Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 doubleTwist Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.doubleTwist.drawerlib; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.VelocityTracker; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class ADrawerLayout extends ViewGroup { private static final String TAG = "ADrawerLayout"; private final static boolean DEBUG = false; private final static boolean DEBUG_TOUCH = false; View mContent; View mContentDimmer; View mLeft; View mRight; View mBottom; View mTop; HashMap<View, Rect> mLayoutBounds = new HashMap<View, Rect>(); HashMap<View, Rect> mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek = new HashMap<View, Rect>(); // If true, the layout will only intercept touches in the peek area // // NOTE: this overrides mRestrictTouchesToArea // boolean[] mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea; Rect mPeekSize; // For each drawer we can set a specific area that can be used // to drag the drawer // // Areas are relative to the initial drawer area and only apply // when the drawer is open // // NOTE: this is overriden by mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea // Rect[] mRestrictTouchesToArea = new Rect[4]; // If true, innerMargins apply to all elements, otherwise, only the respective // sub-views (i.e. top or bottom only apply to the side views, left or right margins // only apply to the top or bottom views) // // NOTE: this is particularly useful when using the drawer in a action bar // 'overlay' themed activity // boolean[] mGlobalInnerMargins; Rect mInnerMargins; private int mTouchSlop; private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker; public ADrawerLayout(Context ctx) { this(ctx, null, 0); } public ADrawerLayout(Context ctx, AttributeSet attrs) { this(ctx, attrs, 0); } public ADrawerLayout(Context ctx, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(ctx, attrs, defStyle); ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(ctx); mTouchSlop = vc.getScaledTouchSlop(); mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); // Read the attributes passed in the XML view declaration TypedArray a = ctx.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ADrawerLayout); try { Rect innerMargins = new Rect(); innerMargins.left = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginLeft, 0); = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginTop, 0); innerMargins.right = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginRight, 0); innerMargins.bottom = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginBottom, 0); setInnerMargins(innerMargins); boolean innerIsGlobalLeft = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginIsGlobalLeft, false); boolean innerIsGlobalTop = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginIsGlobalTop, false); boolean innerIsGlobalRight = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginIsGlobalRight, false); boolean innerIsGlobalBottom = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_innerMarginIsGlobalBottom, false); setInnerIsGlobal(innerIsGlobalLeft, innerIsGlobalTop, innerIsGlobalRight, innerIsGlobalBottom); Rect peekSize = new Rect(); peekSize.left = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_peekSizeLeft, 0); = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_peekSizeTop, 0); peekSize.right = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_peekSizeRight, 0); peekSize.bottom = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_peekSizeBottom, 0); setPeekSize(peekSize); boolean restrictToPeekLeft = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_restrictToPeekLeft, true); boolean restrictToPeekTop = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_restrictToPeekTop, true); boolean restrictToPeekRight = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_restrictToPeekRight, true); boolean restrictToPeekBottom = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.ADrawerLayout_restrictToPeekBottom, true); setRestrictTouchesToPeekArea(restrictToPeekLeft, restrictToPeekTop, restrictToPeekRight, restrictToPeekBottom); } finally { a.recycle(); } } public interface DrawerLayoutListener { public void onBeginScroll(ADrawerLayout dl, DrawerState state); public void onOffsetChanged(ADrawerLayout dl, DrawerState state, float offsetXNorm, float offsetYNorm, int offsetX, int offsetY); public void onPreClose(ADrawerLayout dl, DrawerState state); public void onPreOpen(ADrawerLayout dl, DrawerState state); public void onClose(ADrawerLayout dl, DrawerState state, int closedDrawerId); public void onOpen(ADrawerLayout dl, DrawerState state); } private DrawerLayoutListener mListener; public void setListener(DrawerLayoutListener listener) { mListener = listener; } private boolean isRuntimePostGingerbread() { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD_MR1; } public void setInnerIsGlobal(boolean flag) { setInnerIsGlobal(flag, flag, flag, flag); } public void setInnerIsGlobal(boolean l, boolean t, boolean r, boolean b) { if (mGlobalInnerMargins == null) mGlobalInnerMargins = new boolean[4]; mGlobalInnerMargins[0] = l; mGlobalInnerMargins[1] = t; mGlobalInnerMargins[2] = r; mGlobalInnerMargins[3] = b; } public void setRestrictTouchesToPeekArea(boolean flag) { setRestrictTouchesToPeekArea(flag, flag, flag, flag); } public void setRestrictTouchesToPeekArea(boolean l, boolean t, boolean r, boolean b) { if (mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea == null) mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea = new boolean[4]; mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[0] = l; mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[1] = t; mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[2] = r; mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[3] = b; } public void setRestrictTouchesToArea(int drawerId, int dimension) { if (dimension < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Touch area needs a positive value"); Rect r = new Rect(); switch (drawerId) { case LEFT_DRAWER: r.left = 0; r.right = dimension; = Integer.MIN_VALUE; r.bottom = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (dimension >= 0) mRestrictTouchesToArea[0] = r; else mRestrictTouchesToArea[0] = null; return; case TOP_DRAWER: r.left = Integer.MIN_VALUE; r.right = Integer.MAX_VALUE; = 0; r.bottom = dimension; if (dimension >= 0) mRestrictTouchesToArea[1] = r; else mRestrictTouchesToArea[1] = null; return; case RIGHT_DRAWER: r.left = -dimension; r.right = 0; = Integer.MIN_VALUE; r.bottom = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (dimension >= 0) mRestrictTouchesToArea[2] = r; else mRestrictTouchesToArea[2] = null; return; case BOTTOM_DRAWER: r.left = Integer.MIN_VALUE; r.right = Integer.MAX_VALUE; = -dimension; r.bottom = 0; if (dimension >= 0) mRestrictTouchesToArea[3] = r; else mRestrictTouchesToArea[3] = null; return; } } public void setRestrictTouchesToArea(Rect[] areas) { if (areas.length != