Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.buck.parser; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus; import com.facebook.buck.event.PerfEventId; import com.facebook.buck.event.SimplePerfEvent; import; import; import com.facebook.buck.json.BuildFileParseException; import com.facebook.buck.json.JsonObjectHashing; import com.facebook.buck.json.ProjectBuildFileParser; import com.facebook.buck.log.Logger; import com.facebook.buck.model.BuckVersion; import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildFileTree; import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTarget; import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTargetPattern; import com.facebook.buck.model.FilesystemBackedBuildFileTree; import com.facebook.buck.model.Flavored; import com.facebook.buck.model.UnflavoredBuildTarget; import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuckPyFunction; import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRuleFactoryParams; import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRuleType; import com.facebook.buck.rules.Cell; import com.facebook.buck.rules.ConstructorArgMarshalException; import com.facebook.buck.rules.ConstructorArgMarshaller; import com.facebook.buck.rules.Description; import com.facebook.buck.rules.TargetNode; import com.facebook.buck.rules.coercer.TypeCoercerFactory; import com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Persistent parsing data, that can exist between invocations of the {@link Parser}. All public * methods that cause build files to be read must be guarded by calls to * {@link #invalidateIfProjectBuildFileParserStateChanged(Cell)} in order to ensure that state is maintained correctly. */ class SerialDaemonicParserState implements DaemonicParserState { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.get(SerialDaemonicParserState.class); /** * Key of the meta-rule that lists the build files executed while reading rules. * The value is a list of strings with the root build file as the head and included * build files as the tail, for example: {"__includes":["/foo/BUCK", "/foo/buck_includes"]} */ private static final String INCLUDES_META_RULE = "__includes"; private final TypeCoercerFactory typeCoercerFactory; private final ConstructorArgMarshaller marshaller; private final OptimisticLoadingCache<Path, ImmutableList<Map<String, Object>>> allRawNodes; private final HashMultimap<UnflavoredBuildTarget, BuildTarget> targetsCornucopia; private final OptimisticLoadingCache<BuildTarget, TargetNode<?>> allTargetNodes; private final LoadingCache<Cell, BuildFileTree> buildFileTrees; /** * A map from absolute included files ({@code /foo/BUILD_DEFS}, for example) to the build files * that depend on them (typically {@code /foo/BUCK} files). */ private final SetMultimap<Path, Path> buildFileDependents; /** * Environment used by build files. If the environment is changed, then build files need to be * reevaluated with the new environment, so the environment used when populating the rule cache * is stored between requests to parse build files and the cache is invalidated and build files * reevaluated if the environment changes. */ private ImmutableMap<String, String> cachedEnvironment; /** * The default includes used by the previous run of the parser in each cell (the key is the * cell's root path). If this value changes, then we need to invalidate all the caches. */ private Map<Path, Iterable<String>> cachedIncludes; /** * The set of {@link Cell} instances that have been seen by this state. This information is used * for cache invalidation. Please see {@link #invalidateBasedOn(WatchEvent)} for example usage. */ private final Set<Cell> knownCells; public SerialDaemonicParserState(TypeCoercerFactory typeCoercerFactory, ConstructorArgMarshaller marshaller) { this.typeCoercerFactory = typeCoercerFactory; this.marshaller = marshaller; this.allRawNodes = new OptimisticLoadingCache<>(1); this.targetsCornucopia = HashMultimap.create(); this.allTargetNodes = new OptimisticLoadingCache<>(1); this.buildFileTrees = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader<Cell, BuildFileTree>() { @Override public BuildFileTree load(Cell cell) throws Exception { return new FilesystemBackedBuildFileTree(cell.getFilesystem(), cell.getBuildFileName()); } }); this.buildFileDependents = HashMultimap.create(); this.cachedEnvironment = ImmutableMap.of(); this.cachedIncludes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.knownCells = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Cell>()); } @Override public ImmutableList<Map<String, Object>> getAllRawNodes(Cell cell, ProjectBuildFileParser parser, Path buildFile) throws BuildFileParseException, InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkState(buildFile.isAbsolute()); invalidateIfProjectBuildFileParserStateChanged(cell); try { return loadRawNodes(cell, buildFile, parser); } catch (UncheckedExecutionException | ExecutionException e) { throw propagate(e); } } @Override public ImmutableSet<TargetNode<?