Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Roman Donchenko. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.drextended.actionhandler.action; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import com.drextended.actionhandler.util.AcceptCondition; /** * Base action to fire some intent * * @param <M> type of model, which can be handled */ public abstract class IntentAction<M> extends BaseAction<M> { /** * Type of intent: * {@link IntentType#START_ACTIVITY}, {@link IntentType#START_SERVICE} * {@link IntentType#SEND_BROADCAST}, {@link IntentType#SEND_LOCAL_BROADCAST} */ protected final IntentType mIntentType; public enum IntentType { START_ACTIVITY, START_SERVICE, STOP_SERVICE, SEND_BROADCAST, SEND_LOCAL_BROADCAST } public IntentAction() { mIntentType = IntentType.START_ACTIVITY; } public IntentAction(@NonNull IntentType intentType) { mIntentType = intentType; } @Override public void onFireAction(Context context, @Nullable View view, String actionType, @Nullable M model) { final Intent intent = getIntent(view, context, actionType, model); if (intent == null) return; try { switch (mIntentType) { case START_ACTIVITY: startActivity(context, view, intent); break; case START_SERVICE: startService(context, intent); break; case STOP_SERVICE: stopService(context, intent); break; case SEND_BROADCAST: sendBroadcast(context, intent); break; case SEND_LOCAL_BROADCAST: sendLocalBroadcast(context, intent); break; } notifyOnActionFired(view, actionType, model); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); onError(e, view, actionType, model); } } /** * Route exceptions from {@link #startActivity}, {@link #startService(Context, Intent)} and * {@link #stopService(Context, Intent)} * Generally can be {@link ActivityNotFoundException} or {@link SecurityException} * * @param throwable The exception, which was occurred while {@link #onFireAction(Context, View, String, Object)} * @param view The view, which can be used for prepare any visual effect (like animation), * Generally it is that view which was clicked and initiated action to fire * @param actionType Type of the action which was executed. Can be null. * @param model The model which should be handled by the action. Can be null. */ protected void onError(Exception throwable, View view, String actionType, M model) { notifyOnActionError(throwable, view, actionType, model); } /** * If {@link #mIntentType} was set as {@link IntentType#START_ACTIVITY} * and {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} return not null then this method called. * If build Sdk version below 16 then {@link Context#startActivity(Intent)} will be used, * else {@link Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} will be used with {@code ActivityOptionsCompat} * as second argument, provided by {@link #prepareTransition(Context, View, Intent)} method. * * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param view The view, which can be used for prepare any visual effect (like animation), * Generally it is that view which was clicked and initiated action to fire * @param intent The intent provided by {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} */ protected void startActivity(Context context, View view, Intent intent) throws ActivityNotFoundException { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { ActivityOptionsCompat activityOptions = prepareTransition(context, view, intent); if (activityOptions != null) { context.startActivity(intent, activityOptions.toBundle()); return; } } context.startActivity(intent); } /** * Request that a given application service be started. * Override this method if you need specific behaviour. * * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param intent The intent to start service, provided by {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} */ protected void startService(Context context, Intent intent) throws SecurityException { context.startService(intent); } /** * Request that a given application service be stopped * Override this method if you need specific behaviour * * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param intent The intent to stop service, provided by {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} */ protected void stopService(Context context, Intent intent) throws SecurityException { context.stopService(intent); } /** * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers. * Override this method if you need specific behaviour. * * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param intent The Intent to broadcast, provided by {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} */ protected void sendBroadcast(Context context, Intent intent) { context.sendBroadcast(intent); } /** * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers. * Override this method if you need specific behaviour. * * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param intent The Intent to broadcast, provided by {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} */ protected void sendLocalBroadcast(Context context, Intent intent) { LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context).sendBroadcast(intent); } /** * Provide an intent for use for start activity, start service or send broadcast. * You cat define how to use this intent by setting {@link #mIntentType} in {@link #IntentAction(IntentType)} * * @param view The view, which can be used for prepare any visual effect (like animation), * Generally it is that view which was clicked and initiated action to fire * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param actionType Type of the action which was executed. Can be null. * @param model The model which should be handled by the action. Can be null. * @return intent for use in role defined by {@link #mIntentType} in {@link #IntentAction(IntentType)} * if null action will not be fired. */ @Nullable public abstract Intent getIntent(@Nullable View view, Context context, String actionType, M model); /** * Additional options for how the Activity should be started. * May be null if there are no options. * Used only if {@link #mIntentType} set as {@link IntentType#START_ACTIVITY} and build Sdk version greater 15. * Intended for settings activity transition or shared element transition * * @param context The Context, which generally get from view by {@link View#getContext()} * @param view The view, which can be used for prepare shared element transition. * Generally it is that view which was clicked and initiated action to fire * @param intent The intent, provided by {@link #getIntent(View, Context, String, Object)} * @return options for how the Activity should be started. Used to pass in * {@link Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} as second argument. */ protected ActivityOptionsCompat prepareTransition(Context context, View view, Intent intent) { return null; } /** * Create simple intent action * * @param intent The intent to call * @param intentType Type of intent: * {@link IntentType#START_ACTIVITY}, {@link IntentType#START_SERVICE} * {@link IntentType#SEND_BROADCAST}, {@link IntentType#SEND_LOCAL_BROADCAST} * @param acceptCondition Condition to check whether model is accepted * @return The simple intent action */ public static IntentAction from(Intent intent, IntentType intentType, AcceptCondition acceptCondition) { return new SimpleIntentAction(intent, intentType, acceptCondition); } /** * Create simple intent action to start activity intent * * @param intent The intent to start activity. * Any model is accepted. * @return The simple intent action to start activity intent */ public static IntentAction from(Intent intent) { return new SimpleIntentAction(intent, IntentType.START_ACTIVITY, null); } /** * Simple intent action */ public static class SimpleIntentAction extends IntentAction { protected final Intent mIntent; protected final AcceptCondition mAcceptCondition; /** * @param intent The intent to call * @param intentType Type of intent: * {@link IntentType#START_ACTIVITY}, {@link IntentType#START_SERVICE} * {@link IntentType#SEND_BROADCAST}, {@link IntentType#SEND_LOCAL_BROADCAST} * @param acceptCondition Condition to check whether model is accepted */ public SimpleIntentAction(Intent intent, IntentType intentType, @Nullable AcceptCondition acceptCondition) { super(intentType != null ? intentType : IntentType.START_ACTIVITY); mIntent = intent; mAcceptCondition = acceptCondition; } @Override public boolean isModelAccepted(Object model) { return mAcceptCondition == null || mAcceptCondition.isModelAccepted(model); } @Nullable @Override public Intent getIntent(@Nullable View view, Context context, String actionType, Object model) { return mIntent; } } }