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "setRestrictTouchesToArea(Rect[]) requires an " + "array with 4 elements."); mRestrictTouchesToArea = areas; } public void setInnerMargins(Rect r) { mInnerMargins = r; requestLayout(); } public void setInnerMargins(int l, int t, int r, int b) { mInnerMargins.left = l; = t; mInnerMargins.right = r; mInnerMargins.bottom = b; requestLayout(); } public void setPeekSize(Rect r) { mPeekSize = r; requestLayout(); } public void setPeekSize(int l, int t, int r, int b) { mPeekSize.left = l; = t; mPeekSize.right = r; mPeekSize.bottom = b; requestLayout(); } @Override public void setPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom); requestLayout(); } protected boolean mHasMeasured = false; protected boolean hasMeasured() { return mHasMeasured; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onMeasure: " + getMeasuredWidth() + "x" + getMeasuredHeight()); int w = getMeasuredWidth(); int h = getMeasuredHeight(); int contentWSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(w, MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec)); int contentHSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(h, MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec)); if (mContent != null) measureChild(mContent, contentWSpec, contentHSpec); if (mContentDimmer != null) measureChild(mContentDimmer, contentWSpec, contentHSpec); w = w - mInnerMargins.left - mInnerMargins.right; h = h - - mInnerMargins.bottom; int drawerWInnerMarginSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(w, MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec)); int drawerHInnerMarginSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(h, MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec)); if (mLeft != null) measureChild(mLeft, !mGlobalInnerMargins[0] ? contentWSpec : drawerWInnerMarginSpec, drawerHInnerMarginSpec); if (mRight != null) measureChild(mRight, !mGlobalInnerMargins[2] ? contentWSpec : drawerWInnerMarginSpec, drawerHInnerMarginSpec); if (mTop != null) measureChild(mTop, drawerWInnerMarginSpec, !mGlobalInnerMargins[1] ? contentHSpec : drawerHInnerMarginSpec); if (mBottom != null) measureChild(mBottom, drawerWInnerMarginSpec, !mGlobalInnerMargins[3] ? contentHSpec : drawerHInnerMarginSpec); mHasMeasured = true; } @Override protected void measureChild(View v, int widthSpec, int heightSpec) { int wMode, hMode, wSpec, hSpec; int maxW = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthSpec); int maxH = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightSpec); LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, " == VIEW == " + v.toString()); Log.d(TAG, "params.width: " + params.width); Log.d(TAG, "params.height: " + params.height); Log.d(TAG, "maxW: " + maxW); Log.d(TAG, "maxH: " + maxH); } if (params.width == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { wMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST; wSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxW, wMode); } else if (params.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { wMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; wSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxW, wMode); } else { wMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; wSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Math.min(maxW, params.width), wMode); } if (params.height == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { hMode = MeasureSpec.AT_MOST; hSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxH, hMode); } else if (params.height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { hMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; hSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(maxH, hMode); } else { hMode = MeasureSpec.EXACTLY; hSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Math.min(maxH, params.height), hMode); } v.measure(wSpec, hSpec); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, " == VIEW == " + v.toString()); Log.d(TAG, "mwidth: " + v.getMeasuredWidth()); Log.d(TAG, "mheight: " + v.getMeasuredHeight()); } } protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onLayout: " + l + "," + t + "," + r + "," + b); if (mPendingSavedState != null) {; mPendingSavedState = null; } int left, top, right, bottom; left = getPaddingLeft(); right = r - l - getPaddingRight(); top = getPaddingTop(); bottom = b - t - getPaddingBottom(); if (mContent != null) layoutView(mContent, left, top, right, bottom); if (mContentDimmer != null) layoutView(mContentDimmer, left, top, right, bottom); for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { View child = getChildAt(i); boolean hasGlobalInnerMargins = false; int leftChild, topChild, rightChild, bottomChild; if (child == mLeft || child == mRight) { hasGlobalInnerMargins = child == mLeft ? mGlobalInnerMargins[0] : mGlobalInnerMargins[2]; leftChild = left + (hasGlobalInnerMargins ? mInnerMargins.left : 0); rightChild = right - (hasGlobalInnerMargins ? mInnerMargins.right : 0); topChild = top +; bottomChild = bottom - mInnerMargins.bottom; } else if (child == mTop || child == mBottom) { hasGlobalInnerMargins = child == mTop ? mGlobalInnerMargins[1] : mGlobalInnerMargins[3]; leftChild = left + mInnerMargins.left; rightChild = right - mInnerMargins.right; topChild = top + (hasGlobalInnerMargins ? : 0); bottomChild = bottom - (hasGlobalInnerMargins ? mInnerMargins.bottom : 0); } else { continue; } layoutView(child, leftChild, topChild, rightChild, bottomChild); } adjustScrollStates(mCurrentScrollX, mCurrentScrollY); for (Runnable run : mMeasurePendingRunnables) {; } mMeasurePendingRunnables.clear(); } protected void layoutView(View v, int l, int t, int r, int b) { LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); Rect bounds = new Rect(); Rect boundsWithoutPeek = new Rect(); int gravity = params.gravity; switch (gravity) { case Gravity.RIGHT: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "gravity: right"); bounds.left = r - v.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.right; = t; bounds.right = r - mPeekSize.right; bounds.bottom = t + v.getMeasuredHeight(); v.layout(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); boundsWithoutPeek = new Rect(bounds); boundsWithoutPeek.offset(mPeekSize.right, 0); mMinScrollX = -bounds.width(); break; case Gravity.TOP: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "gravity: top"); bounds.left = l; = t +; bounds.right = v.getMeasuredWidth(); bounds.bottom = t + v.getMeasuredHeight() +; v.layout(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); boundsWithoutPeek = new Rect(bounds); boundsWithoutPeek.offset(0,; mMaxScrollY = bounds.height(); break; case Gravity.BOTTOM: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "gravity: bottom"); bounds.left = l; = b - v.getMeasuredHeight() - mPeekSize.bottom; bounds.right = l + v.getMeasuredWidth(); bounds.bottom = b - mPeekSize.bottom; v.layout(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); boundsWithoutPeek = new Rect(bounds); boundsWithoutPeek.offset(0, mPeekSize.bottom); mMinScrollY = -bounds.height(); break; case Gravity.LEFT: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "gravity: left"); bounds.left = l + mPeekSize.left; = t; bounds.right = l + v.getMeasuredWidth() + mPeekSize.left; bounds.bottom = t + v.getMeasuredHeight(); v.layout(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); mMaxScrollX = bounds.width(); boundsWithoutPeek = new Rect(bounds); boundsWithoutPeek.offset(-mPeekSize.left, 0); break; default: if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "gravity: default"); bounds.left = l; = t; bounds.right = l + v.getMeasuredWidth(); bounds.bottom = t + v.getMeasuredHeight(); v.layout(bounds.left,, bounds.right, bounds.bottom); boundsWithoutPeek = new Rect(bounds); break; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, " == VIEW LAYOUT == " + v.toString()); Log.d(TAG, "bounds: " + bounds.left + "," + + "," + bounds.right + "," + bounds.bottom); } if (mLayoutBounds.containsKey(v)) mLayoutBounds.remove(v); mLayoutBounds.put(v, bounds); if (mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.containsKey(v)) mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.remove(v); mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.put(v, boundsWithoutPeek); } public void setParalaxFactorX(float factor) { mContentParalaxFactorX = factor; } public void setParalaxFactorY(float factor) { mContentParalaxFactorY = factor; } public float getParalaxFactorX() { return mContentParalaxFactorX; } public float getParalaxFactorY() { return mContentParalaxFactorY; } // 1f means that the content moves 1 px for every px the drawer moves horizontally float mContentParalaxFactorX = 0.0f; // 1f means that the content moves 1 px for every px the drawer moves vertically float mContentParalaxFactorY = 0.0f; int dx, dy; int dxx, dyy; float animScale = 1.f; float animAlpha = 1.f; float animRotX = 0.f; float animRotY = 0.f; boolean[] mDimContent = new boolean[] { true, true, true, true }; boolean[] mAnimateScrolling = new boolean[] { true, true, true, true }; public void setDimContent(boolean flag) { setAnimateScrolling(flag, flag, flag, flag); } public void setDimContent(boolean left, boolean top, boolean right, boolean bottom) { setDimContent(LEFT_DRAWER, left); setDimContent(TOP_DRAWER, top); setDimContent(RIGHT_DRAWER, right); setDimContent(BOTTOM_DRAWER, bottom); } public void setDimContent(int drawer, boolean flag) { if (drawer == LEFT_DRAWER) mDimContent[0] = flag; else if (drawer == TOP_DRAWER) mDimContent[1] = flag; else if (drawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) mDimContent[2] = flag; else if (drawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER) mDimContent[3] = flag; } public void setAnimateScrolling(boolean flag) { setAnimateScrolling(flag, flag, flag, flag); } public void setAnimateScrolling(boolean left, boolean top, boolean right, boolean bottom) { setAnimateScrolling(LEFT_DRAWER, left); setAnimateScrolling(TOP_DRAWER, top); setAnimateScrolling(RIGHT_DRAWER, right); setAnimateScrolling(BOTTOM_DRAWER, bottom); } public void setAnimateScrolling(int drawer, boolean flag) { if (drawer == LEFT_DRAWER) mAnimateScrolling[0] = flag; else if (drawer == TOP_DRAWER) mAnimateScrolling[1] = flag; else if (drawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) mAnimateScrolling[2] = flag; else if (drawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER) mAnimateScrolling[3] = flag; } boolean dimLeft, dimTop, dimRight, dimBottom; boolean animateLeft, animateTop, animateRight, animateBottom; protected boolean isClosed() { return mDrawerState.mScrollState == IDLE && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER; } public static class AnimationParameters { public AnimationParameters(float scale, float alpha, float rotX, float rotY) { mScale = scale; mAlpha = alpha; mRotX = rotX; mRotY = rotY; } public float mScale = 0.f; public float mAlpha = 0.f; public float mRotX = 0.f; public float mRotY = 0.f; } AnimationParameters[] mAnimationParams = new AnimationParameters[] { new AnimationParameters(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f), new AnimationParameters(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f), new AnimationParameters(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f), new AnimationParameters(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f) }; public AnimationParameters getAnimationParameters(int drawerId) { if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.LEFT_DRAWER) return mAnimationParams[0]; else if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.TOP_DRAWER) return mAnimationParams[1]; else if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.RIGHT_DRAWER) return mAnimationParams[2]; else if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.BOTTOM_DRAWER) return mAnimationParams[3]; return null; } public void setAnimationParameters(AnimationParameters[] params) { if (params.length != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); mAnimationParams = params; } public void setAnimationParameters(int drawerId, AnimationParameters params) { if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.LEFT_DRAWER) mAnimationParams[0] = params; else if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.TOP_DRAWER) mAnimationParams[1] = params; else if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.RIGHT_DRAWER) mAnimationParams[2] = params; else if (drawerId == ADrawerLayout.BOTTOM_DRAWER) mAnimationParams[3] = params; } AnimationParameters aparams; AnimationParameters mNoAnimationParameters = new AnimationParameters(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private void adjustScrollStates(float x, float y) { dx = Math.round(x); dy = Math.round(y); if (mContent != null) { dxx = Math.round(dx * mContentParalaxFactorX); dyy = Math.round(dy * mContentParalaxFactorY); setDXYCompat(mContent, dxx, dyy); animateLeft = mAnimateScrolling[0] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER; animateTop = mAnimateScrolling[1] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER; animateRight = mAnimateScrolling[2] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER; animateBottom = mAnimateScrolling[3] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR2) { if (animateLeft) aparams = mAnimationParams[0]; else if (animateTop) aparams = mAnimationParams[1]; else if (animateRight) aparams = mAnimationParams[2]; else if (animateBottom) aparams = mAnimationParams[3]; else aparams = mNoAnimationParameters; animScale = 1 - aparams.mScale * getScrollFraction(); animAlpha = 1 - aparams.mAlpha * getScrollFraction(); animRotX = -90.f * aparams.mRotX * getScrollFraction(); animRotY = -90.f * aparams.mRotY * getScrollFraction(); if (mContent.getScaleX() != animScale) mContent.setScaleX(animScale); if (mContent.getScaleY() != animScale) mContent.setScaleY(animScale); if (mContent.getAlpha() != animAlpha) mContent.setAlpha(animAlpha); if (mContent.getRotationY() != animRotY) mContent.setRotationY(animRotY); if (mContent.getRotationX() != animRotX) mContent.setRotationX(animRotX); } } if (mContentDimmer != null) { dimLeft = mDimContent[0] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER; dimTop = mDimContent[1] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER; dimRight = mDimContent[2] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER; dimBottom = mDimContent[3] && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER; // dxx = Math.round(dx); // if( mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER ) dxx += mPeekSize.left; // if( mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER ) dxx -= mPeekSize.right; // dyy = Math.round(dy); // if( mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER ) dyy +=; // if( mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER ) dyy -= mPeekSize.bottom; if (isClosed() || dimLeft || dimTop || dimRight || dimBottom) { // dxx = Math.round(dx * mContentParalaxFactorX); // dyy = Math.round(dy * mContentParalaxFactorY); dxx = dx; dyy = dy; if (mPeekSize != null) { if (dimLeft) dxx += mPeekSize.left; if (dimRight) dxx -= mPeekSize.right; if (dimTop) dyy +=; if (dimBottom) dyy -= mPeekSize.bottom; } setDXYCompat(mContentDimmer, dxx, dyy); alpha = getScrollFraction(); alpha = Math.min(1.f, Math.max(0.f, alpha)); mContentDimmer.