>> getAllTargetNodes(final BuckEventBus eventBus, final Cell cell, ProjectBuildFileParser parser, final Path buildFile, final TargetNodeListener nodeListener) throws BuildFileParseException, InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkState(buildFile.isAbsolute()); invalidateIfProjectBuildFileParserStateChanged(cell); try { List<Map<String, Object>> allRawNodes = loadRawNodes(cell, buildFile, parser); ImmutableSet.Builder<TargetNode<?>> nodes = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (final Map<String, Object> rawNode : allRawNodes) { UnflavoredBuildTarget unflavored = parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(cell.getRoot(), rawNode); final BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.of(unflavored); TargetNode<?> node = allTargetNodes.get(target, new Callable<TargetNode<?>>() { @Override public TargetNode<?> call() throws Exception { return createTargetNode(eventBus, cell, buildFile, target, rawNode, nodeListener); } }); nodes.add(node); } return; } catch (UncheckedExecutionException | ExecutionException e) { throw propagate(e); } } @Override public TargetNode<?> getTargetNode(final BuckEventBus eventBus, final Cell cell, final ProjectBuildFileParser parser, final BuildTarget target, final TargetNodeListener nodeListener) throws BuildFileParseException, InterruptedException { invalidateIfProjectBuildFileParserStateChanged(cell); try { return allTargetNodes.get(target, new Callable<TargetNode<?>>() { @Override public TargetNode<?> call() throws Exception { Path buildFile = cell.getAbsolutePathToBuildFile(target); Preconditions.checkState(buildFile.isAbsolute()); List<Map<String, Object>> rawNodes = loadRawNodes(cell, buildFile, parser); for (Map<String, Object> rawNode : rawNodes) { Object shortName = rawNode.get("name"); if (target.getShortName().equals(shortName)) { return createTargetNode(eventBus, cell, buildFile, target, rawNode, nodeListener); } } throw new HumanReadableException(NoSuchBuildTargetException.createForMissingBuildRule(target, BuildTargetPatternParser.forBaseName(target.getBaseName()), cell.getBuildFileName(), "Defined in file: " + buildFile)); } }); } catch (UncheckedExecutionException | ExecutionException e) { throw propagate(e); } } private RuntimeException propagate(Throwable e) throws BuildFileParseException, InterruptedException { Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(e.getCause(), BuildFileParseException.class); Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(e.getCause(), BuildTargetParseException.class); Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(e.getCause(), HumanReadableException.class); Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(e.getCause(), InterruptedException.class); if (e instanceof ExecutionException | e instanceof UncheckedExecutionException) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof ExecutionException | cause instanceof UncheckedExecutionException) { throw propagate(cause); } if (cause instanceof BuildFileParseException) { throw (BuildFileParseException) cause; } if (cause != null) { Throwables.propagate(cause); } } return Throwables.propagate(e); } private ImmutableList<Map<String, Object>> loadRawNodes(final Cell cell, final Path buildFile, final ProjectBuildFileParser parser) throws ExecutionException { return allRawNodes.get(buildFile, new Callable<ImmutableList<Map<String, Object>>>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ImmutableList<Map<String, Object>> call() throws Exception { List<Map<String, Object>> rawNodes = parser.getAllRulesAndMetaRules(buildFile); ImmutableSet<Path> dependentsOfEveryNode = ImmutableSet.of(); ImmutableList.Builder<Map<String, Object>> toReturn = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Map<String, Object> rawNode : rawNodes) { if (rawNode.containsKey(INCLUDES_META_RULE)) { // INCLUDES_META_RULE maps to a list of file paths: the head is a // dependent build file and the tail is a list of the files it includes. List<String> fileNames = ((List<String>) rawNode.get(INCLUDES_META_RULE)); Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileNames); dependentsOfEveryNode = FluentIterable.from(fileNames) .transform(new Function<String, Path>() { @Override public Path apply(String path) { return cell.getFilesystem().resolve(Paths.get(path)); } }).toSet(); } else { toReturn.add(rawNode); } } // We now know all the nodes. They all implicitly depend on everything in // the "dependentsOfEveryNode" set. for (Path dependent : dependentsOfEveryNode) { buildFileDependents.put(dependent, buildFile); } // We also know that the rules all depend on the default includes for the // cell. Iterable<String> defaultIncludes = new ParserConfig(cell.getBuckConfig()).getDefaultIncludes(); for (String include : defaultIncludes) { // Default includes are given as "//path/to/file". They look like targets // but they are not. However, I bet someone will try and treat it like a // target, so find the owning cell if necessary, and then fully resolve // the path against the owning cell's root. int slashesIndex = include.indexOf("//"); Preconditions.checkState(slashesIndex != -1); buildFileDependents.put(cell.getFilesystem().resolve(include.substring(2)), buildFile); } return; } }); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private TargetNode<?