Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014, German Neuroinformatics Node (G-Node) * Copyright (c) 2014, Shumail Mohy-ud-Din <> (2014 Version) * License: BSD-3 (See LICENSE) */ package com.g_node.gca.abstracts; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import android.text.util.Linkify; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.webkit.WebView; import com.g_node.gcaa.R; public class AbstractContentTabFragment extends Fragment { String gtag = "GCA-Abs-Con"; boolean isFav; MenuItem starG; WebView content; TextView title; TextView topic; TextView afName; TextView authorNames; TextView ConRefs; TextView ConAck; TextView absSortID; Button btnOpenAbstractFig; private String value; Cursor cursor, cursorOne, cursorTwo, referenceCursor; @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { setHasOptionsMenu(true); View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_abstracts_content, container, false); Log.i("GCA-Abs-Frag", "Abstract Content Fragment onCreateViews"); return rootView; } @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); Log.i("GCA-Abs-Frag", "Abstract Content Fragment onViewCreated"); /* * Initializing fields */ initial_UI(); resetAllFields(); /* * Getting UUID of intent that's detail is to be shown. */ value = TabsPagerAdapter.getValue(); Log.i("GCA-Abs-Frag", "new value: " + value); /* * Run SQL Queries to fetch data from database. */ fetchBasicAbstractDataFromDB(); /* * Fetch Authors name for abstract and update author name fields */ fetchAndUpdateAuthorsDataFromDB(); /* * Get Affiliation Name for associate abstracts - and update affiliations view */ fetchAndUpdateAffiliationNamesFromDB(); /* * Getting the title of Abstract - and update abstract title view */ getAndUpdateAbstractTitle(); /* * Set Title to BOLD */ title.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); /* * Getting Topic of the Abstract - and update abstract topic view */ getAndUpdateAbstractTopic(); /* * Get Abstract Content/Text from Cursor and display - update abstract Text view */ getAndUpdateAbstractContent(); /* * Get acknowledgements for Abstract and display - update abstract acknowldegement view */ getAndUpdateAbstractAcknowledgements(); /* * Get References from database and display - Update references view */ getAndUpdateAbstractReferences(); /* * Get associated Figures from database and set button enabled/disabled - */ getAndUpdateAbstractFiguresBtn(); } //end onViewCreated @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Log.i("GCA-Abs-Frag", "AbstractContent Fragment - on Destroy"); } private void initial_UI() { /* * TextView for Abstract Text */ content = (WebView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Abstract Title */ title = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Abstract Topic */ topic = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Abstract Author */ authorNames = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Affiliation Name */ afName = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Reference */ ConRefs = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Acknowledgments */ ConAck = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * TextView for Acknowledgments */ absSortID = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; /* * Clickable for showing images assosiated with Abstract */ btnOpenAbstractFig = (Button) getView().findViewById(; } //end intialUI /* * Function for executing SQL Queries that fetch next/prev or current abstract data */ private void fetchBasicAbstractDataFromDB() { Log.i(gtag, "SQLQueries function"); String nextAbstractData = "SELECT UUID AS _id , TOPIC, TITLE, " + "ABSRACT_TEXT, STATE, SORTID, REASONFORTALK, MTIME, TYPE,DOI, COI, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS " + "FROM ABSTRACT_DETAILS WHERE _id = '" + value + "';"; //Cursor with next Abstract Data cursorTwo = DatabaseHelper.database.rawQuery(nextAbstractData, null); } /* * Function for getting Author Names for the abstract & add to the view */ private void fetchAndUpdateAuthorsDataFromDB() { //Query for getting author name, email, position, affiliation data for the particular Abstract String authorSQLQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT AUTHORS_DETAILS.AUTHOR_FIRST_NAME, " + "AUTHOR_MIDDLE_NAME, AUTHOR_LAST_NAME, AUTHOR_EMAIL, " + "ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION.AUTHOR_AFFILIATION, " + "ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION.AUTHOR_POSITION " + "FROM AUTHORS_DETAILS JOIN ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION USING (AUTHOR_UUID) " + "WHERE AUTHORS_DETAILS.AUTHOR_UUID IN " + "(SELECT AUTHOR_UUID FROM ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION WHERE ABSTRACT_UUID = '" + value + "') " + "AND ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION.AUTHOR_POSITION IN " + "(SELECT AUTHOR_POSITION FROM ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION WHERE ABSTRACT_UUID = '" + value + "') " + "ORDER BY AUTHOR_POSITION ASC;"; cursor = DatabaseHelper.database.rawQuery(authorSQLQuery, null); Log.i(gtag, "Auth executed query: rows = " + cursor.getCount()); List<String> abstractAuthorNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { Log.i(gtag, "in DO WHILE"); String authEmail = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AUTHOR_EMAIL")); Log.i(gtag, "author email => " + authEmail); String