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(Math.round(alpha * Color.alpha(mDimmingColor)),,,; } } if (mLeft != null) { dxx = -mLeft.getMeasuredWidth() + Math.max(0, dx); dyy = dy; setDXYCompat(mLeft, dxx, dyy); } if (mRight != null) { dxx = mRight.getMeasuredWidth() + Math.min(0, dx); dyy = dy; setDXYCompat(mRight, dxx, dyy); } if (mTop != null) { dxx = dx; dyy = -mTop.getMeasuredHeight() + Math.max(0, dy); setDXYCompat(mTop, dxx, dyy); } if (mBottom != null) { dxx = dx; dyy = mBottom.getMeasuredHeight() + Math.min(0, dy); setDXYCompat(mBottom, dxx, dyy); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private void setDXYCompat(View v, int dx, int dy) { if (isRuntimePostGingerbread()) { v.setTranslationX(dx); v.setTranslationY(dy); } else { Rect bounds = mLayoutBounds.get(v); v.layout(bounds.left + dx, + dy, bounds.right + dx, bounds.bottom + dy); // This method does not work so well // v.setAnimation(null); // TranslateAnimation ta = new TranslateAnimation(dx, dx, dy, dy); // ta.setFillAfter(true); // ta.setFillEnabled(true); // mLeft.startAnimation(ta); } } int mDimmingColor = Color.argb(0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); float alpha; public void setDimmingColor(int color) { mDimmingColor = color; } public int getDimmingColor() { return mDimmingColor; } @Override public void dispatchDraw(Canvas c) { super.dispatchDraw(c); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onFinishInflate"); readViews(); addContentDimmer(); } private int getMainContentIdx() { View v; for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { v = getChildAt(i); if (v == mContent) return i; } return -1; } OnTouchListener mDimmerTouchListener = new OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) { return !(mDrawerState.mScrollState == IDLE && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER); } }; private boolean mDimmerInterceptsTouches = true; private static int DIMMER_VIEW_ID = 0x78787878; private View addContentDimmer() { mContentDimmer = this.findViewById(DIMMER_VIEW_ID); if (mContentDimmer == null) { mContentDimmer = new View(getContext()); mContentDimmer.setLayoutParams( new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); mContentDimmer.setBackgroundColor(mDimmingColor); // int mainContentIdx = getMainContentIdx(); // if( mainContentIdx >= 0 ) addView(mContentDimmer, mainContentIdx+1); // else addView(mContentDimmer); addView(mContentDimmer); } if (mDimmerInterceptsTouches) mContentDimmer.setOnTouchListener(mDimmerTouchListener); return mContentDimmer; } private void readViews() { mContent = getChildAt(0); for (int i = 1, count = getChildCount(); i < count; i++) { View v = getChildAt(i); if (v.getId() == DIMMER_VIEW_ID) continue; LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); switch (params.gravity) { case Gravity.LEFT: // left mLeft = v; mDrawerState.mLeftEnabled = true; break; case Gravity.RIGHT: // right mRight = v; mDrawerState.mRightEnabled = true; break; case Gravity.TOP: // top mTop = v; mDrawerState.mTopEnabled = true; break; case Gravity.BOTTOM: // bottom mBottom = v; mDrawerState.mBottomEnabled = true; break; default: mLeft = v; break; } } } public void setScrollingEnabled(boolean left, boolean top, boolean right, boolean bottom) { setScrollingEnabled(LEFT_DRAWER, left); setScrollingEnabled(TOP_DRAWER, top); setScrollingEnabled(RIGHT_DRAWER, right); setScrollingEnabled(BOTTOM_DRAWER, bottom); } public boolean setScrollingEnabled(int section, boolean flag) { switch (section) { case LEFT_DRAWER: if (flag && mLeft == null) return false; mDrawerState.mLeftEnabled = flag; return true; case RIGHT_DRAWER: if (flag && mRight == null) return false; mDrawerState.mRightEnabled = flag; return true; case TOP_DRAWER: if (flag && mTop == null) return false; mDrawerState.mTopEnabled = flag; return true; case BOTTOM_DRAWER: if (flag && mBottom == null) return false; mDrawerState.mBottomEnabled = flag; return true; } return false; } private boolean isScrollingForSectionEnabled(int section) { switch (section) { case LEFT_DRAWER: return mDrawerState.mLeftEnabled; case RIGHT_DRAWER: return mDrawerState.mRightEnabled; case TOP_DRAWER: return mDrawerState.mTopEnabled; case BOTTOM_DRAWER: return mDrawerState.mBottomEnabled; } return false; } private static class HistoryEvent { public PointF mCoords = new PointF(0, 0); public int mPointerId = 0; } private HistoryEvent mDownEvent = new HistoryEvent(); private HistoryEvent mLastMoveEvent = new HistoryEvent(); private boolean mIsScrolling = false; private float mCurrentScrollX = 0; private float mCurrentScrollY = 0; private float mMaxScrollX = 0; private float mMinScrollX = 0; private float mMaxScrollY = 0; private float mMinScrollY = 0; public final static int IDLE = 0; public final static int SCROLLING = 1; public final static int SNAP_OPEN = 2; public final static int SNAP_CLOSE = 3; public final static int EXPLICIT_OPEN = 4; public final static int EXPLICIT_CLOSE = 5; public final static int NO_DRAWER = 0; public final static int LEFT_DRAWER = 1; public final static int RIGHT_DRAWER = 2; public final static int TOP_DRAWER = 3; public final static int BOTTOM_DRAWER = 4; public static class DrawerState { public int mScrollState = IDLE; public int mActiveDrawer = NO_DRAWER; boolean mLeftEnabled = false; boolean mRightEnabled = false; boolean mTopEnabled = false; boolean mBottomEnabled = false; boolean mDraggingEnabled = true; } private DrawerState mDrawerState = new DrawerState(); public void setDraggingEnabled(boolean flag) { mDrawerState.mDraggingEnabled = flag; } private float getScrollFractionX() { boolean horizScrolling = mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER || mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER; return horizScrolling ? getScrollFraction() : 0f; } private float getScrollFractionY() { boolean vertScrolling = mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER || mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER; return vertScrolling ? getScrollFraction() : 0f; } private float getScrollFraction() { if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER) { return mLeft == null ? 0f : mCurrentScrollX / (float) (mLeft.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.left); } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) { return mRight == null ? 0f : -mCurrentScrollX / (float) (mRight.