> createTargetNode(BuckEventBus eventBus, Cell cell, Path buildFile, BuildTarget target, Map<String, Object> rawNode, TargetNodeListener nodeListener) { BuildRuleType buildRuleType = parseBuildRuleTypeFromRawRule(cell, rawNode); // Because of the way that the parser works, we know this can never return null. Description<?> description = cell.getDescription(buildRuleType); if (target.isFlavored()) { if (description instanceof Flavored) { if (!((Flavored) description).hasFlavors(ImmutableSet.copyOf(target.getFlavors()))) { throw new HumanReadableException("Unrecognized flavor in target %s while parsing %s%s.", target, UnflavoredBuildTarget.BUILD_TARGET_PREFIX, MorePaths .pathWithUnixSeparators(target.getBasePath().resolve(cell.getBuildFileName()))); } } else { LOG.warn( "Target %s (type %s) must implement the Flavored interface " + "before we can check if it supports flavors: %s", target.getUnflavoredBuildTarget(), buildRuleType, target.getFlavors()); throw new HumanReadableException( "Target %s (type %s) does not currently support flavors (tried %s)", target.getUnflavoredBuildTarget(), buildRuleType, target.getFlavors()); } } Cell targetCell = cell.getCell(target); BuildRuleFactoryParams factoryParams = new BuildRuleFactoryParams(targetCell.getFilesystem(), target.withoutCell(), new FilesystemBackedBuildFileTree(cell.getFilesystem(), cell.getBuildFileName()), targetCell.isEnforcingBuckPackageBoundaries()); Object constructorArg = description.createUnpopulatedConstructorArg(); try { ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildTarget> declaredDeps = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildTargetPattern> visibilityPatterns = ImmutableSet.builder(); try (SimplePerfEvent.Scope scope = SimplePerfEvent.scope(eventBus, PerfEventId.of("MarshalledConstructorArg"), "target", target)) { marshaller.populate(targetCell.getCellRoots(), targetCell.getFilesystem(), factoryParams, constructorArg, declaredDeps, visibilityPatterns, rawNode); } try (SimplePerfEvent.Scope scope = SimplePerfEvent.scope(eventBus, PerfEventId.of("CreatedTargetNode"), "target", target)) { Hasher hasher = Hashing.sha1().newHasher(); hasher.putString(BuckVersion.getVersion(), UTF_8); JsonObjectHashing.hashJsonObject(hasher, rawNode); targetsCornucopia.put(target.getUnflavoredBuildTarget(), target); TargetNode<?> node = new TargetNode(hasher.hash(), description, constructorArg, typeCoercerFactory, factoryParams,,, targetCell.getCellRoots()); nodeListener.onCreate(buildFile, node); return node; } } catch (NoSuchBuildTargetException | TargetNode.InvalidSourcePathInputException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e); } catch (ConstructorArgMarshalException e) { throw new HumanReadableException("%s: %s", target, e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private BuildRuleType parseBuildRuleTypeFromRawRule(Cell cell, Map<String, Object> map) { String type = (String) Preconditions.checkNotNull(map.get(BuckPyFunction.TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME)); return cell.getBuildRuleType(type); } /** * @param map the map of values that define the rule. * @return the build target defined by the rule. */ private UnflavoredBuildTarget parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(Path cellRoot, Map<String, Object> map) { String basePath = (String) Preconditions.checkNotNull(map.get("buck.base_path")); String name = (String) Preconditions.checkNotNull(map.get("name")); return UnflavoredBuildTarget.builder(UnflavoredBuildTarget.BUILD_TARGET_PREFIX + basePath, name) .setCellPath(cellRoot).build(); } @Override public void invalidateBasedOn(WatchEvent<?> event) throws InterruptedException { if (!WatchEvents.isPathChangeEvent(event)) { // Non-path change event, likely an overflow due to many change events: invalidate everything. LOG.debug("Parser invalidating entire cache on overflow."); invalidateAllCaches(); return; } Path path = (Path) event.context(); for (Cell cell : knownCells) { try { if (isPathCreateOrDeleteEvent(event)) { BuildFileTree buildFiles = buildFileTrees.get(cell); if (path.endsWith(cell.getBuildFileName())) { // If a build file has been added or removed, reconstruct the build file tree. buildFileTrees.invalidate(cell); } // Added or removed files can affect globs, so invalidate the package build file // "containing" {@code path} unless its filename matches a temp file pattern. if (!isTempFile(cell, path)) { invalidateContainingBuildFile(cell, buildFiles, path); } LOG.verbose("Invalidating dependents for path %s, cache state %s", path, this); } } catch (ExecutionException | UncheckedExecutionException e) { try { throw