authorName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AUTHOR_FIRST_NAME")) + " " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AUTHOR_LAST_NAME")); String authAffiliation = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AUTHOR_AFFILIATION")); //remove unwanted characters from affiliation superscript id's String authAffiliationINTs = authAffiliation.replaceAll("[^0-9][,]", ""); //pattern to get the digits so to increment those by one later so affiliation numbering starts from 1 instead of 0 Pattern digitPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d)"); // EDIT: Increment each digit. Matcher matcher = digitPattern.matcher(authAffiliationINTs); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement(result, String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt( + 1)); } matcher.appendTail(result); authAffiliation = result.toString(); if (abstractAuthorNames.indexOf(authorName) == -1) { abstractAuthorNames.add(authorName); if (authEmail == null || authEmail.equals("null")) { Log.i(gtag, "in author check - IF NULL"); authorNames.append(Html.fromHtml( "<b>" + authorName + "</b><sup><small>" + authAffiliation + "</small></sup><br/>")); } else { Log.i(gtag, "in author check - ELSE "); //authorNames.append(Html.fromHtml("<b><a href=\"mailto:" + authEmail + "\">" + authorName + "</a>" + "</b><sup><small>" // + authAffiliation + "</small></sup><br/>")); //authorNames.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); authorNames.append(Html.fromHtml( "<b>" + authorName + "</b><sup><small>" + authAffiliation + "</small></sup><br/>")); } } else { ; } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } } //end authorName function /* *Function for getting affiliation names for that abstract and adding to the view */ private void fetchAndUpdateAffiliationNamesFromDB() { //SQL Query for getting affiliation data, position for the particular abstract String affiliationsSQLQuery = "SELECT AFFILIATION_ADDRESS, AFFILIATION_COUNTRY, " + "AFFILIATION_DEPARTMENT, AFFILIATION_SECTION, AFFILIATION_POSITION " + "FROM AFFILIATION_DETAILS JOIN ABSTRACT_AFFILIATION_ID_POSITION USING (AFFILIATION_UUID) " + "WHERE AFFILIATION_UUID IN " + "(SELECT AFFILIATION_UUID FROM ABSTRACT_AFFILIATION_ID_POSITION " + "WHERE ABSTRACT_UUID = '" + value + "') " + "ORDER BY AFFILIATION_POSITION ASC;"; cursorOne = DatabaseHelper.database.rawQuery(affiliationsSQLQuery, null); Log.i(gtag, "Affiliation executed query: rows = " + cursorOne.getCount()); if (cursorOne != null && cursorOne.moveToFirst()) { do { Log.i(gtag, "in DO WHILE aff"); String[] aff_array = { cursorOne.getString(cursorOne.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AFFILIATION_SECTION")), cursorOne.getString(cursorOne.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AFFILIATION_DEPARTMENT")), cursorOne.getString(cursorOne.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AFFILIATION_ADDRESS")), cursorOne.getString(cursorOne.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AFFILIATION_COUNTRY")) }; String affName = ""; for (String txt : aff_array) { if (!txt.equals("null")) { affName = affName + txt + ","; } } affName = affName.substring(0, affName.length() - 1); int affPos = cursorOne.getInt(cursorOne.getColumnIndexOrThrow("AFFILIATION_POSITION")); affPos++; afName.append(Html.fromHtml(affPos + ": " + "<b>" + affName + "</b><br/>")); } while (cursorOne.moveToNext()); } } //end affiliationName /* *Function for getting abstract title and adding to the view */ private void getAndUpdateAbstractTitle() { cursorTwo.moveToFirst(); do { String getTitle = cursorTwo.getString(cursorTwo.getColumnIndexOrThrow("TITLE")); title.setText(getTitle); } while (cursorTwo.moveToNext()); } /* *Function for getting abstract topic and adding to the view */ private void getAndUpdateAbstractTopic() { cursorTwo.moveToFirst(); do { String getTopic = cursorTwo.getString(cursorTwo.getColumnIndexOrThrow("TOPIC")); topic.setText(getTopic); } while (cursorTwo.moveToNext()); } /* *Function for getting abstract referenes and adding to the view */ private void getAndUpdateAbstractReferences() { String referenceSQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM ABSTRACT_REFERENCES WHERE ABSTRACT_UUID = '" + value + "';"; referenceCursor = DatabaseHelper.database.rawQuery(referenceSQLQuery, null); String referenceName; if (referenceCursor != null && referenceCursor.moveToFirst()) { int refNumber = 1; do { Log.i(gtag, "in DO WHILE References"); String ref_txt = referenceCursor.getString(referenceCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("REF_TEXT")); String ref_link = referenceCursor.getString(referenceCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("REF_LINK")); String ref_doi = referenceCursor.getString(referenceCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("REF_DOI")); if (!ref_txt.equals("null")) { referenceName = ref_txt; } else if (!ref_link.equals("null")) { referenceName = ref_link; } else if (!ref_doi.equals("null")) { referenceName = ref_doi; } else { referenceName = ""; } ConRefs.append(Html.fromHtml(refNumber + ": " + referenceName + "<br/>")); refNumber++; } while (referenceCursor.moveToNext()); } } /* *Function for getting acknowledgements for that abstract and adding to the view */ private void getAndUpdateAbstractAcknowledgements() { cursorTwo.moveToFirst(); do { String acknowledgements = cursorTwo.getString(cursorTwo.