Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Richard Beech * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.digitale.screens; import com.digitale.utils.Actors; import com.digitale.utils.Actors.DialogListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin; import com.digitale.connex.Inventory; import com.digitale.mygdxgame.Renderer; import com.digitale.mygdxgame.SoundManager; import com.digitale.mygdxgame.Stardust3d; import com.digitale.sim.Explosion; import com.digitale.sim.Ship; import com.digitale.sim.Simulation; import com.digitale.sim.SimulationListener; public class GameLoop extends StardustScreen implements SimulationListener { public static OrthographicCamera camera; Skin skin; Actor dialog; /** the simulation **/ private final Simulation simulation; float touch_x, touch_y; /** the renderer **/ public final Renderer renderer; private boolean menuSelected; public static int androidVersion; public static float screenScaleX; public static float screenScaleY; public static com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3 touchPoint = new com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3(); public static int cameraHorizAngle = 0; public static int cameraVertAngle = 10; public static int droneOrbitAngle = 0; public GameLoop() { skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("data/uiskin.json"), Gdx.files.internal("data/uiskin.png")); camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(false, 800, 480); simulation = new Simulation(); simulation.listener = this; renderer = new Renderer(; } @Override public void dispose() { renderer.dispose(); } @Override public boolean isDone() { // if (simulation.ship.lives == 0) // return true; return false; } @Override public void render(float delta) { | GL10.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); renderer.render(, simulation); } @Override public void update(float delta) { simulation.update(delta); droneOrbitAngle = droneOrbitAngle + 1; // detect and set black fade in // cameraHorizAngle= (int) (Ship.yawAngle/Math.PI); Input input =; androidVersion =; float turnSpeed = .8f * simulation.gameSpeed; // System.out.println("accelx " + input.getAccelerometerX() + " accly " // + input.getAccelerometerY()); if (Ship.STATUS == 1 && Stardust3d.stationScreen == 0) { // only check accelerometer on android platforms if (androidVersion != 0) { accellerometer(input); } checkShipContols(input, turnSpeed, delta); // check rotations haven't gone too far rectifyShipAngles(); // set ship rotation (Quat) yaw and pitch from Euler Ship.shipRot.setEulerAngles(Ship.yawAngle, Ship.pitchAngle, 0); Vector3 heading = new Vector3(0, 0, -1); Ship.shipRot.transform(heading); Simulation.ship.heading = heading; // add heading vector to ship position Ship.position.add(heading.mul(Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY * delta)); rectifyTouchCoords(input); if (input.isTouched()) { menuSelected = false; if (Stardust3d.DEEPDEBUG) System.out.println("x=" + touch_x + " y=" + touch_y); // thumbcontrol(); rightmenu(); throttle(delta); leftmenu(); if (!menuSelected) { checkForSelection(); } } } if (Ship.STATUS == 0 && Stardust3d.stationScreen == 0) { rectifyTouchCoords(input); if (input.isTouched()) { if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("x=" + touch_x + " y=" + touch_y); thumbcontrol(); leftmenu(); dockedrightmenu(); } } } private void checkForSelection() { boolean locked = false; for (int index = 0; index < Stardust3d.actorsList.size(); index++) { com.digitale.connex.Actor actor = Stardust3d.actorsList.get(index); actor.locked = false; if (actor.visible && actor.reticulepos != null && locked == false && actor.position.dst(Ship.position) < 5000) { if (480 - touch_y > ((actor.reticulepos.y + 16) - 32) && 480 - touch_y < (actor.reticulepos.y + 16 + 32)) { if (touch_x > (actor.reticulepos.x + 16) - 32 && touch_x < (actor.reticulepos.x + 16 + 32)) { if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println( "touching actorx=" + actor.get_uid() + " x " + touch_x + " y=" + touch_y); actor.locked = true; locked = true; } } else { actor.locked = false; } } else { actor.locked = false; } } } /** * @param input */ public void accellerometer(Input input) { // accelerometer if (input.getAccelerometerY() < -Stardust3d.deadzoneX || input.getAccelerometerY() > Stardust3d.deadzoneX) Ship.yawAngle -= (input.getAccelerometerY() * Stardust3d.accelXsensitivity); if (input.getAccelerometerX() < 4 - Stardust3d.deadzoneY) { Ship.pitchAngle -= Math.abs(input.getAccelerometerX() - (4 - Stardust3d.deadzoneY)) * Stardust3d.accelYsensitivity; } else if (input.getAccelerometerX() > 5 + Stardust3d.deadzoneY) { Ship.pitchAngle += Math.abs(input.getAccelerometerX() - (5 + Stardust3d.deadzoneY)) * Stardust3d.accelYsensitivity; } } /** * if ship pitch/yaw angles have gone beyond 0-360 */ private void rectifyShipAngles() { if (Ship.pitchAngle < 0) Ship.pitchAngle = (360 - Ship.pitchAngle); else if (Ship.pitchAngle > 360) Ship.pitchAngle = (Ship.pitchAngle - 360); if (Simulation.ship.rollAngle < 0) Simulation.ship.rollAngle = (360 - Simulation.ship.rollAngle); else if (Simulation.ship.rollAngle > 360) Simulation.ship.rollAngle = (float) (Simulation.ship.rollAngle - 360); if (Ship.yawAngle < 0) Ship.yawAngle = (360 - Ship.yawAngle); else if (Ship.yawAngle > 360) Ship.yawAngle = (float) (Ship.yawAngle - 360); } /** * @param input * set touch co-ords so they match screen co-ords */ private void rectifyTouchCoords(Input input) { screenScaleX = / 800f; screenScaleY = / 480f; camera.unproject(GameLoop.touchPoint.