBuffer allPath = new StringBuffer(); allPath.append(page.getGlobalSightLocale()); for (String s : path.split("/")) { if (s.length() > 0) { allPath.append("/").append(URLEncoder.encode(s, "utf-8")); } } jobFiles.addPath(allPath.toString()); } } for (String path : passoloFiles) { StringBuffer allPath = new StringBuffer(); allPath.append("passolo"); for (String s : path.split("/")) { if (s.length() > 0) { allPath.append("/").append(URLEncoder.encode(s, "utf-8")); } } jobFiles.addPath(allPath.toString()); } return com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.object2String(jobFiles); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in " + GET_JOB_EXPORT_WORKFLOW_FILES, e); return makeErrorXml(GET_JOB_EXPORT_WORKFLOW_FILES, e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } private boolean isWorkflowOfLocaleExported(Workflow workflow, String locale) { if (workflow == null || StringUtil.isEmpty(locale)) return false; String workflowState = workflow.getState(); if (!workflowState.equals(Workflow.EXPORTED)) return false; String lowerWorkflowLocale = workflow.getTargetLocale().toString().toLowerCase(); String lowerLocale = locale.replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); if (lowerWorkflowLocale.equals(lowerLocale)) return true; else return false; } /** * To check if the exported file is ready to be read/download * * @param jobCompanyId * Company Id of user which created the job * @param filename * filename of exported file including path * @return boolean If the exported file is ready, then return true. */ private boolean isFileExported(String jobCompanyId, String filename) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jobCompanyId) || StringUtil.isEmpty(filename)) return false; String baseDocDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDirPath(jobCompanyId); filename = baseDocDir + File.separator + filename; String tmpFilename = filename + ".tmp"; File exportedFile = null, tmpFile = null; exportedFile = new File(filename); tmpFile = new File(tmpFilename); if (exportedFile.renameTo(tmpFile)) { tmpFile.renameTo(exportedFile); tmpFile.delete(); return true; } else return false; } /** * @deprecated Returns an XML description containing URLs to a localized * document for each workflow in the desired job if the job has * been exported. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * String Job name * @return String An XML description which contains URLs to a localized * document for each workflow * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getLocalizedDocuments(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_LOCALIZED_DOCUMENTS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); String jobName = p_jobName; Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); long jobId = job.getId(); String status = job.getState(); if (status == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Job " + jobName + " does not exist."); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<localizedDocuments>\r\n"); if ("EXPORTED".equalsIgnoreCase(status)) { Collection workflows = job.getWorkflows(); if (workflows == null || workflows.size() < 1) { throw new WebServiceException("workflows does not exist."); } xml.append("<jobId>").append(jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("<jobName>").append(p_jobName).append("</jobName>\r\n"); StringBuilder urlPrefix = new StringBuilder(); urlPrefix.append(getUrl()).append("/cxedocs/"); String company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()); urlPrefix.append(URLEncoder.encode(company, "utf-8")); xml.append("<urlPrefix>").append(urlPrefix).append("</urlPrefix>\r\n"); Iterator iterator = workflows.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Workflow workflow = (Workflow); String targetLocale = workflow.getTargetLocale().toString(); xml.append("<targetLocale>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(targetLocale)) .append("</targetLocale>\r\n"); } } xml.append("</localizedDocuments>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * @deprecated Returns an XML description containing URLs to a localized * document for each workflow in the desired job if the job has * been exported. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * String Job name * @param p_wfId * Workflow ID * @return String An XML description which contains URLs to a localized * document for each workflow */ public String getLocalizedDocuments(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName, String p_wfId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_LOCALIZED_DOCUMENTS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); String jobName = p_jobName; Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); long jobId = job.getId(); String status = job.getState(); if (status == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Job " + jobName + " does not exist."); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<localizedDocuments>\r\n"); Workflow wf = null; try { wf = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().getWorkflowById(Long.parseLong(p_wfId)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException("Failed to get workflow " + e.getMessage()); } // if (wf == null || !wf.getState().equals("EXPORTED")) // { // throw new // WebServiceException("workflows does not exist or its state is not EXPORTED."); // } xml.append("<jobId>").append(jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("<jobName>").append(p_jobName).append("</jobName>\r\n"); StringBuilder urlPrefix = new StringBuilder(); urlPrefix.append(getUrl()).append("/cxedocs/"); String company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()); urlPrefix.append(URLEncoder.encode(company, "utf-8")); xml.append("<urlPrefix>").append(urlPrefix).append("</urlPrefix>\r\n"); String targetLocale = wf.getTargetLocale().toString(); xml.append("<targetLocale>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(targetLocale)).append("</targetLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("</localizedDocuments>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * @deprecated Returns an XML description containing URLs to a localized * document for each workflow in the desired job if the job has * been exported. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * Job name * @return String An XML description which contains URLs to a localized * document for each workflow if the job has been exported * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getLocalizedDocuments_old(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_LOCALIZED_DOCUMENTS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); String jobName = p_jobName; Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); long jobId = job.getId(); String status = job.getState(); if (status == null) throw new WebServiceException("Job " + jobName + " does not exist."); // query all the target pages for the workflows for this job StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select source_page.external_page_id, locale.iso_lang_code, ") .append("locale.iso_country_code, target_page.export_sub_dir") .append(" from job, workflow, request, source_page, locale, target_page") .append(" where").append(" and") .append(" and").append(" and") .append(" and") .append(" and") .append(" and workflow.iflow_instance_id = target_page.workflow_iflow_instance_id") .append(" and target_page.state =?"); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<localizedDocuments>\r\n"); xml.append("<jobId>").append(jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("<jobName>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(jobName)).append("</jobName>\r\n"); xml.append("<jobStatus>").append(status).append("</jobStatus>\r\n"); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; try { connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); query.setString(1, jobName); query.setString(2, "EXPORTED"); results = query.executeQuery(); boolean gotSomeResult = false; StringBuilder urlPrefix = new StringBuilder(); urlPrefix.append(getUrl()).append("/cxedocs/"); String company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()); urlPrefix.append(URLEncoder.encode(company, "utf-8")); while ( { String fileName = results.getString(1); String langCode = results.getString(2); String countryCode = results.getString(3); String exportSubDir = results.getString(4); StringBuffer locale = new StringBuffer(langCode); locale.append("_").append(countryCode); String targetFileName = File.separator + replaceLocaleInFileName(fileName, exportSubDir, locale.toString()); targetFileName = targetFileName.replace('\\', '/'); String encodedTargetFileName = ""; // String[] names = targetFileName.split("/"); // for(int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) // { // encodedTargetFileName = encodedTargetFileName + "/" + // URLEncoder.encode(names[i]); // } encodedTargetFileName = URLEncoder.encodeUrlString(targetFileName); xml.append("<targetPage locale=\"").append(locale.toString()).append("\""); Locale l = new Locale(langCode, countryCode); xml.append(" localeDisplayName=\"").append(l.getDisplayName()).append("\">"); xml.append(urlPrefix).append(targetFileName); xml.append("</targetPage>\r\n"); gotSomeResult = true; } if (!gotSomeResult) throw new WebServiceException("No documents for job name " + jobName); } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { logger.error("Unable to connect to database to get localized documents.", cpe); } catch (SQLException sqle) { logger.error("Unable to query DB for localized documents.", sqle); } finally { releaseDBResource(results, query, connection); } xml.append("</localizedDocuments>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Cancels the job. If p_workflowLocale is null then all workflows are * canceled, otherwise the specific workflow corresponding to the locale is * canceled. * * @param p_jobName * -- name of job * @param p_workflowLocale * -- locale of workflow to cancel * @return String * @exception WebServiceException */ public String cancelWorkflow(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName, String p_workflowLocale) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, CANCEL_WORKFLOW); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_DISCARD); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; String jobName = p_jobName; String workflowLocale = p_workflowLocale; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityArgs.put("workflowLocale", p_workflowLocale); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "cancelWorkflow(p_accessToken, p_jobName,p_workflowLocale)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); String status = job.getState(); boolean didCancel = false; String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); if (workflowLocale == null) { // cancel the whole job"Cancelling all workflows for job " + jobName); ServerProxy.getJobHandler().cancelJob(userId, job, null); didCancel = true; } else { if (!status.equals(Job.DISPATCHED) && !status.equals(Job.READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED)) throw new WebServiceException( "You can only discard workflows that are in the following states:DISPATCHED or READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED"); // cancel just one workflow Locale locale = GlobalSightLocale.makeLocaleFromString(workflowLocale); Object[] workflows = job.getWorkflows().toArray();"Job " + jobName + " has " + workflows.length + " workflow."); for (int i = 0; i < workflows.length; i++) { Workflow w = (Workflow) workflows[i]; Locale wLocale = w.getTargetLocale().getLocale(); if (locale.equals(wLocale)) {"Cancelling workflow " + workflowLocale + " for job " + jobName); ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().cancel(userId, w); didCancel = true; break; } } } if (didCancel == false) throw new Exception("No workflow for locale " + workflowLocale); xml.append("<cancelStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobName>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(jobName)).append("</jobName>\r\n"); if (workflowLocale == null) xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>All Locales</workflowLocale>\r\n"); else xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>").append(workflowLocale).append("</workflowLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>canceled</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</cancelStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("cancelWorkflow()", e); String message = "Could not cancel workflow for job " + jobName; message = makeErrorXml("cancelWorkflow", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Cancels the job * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * String Job name * @return An XML description which contains canceling information * @throws WebServiceException */ public String cancelJob(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, CANCEL_JOB); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_DISCARD); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "cancelJob(p_accessToken, p_jobName)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Job job = queryJob(p_jobName, p_accessToken); if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(job.getProjectId()))) throw new WebServiceException("Current user cannot cancel the job."); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n");"Cancelling all workflows for job " + p_jobName); ServerProxy.getJobHandler().cancelJob(userId, job, null); xml.append("<cancelStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobName>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(p_jobName)).append("</jobName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>All Locales</workflowLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>canceled</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</cancelStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("cancelJob()", e); String message = "Could not cancel job " + p_jobName; message = makeErrorXml("cancelJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Cancels the job and all of its workflow - job specified by its id. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * String ID of job * @return An XML description which contains canceling information * @throws WebServiceException */ public String cancelJobById(String p_accessToken, long p_jobId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_DISCARD); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "cancelJobById(p_accessToken, p_jobId)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(p_jobId); if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(job.getProjectId()))) throw new WebServiceException("Current user cannot cancel the job."); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n");"Cancelling all workflows for job " + p_jobId); ServerProxy.getJobHandler().cancelJob(userId, job, null); xml.append("<cancelStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobId>").append(p_jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>All Locales</workflowLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>canceled</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</cancelStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (JobException je) { StringBuffer messageBuf = new StringBuffer("Unable to cancel the job "); messageBuf.append(p_jobId); // couldn't find the user specified if (je.getMessageKey().equals(JobException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_JOB_BY_ID)) { messageBuf.append(" The job couldn't be found."); } String message = messageBuf.toString(); logger.error(message, je); message = makeErrorXml(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, e); String message = "Could not cancel job " + p_jobId; message = makeErrorXml(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Cancels multiple jobs and all of their workflow in one time. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobIds * String ID of jobs, "," to split * @return An XML description which contains canceling information * @throws WebServiceException * @author Vincent Yan, 2011/01/17 */ public String cancelJobs(String p_accessToken, String p_jobIds) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_jobIds, "Job IDs"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("cancelJobs", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_DISCARD); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobIds", p_jobIds); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "cancelJobs(p_accessToken, p_jobIds)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); String[] jobIds = p_jobIds.split(","); String sJobId = ""; long jobId = 0L; Job job = null; StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<cancelStatus>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < jobIds.length; i++) { sJobId = jobIds[i].trim(); jobId = Long.parseLong(sJobId); job = jobHandler.getJobById(jobId); if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(job.getProjectId()))) throw new WebServiceException("Current user cannot cancel the job.");"Cancelling all workflows for job " + jobId); jobHandler.cancelJob(userId, job, null); xml.append("\t<jobId>").append(jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>All Locales</workflowLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>canceled</status>\r\n"); } xml.append("</cancelStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (JobException je) { StringBuffer messageBuf = new StringBuffer("Unable to cancel the job "); messageBuf.append(p_jobIds); // couldn't find the user specified if (je.getMessageKey().equals(JobException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_JOB_BY_ID)) { messageBuf.append(" The job couldn't be found."); } String message = messageBuf.toString(); logger.error(message, je); message = makeErrorXml(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, e); String message = "Could not cancel job " + p_jobIds; message = makeErrorXml(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Edit job detail info. * * @param p_accessToken * - The access token received from the login. * @param p_jobId * - Job id is not empty and exist in GS server. * @param p_jobName * - Job name can be empty. * @param p_estimatedDateXml * - EstimatedDateXml can be empty. If not empty,example : * <estimatedDates> <workflow> <targetLocale>zh_CN</targetLocale> * <estimatedTranslateCompletionDate>yyyyMMdd * HHmmss</estimatedTranslateCompletionDate> * <estimatedWorkflowCompletionDate>yyyyMMdd * HHmmss</estimatedWorkflowCompletionDate> </workflow> * <workflow> ... ... </workflow> </estimatedDates> * @param p_priority * Priority can be empty.If not empty,priority must be 1,2,3,4 or * 5; * */ public String editJobDetailInfo(String p_accessToken, String p_jobId, String p_jobName, String p_estimatedDateXml, String p_priority) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_DETAILS); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityArgs.put("estimatedDateXml", p_estimatedDateXml); activityArgs.put("priority", p_priority); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "editJobDetailInfo(p_accessToken,p_jobId,p_jobName,p_estimatedDateXml,p_priority)", activityArgs); Map<String, Object> paramter = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { if (!Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_jobId)) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Job id can not be empty"); } Assert.assertIsInteger(p_jobId); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_priority)) { Assert.assertIsInteger(p_priority); int priority = Integer.parseInt(p_priority); if (priority != 1 && priority != 2 && priority != 3 && priority != 4 && priority != 5) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid priority: " + p_priority + ", it should be limited in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or empty."); } paramter.put("priority", p_priority); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, e.getMessage()); } Job job = null; try { job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.parseLong(p_jobId)); if (job == null) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid job id: " + p_jobId); } if (!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()))) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid job id: " + p_jobId + ", current user is not in the same company with the job."); } if (!job.getDisplayState().equalsIgnoreCase("ready") && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_jobName)) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Only job in ready state is allowed to modify job name."); } paramter.put("jobId", p_jobId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, e.getMessage()); } // get unique job name if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_jobName)) { try { p_jobName = EditUtil.removeCRLF(p_jobName); if (p_jobName.length() > 120) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid job name: " + p_jobName + ", the max lenght for job name limits to 120 characters."); } Job checkJob = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobByJobName(p_jobName); if (checkJob == null) { paramter.put("jobName", p_jobName); } else { if (checkJob.getId() == Long.parseLong(p_jobId)) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid job name: " + p_jobName + ", the modify name is identical to current one."); } else { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid job name: " + p_jobName + ", job name already exists."); } } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, e.getMessage()); } } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_estimatedDateXml)) { Document doc; SimpleDateFormat sfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmmss"); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); try { User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(userId); TimeZone timeZone = ServerProxy.getCalendarManager().findUserTimeZone(userId); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(Timestamp.DATE, timeZone); Locale uiLocale = new Locale(user.getDefaultUILocale()); ts.setLocale(uiLocale); doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(p_estimatedDateXml); Element rootElt = doc.getRootElement(); List elements = rootElt.elements(); Map<Long, Map<String, Date>> workMap = new HashMap<Long, Map<String, Date>>(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { Element et = (Element) elements.get(i); Map<String, Date> dateMap = new HashMap<String, Date>(); String targetLocale = null; String tranComDateStr = null; String workComDateStr = null; try { targetLocale = et.element("targetLocale").getText(); tranComDateStr = et.element("estimatedTranslateCompletionDate").getText(); workComDateStr = et.element("estimatedWorkflowCompletionDate").getText(); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid estimatedDateXml,xml spelling errors."); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(targetLocale)) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid estimatedDateXml: target locale can not be empty."); } GlobalSightLocale targetGSLocale = null; try { targetGSLocale = getLocaleByName(targetLocale); if (targetGSLocale == null) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid target locale: " + targetLocale); } long sameId = -1; for (Workflow wf : job.getWorkflows()) { if (targetGSLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) { sameId = wf.getTargetLocale().getId(); } } if (sameId == -1) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid target locale: " + targetLocale + ", current job has no workflow with this target locale."); } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid target locale: " + targetLocale); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(tranComDateStr)) { try { Date tranComDate = sfm.parse(tranComDateStr); ts.setDate(tranComDate); dateMap.put("estimatedTranslateCompletionDate", ts.getDate()); } catch (ParseException e) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid estimatedTranslateCompletionDate: " + tranComDateStr); } } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(workComDateStr)) { try { Date workComDate = sfm.parse(workComDateStr); ts.setDate(workComDate); dateMap.put("estimatedWorkflowCompletionDate", ts.getDate()); } catch (ParseException e) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid estimatedWorkflowCompletionDate: " + workComDateStr); } } if (!dateMap.isEmpty() && !workMap.containsKey(targetGSLocale.getId())) { workMap.put(targetGSLocale.getId(), dateMap); } } // put workflow date paramter paramter.put("estimatedDates", workMap); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Invalid estimatedDateXml: XML parse error."); } } String returnStr = updateJobDetailInfo(paramter); activityStart.end(); return returnStr; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private String updateJobDetailInfo(Map<String, Object> paramter) { String jobId = (String) paramter.get("jobId"); String jobName = (String) paramter.get("jobName"); String priority = (String) paramter.get("priority"); Map<Long, Map<String, Date>> workMap = (Map<Long, Map<String, Date>>) paramter.get("estimatedDates"); JobImpl job = HibernateUtil.get(JobImpl.class, Long.parseLong(jobId)); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(jobName) || StringUtil.isNotEmpty(priority)) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(jobName)) { job.setJobName(EditUtil.removeCRLF(jobName)); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(priority)) { job.setPriority(Integer.parseInt(priority)); } HibernateUtil.merge(job); } String hql = "from WorkflowImpl w where = :jId " + "and = :tId"; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("jId", Long.parseLong(jobId)); if (workMap != null) { Set<Long> tgLocaleKeySet = workMap.keySet(); for (Long targetLocaleId : tgLocaleKeySet) { map.put("tId", targetLocaleId); WorkflowImpl wf = (WorkflowImpl), map).get(0); if (!wf.getState().equals("DISPATCHED") && !wf.getState().equals("READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED")) { return makeErrorXml(EDIT_JOB_DETAIL_INFO, "Only when workflow is in ready or in progress state, estimated completion dates are allowed to modify."); } Map<String, Date> dateMap = workMap.get(targetLocaleId); Iterator iter = dateMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); Date date = (Date) entry.getValue(); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("estimatedTranslateCompletionDate")) { wf.setEstimatedTranslateCompletionDate(date); wf.setEstimatedTranslateCompletionDateOverrided(true); } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("estimatedWorkflowCompletionDate")) { wf.setEstimatedCompletionDate(date); wf.setEstimatedCompletionDateOverrided(true); } } HibernateUtil.merge(wf); map.remove("tId"); } } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(jobName) || StringUtil.isNotEmpty(priority) || workMap != null) { return "Success."; } return "Nothing has been changed."; } /** * Get job translation percentage * * @param p_jobId * Job id can not empty. * @param p_targetLocales * Target locale can be empty, can be one or more. * @return Return xml, for example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> * <job> <id>280</id> <name>job_4012_861430940</name> <workflows> * <workflow> <targetLocal>French (France) [fr_FR]</targetLocal> * <workflowTranslationPercentage>3%</workflowTranslationPercentage> * <targetPages> <targetPage> * <pageName>en_US\280\Welocalize_Company_IncludingRepeat_Codesensitive * .html</pageName> * <pageTranslationPercentage>100%</pageTranslationPercentage> * </targetPage> <targetPage> * <pageName>en_US\280\Welocalize_Company_IncludingRepeat_Leverage * Match Threshold.html</pageName> * <pageTranslationPercentage>1%</pageTranslationPercentage> * </targetPage> </targetPages> </workflow> </workflows> </job> * */ public String getTranslationPercentage(String p_accessToken, String p_jobId, String p_targetLocales) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityArgs.put("targetLocales", p_targetLocales); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getTranslationPercentage(p_accessToken,p_jobId,p_targetLocales)", activityArgs); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_jobId); Assert.assertIsInteger(p_jobId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, e.getMessage()); } Job job = null; try { job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.parseLong(p_jobId)); if (job == null) { return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, "Invalid job id:" + p_jobId); } if (!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()))) { return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, "Invalid job id:" + p_jobId + ", current user is not in the same company with the job."); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, e.getMessage()); } Set<Long> trgLocalIdSet = new HashSet<Long>(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_targetLocales)) { String[] trgLocalArr = p_targetLocales.split(","); GlobalSightLocale targetGSLocale = null; for (int i = 0; i < trgLocalArr.length; i++) { try { targetGSLocale = getLocaleByName(trgLocalArr[i].trim()); if (targetGSLocale == null) { return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, "Invalid target locale: " + trgLocalArr[i].trim()); } long sameId = -1; for (Workflow wf : job.getWorkflows()) { if (targetGSLocale.getId() == wf.getTargetLocale().getId()) { sameId = wf.getTargetLocale().getId(); trgLocalIdSet.add(targetGSLocale.getId()); } } if (sameId == -1) { return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, "Invalid target locale: " + trgLocalArr[i] + ", the current job is not included the target locale."); } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(GET_TRANSLATION_PERCENTAGE, "Invalid target locale: " + trgLocalArr[i].trim()); } } } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<job>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(job.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(job.getJobName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<workflows>\r\n"); Iterator<Workflow> it = job.getWorkflows().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Workflow wf = (Workflow); if (trgLocalIdSet != null && trgLocalIdSet.size() > 0) { if (!trgLocalIdSet.contains(wf.getTargetLocale().getId())) { continue; } } xml.append("\t\t<workflow>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<targetLocal>").append(wf.getTargetLocale().getDisplayName()) .append("</targetLocal>\r\n"); int taskPrecentage = SegmentTuvUtil.getTranslatedPercentageForTargetPages(wf.getTargetPages()); xml.append("\t\t\t<workflowTranslationPercentage>").append(taskPrecentage) .append("%</workflowTranslationPercentage>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<targetPages>\r\n"); Vector<TargetPage> trgPages = wf.getTargetPages(); Iterator<TargetPage> itPages = trgPages.iterator(); while (itPages.hasNext()) { TargetPage page = (TargetPage); xml.append("\t\t\t\t<targetPage>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t\t<pageName>").append(page.getExternalPageId()).append("</pageName>\r\n"); int pagePercentage = SegmentTuvUtil.getTranslatedPercentageForTargetPage(page.getId()); xml.append("\t\t\t\t\t<pageTranslationPercentage>").append(pagePercentage) .append("%</pageTranslationPercentage>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t\t</targetPage>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t\t\t</targetPages>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t</workflow>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</workflows>\r\n"); xml.append("</job>"); activityStart.end(); return xml.toString(); } /** * Exports the job. If p_workflowLocale is null then all pages for all * workflows are exported, otherwise the specific workflow corresponding to * the locale is exported. * * @param p_jobName * -- name of job * @param p_workflowLocale * -- locale of workflow to export * @return String * @exception WebServiceException */ public String exportWorkflow(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName, String p_workflowLocale) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, EXPORT_WORKFLOW); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_EXPORT); String jobName = p_jobName; String workflowLocale = p_workflowLocale; String returnXml = ""; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityArgs.put("workflowLocale", p_workflowLocale); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "exportWorkflow(p_accessToken, p_jobName,p_workflowLocale)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); Object[] workflows = job.getWorkflows().toArray(); long projectId = job.getL10nProfile().getProject().getId(); User projectMgr = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectById(projectId).getProjectManager(); boolean didExport = false; if (workflowLocale == null) { // export all workflow"Exporting all " + workflows.length + " workflows for job " + jobName); for (int i = 0; i < workflows.length; i++) { Workflow w = (Workflow) workflows[i]; if (!w.getState().equals(Workflow.IMPORT_FAILED) && !w.getState().equals(Workflow.CANCELLED)) { exportSingleWorkflow(job, w, projectMgr); } } didExport = true; } else { // export just one workflow Locale locale = GlobalSightLocale.makeLocaleFromString(workflowLocale);"Job " + jobName + " has " + workflows.length + " workflow."); for (int i = 0; i < workflows.length; i++) { Workflow w = (Workflow) workflows[i]; Locale wLocale = w.getTargetLocale().getLocale(); if (locale.equals(wLocale)) { exportSingleWorkflow(job, w, projectMgr); didExport = true; break; } } } if (didExport == false) throw new Exception("No workflow for locale " + workflowLocale); xml.append("<exportStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobName>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(jobName)).append("</jobName>\r\n"); if (workflowLocale == null) xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>All Locales</workflowLocale>\r\n"); else xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>").append(workflowLocale).append("</workflowLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>Export Request Sent</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</exportStatus>\r\n"); returnXml = xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exportWorkflow()", e); String message = "Could not export workflow for job " + jobName; message = makeErrorXml("exportWorkflow", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return returnXml; } /** * Exports the job specified by job name * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * String Job name * @return String An XML description which contains the returned message to * export job * @throws WebServiceException */ public String exportJob(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, EXPORT_JOB); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_EXPORT); String jobName = p_jobName; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "exportJob(p_accessToken, p_jobName)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); Job job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); Object[] workflows = job.getWorkflows().toArray(); long projectId = job.getL10nProfile().getProject().getId(); User projectMgr = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectById(projectId).getProjectManager(); // export all workflow"Exporting all " + workflows.length + " workflows for job " + jobName); for (int i = 0; i < workflows.length; i++) { Workflow w = (Workflow) workflows[i]; if (!w.getState().equals(Workflow.IMPORT_FAILED) && !w.getState().equals(Workflow.CANCELLED)) { exportSingleWorkflow(job, w, projectMgr); } } xml.append("<exportStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobName>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(jobName)).append("</jobName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<workflowLocale>All Locales</workflowLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>Export Request Sent</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</exportStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exportJob()", e); String message = "Could not export job " + jobName; message = makeErrorXml("exportJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Archive the jobs specified by job IDs. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobIds * Job IDs comma separated, like "100,101,102". * @return If archive success, return null. If failed, return the error jobs * message. * @throws WebServiceException */ public String archiveJob(String p_accessToken, String p_jobIds) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, ARCHIVE_JOB); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_ARCHIVE); User curUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Company company = getCompanyByName(curUser.getCompanyName()); String[] jobIds = p_jobIds.split(","); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); WorkflowManager wfManager = null; HashMap<String, String> errorJobs = new HashMap<String, String>(); boolean isArchived; for (String jobId : jobIds) { try { isArchived = false; Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.parseLong(jobId)); if (job == null) { errorJobs.put(jobId, "the job may not exist."); continue; } // If job is not from current user's company, ignore. if (company.getId() != 1 && company.getId() != job.getCompanyId()) { errorJobs.put(jobId, "this job belongs to another company, can not archive."); continue; } if (wfManager == null) { wfManager = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager(); } isArchived = wfManager.archive(job); if (!isArchived) { errorJobs.put(jobId, "the job is not in \"Exported\" state and can't be archived."); } } catch (Exception e) { errorJobs.put(jobId, e.getMessage()); } } if (errorJobs.size() > 0) { xml.append("<errorJobs>\r\n"); for (String jobId : errorJobs.keySet()) { xml.append("\t<errorJob>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<jobId>").append(jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<errorMessage>").append(errorJobs.get(jobId)).append("</errorMessage>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</errorJob>\r\n"); } xml.append("</errorJobs>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns number of jobs importing and number of workflows exporting. * * @param p_accessToken * @return String An XML description which contains number of jobs importing * and number of workflows exporting * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getImportExportStatus(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUS); User curUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Company company = getCompanyByName(curUser.getCompanyName()); String jobsCreatingNumSql = "select count(ID) from JobImpl " + " where STATE in ('" + Job.UPLOADING + "', '" + Job.IN_QUEUE + "', '" + Job.EXTRACTING + "', '" + Job.LEVERAGING + "', '" + Job.CALCULATING_WORD_COUNTS + "', '" + Job.PROCESSING + "')" + " and COMPANY_ID = " + company.getId(); int jobsCreatingNum = HibernateUtil.count(jobsCreatingNumSql); int localesExportingNum = WorkflowExportingHelper.getExportingWorkflowNumber(false, company.getId()); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<ImportExportStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobsCreating>").append(jobsCreatingNum).append("</jobsCreating>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<localesExporting>").append(localesExportingNum).append("</localesExporting>\r\n"); xml.append("</ImportExportStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Returns basic information about all the accepted tasks in the specified * workflow. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_workflowId * ID of workflow * @return String An XML description which contains basic information about * all the accepted tasks in the specified workflow * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAcceptedTasksInWorkflow(String p_accessToken, long p_workflowId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_ACCEPTED_TASKS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_ACCEPT); Collection taskInfos = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("workflowId", p_workflowId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getAcceptedTasksInWorkflow(p_accessToken, p_workflowId)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<acceptedTasks>\r\n"); xml.append("<workflowId>").append(p_workflowId).append("</workflowId>\r\n"); taskInfos = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getAcceptedTaskInfosInWorkflow(p_workflowId); for (Iterator i = taskInfos.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { TaskInfo ti = (TaskInfo); xml.append("\t<task>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<id>").append(ti.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<name>").append(ti.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<state>").append(ti.getStateAsString()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<acceptByDate>").append(ti.getAcceptByAsString()).append("</acceptByDate>\r\n"); // these are accepted tasks so the date and user id should be // set xml.append("\t\t<acceptedDate>").append(ti.getAcceptedDateAsString()).append("</acceptedDate>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<accepter>\r\n"); // get user information about the user who accepted the task UserInfo ui = getUserInfo(ti.getAcceptor()); xml.append("\t\t\t<userid>").append(ui.getUserName()).append("</userid>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<firstName>").append(ui.getFirstName()).append("</firstName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<lastName>").append(ui.getLastName()).append("</lastName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<title>").append(ui.getTitle()).append("</title>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<email>").append(ui.getEmailAddress()).append("</email>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t</accepter>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<completeByDate>").append(ti.getCompleteByAsString()) .append("</completeByDate>\r\n"); if (ti.getCompletedDateAsString() != null) { xml.append("\t\t<completedDate>").append(ti.getCompletedDateAsString()) .append("</completedDate>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</task>\r\n"); } xml.append("</acceptedTasks>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_ACCEPTED_TASKS, e); String message = "Could not get the accepted tasks in workflow " + p_workflowId; message = makeErrorXml(GET_ACCEPTED_TASKS, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get basic information about the current tasks of a workflow specified by * the given id. Note that a current task could be either in the active * state or accepted state. There could also be more than one current task * for branching workflows. * * @param p_accessToken * - The access token received from the login. * @param p_workflowId * - The id of the workflow for which its tasks are queried. * * @return The basic info about the tasks in XML format. */ public String getCurrentTasksInWorkflow(String p_accessToken, long p_workflowId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_CURRENT_TASKS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_VIEW); Collection tasks = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("workflowId", p_workflowId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getCurrentTasksInWorkflow(p_accessToken, p_workflowId)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append(" <tasksInWorkflow>\r\n"); xml.append(" <workflowId>").append(p_workflowId).append("</workflowId>\r\n"); tasks = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getCurrentTasks(p_workflowId); Object[] taskArray = tasks == null ? null : tasks.toArray(); int size = taskArray == null ? -1 : taskArray.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Task ti = (Task) taskArray[i]; xml.append("\t<task>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<id>").append(ti.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<name>").append(ti.getTaskName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<state>").append(ti.getStateAsString()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</task>\r\n"); } xml.append(" </tasksInWorkflow>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_CURRENT_TASKS, e); String message = "Could not get the tasks for workflow with id " + p_workflowId; message = makeErrorXml(GET_CURRENT_TASKS, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get basic information about the tasks based on the given task name for * the job specified by the job id. Note that a job could have more than one * workflow and each workflow could have more than one task with the same * name. * * @param p_accessToken * - The access token received from the login. * @param p_jobId * - The id of the job for which its workflows might * @param p_taskName * - The name for the task(s) to be searched for. have a task * with the specified name. Can be null. * * @return The basic info about the tasks in XML format. */ public String getTasksInJob(String p_accessToken, long p_jobId, String p_taskName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_TASKS); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_VIEW); Collection taskInfos = null; Connection connection = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(p_jobId); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityArgs.put("taskName", p_taskName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getTasksInJob(p_accessToken, p_jobId, p_taskName)", activityArgs); if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(job.getProjectId()))) throw new WebServiceException("Current user does not have permission to get task information"); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<tasksInJob>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<jobId>").append(p_jobId).append("</jobId>\r\n"); taskInfos = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTasks(p_taskName, p_jobId); Map<Long, String> taskAssignees = AmbassadorHelper.getTaskAssigneesByJob(p_jobId); List<Long> processdefintionList = AmbassadorHelper.getProcessdefintion(p_jobId); Map<Long, TaskJbpmNode> jbpmNodeMap = AmbassadorHelper.getTaskJbpmNode(processdefintionList); Map<Long, List<TaskJbpmTransition>> jbpmTranMap = AmbassadorHelper .getTaskJbpmTransition(processdefintionList); Object[] tasks = taskInfos == null ? null : taskInfos.toArray(); int size = tasks == null ? -1 : tasks.length; connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { List<ConditionNodeTargetInfo> conList = new ArrayList<ConditionNodeTargetInfo>(); Task ti = (Task) tasks[i]; String assignees = taskAssignees.get(ti.getId()); conList = AmbassadorHelper.getConditionNodeTargetInfo(ti.getId(), jbpmNodeMap, jbpmTranMap, conList); buildXmlForTask(xml, ti, "\t", connection, assignees, conList); } xml.append("</tasksInJob>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_TASKS, e); String message = "Could not get the tasks with the name " + p_taskName + " for job with id " + p_jobId; message = makeErrorXml(GET_TASKS, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { try { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } ConnectionPool.returnConnection(connection); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.error("Cannot release database connection correctly.", e2); } } } /** * Get tasks info with batch of job ids * * @param p_accessToken * -- Access token * @param jobIds * -- job ids comma separated * @param p_taskName * -- Task name with company id such as 'Translation1_1', if task * name is null then return all types of tasks * @return String XML format string * @throws WebServiceException * * @author Vincent Yan, 2012/08/08 * @since 8.2.3 */ public String getTasksInJobs(String p_accessToken, String jobIds, String p_taskName) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken) || StringUtil.isEmpty(jobIds)) return makeErrorXml("getTasksInJobs(String, String, String)", "Invaild parameter."); try { checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_VIEW); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml("getTasksInJobs", e.getMessage()); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; Collection taskInfos = null; Connection connection = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); User user = getUser(userName); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(user.getCompanyName()); String[] jobIdArray = jobIds.split(","); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobNum", jobIdArray == null ? 0 : jobIdArray.length); activityArgs.put("jobIds", jobIds); activityArgs.put("taskName", p_taskName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getTasksInJobs(p_accessToken, jobIds, p_taskName)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandlerLocal = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); Job job = null; StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); xml.append("<jobs>\r\n"); long jobId = -1; connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); for (String jobIdString : jobIdArray) { StringBuilder subXml = new StringBuilder(); try { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jobIdString)) continue; jobId = Long.parseLong(jobIdString.trim()); job = jobHandlerLocal.getJobById(jobId); if (job == null) continue; if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(job.getProjectId()))) { continue; } if (job != null) { subXml.append("\t<job>\r\n"); subXml.append("\t\t<job_id>").append(jobId).append("</job_id>\r\n"); subXml.append("\t\t<job_name>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(job.getJobName())) .append("</job_name>\r\n"); boolean isReturnAssignees = false; taskInfos = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTasks(p_taskName, jobId, isReturnAssignees); Map<Long, String> taskAssignees = AmbassadorHelper.getTaskAssigneesByJob(jobId); List<Long> processdefintionList = AmbassadorHelper.getProcessdefintion(jobId); Map<Long, TaskJbpmNode> jbpmNodeMap = AmbassadorHelper .getTaskJbpmNode(processdefintionList); Map<Long, List<TaskJbpmTransition>> jbpmTranMap = AmbassadorHelper .getTaskJbpmTransition(processdefintionList); Object[] tasks = taskInfos == null ? null : taskInfos.toArray(); int size = tasks == null ? -1 : tasks.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Task ti = (Task) tasks[i]; List<ConditionNodeTargetInfo> conList = new ArrayList<ConditionNodeTargetInfo>(); String wfState = ti.getWorkflow().getState(); if (Workflow.CANCELLED.equals(wfState)) continue; conList = AmbassadorHelper.getConditionNodeTargetInfo(ti.getId(), jbpmNodeMap, jbpmTranMap, conList); String assignees = taskAssignees.get(ti.getId()); buildXmlForTask(subXml, ti, "\t\t", connection, assignees, conList); } subXml.append("\t</job>\r\n"); } // append at last xml.append(subXml); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } xml.append("</jobs>"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("getTasksInJobs", e); String message = "Could not get the tasks with the name " + p_taskName + " for job with ids (" + jobIds + ")"; return makeErrorXml("getTasksInJobs", message); } finally { DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(connection); if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Accept specified task. * * @param p_accessToken * The access token received from the login. * @param p_taskId * Task Id to be accepted. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String acceptTask(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId) throws WebServiceException { String rtnString = "success"; checkAccess(p_accessToken, ACCEPT_TASK); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_ACCEPT); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertIsInteger(p_taskId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(ACCEPT_TASK, e.getMessage()); } String acceptorName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String acceptor = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(acceptorName); Task task = null; try { task = TaskHelper.getTask(Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = "Failed to get task object by taskId : " + p_taskId; return makeErrorXml(ACCEPT_TASK, message); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { if (task != null) { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", acceptorName); activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "acceptTask(p_accessToken,p_taskId)", activityArgs); if (task.getState() == Task.STATE_ACCEPTED || task.getState() == Task.STATE_COMPLETED) { return makeErrorXml(ACCEPT_TASK, "The current task has been accepted or completed state."); } WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowTaskInstance(acceptor, task.getId(), WorkflowConstants.TASK_ALL_STATES); task.setWorkflowTask(wfTask); List allAssignees = task.getAllAssignees(); if (allAssignees != null && allAssignees.size() > 0) { if (!allAssignees.contains(acceptor)) { String message = "'" + acceptor + "' is not an available assignee for current task " + p_taskId; logger.warn(message); return makeErrorXml(ACCEPT_TASK, message); } } // GS will check if the acceptor is PM or available users TaskHelper.acceptTask(acceptor, task); } else { return makeErrorXml(ACCEPT_TASK, "Invaild task id."); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = "Failed to accept task for taskId : " + p_taskId + ",maybe '" + acceptor + "' do not have the authority to operate the task"; return makeErrorXml(ACCEPT_TASK, message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return rtnString; } /** * Complete task * * @param p_accessToken * The access token received from the login. * @param p_taskId * Task Id to be completed. * @param p_destinationArrow * This points to the next activity. Null if this task has no * condition node. * @throws WebServiceException */ public String completeTask(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId, String p_destinationArrow) throws WebServiceException { String rtnStr = "success"; checkAccess(p_accessToken, "completeTask"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_ACCEPT); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertIsInteger(p_taskId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(COMPLETE_TASK, e.getMessage()); } String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); // Task object TaskManager taskManager = ServerProxy.getTaskManager(); Task task = null; try { task = taskManager.getTask(Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); } catch (RemoteException re) { String msg = "Fail to get task object by taskId : " + p_taskId; logger.error(msg, re); return makeErrorXml(COMPLETE_TASK, msg); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } // Compelte task String completeUserId = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId); activityArgs.put("destinationArrow", p_destinationArrow); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "completeTask(p_accessToken,p_taskId,p_destinationArrow)", activityArgs); // Find the user to complete task. WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowTaskInstance(userId, task.getId(), WorkflowConstants.TASK_ALL_STATES); task.setWorkflowTask(wfTask); List allAssignees = task.getAllAssignees(); if (allAssignees != null && allAssignees.size() > 0) { if (!allAssignees.contains(userId)) { String message = "'" + userName + "' is not an available assignee for current task " + p_taskId; logger.warn(message); message = makeErrorXml("completeTask", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } Vector conditionNodes = wfTask.getConditionNodeTargetInfos(); if (conditionNodes != null && conditionNodes.size() > 0) { HashSet<String> arrowNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < conditionNodes.size(); i++) { ConditionNodeTargetInfo info = (ConditionNodeTargetInfo) conditionNodes.get(i); arrowNames.add(info.getArrowName()); } if (!arrowNames.contains(p_destinationArrow)) { String message = "\"" + p_destinationArrow + "\" is not a valid outgoing arrow name."; logger.warn(message); message = makeErrorXml("completeTask", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } TaskImpl dbTask = HibernateUtil.get(TaskImpl.class, task.getId()); ProjectImpl project = (ProjectImpl) dbTask.getWorkflow().getJob().getProject(); WorkflowImpl workflowImpl = (WorkflowImpl) dbTask.getWorkflow(); boolean isCheckUnTranslatedSegments = project.isCheckUnTranslatedSegments(); boolean isRequriedScore = workflowImpl.getScorecardShowType() == 1 ? true : false; boolean isReviewOnly = dbTask.isReviewOnly(); if (isCheckUnTranslatedSegments && !isReviewOnly) { int percentage = SegmentTuvUtil.getTranslatedPercentageForTask(task); if (100 != percentage) { rtnStr = "The task is not 100% translated and can not be completed."; return rtnStr; } } if (isRequriedScore && isReviewOnly) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(workflowImpl.getScorecardComment())) { rtnStr = "The task is not scored and can not be completed."; return rtnStr; } } if (task.getState() == Task.STATE_ACCEPTED) { ServerProxy.getTaskManager().completeTask(userId, task, p_destinationArrow, null); } else { rtnStr = "Cannot complete this task as it is not in 'ACCEPTED' state"; } } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "Fail to complete task : " + p_taskId + " ; " + ex.getMessage(); logger.error(msg, ex); return makeErrorXml(COMPLETE_TASK, msg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return rtnStr; } /** * Reject specified task. * * @param p_accessToken * The access token received from the login. * * @param p_taskId * Task Id to be accepted. * * @param p_rejectComment * Reject comment. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String rejectTask(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId, String p_rejectComment) throws WebServiceException { String rtnStr = "success"; checkAccess(p_accessToken, REJECT_TASK); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_REJECT_AFTER_ACCEPTING); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertIsInteger(p_taskId); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_rejectComment, "Reject comment"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(REJECT_TASK, e.getMessage()); } // rejector String rejectUserName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String rejectUserId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(rejectUserName); Task task = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", rejectUserName); activityArgs.put("p_taskId", p_taskId); activityArgs.put("p_rejectComment", p_rejectComment); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "rejectTask(p_accessToken,p_taskId,p_rejectComment)", activityArgs); WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowTaskInstance(rejectUserId, Long.parseLong(p_taskId), WorkflowConstants.TASK_ALL_STATES); task = (Task) HibernateUtil.get(TaskImpl.class, Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); task.setWorkflowTask(wfTask); String rejectComment = EditUtil.utf8ToUnicode(p_rejectComment); if (task.getState() == Task.STATE_ACTIVE || task.getState() == Task.STATE_ACCEPTED) { TaskHelper.rejectTask(rejectUserId, task, rejectComment); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = "Failed to reject task by taskId : " + p_taskId; return makeErrorXml(REJECT_TASK, message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return rtnStr; } /** * Adds a comment * <p> * * @param p_accessToken * - the accessToken received from login() * @param p_objectId * - The id of the object (Job or Task) to add the comment too. * The object must be DISPATCHED or part of a DISPATCHED job. * @param p_objectType * - The type of the object that p_objectId refers to. 1 = JOB 3 * = TASK * @param p_userId * - A valid user's user id that is adding the comment. * @param p_comment * - A comment to add to the task. * @param p_file * - A file which was attached. * @param p_fileName * - file name of attached file. * @param p_access * - access specification of attachment file Restricted = Only * the Project Manager can view this file. General = All * Participants of the Task can view this file. */ public String addComment(String p_accessToken, long p_objectId, int p_objectType, String p_userId, String p_comment, byte[] p_file, String p_fileName, String p_access) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, ADD_COMMENT); StringBuffer errMessage = new StringBuffer("Could not add the comment to the object. "); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("objectId", p_objectId); activityArgs.put("objectType", p_objectType); activityArgs.put("userId", p_userId); activityArgs.put("comment", p_comment); activityArgs.put("fileName", p_fileName); activityArgs.put("access", p_access); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "addComment(p_accessToken,p_objectId,p_objectType,p_userId,p_comment,p_file,p_fileName,p_access)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); long projectId = 0l; WorkObject object = null; if (p_objectType == Comment.JOB) { object = JobPersistenceAccessor.getJob(p_objectId, true); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_COMMENTS_NEW); projectId = ((Job) object).getProjectId(); if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(projectId))) throw new WebServiceException("Current user cannot access the job"); } else if (p_objectType == Comment.TASK) { object = TaskPersistenceAccessor.getTask(p_objectId, true); } else if (p_objectType == Comment.WORKFLOW) { object = WorkflowPersistenceAccessor.getWorkflowById(p_objectId); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, // Permission.ACTIVITIES_COMMENTS_NEW); projectId = ((Workflow) object).getJob().getProjectId(); if (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(projectId))) throw new WebServiceException("Current user cannot access the job"); } // save out the main part of the comment Comment comment = ServerProxy.getCommentManager().saveComment(object, p_objectId, ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(p_userId).getUserName(), p_comment); // if there are attachments if (p_file != null && p_file.length > 0) { String access = CommentUpload.GENERAL; if (p_access != null && p_access.equals(CommentUpload.RESTRICTED)) { access = p_access; } StringBuffer finalPath = new StringBuffer( AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCommentReferenceDir().getAbsolutePath()); finalPath.append(File.separator).append(comment.getId()).append(File.separator).append(access); File tempFile = new File(finalPath.toString(), p_fileName); tempFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); tempFile.createNewFile(); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile))); out.write(p_file); out.close(); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); xml.append("<addCommentStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<objectId>").append(p_objectId).append("</objectId>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<objectType>").append(p_objectType).append("</objectType>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>successful</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</addCommentStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (GeneralException ge) { // couldn't find the job specified if (ge.getMessageKey().equals(JobException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_JOB_BY_ID)) { errMessage.append("Failed to find job " + p_objectId); } else if (ge.getMessageKey().equals(WorkflowException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_WORK_ITEM)) { errMessage.append("Failed to find workflow " + p_objectId); } else if (ge.getMessageKey().equals(TaskException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_TASK)) { errMessage.append("Failed to find task " + p_objectId); } logger.error(ADD_COMMENT, ge); String message = makeErrorXml(ADD_COMMENT, errMessage.toString()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ADD_COMMENT, e); String message = makeErrorXml(ADD_COMMENT, errMessage.append(e.getMessage()).toString()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Adds a comment * <p> * * @param p_accessToken * - the accessToken received from login() * @param p_objectId * - The id of the object (Job or Task) to add the comment too. * The object must be DISPATCHED or part of a DISPATCHED job. * @param p_objectType * - The type of the object that p_objectId refers to. 1 = JOB 3 * = TASK * @param p_userId * - A valid user's user id that is adding the comment. * @param p_comment * - A comment to add to the task. * @param p_file * - A file which was attached. * @param p_fileName * - file name of attached file. * @param p_access * - access specification of attachment file Restricted = Only * the Project Manager can view this file. General = All * Participants of the Task can view this file. */ public String addJobComment(String p_accessToken, String p_jobName, String p_userId, String p_comment, byte[] p_file, String p_fileName, String p_access) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, ADD_COMMENT); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(p_jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("addJobComment", jobNameValidation)); } StringBuffer errMessage = new StringBuffer("Could not add the comment to the object. "); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobName", p_jobName); activityArgs.put("userId", p_userId); activityArgs.put("comment", p_comment); activityArgs.put("fileName", p_fileName); activityArgs.put("access", p_access); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "addJobComment(p_accessToken,p_jobName,p_userId,p_comment,p_file,p_fileName,p_access)", activityArgs); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(userId); String fileName = null; File file = null; String baseDocDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDir().getAbsolutePath(); String commentDir = baseDocDir.concat(File.separator).concat(p_jobName); fileName = commentDir.concat(".txt"); file = new File(fileName); FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(file); StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder(); comment.append(user.getUserName()).append(",").append(System.currentTimeMillis()).append(","); comment.append(p_comment); fout.write(comment.toString()); fout.close(); // if there are attachments if (p_file != null && p_file.length > 0) { String access = CommentUpload.GENERAL; if (p_access != null && p_access.equals(CommentUpload.RESTRICTED)) { access = p_access; } file = new File(commentDir, p_fileName); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); file.createNewFile(); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))); out.write(p_file); out.close(); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); xml.append("<addCommentStatus>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>successful</status>\r\n"); xml.append("</addCommentStatus>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (GeneralException ge) { // couldn't find the job specified logger.error("addJobComment", ge); String message = makeErrorXml("addJobComment", errMessage.toString()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("addJobComment", e); String message = makeErrorXml("addJobComment", errMessage.append(e.getMessage()).toString()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get an XML report on user's unavailability. The users are determined * based on the given activity name, source locale, and target locale. And * the range of the report is for the whole specified month (of the given * year). * * @param p_accessToken * - The access token received from the login. * @param p_activityName * - The activity name for which a user can be assigned to * (depending on the role). * @param p_sourceLocale * - The source locale specified in a role. * @param p_targetLocale * - The target locale specified in a role. * @param p_month * - The month for which the report is requested. Note that the * value for the month is based on Java's "zero-based" month * numbering system (so August is month 7 and NOT month 8). * @param p_year * - The year for which the report is generated for the given * month. * * @return An XML report of user unavailibity for a particular container * role. */ public String getUserUnavailabilityReport(String p_accessToken, String p_activityName, String p_sourceLocale, String p_targetLocale, int p_month, int p_year) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_USER_UNAVAILABILITY_REPORT); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.REPORTS_MAIN); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("activityName", p_activityName); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", p_targetLocale); activityArgs.put("month", p_month); activityArgs.put("year", p_year); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getUserUnavailabilityReport(p_accessToken,p_activityName,p_sourceLocale,p_targetLocale,p_month,p_year)", activityArgs); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<userAvailabilityReport>\r\n"); xml.append("<users>\r\n"); List userInfos = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserInfos(p_activityName, p_sourceLocale, p_targetLocale); java.util.Map map = ServerProxy.getCalendarManager().userUnavailabilityReport(userInfos, p_month, p_year); int size = userInfos == null ? -1 : userInfos.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { UserInfo ui = (UserInfo) userInfos.get(i); buildXmlForUserUnavailability(xml, ui, (List) map.get(ui)); } xml.append("</users>\r\n"); xml.append("</userAvailabilityReport>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_USER_UNAVAILABILITY_REPORT, e); String message = "Could not get the user availability report " + " for activity, source locale, and target locale " + p_activityName + ", " + p_sourceLocale + ", " + p_targetLocale; message = makeErrorXml(GET_USER_UNAVAILABILITY_REPORT, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Pass the DCTM account to GlobalSight side, used to read or write the DCTM * server. * * @param p_accessToken * @param docBase * @param dctmUserName * @param dctmPassword * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String passDCTMAccount(String p_accessToken, String docBase, String dctmUserName, String dctmPassword) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, PASS_DCTMACCOUNT); try {"Starting to save dctm account"); String userId = DocumentumOperator.getInstance().saveDCTMAccount(docBase, dctmUserName, dctmPassword);"Finish to save dctm account"); return userId; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(PASS_DCTMACCOUNT, e); String message = "Could not save Documentum account " + " for docBase, dctmUserName, dctmPassword" + docBase + ", " + dctmUserName + ", " + dctmPassword; message = makeErrorXml(PASS_DCTMACCOUNT, message); throw new WebServiceException(message.toString()); } } /** * Get all of the FileProfile information from GlobalSight side as Xml * string. * * @param p_accessToken * @return String An XML description which contains all file profiles * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getFileProfileInfoEx(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { String username = ""; try { username = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); } catch (RuntimeException e1) { // do nothing } checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_FILE_PROFILEINFOEX); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.FILE_PROFILES_VIEW); StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer(); try { StringBuffer xmlStr = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("<fileProfileInfo>\r\n"); try { Collection fileProfiles_all = null; Collection fileProfiles_filt = new ArrayList(); FileProfilePersistenceManager fileProfileManager = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); fileProfiles_all = fileProfileManager.getAllFileProfiles(); // filter by user if (!username.equals("")) { User user = getUser(username); List uProjects = null; // *********************** For GBS-390************ // get all projects current user belongs to. uProjects = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectsByUser(user.getUserId()); for (Iterator ifp = fileProfiles_all.iterator(); ifp.hasNext();) { FileProfile fp = (FileProfile); Project fpProj = getProject(fp); // get the project and check if it is in the group of // user's projects if (uProjects.contains(fpProj)) { fileProfiles_filt.add(fp); } } // *********************************************** } else { fileProfiles_filt = fileProfiles_all; } // Generate the xml string per file profile. Iterator iter = fileProfiles_filt.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileProfile fileProfile = (FileProfile); generateFileProfileInfoXml(fileProfile, xmlStr, fileProfileManager); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage.append("Failed to get all of FileProfile info as a xml String"); logger.error("Failed to get all of FileProfile info as a xml String", ex); } xmlStr.append("</fileProfileInfo>\r\n"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("The xml string for file profile info :" + xmlStr.toString()); } return xmlStr.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = makeErrorXml(GET_FILE_PROFILEINFOEX, errorMessage.toString()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } /** * Create a job for Documentum CMS, one Documentum file for one job. * * @param p_accessToken * - The access token received from the login. * @param jobName * - The Job name. * @param fileProfileId * - The id of the file profile to be used. * @param objectId * - The Documentum object Id(a dctm file), read this object to * get the translable content. * @param userId * - The primary key of a table used to save The DCTM user * account. * @throws WebServiceException */ public void createDocumentumJob(String p_accessToken, String jobName, String fileProfileId, String objectId, String userId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, CREATE_DTCMJOB); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("createDocumentumJob", jobNameValidation)); } StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer(); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Creating a documentum job (fileProfileId =" + fileProfileId + ",objectId =" + userId + ", userId =" + objectId + ")"); } String dcmtFileName = null; String attrFileName = null; String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("jobName", jobName); activityArgs.put("fileProfileId", fileProfileId); activityArgs.put("objectId", objectId); activityArgs.put("userId", userId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "createDocumentumJob(p_accessToken,jobName,fileProfileId,objectId,userId)", activityArgs); // Get file name from Documentum via objectId. dcmtFileName = DocumentumOperator.getInstance().getObjectName(userId, objectId); attrFileName = dcmtFileName + ".attribute"; if (dcmtFileName == null) { dcmtFileName = ""; logger.warn("dcmt name is null"); // throw new WebServiceException("Can't get the file name via // objectId from documentum"); } // Get the dctm file attribute to be translatable content as a xml // string. String dctmFileAttrXml = DocumentumOperator.getInstance().generateAttributesXml(userId, objectId); if (dctmFileAttrXml == null || dctmFileAttrXml.length() == 0) { // throw new WebServiceException("Can't get the dctm file // attribute as a xml String"); // create a unique batch ID String batchId = jobName + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); CxeProxy.importFromDocumentum(objectId, dcmtFileName, jobName, batchId, fileProfileId, new Integer(1), new Integer(1), new Integer(1), new Integer(1), false, null, userId);"Trying to import a documentum file"); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("The dctm file attribute xml String :" + dctmFileAttrXml); } // One job includes two files(documentum file, xml attribute // file), // so hard code here. Integer pageCount = new Integer(2); // create a unique batch ID String batchId = jobName + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Get the fileprofile id used to translate xml attribute file. String xmlFPId = getXmlFileProfile(fileProfileId); if (xmlFPId == null) { errorMessage.append("Can't get a xml Fileprofile"); throw new WebServiceException("Can't get a xml Fileprofile"); } CxeProxy.importFromDocumentum(objectId, dcmtFileName, jobName, batchId, fileProfileId, pageCount, Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), false, null, userId);"Trying to import a documentum file"); CxeProxy.importFromDocumentum(objectId, attrFileName, jobName, batchId, xmlFPId, pageCount, Integer.valueOf(2), Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), true, dctmFileAttrXml, userId);"Trying to import a documentum attribute file"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Failed to create a documentum job", ex); errorMessage.append(" Failed to create a documentum job"); String message = makeErrorXml(CREATE_DTCMJOB, errorMessage.toString()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Cancel the Documentum job using objectId and jobId. * * @param p_accessToken * - The access token received from the login. * @param objectId * - The DCTM document object id. * @param jobId * - The GlobalSight job id. * @param userId * - The primary key of a table used to save The DCTM user * account. * @throws WebServiceException */ public void cancelDocumentumJob(String p_accessToken, String objectId, String jobId, String userId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, CANCEL_DCTMJOB); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("objectId", objectId); activityArgs.put("jobId", jobId); activityArgs.put("userId", userId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "cancelDocumentumJob(p_accessToken,objectId,jobId,userId)", activityArgs); String uid = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.valueOf(jobId).longValue());"Cancelling all workflows for job " + jobId); ServerProxy.getJobHandler().cancelJob(uid, job, null); DocumentumOperator.getInstance().cleanCustomAttrs(userId, objectId); } catch (JobException je) { StringBuffer messageBuf = new StringBuffer("Unable to cancel the job "); messageBuf.append(jobId); // couldn't find the user specified if (je.getMessageKey().equals(JobException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_JOB_BY_ID)) { messageBuf.append(" The job couldn't be found."); } String message = messageBuf.toString(); logger.error(message, je); message = makeErrorXml(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, e); String message = "Could not cancel job " + jobId; message = makeErrorXml(CANCEL_JOB_BY_ID, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * check if some jobs is downloadable or delete them from backup file in * client * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_message * @return xml String result <jobs> <job> <name>job name</name> * <status>downloadable | create_error | unknown</status> </job> * </jobs> * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getDownloadableJobs(String p_accessToken, String p_msg) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_DOWNLOADABLE_JOBS); p_msg = StringUtil.replace(p_msg, "&", "&"); XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(); Document doc = null; try { doc = parser.parseXml(p_msg); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("getDownloadableJobs", "Invalid xml content in parameter p_msg. " + e.getMessage())); } try { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List jobList = root.elements(); if (jobList.size() > 0) { HashMap<Long, Set<String>> jobDirMap = new HashMap<Long, Set<String>>(); Job job = null; String status = ""; for (Iterator iter = jobList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { status = "unknown"; Element jobElement = (Element); String jobName = jobElement.element("name").getText(); try { job = queryJob(jobName, p_accessToken); if (job != null) { long companyId = job.getCompanyId(); if (jobDirMap.get(companyId) == null) { Set<String> jobDirs = new HashSet<String>(); File diExportedDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getDesktopIconExportedDir(companyId); File[] files = diExportedDir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { jobDirs.add(file.getName()); } jobDirMap.put(companyId, jobDirs); } Set<String> jobDirs2 = jobDirMap.get(companyId); /* * For old jobs created before 8.4, they use job * name as folder name. After 8.4, it use job id * instead of job name */ if (jobDirs2.contains(jobName)) { status = "downloadable"; } else { String jobIdStr = String.valueOf(job.getJobId()); if (jobDirs2.contains(jobIdStr)) { status = "downloadable"; } } } } catch (WebServiceException ignore) { } jobElement.element("status").setText(status); } } return doc.asXML(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_DOWNLOADABLE_JOBS, e); String message = makeErrorXml(GET_DOWNLOADABLE_JOBS, e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } /** * Get the version of WebService * * @deprecated Abandoned since 8.2.1. Use new method getGSVersion() instead. */ public String getVersion(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { return VERSION; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_VERSION, e); throw new WebServiceException("Fail to return version to client"); } } /** * Gets the version for checking by desktop icon. Use this method for the * version check since 8.2.1. */ public String getGSVersion(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { return VERSION_NEW; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_VERSION, e); throw new WebServiceException("Failed to return version to client"); } } /** * Get server version such as For GS edition feature,it need to be * run on or upper servers. * * @param p_accessToken * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getServerVersion(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getServerVersion"); String version = ServerUtil.getVersion(); return version == null ? "unknown" : version; } // ////////////////// // Private Methods // ////////////////// /** * Generate xml string per a File Profile. * * @param fileProfile * Entity of file profile * @param xmlStr * XML description containing file profile information * @param fileProfileManager * Manage class for file profile */ private void generateFileProfileInfoXml(FileProfile fileProfile, StringBuffer xmlStr, FileProfilePersistenceManager fileProfileManager) { // Add basic information for a specified file profile. xmlStr.append("\t<fileProfile>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("\t\t<id>").append(fileProfile.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("\t\t<name>").append(fileProfile.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("\t\t<l10nprofile>").append(fileProfile.getL10nProfileId()).append("</l10nprofile>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("\t\t<sourceFileFormat>").append(fileProfile.getKnownFormatTypeId()) .append("</sourceFileFormat>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("\t\t<description>"); if (fileProfile.getDescription() == null) { xmlStr.append("N/A").append("</description>\r\n"); } else { xmlStr.append(fileProfile.getDescription()).append("</description>\r\n"); } // Add file extensions information for a specified file profile. try { Vector fileExtensionIds = fileProfile.getFileExtensionIds(); xmlStr.append("\t\t<fileExtensionInfo>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < fileExtensionIds.size(); i++) { Long fileExtensionId = (Long) fileExtensionIds.get(i); FileExtension fileExtension = fileProfileManager.readFileExtension(fileExtensionId.longValue()); xmlStr.append("\t\t\t<fileExtension>").append(fileExtension.getName()) .append("</fileExtension>\r\n"); } xmlStr.append("\t\t</fileExtensionInfo>\r\n"); // Add locales information for a specified file profile. long l10nProfileId = fileProfile.getL10nProfileId(); ProjectHandler projectHandler = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler(); L10nProfile l10nProfile = projectHandler.getL10nProfile(l10nProfileId); GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = l10nProfile.getSourceLocale(); GlobalSightLocale[] targetLocales = l10nProfile.getTargetLocales(); xmlStr.append("\t\t<localeInfo>\r\n"); xmlStr.append("\t\t\t<sourceLocale>").append(sourceLocale.toString()).append("</sourceLocale>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < targetLocales.length; i++) { GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = targetLocales[i]; xmlStr.append("\t\t\t<targetLocale>").append(targetLocale.toString()).append("</targetLocale>\r\n"); } xmlStr.append("\t\t</localeInfo>\r\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } xmlStr.append("\t</fileProfile>\r\n"); } /** * Get a xml FileProfile with the same localization profile as a given * FileProfile. * * This xml fileprofile, including xml extension, is used to translate a * documentum file attributes. * * @param fpId * - A given FileProfile. * @return String - a xml FileProfile Id. */ private String getXmlFileProfile(String fpId) { FileProfile xmlFileProfile = null; try { FileProfilePersistenceManager fpManager = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); FileProfile oriFileProfile = fpManager.getFileProfileById(Long.valueOf(fpId).longValue(), false); long l10nProfileId = oriFileProfile.getL10nProfileId(); // Try to find a xml file profile with the same l10nProfile Id, and // xml format. Collection fileProfiles = fpManager.getAllFileProfiles(); Iterator iter = fileProfiles.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileProfile fp = (FileProfile); if (fp.getL10nProfileId() == l10nProfileId && fp.getKnownFormatTypeId() == 7) { xmlFileProfile = fp; break; } } // Can't find any file profile on condition, create a new one on // request. if (xmlFileProfile == null) { String fpName = "DCMT_XML_FP_" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); xmlFileProfile = new FileProfileImpl(oriFileProfile); Vector fileExts = new Vector(); // Add *.xml file extension. fileExts.add(Long.valueOf(14)); xmlFileProfile.setFileExtensionIds(fileExts); xmlFileProfile.setName(fpName); xmlFileProfile.setKnownFormatTypeId(7); fpManager.createFileProfile(xmlFileProfile); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Using a xml fileprofile, id=" + xmlFileProfile.getId()); } return String.valueOf(xmlFileProfile.getId()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Failed to get xml file profile", ex); return null; } } /** * Append the date range for an event by updating the format based on the * following criteria: 1. One day events such as holidays would be displayed * as one single date (i.e. 4/21/05) 2. Recurring times for some event such * as a daily meeting (4/2/05 - 4/5/05 (12:00:00 AM PST - 1:00:00 AM PDT) 3. * All dates that are non-recurring (i.e. 4/21/05 1:00:00 PM PDT - 4/21/05 * 2:00:00 PM PDT) * * @param p_xmlStringBuffer * - The generated XML string buffer. * @param p_reservedTime * - The event object. */ private void appendEventDate(StringBuffer p_xmlStringBuffer, ReservedTime p_reservedTime) { // reset the locale and time zone to server's default one. Timestamp start = p_reservedTime.getStartTimestamp(); start.setLocale(null); start.setTimeZone(null); Timestamp end = p_reservedTime.getEndTimestamp(); end.setLocale(null); end.setTimeZone(null); p_xmlStringBuffer.append("\t\t\t<date>"); boolean sameDay = start.isSameDay(end); boolean zeroHour = start.getHour() == 0 && end.getHour() == 0; // if it's just a one day event if (sameDay && zeroHour) { p_xmlStringBuffer.append(start); } // for events such as a daily meeting from 10 to 12. else if (!sameDay && start.getHour() != end.getHour() && p_reservedTime.getTaskId() == null) { String startDateAsString = start.toString(); String endDateAsString = end.toString(); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(startDateAsString.substring(0, startDateAsString.indexOf(" "))); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(" - "); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(endDateAsString.substring(0, endDateAsString.indexOf(" "))); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(" ("); p_xmlStringBuffer.append( startDateAsString.substring(startDateAsString.indexOf(" ") + 1, startDateAsString.length())); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(" -"); p_xmlStringBuffer .append(endDateAsString.substring(endDateAsString.indexOf(" "), endDateAsString.length())); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(")"); } else { p_xmlStringBuffer.append(start); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(" - "); p_xmlStringBuffer.append(end); } p_xmlStringBuffer.append("</date>\r\n"); } /** * Gets the user info XML for the given user * * @param p_userId * User's ID * @return UserInfo Entity of UserInfo * @exception WebServiceException */ private UserInfo getUserInfo(String p_userId) throws WebServiceException { UserInfo ui = null; try { ui = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserInfo(p_userId); } catch (UserManagerException ume) { StringBuffer messageBuf = new StringBuffer("Unable to get information for user "); messageBuf.append(p_userId); // couldn't find the user specified if (ume.getMessageKey().equals(UserManagerException.MSG_GET_USER_ERROR)) { messageBuf.append(". The user couldn't be found."); } String message = messageBuf.toString(); logger.error(message, ume); message = makeErrorXml(GET_USER_INFO, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get information for user " + p_userId; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml(GET_USER_INFO, message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } return ui; } /** * Exports all target pages of the given workflow * * @param p_job * Entity of Job * @param p_workflow * Entity of Workflow * @param p_user * Specified user information * @throws Exception */ private void exportSingleWorkflow(Job p_job, Workflow p_workflow, User p_user) throws Exception { List targetPages = p_workflow.getTargetPages(); ArrayList pageIds = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < targetPages.size(); j++) { TargetPage tp = (TargetPage) targetPages.get(j); pageIds.add(tp.getIdAsLong()); } ExportParameters ep = new ExportParameters(p_workflow); boolean isTargetPage = true; ArrayList wfIds = new ArrayList(); wfIds.add(p_workflow.getIdAsLong()); Long taskId = null;"Exporting workflow " + p_workflow.getTargetLocale().toString() + " for job " + p_job.getJobName()); long exportBatchId = ServerProxy.getExportEventObserver().notifyBeginExportTargetBatch(p_job, p_user, pageIds, wfIds, taskId, ExportBatchEvent.INTERIM_PRIMARY); ServerProxy.getPageManager().exportPage(ep, pageIds, isTargetPage, exportBatchId); } /** * Queries the database for the latest file profile information. Fills the * two array lists with the ids and (name)descriptions * * @param p_fileProfileIds * Array of file profile IDs * @param p_fileProfileDescriptions * Array of descriptions for file profile * @param p_fileProfileNames * Array of names for file profile * @throws WebServiceException */ private void queryDatabaseForFileProfileInformation(ArrayList p_fileProfileIds, ArrayList p_fileProfileDescriptions, ArrayList p_fileProfileNames) throws WebServiceException { Iterator fileProfileIter = null; try { Collection results = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager().getAllFileProfiles(); fileProfileIter = results.iterator(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get file profiles from db."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("queryDatabaseForFileProfileInformation", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } FileProfile fileProfile = null; while (fileProfileIter.hasNext()) { fileProfile = (FileProfile); p_fileProfileIds.add(Long.toString(fileProfile.getId())); p_fileProfileNames.add(fileProfile.getName()); String desc = fileProfile.getDescription(); if (desc == null || desc.length() < 1) { desc = "N/A"; } p_fileProfileDescriptions.add(desc); } } /** * Gets the path of the file in service. * * @param jobId * The name of job * @param filePath * File path * @param srcLocale * Source locale * @return */ private String getRealPath(String jobId, String filePath, String srcLocale, boolean hasWebserviceInPath) { StringBuffer newPath = new StringBuffer(); newPath.append(srcLocale); if (hasWebserviceInPath) { newPath.append(File.separator).append("webservice"); } newPath.append(File.separator).append(jobId); newPath.append(File.separator).append(filePath); return newPath.toString(); } /** * Writes the content to the file(according to path). * * <p> * Notice that if the file has been exist and has some content, the new * conten in <code>bytes</code> will be writed and the end. <br> * For example, call the method like the follows:<br> * <code> * writeFile("c:/a.txt", "a".getBytes());<br> * writeFile("c:/a.txt", "b".getBytes());<br> * </code> There will be a file "c:/a.txt", and the content is "ab".<br> * * @param path * @param bytes * @throws WebServiceException */ private void writeFile(String path, byte[] bytes, long companyId) throws WebServiceException { File newFile = new File(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDir(companyId), path); newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile, true); fos.write(bytes); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not copy uploaded file to the docs directory.", e); String message = "Could not copy uploaded file to the docs directory." + e.getMessage(); message = makeErrorXml("copyFileToDocsDirectory", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not copy uploaded file to the docs directory.", e); String message = "Could not copy uploaded file to the docs directory." + e.getMessage(); message = makeErrorXml("copyFileToDocsDirectory", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } } /** * Gets out the Job object corresponding to the job name assuming that is * unique * * @param p_jobName * Job name * @param p_accessToken * @return Job Return job object if there exist. * @exception WebServiceException */ private Job queryJob(String p_jobName, String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; try { connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); String condition = appendJobCondition(p_jobName); User user = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); long companyId = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(user.getCompanyName()).getId(); String sql = null; if (companyId != 1) { sql = "SELECT ID FROM JOB WHERE COMPANY_ID=? AND " + condition; query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); query.setLong(1, companyId); query.setString(2, p_jobName); } else { sql = "SELECT ID FROM JOB WHERE " + condition; query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); query.setString(1, p_jobName); } results = query.executeQuery(); if ( { long id = results.getLong(1); Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(id); return job; } else { String message = NOT_IN_DB + p_jobName; message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); /* * Do not change this Exception message "This job is not ready * for query", because getStatus() will deal with it in * catch(Exception e) and Desktop Icon * * com/globalsight/action/ : * executeWithThread(String args[]) */ throw new WebServiceException(message); } } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database to get job status."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for job status."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (WebServiceException le) { throw le; } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get job information from System4."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("queryJob", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { releaseDBResource(results, query, connection); } } private String appendJobCondition(String p_jobName) { String condition = "NAME=?"; try { int index = p_jobName.lastIndexOf("_"); if (index > -1) { String random = p_jobName.substring(index + 1); if (random != null && random.length() > 6 && StringUtils.isNumeric(random)) { condition = "(NAME=? OR NAME LIKE '%" + random + "')"; } } } catch (Exception ignore) { } return condition; } /** * /** Publishes to CXE to create a job. */ private void publishEventToCxe(String p_jobId, String p_batchId, int p_pageNum, int p_pageCount, int p_docPageNum, int p_docPageCount, String p_fileName, String p_fileProfileId, String p_targetLocales, Integer p_exitValueByScript, String p_priority) throws Exception { String key = p_batchId + p_fileName + p_pageNum; CxeProxy.setTargetLocales(key, p_targetLocales);"Publishing import request to CXE for file " + p_fileName); CxeProxy.importFromFileSystem(p_fileName, p_jobId, p_batchId, p_fileProfileId, Integer.valueOf(p_pageCount), Integer.valueOf(p_pageNum), Integer.valueOf(p_docPageCount), Integer.valueOf(p_docPageNum), Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, CxeProxy.IMPORT_TYPE_L10N, p_exitValueByScript, p_priority); } /** * Takes the given file name relative to the docs directory and replaces the * leading locale specific directory with the locale corresponding to the * language and country codes. * * @param p_fileName * @param p_exportSubDir * @param p_locale * @return */ private String replaceLocaleInFileName(String p_fileName, String p_exportSubDir, String p_locale) { int index = p_fileName.indexOf('/'); if (index == -1) index = p_fileName.indexOf('\\'); String targetFileName = p_exportSubDir + p_fileName.substring(index); return ExportHelper.transformExportedFilename(targetFileName, p_locale); } /** * Build the XML and populate it with basic info of a task. * * @param xml * XML description * @param t * Task object * @throws WebServiceException */ private void buildXmlForTask(StringBuilder xml, Task t, String tab, Connection connection, String assignees, List<ConditionNodeTargetInfo> conList) throws WebServiceException { xml.append(tab).append("<task>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<id>").append(t.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<workflowId>").append(t.getWorkflow().getId()).append("</workflowId>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<name>").append(t.getTaskName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<state>").append(t.getStateAsString()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<type>").append(t.getTaskType()).append("</type>\r\n"); if (t.getAcceptor() != null && t.getAcceptor().length() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append("\t<accepter>\r\n"); // get user information about the user who accepted the task UserInfo ui = getUserInfo(t.getAcceptor()); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<userid>").append(ui.getUserName()).append("</userid>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<firstName>").append(ui.getFirstName()).append("</firstName>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<lastName>").append(ui.getLastName()).append("</lastName>\r\n"); if (ui.getTitle() != null && ui.getTitle().length() > 0 && !"null".equalsIgnoreCase(ui.getTitle())) { xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<title>").append(ui.getTitle()).append("</title>\r\n"); } xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<email>").append(ui.getEmailAddress()).append("</email>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t</accepter>\r\n"); } else // not accepted yet { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(assignees)) { xml.append(tab).append("\t<assignees>").append(assignees).append("</assignees>\r\n"); } } xml.append(tab).append("\t<estimatedAcceptanceDate>") .append(convertDateToString(t.getEstimatedAcceptanceDate())) .append("</estimatedAcceptanceDate>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<acceptedDate>").append(convertDateToString(t.getAcceptedDate())) .append("</acceptedDate>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<estimatedCompletionDate>") .append(convertDateToString(t.getEstimatedCompletionDate())) .append("</estimatedCompletionDate>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<completedDate>").append(convertDateToString(t.getCompletedDate())) .append("</completedDate>\r\n"); String availableDate = getTaskAvailableDate(t, connection); xml.append(tab).append("\t<availableDate>").append(availableDate).append("</availableDate>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<isSkipped>").append(AmbassadorHelper.isSkippedTask(t.getId())) .append("</isSkipped>\r\n"); if (conList != null && conList.