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.right); } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER) { return mTop == null ? 0f : mCurrentScrollY / (float) (mTop.getMeasuredHeight() -; } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER) { return mBottom == null ? 0f : -mCurrentScrollY / (float) (mBottom.getMeasuredHeight() - mPeekSize.bottom); } else { return 0.f; } } private float scrollFractionToSizeOffset(int drawer, float fraction) { if (drawer == LEFT_DRAWER) return mLeft != null ? fraction * (mLeft.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.left) : 0.f; else if (drawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) return mRight != null ? -fraction * (mRight.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.right) : 0.f; else if (drawer == TOP_DRAWER) return mTop != null ? fraction * (mTop.getMeasuredHeight() - : 0.f; else if (drawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER) return mBottom != null ? -fraction * (mBottom.getMeasuredHeight() - mPeekSize.bottom) : 0.f; else return 0.f; } public void open(int drawer) { open(drawer, true); } ArrayList<Runnable> mMeasurePendingRunnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); public void open(final int drawer, final boolean animate) { // Defer action to a runnable if the views haven't been measured yet if (!hasMeasured()) { mMeasurePendingRunnables.add(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { open(drawer, animate); } }); return; } ; if (drawer == LEFT_DRAWER && mLeft != null) { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = LEFT_DRAWER; mTargetOffsetX = mLeft.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.left; mTargetOffsetY = 0; } else if (drawer == RIGHT_DRAWER && mRight != null) { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = RIGHT_DRAWER; mDrawerState.mScrollState = EXPLICIT_OPEN; mTargetOffsetX = -mRight.getMeasuredWidth() + mPeekSize.right; mTargetOffsetY = 0; } else if (drawer == TOP_DRAWER && mTop != null) { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = TOP_DRAWER; mDrawerState.mScrollState = EXPLICIT_OPEN; mTargetOffsetX = 0; mTargetOffsetY = mTop.getMeasuredHeight() -; } else if (drawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER && mBottom != null) { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = BOTTOM_DRAWER; mDrawerState.mScrollState = EXPLICIT_OPEN; mTargetOffsetX = 0; mTargetOffsetY = -mBottom.getMeasuredHeight() + mPeekSize.bottom; } else { return; } if (animate) { mDrawerState.mScrollState = EXPLICIT_OPEN; } else { mDrawerState.mScrollState = IDLE; mCurrentScrollY = mTargetOffsetY; mCurrentScrollX = mTargetOffsetX; } mLastT = System.currentTimeMillis();; } public DrawerState getState() { return mDrawerState; } public void open() { open(LEFT_DRAWER, true); } public void close(final int drawer, final boolean animate) { boolean valid = false; valid = valid || drawer == LEFT_DRAWER && mLeft != null; valid = valid || drawer == RIGHT_DRAWER && mRight != null; valid = valid || drawer == TOP_DRAWER && mTop != null; valid = valid || drawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER && mBottom != null; if (!valid) return; // Defer action to a runnable if the views haven't been measured yet if (!hasMeasured()) { mMeasurePendingRunnables.add(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { close(drawer, animate); } }); return; } ; mTargetOffsetX = 0; mTargetOffsetY = 0; if (animate) { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = drawer; mDrawerState.mScrollState = EXPLICIT_CLOSE; } else { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = NO_DRAWER; mDrawerState.mScrollState = IDLE; mCurrentScrollY = mTargetOffsetY; mCurrentScrollX = mTargetOffsetX; } mLastT = System.currentTimeMillis();; } public void close(int drawer) { close(drawer, true); } public void close() { close(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer, true); } private void snap() { mVelocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1, 10); if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER) { if (mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity() > 0) { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_OPEN; mTargetOffsetX = mLeft.getMeasuredWidth() - mPeekSize.left; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreOpen(this, mDrawerState); } else { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_CLOSE; mTargetOffsetX = 0; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreClose(this, mDrawerState); } mTargetOffsetY = 0; } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) { if (mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity() < 0) { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_OPEN; mTargetOffsetX = -mRight.getMeasuredWidth() + mPeekSize.right; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreOpen(this, mDrawerState); } else { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_CLOSE; mTargetOffsetX = 0; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreClose(this, mDrawerState); } mTargetOffsetY = 0; } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER) { if (mVelocityTracker.getYVelocity() > 0) { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_OPEN; mTargetOffsetY = mTop.getMeasuredHeight() -; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreOpen(this, mDrawerState); } else { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_CLOSE; mTargetOffsetY = 0; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreClose(this, mDrawerState); } mTargetOffsetX = 0; } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER) { if (mVelocityTracker.getYVelocity() < 0) { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_OPEN; mTargetOffsetY = -mBottom.getMeasuredHeight() + mPeekSize.bottom; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreOpen(this, mDrawerState); } else { mDrawerState.mScrollState = SNAP_CLOSE; mTargetOffsetY = 0; if (mListener != null) mListener.onPreClose(this, mDrawerState); } mTargetOffsetX = 0; } mLastT = System.currentTimeMillis();; } private Runnable mStepRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stepAnimation(); adjustScrollStates(mCurrentScrollX, mCurrentScrollY); } }; private float targetDiffX; private float targetDiffY; private float a = 13.33f; private float dt; private float adt; private double mLastT; private float mTargetOffsetX = 0; private float mTargetOffsetY = 0; private void stepAnimation() { dt = (float) (System.currentTimeMillis() - mLastT); if (dt < 1) {; return; } dt = Math.min(dt, 50); /* If we get less than 20fps force the animation to go slower */ dt *= .001f; adt = Math.min(1f, a * dt); mLastT = System.currentTimeMillis(); targetDiffX = (mTargetOffsetX - mCurrentScrollX); targetDiffY = (mTargetOffsetY - mCurrentScrollY); if (Math.abs(targetDiffX) < 1) mCurrentScrollX = mTargetOffsetX; else mCurrentScrollX += targetDiffX > 0 ? Math.max(1, targetDiffX * adt) : Math.min(-1, targetDiffX * adt); if (Math.abs(targetDiffY) < 1) mCurrentScrollY = mTargetOffsetY; else mCurrentScrollY += targetDiffY > 0 ? Math.max(1, targetDiffY * adt) : Math.min(-1, targetDiffY * adt); if (mTargetOffsetX != mCurrentScrollX || mTargetOffsetY != mCurrentScrollY) {; notifyOffset(); } else { mDrawerState.mScrollState = IDLE; if (mCurrentScrollX == 0f && mCurrentScrollY == 0f) { notifyOffset(); int closedDrawerId = mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer; mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = NO_DRAWER; if (mListener != null) mListener.onClose(this, mDrawerState, closedDrawerId); } else { notifyOffset(); if (mListener != null) mListener.onOpen(this, mDrawerState); } } } public boolean isOpen(int drawer) { boolean expandedScrollFraction = false; switch (drawer) { case BOTTOM_DRAWER: expandedScrollFraction = getScrollFractionY() == 1.f; break; case TOP_DRAWER: expandedScrollFraction = getScrollFractionY() == 1.f; break; case LEFT_DRAWER: expandedScrollFraction = getScrollFractionX() == 1.f; break; case RIGHT_DRAWER: expandedScrollFraction = getScrollFractionX() == 1.f; break; } boolean open = mDrawerState.mScrollState == IDLE && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == drawer; return open && expandedScrollFraction; } public boolean isClosed(int drawer) { return !isOpen(drawer); } public boolean isOpening(int drawer) { return isOpening(drawer, .66f); } public boolean isOpening(int drawer, float threshold) { if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer != drawer) return false; return isOpening(threshold); } private boolean isOpening(float threshold) { return mDrawerState.mScrollState == EXPLICIT_OPEN || mDrawerState.mScrollState == SNAP_OPEN || (mDrawerState.mScrollState == SCROLLING && getScrollFraction() > threshold); } public boolean isClosing(int drawer) { return isClosing(drawer, .33f); } public boolean isClosing(int drawer, float threshold) { if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer != drawer) return false; return isClosing(threshold); } public boolean isClosing(float threshold) { return mDrawerState.mScrollState == EXPLICIT_CLOSE || mDrawerState.mScrollState == SNAP_CLOSE || (mDrawerState.mScrollState == SCROLLING && getScrollFraction() < threshold); } private void notifyOffset() { notifyOffset(mListener); } private void notifyOffset(DrawerLayoutListener listener) { if (listener != null) { listener.onOffsetChanged(this, mDrawerState, getScrollFractionX(), getScrollFractionY(), Math.round(mCurrentScrollX), Math.round(mCurrentScrollY)); } } boolean mStartedTracking = false; private View getDrawerView(int drawerId) { switch (drawerId) { case NO_DRAWER: return mContent; case LEFT_DRAWER: return mLeft; case RIGHT_DRAWER: return mRight; case TOP_DRAWER: return mTop; case BOTTOM_DRAWER: return mBottom; } return null; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { // Here we actually handle the touch event (e.g. if the action is ACTION_MOVE, // scroll this container). // This method will only be called if the touch event was intercepted in // onInterceptTouchEvent if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "onTouchEvent"); if (!mDrawerState.mDraggingEnabled) return false; if (mVelocityTracker != null) mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); final int action = MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(ev); if (!mIsScrolling) { if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "NOT SCROLLING IS NOW SCROLLING"); int drawer = preProcessScrollMotionEvent(ev); postProcessScrollMotionEvent(drawer, ev); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (mDrawerState.mScrollState == IDLE) processIdleUp(ev); } return true; // needs to be true so we keep getting these values } if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "DOING THE TOUCH STUFF"); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) { mIsScrolling = false; mStartedTracking = false; snap(); mVelocityTracker.clear(); } if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { int ptrIdx = ev.findPointerIndex(mDownEvent.mPointerId); if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "ptrIdx: " + ptrIdx); if (ptrIdx >= ev.getPointerCount() || ptrIdx < 0) return true; if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER || mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) { mCurrentScrollX += mStartedTracking ? ev.getX(ptrIdx) - mLastMoveEvent.mCoords.x : ev.getX(ptrIdx) - mDownEvent.mCoords.x; mCurrentScrollX = Math.max(mMinScrollX + mPeekSize.right, mCurrentScrollX); mCurrentScrollX = Math.min(mMaxScrollX - mPeekSize.left, mCurrentScrollX); } else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER || mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER) { mCurrentScrollY += mStartedTracking ? ev.getY(ptrIdx) - mLastMoveEvent.mCoords.y : ev.getY(ptrIdx) - mDownEvent.mCoords.y; mCurrentScrollY = Math.max(mMinScrollY + mPeekSize.bottom, mCurrentScrollY); mCurrentScrollY = Math.min(mMaxScrollY -, mCurrentScrollY); } if (!mStartedTracking) mStartedTracking = true; mLastMoveEvent.mCoords.x = ev.getX(ptrIdx); mLastMoveEvent.mCoords.y = ev.getY(ptrIdx); // Log.d(TAG, "======================="); // Log.d(TAG, "mCurrentScrollX: "+mCurrentScrollX); // Log.d(TAG, "mCurrentScrollY: "+mCurrentScrollY); // Log.d(TAG, "mMinScrollY: "+mMinScrollY); // Log.d(TAG, "mMaxScrollY: "+mMaxScrollY); // Log.d(TAG, " "; // Log.d(TAG, "mPeekSize.bottom: "+mPeekSize.bottom); adjustScrollStates(mCurrentScrollX, mCurrentScrollY); notifyOffset(); } return true; } private boolean mTouchOutsideToClose = true; private boolean processIdleUp(MotionEvent ev) { if (!mTouchOutsideToClose) return false; if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER) return false; if (mDownEvent == null) return false; boolean inside = touchIsInDrawerArea(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer, ev); inside &= inside && touchIsInDrawerArea(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer, mDownEvent.mCoords.x, mDownEvent.mCoords.y); if (!inside) close(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer); return !inside; } private boolean mRequestDisallowIntercept = false; @Override public void requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean disallowIntercept) { Log.d("HOBO", "requestedDisallowIntercept"); mRequestDisallowIntercept = disallowIntercept; super.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(disallowIntercept); // Do we need this? // super.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(disallowIntercept); // 944 if (!mLeftDragger.isEdgeTouched(ViewDragHelper.EDGE_LEFT) && // 945 !mRightDragger.isEdgeTouched(ViewDragHelper.EDGE_RIGHT)) { // 946 // If we have an edge touch we want to skip this and track it for later instead. // 947 super.