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0)); int x = input.getX(); int y = input.getY(); if (input.justTouched()) { touch_x = input.getX(); touch_y = input.getY(); } if (input.isTouched()) { x += input.getX() - touch_x; y += touch_y - input.getY(); touch_x = input.getX(); // x; touch_y = input.getY(); // y; } touch_x = touch_x / screenScaleX; touch_y = touch_y / screenScaleY; if (Stardust3d.DEEPDEBUG) System.out.println("Width:" + + "Height:" + + "xscale:" + screenScaleX + " yscale:" + screenScaleY); } /** * @param input * @param turnSpeed */ private void checkShipContols(Input input, float turnSpeed, float delta) { /* * A minimum of dataset B maximum of dataset a is from where you would * like normalised data set to start b is where you would like * normalised data set to end x is the value you are trying to normalise * a + (x-A)*(b-a)/(B-A) */ float pitch = 0.5f + (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY - 0) * (2.0f - 0.5f) / (Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY - 0); if (Stardust3d.DEEPDEBUG) System.out.println("enginepitch " + pitch); SoundManager.changeEnginePitch(pitch); if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DPAD_LEFT) || input.isKeyPressed(Keys.A)) Ship.yawAngle += turnSpeed; if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DPAD_RIGHT) || input.isKeyPressed(Keys.D)) Ship.yawAngle -= turnSpeed; if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DPAD_UP) || input.isKeyPressed(Keys.W)) Ship.pitchAngle += turnSpeed; if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DPAD_DOWN) || input.isKeyPressed(Keys.S)) Ship.pitchAngle -= turnSpeed; if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.SPACE)) simulation.shot(); if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Q)) simulation.missile(); if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.E)); /* * if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.A)) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY += * Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION; if (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY > * Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY; if * (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.Z)) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY -= * Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION; if (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY < 0) * Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = 0; if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.S)) * Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = 0; */ if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.R)) { Ship.SHIP_POWER = 1f * delta; } else if (input.isKeyPressed(Keys.F)) { Ship.SHIP_POWER = -1f * delta; } else { Ship.SHIP_POWER = 0; Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION = 0; } Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION += Ship.SHIP_POWER; if (Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION > Ship.SHIP_MAXACCELERATION) Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION = Ship.SHIP_MAXACCELERATION; if (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY < 0) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = 0; if (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY > Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY; } /** * */ private void throttle(float delta) { if ((touch_x > 0) && (touch_x < 64)) { if ((touch_y > 128) && (touch_y < 352)) { menuSelected = true; if (touch_y < 240) { Ship.SHIP_POWER = 75f * delta; } else if (touch_y > 240) { Ship.SHIP_POWER = -75f * delta; } } else { Ship.SHIP_POWER = 0; Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION = 0; } } Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION += Ship.SHIP_POWER; if (Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION > Ship.SHIP_MAXACCELERATION) Ship.SHIP_ACCELERATION = Ship.SHIP_MAXACCELERATION; if (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY < 0) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = 0; if (Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY > Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY) Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY = Ship.SHIP_MAXVELOCITY; } private void thumbcontrol() { if ((touch_y > 352) && (touch_y < 480) && (touch_x > 0) && (touch_x < 