propagate(e); } catch (BuildFileParseException bfpe) { LOG.warn("Unable to parse already parsed build file.", bfpe); } } } invalidatePath(path); } @Override public void invalidatePath(Path path) throws InterruptedException { // The paths from watchman are not absolute. Because of this, we adopt a conservative approach // to invalidating the caches. for (Cell cell : knownCells) { invalidatePath(cell, path); } } /** * Finds the build file responsible for the given {@link Path} and invalidates * all of the cached rules dependent on it. * @param path A {@link Path}, relative to the project root and "contained" * within the build file to find and invalidate. */ private synchronized void invalidateContainingBuildFile(Cell cell, BuildFileTree buildFiles, Path path) { Set<Path> packageBuildFiles = new HashSet<>(); // Find the closest ancestor package for the input path. We'll definitely need to invalidate // that. Optional<Path> packageBuildFile = buildFiles.getBasePathOfAncestorTarget(path); packageBuildFiles.addAll(packageBuildFile.transform(cell.getFilesystem().getAbsolutifier()).asSet()); // If we're *not* enforcing package boundary checks, it's possible for multiple ancestor // packages to reference the same file if (!cell.isEnforcingBuckPackageBoundaries()) { while (packageBuildFile.isPresent() && packageBuildFile.get().getParent() != null) { packageBuildFile = buildFiles.getBasePathOfAncestorTarget(packageBuildFile.get().getParent()); packageBuildFiles.addAll(packageBuildFile.asSet()); } } // Invalidate all the packages we found. for (Path buildFile : packageBuildFiles) { invalidatePath(cell, buildFile.resolve(cell.getBuildFileName())); } } /** * Remove the targets and rules defined by {@code path} from the cache and recursively remove * the targets and rules defined by files that transitively include {@code path} from the cache. * @param path The File that has changed. */ private void invalidatePath(Cell cell, Path path) { // Paths from Watchman are not absolute. path = cell.getFilesystem().resolve(path); // If the path is a build file for the cell, nuke the targets that it owns first. We don't need // to check whether or not the path ends in the build file name, since we know that these are // the only things that get added. Which makes for an easy life. List<Map<String, Object>> rawNodes = allRawNodes.getIfPresent(path); if (rawNodes != null) { // Invalidate the target nodes first for (Map<String, Object> rawNode : rawNodes) { UnflavoredBuildTarget target = parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(cell.getRoot(), rawNode); allTargetNodes.invalidateAll(targetsCornucopia.get(target)); targetsCornucopia.removeAll(target); } // And then the raw node itself. allRawNodes.invalidate(path); } // We may have been given a file that other build files depend on. Iteratively remove those. Iterable<Path> dependents = buildFileDependents.get(path); for (Path dependent : dependents) { if (dependent.equals(path)) { continue; } invalidatePath(cell, dependent); } buildFileDependents.removeAll(path); } public static boolean isPathCreateOrDeleteEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { return event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE || event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE; } /** * @param path The {@link Path} to test. * @return true if {@code path} is a temporary or backup file. */ private boolean isTempFile(Cell cell, Path path) { final String fileName = path.getFileName().toString(); Predicate<Pattern> patternMatches = new Predicate<Pattern>() { @Override public boolean apply(Pattern pattern) { return pattern.matcher(fileName).matches(); } }; return Iterators.any(cell.getTempFilePatterns().iterator(), patternMatches); } private void invalidateIfProjectBuildFileParserStateChanged(Cell cell) { ImmutableMap<String, String> cellEnv = cell.getBuckConfig().getEnvironment(); Iterable<String> defaultIncludes = new ParserConfig(cell.getBuckConfig()).getDefaultIncludes(); Iterable<String> expected = cachedIncludes.get(cell.getRoot()); boolean invalidateCaches = false; if (!cellEnv.equals(cachedEnvironment)) { // Contents of System.getenv() have changed. Cowardly refuse to accept we'll parse everything // the same way. invalidateCaches = true; } else if (expected == null || !Iterables.elementsEqual(defaultIncludes, expected)) { // Someone's changed the default includes. That's almost definitely caused all our lovingly // cached data to be enormously wonky. invalidateCaches = true; } if (!invalidateCaches) { return; } invalidateAllCaches(); cachedEnvironment = cellEnv; cachedIncludes.put(cell.getRoot(), defaultIncludes); knownCells.add(cell); } private void invalidateAllCaches() { LOG.debug("Invalidating all caches"); allTargetNodes.invalidateAll(); targetsCornucopia.clear(); allRawNodes.invalidateAll(); buildFileDependents.clear(); knownCells.clear(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("memoized=%s known-cells=%s", allTargetNodes, knownCells); } }