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(disallowIntercept); // 948 } // 949 mDisallowInterceptRequested = disallowIntercept; // 950 if (disallowIntercept) { // 951 closeDrawers(true); // 952 } // 953 } } /* * This method JUST determines whether we want to intercept the motion. * If we return true, onTouchEvent will be called and we do the actual * scrolling there. */ @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (!mDrawerState.mDraggingEnabled) return false; final int action = MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(ev); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) mRequestDisallowIntercept = false; if (mRequestDisallowIntercept) return false; if (mVelocityTracker != null) mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); if (mDrawerState.mScrollState != IDLE) return true; // Always handle the case of the touch gesture being complete. if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "UP OR CANCEL: RELEASING SCROLL"); mIsScrolling = false; mVelocityTracker.clear(); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { processIdleUp(ev); } mRequestDisallowIntercept = false; return false; // Do not intercept touch event, let the child handle it } int drawer = preProcessScrollMotionEvent(ev); boolean intercept = drawer >= 0; boolean aDrawerIsOpen = mDrawerState.mScrollState == IDLE && mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer != NO_DRAWER; // Let touches go through if they are in the area of an open drawer if (!intercept && aDrawerIsOpen) { if (touchIsInDrawerArea(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer, ev)) { if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "NOT INTERCEPTING BECAUSE A DRAWER IS OPEN"); return false; } } postProcessScrollMotionEvent(drawer, ev); if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "intercept/aDrawerIsOpen: " + intercept + "/" + aDrawerIsOpen); // Intercept events unless we are in the initial idle position return intercept || aDrawerIsOpen; } private boolean touchIsInDrawerArea(int drawerId, MotionEvent ev) { return touchIsInDrawerArea(drawerId, ev.getX(), ev.getY()); } private boolean touchIsInDrawerArea(int drawerId, float x, float y) { Rect drawerBounds = null; switch (drawerId) { case LEFT_DRAWER: drawerBounds = mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.get(mLeft); break; case RIGHT_DRAWER: drawerBounds = mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.get(mRight); break; case TOP_DRAWER: drawerBounds = mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.get(mTop); break; case BOTTOM_DRAWER: drawerBounds = mLayoutBoundsWithoutPeek.get(mBottom); break; } return drawerBounds == null ? false : drawerBounds.contains((int) x, (int) y); } private boolean canScroll(int axis, float diff) { if (axis == MotionEvent.AXIS_X) { if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER || mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER) return false; else if (diff < 0) return !(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER && !isScrollingForSectionEnabled(RIGHT_DRAWER)); else return !(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER && !isScrollingForSectionEnabled(LEFT_DRAWER)); } else if (axis == MotionEvent.AXIS_Y) { if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER || mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER) return false; else if (diff < 0) return !(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER && !isScrollingForSectionEnabled(BOTTOM_DRAWER)); else return !(mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER && !isScrollingForSectionEnabled(TOP_DRAWER)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private void postProcessScrollMotionEvent(int drawer, MotionEvent ev) { if (drawer >= 0 && mDrawerState.mScrollState == IDLE) { mIsScrolling = true; mDrawerState.mScrollState = SCROLLING; if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER) mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = drawer; if (mListener != null) mListener.onBeginScroll(this, mDrawerState); } } private int preProcessScrollMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) { final int action = MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(ev); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "DOWN: " + ev.getX(0) + "," + ev.getY(0)); if (!mIsScrolling) { mVelocityTracker.clear(); mDownEvent.mCoords.x = ev.getX(0); mDownEvent.mCoords.y = ev.getY(0); mDownEvent.mPointerId = ev.getPointerId(0); if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "SAVED: " + ev.getX(0) + "," + ev.getY(0)); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { final int ptrIdx = ev.findPointerIndex(mDownEvent.mPointerId); if (ptrIdx < 0 || ptrIdx >= ev.getPointerCount()) return -1; if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "MOVE: " + ev.getX(ptrIdx) + "," + ev.getY(ptrIdx)); if (mIsScrolling) { return mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer; } // If the user has dragged her finger horizontally more than // the touch slop, start the scroll final float xDiff = calculateDistanceX(ev, mDownEvent); final float yDiff = calculateDistanceY(ev, mDownEvent); final float dxAbs = Math.abs(xDiff); final float dyAbs = Math.abs(yDiff); if (DEBUG_TOUCH) { Log.d(TAG, "xDiff: " + xDiff + " -- " + ev.getX(ptrIdx) + " -- " + mDownEvent.mCoords.x); Log.d(TAG, "xDiff/yDiff/dxAbs/dyAbs: " + xDiff + "/" + yDiff + "/" + dxAbs + "/" + dyAbs); Log.d(TAG, "canScrollX/canScrollY: " + canScroll(MotionEvent.AXIS_X, xDiff) + "/" + canScroll(MotionEvent.AXIS_Y, yDiff)); Log.d(TAG, "activeDrawer/scrollState: " + mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer + "/" + mDrawerState.mScrollState); } if (dxAbs > dyAbs && dxAbs > mTouchSlop && canScroll(MotionEvent.AXIS_X, xDiff)) { if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "X axis branch"); int drawer; if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER) drawer = xDiff > 0 ? LEFT_DRAWER : RIGHT_DRAWER; else drawer = mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer; if (!isInitialPositionValidForDrawer(mDownEvent, drawer)) drawer = -1; return drawer; } if (dyAbs > dxAbs && dyAbs > mTouchSlop && canScroll(MotionEvent.AXIS_Y, yDiff)) { if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "Y axis branch"); int drawer; if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == NO_DRAWER) drawer = yDiff > 0 ? TOP_DRAWER : BOTTOM_DRAWER; else drawer = mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer; if (!isInitialPositionValidForDrawer(mDownEvent, drawer)) drawer = -1; return drawer; } break; } } return -1; } private boolean isInitialPositionValidForDrawer(HistoryEvent ev, int drawer) { boolean restrictToPeekArea = false; int peekSize = 0; Rect restrictToArea = null; if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "drawer/peekSize/evX/evY: " + drawer + "/" + peekSize + "/" + ev.mCoords.x + "/" + ev.mCoords.y); switch (drawer) { case LEFT_DRAWER: restrictToPeekArea = mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[0]; peekSize = mPeekSize.left; restrictToArea = mRestrictTouchesToArea[0]; break; case TOP_DRAWER: restrictToPeekArea = mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[1]; peekSize =; restrictToArea = mRestrictTouchesToArea[1]; break; case RIGHT_DRAWER: restrictToPeekArea = mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[2]; peekSize = mPeekSize.right; restrictToArea = mRestrictTouchesToArea[2]; break; case BOTTOM_DRAWER: restrictToPeekArea = mRestrictTouchesToPeekArea[3]; peekSize = mPeekSize.bottom; restrictToArea = mRestrictTouchesToArea[3]; break; case NO_DRAWER: return true; default: return false; } if (!restrictToPeekArea || peekSize == 0) { if (restrictToArea == null) return true; // restricted