Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
package org.hibernate;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;
import javax.persistence.Parameter;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;

import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.sql.NativeSQLQueryReturn;
import org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery;
import org.hibernate.query.QueryParameter;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

 * Represents a "native sql" query.
 * Allows the user to define certain aspects about its execution, such as:<ul>
 *     <li>
 *         result-set value mapping (see below)
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *         Tables used via {@link #addSynchronizedQuerySpace}, {@link #addSynchronizedEntityName} and
 *         {@link #addSynchronizedEntityClass}.  This allows Hibernate to know how to properly deal with
 *         auto-flush checking as well as cached query results if the results of the query are being
 *         cached.
 *     </li>
 * </ul>
 * In terms of result-set mapping, there are 3 approaches to defining:<ul>
 *     <li>
 *         If this represents a named sql query, the mapping could be associated with the query as part
 *         of its metadata
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *         A pre-defined (defined in metadata and named) mapping can be associated with
 *         {@link #setResultSetMapping}
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *         Defined locally per the various {@link #addEntity}, {@link #addRoot}, {@link #addJoin},
 *         {@link #addFetch} and {@link #addScalar} methods
 *     </li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Gavin King
 * @author Steve Ebersole
 * @deprecated (since 5.2) use {@link NativeQuery} instead.
public interface SQLQuery<T> extends Query<T>, SynchronizeableQuery<T> {
     * Use a predefined named result-set mapping.  This might be defined by a {@code <result-set/>} element in a
     * Hibernate <tt>hbm.xml</tt> file or through a {@link javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping} annotation.
     * @param name The name of the mapping to use.
     * @return this, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> setResultSetMapping(String name);

     * Is this native-SQL query known to be callable?
     * @return {@code true} if the query is known to be callable; {@code false} otherwise.
    boolean isCallable();

     * Retrieve the returns associated with this query.
     * @return The return descriptors
    List<NativeSQLQueryReturn> getQueryReturns();

     * Declare a scalar query result. Hibernate will attempt to automatically detect the underlying type.
     * <p/>
     * Functions like {@code <return-scalar/>} in {@code hbm.xml} or {@link javax.persistence.ColumnResult}
     * @param columnAlias The column alias in the result-set to be processed as a scalar result
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addScalar(String columnAlias);

     * Declare a scalar query result.
     * <p/>
     * Functions like {@code <return-scalar/>} in {@code hbm.xml} or {@link javax.persistence.ColumnResult}
     * @param columnAlias The column alias in the result-set to be processed as a scalar result
     * @param type The Hibernate type as which to treat the value.
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addScalar(String columnAlias, Type type);

     * Add a new root return mapping, returning a {@link NativeQuery.RootReturn} to allow further definition.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias to map to this entity
     * @param entityName The name of the entity.
     * @return The return config object for further control.
     * @since 3.6
    RootReturn addRoot(String tableAlias, String entityName);

     * Add a new root return mapping, returning a {@link NativeQuery.RootReturn} to allow further definition.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias to map to this entity
     * @param entityType The java type of the entity.
     * @return The return config object for further control.
     * @since 3.6
    RootReturn addRoot(String tableAlias, Class entityType);

     * Declare a "root" entity, without specifying an alias.  The expectation here is that the table alias is the
     * same as the unqualified entity name
     * <p/>
     * Use {@link #addRoot} if you need further control of the mapping
     * @param entityName The entity name that is the root return of the query.
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addEntity(String entityName);

     * Declare a "root" entity.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias
     * @param entityName The entity name
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addEntity(String tableAlias, String entityName);

     * Declare a "root" entity, specifying a lock mode.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias
     * @param entityName The entity name
     * @param lockMode The lock mode for this return.
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addEntity(String tableAlias, String entityName, LockMode lockMode);

     * Declare a "root" entity, without specifying an alias.  The expectation here is that the table alias is the
     * same as the unqualified entity name
     * @param entityType The java type of the entity to add as a root
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addEntity(Class entityType);

     * Declare a "root" entity.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias
     * @param entityType The java type of the entity to add as a root
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addEntity(String tableAlias, Class entityType);

     * Declare a "root" entity, specifying a lock mode.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias
     * @param entityClass The entity Class
     * @param lockMode The lock mode for this return.
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addEntity(String tableAlias, Class entityClass, LockMode lockMode);

     * Declare a join fetch result.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias for the data to be mapped to this fetch
     * @param ownerTableAlias Identify the table alias of the owner of this association.  Should match the alias of a
     * previously added root or fetch
     * @param joinPropertyName The name of the property being join fetched.
     * @return The return config object for further control.
     * @since 3.6
    FetchReturn addFetch(String tableAlias, String ownerTableAlias, String joinPropertyName);