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS")); if (acknowledgements.length() > 0) { if (acknowledgements.equals("null")) { ConAck.append(""); } else { ConAck.append(acknowledgements + "\n"); } } } while (cursorTwo.moveToNext()); } /* * Function for getting abstract text & parsing of SortID and adding to the view */ private void getAndUpdateAbstractContent() { cursorTwo.moveToFirst(); do { String Text = cursorTwo.getString(cursorTwo.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ABSRACT_TEXT")); Text = TextUtils.htmlEncode(Text); content.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); content.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(false); if (Text.contains("$")) { //if (true){ content.loadDataWithBaseURL("http://bar", "<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>" + "MathJax.Hub.Config({ " + "showMathMenu: false, " + "jax: ['input/TeX','output/HTML-CSS'], " + "tex2jax: {inlineMath: [ ['$','$']],displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'] ],processEscapes: true}," + "extensions: ['tex2jax.js'], " + "TeX: { extensions: ['AMSmath.js','AMSsymbols.js'," + "'noErrors.js','noUndefined.js'] }, " + "});</script>" + "<script type='text/javascript' " + "src='file:///android_asset/MathJax/MathJax.js'" + "></script><span id='math'>" + Text + "</span>", "text/html", "UTF-8", ""); content.loadUrl("javascript:MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset',MathJax.Hub]);"); } else { content.loadDataWithBaseURL("http://bar", Text, "text/html", "UTF-8", ""); } } while (cursorTwo.moveToNext()); //parsing SortID to extract group id & poster number and add it to abstract text body. cursorTwo.moveToFirst(); int sortID = cursorTwo.getInt(cursorTwo.getColumnIndexOrThrow("SORTID")); Log.i("GCA-SortID", "Sort ID: " + sortID); if (sortID != 0) { int groupid = ((sortID & (0xFFFF << 16)) >> 16); int poster_no = sortID & 0xFFFF; Log.i("GCA-groupid", "groupid: " + groupid); Log.i("GCA-posterno", "Poster Nr: " + poster_no); //absSortID.append("\r\nSort ID: " + sortID); title.append(" (" + get_groupid_str(groupid)); title.append("" + poster_no + ")"); } else { absSortID.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /* * Method mapping groupid to the corresponding String */ private String get_groupid_str(int groupid) { String[] id2str = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.groupid2str); //String[] id2str = {"Talk","Contributed Talk","W","T"}; return id2str[groupid]; } /* * Function for getting abstract figures and updating the button */ private void getAndUpdateAbstractFiguresBtn() { String getFiguresQuery = "SELECT * FROM ABSTRACT_FIGURES WHERE ABSTRACT_UUID = '" + value + "';"; Cursor absFiguresCursor = DatabaseHelper.database.rawQuery(getFiguresQuery, null); if (absFiguresCursor.getCount() > 0) { btnOpenAbstractFig.setText("Show Figures" + " (" + absFiguresCursor.getCount() + ")"); btnOpenAbstractFig.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { //if Internet is connected if (isNetworkAvailable()) { //check if interent is WIFI ConnectivityManager connManager = (ConnectivityManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo mWifi = connManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI); NetworkInfo mMobile = connManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE); if (mWifi.isConnected()) { //Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Connected via WLAN", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Intent figuresIntent = new Intent(getActivity(), AbstractFiguresActivity.class); figuresIntent.putExtra("abs_uuid", value); startActivity(figuresIntent); } else if (mMobile.isConnected()) { //if connected with mobile data - 2G, 3G, 4G etc //Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Connected via Mobile Internet", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); builder.setTitle("Additional Traffic Warning").setMessage( "Downloading of Figures over Mobile Internet may create additional Traffic. Do you want to Continue ?") .setPositiveButton("Continue", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // if user Agrees to continue Intent figuresIntent = new Intent(getActivity(), AbstractFiguresActivity.class); figuresIntent.putExtra("abs_uuid", value); startActivity(figuresIntent); } }).setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // Handle Cancel dialog.cancel(); } }).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert).show(); } else { ; } //end if/else of wlan/mobile } else { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Not Connected to Internet - Please connect to Internet first", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } //end if/else of isNetworkAvailable } }); } else { btnOpenAbstractFig.setText("No Figures Found"); btnOpenAbstractFig.setEnabled(false); //btnOpenAbstractFig.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /* * Function for resetting all the fields */ private void resetAllFields() { title.setText(""); topic.setText(""); content.loadData("", "text/html", "utf-8"); ConRefs.setText(""); afName.setText(""); authorNames.setText(""); ConAck.setText(""); absSortID.setText(""); } //Helper method to determine if Internet connection is available. private boolean isNetworkAvailable() { ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); return activeNetworkInfo != null && activeNetworkInfo.isConnected(); } } //end class