Java tutorial
/* * Created by Angel Leon (@gubatron), Alden Torres (aldenml) * Copyright (c) 2011-2017, FrostWire(R). All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.frostwire.bittorrent.BTEngine; import com.frostwire.jlibtorrent.FileStorage; import com.frostwire.jlibtorrent.TcpEndpoint; import com.frostwire.jlibtorrent.TorrentInfo; import com.frostwire.jlibtorrent.swig.add_torrent_params; import com.frostwire.jlibtorrent.swig.error_code; import com.frostwire.jlibtorrent.swig.tcp_endpoint_vector; import com.frostwire.transfers.Transfer; import com.frostwire.util.JsonUtils; import com.frostwire.util.Ref; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * @author gubatron * @author aldenml */ public final class HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog extends AbstractConfirmListDialog<HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog.TorrentFileEntry> { private TorrentInfo torrentInfo; private String magnetUri; private long torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId; private static final String BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_INFO_DATA = "torrentInfoData"; private static final String BUNDLE_KEY_MAGNET_URI = "magnetUri"; private static final String BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_FETCHER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_ID = "torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId"; // non-void constructors must be avoided when creating dialogs. use setArguments instead public HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog() { super(); } public static HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog newInstance(Context ctx, TorrentInfo tinfo, String magnetUri, long torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId) { // // ideas: - pre-selected file(s) to just check the one(s) // - passing a file path // - passing a byte[] to create the tinfo from. final HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog dlg = new HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog(); // this creates a bundle that gets passed to setArguments(). It's supposed to be ready // before the dialog is attached to the underlying activity, after we attach to it, then // we are able to use such Bundle to create our adapter. final TorrentFileEntryList torrentInfoList = getTorrentInfoList(tinfo.files()); boolean[] allChecked = new boolean[torrentInfoList.list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < allChecked.length; i++) { allChecked[i] = true; } dlg.prepareArguments(R.drawable.download_icon,, ctx.getString(R.string.pick_the_files_you_want_to_download_from_this_torrent), JsonUtils.toJson(torrentInfoList), SelectionMode.MULTIPLE_SELECTION); final Bundle arguments = dlg.getArguments(); arguments.putByteArray(BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_INFO_DATA, tinfo.bencode()); arguments.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_MAGNET_URI, magnetUri); arguments.putLong(BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_FETCHER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_ID, torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId); arguments.putBooleanArray(BUNDLE_KEY_CHECKED_OFFSETS, allChecked); return dlg; } private static TorrentFileEntryList getTorrentInfoList(FileStorage fileStorage) { TorrentFileEntryList entryList = new TorrentFileEntryList(); if (fileStorage != null && fileStorage.numFiles() > 0) { int n = fileStorage.numFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { entryList.add(new TorrentFileEntry(i, fileStorage.fileName(i), fileStorage.filePath(i), fileStorage.fileSize(i))); } } return entryList; } @Override protected View.OnClickListener createOnYesListener() { return new OnStartDownloadsClickListener(getActivity(), this); } @Override public List<TorrentFileEntry> deserializeData(String listDataInJSON) { final TorrentFileEntryList torrentFileEntryList = JsonUtils.toObject(listDataInJSON, TorrentFileEntryList.class); return torrentFileEntryList.list; } @Override public ConfirmListDialogDefaultAdapter<TorrentFileEntry> createAdapter(Context context, List<TorrentFileEntry> listData, SelectionMode selectionMode, Bundle bundle) { Collections.sort(listData, new NameComparator()); return new HandpickedTorrentFileEntriesDialogAdapter(context, listData, selectionMode); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if (outState != null && torrentInfo != null) { outState.putByteArray(BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_INFO_DATA, torrentInfo.bencode()); outState.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_MAGNET_URI, magnetUri); outState.putLong(BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_FETCHER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_ID, torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId); } super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); //saves the torrentInfo in bytes. } @Override protected void initComponents(Dialog dlg, Bundle savedInstanceState) { byte[] torrentInfoData; Bundle arguments = getArguments(); if (this.torrentInfo == null && arguments != null && (torrentInfoData = arguments.getByteArray(BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_INFO_DATA)) != null) { torrentInfo = TorrentInfo.bdecode(torrentInfoData); magnetUri = arguments.getString(BUNDLE_KEY_MAGNET_URI, null); torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId = arguments.getLong(BUNDLE_KEY_TORRENT_FETCHER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN_ID); if (torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId != -1) { setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelDownloadsClickListener(this)); } setOnYesListener(new OnStartDownloadsClickListener(dlg.getContext(), this)); } super.initComponents(dlg, savedInstanceState); } private void removeTorrentFetcherDownloadFromTransfers() { // if I was made and there was a TorrentFetcherDownload waiting for me in TransferManager if (torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId != -1) { List<Transfer> transfers = TransferManager.instance().getTransfers(); if (transfers != null && !transfers.isEmpty()) { for (Transfer i : transfers) { if (i instanceof TorrentFetcherDownload) { TorrentFetcherDownload tempTransfer = (TorrentFetcherDownload) i; if (tempTransfer.tokenId == torrentFetcherDownloadTokenId) { TransferManager.instance().remove(i); return; } } } } } } private TorrentInfo getTorrentInfo() { return torrentInfo; } public String getMagnetUri() { return magnetUri; } private static class TorrentFileEntryList { final List<TorrentFileEntry> list = new ArrayList<>(); public void add(TorrentFileEntry entry) { list.add(entry); } } static class TorrentFileEntry { private final int index; private final String name; private final String path; private final long size; TorrentFileEntry(int index, String name, String path, long size) { this.index = index; = name; this.path = path; this.size = size; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public String getDisplayName() { return name; } public String getPath() { return path; } public long getSize() { return size; } } private class HandpickedTorrentFileEntriesDialogAdapter extends ConfirmListDialogDefaultAdapter<TorrentFileEntry> { HandpickedTorrentFileEntriesDialogAdapter(Context context, List<TorrentFileEntry> list, SelectionMode selectionMode) { super(context, list, selectionMode); } @Override public CharSequence getItemTitle(TorrentFileEntry data) { return data.getDisplayName(); } @Override public long getItemSize(TorrentFileEntry data) { return data.getSize(); } @Override public CharSequence getItemThumbnailUrl(TorrentFileEntry data) { return null; } @Override public int getItemThumbnailResourceId(TorrentFileEntry data) { return MediaType.getFileTypeIconId(FilenameUtils.getExtension(data.getPath())); } @Override public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) { return super.getView(position, view, parent); } @Override public String getCheckedSum() { if (checked == null || checked.isEmpty()) { return null; } long totalBytes = 0; for (TorrentFileEntry entry : (Set<TorrentFileEntry>) checked) { totalBytes += entry.getSize(); } return UIUtils.getBytesInHuman(totalBytes); } } private static class OnStartDownloadsClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { private final WeakReference<Context> ctxRef; private WeakReference<AbstractConfirmListDialog> dlgRef; OnStartDownloadsClickListener(Context ctx, AbstractConfirmListDialog dlg) { ctxRef = new WeakReference<>(ctx); dlgRef = new WeakReference<>(dlg); } public void setDialog(AbstractConfirmListDialog dlg) { dlgRef = new WeakReference<>(dlg); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (Ref.alive(ctxRef) && Ref.alive(dlgRef)) { final AbstractConfirmListDialog dlg = dlgRef.get(); final AbstractConfirmListDialog.SelectionMode selectionMode = dlg.getSelectionMode(); List<TorrentFileEntry> checked = (selectionMode == AbstractConfirmListDialog.SelectionMode.NO_SELECTION) ? (List<TorrentFileEntry>) dlg.getList() : new ArrayList<>(); if (checked.isEmpty()) { checked.addAll(dlg.getChecked()); } if (!checked.isEmpty()) { try { dlg.dismiss(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { // FragmentManager might throw illegal state exception after dialog is dismissed checking state loss } startTorrentPartialDownload(checked); if (ctxRef.get() instanceof Activity) { Offers.showInterstitialOfferIfNecessary((Activity) ctxRef.get(), Offers.PLACEMENT_INTERSTITIAL_MAIN, false, false); } } } } private void startTorrentPartialDownload(List<TorrentFileEntry> results) { if (!Ref.alive(ctxRef) || !Ref.alive(dlgRef) || results == null || dlgRef.get().getList() == null || results.size() > dlgRef.get().getList().size()) { return; } final boolean[] selection = new boolean[((HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog) dlgRef.get()).getList() .size()]; for (TorrentFileEntry selectedFileEntry : results) { selection[selectedFileEntry.getIndex()] = true; } Engine.instance().getThreadPool().execute(() -> { try { // there is a still a chance of reference getting null, this is in // the background if (!Ref.alive(ctxRef) || !Ref.alive(dlgRef)) { return; } Context ctx = ctxRef.get(); HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog dlg = (HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog) dlgRef.get(); String magnet = dlg.getMagnetUri(); List<TcpEndpoint> peers = parsePeers(magnet); BTEngine.getInstance().download(dlg.getTorrentInfo(), null, selection, peers, TransferManager.instance().isDeleteStartedTorrentEnabled()); UIUtils.showTransfersOnDownloadStart(ctx); dlg.removeTorrentFetcherDownloadFromTransfers(); MainActivity.refreshTransfers(ctx); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } }); TransferManager.instance().incrementStartedTransfers(); } private static List<TcpEndpoint> parsePeers(String magnet) { if (magnet == null || magnet.isEmpty() || magnet.startsWith("http")) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // TODO: replace this with the public API error_code ec = new error_code(); add_torrent_params params = add_torrent_params.parse_magnet_uri(magnet, ec); tcp_endpoint_vector v = params.get_peers(); int size = (int) v.size(); ArrayList<TcpEndpoint> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { l.add(new TcpEndpoint(v.get(i))); } return l; } } private static class OnCancelDownloadsClickListener implements DialogInterface.OnCancelListener { private final WeakReference<HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog> dlgRef; OnCancelDownloadsClickListener(HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog dlg) { dlgRef = Ref.weak(dlg); } @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialogInterface) { if (Ref.alive(dlgRef)) { HandpickedTorrentDownloadDialog handpickedTorrentDownloadDialog = dlgRef.get(); handpickedTorrentDownloadDialog.removeTorrentFetcherDownloadFromTransfers(); // can't use dlgRef.get().getContext() since that call exists only for API >= 23 MainActivity.refreshTransfers(dlgRef.get().getDialog().getContext()); } } } private static class NameComparator implements Comparator<TorrentFileEntry> { @Override public int compare(TorrentFileEntry left, TorrentFileEntry right) { return left.getDisplayName().compareTo(right.getDisplayName()); } } }