     * Declare a join fetch result.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias for the data to be mapped to this fetch
     * @param path The association path ([owner-alias].[property-name]).
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addJoin(String tableAlias, String path);

     * Declare a join fetch result.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias for the data to be mapped to this fetch
     * @param ownerTableAlias Identify the table alias of the owner of this association.  Should match the alias of a
     * previously added root or fetch
     * @param joinPropertyName The name of the property being join fetched.
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
     * @since 3.6
    SQLQuery<T> addJoin(String tableAlias, String ownerTableAlias, String joinPropertyName);

     * Declare a join fetch result, specifying a lock mode.
     * @param tableAlias The SQL table alias for the data to be mapped to this fetch
     * @param path The association path ([owner-alias].[property-name]).
     * @param lockMode The lock mode for this return.
     * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
    SQLQuery<T> addJoin(String tableAlias, String path, LockMode lockMode);

     * Allows access to further control how properties within a root or join fetch are mapped back from the result set.
     * Generally used in composite value scenarios.
    interface ReturnProperty {
         * Add a column alias to this property mapping.
         * @param columnAlias The column alias.
         * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
        ReturnProperty addColumnAlias(String columnAlias);

     * Allows access to further control how root returns are mapped back from result sets.
    interface RootReturn {
         * Set the lock mode for this return.
         * @param lockMode The new lock mode.
         * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
        RootReturn setLockMode(LockMode lockMode);

         * Name the column alias that identifies the entity's discriminator.
         * @param columnAlias The discriminator column alias
         * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
        RootReturn setDiscriminatorAlias(String columnAlias);

         * Add a simple property-to-one-column mapping.
         * @param propertyName The name of the property.
         * @param columnAlias The name of the column
         * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
        RootReturn addProperty(String propertyName, String columnAlias);

         * Add a property, presumably with more than one column.
         * @param propertyName The name of the property.
         * @return The config object for further control.
        ReturnProperty addProperty(String propertyName);

     * Allows access to further control how join fetch returns are mapped back from result sets.
    interface FetchReturn {
         * Set the lock mode for this return.
         * @param lockMode The new lock mode.
         * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
        FetchReturn setLockMode(LockMode lockMode);

         * Add a simple property-to-one-column mapping.
         * @param propertyName The name of the property.
         * @param columnAlias The name of the column
         * @return {@code this}, for method chaining
        FetchReturn addProperty(String propertyName, String columnAlias);

         * Add a property, presumably with more than one column.
         * @param propertyName The name of the property.
         * @return The config object for further control.
        ReturnProperty addProperty(String propertyName);

    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    // overrides

    SQLQuery<T> addSynchronizedQuerySpace(String querySpace);

    SQLQuery<T> addSynchronizedEntityName(String entityName) throws MappingException;

    SQLQuery<T> addSynchronizedEntityClass(Class entityClass) throws MappingException;

    NativeQuery<T> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode);

    NativeQuery<T> setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode);

    NativeQuery<T> setCacheMode(CacheMode cacheMode);

    NativeQuery<T> setCacheable(boolean cacheable);

    NativeQuery<T> setCacheRegion(String cacheRegion);

    NativeQuery<T> setTimeout(int timeout);

    NativeQuery<T> setFetchSize(int fetchSize);

    NativeQuery<T> setReadOnly(boolean readOnly);

    NativeQuery<T> setLockOptions(LockOptions lockOptions);

    NativeQuery<T> setLockMode(String alias, LockMode lockMode);

    NativeQuery<T> setComment(String comment);

    NativeQuery<T> addQueryHint(String hint);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameter(QueryParameter<P> parameter, P val);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameter(Parameter<P> param, P value);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(String name, Object val);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Object val);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameter(QueryParameter<P> parameter, P val, Type type);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(String name, Object val, Type type);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Object val, Type type);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameter(QueryParameter<P> parameter, P val, TemporalType temporalType);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameter(String name, P val, TemporalType temporalType);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameter(int position, P val, TemporalType temporalType);

    <P> NativeQuery<T> setParameterList(QueryParameter<P> parameter, Collection<P> values);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameterList(String name, Collection values);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameterList(String name, Collection values, Type type);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameterList(String name, Object[] values, Type type);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameterList(String name, Object[] values);

    NativeQuery<T> setProperties(Object bean);

    NativeQuery<T> setProperties(Map bean);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(Parameter<Calendar> param, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(Parameter<Date> param, Date value, TemporalType temporalType);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType);

    NativeQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType);

    NativeQuery<T> setFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode);