non-peek touch areas only apply when // all drawers are closed else if (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer != NO_DRAWER) { return true; } } if (DEBUG_TOUCH) Log.d(TAG, "drawer/peekSize/evX/evY: " + drawer + "/" + peekSize + "/" + ev.mCoords.x + "/" + ev.mCoords.y); if (DEBUG_TOUCH && restrictToArea != null) { Log.d(TAG, "restrictArea: " + restrictToArea.left + "/" + + "/" + restrictToArea.right + "/" + restrictToArea.bottom); Log.d(TAG, "left: " + (ev.mCoords.x > restrictToArea.left)); Log.d(TAG, "right: " + (ev.mCoords.x < restrictToArea.right)); Log.d(TAG, "top: " + (ev.mCoords.y >; Log.d(TAG, "bottom: " + (ev.mCoords.y < restrictToArea.bottom)); Log.d(TAG, "restrictToPeek: " + restrictToPeekArea); Log.d(TAG, "peekSize: " + peekSize); } switch (drawer) { case LEFT_DRAWER: if (restrictToPeekArea && peekSize != 0) { return ev.mCoords.x <= peekSize + mCurrentScrollX && ev.mCoords.x >= mCurrentScrollX; } else { return ev.mCoords.x >= restrictToArea.left && ev.mCoords.x <= restrictToArea.right && ev.mCoords.y >= && ev.mCoords.y <= restrictToArea.bottom; } case TOP_DRAWER: if (restrictToPeekArea && peekSize != 0) { return ev.mCoords.y <= peekSize + mCurrentScrollY && ev.mCoords.y >= mCurrentScrollY; } else { return ev.mCoords.x >= restrictToArea.left && ev.mCoords.x <= restrictToArea.right && ev.mCoords.y >= && ev.mCoords.y <= restrictToArea.bottom; } case RIGHT_DRAWER: if (restrictToPeekArea && peekSize != 0) { return ev.mCoords.x >= getWidth() - peekSize + mCurrentScrollX && ev.mCoords.x <= getWidth() + mCurrentScrollX; } else { return ev.mCoords.x >= getWidth() + restrictToArea.left && ev.mCoords.x <= getWidth() + restrictToArea.right && ev.mCoords.y >= && ev.mCoords.y <= restrictToArea.bottom; } case BOTTOM_DRAWER: if (restrictToPeekArea && peekSize != 0) { return ev.mCoords.y >= getHeight() - peekSize + mCurrentScrollY && ev.mCoords.y <= getHeight() + mCurrentScrollY; } else { return ev.mCoords.x >= restrictToArea.left && ev.mCoords.x <= restrictToArea.right && ev.mCoords.y >= getHeight() + && ev.mCoords.y <= getHeight() + restrictToArea.bottom; } } return false; } private float calculateDistanceX(MotionEvent ev, HistoryEvent down) { float x = ev.getX() - down.mCoords.x; return x; } private float calculateDistanceY(MotionEvent ev, HistoryEvent down) { float y = ev.getY() - down.mCoords.y; return y; } public static class LayoutParams extends LinearLayout.LayoutParams { public LayoutParams(int w, int h) { super(w, h); } public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) { super(c, attrs); } } @Override protected boolean checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) { return p instanceof LayoutParams; } @Override protected LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() { return new LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); } @Override public LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) { return new LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs); } @Override protected LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) { return new LayoutParams(p.width, p.height); } protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Parcelable p = super.onSaveInstanceState(); SavedState ss = new SavedState(p); ss.currentScrollFractionX = getScrollFractionX(); ss.currentScrollFractionY = getScrollFractionY(); ss.activeDrawer = mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer; ss.scrollState = mDrawerState.mScrollState; ss.draggingEnabled = mDrawerState.mDraggingEnabled; return ss; } protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { if (!(state instanceof SavedState)) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(state); return; } SavedState ss = (SavedState) state; super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState()); // Avoid restoring state if the drawer was still being dragged // i.e. round the scroll states and set the right active drawer if (ss.scrollState != IDLE) { if (ss.currentScrollFractionX != Float.MIN_VALUE) ss.currentScrollFractionX = Math.round(ss.currentScrollFractionX); if (ss.currentScrollFractionY != Float.MIN_VALUE) ss.currentScrollFractionY = Math.round(ss.currentScrollFractionY); ss.scrollState = IDLE; // Need to set the right activeDrawer if (ss.currentScrollFractionX == 0 && ss.currentScrollFractionY == 0) ss.activeDrawer = NO_DRAWER; } if (ss.scrollState >= 0) mDrawerState.mScrollState = ss.scrollState; if (ss.activeDrawer >= 0) mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = ss.activeDrawer; // Do not restore this, use setDraggingEnabled explicitly from activity/fragment code // mDrawerState.mDraggingEnabled = ss.draggingEnabled; boolean doNotRestore = (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == LEFT_DRAWER && mLeft == null) || (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == RIGHT_DRAWER && mRight == null) || (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == TOP_DRAWER && mTop == null) || (mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer == BOTTOM_DRAWER && mBottom == null); if (doNotRestore) { mDrawerState.mActiveDrawer = NO_DRAWER; mDrawerState.mScrollState = IDLE; } // Restoring the drawer offset will only occur in the next layout pass. // We need the actual drawer dimensions in order to properly set the // the offset. mPendingSavedState = new RestoreStateRunnable(ss); } private RestoreStateRunnable mPendingSavedState; private class RestoreStateRunnable implements Runnable { SavedState mSavedState; RestoreStateRunnable(SavedState ss) { mSavedState = ss; } @Override public void run() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "running Pending Saved State"); SavedState ss = mSavedState; if (ss.currentScrollFractionX != Float.MIN_VALUE) { mCurrentScrollX = scrollFractionToSizeOffset(ss.activeDrawer, ss.currentScrollFractionX); } if (ss.currentScrollFractionY != Float.MIN_VALUE) { mCurrentScrollY = scrollFractionToSizeOffset(ss.activeDrawer, ss.currentScrollFractionY); } notifyOffset(); } } static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState { float currentScrollFractionX = Float.MIN_VALUE; float currentScrollFractionY = Float.MIN_VALUE; int scrollState = -1; int activeDrawer = -1; boolean draggingEnabled = true; SavedState(Parcelable superState) { super(superState); } private SavedState(Parcel in) { super(in); this.currentScrollFractionX = in.readFloat(); this.currentScrollFractionY = in.readFloat(); this.scrollState = in.readInt(); this.activeDrawer = in.readInt(); boolean[] bArray = new boolean[1]; in.readBooleanArray(bArray); this.draggingEnabled = bArray[0]; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(out, flags); out.writeFloat(this.currentScrollFractionX); out.writeFloat(this.currentScrollFractionY); out.writeInt(this.scrollState); out.writeInt(this.activeDrawer); out.writeBooleanArray(new boolean[] { this.draggingEnabled }); } //required field that makes Parcelables from a Parcel public static final Creator<SavedState> CREATOR = new Creator<SavedState>() { public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SavedState(in); } public SavedState[] newArray(int size) { return new SavedState[size]; } }; } }