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < conList.size(); i++) { ConditionNodeTargetInfo cti = (ConditionNodeTargetInfo) conList.get(i); String arrowName = xmlEncoder.encodeStringBasic(cti.getArrowName()); String pointTo = cti.getTargetNodeName(); xml.append(tab).append("\t<outgoing>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<arrowName>").append(arrowName).append("</arrowName>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<pointTo>").append(pointTo).append("</pointTo>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t</outgoing>\r\n"); } } xml.append(tab).append("</task>\r\n"); } private String getTaskAvailableDate(Task t, Connection connection) { String availableDate = "null"; if (t == null) return availableDate; long workflowId = t.getWorkflow().getId(); long taskId = t.getId(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { if (connection == null) connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); java.sql.Timestamp tmp = null; Date acceptedDate = t.getAcceptedDate(); sql.append("SELECT MAX(Completed_Date) FROM Task_Info"); sql.append(" WHERE Workflow_ID=? AND State=?"); if (acceptedDate != null) { sql.append(" AND Accepted_Date<?"); } pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); pstmt.setLong(1, workflowId); pstmt.setString(2, Task.COMPLETED); if (acceptedDate != null) pstmt.setTimestamp(3, new java.sql.Timestamp(acceptedDate.getTime())); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { tmp = rs.getTimestamp(1); if (tmp != null) availableDate = convertDateToString(new Date(tmp.getTime())); else availableDate = convertDateToString(t.getWorkflow().getDispatchedDate()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found.", e); } finally { ConnectionPool.silentClose(pstmt); } return availableDate; } /** * Build the user unavailability XML and populate it with all the events for * each user. * * @param xml * XML description * @param p_userInfo * User's information * @param p_reservedTimes * List of events * @throws WebServiceException */ private void buildXmlForUserUnavailability(StringBuffer xml, UserInfo p_userInfo, List p_reservedTimes) throws WebServiceException { xml.append("\t<user>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<fullName>").append(p_userInfo.getFullName()).append("</fullName>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<username>").append(p_userInfo.getUserName()).append("</username>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<events>\r\n"); int size = p_reservedTimes == null ? -1 : p_reservedTimes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ReservedTime rt = (ReservedTime) p_reservedTimes.get(i); xml.append("\t\t\t<event>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<name>").append(rt.getSubject()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<type>").append(rt.getType()).append("</type>\r\n"); appendEventDate(xml, rt); xml.append("\t\t\t</event>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t\t</events>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</user>\r\n"); } /** * Get the display date and time for the given date object. Note that * system's default time zone and locale will be used. * * @param p_date * - The date and time to be displayed. * @return String Formatted date */ private String convertDateToString(Date p_date) { if (p_date == null) { return ""; } return DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(p_date); } /** * Get the display date and time for the given date object. Note that * current logged user's time zone will be used. * * @param p_date * - The date and time to be displayed. * @param p_tz * - TimeZone of current logged user * @return String Formatted date */ private String convertDateToString(Date p_date, TimeZone p_tz) { if (p_date == null) { return ""; } Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(p_tz); // This will decide the returned date patten, we all use "en_IE" as our // locale in API, the data sample is like // "14/05/14 09:25:11 o'clock GMT-00:00". Locale enIE = new Locale("en", "IE"); ts.setLocale(enIE); ts.setDate(p_date); return ts.toString(); } /** * Determines the URL prefix to stick in front of files relative to the docs * directory so that they can be read via the web. * * @param p_companyName * Company name * @return String URL prefix for specified company */ private String determineUrlPrefix(String p_companyName) { StringBuffer urlPrefix = new StringBuffer(); urlPrefix.append(AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl()); urlPrefix.append("/cxedocs/"); urlPrefix.append(URLEncoder.encode(p_companyName)); return urlPrefix.toString(); } /** * Looks up the src locale of the l10nprofile corresponding to this file * profile * * @param p_fileProfileId * -- the file profile ID * @return String -- the source locale abbreviation * @exception WebServiceException */ private String findSrcLocale(String p_fileProfileId) throws WebServiceException { String errorMsg = null; String sourceLocale = null; try { long fpid = 0; try { fpid = Long.parseLong(p_fileProfileId); } catch (Exception e) { errorMsg = "The parameter fileProfileId is not numeric: " + p_fileProfileId; throw new Exception(errorMsg, e); } FileProfile fp = null; try { if (fpid != 0) { FileProfilePersistenceManager fppm = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); fp = fppm.readFileProfile(fpid); } if (fp == null) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception e) { errorMsg = "Fail to get FileProfile by fileProfileId: " + fpid; throw new Exception(errorMsg, e); } long lpid = 0; try { if (fp != null) { lpid = fp.getL10nProfileId(); ProjectHandler ph = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler(); L10nProfile lp = ph.getL10nProfile(lpid); sourceLocale = lp.getSourceLocale().toString(); } } catch (Exception e) { errorMsg = "Fail to get source locale by l10nProfile Id: " + lpid; throw new Exception(errorMsg, e); } return sourceLocale; } catch (Exception e) { String message = makeErrorXml("findSrcLocale", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } /** * This checks whether the web service is installed. The websvc.installKey * system parameter value is checked against the expected value. If not * installed, then an exception is thrown * * @exception WebServiceException * @wlws:exclude */ protected void checkIfInstalled() throws WebServiceException { if (!isWebServiceInstalled) throw new WebServiceException("Web services is not installed."); } /** * Get the project that the file profile is associated with. * * @param p_fp * File profile information * @return Project Project information which is associated with specified * file profile */ private Project getProject(FileProfile p_fp) { Project p = null; try { long l10nProfileId = p_fp.getL10nProfileId(); L10nProfile lp = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getL10nProfile(l10nProfileId); p = lp.getProject(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to get the project that file profile " + p_fp.toString() + " is associated with.", e); // just leave and return NULL } return p; } /** * Sends email to user after completing the process of uploading * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_comment * Job comment * @param date * Date * @param jobName * Job name * @param pageParas * Parameters of current page * @param fileProfileId * ID of file profile * @param relativeFileName * File name */ private void sendUploadCompletedEmail(String p_accessToken, String p_comment, Date date, String jobName, int[] pageParas, String fileProfileId, String relativeFileName) { String key_files = jobName + "_files"; String key_fileprofiles = jobName + "_fps"; List files = (List) dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.get(key_files); if (files == null) { files = new ArrayList(); dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.put(key_files, files); } files.add(relativeFileName); List fileprofileIds = (List) dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.get(key_fileprofiles); if (fileprofileIds == null) { fileprofileIds = new ArrayList(); dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.put(key_fileprofiles, fileprofileIds); } fileprofileIds.add(fileProfileId); // if all the files has been upload successfully, then send mail if (pageParas[0] == pageParas[1]) { sendUploadCompletedEmail(files, fileprofileIds, p_accessToken, jobName, p_comment, date); } } /** * Please invoke sendUploadCompletedEmail(String p_accessToken, String * p_comment, Date date, String jobName, int[] pageParas, String * fileProfileId, String relativeFileName) to send mail, not this method. * Notify the uploader and customer's default PM about the new upload. #{0} * The upload date and time #{1} The upload name (will become job name) #{2} * The description used for the job. #{3} The project to be used for import * (label is either division or project) #{4} The name of the person who * uploaded the files #{5} The files and file profiles be uploaded #{6} The * name and email of Recipient. * * @param p_fileNames * List of file names * @param p_fpIds * List of file profile IDs * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobName * Job name * @param p_jobComment * Job comment * @param p_uploadDate * Date for uploading */ private void sendUploadCompletedEmail(List p_fileNames, List p_fpIds, String p_accessToken, String p_jobName, String p_jobComment, Date p_uploadDate) { try { User user = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Object[] projects = getProjectsFromFPIds(p_fpIds); int projectsLength = projects.length; String companyIdStr = String.valueOf(((Project) projects[0]).getCompanyId()); String[] messageArguments = new String[7]; messageArguments[1] = p_jobName; messageArguments[2] = p_jobComment; // Prepare the project label and name since project can be // displayed as either "Division" or "Project" StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Project: "); for (int i = 0; i < projectsLength; i++) { sb.append(((Project) projects[i]).getName()); if (i != projectsLength - 1) sb.append(", "); } messageArguments[3] = sb.toString(); sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(user.getUserName()); sb.append(" ("); sb.append(user.getEmail()); sb.append(")"); messageArguments[4] = sb.toString(); sb = new StringBuffer(); int filesLength = p_fileNames.size(); if (filesLength > 1) sb.append("\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < filesLength; i++) { // en_us\webservice\test\test.txt (fileprofile_1) sb.append(p_fileNames.get(i)).append(" (").append(ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager() .readFileProfile(Long.parseLong(p_fpIds.get(i).toString())).getName()).append(")"); if (i != filesLength - 1) sb.append("\r\n"); } messageArguments[5] = sb.toString(); messageArguments[6] = user.getSpecialNameForEmail(); Timestamp time = new Timestamp(); time.setLocale(getUserLocal(user)); time.setDate(p_uploadDate); messageArguments[0] = time.toString(); writeResultToLogFile(messageArguments); boolean m_systemNotificationEnabled = EventNotificationHelper.systemNotificationEnabled(); if (!m_systemNotificationEnabled) { return; } UserParameterPersistenceManagerLocal uppml = new UserParameterPersistenceManagerLocal(); UserParameter up = uppml.getUserParameter(user.getUserId(), UserParamNames.NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD); if (up != null && up.getIntValue() == 1) { ServerProxy.getMailer().sendMailFromAdmin(user, messageArguments, MailerConstants.DESKTOPICON_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_SUBJECT, MailerConstants.DESKTOPICON_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_MESSAGE, companyIdStr); } // get the PMs address (could be a group alias) List pms = new ArrayList(); boolean add = true; for (int i = 0; i < projectsLength; i++) { User u = UserHandlerHelper.getUser(((Project) projects[i]).getProjectManagerId()); if (u == null) { logger.error("Can not get project manager for DesktopIcon upload notification by project " + (Project) projects[i]); return; } if (u.getUserId().equals(user.getUserId())) { add = false; } else { for (Iterator iter = pms.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User element = (User); if (u.getUserId().equals(element.getUserId())) add = false; } } if (add) pms.add(u); } if (pms == null || pms.isEmpty()) { if (add) { logger.error( "There was no GlobalSight project manager email address for DesktopIcon upload notification."); } return; } // send an email to the PMs for (Iterator iter = pms.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { User u = (User); time = new Timestamp(); time.setLocale(getUserLocal(u)); time.setDate(p_uploadDate); messageArguments[0] = time.toString(); messageArguments[6] = u.getSpecialNameForEmail(); up = uppml.getUserParameter(u.getUserId(), UserParamNames.NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD); if (up != null && up.getIntValue() == 1) { ServerProxy.getMailer().sendMailFromAdmin(u, messageArguments, MailerConstants.DESKTOPICON_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_SUBJECT, MailerConstants.DESKTOPICON_UPLOAD_COMPLETED_MESSAGE, companyIdStr); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to send the file upload completion emails.", e); } } /** * Write message arguments to log file * * @param p_messageArguments */ private void writeResultToLogFile(String[] p_messageArguments) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("Upload time: "); sb.append(p_messageArguments[0]); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("Job name: "); sb.append(p_messageArguments[1]); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("Job Description: "); sb.append(p_messageArguments[2]); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("Uploaded by: "); sb.append(p_messageArguments[4]); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("Uploaded files: \r\n"); sb.append(p_messageArguments[5]); sb.append("\r\n");; } /** * Returns projects which are associated with the list of file profile IDs * * @param p_fps * List of file profile IDs * @return Object[] Projects which are associated with the specified list of * file profile IDs * @throws Exception */ private Object[] getProjectsFromFPIds(List p_fps) throws Exception { List projects = new ArrayList(); int len = p_fps.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String fileProfileId = (String) p_fps.get(i); long fpid = Long.parseLong(fileProfileId); FileProfilePersistenceManager fppm = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager(); FileProfile fp = fppm.readFileProfile(fpid); Project p = getProject(fp); boolean add = true; for (Iterator iter = projects.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Project e = (Project); if (e.getId() == p.getId()) add = false; } if (add) projects.add(p); } return projects.toArray(); } /** * Get default UI locale information for specified user * * @param p_user * User information * @return Locale Default UI locale for the specified user */ private Locale getUserLocal(User p_user) { String dl = p_user.getDefaultUILocale(); if (dl == null) return new Locale("en", "US"); else { try { String language = dl.substring(0, dl.indexOf("_")); String country = dl.substring(dl.indexOf("_") + 1); country = (country == null) ? "" : country; return new Locale(language, country); } catch (Exception e) { return new Locale("en", "US"); } } } /** * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped in m_store * * @param p_key * @return */ private Object get(Object p_key) { return dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.get(p_key); } /** * Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable. Neither * the key nor the value can be null. The value can be retrieved by calling * the get method with a key that is equal to the original key. * * @param p_key * @param p_value * @param p_overwrite * @return */ private void put(Object p_key, Object p_value, boolean p_overwrite) { if (p_overwrite || !dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.containsKey(p_key)) { dataStoreForFilesInSendingEmail.put(p_key, p_value); } } /** * Calls <code>sid.trim()</code>. Then return null if the length is 0. * * @param sid * @return */ private String clearSid(String sid) { if (sid != null) { sid = sid.trim(); if (sid.length() == 0 || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(sid)) { sid = null; } } return sid; } /** * Override method provided for previous version * * @deprecated */ public void saveEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceSegment, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetSegment) throws WebServiceException { saveEntry(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, null, p_sourceLocale, p_sourceSegment, p_targetLocale, p_targetSegment, "false"); } /** * Saves one entry to tm. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * @param sid * @param p_sourceLocale * @param p_sourceSegment * @param p_targetLocale * @param p_targetSegment * @param isEscape * : boolean type * @return String * @throws WebServiceException */ public String saveEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String sid, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceSegment, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetSegment, boolean isEscape) throws WebServiceException { String escapeString = "false"; if (isEscape) { escapeString = "true"; } String rtn = saveEntry(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, sid, p_sourceLocale, p_sourceSegment, p_targetLocale, p_targetSegment, escapeString); return rtn; } /** * Saves one entry to tm. * <p> * Segents, locals need use same order, and the first will be source. If the * source segment is exist in the specified tm, a exception will be throw * out. * <p> * Following is a sample example of how to use the method.<br> * * <pre> * List<String> locales = new ArrayList<String>(); * List<String> segments = new ArrayList<String>(); * locales.add("en_US"); * segments.add("source segment"); * locales.add("fr_FR"); * segments.add("target segment"); * * String entry = ambassador.saveEntry(accessToken, tmProfileName, locales, * segments); * </pre> * * An example XML response is: * * <pre> * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> * <entry> * <source> * <locale>en_US</locale> * <segment>source <bpt i="1" type="bold" x="1"><b></bpt>content<ept i="1"></b></ept></segment> * </source> * <target> * <locale>fr_FR</locale> * <segment>target <bpt i="1" type="bold" x="1"><b></bpt>content<ept i="1"></b></ept></segment> * </target> * </entry> * </pre> * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmProfileName * The name of tm profile, can not be null. * @param sid * The sid. * @param sourceLocale * The source lcoale. * @param sourceSegment * The source string. * @param targetLocal * The target locale. * @param targetSegment * The target string. * @param escapeString * Is convert all the escapable characters into their string * (escaped) equivalents or not, the value must be 'true' or * 'false'. * * @return A string, include segment information of the entry. * * @see #login(username, password) */ public String saveEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String sid, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceSegment, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetSegment, String escapeString) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_tmProfileName, "tm profile name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceSegment, "source string"); Assert.assertNotNull(p_targetLocale, "target locale"); if (escapeString == null || escapeString.trim().length() == 0 || (!"true".equals(escapeString.trim()) && !"false".equals(escapeString.trim()))) { escapeString = "false"; } escapeString = escapeString.toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "saveEntry"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.TM_ADD_ENTRY); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("p_tmProfileName", p_tmProfileName); activityArgs.put("sid", sid); activityArgs.put("p_sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("p_sourceSegment", p_sourceSegment); activityArgs.put("p_targetLocale", p_targetLocale); activityArgs.put("p_targetSegment", p_targetSegment); activityArgs.put("escapeString", escapeString); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "saveEntry(p_accessToken,p_tmProfileName,sid,p_sourceLocale,p_sourceSegment,p_targetLocale,p_targetSegment,escapeString)", activityArgs); sid = clearSid(sid); boolean escape = Boolean.parseBoolean(escapeString); p_sourceSegment = wrapSegment(p_sourceSegment, escape); p_targetSegment = wrapSegment(p_targetSegment, escape); if (!escape) { p_sourceSegment = repairSegment(p_sourceSegment); p_targetSegment = repairSegment(p_targetSegment); } SegmentTmTu tu = new SegmentTmTu(); tu.setTranslatable(); tu.setFormat("plaintext"); tu.setType("text"); SegmentTmTuv sourceTuv = new SegmentTmTuv(); SegmentTmTuv targetTuv = new SegmentTmTuv(); sourceTuv.setTu(tu); targetTuv.setTu(tu); GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = getLocaleByName(p_sourceLocale); GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = getLocaleByName(p_targetLocale); tu.setSourceLocale(sourceLocale); sourceTuv.setLocale(sourceLocale); targetTuv.setLocale(targetLocale); sourceTuv.setCreationUser(Tmx.DEFAULT_USER); sourceTuv.setCreationDate(new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); sourceTuv.setSegment(p_sourceSegment); sourceTuv.setSid(sid); targetTuv.setCreationUser(Tmx.DEFAULT_USER); targetTuv.setCreationDate(new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); targetTuv.setSegment(p_targetSegment); targetTuv.setSid(sid); tu.addTuv(sourceTuv); tu.addTuv(targetTuv); List tus = new ArrayList(); tus.add(tu); Tm tm = getProjectTm(p_tmProfileName); LingServerProxy.getTmCoreManager().saveToSegmentTm(tm, tus, TmCoreManager.SYNC_MERGE, null); StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); String entryXml = MessageFormat.format(ENTRY_XML_SAVE, sid, sourceLocale.toString(), p_sourceSegment, targetLocale.toString(), p_targetSegment); if (sid == null) { entryXml = entryXml.replaceAll("\r\n\t<sid>.*?</sid>", ""); } returnString.append(entryXml); return returnString.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Try to repair the segment. * <p> * Will throw out a WebServiceException if the format is wrong and can not * be repaired. * <p> * * @see SegmentHandler * @see #validateSegment(Element, IntHolder) * * @param s * The segment to be repaired * @return The repaired segment * @throws WebServiceException */ private String repairSegment(String s) throws WebServiceException { Assert.assertNotEmpty(s, "segment"); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); SegmentHandler segmentHandler = new SegmentHandler(s); reader.addHandler("/segment", segmentHandler); try { StringReader(s)); if (segmentHandler.hasError()) { throw new WebServiceException(segmentHandler.getError()); } return segmentHandler.getSegment(); } catch (DocumentException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Parses a segment string, and try to repair it. * <p> * Remember to check out the error is not null. */ private class SegmentHandler implements ElementHandler { private String segment = null; private String error = null; public SegmentHandler(String segment) { this.segment = segment; } public String getSegment() { return segment; } public boolean hasError() { return error != null; } public String getError() { return error; } @Override public void onEnd(ElementPath path) { Element element = path.getCurrent(); element.detach(); try { validateSegment(element, new IntHolder(1)); this.segment = "<segment>" + ImportUtil.getInnerXml(element) + "</segment>"; } catch (Exception e) { error = e.getMessage(); } } @Override public void onStart(ElementPath path) { } } /** * Validates the segment, and try to repair it if the format is wrong. * * <p> * Will throw out a exception if the format is wrong and can not be * repaired. * * @param p_seg * The segment string to validate * @param p_x_count * The value of x * @return Repaired segment * @throws Exception */ private Element validateSegment(Element p_seg, IntHolder p_x_count) throws Exception { String attr; List elems = p_seg.elements(); for (Iterator it = elems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element elem = (Element); String name = elem.getName(); if (name.equals("bpt")) { attr = elem.attributeValue("x"); // mandatory only in 1.4 if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { elem.addAttribute("x", String.valueOf(; } attr = elem.attributeValue("i"); // mandatory if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("A <bpt> tag is lacking the mandatory i attribute."); } attr = elem.attributeValue("type"); if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { elem.addAttribute("type", DEFAULT_TYPE); } } else if (name.equals("ept")) { attr = elem.attributeValue("i"); // mandatory if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("A <ept> tag is lacking the mandatory i attribute."); } } else if (name.equals("it")) { attr = elem.attributeValue("x"); // mandatory only in 1.4 if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { elem.addAttribute("x", String.valueOf(; } attr = elem.attributeValue("pos"); // mandatory if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("A <it> tag is lacking the mandatory pos attribute."); } attr = elem.attributeValue("type"); if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { elem.addAttribute("type", DEFAULT_TYPE); } } else if (name.equals("ph")) { attr = elem.attributeValue("x"); // mandatory only in 1.4 if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { elem.addAttribute("x", String.valueOf(; } attr = elem.attributeValue("type"); if (attr == null || attr.length() == 0) { elem.addAttribute("type", DEFAULT_TYPE); } // GXML doesn't care about assoc, just preserve it. // attr = elem.attributeValue("assoc"); } else if (name.equals("ut")) { // TMX level 2 does not allow UT. We can either remove // it, or look inside and guess what it may be. it.remove(); continue; } // Recurse into any subs. validateSubs(elem, p_x_count); } return p_seg; } /** * Validates the sub elements inside a TMX tag. This means adding a <sub * locType="..."> attribute. * * @param p_elem * @param p_x_count * @throws Exception */ private void validateSubs(Element p_elem, IntHolder p_x_count) throws Exception { List subs = p_elem.elements("sub"); for (int i = 0, max = subs.size(); i < max; i++) { Element sub = (Element) subs.get(i); validateSegment(sub, p_x_count); } } /** * Override method provided for previous version * * @deprecated * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * @param p_string * @param p_sourceLocale * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String searchEntries(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale) throws WebServiceException { String rtn = searchEntries(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, p_string, p_sourceLocale, "false"); return rtn; } /** * Override method : the last parameter is 'boolean' type * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * @param p_string * @param p_sourceLocale * @param isEscape * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String searchEntries(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, boolean isEscape) throws WebServiceException { String escapeString = "false"; if (isEscape) { escapeString = "true"; } String rtn = searchEntries(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, p_string, p_sourceLocale, escapeString); return rtn; } /** * Searchs entries in tm. * * An example XML response is: * * <pre> * <entries> * <entry> * <percentage>100%</percentage> * <source> * <locale>en_US</sourceLocale> * <segment>source_100%</segment> * </source> * <target> * <locale>fr_FR</sourceLocale> * <segment>target_fr_FR</segment> * </target> * </entry> * * <entry> * <percentage>90%</percentage> * <source> * <locale>en_US</sourceLocale> * <segment>source_90%</segment> * </source> * <target> * <locale>de_DE</sourceLocale> * <segment>target_de_DE</segment> * </target> * </entry> * lt;/entries> * </pre> * * @param tmProfileName * The name of tm profile, can not be null. * @param string * Search entries will according to it, can not be null. * @param sourceLocale * The locale of segment, can not be null. * @param escapeString * Is convert all the escapable characters into their string * (escaped) equivalents or not, the value must be 'true' or * 'false'. * @return The search result, may be null. * @throws WebServiceException * * @see #login(username, password) */ public String searchEntries(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, String escapeString) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_tmProfileName, "tm profile name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_string, "source string"); if (escapeString == null || escapeString.trim().length() == 0 || (!"true".equals(escapeString.trim()) && !"false".equals(escapeString.trim()))) { escapeString = "false"; } escapeString = escapeString.toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "searchEntries"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TM_SEARCH_ENTRY); StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); returnString.append("<entries>"); LeverageMatchResults levMatchResult = null; Vector localePairs = null; try { localePairs = ServerProxy.getLocaleManager().getSourceTargetLocalePairs(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all locale pairs"; logger.error(message, e); throw new WebServiceException(message); } GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = getLocaleByName(p_sourceLocale); Session session = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("tmProfileName", p_tmProfileName); activityArgs.put("string", p_string); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("escapeString", escapeString); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "searchEntries(p_accessToken,p_tmProfileName,p_string,p_sourceLocale,escapeString)", activityArgs); session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Leverager leverager = new Leverager(session); LeveragingLocales levLocales = new LeveragingLocales(); Map<String, List<LeveragedTuv>> storedTuvs = new HashMap<String, List<LeveragedTuv>>(); ArrayList trgLocales = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = localePairs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { LocalePair localePair = (LocalePair); if (localePair.getSource().equals(sourceLocale)) { GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = localePair.getTarget(); trgLocales.add(targetLocale); levLocales.setLeveragingLocale(targetLocale, null); } } TranslationMemoryProfile tmp = TMProfileHandlerHelper.getTMProfileByName(p_tmProfileName); if (tmp == null) { String message = "Unable to get translation memory profile:" + p_tmProfileName; logger.error(message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } ProjectTM ptm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMById(tmp.getProjectTmIdForSave(), false); String companyId = String.valueOf(ptm.getCompanyId()); Set tmIdsOverride = new HashSet(); Vector<LeverageProjectTM> tms = tmp.getProjectTMsToLeverageFrom(); for (LeverageProjectTM tm : tms) { tmIdsOverride.add(tm.getProjectTmId()); } OverridableLeverageOptions levOptions = new OverridableLeverageOptions(tmp, levLocales); int threshold = (int) tmp.getFuzzyMatchThreshold(); levOptions.setMatchThreshold(threshold); levOptions.setTmsToLeverageFrom(tmIdsOverride); boolean isTmProcedence = tmp.isTmProcendence(); String segment = wrapSegment(p_string, Boolean.valueOf(escapeString)); PageTmTu tu = new PageTmTu(-1, -1, "plaintext", "text", true); PageTmTuv tuv = new PageTmTuv(-1, segment, sourceLocale); tuv.setTu(tu); tuv.setExactMatchKey(); tu.addTuv(tuv); Iterator<LeverageMatches> itLeverageMatches = LingServerProxy.getTmCoreManager() .leverageSegments(Collections.singletonList(tuv), sourceLocale, trgLocales, levOptions) .leverageResultIterator(); long jobId = -1;// -1 is fine here. // In fact only ONE levMatches in this iterator. while (itLeverageMatches.hasNext()) { LeverageMatches levMatches = (LeverageMatches); // walk through all target locales in the LeverageMatches Iterator itLocales = levMatches.targetLocaleIterator(jobId); while (itLocales.hasNext()) { GlobalSightLocale tLocale = (GlobalSightLocale); // walk through all matches in the locale Iterator itMatch = levMatches.matchIterator(tLocale, jobId); while (itMatch.hasNext()) { LeveragedTuv matchedTuv = (LeveragedTuv); if (matchedTuv.getScore() < threshold) { continue; } List<LeveragedTuv> tuvs = storedTuvs.get(tLocale.toString()); if (tuvs == null) { tuvs = new ArrayList<LeveragedTuv>(); storedTuvs.put(tLocale.toString(), tuvs); } storedTuvs.get(tLocale.toString()).add(matchedTuv); } } } Set<String> localeNames = storedTuvs.keySet(); if (localeNames.size() > 0) { Connection connection = null; try { connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); String tmName = ""; for (String name : localeNames) { List<LeveragedTuv> matchedTuvs = storedTuvs.get(name); Collections.sort(matchedTuvs, getMatchedTuvComparator(levOptions, isTmProcedence)); int size = Math.min(matchedTuvs.size(), (int) tmp.getNumberOfMatchesReturned()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { LeveragedTuv matchedTuv = matchedTuvs.get(i); BaseTmTuv sourceTuv = matchedTuv.getSourceTuv(); long tmId = sourceTuv.getTu().getTmId();"tmId : " + tmId); try { tmName = getProjectTmName(tmId, connection); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot get tm name.", e); }"tmName : " + tmName); String strTmId = "'" + tmId + "'"; String entryXml = MessageFormat.format(ENTRY_XML, strTmId, tmName, matchedTuv.getScore(), sourceTuv.getSid(), sourceTuv.getLocale(), sourceTuv.getSegmentNoTopTag(), matchedTuv.getLocale(), matchedTuv.getSegmentNoTopTag()); if (sourceTuv.getSid() == null || sourceTuv.getSid().length() == 0) { entryXml = entryXml.replaceAll("\r\n\t\t<sid>.*?</sid>", ""); } returnString.append(entryXml); } // Remained trgLocales have no tm matches better than // threshold for (int i = 0; i < trgLocales.size(); i++) { GlobalSightLocale trgLocale = (GlobalSightLocale) trgLocales.get(i); if (trgLocale.toString().equals(name)) { trgLocales.remove(trgLocale); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in searchEntries(...).", e); } finally { ConnectionPool.returnConnection(connection); } } // Return NULL_XML if no TM matches whose score is higher than TM // threshold. if (localeNames.size() == 0) { return NULL_XML; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } try { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } returnString.append("\r\n</entries>"); return returnString.toString(); } /** * Remote leveraging. * * @param p_accessToken * Access token. * @param p_remoteTmProfileId * Tm profile id on remote server * @param p_segmentMap * (OriginalTuvId:Segment) map * @param p_sourceLocaleId * Source locale Id * @param p_btrgLocal2LevLocalesMap * (Target locale Id:leverage locales Ids with comma seperated) * map * @param p_translatable * True:translatable segments;False:localizable segments * @param p_escapeString * If escape string. * @return leveraged results in map. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public HashMap searchEntriesInBatch(String p_accessToken, Long p_remoteTmProfileId, Map p_segmentMap, Long p_sourceLocaleId, Map p_btrgLocal2LevLocalesMap, Boolean p_translatable, Boolean p_escapeString) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "searchEntriesInBatch"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TM_SEARCH_ENTRY); HashMap originalTuvId2MatchesMap = new HashMap(); Session session = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); Leverager leverager = new Leverager(session); LocaleManager localeManager = ServerProxy.getLocaleManager(); ProjectHandler projectHandler = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler(); // source locale GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = null; sourceLocale = localeManager.getLocaleById(p_sourceLocaleId); // target locales and leverage locales ArrayList trgLocales = new ArrayList(); LeveragingLocales levLocales = new LeveragingLocales(); if (p_btrgLocal2LevLocalesMap != null && p_btrgLocal2LevLocalesMap.size() > 0) { Iterator iter = p_btrgLocal2LevLocalesMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); long trgLocaleId = ((Long) entry.getKey()).longValue(); GlobalSightLocale trgLocale = localeManager.getLocaleById(trgLocaleId); trgLocales.add(trgLocale); String levLocaleIds = (String) entry.getValue(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(levLocaleIds, ","); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { long levLocaleId = Long.parseLong((String) st.nextElement()); GlobalSightLocale levLocale = localeManager.getLocaleById(levLocaleId); Set leveragingLocales = null; try { leveragingLocales = levLocales.getLeveragingLocales(levLocale); } catch (Exception e) { } levLocales.setLeveragingLocale(levLocale, leveragingLocales); } } } // tm profile TranslationMemoryProfile tmp = TMProfileHandlerHelper.getTMProfileById(p_remoteTmProfileId); if (tmp == null) { String message = "Unable to get translation memory profile by id:" + p_remoteTmProfileId; logger.error(message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } ProjectTM ptm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMById(tmp.getProjectTmIdForSave(), false); // tmIdsOverride Set tmIdsOverride = new HashSet(); Vector<LeverageProjectTM> tms = tmp.getProjectTMsToLeverageFrom(); for (LeverageProjectTM tm : tms) { ProjectTM projectTm = (ProjectTM) projectHandler.getProjectTMById(tm.getProjectTmId(), false); if (projectTm.getIsRemoteTm() == false) { tmIdsOverride.add(tm.getProjectTmId()); } } // levOptions & leverageDataCenter OverridableLeverageOptions levOptions = new OverridableLeverageOptions(tmp, levLocales); int threshold = (int) tmp.getFuzzyMatchThreshold(); levOptions.setMatchThreshold(threshold); levOptions.setTmsToLeverageFrom(tmIdsOverride); boolean isTmProcedence = tmp.isTmProcendence(); // find the source tuvs List<PageTmTuv> sourceTuvs = new ArrayList<PageTmTuv>(); Iterator segmentsIter = p_segmentMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (segmentsIter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); long srcTuvId = ((Long) entry.getKey()).longValue(); String segment = (String) entry.getValue(); segment = wrapSegment(segment, p_escapeString.booleanValue()); PageTmTu tu = new PageTmTu(-1, -1, "plaintext", "text", p_translatable); PageTmTuv tuv = new PageTmTuv(srcTuvId, segment, sourceLocale); tuv.setTu(tu); tuv.setExactMatchKey(); tu.addTuv(tuv); sourceTuvs.add(tuv); } // Leverage LeverageDataCenter leverageDataCenter = null; try { leverageDataCenter = LingServerProxy.getTmCoreManager().leverageSegments(sourceTuvs, sourceLocale, trgLocales, levOptions); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to leverage segments.", e); } Iterator itLeverageMatches = leverageDataCenter.leverageResultIterator(); while (itLeverageMatches.hasNext()) { // one "LeverageMatches" represents one segment matches LeverageMatches levMatches = (LeverageMatches); long originalTuvId = levMatches.getOriginalTuv().getId(); HashMap trgLocaleMatchesMap = new HashMap(); long jobId = -1; // -1 is fine here Iterator itLocales = levMatches.targetLocaleIterator(jobId); while (itLocales.hasNext()) { GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = (GlobalSightLocale); Vector matchedTuvMapForSpecifiedTrgLocale = new Vector(); HashMap innerMap = new HashMap(); Iterator itMatch = levMatches.matchIterator(targetLocale, jobId); while (itMatch.hasNext()) { LeveragedTuv matchedTuv = (LeveragedTuv); HashMap matchInfoMap = new HashMap(); String subId = ((SegmentTmTu) levMatches.getOriginalTuv().getTu()).getSubId(); matchInfoMap.put("subId", subId); String matchedSegment = matchedTuv.getSegmentNoTopTag(); matchedSegment = matchedTuv.getSegment(); matchInfoMap.put("matchedSegment", matchedSegment); String matchType = matchedTuv.getMatchState().getName(); matchInfoMap.put("matchType", matchType); int orderNum = matchedTuv.getOrder(); matchInfoMap.put("orderNum", orderNum); float score = matchedTuv.getScore(); matchInfoMap.put("score", score); // source string from TM ProjectTmTuvT tmTuv = HibernateUtil.get(ProjectTmTuvT.class, matchedTuv.getId()); String tmSource = ""; if (tmTuv != null) { try { tmSource = tmTuv.getTu().getSourceTuv().getSegmentString(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } matchInfoMap.put("tmSourceStr", tmSource); int matchedTableType = LeverageMatchLingManagerLocal.getMatchTableType(matchedTuv); matchInfoMap.put("matchedTableType", matchedTableType); matchedTuvMapForSpecifiedTrgLocale.add(matchInfoMap); } innerMap.put(targetLocale.getId(), matchedTuvMapForSpecifiedTrgLocale); trgLocaleMatchesMap.putAll(innerMap); } originalTuvId2MatchesMap.put(originalTuvId, trgLocaleMatchesMap); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } return originalTuvId2MatchesMap; } /** * Checks to see if the locale pair is supported by the MT engine * * @param p_sourceLocale * @param p_targetLocale * @return true | false */ private boolean isLocalePairSupportedByMT(MachineTranslator p_mt, GlobalSightLocale p_sourceLocale, GlobalSightLocale p_targetLocale) { boolean isSupported = false; if (p_mt == null) { return false; } try { isSupported = p_mt.supportsLocalePair(p_sourceLocale.getLocale(), p_targetLocale.getLocale()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to find if locale pair (" + p_sourceLocale.getLocale() + "->" + p_targetLocale.getLocale() + " is supported by MT " + p_mt.getEngineName()); } return isSupported; } /** * Gets the comparator for matched TUVs * * @param leverageOptions * @param isTmProcedence * @return */ private Comparator<LeveragedTuv> getMatchedTuvComparator(final OverridableLeverageOptions leverageOptions, final boolean isTmProcedence) { return new Comparator<LeveragedTuv>() { @Override public int compare(LeveragedTuv tuv1, LeveragedTuv tuv2) { long tmId1 = tuv1.getTu().getTmId(); long tmId2 = tuv2.getTu().getTmId(); int projectIndex1 = getProjectIndex(tmId1); int projectIndex2 = getProjectIndex(tmId2); float result = 0.0f; if (isTmProcedence) { result = projectIndex1 - projectIndex2; if (result == 0) { result = tuv2.getScore() - tuv1.getScore(); } } else { result = tuv2.getScore() - tuv1.getScore(); if (result == 0) { result = projectIndex1 - projectIndex2; } } return (int) result; } private int getProjectIndex(long tmId) { return leverageOptions.getTmIndexsToLeverageFrom().get(tmId); } }; } /** * Override method provided for previous version * * @deprecated use "editTu()" instead. * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * @param p_sourceLocale * @param p_sourceSegment * @param p_targetLocale * @param p_targetSegment * @throws WebServiceException */ public void editEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceSegment, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetSegment) throws WebServiceException { editEntry(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, null, null, p_sourceLocale, p_sourceSegment, p_targetLocale, p_targetSegment, "false"); } /** * Edits exists entry * * @deprecated use "editTu()" instead. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * @param p_orgSid * @param p_newSid * @param p_sourceLocale * @param p_sourceSegment * @param p_targetLocale * @param p_targetSegment * @param isEscape * @throws WebServiceException */ public void editEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_orgSid, String p_newSid, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceSegment, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetSegment, boolean isEscape) throws WebServiceException { String escapeString = "false"; if (isEscape) { escapeString = "true"; } editEntry(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, p_orgSid, p_newSid, p_sourceLocale, p_sourceSegment, p_targetLocale, p_targetSegment, escapeString); } /** * Edits a entry. * * @deprecated use "editTu()" instead. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmProfileName * The name of tm profile, can not be null. * @param orgSid * The original sid. * @param newSid * The new sid. * @param sourceLocale * The source lcoale. * @param sourceSegment * The source string. * @param targetLocal * The target locale. * @param targetSegment * The target string. * @param escapeString * Is convert all the escapable characters into their string * (escaped) equivalents or not, the value must be 'true' or * 'false'. * @return Error message if has, will be null if success. * @throws WebServiceException * * @see #login(username, password) */ public void editEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_orgSid, String p_newSid, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceSegment, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetSegment, String escapeString) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_tmProfileName, "tm profile name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceSegment, "source string"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_targetLocale, "target locale"); if (escapeString == null || escapeString.trim().length() == 0 || (!"true".equals(escapeString.trim()) && !"false".equals(escapeString.trim()))) { escapeString = "false"; } escapeString = escapeString.toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "editEntry"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.TM_EDIT_ENTRY); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("tmProfileName", p_tmProfileName); activityArgs.put("orgSid", p_orgSid); activityArgs.put("newSid", p_newSid); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("sourceSegment", p_sourceSegment); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", p_targetLocale); activityArgs.put("targetSegment", p_targetSegment); activityArgs.put("escapeString", escapeString); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "editEntry(p_accessToken,p_tmProfileName,p_orgSid,p_newSid,p_sourceLocale,p_sourceSegment,p_targetLocale,p_targetSegment,escapeString)", activityArgs); long targetLocaleId = getLocaleByName(p_targetLocale).getId(); p_orgSid = clearSid(p_orgSid); p_newSid = clearSid(p_newSid); boolean escape = Boolean.parseBoolean(escapeString); p_sourceSegment = wrapSegment(p_sourceSegment, escape); p_targetSegment = wrapSegment(p_targetSegment, escape); if (!escape) { p_targetSegment = repairSegment(p_targetSegment); } ProjectTmTuT tu = getTu(p_tmProfileName, p_sourceSegment, p_sourceLocale, p_orgSid); Set<ProjectTmTuvT> tuvs = tu.getTuvs(); ProjectTmTuvT editTuv = null; for (ProjectTmTuvT tuv : tuvs) { tuv.setSid(p_newSid); if (editTuv != null && editTuv.getId() > tuv.getId()) { continue; } if (tuv.getLocale().getId() == targetLocaleId) { editTuv = tuv; } } if (editTuv == null) { throw new WebServiceException( "The specified entry do not have the target locale:" + p_targetLocale); } editTuv.setSegmentString(p_targetSegment);; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } } /** * Removes specified segment * * @deprecated * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * TM profile name * @param p_string * @param p_sourceLocale * Source locale of TM profile * @param p_deleteLocale * Locale which need to be removed * @throws WebServiceException */ public void deleteSegment(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, String p_deleteLocale) throws WebServiceException { deleteSegment(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, p_string, p_sourceLocale, p_deleteLocale, "false"); } /** * Removes specified segment * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_tmProfileName * TM profile name * @param p_string * @param p_sourceLocale * Source locale of TM profile * @param p_deleteLocale * Locale which need to be removed * @param isEscape * Is convert all the escapable characters into their string * (escaped) equivalents or not * @throws WebServiceException */ public void deleteSegment(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, String p_deleteLocale, boolean isEscape) throws WebServiceException { String escapeString = "false"; if (isEscape) { escapeString = "true"; } deleteSegment(p_accessToken, p_tmProfileName, p_string, p_sourceLocale, p_deleteLocale, escapeString); } /** * Delete a segment or entire entry. * <p> * If <code>deleteLocale</code> is not found in the specified tm, a * exception will be throwed. * <p> * Note: If <code>deleteLocale</code> is source locale or null, the entry * will be delete. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmProfileName * The name of tm profile, can not be null. * @param string * The source string, can not be null. * @param sourceLocale * The source locale, can not be null. * @param deleteLocale * the locale of the segment to be deleted. If it is set to null * or the source locale, the entire entry including the source * segment and all the target segments will be deleted from * GlobalSight TM. * @param escapeString * Is convert all the escapable characters into their string * (escaped) equivalents or not, the value must be 'true' or * 'false'. * @throws WebServiceException */ public void deleteSegment(String p_accessToken, String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, String p_deleteLocale, String escapeString) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_tmProfileName, "tm profile name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_string, "source string"); if (escapeString == null || escapeString.trim().length() == 0 || (!"true".equals(escapeString.trim()) && !"false".equals(escapeString.trim()))) { escapeString = "false"; } escapeString = escapeString.toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } p_sourceLocale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(p_sourceLocale); p_string = wrapSegment(p_string, Boolean.parseBoolean(escapeString)); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "editEntry"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.TM_EDIT_ENTRY); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("tmProfileName", p_tmProfileName); activityArgs.put("string", p_string); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("deleteLocale", p_deleteLocale); activityArgs.put("escapeString", escapeString); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "deleteSegment(p_accessToken,p_tmProfileName,p_string,p_sourceLocale,p_deleteLocale,escapeString)", activityArgs); ProjectTM ptm = (ProjectTM) getProjectTm(p_tmProfileName); if (ptm.getTm3Id() == null) { deleteTm2Segment(p_tmProfileName, p_string, p_sourceLocale, p_deleteLocale); } else { deleteTm3Segment(ptm, p_string, p_sourceLocale, p_deleteLocale); } } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } } private void deleteTm2Segment(String p_tmProfileName, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, String p_deleteLocale) throws WebServiceException { ProjectTmTuT tu = getTu(p_tmProfileName, p_string, p_sourceLocale); if (p_deleteLocale == null || p_sourceLocale.equalsIgnoreCase(p_deleteLocale)) { try { HibernateUtil.delete(tu); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } return; } long deleteLocaleId = getLocaleByName(p_deleteLocale).getId(); Set<ProjectTmTuvT> tuvs = tu.getTuvs(); Set<ProjectTmTuvT> movedTuvs = new HashSet<ProjectTmTuvT>(); try { for (ProjectTmTuvT tuv : tuvs) { if (deleteLocaleId == tuv.getLocale().getId()) { movedTuvs.add(tuv); } } if (tu.getTuvs().size() < movedTuvs.size() + 2) { HibernateUtil.delete(tu); } else { for (ProjectTmTuvT tuv : movedTuvs) { tu.removeTuv(tuv); HibernateUtil.delete(tuv); }; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } private void deleteTm3Segment(ProjectTM ptm, String p_string, String p_sourceLocale, String p_deleteLocale) throws WebServiceException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); String tuvTable = "tm3_tuv_shared_" + ptm.getCompanyId(); StatementBuilder sb = new StatementBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT tuId FROM ").append(tuvTable); sb.append(" WHERE content = '").append(p_string).append("' "); sb.append(" AND localeid = ? ").addValue(getLocaleByName(p_sourceLocale).getId()); sb.append(" AND tmid = ? ").addValue(ptm.getTm3Id()); // Only return the first matched tu for now. // sb.append(" LIMIT 0,1;"); List<Long> tuIds = SQLUtil.execIdsQuery(conn, sb); if (tuIds == null || tuIds.size() == 0) { logger.warn("deleteTm3Segment() :: do not find data to delete by current parameters."); return; } BaseTm tm = TM3Util.getBaseTm(ptm.getTm3Id()); List<TM3Tu> tm3Tus = tm.getTu(tuIds); TM3Attribute typeAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TYPE); TM3Attribute formatAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FORMAT); TM3Attribute sidAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, SID); TM3Attribute translatableAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TRANSLATABLE); TM3Attribute fromWsAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FROM_WORLDSERVER); TM3Attribute projectAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, UPDATED_BY_PROJECT); List<SegmentTmTu> segTmTus = new ArrayList<SegmentTmTu>(); for (TM3Tu tm3Tu : tm3Tus) { segTmTus.add(TM3Util.toSegmentTmTu(tm3Tu, ptm.getId(), formatAttr, typeAttr, sidAttr, fromWsAttr, translatableAttr, projectAttr)); } if (p_deleteLocale == null || p_sourceLocale.equalsIgnoreCase(p_deleteLocale)) { try { ptm.getSegmentTmInfo().deleteSegmentTmTus(ptm, segTmTus); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } return; } long deleteLocaleId = getLocaleByName(p_deleteLocale).getId(); for (SegmentTmTu tu : segTmTus) { List<BaseTmTuv> tuvs = tu.getTuvs(); Set<SegmentTmTuv> movedTuvs = new HashSet<SegmentTmTuv>(); for (BaseTmTuv tuv : tuvs) { if (deleteLocaleId == tuv.getLocale().getId()) { movedTuvs.add((SegmentTmTuv) tuv); } } if (tu.getTuvs().size() < movedTuvs.size() + 2) { List<SegmentTmTu> del = new ArrayList<SegmentTmTu>(); del.add(tu); ptm.getSegmentTmInfo().deleteSegmentTmTus(ptm, del); } else if (movedTuvs.size() > 0) { ptm.getSegmentTmInfo().deleteSegmentTmTuvs(ptm, movedTuvs); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } /** * Wraps segment with <code>segment</code> tag. * <p> * At first, convert all the escapable characters in the given string into * their string (escaped) equivalents if escapeString is setted to ture. * Then add <code>"<segment>"</code> to the first and * <code>"</segment>"</code> to the end. * * @param segment * @param escapeString * @return */ private String wrapSegment(String segment, boolean escapeString) { if (segment == null) { segment = ""; } if (segment.startsWith("<segment") && segment.endsWith("</segment>")) { segment = GxmlUtil.stripRootTag(segment); } if (escapeString) { segment = XmlUtil.escapeString(segment); } return "<segment>" + segment + "</segment>"; } private Company getCompanyByName(String companyName) throws WebServiceException { String hql = "from Company where name = :name"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("name", companyName); return (Company) HibernateUtil.getFirst(hql, map); } /** * Gets ProjectTM information * * @param tmName * TM name * @param companyId * ID of company * @return */ private ProjectTM getProjectTm(String tmName, Long companyId) { String hql = "from ProjectTM p where = :name and p.companyId = :companyId"; HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put("name", tmName); params.put("companyId", companyId); return (ProjectTM) HibernateUtil.getFirst(hql, params); } private ProjectTM getProjectTm(long id) { String hql = "from ProjectTM p where id = :id"; HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put("id", id); return (ProjectTM) HibernateUtil.getFirst(hql, params); } /** * Gets the ProjectTM with the specified TM profile name * * @param p_tmProfileName * TM profile name * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ private Tm getProjectTm(String p_tmProfileName) throws WebServiceException { TranslationMemoryProfile tmProfile = TMProfileHandlerHelper.getTMProfileByName(p_tmProfileName); if (tmProfile == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Unable to get tm profile by name: " + p_tmProfileName); } return getProjectTm(tmProfile.getProjectTmIdForSave()); } /** * Gets locale with specified name * * @param name * Locale name * @return GlobalSightLocale Locale information with the specified name * @throws WebServiceException */ private GlobalSightLocale getLocaleByName(String name) throws WebServiceException { name = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(name.trim()); try { return ImportUtil.getLocaleByName(name); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("getLocaleByName() : Fail to get GlobalSightLocale by locale name: '" + name + "'"); throw new WebServiceException("Unable to get locale: " + name); } } /** * Gets Tu information associated with speicified TM profile, segment, * source locale and SID * * @param tmProfileName * TM profile name * @param sourceString * Segment * @param sourceLocale * Source Locale * @param sid * SID information * @return ProjectTmTuT Tu information * @throws WebServiceException */ private ProjectTmTuT getTu(String tmProfileName, String sourceString, String sourceLocale, String sid) throws WebServiceException { Assert.assertNotNull(tmProfileName, "tm profile name"); Assert.assertNotNull(sourceString, "source string"); Assert.assertNotNull(sourceLocale, "source locale"); String hql = "select p.tu from ProjectTmTuvT p " + "where = :lId and " + "and = :lId " + "and p.segmentString = :sourceString "; if (sid == null) { hql += "and p.sid is null"; } else { hql += "and p.sid = :sid"; } Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("lId", getLocaleByName(sourceLocale).getId()); map.put("tmId", getProjectTm(tmProfileName).getId()); map.put("sourceString", sourceString); if (sid != null) { map.put("sid", sid); } List tus =, map); if (tus.size() == 0) { throw new WebServiceException("No any entry was found with locale(" + sourceLocale + "), source string(" + sourceString + ") and sid(" + sid + ")"); } return (ProjectTmTuT) tus.get(0); } /** * Gets Tu information associated with speicified TM profile, segment and * source locale * * @param tmProfileName * TM profile name * @param sourceString * Segment * @param sourceLocale * Source Locale * @return ProjectTmTuT Tu information * @throws WebServiceException */ private ProjectTmTuT getTu(String tmProfileName, String sourceString, String sourceLocale) throws WebServiceException { Assert.assertNotNull(tmProfileName, "tm profile name"); Assert.assertNotNull(sourceString, "source string"); Assert.assertNotNull(sourceLocale, "source locale"); String hql = "select p.tu from ProjectTmTuvT p " + "where = :lId and " + "and = :lId " + "and p.segmentString = :sourceString "; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("lId", getLocaleByName(sourceLocale).getId()); map.put("tmId", getProjectTm(tmProfileName).getId()); map.put("sourceString", sourceString); List tus =, map); if (tus.size() == 0) { throw new WebServiceException("No any entry was found with locale(" + sourceLocale + "), source string(" + sourceString + ")"); } // Only return the first matched tu. return (ProjectTmTuT) tus.get(0); } /** * Gets TM name associated with the specified TM ID * * @param tmId * ID of TM * @return String Name of project TM * @throws WebServiceException */ private String getProjectTmName(long tmId, Connection connection) throws WebServiceException { PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; String tmName = ""; String sql = " select id, name, company_id, organization, " + "description, creation_date, domain, creation_user " + "from project_tm where id = " + tmId;"getProjectTmName():sql: " + sql); try { if (connection == null) connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); results = query.executeQuery(); while ( { tmName = results.getString(2); } } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("in searchEntries()", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for TM info."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("in searchEntries()", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("in searchEntries()", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { ConnectionPool.silentClose(results); ConnectionPool.silentClose(query); } return tmName; } /** * Get all TM profiles by current logged user * * @param p_accessToken * @return String all tm profiles * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllTMProfiles(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllTMProfiles"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.TMP_VIEW); List allTMProfiles = null; try { allTMProfiles = TMProfileHandlerHelper.getAllTMProfiles(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all TM profiles."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllTMProfiles", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer sbXML = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); sbXML.append("<TMProfileInformation>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < allTMProfiles.size(); i++) { TranslationMemoryProfile profile = (TranslationMemoryProfile) allTMProfiles.get(i); if (profile != null) { long id = profile.getId(); String name = profile.getName(); String description = profile.getDescription(); long storageTMId = profile.getProjectTmIdForSave(); String TMName = ""; try { ProjectTM tm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMById(storageTMId, false); TMName = tm.getName(); } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "can't get tm object by id :" + storageTMId; logger.error(msg, ex); } sbXML.append("\t<TMProfile>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<id>" + id + "</id>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<name>" + name + "</name>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<description>" + description + "</description>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<storageTMName>" + TMName + "</storageTMName>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<referenceTMGrp>\r\n"); Vector<LeverageProjectTM> tms = profile.getProjectTMsToLeverageFrom(); for (LeverageProjectTM lp_tm : tms) { long projectTmId = lp_tm.getProjectTmId(); String refTmName = ""; try { ProjectTM tm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMById(projectTmId, false); refTmName = tm.getName(); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } sbXML.append( "\t\t\t<referenceTM id=\"" + projectTmId + "\">" + refTmName + "</referenceTM>\r\n"); } sbXML.append("\t\t</referenceTMGrp>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t</TMProfile>\r\n"); } } sbXML.append("</TMProfileInformation>\r\n"); return sbXML.toString(); } /** * Returns all Termbases associated with current user * * @param p_accessToken * @return String An XML description which contains information for all * termbases that are associated with current user * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllTermbases(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllTermbases"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TB_GET_ALL_TB); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; StringBuffer sbXML = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); sbXML.append("<TermbaseInformation>\r\n"); try { StringBuffer sbSql = new StringBuffer( "select TBID, TB_NAME, TB_DESCRIPTION, TB_DEFINITION, COMPANYID from TB_TERMBASE "); String currentCompanyId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentCompanyId)) { sbSql.append(" order by tbid asc "); } else { sbSql.append(" where COMPANYID = " + currentCompanyId + " order by tbid asc "); } connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sbSql.toString()); results = query.executeQuery(); while ( { long tbid = results.getInt("TBID"); String tbName = results.getString("TB_NAME"); String des = results.getString("TB_DESCRIPTION"); String definition = results.getString("TB_DEFINITION"); long companyId = results.getInt("COMPANYID"); com = ( ServerProxy .getJobHandler().getCompanyById(companyId); String companyName = com.getCompanyName(); sbXML.append("\t<Termbase>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<id>" + tbid + "</id>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<name>" + tbName + "</name>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<description>" + des + "</description>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<companyName>" + companyName + "</companyName>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t</Termbase>\r\n"); } } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("getAllTermbases", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for all termbases."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("getAllTermbases", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Fail to get all TBs."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllTermbases", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { releaseDBResource(results, query, connection); } sbXML.append("</TermbaseInformation>\r\n"); return sbXML.toString(); } /** * Save one TB entry to termbase * <p> * All parameters can't be null. If the TB entry to save has been existed, * then edit the target term according to the source term. * * @param p_accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param p_termbaseName * The name of termbase, can not be null * @param p_sourceLocale * The source locale to save, can not be null * @param p_sourceTerm * The source term content to be added, can not be null * @param p_targetLocale * The target locale to save, can not be null * @paream p_targetTerm The target term content to be added * @throws WebServiceException * * @see #login(username, password) */ public void saveTBEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_termbaseName, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceTerm, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetTerm) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_termbaseName, "termbase name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceTerm, "source term"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_targetLocale, "target locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_targetTerm, "target term"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "saveTBEntry"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TB_CREATE_ENTRY); Termbase tb = getTermbase(p_termbaseName); // get SessionInfo object SessionInfo si = null; try { User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); si = new SessionInfo(user.getUserId(), ""); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } Connection connection = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("termbaseName", p_termbaseName); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("sourceTerm", p_sourceTerm); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", p_targetLocale); activityArgs.put("targetTerm", p_targetTerm); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "saveTBEntry(p_accessToken,p_termbaseName,p_sourceLocale,p_sourceTerm,p_targetLocale,p_targetTerm)", activityArgs); connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); // get source lang name p_sourceLocale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(p_sourceLocale); String source_lang = p_sourceLocale.substring(0, 2); List sourceLangNameList = getLangNameByLocale(source_lang, tb, connection); if (sourceLangNameList.size() == 0) { sourceLangNameList = getLangNameByLocale(source_lang, null, connection); } String source_langName = source_lang; if (sourceLangNameList.size() > 0) { source_langName = (String) sourceLangNameList.get(0); } // get target lang name p_targetLocale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(p_targetLocale); String target_lang = p_targetLocale.substring(0, 2); List targetLangNameList = getLangNameByLocale(p_targetLocale, tb, connection); if (targetLangNameList.size() == 0) { targetLangNameList = getLangNameByLocale(p_targetLocale, null, connection); } String target_langName = target_lang; if (targetLangNameList.size() > 0) { target_langName = (String) targetLangNameList.get(0); } boolean isExist = isExistInTermbase(tb, source_langName, p_sourceTerm, target_langName, p_targetTerm, connection); if (isExist == false) { StringBuffer sbEntry = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); sbEntry.append("<conceptGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t<languageGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t<language name='" + source_langName + "' locale='" + p_sourceLocale.substring(3, 5) + "'/>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t<termGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t\t<term>" + p_sourceTerm + "</term>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t</termGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t</languageGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t<languageGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t<language name='" + target_langName + "' locale='" + p_targetLocale.substring(3, 5) + "'/>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t<termGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t\t<term>" + p_targetTerm + "</term>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t\t</termGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("\t</languageGrp>\r\n"); sbEntry.append("</conceptGrp>\r\n"); //"entry = " + sbEntry.toString()); tb.addEntry(sbEntry.toString(), si); } else { editTBEntry(p_accessToken, p_termbaseName, p_sourceLocale, p_sourceTerm, p_targetLocale, p_targetTerm, connection); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in editEntry().", e); } finally { try { ConnectionPool.returnConnection(connection); } catch (ConnectionPoolException e) { logger.error("Cannot release database connection correctly.", e); } if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Search terms in termbase * * @param p_paccessToken * the accessToken received from login() method; Not null; * @param p_termbaseName * the termbase name to search in; can not be null. * @param p_searchString * the string to be used to search; can not be null. * @param p_sourceLocale * the source locale the search string will be searched in. Not * null; * @param p_targetLocale * Search for this locale,can be null.If null,all matched * language/terms are returned. * @param p_matchType * 1:exact matching search; 2:fuzzy matching search * @return String: xml file format * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String searchTBEntries(String p_accessToken, String p_termbaseName, String p_searchString, String p_sourceLocale, String p_targetLocale, double p_matchType) throws WebServiceException { // 1.Parameters check try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_termbaseName, "termbase name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_searchString, "search string"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); String matchType = new Double(p_matchType).toString(); Assert.assertNotEmpty(matchType, "match type"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "searchTBEntries"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TB_SEARCH_ENTRY); // 2.Get termbase by termbase name Termbase searchTB = null; try { if (p_termbaseName != null && !"".equals(p_termbaseName.trim())) { searchTB = TermbaseList.get(p_termbaseName); } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Can't find termbase for " + p_termbaseName; msg = makeErrorXml("searchTBEntries", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } // 3.Valid source language name list String searchType = (p_matchType == 1 ? "exact" : "fuzzy"); List validSrcLangNameList = new ArrayList(); List validTrgLangNameList = new ArrayList(); Connection connection = null; try { connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); validSrcLangNameList = getValidLangNameList(p_sourceLocale, searchTB, searchType, connection); // 4.Valid target language name list (can be empty) if (p_targetLocale != null && !"".equals(p_targetLocale.trim())) { validTrgLangNameList = getValidLangNameList(p_targetLocale, searchTB, searchType, connection); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in searchEntries(..).", e); } finally { try { ConnectionPool.returnConnection(connection); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.error("Cannot release database connection correctly.", e2); } } // 5.Search every termbase and form the reresult xml. StringBuffer sbXML = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); sbXML.append("<tbEntries>\r\n"); if (validSrcLangNameList != null && validSrcLangNameList.size() > 0) { Iterator srcLangIter = validSrcLangNameList.iterator(); while (srcLangIter.hasNext()) { String source_locale = (String); String target_locale = null; // "p_targetLocale" is null or empty if (p_targetLocale == null || "".equals(p_targetLocale.trim())) { String emptyTrgSearch = searchHitlist(source_locale, null, p_searchString, searchType, searchTB); sbXML.append(emptyTrgSearch == null ? "" : emptyTrgSearch); } else { // "p_targetLocale" is not null if (validTrgLangNameList != null && validTrgLangNameList.size() > 0) { Iterator trgLangIter = validTrgLangNameList.iterator(); while (trgLangIter.hasNext()) { target_locale = (String); String searchResult = searchHitlist(source_locale, target_locale, p_searchString, searchType, searchTB); sbXML.append(searchResult == null ? "" : searchResult); } } } } } sbXML.append("</tbEntries>\r\n"); return sbXML.toString(); } /** * For fuzzy search, the language name must be defined in TB languages. */ private List getValidLangNameList(String p_langName, Termbase p_searchTB, String p_searchType, Connection connection) { if (p_langName == null || p_searchTB == null || p_searchType == null) { return new ArrayList(); } List<String> result = new ArrayList(); List candidateLangNameList = getLangNameByLocale(p_langName, p_searchTB, connection); if (candidateLangNameList != null && candidateLangNameList.size() > 0) { // If exact search, don't check if "p_locale" is in the definition // of TB(Exact search does not need indexing) if ("exact".equals(p_searchType)) { result = candidateLangNameList; } else { Iterator iter = candidateLangNameList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String langName = (String); String locale = p_searchTB.getLocaleByLanguage(langName); // Current TB has defined this language name. if (locale != null) { result.add(langName); } } } } result = filterLangNameList(p_langName, result); return result; } /** * Filter the language name list by specified locale. Termbase does not care * "country" code, but for some locales, must differ the "country" such as * "zh_CN" and "zh_TW". * * @param p_locale * @param p_langNameList * @return */ private List filterLangNameList(String p_locale, List p_langNameList) { if (p_locale == null || p_langNameList == null || p_langNameList.size() == 0) { return p_langNameList; } List result = new ArrayList(); String lang = ""; String country = ""; p_locale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(p_locale); int index = p_locale.indexOf("_"); if (index == -1) { index = p_locale.indexOf("-"); } if (index > -1) { lang = p_locale.substring(0, index); country = p_locale.substring(index + 1, p_locale.length()); } Iterator it = p_langNameList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String langName = (String); boolean flag = true; // "zh_CN" && "zh_TW" if ("zh".equals(lang) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(country) && langName.length() >= 5 && "zh".equalsIgnoreCase(langName.substring(0, 2)) && "TW".equalsIgnoreCase(langName.substring(3, 5))) { flag = false; } if ("zh".equals(lang) && "TW".equalsIgnoreCase(country) && langName.length() >= 5 && "zh".equalsIgnoreCase(langName.substring(0, 2)) && "CN".equalsIgnoreCase(langName.substring(3, 5))) { flag = false; } // TODO:we can add more "flag" judgement here for other langs. // ... if (flag) { result.add(langName); } } return result; } /** * For "searchTBEntries(...)" API only. */ private String searchHitlist(String p_srcLang, String p_trgLang, String p_searchString, String p_searchType, Termbase p_searchTB) { if (p_srcLang == null || p_searchType == null || p_searchTB == null) { return null; } StringBuffer sbXML = new StringBuffer(); Hitlist hitList = p_searchTB.searchHitlist(p_srcLang, p_trgLang, p_searchString, p_searchType, 300, 0); Iterator hitIter = hitList.getHits().iterator(); while (hitIter.hasNext()) { Hit hit = (Hit); sbXML.append("\t<tbEntry>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<tbName>" + p_searchTB.getName() + "</tbName>\r\n"); TbConcept concept = HibernateUtil.get(TbConcept.class, hit.getConceptId()); Iterator langIter = concept.getLanguages().iterator(); while (langIter.hasNext()) { TbLanguage tl = (TbLanguage); Iterator termsIter = tl.getTerms().iterator(); while (termsIter.hasNext()) { TbTerm term = (TbTerm); String termContent = term.getTermContent(); String language = term.getLanguage(); boolean isSrc = false; if (language.equals(p_srcLang)) { isSrc = true; } // If target language is not empty, only write source and // target terms; If target language is empty, write all. if (p_trgLang == null || "".equals(p_trgLang) || language.equalsIgnoreCase(p_trgLang) || language.equalsIgnoreCase(p_srcLang)) { sbXML.append("\t\t<term isSrc=\"" + isSrc + "\">\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t\t<lang_name>" + language + "</lang_name>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t\t<termContent>" + termContent + "</termContent>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t</term>\r\n"); } } } sbXML.append("\t</tbEntry>\r\n"); } return sbXML.toString(); } /** * Edit term info in termbase * * @param p_accessToken * the accessToken received from login() method; Not null; * @param p_termbaseName * the termbase name to create entry in; Not null; * @param p_sourceLocale * the source locale to be searched in; Not null; * @param p_sourceTerm * the source term to be used to search in source contents; Not * null; * @param p_targetLocale * the target Locale to be edited; Not null; * @param p_targetTerm * the target term to replace the old term content for * p_targetLocale; Not null; * * @throws WebServiceException */ public void editTBEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_termbaseName, String p_sourceLocale, String p_sourceTerm, String p_targetLocale, String p_targetTerm, Connection connection) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_termbaseName, "termbase name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceTerm, "source term"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_targetLocale, "target locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_targetTerm, "target term"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } p_sourceTerm = p_sourceTerm.replace("'", "\\'"); p_targetTerm = p_targetTerm.replace("'", "\\'"); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "editTBEntry"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TB_EDIT_ENTRY); // get termbase object Termbase tb = getTermbase(p_termbaseName); long tbid = tb.getId(); PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; long cid = -1; boolean needCloseConnection = false; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("termbaseName", p_termbaseName); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("sourceTerm", p_sourceTerm); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", p_targetLocale); activityArgs.put("targetTerm", p_targetTerm); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "editTBEntry(p_accessToken,p_termbaseName,p_sourceLocale,p_sourceTerm,p_targetLocale,p_targetTerm,connection)", activityArgs); if (connection == null) { connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); needCloseConnection = true; } connection.setAutoCommit(false); String sourceLangName = ""; String targetLangName = ""; if (getLangNameByLocale(p_sourceLocale, tb, connection).size() > 0) { sourceLangName = (String) getLangNameByLocale(p_sourceLocale, tb, connection).get(0); } else { String msg = "can't find language name for " + p_sourceLocale; msg = makeErrorXml("editTBEntry", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } if (getLangNameByLocale(p_targetLocale, tb, connection).size() > 0) { targetLangName = (String) getLangNameByLocale(p_targetLocale, tb, connection).get(0); } else { String msg = "can't find language name for " + p_targetLocale; msg = makeErrorXml("editTBEntry", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } StringBuffer sbSQL = new StringBuffer(); sbSQL.append("select cid from tb_term " + " where lang_name = '" + targetLangName + "' and cid in (" + " SELECT CID FROM TB_TERM WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND LANG_NAME = '" + sourceLangName + "' " + " AND TERM = '" + p_sourceTerm + "')");"SQL for 'cid' :" + sbSQL.toString() + "\r\n"); query = connection.prepareStatement(sbSQL.toString()); results = query.executeQuery(); // get the first CID default if ( { cid = results.getLong("CID"); } if (cid != -1) { String strSQL = "UPDATE TB_TERM SET TERM = '" + p_targetTerm + "'" + " WHERE LANG_NAME = '" + targetLangName + "'" + " AND CID = " + cid;"SQL for updating TB_TERM = " + strSQL + "\r\n"); query = connection.prepareStatement(strSQL); query.execute(); } else { String msg = "no matched term found."; throw new WebServiceException(msg); } connection.commit(); } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("editTBEntry", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for TB entries."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("editTBEntry", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("editTBEntry", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } ConnectionPool.silentClose(results); ConnectionPool.silentClose(query); if (needCloseConnection) { ConnectionPool.silentReturnConnection(connection); } } } /** * Delete an entry from termbase * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_termbaseName * @param p_searchString * @param p_sourceLocale * @param p_targetLocale * @throws WebServiceException */ public void deleteTBEntry(String p_accessToken, String p_termbaseName, String p_searchString, String p_sourceLocale, String p_targetLocale) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_termbaseName, "termbase name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_searchString, "search locale"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_sourceLocale, "source locale"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "deleteTBEntry"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.SERVICE_TB_EDIT_ENTRY); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("termbaseName", p_termbaseName); activityArgs.put("searchString", p_searchString); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", p_targetLocale); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "deleteTBEntry(p_accessToken,p_termbaseName,p_searchString,p_sourceLocale,p_targetLocale)", activityArgs); connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); // get termbase object Termbase tb = getTermbase(p_termbaseName); long tbid = -1; if (tb != null) { tbid = tb.getId(); } String source_lang_name = ""; if (getLangNameByLocale(p_sourceLocale, tb, connection).size() > 0) { source_lang_name = (String) getLangNameByLocale(p_sourceLocale, tb, connection).get(0); } else { String msg = "can't find language name for " + p_sourceLocale; msg = makeErrorXml("deleteTBEntry", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } String target_lang_name = ""; if (p_targetLocale != null && !"".equals(p_targetLocale.trim())) { if (getLangNameByLocale(p_targetLocale, tb, connection).size() > 0) { target_lang_name = (String) getLangNameByLocale(p_targetLocale, tb, connection).get(0); } else { String msg = "can't find language name for " + p_targetLocale; msg = makeErrorXml("deleteTBEntry", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } } String sql1 = "SELECT TBID, TID, LID, CID, LANG_NAME, TERM FROM TB_TERM " + " WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND LANG_NAME = '" + source_lang_name + "'" + " AND TERM = '" + p_searchString + "'"; long cid = -1; query = connection.prepareStatement(sql1); results = query.executeQuery(); if ( { cid = results.getInt("CID"); } else { String msg = "No matched term is found!"; throw new WebServiceException(msg); } String sql2 = "SELECT LANG_NAME FROM TB_TERM WHERE CID = " + cid + " AND TBID = " + tbid; query = connection.prepareStatement(sql2); results = query.executeQuery(); int langNum = 0; boolean isTargetLang = false; while ( { langNum++; if (!"".equals(target_lang_name.trim()) && results.getString("LANG_NAME").equals(target_lang_name)) { isTargetLang = true; } } String sql3 = ""; String sql4 = ""; String sql5 = ""; // delete all terms if (target_lang_name == null || target_lang_name.equals(source_lang_name) || (target_lang_name != null && !target_lang_name.equals(source_lang_name) && isTargetLang == true && langNum <= 2)) { sql3 = "DELETE FROM TB_TERM WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND CID = " + cid; sql4 = "DELETE FROM TB_LANGUAGE WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND CID = " + cid; sql5 = "DELETE FROM TB_CONCEPT WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND CID = " + cid; } // delete target term related data only if (target_lang_name != null && !target_lang_name.equals(source_lang_name) && isTargetLang == true && langNum > 2) { sql3 = "DELETE FROM TB_TERM WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND CID = " + cid + " AND LANG_NAME = '" + target_lang_name + ";"; sql4 = "DELETE FROM TB_LANGUAGE WHERE TBID = " + tbid + " AND CID = " + cid + " AND NAME = '" + target_lang_name + "'"; sql5 = ""; } // there is no data to be deleted if (target_lang_name != null && !target_lang_name.equals(source_lang_name) && isTargetLang == false) { String msg = "no target term is found!"; throw new WebServiceException(msg); } if (!"".equals(sql3)) { query = connection.prepareStatement(sql3); query.execute(); } if (!"".equals(sql4)) { query = connection.prepareStatement(sql4); query.execute(); } if (!"".equals(sql5)) { query = connection.prepareStatement(sql5); query.execute(); } connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } releaseDBResource(results, query, connection); } } /** * Get a Termbase object by termbase name * * @param p_termbaseName * @return Termbase object * @throws WebServiceException */ private Termbase getTermbase(String p_termbaseName) throws WebServiceException { // get termbase object Termbase tb = null; try { tb = TermbaseList.get(p_termbaseName); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Fail to get a termbase for termbase :" + p_termbaseName; logger.error(message, e); throw new WebServiceException(message); } return tb; } /** * Get language name according to input locale * * @param queryLocale * to be input by user * @return lang name */ private List getLangNameByLocale(String queryLocale, Termbase tb, Connection connection) { List langList = new ArrayList(); if (queryLocale == null || "".equals(queryLocale.trim())) { return langList; } String lang_country = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(queryLocale); String lang = ""; String country = ""; try { lang = lang_country.substring(0, 2);// en // country = lang_country.substring(3,5);//US } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = "invalid locale : " + queryLocale; logger.error(msg, ex); } PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; try { if (connection == null) connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); StringBuffer sbSQL = new StringBuffer(); sbSQL.append("SELECT DISTINCT NAME FROM TB_LANGUAGE " + " WHERE LOCALE LIKE '%" + lang + "%' "); if (tb != null) { sbSQL.append(" AND TBID = " + tb.getId()); } query = connection.prepareStatement(sbSQL.toString()); results = query.executeQuery(); while ( { langList.add(results.getString("NAME")); } } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Fail to get lang_name for " + queryLocale; logger.error(message, e); } finally { ConnectionPool.silentClose(results); ConnectionPool.silentClose(query); } return langList; } /** * Get a most possible language name in the candidated "p_langNameList" for * specified locale (need "country" matched). For "exact" search,a language * name that is not in the definition is allowed as exact search need not * indexing; For "fuzzy" search,the language name must be in the definition. * * @param p_langNameList * - All language name list in DB. * @param p_locale * - The languge name to search. * @param p_tb * - The termbase to search. * @param p_searchType * - "exact" or "fuzzy". * * @return */ private String getMostPossibleLocale(List<String> p_langNameList, String p_locale, Termbase p_tb, String p_searchType) { if (p_langNameList == null || p_langNameList.size() == 0 || p_locale == null) { return null; } // If exact search, don't check if "p_locale" is in the definition of // TB(Exact search does not need indexing) List validLangNameList = new ArrayList(); if ("exact".equalsIgnoreCase(p_searchType)) { validLangNameList = p_langNameList; } else { Iterator iter1 = p_langNameList.iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext() && p_tb != null) { String langName = (String); String locale = p_tb.getLocaleByLanguage(langName); if (locale != null) { validLangNameList.add(langName); } } } // Find a more possible language name country matched. String result = null; if (validLangNameList.size() > 0) { // Default the first one result = (String) validLangNameList.get(0); String locale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(p_locale); String country = null; int index = locale.indexOf("_"); if (index == -1) { index = locale.indexOf("-"); } if (index > -1 && index + 1 < locale.length()) { country = locale.substring(index + 1, locale.length()); } Iterator iter2 = validLangNameList.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { String langName = (String); if (langName.endsWith(country)) { result = langName; break; } } } return result; } /** * Releases the resource created to DB operations * * @param results * Resource for ResultSet object * @param query * PreparedStatement object for querying * @param connection * Database connection */ private void releaseDBResource(ResultSet results, PreparedStatement query, Connection connection) { // close ResultSet if (results != null) { try { results.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Closing ResultSet", e); } } // close PreparedStatement if (query != null) { try { query.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Closing query", e); } } // close Connection returnConnection(connection); } /** * judge if the specified term pairs in termbase * * @param tb * Termbase * @param p_sourceLangName * @param p_sourceTerm * @param p_targetLangName * @param p_targetTerm * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ private boolean isExistInTermbase(Termbase tb, String p_sourceLangName, String p_sourceTerm, String p_targetLangName, String p_targetTerm, Connection connection) throws WebServiceException { boolean isExist = false; PreparedStatement query = null; ResultSet results = null; String sql = " select cid from tb_term where lang_name = '" + p_targetLangName + "' " + " and cid in (" + " select cid from tb_term where tbid = " + tb.getId() + " and lang_name = '" + p_sourceLangName + "' " + " and term = '" + p_sourceTerm + "')";"isExistInTermbase():sql: " + sql); try { if (connection == null) connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); query = connection.prepareStatement(sql); results = query.executeQuery(); while ( { isExist = true; } } catch (ConnectionPoolException cpe) { String message = "Unable to connect to database."; logger.error(message, cpe); message = makeErrorXml("saveTBEntry", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String message = "Unable to query DB for TB entries."; logger.error(message, sqle); message = makeErrorXml("saveTBEntry", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("saveTBEntry", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { ConnectionPool.silentClose(results); ConnectionPool.silentClose(query); } return isExist; } /** * Gets the first tu with the source locale and target locale in the * specified tm. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmName * TM name, will used to get tm id. * @param companyName * company name, will used to get tm id. * @param sourceLocale * source locale, required, like "EN_US". * @param targetLocale * target locale, optional, like "FR_FR". * @return either -1 for no TU's to fetch or TMX format of TU which has the * min id * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getFirstTu(String accessToken, String tmName, String companyName, String sourceLocale, String targetLocale) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(tmName, "tm name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(companyName, "company name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(sourceLocale, "source locale"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(accessToken, "getFirstTu"); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.TM_SEARCH); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("tmName", tmName); activityArgs.put("companyName", companyName); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", targetLocale); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getFirstTu(p_accessToken,tmName,companyName,sourceLocale,targetLocale)", activityArgs); Company company = getCompanyByName(companyName); if (company == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find the company with name (" + companyName + ")"); } ProjectTM tm = getProjectTm(tmName, company.getIdAsLong()); if (tm == null) { throw new WebServiceException( "Can not find the tm with tm name (" + tmName + ") and company name (" + companyName + ")"); } GlobalSightLocale srcGSLocale = getLocaleByName(sourceLocale); GlobalSightLocale trgGSLocale = null; if (targetLocale != null && targetLocale.length() > 0) { trgGSLocale = getLocaleByName(targetLocale); } if (tm.getTm3Id() == null) { return getFirstTm2Tu(tm, srcGSLocale, trgGSLocale); } else { return getFirstTm3Tu(tm, srcGSLocale, trgGSLocale); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } } private String getFirstTm2Tu(ProjectTM ptm, GlobalSightLocale srcGSLocale, GlobalSightLocale trgGSLocale) throws WebServiceException { ProjectTmTuT tu = null; HashMap paramsMap = new HashMap(); String hql = null; if (trgGSLocale != null) { hql = "select tuv.tu from ProjectTmTuvT tuv " + "where = :tId " + "and = :tmId " + "and = :sId " + "order by asc"; paramsMap.put("tId", trgGSLocale.getId()); } else { hql = "from ProjectTmTuT tu where = :tmId " + "and = :sId order by asc"; } paramsMap.put("tmId", ptm.getId()); paramsMap.put("sId", srcGSLocale.getId()); List<ProjectTmTuT> tus = (List<ProjectTmTuT>), paramsMap, 0, 1); if (tus == null || tus.size() == 0) { return null; } tu = tus.get(0); List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocales = null; if (trgGSLocale != null) { targetLocales = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocales.add(trgGSLocale); } return tu.convertToTmx(targetLocales); } private <T> String getFirstTm3Tu(ProjectTM ptm, GlobalSightLocale srcGSLocale, GlobalSightLocale trgGSLocale) throws WebServiceException { Connection conn = null; try { long firstTuId = 0; conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); String tuTable = "tm3_tu_shared_" + ptm.getCompanyId(); String tuvTable = "tm3_tuv_shared_" + ptm.getCompanyId(); StatementBuilder sb = new StatementBuilder(); if (trgGSLocale != null) { sb.append("SELECT tuv.tuId FROM ").append(tuvTable).append(" tuv, (SELECT id FROM ").append(tuTable) .append(" tu WHERE tu.tmid = ? ").addValue(ptm.getTm3Id()) .append(" AND tu.srcLocaleId = ? ").addValue(srcGSLocale.getId()) .append(" ORDER BY LIMIT 0,1000) tuids ").append("WHERE tuv.tuId = ") .append("AND tuv.localeId = ? ").addValue(trgGSLocale.getId()) .append(" ORDER BY tuv.tuId LIMIT 0,1;"); } else { sb.append("SELECT id FROM ").append(tuTable).append(" WHERE tmid = ? ").addValue(ptm.getTm3Id()) .append(" AND srcLocaleId = ? ").addValue(srcGSLocale.getId()) .append(" ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,1;"); } List<Long> tuIds = SQLUtil.execIdsQuery(conn, sb); if (tuIds != null && tuIds.size() > 0) { firstTuId = tuIds.get(0); } BaseTm tm = TM3Util.getBaseTm(ptm.getTm3Id()); TM3Tu tm3Tu = tm.getTu(firstTuId); TM3Attribute typeAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TYPE); TM3Attribute formatAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FORMAT); TM3Attribute sidAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, SID); TM3Attribute translatableAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TRANSLATABLE); TM3Attribute fromWsAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FROM_WORLDSERVER); TM3Attribute projectAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, UPDATED_BY_PROJECT); SegmentTmTu segTmTu = TM3Util.toSegmentTmTu(tm3Tu, ptm.getId(), formatAttr, typeAttr, sidAttr, fromWsAttr, translatableAttr, projectAttr); List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocales = null; if (trgGSLocale != null) { targetLocales = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocales.add(trgGSLocale); } return TmxUtil.convertToTmx(segTmTu, targetLocales); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } /** * Search tus according to the specified tu. Only work for TM2. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param sourceLocale * The source lcoale, like "EN_US"(case-insensitive). * @param targetLocale * The target locale, like "FR_FR"(case-insensitive). * @param maxSize * The max size of return tus. * @param tuIdToStart * The id of specified tu. The specified tu is used to get the tm * id, and it will return tus starting with the one after this * tuId. * @return A tmx format string, including all tus' information. * * @deprecated -- This API's parameters can't support both TM2 and TM3. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String nextTus(String accessToken, String sourceLocale, String targetLocale, String maxSize, String tuIdToStart) throws WebServiceException { try { ProjectTmTuT tu = HibernateUtil.get(ProjectTmTuT.class, Long.parseLong(tuIdToStart)); if (tu == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find tu with id :" + tuIdToStart); } ProjectTM ptm = tu.getProjectTm(); Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompanyById(ptm.getCompanyId()); return nextTus(accessToken, ptm.getName(), company.getCompanyName(), sourceLocale, targetLocale, maxSize, tuIdToStart); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Delete tu by tu id. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmName * TM name, be used to get tm id, can not be empty. * @param companyName * company name, be used to get tm id, can not be empty. * @param tuId * tu ids to remove, can not be empty, i.e "12,14,15". * @return String * @throws WebServiceException */ public String deleteTuByTuIds(String accessToken, String tmName, String companyName, String tuIds) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(tmName, "tm name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(companyName, "company name"); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(accessToken, DELETE_TU_BY_TUID); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.TM_DELETE); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("tmName", tmName); activityArgs.put("companyName", companyName); activityArgs.put("tuIds", tuIds); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, activityArgs); Company company = getCompanyByName(companyName); if (company == null) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "Can not find the company with name (" + companyName + ")"); } ProjectTM ptm = getProjectTm(tmName, company.getIdAsLong()); if (ptm == null) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "Can not find the tm with tm name (" + tmName + ") and company name (" + companyName + ")"); } if (ptm.getTm3Id() == null) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "DeleteTuByTuIds method does not support tm2 tu deletion."); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(tuIds)) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "Tu ids can not be empty."); } String[] tuIdArr = tuIds.split(","); List<Long> tuIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (String tuId : tuIdArr) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(tuId)) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "Invaild tu id(s): " + tuIds); } try { Assert.assertIsInteger(tuId); tuIdList.add(Long.parseLong(tuId)); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "Invaild tu id(s): " + tuIds); } } Tm tm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMById(ptm.getId(), true); TM3Tm<GSTuvData> tm3tm = (new Tm3SegmentTmInfo()).getTM3Tm(tm.getTm3Id()); List<TM3Tu<GSTuvData>> tus = tm3tm.getTu(tuIdList); List<SegmentTmTu> resultList = new ArrayList<SegmentTmTu>(); TM3Attribute typeAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm3tm, TYPE); TM3Attribute formatAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm3tm, FORMAT); TM3Attribute sidAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm3tm, SID); TM3Attribute translatableAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm3tm, TRANSLATABLE); TM3Attribute fromWsAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm3tm, FROM_WORLDSERVER); TM3Attribute projectAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm3tm, UPDATED_BY_PROJECT); for (TM3Tu<GSTuvData> tm3tu : tus) { if (tm3tu.getTm().getId().equals(tm.getTm3Id())) { SegmentTmTu segmentTmTu = TM3Util.toSegmentTmTu(tm3tu, tm.getId(), formatAttr, typeAttr, sidAttr, fromWsAttr, translatableAttr, projectAttr); resultList.add(segmentTmTu); } else { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, "Tu id (" + tm3tu.getId() + ") does not belong to current tm."); } } if (resultList.size() > 0) { TmCoreManager manager = LingServerProxy.getTmCoreManager(); manager.deleteSegmentTmTus(tm, resultList, false); } return "Removing is done successfully."; } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(DELETE_TU_BY_TUID, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Search tus according to the specified tu. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmName * TM name, will used to get tm id. * @param companyName * company name, will used to get tm id. * @param sourceLocale * The source lcoale, like "EN_US"(case-insensitive). * @param targetLocale * The target locale, like "FR_FR"(case-insensitive). * @param maxSize * The max size of return tus. * @param tuIdToStart * The id of specified tu. The specified tu is used to get the tm * id, and it will return tus starting with the one after this * tuId. * @return A tmx format string, including all tus' information. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String nextTus(String accessToken, String tmName, String companyName, String sourceLocale, String targetLocale, String maxSize, String tuIdToStart) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(tmName, "tm name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(companyName, "company name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(sourceLocale, "source locale"); Long.parseLong(tuIdToStart); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(accessToken, "nextTus"); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.TM_SEARCH); int size = Integer.parseInt(maxSize); if (size < 1) { size = 1; } if (size > 10000) { size = 10000; } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("tmName", tmName); activityArgs.put("companyName", companyName); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", sourceLocale); activityArgs.put("targetLocale", targetLocale); activityArgs.put("maxSize", maxSize); activityArgs.put("tuId", tuIdToStart); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "nextTus", activityArgs); Company company = getCompanyByName(companyName); if (company == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find the company with name (" + companyName + ")"); } ProjectTM ptm = getProjectTm(tmName, company.getIdAsLong()); if (ptm == null) { throw new WebServiceException( "Can not find the tm with tm name (" + tmName + ") and company name (" + companyName + ")"); } GlobalSightLocale srcGSLocale = getLocaleByName(sourceLocale); GlobalSightLocale trgGSLocale = null; if (targetLocale != null && targetLocale.length() > 0) { trgGSLocale = getLocaleByName(targetLocale); } if (ptm.getTm3Id() == null) { return nextTm2Tus(ptm, srcGSLocale, trgGSLocale, Long.parseLong(tuIdToStart), size); } else { return nextTm3Tus(ptm, srcGSLocale, trgGSLocale, Long.parseLong(tuIdToStart), size); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } } private String nextTm2Tus(ProjectTM ptm, GlobalSightLocale srcGSLocale, GlobalSightLocale trgGSLocale, long tuIdToStart, int size) throws WebServiceException { ProjectTmTuT tu = HibernateUtil.get(ProjectTmTuT.class, tuIdToStart); if (tu == null) { throw new WebServiceException( "Can not find tu with id " + tuIdToStart + " in current TM '" + ptm.getName() + "'."); } String hql = null; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("tmId", ptm.getId()); map.put("sId", srcGSLocale.getId()); map.put("fId", tuIdToStart); if (trgGSLocale != null) { hql = "select distinct tuv.tu from ProjectTmTuvT tuv where = :tId " + "and = :tmId " + "and = :sId " + "and > :fId order by asc"; map.put("tId", trgGSLocale.getId()); } else { hql = "from ProjectTmTuT tu where = :tmId " + "and = :sId " + "and > :fId order by asc"; } List<ProjectTmTuT> tus = (List<ProjectTmTuT>), map, 0, size); if (tus == null || tus.size() == 0) { return "-1"; } List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocales = null; if (trgGSLocale != null) { targetLocales = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocales.add(trgGSLocale); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (ProjectTmTuT pTu : tus) { result.append(pTu.convertToTmx(targetLocales)); } return result.toString(); } private String nextTm3Tus(ProjectTM ptm, GlobalSightLocale srcGSLocale, GlobalSightLocale trgGSLocale, long tuIdToStart, int size) throws WebServiceException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = DbUtil.getConnection(); String tuTable = "tm3_tu_shared_" + ptm.getCompanyId(); String tuvTable = "tm3_tuv_shared_" + ptm.getCompanyId(); StatementBuilder sb = new StatementBuilder(); if (trgGSLocale != null) { sb.append("SELECT tuv.tuId FROM ").append(tuvTable).append(" tuv,"); sb.append(" (SELECT id FROM ").append(tuTable).append(" tu ").append("WHERE tu.tmid = ? ") .addValue(ptm.getTm3Id()).append(" AND tu.srcLocaleId = ? ").addValue(srcGSLocale.getId()) .append(" AND > ? ").addValue(tuIdToStart).append(" ORDER BY LIMIT 0, ") .append(String.valueOf(10 * size)).append(") tuids "); sb.append(" WHERE tuv.tuId ="); sb.append(" AND tuv.localeId = ? ").addValue(trgGSLocale.getId()); sb.append(" AND tuv.tmId = ? ").addValue(ptm.getTm3Id()); sb.append(" ORDER BY tuv.tuId "); sb.append(" LIMIT 0, ").append(String.valueOf(size)).append(";"); } else { sb.append("SELECT id FROM ").append(tuTable).append(" WHERE tmid = ? ").addValue(ptm.getTm3Id()) .append(" AND srcLocaleId = ? ").addValue(srcGSLocale.getId()).append(" AND id > ? ") .addValue(tuIdToStart).append(" ORDER BY id ").append("LIMIT 0,").append(size + ";"); } List<Long> tuIds = SQLUtil.execIdsQuery(conn, sb); if (tuIds == null || tuIds.size() == 0) { return null; } BaseTm tm = TM3Util.getBaseTm(ptm.getTm3Id()); List<TM3Tu> tm3Tus = tm.getTu(tuIds); TM3Attribute typeAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TYPE); TM3Attribute formatAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FORMAT); TM3Attribute sidAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, SID); TM3Attribute translatableAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TRANSLATABLE); TM3Attribute fromWsAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FROM_WORLDSERVER); TM3Attribute projectAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, UPDATED_BY_PROJECT); List<SegmentTmTu> segTmTus = new ArrayList<SegmentTmTu>(); for (TM3Tu tm3Tu : tm3Tus) { segTmTus.add(TM3Util.toSegmentTmTu(tm3Tu, ptm.getId(), formatAttr, typeAttr, sidAttr, fromWsAttr, translatableAttr, projectAttr)); } List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocales = null; if (trgGSLocale != null) { targetLocales = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocales.add(trgGSLocale); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); IExportManager exporter = null; String options = null; exporter = TmManagerLocal.getProjectTmExporter(ptm.getName()); options = exporter.getExportOptions(); Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(options); Element rootElt = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator fileIter = rootElt.elementIterator("fileOptions"); while (fileIter.hasNext()) { Element fileEle = (Element); Element fileTypeElem = fileEle.element("fileType"); fileTypeElem.setText("xml"); } Iterator filterIter = rootElt.elementIterator("filterOptions"); while (filterIter.hasNext()) { Element filterEle = (Element); Element language = filterEle.element("language"); if (trgGSLocale != null) { language.setText(trgGSLocale.getLanguage() + "_" + trgGSLocale.getCountry()); } } options = doc.asXML().substring(doc.asXML().indexOf("<exportOptions>")); exporter.setExportOptions(options); Tmx tmx = new Tmx(); tmx.setSourceLang(Tmx.DEFAULT_SOURCELANG); tmx.setDatatype(Tmx.DATATYPE_HTML); TmxWriter tmxWriter = new TmxWriter(exporter.getExportOptionsObject(), ptm, tmx); for (SegmentTmTu segTmTu : segTmTus) { result.append(tmxWriter.getSegmentTmForXml(segTmTu)); } return result.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { DbUtil.silentReturnConnection(conn); } } /** * Updates a tu in database. Only work for TM2. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmx * A tmx formate string inlcluding all tu information. * @return * @deprecated only work for TM2. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String editTu(String accessToken, String tmx) throws WebServiceException { long tuId = -1; SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); try { Document doc = StringReader("<root>" + tmx + "</root>")); List tuNodes = doc.getRootElement().selectNodes("//tu"); if (tuNodes != null && tuNodes.size() > 0) { Iterator nodeIt = tuNodes.iterator(); while (nodeIt.hasNext()) { Element tuEle = (Element); tuId = Long.parseLong(tuEle.attributeValue(Tmx.TUID)); break; } } ProjectTmTuT tu = HibernateUtil.get(ProjectTmTuT.class, tuId); if (tu == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find tu with id :" + tuId); } ProjectTM ptm = tu.getProjectTm(); Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompanyById(ptm.getCompanyId()); return editTu(accessToken, ptm.getName(), company.getName(), tmx); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Updates a tu in database. * * @param accessToken * To judge caller has logon or not, can not be null. you can get * it by calling method <code>login(username, password)</code>. * @param tmName * TM name, will used to get tm id. * @param companyName * company name, will used to get tm id. * @param tmx * A tmx formate string inlcluding all tu information. * @return "true" if succeed * @throws WebServiceException */ public String editTu(String accessToken, String tmName, String companyName, String tmx) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(tmx, "tmx format"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(accessToken, "editEntry"); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.TM_EDIT_ENTRY); Company company = getCompanyByName(companyName); if (company == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find the company with name (" + companyName + ")"); } final ProjectTM ptm = getProjectTm(tmName, company.getIdAsLong()); if (ptm == null) { throw new WebServiceException( "Can not find the tm with tm name (" + tmName + ") and company name (" + companyName + ")"); } SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); ElementHandler handler = new ElementHandler() { public void onStart(ElementPath path) { } public void onEnd(ElementPath path) { Element element = path.getCurrent(); element.detach(); try { normalizeTu(element); validateTu(element); if (ptm.getTm3Id() == null) { editTm2Tu(element); } else { editTm3Tu(element, ptm); } } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new ThreadDeath(); } } }; reader.addHandler("/tu", handler); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "editTu(accessToken,tmx)", activityArgs); StringReader(tmx)); } catch (DocumentException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return "true"; } /** * Normalizes the spelling of the "lang" elements. * * @param p_tu * Element * @throws Exception */ private void normalizeTu(Element p_tu) throws Exception { // Header default source lang normalized when header is read. // Locales read from m_options were normalized by TmxReader. String lang = p_tu.attributeValue(Tmx.SRCLANG); if (lang != null) { lang = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(lang); p_tu.addAttribute(Tmx.SRCLANG, lang); } // can't use xpath here because xml:lang won't be matched List nodes = p_tu.selectNodes("./tuv"); for (int i = 0, max = nodes.size(); i < max; i++) { Element elem = (Element) nodes.get(i); lang = elem.attributeValue(Tmx.LANG); lang = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(lang); elem.addAttribute(Tmx.LANG, lang); } } /** * Validates a TU by checking it contains a TUV in a source language that * should be imported. Also checks if there are more than 2 TUVs. * * @param p_tu * Element * @throws Exception */ private void validateTu(Element p_tu) throws Exception { boolean b_found = false; String tuvLang = null; String srcLang = p_tu.attributeValue(Tmx.SRCLANG); if (srcLang == null) { srcLang = "en_US"; } // can't use xpath here because xml:lang won't be matched List nodes = p_tu.selectNodes("./tuv"); if (nodes.size() < 2) { throw new Exception("TU contains less than 2 TUVs (after filtering), ignoring"); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nodes.get(i); tuvLang = elem.attributeValue(Tmx.LANG); if (tuvLang.equalsIgnoreCase(srcLang)) { b_found = true; break; } } if (!b_found) { throw new Exception("TU is missing TUV in source language " + srcLang); } } /** * Converts a DOM TU to a GS SegmentTmTu, thereby converting any TMX format * specialities as best as possible. * * @param p_root * Element * @param ptm * @throws Exception */ private void editTm2Tu(Element p_root) throws Exception { // Original TU id, if known String id = p_root.attributeValue(Tmx.TUID); ProjectTmTuT tu = null; try { if (id != null && id.length() > 0) { long lid = Long.parseLong(id); tu = HibernateUtil.get(ProjectTmTuT.class, lid); if (tu == null) { throw new Exception("Can not find tu with id: " + lid); } } else { throw new Exception("Can not find tu id"); } // Datatype of the TU (html, javascript etc) String format = p_root.attributeValue(Tmx.DATATYPE); if (format == null || format.length() == 0) { format = "html"; } tu.setFormat(format.trim()); // Locale of Source TUV (use default from header) String lang = p_root.attributeValue(Tmx.SRCLANG); if (lang == null || lang.length() == 0) { lang = "en_US"; } String locale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(lang); LocaleManagerLocal manager = new LocaleManagerLocal(); tu.setSourceLocale(manager.getLocaleByString(locale)); // Segment type (text, css-color, etc) String segmentType = "text"; Node node = p_root.selectSingleNode(".//prop[@type = '" + Tmx.PROP_SEGMENTTYPE + "']"); if (node != null) { segmentType = node.getText(); } tu.setType(segmentType); // Sid node = p_root.selectSingleNode(".//prop[@type= '" + Tmx.PROP_TM_UDA_SID + "']"); if (node != null) { tu.setSid(node.getText()); } // TUVs List nodes = p_root.elements("tuv"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nodes.get(i); ProjectTmTuvT tuv = new ProjectTmTuvT(); tuv.reconvertFromTmx(elem, tu); // Check the locale List<ProjectTmTuvT> savedTuvs = new ArrayList<ProjectTmTuvT>(); for (ProjectTmTuvT savedTuv : tu.getTuvs()) { if (savedTuv.getLocale().equals(tuv.getLocale())) { savedTuvs.add(savedTuv); } } if (savedTuvs.size() == 0) { throw new WebServiceException( "Can not find tuv with tu id: " + tu.getId() + ", locale: " + tuv.getLocale()); } // More than one tuv have the locale, than go to check the // create // date. if (savedTuvs.size() > 1) { boolean find = false; for (ProjectTmTuvT savedTuv : savedTuvs) { if (savedTuv.getCreationDate().getTime() == tuv.getCreationDate().getTime()) { find = true; savedTuv.merge(tuv);; } } if (!find) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find tuv with tu id: " + tu.getId() + ", locale: " + tuv.getLocale() + ", creation date:" + tuv.getCreationDate()); } } else { ProjectTmTuvT savedTuv = savedTuvs.get(0); savedTuv.merge(tuv);; } }; } finally { HibernateUtil.closeSession(); } } private void editTm3Tu(Element p_root, ProjectTM ptm) throws Exception { String tuId = p_root.attributeValue(Tmx.TUID); BaseTm tm = TM3Util.getBaseTm(ptm.getTm3Id()); TM3Tu tm3Tu = tm.getTu(Long.parseLong(tuId)); TM3Attribute typeAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TYPE); TM3Attribute formatAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FORMAT); TM3Attribute sidAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, SID); TM3Attribute translatableAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, TRANSLATABLE); TM3Attribute fromWsAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, FROM_WORLDSERVER); TM3Attribute projectAttr = TM3Util.getAttr(tm, UPDATED_BY_PROJECT); SegmentTmTu tu = TM3Util.toSegmentTmTu(tm3Tu, ptm.getId(), formatAttr, typeAttr, sidAttr, fromWsAttr, translatableAttr, projectAttr); // Datatype of the TU (html, javascript etc) String format = p_root.attributeValue(Tmx.DATATYPE); if (format == null || format.length() == 0) { format = "html"; } tu.setFormat(format.trim()); // Locale of Source TUV (use default from header) String lang = p_root.attributeValue(Tmx.SRCLANG); if (lang == null || lang.length() == 0) { lang = "en_US"; } String locale = ImportUtil.normalizeLocale(lang); LocaleManagerLocal manager = new LocaleManagerLocal(); tu.setSourceLocale(manager.getLocaleByString(locale)); // Segment type (text, css-color, etc) String segmentType = "text"; Node node = p_root.selectSingleNode(".//prop[@type = '" + Tmx.PROP_SEGMENTTYPE + "']"); if (node != null) { segmentType = node.getText(); } tu.setType(segmentType); // Sid String sid = null; node = p_root.selectSingleNode(".//prop[@type= '" + Tmx.PROP_TM_UDA_SID + "']"); if (node != null) { sid = node.getText(); tu.setSID(sid); } // TUVs List nodes = p_root.elements("tuv"); List<SegmentTmTuv> tuvsToBeUpdated = new ArrayList<SegmentTmTuv>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nodes.get(i); SegmentTmTuv tuv = new SegmentTmTuv(); PageTmTu pageTmTu = new PageTmTu(-1, -1, "plaintext", "text", true); tuv.setTu(pageTmTu); tuv.setSid(sid); TmxUtil.convertFromTmx(elem, tuv); Collection splitSegments = tuv.prepareForSegmentTm(); Iterator itSplit = splitSegments.iterator(); while (itSplit.hasNext()) { AbstractTmTuv.SegmentAttributes segAtt = (AbstractTmTuv.SegmentAttributes); String segmentString = segAtt.getText(); tuv.setSegment(segmentString); } // Check the locale List<SegmentTmTuv> savedTuvs = new ArrayList<SegmentTmTuv>(); for (BaseTmTuv savedTuv : tu.getTuvs()) { if (savedTuv.getLocale().equals(tuv.getLocale())) { savedTuvs.add((SegmentTmTuv) savedTuv); } } if (savedTuvs.size() > 1) { boolean find = false; for (SegmentTmTuv savedTuv : savedTuvs) { if (savedTuv.getCreationDate().getTime() == tuv.getCreationDate().getTime()) { find = true; savedTuv.merge(tuv); tuvsToBeUpdated.add(savedTuv); } } if (!find) { throw new WebServiceException("Can not find tuv with tu id: " + tu.getId() + ", locale: " + tuv.getLocale() + ", creation date:" + tuv.getCreationDate()); } } else { SegmentTmTuv savedTuv = savedTuvs.get(0); savedTuv.merge(tuv); tuvsToBeUpdated.add(savedTuv); } } ptm.getSegmentTmInfo().updateSegmentTmTuvs(ptm, tuvsToBeUpdated); } /** * Returns all permissions information for current user * * @param p_accessToken * @return String An XML description which contains all permissions * information for current user * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllPermissionsByUser(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { String strReturn = ""; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllPermissionsByUser"); try { // get permission set for current user User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String userId = user.getUserId(); PermissionSet ps = Permission.getPermissionManager().getPermissionSetForUser(userId); // convert permissions into Map (permissionName:bitValue) HashMap allPermsInMap = getAllPermissionsInMap(ps); // get returned XML strReturn = getAllPermissionsInXML(allPermsInMap); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } return strReturn; } /** * Gets all permissions information for specified set of permissions * * @param ps * Permission set * @return HashMap Collection of permissions */ private HashMap getAllPermissionsInMap(PermissionSet ps) { HashMap mapReturn = new HashMap(); HashMap allPerms = Permission.getAllPermissions(); Set keySet = allPerms.keySet(); if (ps != null) { String strPS = ps.toString(); //"PermissionSet for current user : " + strPS); String s = strPS.substring(1, strPS.length() - 1); String ids[] = s.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { Iterator keyIt = keySet.iterator(); long id = Long.parseLong(ids[i]); while (keyIt.hasNext()) { String key = (String); long tempId = ((Long) allPerms.get(key)).longValue(); if (tempId == id) { mapReturn.put(key, Long.valueOf(tempId)); } } } } return mapReturn; } /** * Generates XML description with the map of permissions * * @param map * Contains collection of permissions * @return String An XML description which contains all permissions * information */ private String getAllPermissionsInXML(HashMap map) { StringBuffer sbXML = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); sbXML.append("<Permissions>\r\n"); if (map != null && map.size() > 0) { Set<Map.Entry<String, Long>> enterySet = map.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> ent : enterySet) { String key = ent.getKey(); String id = (ent.getValue()).toString(); sbXML.append("\t<PermissionGrp>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<id>" + id + "</id>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<name>" + key + "</name>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t</PermissionGrp>\r\n"); } } sbXML.append("</Permissions>\r\n"); return sbXML.toString(); } /** * Gets all source locales associated with current user * * @param p_accessToken * @return String An XML description which contains all source locales * information that were defined by current user * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getSourceLocales(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { StringBuffer strReturn = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getSourceLocale"); try { // get permission set for current user User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); LocaleManagerLocal lml = new LocaleManagerLocal(); ArrayList locales = new ArrayList( lml.getAllSourceLocalesByCompanyId(CompanyWrapper.getCompanyIdByName(user.getCompanyName()))); GlobalSightLocale locale = null; strReturn.append("<root>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) { locale = (GlobalSightLocale) locales.get(i); strReturn.append("<locale>\r\n<id>").append(locale.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); strReturn.append("<name>").append(locale.getDisplayName()).append("</name>\r\n</locale>\r\n"); } strReturn.append("</root>"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } return strReturn.toString(); } /** * Gets target locales which are associated with speicfied source locale * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_sourceLocale * Source locale information * @return String An XML description which contains all target locales * associated with specified source locale in current company * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getTargetLocales(String p_accessToken, String p_sourceLocale) throws WebServiceException { StringBuffer strReturn = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getTargetLocales"); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { // get permission set for current user User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", user.getUserName()); activityArgs.put("sourceLocale", p_sourceLocale); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getTargetLocales(p_accessToken,p_sourceLocale)", activityArgs); LocaleManagerLocal lml = new LocaleManagerLocal(); GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = lml.getLocaleByString(p_sourceLocale); ArrayList locales = new ArrayList(lml.getTargetLocalesByCompanyId(sourceLocale, CompanyWrapper.getCompanyIdByName(user.getCompanyName()))); GlobalSightLocale locale = null; strReturn.append("<root>\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < locales.size(); i++) { locale = (GlobalSightLocale) locales.get(i); strReturn.append("<locale>\r\n<id>").append(locale.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); strReturn.append("<name>").append(locale.getDisplayName()).append("</name>\r\n</locale>\r\n"); } strReturn.append("</root>"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return strReturn.toString(); } /** * Gets the URI for database connection * * @param p_accessToken * @return String URI for database connection * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getConnection(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { StringBuffer strReturn = new StringBuffer(); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getConnection"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.CVS_MODULE_MAPPING); try { Properties pr = new Properties(); InputStream is = ConnectionPool.class.getResourceAsStream("/properties/"); pr.load(is); String url = pr.getProperty("connect_string"); String username = pr.getProperty("user_name"); String password = pr.getProperty("password"); strReturn.append(url).append("?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8").append(",").append(username) .append(",").append(password); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } return strReturn.toString(); } /** * Gets the priority by speicified L10N * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_l10nID * ID of L10N * @return String priority associated with speicified L10N * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getPriorityByID(String p_accessToken, String p_l10nID) throws WebServiceException { StringBuffer strReturn = new StringBuffer(); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getTargetLocales"); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("l10nID", p_l10nID); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getPriorityByID(p_accessToken,p_l10nID)", activityArgs); ProjectHandlerLocal handler = new ProjectHandlerLocal(); BasicL10nProfile basicL10nProfile = (BasicL10nProfile) handler.getL10nProfile(Long.parseLong(p_l10nID)); strReturn.append(basicL10nProfile.getPriority()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return strReturn.toString(); } /** * Gets all attributes information with specified job ID * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * ID of job * @return String An XML description which contains all attributes * information with specified job * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAttributesByJobId(String p_accessToken, long p_jobId) throws WebServiceException { return getAttributesByJobId(p_accessToken, Long.valueOf(p_jobId)); } /** * Gets all attributes information with specified job ID * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * ID of job * @return String An XML description which contains all attributes * information with specified job * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAttributesByJobId(String p_accessToken, Long p_jobId) throws WebServiceException { WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotNull(p_jobId, "job id"); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAttributesByJobId"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VIEW); String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getAttributesByJobId(p_accessToken,p_jobId)", activityArgs); JobImpl job = HibernateUtil.get(JobImpl.class, p_jobId); Assert.assertFalse(job == null, "Can not find job by id: " + p_jobId); Assert.assertFalse( !isInSameCompany(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken), String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId())), "Cannot access the job which is not in the same company with current user"); List<JobAttribute> jobAttributes = job.getAllJobAttributes(); Attributes allAttributes = new Attributes(); if (jobAttributes != null) { for (JobAttribute attribute : jobAttributes) { JobAttributeVo vo = AttributeUtil.getJobAttributeVo(attribute); allAttributes.addAttribute(vo); } } allAttributes.sort(); return com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.object2String(allAttributes, true); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Sets job attribute. * * @param accessToken * @param jobId * @param attInternalName * @param value * <ul> * <li>Text: String. * <li>Float: Float. * <li>Integer: Integer. * <li>Date: Date. * <li>Choice List: String or List<String> * <li>Files: Map<String, byte[]>. the key is file name and * the value is file content. * </ul> * @throws WebServiceException */ public void setJobAttribute(String accessToken, long jobId, String attInternalName, Object value) throws WebServiceException { WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(attInternalName, "attribute internal name"); checkAccess(accessToken, "setJobAttribute"); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.JOB_ATTRIBUTE_EDIT); JobImpl job = HibernateUtil.get(JobImpl.class, jobId); Assert.assertFalse(job == null, "Can not find job by id: " + jobId); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", jobId); activityArgs.put("attInternalName", attInternalName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "setJobAttribute(accessToken,jobId,attInternalName,value)", activityArgs); if (!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()))) { String message = "Current user is not in the same company with the job."; throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("setJobAttribute", message)); } List<JobAttribute> jobAtts = job.getAllJobAttributes(); JobAttribute jobAttribute = null; boolean find = false; for (JobAttribute jobAtt : jobAtts) { if (attInternalName.equals(jobAtt.getAttribute().getName()) && value != null) { jobAtt.setValue(value, false); jobAttribute = jobAtt; HibernateUtil.saveOrUpdate(jobAtt); break; } } if (jobAttribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can not find job attribte by internal name: " + attInternalName); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Gets attribute value with specified job id and attribute internal name. * * @param accessToken * @param jobId * ID of job * @param attInternalName * Attribute internal name * @return An XML description which contains attribute information with * specified job and attribute name * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getJobAttribute(String accessToken, long jobId, String attInternalName) throws WebServiceException { WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(attInternalName, "access token"); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VIEW); JobImpl job = HibernateUtil.get(JobImpl.class, jobId); Assert.assertFalse(job == null, "Can not find job by id: " + jobId); Assert.assertFalse( !isInSameCompany(getUsernameFromSession(accessToken), String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId())), "Cannot access the job which is not in the same company with current user"); List<JobAttribute> jobAttributes = job.getAllJobAttributes(); if (jobAttributes != null) { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("jobId", jobId); activityArgs.put("attInternalName", attInternalName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getJobAttribute(accessToken,jobId,attInternalName)", activityArgs); for (JobAttribute attribute : jobAttributes) { if (attInternalName.equals(attribute.getAttribute().getName())) { JobAttributeVo vo = AttributeUtil.getJobAttributeVo(attribute); return com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.object2String(vo, true); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return null; } /** * Gets the information of all attributes with specified project * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_projectId * ID of project * @return An XML description which contains information of all attributes * with specified project * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAttributesByProjectId(String p_accessToken, long p_projectId) throws WebServiceException { WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getTargetLocales"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.PROJECTS_VIEW); ProjectImpl project = HibernateUtil.get(ProjectImpl.class, p_projectId); Assert.assertFalse(project == null, "Can not find project by id: " + p_projectId); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("projectId", p_projectId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getAttributesByProjectId(p_accessToken,p_projectId)", activityArgs); Assert.assertFalse(!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(project.getCompanyId())), "Cannot access the project which is not in the same company with current user"); AttributeSet attributeSet = project.getAttributeSet(); Attributes allAttributes = new Attributes(); if (attributeSet != null) { Set<Attribute> attributes = attributeSet.getAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { JobAttributeVo vo = AttributeUtil.getAttributeVo(attribute.getCloneAttribute()); allAttributes.addAttribute(vo); } } allAttributes.sort(); return com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.object2String(allAttributes, true); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Gets project ID with specified file profile * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_fileProfileId * ID of file profile * @return long ID of project which is associated by the file profile * @throws WebServiceException */ public long getProjectIdByFileProfileId(String p_accessToken, Long p_fileProfileId) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotNull(p_fileProfileId, "file profile id"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.PROJECTS_VIEW); FileProfile fp = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, p_fileProfileId, false); Assert.assertFalse(fp == null, "Can not get fileprofile by id: " + p_fileProfileId); Project project = getProject(fp); Assert.assertFalse(project == null, "Can not get project by file profile id: " + p_fileProfileId); return project.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets project ID with specified file profile * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_fileProfileId * ID of file profile * @return long ID of project which is associated by the file profile * @throws WebServiceException */ public long getProjectIdByFileProfileId(String p_accessToken, long p_fileProfileId) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.PROJECTS_VIEW); FileProfile fp = HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, Long.valueOf(p_fileProfileId), false); Assert.assertFalse(fp == null, "Can not get fileprofile by id: " + p_fileProfileId); Project project = getProject(fp); Assert.assertFalse(project == null, "Can not get project by file profile id: " + p_fileProfileId); return project.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Uploads attribute files. * * @param p_accessToken * @param jobName * @param attInternalName * @param fileName * @param bytes * @throws WebServiceException */ public void uploadAttributeFiles(String p_accessToken, String jobName, String attInternalName, String fileName, byte[] bytes) throws WebServiceException { try { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "updateAttributeFiles"); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("uploadAttributeFiles", jobNameValidation)); } String path = jobName + "/" + attInternalName + "/" + fileName; writeAttributeFile(path, bytes); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Writes attribute file to the attribute directory. * * @param path * Attribute file path to save * @param bytes * Content of attributes * @throws WebServiceException */ private void writeAttributeFile(String path, byte[] bytes) throws WebServiceException { File newFile = new File(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getJobAttributeDir(), path); newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile, true); fos.write(bytes); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not copy uploaded file to the attribute directory.", e); String message = "Could not copy uploaded file to the attribute directory." + e.getMessage(); message = makeErrorXml("copyFileToAttributeDirectory", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not copy uploaded file to the attribute directory.", e); String message = "Could not copy uploaded file to the attribute directory." + e.getMessage(); message = makeErrorXml("copyFileToAttributeDirectory", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } } /** * Get xliff file profiles id-name map. * * @param p_accessToken * @return HashMap (Long:String) * @throws WebServiceException */ public HashMap getXliffFileProfile(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { HashMap xliffFPMap = new HashMap(); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getXliffFileProfile"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.FILE_PROFILES_VIEW); Iterator fileProfileIter = null; try { Collection results = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager().getAllFileProfiles(); fileProfileIter = results.iterator(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get file profiles from db."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getXliffFileProfile", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } while (fileProfileIter.hasNext()) { FileProfile fp = (FileProfile); long knownFormatTypeId = fp.getKnownFormatTypeId(); // 39 : Xliff if (knownFormatTypeId == 39) { boolean hasXlfAsExtension = false; Vector fileExtensionIds = fp.getFileExtensionIds(); Iterator iter = null; if (fileExtensionIds != null && fileExtensionIds.size() > 0) { iter = fileExtensionIds.iterator(); } if (iter == null) continue; while (iter.hasNext()) { long fileExtensionId = ((Long); try { FileExtensionImpl fileExtension = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager() .getFileExtension(fileExtensionId); String extName = fileExtension.getName(); if (extName != null && ("xlf".equals(extName) || "xliff".equals(extName))) { hasXlfAsExtension = true; } } catch (Exception e) { } } if (hasXlfAsExtension) { xliffFPMap.put(fp.getId(), fp.getName()); } } } return xliffFPMap; } /** * Judge if there is workflow defined for specified source-target locales in * specified file profile. * * @param p_accessToken * String * @param p_fileProfileId * @param p_srcLangCountry * @param p_trgLangCountry * @return "yes" or "no" * @throws WebServiceException */ public String isSupportCurrentLocalePair(String p_accessToken, String p_fileProfileId, String p_srcLangCountry, String p_trgLangCountry) throws WebServiceException { String yesOrNo = "no"; checkAccess(p_accessToken, "isSupportCurrentLocalePair"); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("fileProfileId", p_fileProfileId); activityArgs.put("srcLangCountry", p_srcLangCountry); activityArgs.put("trgLangCountry", p_trgLangCountry); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "isSupportCurrentLocalePair(p_accessToken,p_fileProfileId,p_srcLangCountry,p_trgLangCountry)", activityArgs); long fpID = Long.parseLong(p_fileProfileId); FileProfile fp = ServerProxy.getFileProfilePersistenceManager().getFileProfileById(fpID, false); if (!isInSameCompany(userName, fp.getCompanyId()) && !UserUtil.isSuperAdmin(userId) && !UserUtil.isSuperPM(userId)) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("isSupportCurrentLocalePair", "Current user has not permissions or in the same company with the file profile.")); } long l10nProfileId = fp.getL10nProfileId(); L10nProfile lp = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getL10nProfile(l10nProfileId); Collection wfInfos = lp.getWorkflowTemplateInfos(); Iterator wfInfosIter = wfInfos.iterator(); while (wfInfosIter.hasNext()) { WorkflowTemplateInfo wfInfo = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); GlobalSightLocale srcLocale = wfInfo.getSourceLocale(); String srcLangCountry = srcLocale.getLanguage() + "_" + srcLocale.getCountry(); GlobalSightLocale trgLocale = wfInfo.getTargetLocale(); String trgLangCountry = trgLocale.getLanguage() + "_" + trgLocale.getCountry(); if (srcLangCountry.equals(p_srcLangCountry) && trgLangCountry.equals(p_trgLangCountry)) { yesOrNo = "yes"; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { String message = "Fail to judge if file profile(ID:" + p_fileProfileId + ") has workflow for " + p_srcLangCountry + "-" + p_trgLangCountry; logger.error(message, ex); message = makeErrorXml("getWorkFlowInfo", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return yesOrNo; } /** * Upload original files to GlobalSight Edition server. * * <p> * Following informations must be included in <code>args</code>. * <ul> * <li>accessToken --- String</li> * <li>jobName ------- String</li> * <li>targetLocale ----- String</li> * <li>filePath -------String (with file name in it)</li> * <li>bytes --------- byte[]</li> * <li>filePath ------ String</li> * </ul> * * @param args * @throws WebServiceException */ public String uploadOriginalSourceFile(HashMap args) throws WebServiceException { try { // Checks authority. String accessToken = (String) args.get("accessToken"); checkAccess(accessToken, "uploadOriginalSourceFile"); checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); // Reads parameters. String jobName = (String) args.get("jobName"); String jobNameValidation = validateJobName(jobName); if (jobNameValidation != null) { throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("uploadOriginalSourceFile", jobNameValidation)); } String targetLocale = (String) args.get("targetLocale");// like // "fr_FR" String filePath = (String) args.get("filePath");// with file name in // it byte[] bytes = (byte[]) args.get("bytes"); // Save file. StringBuffer fileStorageRoot = new StringBuffer( SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getStringParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.FILE_STORAGE_DIR)); // The full path is like this: // Welocalize\FileStorage\qa\GlobalSight\OriginalSourceFile\<target_locale>\<file_name_with_extension> fileStorageRoot = fileStorageRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL) .append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.ORIGINAL_SORUCE_FILE).append(File.separator) .append(jobName).append(File.separator).append(targetLocale).append(File.separator) .append(filePath); writeFileToLocale(fileStorageRoot.toString(), bytes); return null; } catch (Exception e) { String message = makeErrorXml("uploadOriginalSourceFile", e.getMessage()); return message; } } /** * Write file * * @param p_filePath * File path to save * @param p_bytes * Content which need to be saved * @throws WebServiceException */ private void writeFileToLocale(String p_filePath, byte[] p_bytes) throws WebServiceException { File newFile = new File(p_filePath); newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile, true); fos.write(p_bytes); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not copy uploaded file to the specified directory.", e); String message = "Could not copy uploaded file to the specified directory." + e.getMessage(); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Fail to close FileOutPutSteam.", e); String message = "Fail to close FileOutPutSteam." + e.getMessage(); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } } /** * Update specified task status to specified state * * @param p_taskId * : task Id * * @param p_state * : task state number, available values: 3 : "ACTIVE" (for * "Available" tasks) 8 : "ACCEPTED" (for "In Progress" tasks) 81 * : "DISPATCHED_TO_TRANSLATION" 82 : "IN_TRANSLATION" 83 : * "TRANSLATION_COMPLETED" -1 : "COMPLETED" (for "Finished" * tasks) 4 : "DEACTIVE" (for "Rejected" tasks) * @see com.globalsight.everest.taskmanager.Task * * As the three state are all task inner state, no need more actions * such as recalculating estimated completed time etc. * */ public void updateTaskState(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId, String p_state) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "updateTaskState"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_EDIT); long taskId = 0; int state = 0; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { taskId = Long.parseLong(p_taskId); state = Integer.parseInt(p_state); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Invalid taskId or state.", e); String message = makeErrorXml("updateActivityState", "Invalid taskId or state."); throw new WebServiceException(message); } try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId); activityArgs.put("state", p_state); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "updateTaskState(p_accessToken,p_taskId,p_state)", activityArgs); Task task = TaskPersistenceAccessor.getTask(taskId, true); task.setState(state); TaskPersistenceAccessor.updateTask(task); } catch (TaskException te) { String msg = "Failed to update task status for task Id : " + p_taskId + " and state : " + p_state; logger.error(msg, te); msg = makeErrorXml("updateActivityState", msg); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Upload translated files to server for offline uploading purpose. * * This should be invoked before importOfflineTargetFiles() API. * * @param p_accessToken * The String of access token. * @param p_originalTaskId * The String of task id which is from the target server. * @param p_bytes * The contents in bytes to be uploaded. * @throws WebServiceException */ public String uploadEditionFileBack(String p_accessToken, String p_originalTaskId, String p_fileName, byte[] p_bytes) throws WebServiceException { try { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "uploadEditionFileBack"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); // Save file to comment reference path StringBuffer fileStorageRoot = new StringBuffer( SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getStringParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.FILE_STORAGE_DIR)); // The full path is like this: // Welocalize\FileStorage\qa\GlobalSight\tmp\<original_task_id>\<file_name_with_extension> fileStorageRoot = fileStorageRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL) .append(File.separator).append("tmp").append(File.separator).append(p_originalTaskId) .append(File.separator).append(p_fileName); File newFile = new File(fileStorageRoot.toString()); if (newFile.exists()) { newFile.delete(); } writeFileToLocale(fileStorageRoot.toString(), p_bytes); return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in uploadEditionFileBack", e); return makeErrorXml("uploadEditionFileBack", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Offline uploading support. * * Before invoking this, uploadEditionFileBack() API should be invoked. * After invoking this, sendSegmentCommentBack() API should be invoked. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_originalTaskId * Task ID * @return String If the method works fine, then it will return null. * Otherwise it will return error message. * @throws WebServiceException */ public String importOfflineTargetFiles(String p_accessToken, String p_originalTaskId) throws WebServiceException { String userName = null; User userObj = null; Task task = null; try { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "importOfflineTargetFiles"); // User object userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); userObj = this.getUser(userName); // Task object TaskManager taskManager = ServerProxy.getTaskManager(); task = taskManager.getTask(Long.parseLong(p_originalTaskId)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot get Task info. " + ex.getMessage()); } // OfflineEditManager OfflineEditManager OEM = null; try { OEM = ServerProxy.getOfflineEditManager(); OEM.attachListener(new OEMProcessStatus()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("importOfflineTargetFiles", e); return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot get OfflineEditManager instancee " + e.getMessage()); } OfflineFileUploadStatus status = OfflineFileUploadStatus.getInstance(); StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); // uploaded files path StringBuffer fileStorageRoot = new StringBuffer( SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getStringParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.FILE_STORAGE_DIR)); // The full path is like this: // Welocalize\FileStorage\qa\GlobalSight\tmp\<original_task_id> fileStorageRoot = fileStorageRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL) .append(File.separator).append("tmp").append(File.separator).append(p_originalTaskId); File parentFilePath = new File(fileStorageRoot.toString()); File[] files = parentFilePath.listFiles(); File file = null; String fileName = null; if (files != null && files.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; fileName = file.getName(); try { OEM.processUploadPage(file, userObj, task, fileName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot handle file " + fileName, e); status.addFileState(Long.valueOf(p_originalTaskId), fileName, "Failed"); errorMessage.append("<file>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t<name>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t\t").append(fileName).append("</name>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t<error>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t\t").append(e.getMessage()).append("</error>\r\n"); } } // If there is error in handling files, then return message and // do not need to change workflow as below if (!errorMessage.toString().equals(XML_HEAD)) { return errorMessage.toString(); } // if current task/activity has no "condition",advance to next // activity // automatically.(GBS-1244) String destinationArrow = null; String availableUserId = null; try { // Find the user to complete task. WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowTaskInstance( UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName), task.getId(), WorkflowConstants.TASK_ALL_STATES); task.setWorkflowTask(wfTask); List allAssignees = task.getAllAssignees(); if (allAssignees != null && allAssignees.size() > 0) { availableUserId = (String) allAssignees.get(0); } else { availableUserId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); } List condNodeInfo = task.getConditionNodeTargetInfos(); if (condNodeInfo == null || (condNodeInfo != null && condNodeInfo.size() < 1)) { ServerProxy.getTaskManager().completeTask(availableUserId, task, destinationArrow, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot change workflow status. " + ex.getMessage()); } } else {"There is no any files in upload path."); return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot find any files in uploading path"); } return null; } /** * Import offline transkit back to update translations in system. Before * this, use "uploadEditionFileBack()" API to upload offline transkit to * server first. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_originalTaskId * Task ID * @return String -- If the method works fine, then it will return null. * Otherwise it will return error message. * @throws WebServiceException */ public String importOfflineKitFiles(String p_accessToken, String p_originalTaskId) throws WebServiceException { String userName = null; User userObj = null; Task task = null; try { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "importOfflineTargetFiles"); // User object userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); userObj = this.getUser(userName); // Task object TaskManager taskManager = ServerProxy.getTaskManager(); task = taskManager.getTask(Long.parseLong(p_originalTaskId)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot get Task info. " + ex.getMessage()); } // OfflineEditManager OfflineEditManager OEM = null; try { OEM = ServerProxy.getOfflineEditManager(); OEM.attachListener(new OEMProcessStatus()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("importOfflineTargetFiles", e); return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot get OfflineEditManager instancee " + e.getMessage()); } OfflineFileUploadStatus status = OfflineFileUploadStatus.getInstance(); StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); // uploaded files path StringBuffer fileStorageRoot = new StringBuffer( SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getStringParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.FILE_STORAGE_DIR)); // The full path is like this: // Welocalize\FileStorage\qa\GlobalSight\tmp\<original_task_id> fileStorageRoot = fileStorageRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL) .append(File.separator).append("tmp").append(File.separator).append(p_originalTaskId); File parentFilePath = new File(fileStorageRoot.toString()); File[] files = parentFilePath.listFiles(); File file = null, tmpFile = null; String fileName = null, tmp = ""; if (files != null && files.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; tmp = file.getAbsolutePath(); tmp = tmp.substring(tmp.lastIndexOf(".")); try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile(p_originalTaskId, tmp); FileUtils.copyFile(file, tmpFile); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.error("File access error. ", e1); } fileName = tmpFile.getName(); status.addFilenameAlias(file.getName(), fileName); try { OEM.processUploadPage(tmpFile, userObj, task, fileName); file.delete(); if (file.exists()) { logger.error("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot be deleted."); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot handle file " + fileName, e); status.addFileState(Long.valueOf(p_originalTaskId), fileName, "Failed"); errorMessage.append("<file>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t<name>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t\t").append(fileName).append("</name>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t<error>\r\n"); errorMessage.append("\t\t").append(e.getMessage()).append("</error>\r\n"); } } } else {"There is no any files in upload path."); return makeErrorXml("importOfflineTargetFiles", "Cannot find any files in uploading path"); } if (!errorMessage.toString().equals(XML_HEAD)) return makeErrorXml("importOfflineKitFiles", errorMessage.toString()); else return null; } /** * Get file handling process status when uploading offline kit * * @param accessToken * Access token * @param taskId * Task id * @param filename * Filename of uploading offline kit * @return String File handling status with XML format * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getOfflineFileUploadStatus(String accessToken, String taskId, String filename) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(accessToken, "getOfflineFileUploadStatus"); OfflineFileUploadStatus status = OfflineFileUploadStatus.getInstance(); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); Long lTaskId = Long.valueOf(taskId); HashMap<String, String> fileStates = status.getFileStates(lTaskId); // if (fileStates == null) { // fileStates = status.getFileStates(Long.valueOf(-1)); // } ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; if (fileStates != null) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(filename)) { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("taskId", taskId); activityArgs.put("filename", filename); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getOfflineFileUploadStatus(accessToken,taskId,filename)", activityArgs); String[] fileArray = filename.split(","); for (String file : fileArray) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(file)) continue; files.add(file); } if (files.size() > 0) { xml.append("<fileStatus>\r\n"); for (String file : files) { xml.append("\t<file>").append(file).append("</file>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<status>").append(EditUtil.encodeHtmlEntities(fileStates.get(file))) .append("</status>\r\n"); } xml.append("</fileStatus>"); } } } if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } return xml.toString(); } /** * Get TimeZone by userId Note: web service API for Java. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getUserTimeZone(String p_accessToken, String p_userName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getUserTimeZone"); TimeZone timeZone = null; try { timeZone = ServerProxy.getCalendarManager().findUserTimeZone(UserUtil.getUserIdByName(p_userName)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to get user time zone. ", e); timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault(); } return timeZone.getID(); } /** * Check if the given permission is existed on target server. This is used * to check if certain feature has been deployed on server. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_permissionName * : defined in "Permission" file. * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String isExistedPermission(String p_accessToken, String p_permissionName) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "isExistedPermission"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.PERMGROUPS_VIEW); boolean isSupport = false; HashMap allPermissionsMap = Permission.getAllPermissions(); if (allPermissionsMap != null && allPermissionsMap.size() > 0) { isSupport = allPermissionsMap.keySet().contains(p_permissionName); } return (isSupport == true ? "true" : "false"); } /** * Get the company information current logged user belongs to. * * @param p_accessToken * * @return the company info which current logged user belongs to. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchCompanyInfo(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { String message = ""; checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchCompanyInfo"); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); message = makeErrorXml("fetchCompanyInfo", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } // User object Company company = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); // Validate if current user is in administrator group ArrayList pers = new ArrayList(Permission.getPermissionManager() .getAllPermissionGroupNamesForUser(UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName))); if (!pers.contains(Permission.GROUP_ADMINISTRATOR)) { message = makeErrorXml("fetchCompanyInfo", "Current user is not administrator, cannot get the company information."); throw new WebServiceException(message); } User userObj = this.getUser(userName); String companyName = userObj.getCompanyName(); company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(companyName); } catch (Exception e) { message = "Unable to get the company info for current logged user"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("fetchCompanyInfo", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<Company>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(company.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<name>").append(company.getCompanyName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<description>").append(company.getDescription() == null ? "N/A" : company.getDescription()) .append("</description>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<enableIPFilter>").append(company.getEnableIPFilter()).append("</enableIPFilter>\r\n"); xml.append("</Company>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get all job IDs in current company. * * @param p_accessToken * * @return : all job IDs in current company in "id1,id2,..." format. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchJobIdsPerCompany(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchJobIdsPerCompany"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobIdsPerCompany", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User loggedUserObj = this.getUser(loggedUserName); String loggedComName = loggedUserObj.getCompanyName(); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; String jobIds = new String(); try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchJobIdsPerCompany(p_accessToken)", activityArgs); JobSearchParameters sp = new JobSearchParameters(); sp.setUser(loggedUserObj); JobVoSearchCriteria searcher = new JobVoSearchCriteria(); List result =; jobIds = getJobIds(result); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Failed to retrive all job IDs for current company"; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobIdsPerCompany", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return jobIds; } private String getJobIds(List result) { StringBuffer jobIdList = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Object[] obs = (Object[]) result.get(i); if (jobIdList.length() == 0) { jobIdList.append("" + obs[0].toString()); } else { jobIdList.append("," + obs[0].toString()); } } return jobIdList.toString(); } /** * Get jobs according with special offset and count of fetching records in * current company * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_offset * Begin index of records * @param p_count * Number count of fetching records * @return xml string * @throws WebServiceException * @author Vincent Yan, 2011/01/12 */ public String fetchJobsByRange(String p_accessToken, int p_offset, int p_count, boolean p_isDescOrder) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); p_offset = p_offset < 1 ? 0 : p_offset - 1; p_count = p_count <= 0 ? 1 : p_count; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByRange", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } String result = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User user = this.getUser(userName); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(user.getCompanyName()); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("offset", p_offset); activityArgs.put("p_count", p_count); activityArgs.put("isDescOrder", p_isDescOrder); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchJobsByRange(p_accessToken, p_offset,p_count,p_isDescOrder)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); Company company = getCompanyInfo(userName); if (company != null) { String[] ids = jobHandler.getJobIdsByCompany(String.valueOf(company.getId()), p_offset, p_count, p_isDescOrder, user.getUserId()); if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { result = fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken, ids, true, true, false); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByRange", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get jobs according with special state, offset and count of fetching * records in current company * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_state * State of job, such as DISPATCHED, PENDING etc. * @param p_offset * Begin index of records * @param p_count * Number count of fetching records * @return xml string * @throws WebServiceException * @author Vincent Yan, 2011/01/12 */ public String fetchJobsByState(String p_accessToken, String p_state, int p_offset, int p_count, boolean p_isDescOrder) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_state, "Job state"); p_offset = p_offset < 1 ? 0 : p_offset - 1; p_count = p_count <= 0 ? 1 : p_count; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByState", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } String result = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User user = this.getUser(userName); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(user.getCompanyName()); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("state", p_state); activityArgs.put("offset", p_count); activityArgs.put("count", p_count); activityArgs.put("isDescOrder", p_isDescOrder); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchJobsByState(p_accessToken, p_state,p_offset,p_count,p_isDescOrder)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); Company company = getCompanyInfo(userName); if (company != null) { String[] ids = jobHandler.getJobIdsByState(String.valueOf(company.getId()), p_state, p_offset, p_count, p_isDescOrder, user.getUserId()); if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { result = fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken, ids, true, true, false); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByState", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get jobs according with special creator userName, offset and count of * fetching records in current company * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_creatorUserName * Creator userName of job. * @param p_offset * Begin index of records * @param p_count * Number count of fetching records * @return xml string * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchJobsByCreator(String p_accessToken, String p_creatorUserName, int p_offset, int p_count, boolean p_isDescOrder) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_creatorUserName, "Creator userName"); p_offset = p_offset < 1 ? 0 : p_offset - 1; p_count = p_count <= 0 ? 1 : p_count; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByCreator", e.getMessage()); } String result = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User user = this.getUser(userName); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(user.getCompanyName()); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("creatorUserName", p_creatorUserName); activityArgs.put("offset", p_count); activityArgs.put("count", p_count); activityArgs.put("isDescOrder", p_isDescOrder); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchJobsByCreator(p_accessToken," + " p_creatorUserName, p_offset, " + "p_count, p_isDescOrder)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); String creatorUserId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(p_creatorUserName); if (creatorUserId == null) { return makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByCreator", "Creator username " + p_creatorUserName + " does not exist."); } Company company = getCompanyInfo(userName); Long companyId = company.getIdAsLong(); if (company != null && !CompanyWrapper.isSuperCompany(companyId.toString())) { Company tempCompany = getCompanyInfo(p_creatorUserName); Long tempCompanyId = tempCompany.getIdAsLong(); if (companyId != tempCompanyId && !CompanyWrapper.isSuperCompany(tempCompanyId.toString())) { return makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByCreator", "Can't fetch jobs by creator in other company."); } } if (company != null) { String[] ids = jobHandler.getJobIdsByCreator(company.getId(), creatorUserId, p_offset, p_count, p_isDescOrder, user.getUserId()); if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { result = fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken, ids, true, true, false); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml("fetchJobsByCreator", e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Get counts of job under every state * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @return xml string * @throws WebServiceException * @author Vincent Yan, 2011/01/17 */ public String getCountsByJobState(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("getCountsByJobState", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); HashMap<String, Integer> counts = null; try { JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Company company = getCompanyInfo(userName); if (company != null) { counts = jobHandler.getCountsByJobState(String.valueOf(company.getId())); if (counts != null) { sb.append("\t<counts>\r\n"); Set<String> keys = counts.keySet(); for (String state : keys) { sb.append("\t\t<countByState>\r\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<state>").append(state).append("</state>\r\n"); sb.append("\t\t\t<count>").append(counts.get(state)).append("</count>\r\n"); sb.append("\t\t</countByState>\r\n"); } sb.append("\t</counts>\r\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("getCountsByJobState", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } /** * Get company info which user exists * * @return Company Company info which user exists */ private Company getCompanyInfo(String p_userName) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_userName)) return null; try { User user = getUser(p_userName); if (user != null) return ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(user.getCompanyName()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } /** * Fetch all jobs in current company with XML format * * @param p_accessToken * @return Jobs' information as XML format * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchJobsPerCompany(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsPerCompany", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchJobsPerCompany"); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String jobIds = fetchJobIdsPerCompany(p_accessToken); String[] ids = null; if (jobIds != null && jobIds.trim().length() > 0) { ids = jobIds.split(","); } Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); activityArgs.put("jobNum", ids == null ? 0 : ids.length); activityArgs.put("jobIds", jobIds); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken)", activityArgs); if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { return fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken, ids, true, true, false); } else { return "There is no jobs in current company"; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsPerCompany", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Fetch jobs for specified jobIds. * * @param p_accessToken * -- accessToken * @param p_jobIds * -- jobIds in array. * * @return xml String * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchJobsPerCompany(String p_accessToken, String[] p_jobIds) throws WebServiceException { return fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken, p_jobIds, true, true, false); } /** * Fetch jobs for specified jobIds. * * @param p_accessToken * -- p_accessToken * @param p_jobIds * -- jobIds in array. * @param p_returnSourcePageInfo * -- flag to indicate if return source pages info. * @param p_returnWorkflowInfo * -- flag to indicate if return workflows info. * @param p_returnJobAttributeInfo * -- flag to indicate if return job attributes info. * * @return string in XML. */ public String fetchJobsPerCompany(String p_accessToken, String[] p_jobIds, boolean p_returnSourcePageInfo, boolean p_returnWorkflowInfo, boolean p_returnJobAttributeInfo) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); if (p_jobIds == null || p_jobIds.length == 0) { throw new Exception("jobIds are null or empty!"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsPerCompany", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchJobsPerCompany"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); xml.append("<Jobs>\r\n"); try { String loggedUserName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); User loggedUserObj = this.getUser(loggedUserName); String loggedComName = loggedUserObj.getCompanyName(); TimeZone tz = null; try { tz = ServerProxy.getCalendarManager().findUserTimeZone(loggedUserObj.getUserId()); } catch (Exception e) { } Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUserName); activityArgs.put("jobNum", p_jobIds.length); List<String> jobList = Arrays.asList(p_jobIds); activityArgs.put("jobIds", jobList); activityArgs.put("returnSourcePageInfo", p_returnSourcePageInfo); activityArgs.put("returnWorkflowInfo", p_returnWorkflowInfo); activityArgs.put("returnJobAttributeInfo", p_returnJobAttributeInfo); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchJobsPerCompany(p_accessToken, p_jobIds, p_returnSourcePageInfo, p_returnWorkflowInfo, p_returnJobAttributeInfo", activityArgs); String jobIds = fetchJobIdsPerCompany(p_accessToken); String[] ids = null; List<String> idList = new ArrayList(); if (jobIds != null && jobIds.trim().length() > 0) { ids = jobIds.split(","); idList = Arrays.asList(ids); } JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); // handle job one by one;if jobId is invalid or does not belong to // current company,ignore it. for (int i = 0; i < p_jobIds.length; i++) { try { if (idList.contains(p_jobIds[i])) { long jobID = Long.parseLong(p_jobIds[i]); Job job = jobHandler.getJobById(jobID); if (job == null) continue; if (!isInSameCompany(loggedUserName, String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()))) { if (!UserUtil.isSuperAdmin(loggedUserName) && !UserUtil.isSuperPM(loggedUserName)) { continue; } } String singleJobXml = handleSingleJob(job, tz, p_returnSourcePageInfo, p_returnWorkflowInfo, p_returnJobAttributeInfo); xml.append(singleJobXml); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); String msg = makeErrorXml("fetchJobsPerCompany", ex.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } xml.append("</Jobs>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Generate XML string for single job, invoked by "fetchJobsPerCompany(..)" * method. * * @param p_job * -- job object. * @param p_tz * -- current logged user's TimeZone. * @param p_returnSourcePageInfo * -- flag to indicate if return source pages info. * @param p_returnWorkflowInfo * -- flag to indicate if return workflows info. * @param p_returnJobAttributeInfo * -- flag to indicate if return job attributes info. * * @return string in XML. */ private String handleSingleJob(Job p_job, TimeZone p_tz, boolean p_returnSourcePageInfo, boolean p_returnWorkflowInfo, boolean p_returnJobAttributeInfo) { StringBuffer subXML = new StringBuffer(); StringBuilder tmpXml = new StringBuilder(); if (p_job == null) { return ""; } subXML.append("\t<Job>\r\n"); try { subXML.append("\t\t<id>").append(p_job.getJobId()).append("</id>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t<name>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(p_job.getJobName())) .append("</name>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t<state>").append(p_job.getState()).append("</state>\r\n"); // Display state try { subXML.append("\t\t<displayState>").append(p_job.getDisplayStateByLocale(new Locale("en", "US"))) .append("</displayState>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { subXML.append("\t\t<displayState></displayState>\r\n"); } // Priority subXML.append("\t\t<priority>").append(p_job.getPriority()).append("</priority>\r\n"); // Creator subXML.append("\t\t<creator>").append(p_job.getCreateUser().getUserName()).append("</creator>\r\n"); // Create date subXML.append("\t\t<createDate>").append(convertDateToString(p_job.getCreateDate(), p_tz)) .append("</createDate>\r\n"); // Start date subXML.append("\t\t<startDate>").append(convertDateToString(p_job.getStartDate(), p_tz)) .append("</startDate>\r\n"); // Completed date subXML.append("\t\t<completedDate>").append(convertDateToString(p_job.getCompletedDate(), p_tz)) .append("</completedDate>\r\n"); // Localization profile L10nProfile lp = p_job.getL10nProfile(); if (lp == null) { ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getL10nProfileByJobId(p_job.getId()); } subXML.append("\t\t<localizationProfile>\r\n"); if (lp != null && lp.getId() > 0) { subXML.append("\t\t\t<localizationProfileId>").append(lp.getId()) .append("</localizationProfileId>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t<localizationProfileName>").append(lp.getName()) .append("</localizationProfileName>\r\n"); } subXML.append("\t\t</localizationProfile>\r\n"); // Project subXML.append("\t\t<project>\r\n"); try { tmpXml = new StringBuilder(); Project project = p_job.getProject(); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t<projectId>").append(project.getId()).append("</projectId>\r\n"); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t<projectName>").append(project.getName()).append("</projectName>\r\n"); subXML.append(tmpXml.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { } subXML.append("\t\t</project>\r\n"); // group Long groupId = (Long) p_job.getGroupId(); if (groupId != null) { JobGroup jobGroup = HibernateUtil.get(JobGroup.class, groupId); subXML.append("\t\t<group>\r\n"); try { tmpXml = new StringBuilder(); Project project = p_job.getProject(); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t<groupId>").append(jobGroup.getId()).append("</groupId>\r\n"); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t<groupName>").append(jobGroup.getName()).append("</groupName>\r\n"); subXML.append(tmpXml.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { } subXML.append("\t\t</group>\r\n"); } // Word count try { subXML.append("\t\t<wordcount>").append(p_job.getWordCount()).append("</wordcount>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { subXML.append("\t\t<wordcount></wordcount>\r\n"); } // numOfLanguages subXML.append("\t\t<numOfLanguages>").append(p_job.getWorkflows().size()) .append("</numOfLanguages>\r\n"); String soureLocale = p_job.getSourceLocale().toString(); Set<String> handledSafeBaseFiles = new HashSet<String>(); String externalPageId = null; String eventFlowXml = null; int numPagesDocx = 0; int numPagesPptx = 0; List<SourcePage> sourcePages = (List<SourcePage>) p_job.getSourcePages(); for (SourcePage sourcePage : sourcePages) { // m_externalPageId externalPageId = sourcePage.getExternalPageId(); if (externalPageId.toLowerCase().endsWith("docx") || externalPageId.toLowerCase().endsWith("pptx")) { eventFlowXml = sourcePage.getRequest().getEventFlowXml(); String safeBaseFilename = jobHelper.getOffice2010SafeBaseFileName(eventFlowXml); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(safeBaseFilename) && !handledSafeBaseFiles.contains(safeBaseFilename)) { if (externalPageId.toLowerCase().endsWith("docx")) { numPagesDocx += jobHelper.getPageCount(safeBaseFilename, soureLocale, "docx"); } else if (externalPageId.toLowerCase().endsWith("pptx")) { numPagesPptx += jobHelper.getPageCount(safeBaseFilename, soureLocale, "pptx"); } } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(safeBaseFilename)) { handledSafeBaseFiles.add(safeBaseFilename); } } } // pptxSlideNum if (numPagesPptx != 0) { subXML.append("\t\t<pptxSlideNum>").append(numPagesPptx).append("</pptxSlideNum>\r\n"); } // docxPageNum if (numPagesDocx != 0) { subXML.append("\t\t<docxPageNum>").append(numPagesDocx).append("</docxPageNum>\r\n"); } // Source locale try { String srcLang = p_job.getSourceLocale().getLanguage() + "_" + p_job.getSourceLocale().getCountry(); subXML.append("\t\t<sourceLang>").append(srcLang).append("</sourceLang>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { subXML.append("\t\t<sourceLang></sourceLang>\r\n"); } // Due date try { String dueDateStr = convertDateToString(p_job.getDueDate(), p_tz); subXML.append("\t\t<dueDate>").append(dueDateStr).append("</dueDate>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { subXML.append("\t\t<dueDate></dueDate>\r\n"); } // Source pages if (p_returnSourcePageInfo) { try { tmpXml = new StringBuilder(); Iterator sfIt = p_job.getSourcePages().iterator(); tmpXml.append("\t\t<sourcePages>\r\n"); while (sfIt.hasNext()) { SourcePage sp = (SourcePage); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t<sourcePage>\r\n"); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t\t<sourcePageId>").append(sp.getId()).append("</sourcePageId>\r\n"); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t\t<externalPageId>").append(replaceAndString(sp.getExternalPageId())) .append("</externalPageId>\r\n"); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t</sourcePage>\r\n"); } tmpXml.append("\t\t</sourcePages>\r\n"); subXML.append(tmpXml.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { subXML.append("\t\t<sourcePages>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t</sourcePages>\r\n"); } } // workflows if (p_returnWorkflowInfo) { try { tmpXml = new StringBuilder(); tmpXml.append("\t\t<workflows>\r\n"); Collection wfs = p_job.getWorkflows(); if (wfs != null && wfs.size() > 0) { Map<Long, String> workflowNameMap = AmbassadorHelper.getWorkflowName(p_job.getId()); Iterator it = wfs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { tmpXml.append("\t\t\t<workflow>\r\n"); Workflow wf = (Workflow); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t\t<wfId>").append(wf.getId()).append("</wfId>\r\n"); String workflowName = workflowNameMap.get(wf.getId()); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t\t<workflowName>").append(workflowName) .append("</workflowName>\r\n"); String targetLang = wf.getTargetLocale().getLanguage() + "_" + wf.getTargetLocale().getCountry(); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t\t<targetLang>").append(targetLang).append("</targetLang>\r\n"); tmpXml.append("\t\t\t</workflow>\n"); } } tmpXml.append("\t\t</workflows>\r\n"); subXML.append(tmpXml.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { subXML.append("\t\t<workflows>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t</workflows>\r\n"); } } if (p_returnJobAttributeInfo) { try { List<JobAttribute> jobAttributes = p_job.getAllJobAttributes(); Attributes allAttributes = new Attributes(); List<DateJobAttributeVo> dataVos = new ArrayList<DateJobAttributeVo>(); if (jobAttributes != null) { for (JobAttribute attribute : jobAttributes) { JobAttributeVo vo = AttributeUtil.getJobAttributeVo(attribute); if ("date".equals(vo.getType())) { dataVos.add((DateJobAttributeVo) vo); } else { allAttributes.addAttribute(vo); } } } String attrs = null; if (allAttributes.getAttributes().size() > 0) { allAttributes.sort(); attrs = com.globalsight.cxe.util.XmlUtil.object2String(allAttributes, true); } if (attrs != null && !"".equals(attrs.trim())) { String att = attrs.substring(attrs.indexOf(">") + 1).trim(); att = att.substring(0, att.lastIndexOf("</attributes>")); subXML.append(att); appendDateVos(subXML, dataVos, p_tz); subXML.append("</attributes>\r\n"); } else if (dataVos.size() > 0) { subXML.append("<attributes>\r\n"); appendDateVos(subXML, dataVos, p_tz); subXML.append("</attributes>\r\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Failed to handle single job for 'fetchJobsPerCompany'."; logger.error(msg, e); } subXML.append("\t</Job>\r\n"); return subXML.toString(); } private void appendDateVos(StringBuffer subXML, List<DateJobAttributeVo> dataVos, TimeZone p_tz) { for (DateJobAttributeVo dateVo : dataVos) { subXML.append( " <attributes xsi:type=\"dateJobAttributeVo\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">\r\n"); subXML.append(" <displayName>").append(dateVo.getDisplayName()).append("</displayName>\r\n"); subXML.append(" <fromSuperCompany>").append(dateVo.isFromSuperCompany()) .append("</fromSuperCompany>\r\n"); subXML.append(" <internalName>").append(dateVo.getInternalName()).append("</internalName>\r\n"); subXML.append(" <required>").append(dateVo.isRequired()).append("</required>\r\n"); subXML.append(" <type>").append(dateVo.getType()).append("</type>\r\n"); subXML.append(" <value>").append(convertDateToString(dateVo.getValue(), p_tz)) .append("</value>\r\n"); subXML.append(" </attributes>\r\n"); } } /** * Fetch workflow info for specified workflowId * * <P> * Information returned: Info of current workflow; Wordcount Summary; Job * comments; Task/Activity comments. * </P> * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_workflowId * @return String in XML format. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchWorkflowRelevantInfo(String p_accessToken, String p_workflowId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchWorkflowRelevantInfo"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_VIEW); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<WorkflowInfo>\r\n"); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_workflowId, "workflowId"); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); activityArgs.put("workflowId", p_workflowId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchWorkflowRelevantInfo(p_accessToken, p_workflowId)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); WorkflowManagerWLRemote wfManager = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager(); Workflow wf = wfManager.getWorkflowById((new Long(p_workflowId)).longValue()); if (wf == null) { String msg = "Can't find workflow for workflowId : " + p_workflowId; throw new Exception(msg); } Job job = wf.getJob(); long l10nProfileId = wf.getJob().getFileProfile().getL10nProfileId(); /** Info of current workflow */ xml.append("\t<workflowId>").append(p_workflowId).append("</workflowId>\r\n"); String trgLocale = wf.getTargetLocale().getLanguage() + "_" + wf.getTargetLocale().getCountry(); xml.append("\t<targetLocale>").append(trgLocale).append("</targetLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<state>").append(wf.getState()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<percentageCompletion>").append(wf.getPercentageCompletion()) .append("</percentageCompletion>\r\n"); // currentActivity TaskInstance taskInstance = WorkflowManagerLocal.getCurrentTask(wf.getId()); String currentTaskName = ""; if (taskInstance != null) { currentTaskName = TaskJbpmUtil.getTaskDisplayName(taskInstance.getName()); } xml.append("\t<currentActivity>").append(currentTaskName).append("</currentActivity>\r\n"); // estimatedTranslateCompletionDate Date estimatedTransCompDate = wf.getEstimatedTranslateCompletionDate(); String temp = DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(estimatedTransCompDate, null); xml.append("\t<estimatedTranslateCompletionDate>").append(temp) .append("</estimatedTranslateCompletionDate>\r\n"); // estimatedCompletionDate Date estimatedCompDate = wf.getEstimatedCompletionDate(); String temp2 = DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(estimatedCompDate, null); xml.append("\t<estimatedCompletionDate>").append(temp2).append("</estimatedCompletionDate>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<workflowPriority>").append(wf.getPriority()).append("</workflowPriority>\r\n"); /** Wordcount Summary */ xml.append("\t<wordCountSummary>\r\n"); // leverageOption String leverageOption = "unknown"; boolean isInContextMatch = false; try { TranslationMemoryProfile tmp = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getL10nProfile(l10nProfileId) .getTranslationMemoryProfile(); if (tmp != null) { isInContextMatch = tmp.getIsContextMatchLeveraging(); } if (isInContextMatch) { leverageOption = "Leverage in context matches"; } else { leverageOption = "100% match only"; } } catch (Exception e) { } xml.append("\t\t<leverageOption>").append(leverageOption).append("</leverageOption>\r\n"); // 100% int wc = 0; if (isInContextMatch) { wc = wf.getSegmentTmWordCount(); } else { wc = wf.getTotalExactMatchWordCount(); } xml.append("\t\t<100%>").append(wc).append("</100%>\r\n"); // 95%-99% xml.append("\t\t<95%-99%>").append(wf.getThresholdHiFuzzyWordCount()).append("</95%-99%>\r\n"); // 85%-94% xml.append("\t\t<85%-94%>").append(wf.getThresholdMedHiFuzzyWordCount()).append("</85%-94%>\r\n"); // 75%-84% xml.append("\t\t<75%-84%>").append(wf.getThresholdMedFuzzyWordCount()).append("</75%-84%>\r\n"); // noMatch (50%-74%) xml.append("\t\t<noMatch>") .append(wf.getThresholdNoMatchWordCount() + wf.getThresholdLowFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</noMatch>\r\n"); // Repetitions xml.append("\t\t<repetitions>").append(wf.getRepetitionWordCount()).append("</repetitions>\r\n"); // In Context Matches if (isInContextMatch) { xml.append("\t\t<InContextMatches>").append(wf.getInContextMatchWordCount()) .append("</InContextMatches>\r\n"); } // total xml.append("\t\t<total>").append(wf.getTotalWordCount()).append("</total>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</wordCountSummary>\r\n"); /** Job comments */ List commentsList = job.getJobComments(); if (commentsList != null && commentsList.size() > 0) { xml.append("\t<jobComments>\r\n"); Iterator commentsIt = commentsList.iterator(); while (commentsIt.hasNext()) { Comment comment = (Comment); xml.append("\t\t<jobComment>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<jobCommentId>").append(comment.getId()).append("</jobCommentId>\r\n"); temp = comment.getComment(); temp = StringUtil.isEmpty(temp) ? "" : XmlUtil.escapeString(temp); xml.append("\t\t\t<jobCommentContent>").append(temp).append("</jobCommentContent>\r\n"); // comment files xml.append("\t\t\t<jobCommentFiles>\r\n"); String generalPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.GENERAL); String generalCommentFileXML = getJobCommentsXML(generalPath, CommentUpload.GENERAL); if (generalCommentFileXML != null && generalCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(generalCommentFileXML); } String restrictedPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); String restrictedCommentFileXML = getJobCommentsXML(restrictedPath, CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); if (restrictedCommentFileXML != null && restrictedCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(restrictedCommentFileXML); } xml.append("\t\t\t</jobCommentFiles>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t</jobComment>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</jobComments>\r\n"); } /** Task/Activity comments */ Iterator tasksIt = null; try { tasksIt = wf.getTasks().values().iterator(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (tasksIt != null) { while (tasksIt.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); List taskComments = task.getTaskComments(); if (taskComments != null && taskComments.size() > 0) { xml.append("\t<taskComments>\r\n"); Iterator taskCommentIt = taskComments.iterator(); while (taskCommentIt.hasNext()) { Comment comment = (Comment); xml.append("\t\t<taskComment>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<taskCommentId>").append(comment.getId()) .append("</taskCommentId>\r\n"); temp = comment.getComment(); temp = StringUtil.isEmpty(temp) ? "" : XmlUtil.escapeString(temp); xml.append("\t\t\t<taskCommentContent>").append(temp) .append("</taskCommentContent>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t<taskCommentFiles>\r\n"); String generalPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.GENERAL); String generalCommentFileXML = getTaskCommentsXML(generalPath, CommentUpload.GENERAL); if (generalCommentFileXML != null && generalCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(generalCommentFileXML); } String restrictedPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); String restrictedCommentFileXML = getTaskCommentsXML(restrictedPath, CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); if (restrictedCommentFileXML != null && restrictedCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(restrictedCommentFileXML); } xml.append("\t\t\t</taskCommentFiles>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t</taskComment>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</taskComments>\r\n"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); String msg = makeErrorXml("fetchWorkflowRelevantInfo", ex.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } xml.append("</WorkflowInfo>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get workflow info with batch job ids * * @author Vincent Yan, 2012/08/08 * @since 8.2.3 * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param jobIds * String contains batch of job ids, split by comma * @return String XML format string contains workflow info * @throws WebServiceException * */ public String fetchWorkflowRelevantInfoByJobs(String p_accessToken, String jobIds) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken) || StringUtil.isEmpty(jobIds)) return makeErrorXml("fetchWorkflowRelevantInfoByJobs", "Invaild parameter"); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchWorkflowRelevantInfoByJobs"); try { checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_VIEW); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml("fetchWorkflowRelevantInfoByJobs", e.getMessage()); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); xml.append("<jobs>\r\n"); try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); activityArgs.put("jobIds", jobIds); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchWorkflowRelevantInfoByJobs(p_accessToken, jobIds)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); WorkflowManagerWLRemote wfManager = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager(); Job job = null; ArrayList<Workflow> workflows = null; String[] jobIdArray = jobIds.split(","); long jobId = 0; String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); for (String jobIdString : jobIdArray) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jobIdString)) continue; try { jobId = Long.parseLong(jobIdString.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } job = jobHandler.getJobById(jobId); if (job == null) continue; if (!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId()))) { if (!UserUtil.isSuperAdmin(userId) && !UserUtil.isSuperPM(userId)) { continue; } } if (job != null) { xml.append("\t<job>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<job_id>").append(jobIdString).append("</job_id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<job_name>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(job.getJobName())) .append("</job_name>\r\n"); workflows = new ArrayList<Workflow>(job.getWorkflows()); if (workflows != null && workflows.size() > 0) { xml.append("\t\t\t<workflows>\r\n"); for (Workflow workflow : workflows) { xml.append("\t\t\t\t<workflow>\r\n"); xml.append(generateWorkflowInfo(workflow, "\t\t\t\t\t")); xml.append("\t\t\t\t</workflow>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t\t\t</workflows>\r\n"); } else { xml.append("\t\t\t<workflows>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t\t</workflows>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</job>\r\n"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); return makeErrorXml("fetchWorkflowRelevantInfo", ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } xml.append("</jobs>"); return xml.toString(); } private String generateWorkflowInfo(Workflow workflow, String tab) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); /** Info of current workflow */ // Workflow id xml.append(tab).append("<workflow_id>").append(workflow.getId()).append("</workflow_id>\r\n"); // target locale xml.append(tab).append("<target_locale>").append(workflow.getTargetLocale()).append("</target_locale>\r\n"); // workflow state xml.append(tab).append("<workflow_state>").append(workflow.getState()).append("</workflow_state>\r\n"); // percentage of completion xml.append(tab).append("<percentage_completion>").append(workflow.getPercentageCompletion()) .append("</percentage_completion>\r\n"); // current activity TaskInstance taskInstance = WorkflowManagerLocal.getCurrentTask(workflow.getId()); String currentTaskName = ""; if (taskInstance != null) { currentTaskName = TaskJbpmUtil.getTaskDisplayName(taskInstance.getName()); } xml.append(tab).append("<current_activity>").append(currentTaskName).append("</current_activity>\r\n"); // estimatedTranslateCompletionDate Date tmpDate = workflow.getEstimatedTranslateCompletionDate(); String temp = DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(tmpDate, null); xml.append(tab).append("<estimated_translate_completion_date>").append(temp) .append("</estimated_translate_completion_date>\r\n"); // estimatedCompletionDate tmpDate = workflow.getEstimatedCompletionDate(); temp = DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(tmpDate, null); xml.append(tab).append("<estimated_completion_date>").append(temp) .append("</estimated_completion_date>\r\n"); // workflow priority xml.append(tab).append("<workflow_priority>").append(workflow.getPriority()) .append("</workflow_priority>\r\n"); /** Wordcount Summary */ xml.append(tab).append("<word_counts>\r\n"); // leverageOption String leverageOption = "unknown"; boolean isInContextMatch = false; try { Job job = workflow.getJob(); if (PageHandler.isInContextMatch(job)) { isInContextMatch = true; } if (isInContextMatch) { leverageOption = "Leverage in context matches"; } else { leverageOption = "Match 100 Percent"; } } catch (Exception e) { } xml.append(tab).append("\t<leverage_option>").append(leverageOption).append("</leverage_option>\r\n"); // 100% int wc = 0; if (isInContextMatch) { wc = workflow.getSegmentTmWordCount(); } else { wc = workflow.getTotalExactMatchWordCount(); } xml.append(tab).append("\t<match_100_percent>").append(wc).append("</match_100_percent>\r\n"); // 95%-99% xml.append(tab).append("\t<match_95_percent-99_percent>").append(workflow.getThresholdHiFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</match_95_percent-99_percent>\r\n"); // 85%-94% xml.append(tab).append("\t<match_85_percent-94_percent>").append(workflow.getThresholdMedHiFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</match_85_percent-94_percent>\r\n"); // 75%-84% xml.append(tab).append("\t<match_75_percent-84_percent>").append(workflow.getThresholdMedFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</match_75_percent-84_percent>\r\n"); // noMatch (50%-74%) xml.append(tab).append("\t<no_match>") .append(workflow.getThresholdNoMatchWordCount() + workflow.getThresholdLowFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</no_match>\r\n"); // Repetitions xml.append(tab).append("\t<repetitions>").append(workflow.getRepetitionWordCount()) .append("</repetitions>\r\n"); // In Context Matches if (isInContextMatch) { xml.append(tab).append("\t<in_context_match>").append(workflow.getInContextMatchWordCount()) .append("</in_context_match>\r\n"); } // total xml.append(tab).append("\t<total>").append(workflow.getTotalWordCount()).append("</total>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("</word_counts>\r\n"); /** Job comments */ List commentsList = workflow.getJob().getJobComments(); if (commentsList != null && commentsList.size() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append("<job_comments>\r\n"); Iterator commentsIt = commentsList.iterator(); while (commentsIt.hasNext()) { Comment comment = (Comment); xml.append(tab).append("\t<job_comment>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<job_comment_id>").append(comment.getId()) .append("</job_comment_id>\r\n"); temp = comment.getComment(); temp = StringUtil.isEmpty(temp) ? "" : XmlUtil.escapeString(temp); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<job_comment_content>").append(temp) .append("</job_comment_content>\r\n"); // comment files xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<job_comment_files>\r\n"); String generalPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.GENERAL); String generalCommentFileXML = getJobCommentsXML(generalPath, CommentUpload.GENERAL); if (generalCommentFileXML != null && generalCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append(generalCommentFileXML); } String restrictedPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); String restrictedCommentFileXML = getJobCommentsXML(restrictedPath, CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); if (restrictedCommentFileXML != null && restrictedCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append(restrictedCommentFileXML); } xml.append(tab).append("\t\t</job_comment_files>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t</job_comment>\r\n"); } xml.append(tab).append("</job_comments>\r\n"); } /** Task/Activity comments */ Iterator tasksIt = null; try { tasksIt = workflow.getTasks().values().iterator(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (tasksIt != null) { while (tasksIt.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); List taskComments = task.getTaskComments(); if (taskComments != null && taskComments.size() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append("<task_comments>\r\n"); Iterator taskCommentIt = taskComments.iterator(); while (taskCommentIt.hasNext()) { Comment comment = (Comment); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_comment>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<task_comment_id>").append(comment.getId()) .append("</task_comment_id>\r\n"); temp = comment.getComment(); temp = StringUtil.isEmpty(temp) ? "" : XmlUtil.escapeString(temp); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<task_comment_content>").append(temp) .append("</task_comment_content>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<task_comment_files>\r\n"); String generalPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.GENERAL); String generalCommentFileXML = getTaskCommentsXML(generalPath, CommentUpload.GENERAL); if (generalCommentFileXML != null && generalCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append(generalCommentFileXML); } String restrictedPath = getCommentPath(comment.getId(), CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); String restrictedCommentFileXML = getTaskCommentsXML(restrictedPath, CommentUpload.RESTRICTED); if (restrictedCommentFileXML != null && restrictedCommentFileXML.trim().length() > 0) { xml.append(tab).append(restrictedCommentFileXML); } xml.append(tab).append("\t\t</task_comment_files>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t</task_comment>\r\n"); } xml.append(tab).append("</task_comments>\r\n"); } } } return xml.toString(); } private String getCommentPath(long p_commentId, String p_access) { StringBuffer fileStorageRoot = new StringBuffer( SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getStringParameter(SystemConfigParamNames.FILE_STORAGE_DIR)); fileStorageRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL).append(File.separator) .append("CommentReference").append(File.separator).append(p_commentId).append(File.separator) .append(p_access); return fileStorageRoot.toString(); } /** * Get job comment files info in XML format. * * @param p_parentDir * @param p_access * @return */ private String getJobCommentsXML(String p_parentDir, String p_access) { StringBuffer subXML = new StringBuffer(); File dir = new File(p_parentDir); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subFiles = dir.listFiles(); for (int k = 0; k < subFiles.length; k++) { File file = subFiles[k]; if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { subXML.append("\t\t\t\t<jobCommentFile>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t\t\t<jobCommentFileName>").append(XmlUtil.escapeString(file.getName())) .append("</jobCommentFileName>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t\t\t<jobCommentAccess>").append(p_access) .append("</jobCommentAccess>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t\t</jobCommentFile>\r\n"); } } } return subXML.toString(); } /** * Get task comment files info in XML format. * * @param p_parentDir * @param p_access * @return */ private String getTaskCommentsXML(String p_parentDir, String p_access) { StringBuffer subXML = new StringBuffer(); File dir = new File(p_parentDir); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subFiles = dir.listFiles(); for (int k = 0; k < subFiles.length; k++) { File file = subFiles[k]; if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { subXML.append("\t\t\t\t<taskCommentFile>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t\t\t<taskCommentFileName>").append(XmlUtil.escapeString(file.getName())) .append("</taskCommentFileName>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t\t\t<taskCommentAccess>").append(p_access) .append("</taskCommentAccess>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t\t\t\t</taskCommentFile>\r\n"); } } } return subXML.toString(); } /** * Download exported file in translation for preview purpose. * * <P> * The exported file may be in translation or has been finished. The file * url in server will be returned, and also "downloadable" is returned too. * If the file is not downloadable, "exportWorkflow()" or "exportJob()" APIs * should be invoked first. * </P> * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * @param p_targetLocaleId * @param p_sourcePageId * @return String : XML format * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String fetchFileForPreview(String p_accessToken, String p_jobId, String p_targetLocaleId, String p_sourcePageId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, "fetchFileForPreview"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOBS_VIEW); StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"); xml.append("<exportedFileInfo>\r\n"); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityArgs.put("targetLocaleId", p_targetLocaleId); activityArgs.put("sourcePageId", p_sourcePageId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "fetchFileForPreview(p_accessToken, p_jobId,p_targetLocaleId,p_sourcePageId)", activityArgs); JobHandlerWLRemote jobHandler = ServerProxy.getJobHandler(); WorkflowManagerWLRemote wfManager = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager(); Job job = jobHandler.getJobById((new Long(p_jobId)).longValue()); // this is like this: // http://<host>:<port>/globalsight/cxedocs/<companyName> String urlPrefix = determineUrlPrefix(CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId())); Iterator wfIt = job.getWorkflows().iterator(); while (wfIt.hasNext()) { Workflow wf = (Workflow); GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = wf.getTargetLocale(); // this is the wf wanted if (targetLocale.getId() == (new Long(p_targetLocaleId).longValue())) { Iterator targetPagesIt = wf.getAllTargetPages().iterator(); while (targetPagesIt.hasNext()) { TargetPage tp = (TargetPage); SourcePage sp = tp.getSourcePage(); // this is the source page wanted if (sp.getId() == (new Long(p_sourcePageId).longValue())) { xml.append("\t<exportedFile>\r\n"); // fileUrl String extPageId = sp.getExternalPageId(); int separatorIndex = extPageId.indexOf(File.separator); extPageId = extPageId.substring(separatorIndex + 1); String trgLocale = targetLocale.getLanguage() + "_" + targetLocale.getCountry(); StringBuffer subXml = new StringBuffer(urlPrefix); subXml.append(File.separator).append(trgLocale).append(File.separator) .append(extPageId); xml.append("\t\t<fileUrl>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(subXml.toString())) .append("</fileUrl>\r\n"); // downloadable String cxeDocPath = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDirPath(); StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(cxeDocPath); path.append(File.separator).append(trgLocale).append(File.separator).append(extPageId); File file = new File(path.toString()); xml.append("\t\t<downloadable>").append(file.exists()).append("</downloadable>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</exportedFile>\r\n"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); String msg = makeErrorXml("fetchFileForPreview", ex.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } xml.append("</exportedFileInfo>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get comment files for specified job or task Id. * * @param p_accessToken * Access token obtained from login. * @param p_commentObjectType * Indicate job or task type. "J": job; "T": task. * @param p_jobOrTaskId * * @return String in XML format. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getCommentFiles(String p_accessToken, String p_commentObjectType, String p_jobOrTaskId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, DOWNLOAD_COMMENT_FILES); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_COMMENTS_DOWNLOAD); // check parameters try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_commentObjectType, "Comment object type"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertIsInteger(p_jobOrTaskId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = makeErrorXml(DOWNLOAD_COMMENT_FILES, e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } // job or task Object workObject = null; try { long jobOrTaskId = Long.parseLong(p_jobOrTaskId); if ("J".equalsIgnoreCase(p_commentObjectType.trim())) { workObject = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobOrTaskId); } else if ("T".equalsIgnoreCase(p_commentObjectType.trim())) { workObject = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(jobOrTaskId); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = "Failed to retrieve job or task object for job or task ID : " + p_jobOrTaskId; message = makeErrorXml(message, e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } // companyId long companyId = -1; String companyName = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("commentObjectType", p_commentObjectType); activityArgs.put("jobOrTaskId", p_jobOrTaskId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getCommentFiles(p_accessToken, p_commentObjectType,p_jobOrTaskId)", activityArgs); User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(userName); companyName = user.getCompanyName(); companyId = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(companyName).getId(); // comment id_comment map Map commentMap = new HashMap(); if (workObject != null && workObject instanceof Job) { Job job = (Job) workObject; List jobComments = job.getJobComments(); if (jobComments != null) { Iterator jobCommentIter = jobComments.iterator(); while (jobCommentIter.hasNext()) { Comment jobComment = (Comment); commentMap.put(jobComment.getId(), jobComment.getComment()); } } } else if (workObject != null && workObject instanceof Task) { Task task = (Task) workObject; List taskCommentList = task.getTaskComments(); if (taskCommentList != null) { Iterator taskCommentIter = taskCommentList.iterator(); while (taskCommentIter.hasNext()) { Comment taskComment = (Comment); commentMap.put(taskComment.getId(), taskComment.getComment()); } } } // access & saved String access = WebAppConstants.COMMENT_REFERENCE_RESTRICTED_ACCESS; // StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); result.append("<CommentFilesInformation>\r\n"); result.append("\t<WorkObjectId>").append(p_jobOrTaskId).append("</WorkObjectId>\r\n"); result.append("\t<ObjectType>").append(p_commentObjectType.equalsIgnoreCase("J") ? "job" : "task") .append("</ObjectType>\r\n"); result.append("\t<Comments>\r\n"); if (commentMap != null && commentMap.size() > 0) { Iterator entries = commentMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { result.append("\t\t<Comment>\r\n"); Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); long commentId = (Long) entry.getKey(); String comment = (String) entry.getValue(); comment = StringUtil.isEmpty(comment) ? "" : XmlUtil.escapeString(comment); result.append("\t\t\t<CommentId>").append(commentId).append("</CommentId>\r\n"); result.append("\t\t\t<CommentContent>").append(comment).append("</CommentContent>\r\n"); ArrayList commentFileList = null; try { if (companyId != -1) { commentFileList = ServerProxy.getCommentManager().getCommentReferences( String.valueOf(commentId), access, String.valueOf(companyId)); } else { commentFileList = ServerProxy.getCommentManager() .getCommentReferences(String.valueOf(commentId), access); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (commentFileList != null && commentFileList.size() > 0) { result.append("\t\t\t<CommentFiles>\r\n"); Iterator commIter = commentFileList.iterator(); while (commIter.hasNext()) { CommentFile cf = (CommentFile); String cfPath = cf.getAbsolutePath(); int index = cfPath.indexOf("CommentReference"); String subFilePath = ""; if (index > -1) { subFilePath = cfPath.substring(index + "CommentReference".length() + 1); } StringBuffer cfUrl = new StringBuffer(AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl()); cfUrl.append("/GlobalSight/CommentReference2/").append(subFilePath); if (companyName != null && companyName.trim().length() > 0) { cfUrl.append("?companyName=").append(companyName); } result.append("\t\t\t\t<CommentFileUrl>") .append(cfUrl.toString().replaceAll("\\\\", "/")) .append("</CommentFileUrl>\r\n"); } result.append("\t\t\t</CommentFiles>\r\n"); } result.append("\t\t</Comment>\r\n"); } } result.append("\t</Comments>\r\n"); result.append("</CommentFilesInformation>\r\n"); return result.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return null; } /** * Get all project TM information. * * <P> * This API will not return remote tms. * </P> * * @param p_accessToken * @return all project TM information in XML format. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getAllProjectTMs(String p_accessToken) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getAllProjectTMs"); // checkPermission(p_accessToken, // Permission.SERVICE_TM_GET_ALL_TMPROFILES); Collection allProjectTMs = null; try { allProjectTMs = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getAllProjectTMs(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Unable to get all Project TMs."; logger.error(message, e); message = makeErrorXml("getAllProjectTMs", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } StringBuffer sbXML = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); sbXML.append("<ProjectTMInformation>\r\n"); if (allProjectTMs != null && allProjectTMs.size() > 0) { Iterator allProjectTMsIt = allProjectTMs.iterator(); while (allProjectTMsIt.hasNext()) { ProjectTM tm = (ProjectTM); // Remote TM won't be returned if (tm.getIsRemoteTm() == false) { sbXML.append("\t<ProjectTM>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<id>").append(tm.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<name>").append(tm.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<domain>").append(tm.getDomain()).append("</domain>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<organization>").append(tm.getOrganization()).append("</organization>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t\t<description>").append(tm.getDescription()).append("</description>\r\n"); sbXML.append("\t</ProjectTM>\r\n"); } } } sbXML.append("</ProjectTMInformation>\r\n"); return sbXML.toString(); } /** * Upload TMX files to server. * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_fileName * File name which will be uploaded to server. * @param p_tmName * Project TM name to import TMX files into. * @param p_contentsInBytes * TMX file contents in byte[]. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String uploadTmxFile(String p_accessToken, String p_fileName, String p_tmName, byte[] p_contentsInBytes) throws WebServiceException { ProjectTM tm = null; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_fileName, "file name"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_tmName, "tm name"); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "uploadTmxFile"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); tm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMByName(p_tmName, false); if (tm == null) { return makeErrorXml("uploadTmxFile", "Project TM does not exist : " + p_tmName); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("fileName", p_fileName); activityArgs.put("tmName", p_tmName); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "uploadTmxFile(accessToken, fileName, tmName, contentsInBytes)", activityArgs); StringBuffer fsRoot = new StringBuffer( AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(tm.getCompanyId())); fsRoot = fsRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL) .append(File.separator).append("TmImport").append(File.separator).append(p_tmName.trim()) .append(File.separator).append("tmp").append(File.separator).append(p_fileName); writeFileToLocale(fsRoot.toString(), p_contentsInBytes); return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml("uploadTmxFile", e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } /** * Import TMX files into specified project tm. * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_tmName * Project TM name to import TMX files into. * @param p_syncMode * Synchronization options : merge, overwrite, discard. Default * "merge". * * @throws WebServiceException */ public void importTmxFile(String p_accessToken, String p_tmName, String p_syncMode) throws WebServiceException { ProjectTM tm = null; try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_tmName, "tm name"); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "importTmxFile"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.CUSTOMER_UPLOAD_VIA_WEBSERVICE); tm = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMByName(p_tmName, false); if (tm == null) { throw new WebServiceException("Project TM does not exist : " + p_tmName); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } /** importOptions */ WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("tmName", p_tmName); activityArgs.put("syncMode", p_syncMode); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "importTmxFile(p_accessToken, p_tmName,p_syncMode)", activityArgs); tmImportOptions = new; // syncMode : default "merge" tmImportOptions.setSyncMode(ImportOptions.SYNC_MERGE); if (ImportOptions.SYNC_MERGE.equalsIgnoreCase(p_syncMode) || ImportOptions.SYNC_OVERWRITE.equalsIgnoreCase(p_syncMode) || ImportOptions.SYNC_DISCARD.equalsIgnoreCase(p_syncMode)) { tmImportOptions.setSyncMode(p_syncMode.toLowerCase()); } // default: all -- all tmImportOptions.setSelectedSource("all"); Collection selectedTargets = new ArrayList(); selectedTargets.add("all"); tmImportOptions.setSelectedTargets(selectedTargets); /** importer */ IImportManager importer = TmManagerLocal.getProjectTmImporter(p_tmName); /** import tmx files one by one */ StringBuffer fsRoot = new StringBuffer( AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(tm.getCompanyId())); fsRoot = fsRoot.append(File.separator).append(WebAppConstants.VIRTUALDIR_TOPLEVEL) .append(File.separator).append("TmImport").append(File.separator).append(p_tmName.trim()); // saved tmx file directory String savedTmxFilePath = fsRoot.toString(); // tmp tmx file directory String tmpTmxFilePath = fsRoot.append(File.separator).append("tmp").toString(); File tmxFileDir = new File(tmpTmxFilePath); if (tmxFileDir.exists() && tmxFileDir.isDirectory()) { File[] tmxFiles = tmxFileDir.listFiles(); if (tmxFiles != null && tmxFiles.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tmxFiles.length; i++) { File tmxFile = tmxFiles[i]; File savedFile = new File(savedTmxFilePath, tmxFile.getName()); ImportUtil.createInstance().saveTmFileWithValidation(tmxFile, savedFile); importer.setImportOptions(tmImportOptions.getXml()); importer.setImportFile(savedFile.getAbsolutePath(), false); String options = importer.analyzeFile(); importer.setImportOptions(options); importer.doImport(); // delete tmp TMX files to avoid re-import. tmxFile.delete(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String msg = makeErrorXml("importTmxFile", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(msg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } public String jobsSkipActivity(String p_accessToken, String p_workflowId, String p_activity) throws WebServiceException { String userName = ""; String returnMsg = null; long wfId = 0l; // Validate the input arguments try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_workflowId, "workflow Id"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_activity, "activity"); wfId = Long.parseLong(p_workflowId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "jobsSkipActivity"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_SKIP); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Entry<String, String> entry = new Entry<String, String>(p_workflowId, p_activity); list.add(entry); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("workflowId", p_workflowId); activityArgs.put("activity", p_activity); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "jobsSkipActivity(p_accessToken, p_workflowId,p_activity)", activityArgs); Workflow wf = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().getWorkflowById(wfId); if (wf == null || (!UserUtil.isInProject(userId, String.valueOf(wf.getJob().getProjectId())) && !isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(wf.getCompanyId())))) { returnMsg = makeErrorXml("jobsSkipActivity", "Current user are not in the same company or in project with the job."); throw new WebServiceException(returnMsg); } ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().setSkipActivity(list, userId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); returnMsg = makeErrorXml("jobsSkipActivity", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(returnMsg); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return null; } /** * Reassign task to other translators * * @param p_accessToken * String Access token * @param p_taskId * String ID of task Example: "10" * @param p_users * String[] Users' information who will be reassigned to. The * element in the array is [{userid}]. Example: ["qaadmin", * "qauser"] * @return Return null if the reassignment executes successfully. * @throws WebServiceException */ public String taskReassign(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId, String[] p_users) throws WebServiceException { AmbassadorHelper helper = new AmbassadorHelper(); return helper.taskReassign(p_accessToken, p_taskId, p_users); } /** * Add workflows of other languages to job * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * Job's id * @param p_wfInfos * Workflows of other languages * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String jobsAddLanguages(String p_accessToken, long p_jobId, String p_wfInfos) throws WebServiceException { try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_wfInfos, "Workflow of languages"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } checkAccess(p_accessToken, "jobsAddLanguages"); checkPermission(p_accessToken, Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_ADD); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityArgs.put("wfInfos", p_wfInfos); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "jobsAddLanguages(p_accessToken, p_jobId,p_wfInfos)", activityArgs); String[] wfInfoArray = p_wfInfos.split(","); WorkflowHandlerHelper.validateStateOfPagesByJobId(p_jobId); ArrayList wfInfos = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < wfInfoArray.length; i++) { wfInfos.add(Long.decode(wfInfoArray[i])); } WorkflowAdditionSender sender = new WorkflowAdditionSender(wfInfos, p_jobId); sender.sendToAddWorkflows(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(makeErrorXml("jobsSkipActivity", e.getMessage())); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return null; } /** * Get available workflows which can be added to selected job * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_jobId * @return * @throws WebServiceException */ public String jobsWorkflowCanBeAdded(String p_accessToken, long p_jobId) throws WebServiceException { StringBuilder returnMsg = new StringBuilder(); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("jobId", p_jobId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "jobsWorkflowCanBeAdded(p_accessToken, p_jobId)", activityArgs); Job job = WorkflowHandlerHelper.getJobById(p_jobId); // first validate the state of the existing pages of the job WorkflowHandlerHelper.validateStateOfPagesInJob(job); List wfInfos = (List) WorkflowHandlerHelper.getWorkflowTemplateInfos(job); /** * here remove DTP workflow Templated, since currently Adding DTP * worklfow in a in progress job is not supported. */ for (Iterator it = wfInfos.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { WorkflowTemplateInfo wfTemplate = (WorkflowTemplateInfo); if (!WorkflowTypeConstants.TYPE_DTP.equals(wfTemplate.getWorkflowType())) { returnMsg.append(wfTemplate.getId()).append(","); } } if (returnMsg.length() > 1) returnMsg.deleteCharAt(returnMsg.length() - 1); if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } return returnMsg.toString(); } /** * Get all source page id according with idList * * @param task * @param idList * id of source page * @param p_pageIdList * source page id * @param p_pageNameList * external page id * @throws EnvoyServletException */ private void getPageIdList(Task task, String[] idList, List p_pageIdList, List p_pageNameList) throws EnvoyServletException { if (idList != null) { Arrays.sort(idList); } Long pageId = null; SourcePage page = null; for (int i = 0; idList != null && i < idList.length; i++) { try { // Note: download is driven by the source page ids and the // target locale pageId = new Long(idList[i]); page = (SourcePage) ServerProxy.getPageManager().getSourcePage(pageId.longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EnvoyServletException(e); } p_pageIdList.add(pageId); p_pageNameList.add(page.getExternalPageId()); } } /** * Get the target locale * * @param p_downloadParams * @return */ private String getTargetLocaleCode(DownloadParams p_downloadParams) { String targetLocale = p_downloadParams.getTargetLocale().getLanguage() + "_" + p_downloadParams.getTargetLocale().getCountryCode(); return targetLocale; } /** * Check if the company info of job or project is the same with current user */ private boolean isInSameCompany(String p_userName, String p_companyId) { if (p_userName == null || p_userName.trim().equals("")) return false; if (p_companyId == null || p_companyId.trim().equals("")) return false; try { User user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(p_userName); String userCompanyId = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(user.getCompanyName()).getIdAsLong() .toString(); return userCompanyId.equals(p_companyId) ? true : false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private boolean isInSameCompany(String p_userName, long p_companyId) { return isInSameCompany(p_userName, String.valueOf(p_companyId)); } /** * To dispatch workflows. Each workflow can be dispatched only when its * state is READY_TO_BE_DISPATCHED * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param p_wfIds * String of one or more workflow IDs Using "," to split more * workflow IDs * @return If success, then return null. If fail, return error message * @throws WebServiceException */ public String dispatchWorkflow(String p_accessToken, String p_wfIds) throws WebServiceException { String message = ""; // Validate inputting parameters User user = null; try { user = ServerProxy.getUserManager().getUserByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); PermissionSet ps = Permission.getPermissionManager().getPermissionSetForUser(user.getUserId()); if (!ps.getPermissionFor(Permission.JOB_WORKFLOWS_DISPATCH) && !ps.getPermissionFor(Permission.JOBS_DISPATCH)) { String msg = "User " + user.getUserName() + " does not have enough permission"; return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", msg); } Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_wfIds, "Workflow IDs"); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", e.getMessage()); } long wfId = 0l; ArrayList<Long> wfIdsArray = new ArrayList<Long>(); String[] wfIds = null; Workflow wf = null; String wfIdString = ""; wfIds = p_wfIds.split(","); int length = wfIds.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { wfIdString = wfIds[i].trim(); if (wfIdString.equals("")) continue; try { wfId = Long.parseLong(wfIdString); wfIdsArray.add(Long.valueOf(wfId)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", "Invaild workflow id: " + wfIdString + ",non-numeric chars."); } } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("wfIds", p_wfIds); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "dispatchWorkflow(p_accessToken, p_wfIds)", activityArgs); WorkflowManagerWLRemote wfm = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager(); String projectId = null; for (int i = 0; i < wfIdsArray.size(); i++) { wfId = wfIdsArray.get(i).longValue(); try { wf = wfm.getWorkflowById(wfId); if (wf != null) { projectId = String.valueOf(wf.getJob().getProjectId()); if (!wf.getJob().hasSetCostCenter()) { return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", "Invaild workflow id: " + wfId + ", cost center attribute or required attributes are not set."); } else if (UserUtil.isInProject(user.getUserId(), projectId)) { wfm.dispatch(wf); } else { return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", "Invaild workflow id: " + wfId + " for current user."); } } else { return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", "Invaild workflow id: " + wfId + ",does not exist."); } } catch (WorkflowManagerException wfe) { logger.error(wfe.getMessage(), wfe); return makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", wfe.getMessage()); } } return null; } catch (Exception e) { message = makeErrorXml("dispatchWorkflow", e.getMessage()); throw new WebServiceException(message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } private String replaceAndString(String p_str) { if (p_str == null || p_str.trim().equals("")) return ""; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); char[] chars = p_str.toCharArray(); for (char c : chars) { if (c == '&') sb.append("&"); else sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get jobs info created after start time * * @param accessToken * Access token * @param startTime * Start time, it can be '2d', '8h' and '2d8h' format * @return String XML format string * @throws WebServiceException * * @author Vincent Yan * @since 8.2.3 */ public String getJobsByTimeRange(String accessToken, String startTime) throws WebServiceException { return getJobsByTimeRange(accessToken, startTime, 0); } /** * Get jobs info created after start time and in one project * * @param accessToken * Access token * @param startTime * Start time, it can be '2d', '8h' and '2d8h' format * @parma projectId Id of project * @return String XML format string * @throws WebServiceException * * @author Vincent Yan * @since 8.2.3 */ public String getJobsByTimeRange(String accessToken, String startTime, long projectId) throws WebServiceException { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); xml.append("<jobs>\r\n"); boolean canRun = true; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { String userName = this.getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("startTime", startTime); activityArgs.put("projectId", projectId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getJobsByTimeRange(p_accessToken,startTime, projectId)", activityArgs); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(accessToken) || StringUtil.isEmpty(startTime) || !validateTimeRange(startTime) || projectId < 0) { return makeErrorXml("getJobsByTimeRange", "Invaild time range parameter."); } int hours = getHours(startTime); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, 0 - hours); User user = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(accessToken)); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(user.getCompanyName()); JobSearchParameters searchParameters = new JobSearchParameters(); if (projectId > 0) searchParameters.setProjectId(String.valueOf(projectId)); searchParameters.setCreationStart(calendar.getTime()); String hql = "from JobImpl j where j.createDate>='" + sdf.format(calendar.getTime()) + "'"; if (!CompanyWrapper.isSuperCompanyName(user.getCompanyName())) { long companyId = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(user.getCompanyName()).getId(); hql += " and j.companyId=" + companyId; } Collection collection =; // Collection collection = // ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobs(searchParameters); if (collection != null && collection.size() > 0) { ArrayList<JobImpl> jobs = new ArrayList<JobImpl>(collection); Job job = null; for (JobImpl ji : jobs) { job = (Job) ji; if (job == null) continue; if (projectId > 0 && projectId != job.getProjectId()) continue; if (!isInSameCompany(user.getUserName(), String.valueOf(job.getCompanyId())) && !UserUtil.isSuperAdmin(user.getUserId()) && !UserUtil.isSuperPM(user.getUserId())) continue; xml.append(getJobInfo(job)); } } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml("getJobsByTimeRange", "Cannot get jobs correctly. " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } xml.append("</jobs>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } private int getHours(String startTime) { int hours = 0, index = 0, days = 0; String lowerString = startTime.toLowerCase(), tmp = ""; try { if ((index = lowerString.indexOf("d")) > 0) { tmp = lowerString.substring(0, index); days = Integer.parseInt(tmp); hours = days * 24; if (lowerString.indexOf("h", index) > 0) { tmp = lowerString.substring(index + 1, lowerString.length() - 1); hours += Integer.parseInt(tmp); } } else { tmp = lowerString.substring(0, lowerString.length() - 1); hours = Integer.parseInt(tmp); } return hours; } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } private boolean validateTimeRange(String startTime) { int dayIndex = -1, hourIndex = -1; String lowerString = startTime.toLowerCase(); String tmp = ""; dayIndex = lowerString.indexOf("d"); hourIndex = lowerString.indexOf("h"); if (dayIndex == -1 && hourIndex == -1) return false; if (dayIndex == 0 || hourIndex == 0) return false; if (dayIndex > 0) { if (lowerString.indexOf("d", dayIndex + 1) > -1) return false; if (hourIndex > 0 && (hourIndex - dayIndex) < 2) return false; } if (hourIndex > 0) { if (lowerString.indexOf("h", hourIndex + 1) > -1) return false; } return true; } private String getJobInfo(Job job) throws WebServiceException { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); try { xml.append("\t<job>\r\n"); // job id xml.append("\t\t<id>").append(job.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); // job name xml.append("\t\t<name>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(job.getJobName())).append("</name>\r\n"); // job state xml.append("\t\t<state>").append(job.getState()).append("</state>\r\n"); // job creator xml.append("\t\t<creator>").append(job.getCreateUser().getUserName()).append("</creator>\r\n"); // job create date xml.append("\t\t<create_date>").append(DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(job.getCreateDate(), null)) .append("</create_date>\r\n"); // company id xml.append("\t\t<company_id>").append(job.getCompanyId()).append("</company_id>\r\n"); // company name xml.append("\t\t<company_name>").append(CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId())) .append("</company_name>\r\n"); // project id xml.append("\t\t<project_id>").append(job.getProjectId()).append("</project_id>\r\n"); // project name xml.append("\t\t<project_name>").append(job.getProject().getName()).append("</project_name>\r\n"); // job priority xml.append("\t\t<priority>").append(job.getPriority()).append("</priority>\r\n"); // source locale xml.append("\t\t<source_locale>").append(job.getSourceLocale()).append("</source_locale>\r\n"); // page count xml.append("\t\t<page_count>").append(job.getPageCount()).append("</page_count>\r\n"); // word count xml.append("\t\t<word_count>").append(job.getWordCount()).append("</word_count>\r\n"); Collection wfs = job.getWorkflows(); xml.append("\t\t<workflows>\r\n"); Workflow workflow = null; TaskInstance taskInstance = null; String currentTaskName = "", tmp = ""; for (Iterator wfi = wfs.iterator(); wfi.hasNext();) { currentTaskName = ""; workflow = (Workflow); tmp = getWorkflowInfo(workflow, "\t\t\t"); xml.append(tmp); } xml.append("\t\t</workflows>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</job>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(GET_JOB_AND_WORKFLOW_INFO, e); String message = "Could not get information for job " + job.getId(); message = makeErrorXml("getJobInfo", message); throw new WebServiceException(message); } } /** * Generate workflow info in xml format * * @param workflow * workflow object * @param tab * Tab string as prefix, such as '\t\t' * @return String workflow info in xml format */ private String getWorkflowInfo(Workflow workflow, String tab) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); TaskInstance taskInstance = null; // workflow xml.append(tab).append("<workflow>\r\n"); // workflow id xml.append(tab).append("\t<workflow_id>").append(workflow.getId()).append("</workflow_id>\r\n"); // workflow state xml.append(tab).append("\t<workflow_state>").append(workflow.getState()).append("</workflow_state>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<target_locale>").append(workflow.getTargetLocale()) .append("</target_locale>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t<dispatch_date>") .append(workflow.getDispatchedDate() == null ? "" : DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(workflow.getDispatchedDate(), null)) .append("</dispatch_date>\r\n"); // tasks Hashtable<Long, Task> tasks = (Hashtable<Long, Task>) workflow.getTasks(); Rate rate = null; if (tasks == null || tasks.size() == 0) { xml.append(tab).append("\t<tasks>\r\n").append(tab).append("\t</tasks>\r\n"); } else { xml.append(tab).append("\t<tasks>\r\n"); // each task Long taskId = null; Task task = null; String tmp = ""; for (Iterator<Long> ids = tasks.keySet().iterator(); ids.hasNext();) { taskId =; // task = tasks.get(taskId); try { task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(taskId); } catch (Exception e) { } tmp = getTaskInfo(task, tab + "\t\t"); xml.append(tmp); } xml.append(tab).append("\t</tasks>\r\n"); } // current activity taskInstance = WorkflowManagerLocal.getCurrentTask(workflow.getId()); String currentTaskName = ""; if (taskInstance != null) { currentTaskName = TaskJbpmUtil.getTaskDisplayName(taskInstance.getName()); xml.append(tab).append("\t<current_activity>").append(currentTaskName) .append("</current_activity>\r\n"); } /** Wordcount Summary */ xml.append(tab).append("\t<word_counts>\r\n"); // leverageOption String leverageOption = "unknown"; boolean isInContextMatch = false; try { Job job = workflow.getJob(); if (PageHandler.isInContextMatch(job)) { isInContextMatch = true; } if (isInContextMatch) { leverageOption = "Leverage in context matches"; } else { leverageOption = "100% match only"; } } catch (Exception e) { } xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<leverage_option>").append(leverageOption).append("</leverage_option>\r\n"); // 100% int wc = 0; if (isInContextMatch) { wc = workflow.getSegmentTmWordCount(); } else { wc = workflow.getTotalExactMatchWordCount(); } xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<match_100_percent>").append(wc).append("</match_100_percent>\r\n"); // 95%-99% xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<match_95_percent-99_percent>").append(workflow.getThresholdHiFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</match_95_percent-99_percent>\r\n"); // 85%-94% xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<match_85_percent-94_percent>") .append(workflow.getThresholdMedHiFuzzyWordCount()).append("</match_85_percent-94_percent>\r\n"); // 75%-84% xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<match_75_percent-84_percent>").append(workflow.getThresholdMedFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</match_75_percent-84_percent>\r\n"); // noMatch (50%-74%) xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<no_match>") .append(workflow.getThresholdNoMatchWordCount() + workflow.getThresholdLowFuzzyWordCount()) .append("</no_match>\r\n"); // Repetitions xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<repetitions>").append(workflow.getRepetitionWordCount()) .append("</repetitions>\r\n"); // In Context Matches if (isInContextMatch) { xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<in_context_matches>").append(workflow.getInContextMatchWordCount()) .append("</in_context_matches>\r\n"); } // total xml.append(tab).append("\t\t<total>").append(workflow.getTotalWordCount()).append("</total>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("\t</word_counts>\r\n"); if (workflow.getCompletedDate() != null) { xml.append(tab).append("\t<complete_date>") .append(DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(workflow.getCompletedDate(), null)) .append("</complete_date>\r\n"); } xml.append(tab).append("</workflow>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Generate task info in xml format * * @param task * task object * @param tab * tab string as prefix, such as '\t\t' * @return String task info in xml format */ private String getTaskInfo(Task task, String tab) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); String tmp = ""; Rate rate = null; WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask; try { wfTask = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowTaskInstance(task.getWorkflow().getId(), task.getId()); task.setWorkflowTask(wfTask); } catch (Exception e) { } xml.append(tab).append("<task>\r\n"); // task id xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_id>").append(task.getId()).append("</task_id>\r\n"); // task name xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_name>").append(task.getTaskName()).append("</task_name>\r\n"); // task duration hours xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_duration_hours>").append(task.getDurationString()) .append("</task_duration_hours>\r\n"); // task state tmp = task.getStateAsString() == null ? "" : task.getStateAsString(); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_state>").append(tmp).append("</task_state>\r\n"); // task accept date tmp = task.getAcceptedDate() == null ? "" : DateHelper.getFormattedDateAndTime(task.getAcceptedDate(), null); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_accept_date>").append(tmp).append("</task_accept_date>\r\n"); // task assignees if (task.getAllAssignees() == null || task.getAllAssignees().size() == 0) tmp = task.getPossibleAssignee(); else tmp = task.getAllAssigneesAsString(); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_assignees>").append(tmp).append("</task_assignees>\r\n"); // task acceptor tmp = task.getAcceptor() == null ? "" : UserUtil.getUserNameById(task.getAcceptor()); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_acceptor>").append(tmp).append("</task_acceptor>\r\n"); // task expense rate rate = task.getExpenseRate(); tmp = rate == null ? "" : String.valueOf(rate.getId()); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_expense_rate_id>").append(tmp).append("</task_expense_rate_id>\r\n"); // task revenue rate rate = task.getRevenueRate(); tmp = rate == null ? "" : String.valueOf(rate.getId()); xml.append(tab).append("\t<task_revenue_rate_id>").append(tmp).append("</task_revenue_rate_id>\r\n"); xml.append(tab).append("</task>\r\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get all localization profiles * * @param accessToken * Access token * @return String XML format string * @throws WebServiceException * * @author Vincent Yan * @since 8.2.3 */ public String getAllL10NProfiles(String accessToken) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(accessToken)) return makeErrorXml("getAllL10NProfiles", "Invaild access token"); checkAccess(accessToken, "getAllL10NProfiles"); StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); xml.append("<l10n_profiles>\r\n"); try { User user = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(accessToken)); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(user.getCompanyName()); ArrayList<BasicL10nProfileInfo> profiles = new ArrayList<BasicL10nProfileInfo>( ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getAllL10nProfilesForGUI()); if (profiles != null && profiles.size() > 0) { for (BasicL10nProfileInfo lp : profiles) { xml.append("\t<l10n_profile>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<id>").append(lp.getProfileId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<name>").append(lp.getName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</l10n_profile>\r\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml("getAllL10NProfiles", e.getMessage()); } xml.append("</l10n_profiles>"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get workflow path with specified id * * @param p_accessToken * Access token * @param workflowId * Id of workflow * @return String XML format string * @throws RemoteException * @throws WebServiceException * * @author Vincent Yan * @since 8.2.3 */ public String getWorkflowPath(String p_accessToken, long workflowId) throws RemoteException, WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken)) return makeErrorXml("getWorkflowPath", "Invaild access token."); checkAccess(p_accessToken, "getWorkflowPath"); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(userName); Workflow wf = ServerProxy.getWorkflowManager().getWorkflowById(workflowId); if (wf == null) { return makeErrorXml("getWorkflowPath", "Invaild workflow which is not exist."); } if (!isInSameCompany(userName, String.valueOf(wf.getCompanyId()))) { if (!UserUtil.isSuperAdmin(userId) && !UserUtil.isSuperPM(userId)) { return makeErrorXml("getWorkflowPath", "Current user have not permissions to access the workflow."); } } StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); xml.append("<workflow>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<id>").append(workflowId).append("</id>\r\n"); List<WorkflowTaskInstance> taskList = new ArrayList<WorkflowTaskInstance>(); JbpmContext ctx = null; WorkflowInstance workflowInstance = null; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("workflowId", workflowId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getWorkflowPath(p_accessToken, workflowId)", activityArgs); ctx = WorkflowConfiguration.getInstance().getJbpmContext(); ProcessInstance processInstance = ctx.getProcessInstance(workflowId); workflowInstance = WorkflowProcessAdapter.getProcessInstance(processInstance); Vector tasks = workflowInstance.getWorkflowInstanceTasks(); WorkflowTaskInstance[] tasksArray = WorkflowJbpmUtil.convertToArray(tasks); ArrorInfo arror = null; ArrayList<WfTaskInfo> tmp = new ArrayList<WfTaskInfo>( ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().timeDurationsInDefaultPath("Exit", workflowId, -1)); Task task = null; for (WfTaskInfo taskInfo : tmp) { task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(taskInfo.getId()); xml.append("\t<task>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<id>").append(task.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<name>").append(task.getTaskDisplayName()).append("</name>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<state>").append(task.getStateAsString()).append("</state>\r\n"); xml.append("\t</task>\r\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml("getWorkflowPath", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } ctx.close(); } xml.append("</workflow>"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Download offline file with xliff format. * * Note: after 8.5.8 version, "getWorkOfflineFiles()" API can download all * supported offline formats, include xliff. * * @param accessToken * Access token * @param taskId * Task ID * @return String file name of generated offline file, it typical is package * file. * @throws WebServiceException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NamingException */ public String downloadXliffOfflineFile(String accessToken, String taskId) throws RemoteException, WebServiceException, NamingException { String lockedSegEditType = "1"; boolean isIncludeXmlNodeContextInformation = false; return downloadXliffOfflineFile(accessToken, taskId, lockedSegEditType, isIncludeXmlNodeContextInformation); } /** * Download offline file with xliff format. * * Note: after 8.5.8 version, "getWorkOfflineFiles()" API can download all * supported offline formats, include xliff. * * @param accessToken * Access token * @param taskId * Task ID * @param lockedSegEditType * param for "Allow Edit Locked Segments" option when offline * download. Available values: 1, 2, 3, 4 1: Allow Edit of ICE * and 100% matches 2: Allow Edit of ICE matches 3: Allow Edit of * 100% matches 4: Deny Edit * @return String file name of generated offline file, it typical is package * file. * @throws WebServiceException * @throws RemoteException * @throws NamingException */ public String downloadXliffOfflineFile(String accessToken, String taskId, String lockedSegEditType, boolean isIncludeXmlNodeContextInformation) throws WebServiceException, RemoteException, NamingException { Set<String> availableValues = new HashSet<String>(); availableValues.add("1"); availableValues.add("2"); availableValues.add("3"); availableValues.add("4"); if (lockedSegEditType == null || !availableValues.contains(lockedSegEditType.trim())) { lockedSegEditType = "1"; } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(accessToken)) return makeErrorXml(DOWNLOAD_XLIFF_OFFLINE_FILE, "Invaild access token."); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(taskId) || Long.parseLong(taskId) < 1) return makeErrorXml(DOWNLOAD_XLIFF_OFFLINE_FILE, "Invaild task id."); // Check access token checkAccess(accessToken, "downloadXliffOfflineFile"); // Check user's permission checkPermission(accessToken, Permission.ACTIVITIES_WORKOFFLINE); StringBuilder returnXml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); long taskID = Long.parseLong(taskId); Task task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(taskID); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(accessToken); User user = this.getUser(userName); if (task == null || !user.getUserId().equals(task.getAcceptor())) return makeErrorXml("downloadXliffOfflineFile", "Current user is not the acceptor of this task."); long jobId = task.getJobId(); Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; WorkflowManagerLocal workflowManager = new WorkflowManagerLocal(); try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("taskId", taskId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "downloadXliffOfflineFile(p_accessToken, taskId)", activityArgs); // Generate offline page data to file File zipFile = workflowManager.downloadOfflineFiles(task, job, null, lockedSegEditType, isIncludeXmlNodeContextInformation); // Copy "zipFile" from // "FStorage\[companyName]\GlobalSight\CustomerDownload" folder to // "DOCS\[companyName]\workOfflineDownload" folder. This is // unnecessary, but we will not change it for now. String filename = job.getJobName() + "_" + task.getSourceLocale() + "_" + task.getTargetLocale() + ".zip"; File targetFile = new File(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getCxeDocDirPath() + File.separator + AmbFileStoragePathUtils.OFFLINE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_DIR + File.separator + filename); FileUtil.copyFile(zipFile, targetFile); // Generate response xml content returnXml.append("<offlineFiles>\r\n"); String urlPrefix = determineUrlPrefix(CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId())); returnXml.append("\t").append(urlPrefix).append("/") .append(AmbFileStoragePathUtils.OFFLINE_FILE_DOWNLOAD_DIR).append("/") .append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(filename)).append("\r\n"); returnXml.append("</offlineFiles>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in downloadXliffOfflineFile.", e); return makeErrorXml(DOWNLOAD_XLIFF_OFFLINE_FILE, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return returnXml.toString(); } private String checkIllegalJobIds(List<Long> p_jobIdList, String p_userId) { String illegalJobIds = ""; try { for (Long jobId : p_jobIdList) { Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); if (job == null || !job.getProject().getUserIds().contains(p_userId)) { illegalJobIds = illegalJobIds + "," + jobId; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error", e); } if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { illegalJobIds = illegalJobIds.substring(1); } return illegalJobIds; } private String checkJobLocaleMatch(List<Long> jobIdList, List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList) { String notMatchJobIds = ""; try { for (Long jobId : jobIdList) { Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); boolean isMatch = false; for (Workflow workflow : job.getWorkflows()) { if (targetLocalList.contains(workflow.getTargetLocale())) { isMatch = true; break; } } if (!isMatch) { notMatchJobIds = notMatchJobIds + "," + jobId; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error", e); } if (notMatchJobIds.length() > 0) { notMatchJobIds = notMatchJobIds.substring(1); } return notMatchJobIds; } private String getReportsUrl(File[] files) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String returnString = ""; if (files.length == 1) { File file = files[0]; String superFSDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1).replace("\\", "/"); String fullPathName = file.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); String path = fullPathName.substring(fullPathName.indexOf(superFSDir) + superFSDir.length()); path = path.substring(path.indexOf("/Reports/") + "/Reports/".length()); String root = AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl() + "/DownloadReports"; returnString = root + "/" + path; } else if (files.length > 1) { Date date = new Date(); String fullPathName = files[0].getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); String zipFileName = fullPathName.substring(0, fullPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + ReportConstants.REPORTS_NAME + date.getTime() + ".zip"; File zipFile = new File(zipFileName); ZipIt.addEntriesToZipFile(zipFile, files, true, ""); String superFSDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1).replace("\\", "/"); String path = zipFileName.substring(zipFileName.indexOf(superFSDir) + superFSDir.length()); path = path.substring(path.indexOf("/Reports/") + "/Reports/".length()); String root = AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl() + "/DownloadReports"; returnString = root + "/" + path; } return returnString; } /** * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_jobId * -- job ID to get report. * @param p_targetLocale * -- target locale. eg "zh_CN"(case insensitive). * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * ; * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generateTranslationEditReport(String p_accessToken, String p_jobId, String p_targetLocale) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_TRANSLATION_EDIT_REPORT); String returnString = ""; try { // get and check job ids Long jobId = Long.valueOf(p_jobId); List<Long> jobIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); jobIdList.add(jobId); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String illegalJobIds = checkIllegalJobIds(jobIdList, userId); if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_TRANSLATION_EDIT_REPORT, "Error info: illegal job id " + illegalJobIds + " for the login user"); } // get target locales List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocalList.add(getLocaleByName(p_targetLocale)); // get report Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); TranslationsEditReportGenerator generator = new TranslationsEditReportGenerator( CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()), userId); File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIdList, targetLocalList); returnString = getReportsUrl(files); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in generateTranslationEditReport.", e); return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_TRANSLATION_EDIT_REPORT, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } return returnString; } /** * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_jobId * -- job ID to get report. * @param p_targetLocale * -- target locale. eg "zh_CN"(case insensitive). * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * ; * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generateTranslationVerificationReport(String p_accessToken, String p_jobId, String p_targetLocale) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_TRANSLATION_VERIFICATION_REPORT); String returnString = ""; try { // get and check job ids Long jobId = Long.valueOf(p_jobId); List<Long> jobIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); jobIdList.add(jobId); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String illegalJobIds = checkIllegalJobIds(jobIdList, userId); if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_TRANSLATION_VERIFICATION_REPORT, "Error info: illegal job id " + illegalJobIds + " for the login user"); } // get target locales List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocalList.add(getLocaleByName(p_targetLocale)); // get report Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); TranslationVerificationReportGenerator generator = new TranslationVerificationReportGenerator( CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()), userId); File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIdList, targetLocalList); returnString = getReportsUrl(files); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in generateTranslationVerificationReport.", e); return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_TRANSLATION_VERIFICATION_REPORT, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } return returnString; } /** * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_jobId * -- job ID to get report. * @param p_targetLocale * -- target locale. eg "zh_CN"(case insensitive). * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * ; * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generatePostReviewQAReport(String p_accessToken, String p_jobId, String p_targetLocale) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_POST_REVIEW_QA_REPORT); String returnString = ""; try { // get and check job ids Long jobId = Long.valueOf(p_jobId); List<Long> jobIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); jobIdList.add(jobId); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String illegalJobIds = checkIllegalJobIds(jobIdList, userId); if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_POST_REVIEW_QA_REPORT, "Error info: illegal job id " + illegalJobIds + " for the login user"); } // get target locales List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); targetLocalList.add(getLocaleByName(p_targetLocale)); // get report Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobId); PostReviewQAReportGenerator generator = new PostReviewQAReportGenerator( CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()), userId); File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIdList, targetLocalList); returnString = getReportsUrl(files); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in generatePostReviewQAReport.", e); return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_POST_REVIEW_QA_REPORT, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } return returnString; } /** * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_jobIds * -- job "11,13,45". * @param p_targetLocales * -- target locales. eg "fr_FR,zh_CN"(case insensitive). * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * or * "" * . * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generateCharacterCountReport(String p_accessToken, String p_jobIds, String p_targetLocales) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_CHARACTER_COUNT_REPORT); String returnString = ""; try { // get and check job ids List<Long> jobIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (String jobId : p_jobIds.split(",")) { jobIdList.add(Long.valueOf(jobId)); } String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String illegalJobIds = checkIllegalJobIds(jobIdList, userId); if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_CHARACTER_COUNT_REPORT, "Error info: illegal job id " + illegalJobIds + " for the login user"); } // get target locales List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); for (String targetLocale : p_targetLocales.split(",")) { targetLocalList.add(getLocaleByName(targetLocale)); } // get report Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobIdList.get(0)); CharacterCountReportGenerator generator = new CharacterCountReportGenerator( CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()), userId); String notMatchJobIds = checkJobLocaleMatch(jobIdList, targetLocalList); if (notMatchJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_CHARACTER_COUNT_REPORT, "Error info: the given job id: " + notMatchJobIds + " have no workflow match the given target locales."); } File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIdList, targetLocalList); returnString = getReportsUrl(files); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in generateCharacterCountReport.", e); return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_CHARACTER_COUNT_REPORT, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } return returnString; } /** * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_jobIds * -- job "11,13,45". * @param p_targetLocales * -- target locales. eg "fr_FR,zh_CN"(case insensitive). * @param p_includeCompactTags * * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * or * "" * ; * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generateReviewersCommentReport(String p_accessToken, String p_jobIds, String p_targetLocales, boolean p_includeCompactTags) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_REPORT); String returnString = ""; try { // get and check job ids List<Long> jobIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (String jobId : p_jobIds.split(",")) { jobIdList.add(Long.valueOf(jobId)); } String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String illegalJobIds = checkIllegalJobIds(jobIdList, userId); if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_REPORT, "Error info: illegal job id " + illegalJobIds + " for the login user"); } // get target locales List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); for (String targetLocale : p_targetLocales.split(",")) { targetLocalList.add(getLocaleByName(targetLocale)); } // get report Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobIdList.get(0)); ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator generator = new ReviewersCommentsReportGenerator( CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()), p_includeCompactTags, userId); String notMatchJobIds = checkJobLocaleMatch(jobIdList, targetLocalList); if (notMatchJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_REPORT, "Error info: the given job id: " + notMatchJobIds + " have no workflow for the given target locales."); } File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIdList, targetLocalList); returnString = getReportsUrl(files); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in generateReviewersCommentReport.", e); return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_REPORT, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } return returnString; } /** * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_jobIds * -- job "11,13,45". * @param p_targetLocales * -- target locales. eg "en_US,zh_CN" * @param p_includeCompactTags * * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * or * "" * ; * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generateReviewersCommentSimplifiedReport(String p_accessToken, String p_jobIds, String p_targetLocales, boolean p_includeCompactTags) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_SIMPLIFIED_REPORT); String returnString = ""; try { // get and check job ids List<Long> jobIdList = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (String jobId : p_jobIds.split(",")) { jobIdList.add(Long.valueOf(jobId)); } String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); String illegalJobIds = checkIllegalJobIds(jobIdList, userId); if (illegalJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_SIMPLIFIED_REPORT, "Error info: illegal job id " + illegalJobIds + " for the login user"); } // get target locales List<GlobalSightLocale> targetLocalList = new ArrayList<GlobalSightLocale>(); for (String targetLocale : p_targetLocales.split(",")) { targetLocalList.add(getLocaleByName(targetLocale)); } // get report Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(jobIdList.get(0)); ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator generator = new ReviewersCommentsSimpleReportGenerator( CompanyWrapper.getCompanyNameById(job.getCompanyId()), p_includeCompactTags, userId); String notMatchJobIds = checkJobLocaleMatch(jobIdList, targetLocalList); if (notMatchJobIds.length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_SIMPLIFIED_REPORT, "Error info: the given job id: " + notMatchJobIds + " have no workflow for the given target locales."); } File[] files = generator.generateReports(jobIdList, targetLocalList); returnString = getReportsUrl(files); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error found in generateReviewersCommentSimplifiedReport.", e); return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_REVIEWERS_COMMENT_SIMPLIFIED_REPORT, "Error info: " + e.toString()); } return returnString; } /** * Gets DITA QA Checks report api. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token. * @param p_taskId * -- task ID to get QA report. * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "$$companyName$$/GlobalSight/Reports/DITAQAChecksReport/914/zh_CN/ditaTranslation1_6315/DITAQAChecksReport-Job Name-zh_CN-20141212 125403.xlsx" * . */ public String generateDITAQAReport(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_DITA_QA_REPORT); Task task = null; try { task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Can not get task info by taskId " + p_taskId); } if (task == null) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_DITA_QA_REPORT, "Can not find task by taskId " + p_taskId); } Company logUserCompany = getCompanyInfo(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); if (logUserCompany.getId() != 1 && logUserCompany.getId() != task.getCompanyId()) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_DITA_QA_REPORT, "Current user not super user or does not belong to company of this task: " + p_taskId); } try { File reportFile = DITAQACheckerHelper.getDitaReportFile((TaskImpl) task); String superFs = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1); String reportFilePath = reportFile.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); reportFilePath = reportFilePath.substring(superFs.length() + 1); StringBuffer root = new StringBuffer(); root.append(AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl()); root.append("/DownloadReports"); root.append("/").append(reportFilePath); return root.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_DITA_QA_REPORT, "Fail to generate report for taskId: " + p_taskId + " " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets QA Checks report api. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token. * @param p_taskId * -- task ID to get QA report. * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * . * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String generateQAChecksReport(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORT); Task task = null; try { task = ServerProxy.getTaskManager().getTask(Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Can not get task info by taskId " + p_taskId); } if (task == null) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORT, "Can not find task by taskId " + p_taskId); } String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Company logUserCompany = getCompanyInfo(userName); if (logUserCompany.getId() != 1 && logUserCompany.getId() != task.getCompanyId()) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORT, "Current user is not super user or does not belong to the company of this task: " + p_taskId); } String returning = "No QA report available for download."; WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", userName); activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "generateQAChecksReport(p_accessToken, p_taskId)", activityArgs); String fileUrl = null; if (logUserCompany.getEnableQAChecks()) { if (QACheckerHelper.isShowQAChecksTab(task)) { QAChecker checker = new QAChecker(); checker.runQAChecksAndGenerateReport(Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); File qaReport = QACheckerHelper.getQAReportFile(task); String filestore = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(task.getCompanyId()) .replace("\\", "/"); String fullPathName = qaReport.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); String path = fullPathName.substring(fullPathName.indexOf(filestore) + filestore.length()); path = path.substring(path.indexOf("/Reports/") + "/Reports/".length()); String root = AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl() + "/DownloadReports"; fileUrl = root + "/" + path; returning = fileUrl; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); String message = "An error occurred while generating QA Checks report."; return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORT, message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return returning; } /** * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param jobIds * -- Job id can not be empty.It may be one or more. Example * :"206" or "206,207,208" * @param workflowIds * -- Workflow id can be empty.It may be one or more. Example : * "1310" or "1310,1311,1312" * @return XML string. -- If fail, it will return null; -- If succeed, * report returning is like * "" */ public String generateQAChecksReports(String p_accessToken, String jobIds, String workflowIds) throws WebServiceException { String returnFilePath = null; try { String[] jobIdArr = null; String[] workflowIdArr = null; Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertNotEmpty(jobIds, "Job id"); String tempId = null; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobIds)) { jobIdArr = jobIds.split(","); for (String id : jobIdArr) { tempId = id; Assert.assertIsInteger(id); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(workflowIds)) { workflowIdArr = workflowIds.split(","); for (String id : workflowIdArr) { tempId = id; Assert.assertIsInteger(id); } } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS, tempId + " can not be converted into an integer."); } Company logUserCompany = getCompanyInfo(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); if (logUserCompany.getId() != 1) { for (String id : jobIdArr) { Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.parseLong(id)); if (job != null) { if (job.getCompanyId() != logUserCompany.getId()) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS, "Current user is not super user or current company has no job with id: " + id); } } else { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS, "Invalid job id(s): " + id + " does not exist."); } } } else { for (String id : jobIdArr) { Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.parseLong(id)); if (job == null) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS, "Invalid job id(s): " + id + " does not exist."); } } } Set<Long> workflowIdSet = new HashSet<Long>(); if (workflowIdArr != null) { for (String id : workflowIdArr) { workflowIdSet.add(Long.parseLong(id)); } } Set<Long> jobIdSet = new HashSet<Long>(); Set<Workflow> workflowSet = new HashSet<Workflow>(); Set<Long> companyIdSet = new HashSet<Long>(); for (String jobId : jobIdArr) { Job job = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getJobById(Long.parseLong(jobId)); companyIdSet.add(job.getCompanyId()); workflowSet.addAll(job.getWorkflows()); jobIdSet.add(Long.parseLong(jobId)); } Map<Long, Set<File>> exportFilesMap = new HashMap<Long, Set<File>>(); Set<String> locales = new HashSet<String>(); for (Long companyId : companyIdSet) { Set<File> exportFilesList = new HashSet<File>(); Company company = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyById(companyId); CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().setValue(company.getCompanyName()); if (company.getEnableQAChecks()) { for (Workflow workflow : workflowSet) { if (workflow.getCompanyId() == companyId) { String filePath = null; if (workflowIdSet != null && workflowIdSet.size() > 0) { if (workflowIdSet.contains(workflow.getId())) { locales.add(workflow.getTargetLocale().getLocaleCode()); filePath = WorkflowHandlerHelper.getExportFilePath(workflow); if (filePath != null) { exportFilesList.add(new File(filePath)); } continue; } } else { locales.add(workflow.getTargetLocale().getLocaleCode()); filePath = WorkflowHandlerHelper.getExportFilePath(workflow); if (filePath != null) { exportFilesList.add(new File(filePath)); } } } } if (workflowIdSet != null && workflowIdSet.size() > 0) { if (exportFilesList != null && exportFilesList.size() == 0) { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS, "Invalid workflow id(s): " + workflowIds); } } exportFilesMap.put(companyId, exportFilesList); } else { return makeErrorXml(GENERATE_QA_CHECKS_REPORTS, "Current user has no download QA reports permission."); } } // zipped Folder returnFilePath = zippedFolder(jobIdSet, exportFilesMap, locales); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } return returnFilePath; } private String zippedFolder(Set<Long> jobIdSet, Map<Long, Set<File>> exportFilesMap, Set<String> locales) { String fileUrl = null; String directory = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1).replace("\\", "/") + File.separator + "Reports" + File.separator + "apiQACheckDownload"; new File(directory).mkdirs(); String downloadFileName = null; if (jobIdSet != null && jobIdSet.size() == 1) { Long jobId = jobIdSet.iterator().next(); downloadFileName = ReportConstants.REPORT_QA_CHECKS_REPORT + "_(" + jobId + ").zip"; } else if (jobIdSet != null && jobIdSet.size() > 1) { String tempS = jobIdSet.toString(); tempS = tempS.replace(" ", ""); String jobNamesstr = tempS.substring(1, tempS.length() - 1); downloadFileName = ReportConstants.REPORT_QA_CHECKS_REPORT + "_(" + jobNamesstr + ").zip"; } String zipFileName = directory + File.separator + downloadFileName; File zipFile = new File(zipFileName); Map<File, String> allEntryFileToFileNameMap = new HashMap<File, String>(); Set<Long> keySet = exportFilesMap.keySet(); for (Long companyId : keySet) { Set<File> exportListFiles = exportFilesMap.get(companyId); Map<File, String> entryFileToFileNameMap = WorkflowHandlerHelper.getEntryFileToFileNameMap( exportListFiles, jobIdSet, locales, AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getReportsDir(companyId).getPath() + File.separator + ReportConstants.REPORT_QA_CHECKS_REPORT); allEntryFileToFileNameMap.putAll(entryFileToFileNameMap); } try { if (allEntryFileToFileNameMap.entrySet().size() > 0) { ZipIt.addEntriesToZipFile(zipFile, allEntryFileToFileNameMap, ""); String filestore = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1).replace("\\", "/"); String fullPathName = zipFile.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); String path = fullPathName.substring(fullPathName.indexOf(filestore) + filestore.length()); String root = AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl() + "/DownloadReports"; fileUrl = root + path; } else { fileUrl = "No QA report available for download."; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return fileUrl; } /** * Offline download to get reviewers comments report, translations edit * report or offline translation kit. For offline translation kit * downloading, it will follow logged user's "Download Options" as default. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_taskId * -- task ID to offline download file for. * @param p_workOfflineFileType * -- 1 : Reviewer Comments Report or Translations Edit Report * (this follows UI settings) -- 2 : Offline Translation Kit -- 3 * : Translation Edit Report -- 4 : Reviewer Comments Report -- 5 * : Reviewer Comments Report (Simplified) -- 6 : Post Review QA * Report -- 7 : Translation Verification Report * * @return -- XML string. -- If fail, it will return an xml string to tell * error message; -- If succeed, report returning is like * "" * ; and offline translation kit is like * "[CompanyName]/GlobalSight/CustomerDownload/[]" * . * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, int p_workOfflineFileType) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES); AmbassadorHelper helper = new AmbassadorHelper(); return helper.getWorkOfflineFiles(p_accessToken, p_taskId, p_workOfflineFileType, false); } /** * Upload offline files to server. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_taskId * -- task ID to upload file to. * @param p_workOfflineFileType * -- 1 : For reports like "Reviewer Comments Report", * "Simplified Reviewer Comments Report", * "Translations Edit Report", "Post Review QA Report" or * "Translation Verification Report". -- 2 : Offline Translation * Kit * @param p_fileName * -- the upload file name * @param bytes * -- file contents in bytes * @return -- If succeed, return a "identifyKey" which is used to identify * this uploading, a sample is "532689969". -- If fail, no key, * return a standard error xml: <?xml version=\"1.0\" * encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> <errorXml> * <method>uploadWorkOfflineFiles</method> <error>error * message</error> </errorXml> * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String uploadWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, int p_workOfflineFileType, String p_fileName, byte[] bytes) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, UPLOAD_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES); AmbassadorHelper helper = new AmbassadorHelper(); return helper.uploadWorkOfflineFiles(p_accessToken, p_taskId, p_workOfflineFileType, p_fileName, bytes, false); } /** * Process offline file to update system. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_taskId * -- task ID to import file into. * @param p_identifyKey * -- identifyKey to help locate where the uploaded file is. * @param p_workOfflineFileType * -- 1 : For reports like "Reviewer Comments Report", * "Simplified Reviewer Comments Report", * "Translations Edit Report", "Post Review QA Report" or * "Translation Verification Report". -- 2 : Offline Translation * Kit * @return -- Empty if succeed; if fail, return corresponding message. * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String importWorkOfflineFiles(String p_accessToken, Long p_taskId, String p_identifyKey, int p_workOfflineFileType) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, IMPORT_WORK_OFFLINE_FILES); AmbassadorHelper helper = new AmbassadorHelper(); return helper.importWorkOfflineFiles(p_accessToken, p_taskId, p_identifyKey, p_workOfflineFileType, false); } /** * Create job group * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param groupName * --can not be empty * @param projectName * --can not be empty * @param sourceLocale * --can not be empty,like "de_DE" * @return Create if succeed,return group name and id * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String createJobGroup(String p_accessToken, String groupName, String projectName, String sourceLocale) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken)) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild access token."); // Check access token checkAccess(p_accessToken, CREATE_JOB_GROUP); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(groupName)) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild group name."); String name = groupName.trim(); if (name.length() > 100) { return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "The length of job group name exceeds 100 characters."); } String specialChars = "~!@#$%^&*()+=[]\\';,./{}|\":<>?"; for (int i = 0; i < groupName.length(); i++) { char c = groupName.charAt(i); if (specialChars.indexOf(c) > -1) { return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, ERROR_JOB_GROUP_NAME); } } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(projectName)) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild project name."); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sourceLocale)) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild source locale."); User user = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); long companyId = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyByName(user.getCompanyName()).getId(); Map<String, String> map = checkGroupName(companyId, groupName); if (map != null && map.size() > 0) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild group name,name already exists: " + groupName); Project project = null; try { project = ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectByNameAndCompanyId(projectName, companyId); if (project == null) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild project name: " + projectName); } catch (Exception e) { } GlobalSightLocale locale = GSDataFactory.localeFromCode(sourceLocale.trim()); if (locale == null) return makeErrorXml(CREATE_JOB_GROUP, "Invaild source locale."); String xml = saveJobGroup(groupName, project, locale, companyId, user.getUserId()); return xml; } private String saveJobGroup(String groupName, Project project, GlobalSightLocale locale, long companyId, String userId) { JobGroup group = new JobGroup(); group.setName(groupName); group.setProject((ProjectImpl) project); group.setSourceLocale(locale); group.setCompanyId(companyId); group.setCreateDate(new Date()); group.setCreateUserId(userId); try {; } catch (Exception e) { } StringBuffer subXML = new StringBuffer(); subXML.append("<JobGroup>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t<id>").append(group.getId()).append("</id>\r\n"); subXML.append("\t<name>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(groupName)).append("</name>\r\n"); subXML.append("</JobGroup>\r\n"); return subXML.toString(); } private Map<String, String> checkGroupName(long companyId, String groupName) { Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String sql = "SELECT JG.ID,JG.NAME FROM JOB_GROUP JG WHERE JG.COMPANY_ID = :companyId AND JG.NAME= :groupName"; paramMap.put("companyId", companyId + ""); paramMap.put("groupName", groupName); List result = (List) HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql.toString(), paramMap); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Object[] bs = (Object[]) result.get(i); map.put(bs[1].toString(), bs[0].toString()); } return map; } /** * Add job to group * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param groupId * --can not be empty * @param jobId * --can not be empty,like "126" or "126,127,128" * * @return Returns true if successful * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String addJobToGroup(String p_accessToken, String groupId, String jobId) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken)) return makeErrorXml(ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP, "Invaild access token."); // Check access token checkAccess(p_accessToken, ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(groupId)) return makeErrorXml(ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP, "Invaild group id."); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jobId)) return makeErrorXml(ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP, "Invaild job id."); long projectId; JobGroup jobGroup = HibernateUtil.get(JobGroup.class, Long.parseLong(groupId)); if (jobGroup == null) return makeErrorXml(ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP, "Invaild group id."); projectId = jobGroup.getProject().getId(); String[] jobIdArr = jobId.split(","); String errorJobId = ""; String existInGroup = ""; for (String id : jobIdArr) { JobImpl job = HibernateUtil.get(JobImpl.class, Long.parseLong(id)); if (job.getGroupId() != null) { if (existInGroup != "") existInGroup += ","; existInGroup += id; continue; } if (job == null || (projectId != job.getProjectId())) { if (errorJobId != "") errorJobId += ","; errorJobId += id; } } if (existInGroup.trim().length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP, "Job id (" + existInGroup + ") already in the group."); } if (errorJobId.trim().length() > 0) { return makeErrorXml(ADD_JOB_TO_GROUP, "Invaild job id :" + errorJobId); } String message = saveJobToGroup(groupId, jobId); return message; } private String saveJobToGroup(String groupId, String jobId) { boolean success = false; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("UPDATE JOB SET ").append("GROUP_ID = ").append(groupId).append(" WHERE ID IN (").append(jobId) .append(")"); try { HibernateUtil.executeSql(sql.toString()); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { success = false; } if (success) return "Added successfully !"; return "Add Failed !"; } /** * Check TM export status by indentify key. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_identifyKey * -- -- identifyKey to help locate where the export file is. * @return xml string if failed or in progress,it is like * "<exportStatus><status>failed|inprogress</status><url></url></exportStatus>" * if finished,it is like * "<exportStatus><status>finished</status><url></url></exportStatus>" * . * @throws WebServiceException * */ public String getTmExportStatus(String p_accessToken, String p_identifyKey) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken)) return makeErrorXml(TM_EXPORT_STATUS, "Invaild access token."); // Check access token checkAccess(p_accessToken, TM_EXPORT_STATUS); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; StringBuilder returnXml = null; try { User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName()); activityArgs.put("p_identifyKey", p_identifyKey); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getTmExportStatus", activityArgs); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_identifyKey)) return makeErrorXml(TM_EXPORT_STATUS, "Invaild identifyKey."); returnXml = new StringBuilder(XML_HEAD); String root = AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl(); String superFSDir = AmbFileStoragePathUtils.getFileStorageDirPath(1).replace("\\", "/"); String directory = ExportUtil.getExportDirectory(); directory = directory.replace("\\", "/"); String path = directory.substring(directory.indexOf(superFSDir) + superFSDir.length()); path = root + "/DownloadTM" + path + "/" + p_identifyKey + "/"; String failed = directory + "/" + p_identifyKey + "/" + "failed"; String inprogress = directory + "/" + p_identifyKey + "/" + "inprogress"; File failedFile = new File(failed); File inporgressFile = new File(inprogress); returnXml.append("<exportStatus>\r\n"); if (failedFile.exists()) { returnXml.append("\t<status>").append("failed").append("</status>\r\n"); returnXml.append("\t<url></url>\r\n"); } else if (inporgressFile.exists() && !failedFile.exists()) { returnXml.append("\t<status>").append("exporting").append("</status>\r\n"); returnXml.append("\t<url></url>\r\n"); } else { try { File file = new File(directory + "/" + p_identifyKey); String fileName = file.list()[0]; if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") || fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tmx")) { String zipPath = directory + "/" + p_identifyKey + "/"; String zipName = null; if (fileName.endsWith(".xml")) { zipName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".xml")) + ".zip"; zipPath += zipName; path += zipName; } else if (fileName.endsWith(".tmx")) { zipName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".tmx")) + ".zip"; zipPath += zipName; path += zipName; } String xmlPath = directory + "/" + p_identifyKey + "/" + fileName; compressionXml(zipPath, new File(xmlPath)); } else { path += fileName; } } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(TM_EXPORT_STATUS, "Compression is incorrect."); } returnXml.append("\t<status>").append("finished").append("</status>\r\n"); returnXml.append("\t<url>").append(path).append("</url>\r\n"); } returnXml.append("</exportStatus>\r\n"); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return returnXml.toString(); } public String exportTM(String p_accessToken, String p_tmName, String p_languages, String p_startDate, String p_finishDate, String p_exportFormat, String p_exportedFileName) throws WebServiceException { String returnXml = exportTM(p_accessToken, p_tmName, p_languages, p_startDate, p_finishDate, p_exportFormat, p_exportedFileName, null); return returnXml; } /** * Export TM data. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_tmName * -- TM name to export,can not be empty * @param p_languages * -- language to export like "de_DE,fr_FR" or "fr_FR" or empty. * If empty, export all. * @param p_startDate * -- start time in "yyyyMMdd" format,on this day of all time * periods will be included,can not be empty. * @param p_finishDate * -- finish time in "yyyyMMdd" format,on this day of all time * periods will be included,can be empty, if empty, use current * time. * @param p_exportFormat * -- export file formats: "GMX" and "TMX1.4b". * @param p_exportedFileName * -- specified file name, if empty, use GlobalSight default name * like "tm_export_n.tmx" or "tm_export_n.xml". * @param p_projectNames * -- project name to export like * "project_name_01,project_name_02" or "project_name_01" or * empty. * @return identifyKey -- to help locate where the exported file is. * @throws WebServiceException * */ public String exportTM(String p_accessToken, String p_tmName, String p_languages, String p_startDate, String p_finishDate, String p_exportFormat, String p_exportedFileName, String p_projectNames) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken)) return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild access token."); // Check access token checkAccess(p_accessToken, EXPORT_TM); WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; String identifyKey = null; try { User loggedUser = getUser(getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken)); Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggedUser.getUserName()); activityArgs.put("p_tmName", p_tmName); activityArgs.put("p_languages", p_languages); activityArgs.put("p_startDate", p_startDate); activityArgs.put("p_finishDate", p_finishDate); activityArgs.put("p_exportFormat", p_exportFormat); activityArgs.put("p_exportedFileName", p_exportedFileName); activityArgs.put("p_projectNames", p_projectNames); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "exportTM", activityArgs); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_tmName)) return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild tm name."); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_exportedFileName)) { String specialChars = "~!@#$%^&*()+=[]\\';,./{}|\":<>?"; for (int i = 0; i < p_exportedFileName.trim().length(); i++) { char c = p_exportedFileName.trim().charAt(i); if (specialChars.indexOf(c) > -1) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, ERROR_EXPORT_FILE_NAME); } } } if (p_exportedFileName != null && p_exportedFileName.length() > 0) p_exportedFileName = p_exportedFileName.trim(); if (p_exportedFileName != null && p_exportedFileName.length() == 0) p_exportedFileName = null; IExportManager exporter = null; String options = null; String startDate = null; String finishDate = null; String fileType = null; try { exporter = TmManagerLocal.getProjectTmExporter(p_tmName); options = exporter.getExportOptions(); } catch (Exception e) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild tm name."); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_startDate)) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild start date."); } else { startDate = checkDate(p_startDate); if (startDate.equals("error")) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild start date."); } } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(p_finishDate)) { finishDate = checkDate(p_finishDate); if (finishDate.equals("error")) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild finish date."); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); try { Date fshDate = sdf.parse(finishDate); Date staDate = sdf.parse(startDate); if (fshDate.before(staDate)) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild start date and finish date."); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_languages)) { String[] languageArr = p_languages.split(","); for (String lang : languageArr) { lang = lang.replace("-", "_"); GlobalSightLocale locale = GSDataFactory.localeFromCode(lang.trim()); if (locale == null) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild language : " + lang); } } p_languages = p_languages.replace("-", "_"); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_projectNames)) { String specialChars = "~!@#$%^&*()+=[]\\\';./{}|\":<>?"; for (int i = 0; i < p_projectNames.trim().length(); i++) { char c = p_projectNames.trim().charAt(i); if (specialChars.indexOf(c) > -1) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, ERROR_EXPORT_PROJECT_NAMES); } } } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_exportFormat) || !p_exportFormat.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("GMX") && !p_exportFormat.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("TMX1.4b")) return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild export format."); if (p_exportFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("GMX")) { fileType = "xml"; } else if (p_exportFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("TMX1.4b")) { fileType = "tmx2"; } if (options != null) { String directory = ExportUtil.getExportDirectory(); identifyKey = AmbassadorUtil.getRandomFeed(); directory = directory + "/" + identifyKey + "/" + "inprogress"; new File(directory).mkdirs(); options = joinXml(options, startDate, finishDate, fileType, p_languages, p_exportedFileName, p_projectNames); try { exporter.setExportOptions(options); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_exportedFileName)) { options = exporter.analyzeTm(); } // pass down new options from client exporter.setExportOptions(options); (( exporter.getExportOptionsObject()) .setIdentifyKey(identifyKey); exporter.doExport(); } catch (Exception e) { ExportUtil.handleTmExportFlagFile(identifyKey, "failed", true); } } } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } return identifyKey; } /** * TM full text search. * * @param p_accessToken * @param p_string * --Search text,can not be empty. * @param p_tmNames * --TM name,can not be empty. * @param p_sourceLocale * --Source locale,like 'en_US',can not be empty. * @param p_targetLocale * --Target locale,like 'de_DE',can not be empty. * @param p_dateType * --The type of search by time,like 'create' or 'modify',can be * empty. * @param p_startDate * --Start time in "yyyyMMdd" format, on this day of all time * periods will be included, can be empty. * @param p_finishDate * -- Finish time in "yyyyMMdd" format, on this day of all time * periods will be included, can be empty. * @param p_companyName * --Company name.If super user,compay name is subsidiaries name. * If not super user,company name is the login user of the * company. * */ public String tmFullTextSearch(String p_accessToken, String p_string, String p_tmNames, String p_sourceLocale, String p_targetLocale, String p_dateType, String p_startDate, String p_finishDate, String p_companyName) throws WebServiceException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_accessToken)) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild access token."); // Check access token checkAccess(p_accessToken, TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH); String errorXml = checkParamters(p_accessToken, p_string, p_tmNames, p_sourceLocale, p_targetLocale, p_dateType, p_startDate, p_finishDate, p_companyName); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(errorXml)) return errorXml; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_dateType)) p_dateType = "create"; StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(XML_HEAD); LocaleManager lm = ServerProxy.getLocaleManager(); try { Date startDate = parseStartDate(p_startDate); Date endDate = parseEndDate(p_finishDate); boolean searchInSource = true; Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(p_companyName); GlobalSightLocale sourceGSL = lm.getLocaleByString(p_sourceLocale); GlobalSightLocale targetGSL = lm.getLocaleByString(p_targetLocale); // get all selected TMS ArrayList<Tm> tmList = new ArrayList<Tm>(); String[] tmNameArray = p_tmNames.split(","); for (String tmName : tmNameArray) { tmList.add(getProjectTm(tmName, company.getId())); } // do search TmCoreManager mgr = LingServerProxy.getTmCoreManager(); List<TMidTUid> queryResult = mgr.tmConcordanceQuery(tmList, p_string, searchInSource ? sourceGSL : targetGSL, searchInSource ? targetGSL : sourceGSL, null); xml.append("<segments>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<sourceLocale>").append(sourceGSL.getDisplayName()).append("</sourceLocale>\r\n"); xml.append("\t<targetLocale>").append(targetGSL.getDisplayName()).append("</targetLocale>\r\n"); // Get all TUS by queryResult, then get all needed properties List<SegmentTmTu> tus = LingServerProxy.getTmCoreManager().getSegmentsById(queryResult); for (int i = 0, max = tus.size(); i < max; i++) { SegmentTmTu tu = tus.get(i); if (tu == null) { continue; } long tuId = tu.getId(); BaseTmTuv srcTuv = tu.getFirstTuv(sourceGSL); if (startDate != null || endDate != null) { if (p_dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("create")) { Date creationDate = format.parse(format.format(srcTuv.getCreationDate())); boolean checkSrcDate = checkCreatetionDate(creationDate, startDate, endDate); if (!checkSrcDate) continue; } else if (p_dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("modify")) { Date modifyDate = format.parse(format.format(srcTuv.getModifyDate())); boolean checkSrcDate = checkCreatetionDate(modifyDate, startDate, endDate); if (!checkSrcDate) continue; } } TmxWriter.convertTuvToTmxLevel(tu, (SegmentTmTuv) srcTuv, TmxWriter.TMX_LEVEL_2); xml.append("\t<segment>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<sourceSegment>").append(GxmlUtil.stripRootTag(srcTuv.getSegment())) .append("</sourceSegment>\r\n"); BaseTmTuv trgTuv; Collection targetTuvs = tu.getTuvList(targetGSL); for (Iterator it = targetTuvs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { trgTuv = (BaseTmTuv); TmxWriter.convertTuvToTmxLevel(tu, (SegmentTmTuv) trgTuv, TmxWriter.TMX_LEVEL_2); xml.append("\t\t<targetSegment>").append(GxmlUtil.stripRootTag(trgTuv.getSegment())) .append("</targetSegment>\r\n"); String sid = trgTuv.getSid(); long tuvId = trgTuv.getId(); if (null == sid) { sid = "N/A"; } long tmId = trgTuv.getTu().getTmId(); xml.append("\t\t<sid>").append(EditUtil.encodeXmlEntities(sid)).append("</sid>\r\n"); xml.append("\t\t<tmName>") .append(ServerProxy.getProjectHandler().getProjectTMById(tmId, false).getName()) .append("</tmName>\r\n"); } xml.append("\t</segment>\r\n"); } xml.append("</segments>\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (xml.toString().length() > 0) return xml.toString(); return "No matching content !"; } private boolean checkCreatetionDate(Date creationDate, Date startDate, Date endDate) { if (startDate != null && endDate == null) { if (!creationDate.after(startDate) && !creationDate.equals(startDate)) { return false; } } else if (startDate == null && endDate != null) { if (!creationDate.before(endDate) && creationDate.equals(endDate)) { return false; } } else if (startDate != null && endDate != null) { if ((!creationDate.after(startDate) && !creationDate.equals(startDate)) || (!creationDate.before(endDate) && !creationDate.equals(endDate))) { return false; } } return true; } private Date parseStartDate(String dateStr) { SimpleDateFormat sfm1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmmss"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(dateStr)) { try { dateStr += " 000000"; return sfm1.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } private Date parseEndDate(String dateStr) { SimpleDateFormat sfm1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmmss"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(dateStr)) { try { dateStr += " 235959"; return sfm1.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } private String checkParamters(String p_accessToken, String p_string, String p_tmNames, String p_sourceLocale, String p_targetLocale, String p_dateType, String p_startDate, String p_finishDate, String p_companyName) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_string)) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild search string."); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_tmNames)) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild tm name."); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_sourceLocale)) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild source locale."); GlobalSightLocale sourceLocale = GSDataFactory.localeFromCode(p_sourceLocale); if (sourceLocale == null) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild source locale."); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_targetLocale)) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild target locale."); GlobalSightLocale targetLocale = GSDataFactory.localeFromCode(p_targetLocale); if (targetLocale == null) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild target locale."); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_dateType)) { if (!p_dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("create") && !p_dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("modify")) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild date type."); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(p_companyName)) return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild company name."); String userName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); Company logUserCompany = getCompanyInfo(userName); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(String.valueOf(logUserCompany.getId()))) { if (!logUserCompany.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(p_companyName)) { return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, "Invaild company name."); } else { String[] tmNameArr = p_tmNames.split(","); for (String tmName : tmNameArr) { ProjectTM projectTm = getProjectTm(tmName, logUserCompany.getId()); if (projectTm == null) { return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, tmName + " is invaild tm name."); } } } } else { try { Company company = ServerProxy.getJobHandler().getCompany(p_companyName); String[] tmNameArr = p_tmNames.split(","); for (String tmName : tmNameArr) { ProjectTM projectTm = getProjectTm(tmName, company.getId()); if (projectTm == null) { return makeErrorXml(TM_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH, tmName + "is invaild tm name."); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String startDate = null; String finishDate = null; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(p_startDate)) { startDate = checkDate(p_startDate); if (startDate.equals("error")) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild start date."); } } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(p_finishDate)) { finishDate = checkDate(p_finishDate); if (finishDate.equals("error")) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild finish date."); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); try { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(startDate)) { Date fshDate = sdf.parse(finishDate); Date staDate = sdf.parse(startDate); if (fshDate.before(staDate)) { return makeErrorXml(EXPORT_TM, "Invaild start date and finish date."); } } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } private ProjectTM getProjectTm(String tmName, String companyId) { ProjectTM projectTM = null; try { String hql = "from ProjectTM p where = :name and p.companyId = :companyId"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("name", tmName); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(companyId)); projectTM = (ProjectTM) HibernateUtil.getFirst(hql, map); } catch (Exception e) { String[] args = new String[1]; args[0] = String.valueOf(tmName); throw new ProjectHandlerException(ProjectHandlerException.MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_PROJECT_TM_BY_ID, args, e); } return projectTM; } private String checkDate(String strDate) { String formatDate = null; try { SimpleDateFormat sfm1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); SimpleDateFormat sfm2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); formatDate = sfm2.format(sfm1.parse(strDate)); } catch (Exception e) { return "error"; } return formatDate; } private String joinXml(String xml, String startDate, String finishDate, String fileType, String languages, String exportedFileName, String projectNames) throws WebServiceException { Document doc = null; try { doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); Element rootElt = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator fileIter = rootElt.elementIterator("fileOptions"); while (fileIter.hasNext()) { Element fileEle = (Element); if (exportedFileName != null) { Element fileNameElem = fileEle.element("fileName"); if (fileType.equals("xml")) { fileNameElem.setText(exportedFileName + ".xml"); } else if (fileType.equals("tmx2")) { fileNameElem.setText(exportedFileName + ".tmx"); } } Element fileTypeElem = fileEle.element("fileType"); fileTypeElem.setText(fileType); Element fileEncodingElem = fileEle.element("fileEncoding"); fileEncodingElem.setText("UTF-8"); } Iterator selectIter = rootElt.elementIterator("selectOptions"); while (selectIter.hasNext()) { Element selectEle = (Element); Element selectModeElem = selectEle.element("selectMode"); // Element selectLanguage = selectEle.element("selectLanguage"); selectModeElem.setText(; // if (StringUtil.isEmpty(languages)) // { // } // else // { // selectModeElem // .setText(; // selectLanguage.setText(languages); // } } Iterator filterIter = rootElt.elementIterator("filterOptions"); while (filterIter.hasNext()) { Element filterEle = (Element); Element createdafterElem = filterEle.element("createdafter"); createdafterElem.setText(startDate); Element createdbeforeElem = filterEle.element("createdbefore"); Element language = filterEle.element("language"); Element projectName = filterEle.element("projectName"); if (finishDate == null) { Date nowDate = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); String nowDateStr = sdf.format(nowDate); createdbeforeElem.setText(nowDateStr); } else { createdbeforeElem.setText(finishDate); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(languages)) { language.setText(languages); } if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(projectNames)) { projectName.setText(projectNames); } } Iterator outputIter = rootElt.elementIterator("outputOptions"); while (outputIter.hasNext()) { Element outputEle = (Element); Element systemFields = outputEle.element("systemFields"); systemFields.setText("true"); } String xmlDoc = doc.asXML(); return xmlDoc.substring(xmlDoc.indexOf("<exportOptions>")); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } private void compressionXml(String zipFileName, File inputFile) { try { ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFileName)); out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(inputFile.getName())); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile); int b; while ((b = != -1) { out.write(b); } inputStream.close(); inputFile.delete(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Get a link for in context review for specified task ID. User need not * logging in GlobalSight. * * @param p_accessToken * -- login user's token * @param p_taskId * -- task ID * @return A link like * "" * . * * @throws WebServiceException */ public String getInContextReviewLink(String p_accessToken, String p_taskId) throws WebServiceException { checkAccess(p_accessToken, GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK); try { Assert.assertNotEmpty(p_accessToken, "Access token"); Assert.assertIsInteger(p_taskId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return makeErrorXml(GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK, e.getMessage()); } String loggingUserName = getUsernameFromSession(p_accessToken); String userId = UserUtil.getUserIdByName(loggingUserName); Task task = null; try { task = TaskHelper.getTask(Long.parseLong(p_taskId)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = "Failed to get task object by taskId : " + p_taskId; return makeErrorXml(GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK, message); } if (task == null) { return makeErrorXml(GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK, "Can not get task by taskID."); } if (task.getState() == Task.STATE_COMPLETED) { return makeErrorXml(GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK, "The current task has been in completed state."); } WebServicesLog.Start activityStart = null; try { Map<Object, Object> activityArgs = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); activityArgs.put("loggedUserName", loggingUserName); activityArgs.put("taskId", p_taskId); activityStart = WebServicesLog.start(Ambassador.class, "getInContextReviewLink(p_accessToken, p_taskId)", activityArgs); User pm = task.getWorkflow().getJob().getProject().getProjectManager(); WorkflowTaskInstance wfTask = ServerProxy.getWorkflowServer().getWorkflowTaskInstance(userId, task.getId(), WorkflowConstants.TASK_ALL_STATES); task.setWorkflowTask(wfTask); List allAssignees = task.getAllAssignees(); if (allAssignees != null && allAssignees.size() > 0) { if (!allAssignees.contains(userId) && !userId.equalsIgnoreCase(pm.getUserId())) { String message = "'" + userId + "' is neither acceptor/available assignee of current task nor project manager."; logger.warn(message); return makeErrorXml(GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK, message); } } StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append(AmbassadorUtil.getCapLoginOrPublicUrl()); link.append("/ControlServlet?linkName=self&pageName=inctxrvED1&secret="); StringBuffer secret = new StringBuffer(); secret.append("taskId=").append(p_taskId.trim()).append("&nameField=").append(loggingUserName); link.append(AmbassadorUtil.encryptionString(secret.toString())); return link.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); String message = "Failed to get In Context Review Link for taskId : " + p_taskId; return makeErrorXml(GET_IN_CONTEXT_REVIEW_LINK, message); } finally { if (activityStart != null) { activityStart.end(); } } } }