128)) { if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("thumbcontrol"); menuSelected = true; if ((touch_y > 400) && (touch_y < 432)) { if ((touch_x > 0) && (touch_x < 48)) { cameraHorizAngle = cameraHorizAngle + 1; // System.out.println("cam rot left"); } if ((touch_x > 80) && (touch_x < 128)) { cameraHorizAngle = cameraHorizAngle - 1; // System.out.println("cam rot right"); } } if ((touch_x > 48) && (touch_x < 80) && Ship.STATUS == 0) { if ((touch_y > 432) && (touch_y < 480)) { cameraVertAngle = cameraVertAngle + 1; if (cameraVertAngle > 100) cameraVertAngle = 100; // System.out.println("cam rot down"); } if ((touch_y < 400) && (touch_y > 352)) { cameraVertAngle = cameraVertAngle - 1; if (cameraVertAngle < -30) cameraVertAngle = -30; // System.out.println("cam rot up"); } /* * if ((touch_y < 432) && (touch_y > 352)) { cameraHorizAngle = * 0; cameraVertAngle=10; // System.out.println("cam rot up"); } */ } if ((touch_x > 48) && (touch_x < 80) && Ship.STATUS == 1) { if ((touch_y > 432) && (touch_y < 480)) { cameraVertAngle = cameraVertAngle + 1; if (cameraVertAngle > 30) cameraVertAngle = 30; // System.out.println("cam rot down"); } if ((touch_y < 400) && (touch_y > 352)) { cameraVertAngle = cameraVertAngle - 1; if (cameraVertAngle < -30) cameraVertAngle = -30; // System.out.println("cam rot up"); } /* * if ((touch_y < 432) && (touch_y > 352)) { cameraHorizAngle = * 0; cameraVertAngle=10; // System.out.println("cam rot up"); } */ } } } /** * */ private void rightmenu() { if ((touch_x > 800 - 64) && (touch_x < 800)) { if ((touch_y > 0) && (touch_y < 64)) { // Stardust3d.showmap(); menuSelected = true; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("inspace showmap clicked "); SoundManager.playFanfare(); Simulation.explosions.add(new Explosion(Ship.position, Explosion.LEVELUP)); Renderer.toastShown = false; Stardust3d.Error = Stardust3d.WIP_ERROR; } else if ((touch_y > 64) && (touch_y < 128)) { menuSelected = true; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("dock clicked "); if (Ship.canDock == true && Ship.docking == false) { Ship.docking = true; } } else if ((touch_y > 480 - 128 - 64) && (touch_y < 480 - 128)) { menuSelected = true;; } else if ((touch_y > 480 - 128) && (touch_y < 480 - 64)) { simulation.missile(); menuSelected = true; } else if ((touch_y > 480 - 64) && (touch_y < 480)) { simulation.shot(); menuSelected = true; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("shoot clicked "); } } } /** * */ // check right menu when docked. private void dockedrightmenu() { if ((touch_x > 800 - 64) && (touch_x < 800)) { if ((touch_y > 0) && (touch_y < 64)) { // Stardust3d.showmap(); Renderer.toastShown = false; SoundManager.playuiclick(); Stardust3d.stationScreen = 12; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("showmap clicked "); } else if ((touch_y > 64) && (touch_y < 128) && Ship.docking == false) { SoundManager.playuiclick(); if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("undock clicked "); Ship.undocking = true; } else if ((touch_y > 480 - 128 - 64) && (touch_y < 480 - 128)) { SoundManager.playuiclick(); Stardust3d.stationScreen = 10; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("mission clicked "); } else if ((touch_y > 480 - 128) && (touch_y < 480 - 64)) { if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("vendor clicked "); SoundManager.playuiclick(); Stardust3d.stationScreen = 1; } else if ((touch_y > 480 - 64) && (touch_y < 480) && Renderer.toastShown == false) { SoundManager.playuiclick(); Stardust3d.stationScreen = 11; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("build clicked "); } } } private void undockShip() { Ship.STATUS = 1; // update DB } private void leftmenu() { // is touch in the pulled out menu's horizontal area, is menu already pulled if ((touch_x > 0) && (touch_x < simulation.iconWidth * simulation.numMenuItems) && simulation.pullout) { // is touch in the pull out menu's vertical area? if ((touch_y > 32) && (touch_y < 96)) { // check which menu item is touched menuSelected = true; pulloutMenu(); } else {// touch was not inside vertical area simulation.pullout = false; // if menu is not already pulled // is touch in the pull out menu's vertical area? } } else if ((touch_x > 0) && (touch_x < 64)) { if ((touch_y > 32) && (touch_y < 96)) { menuSelected = true; // the user is touching on the pull out arrow simulation.pullout = true; if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.println("pullout clicked "); } } else {// if touch is outside pulled out menu's horizontal area, cancel simulation.pullout = false; } if ((touch_x > 0) && (touch_x < 64)) { if ((touch_y > 0) && (touch_y < 64)) { } } } private void pulloutMenu() { // the menu has been pulled out // dont do while still animating pull out if ((simulation.slideOut == simulation.iconWidth * simulation.numMenuItems)) { // what is the user touching for (int i = 0; i < simulation.numMenuItems; i++) { // detect which icon finger is over if ((int) touch_x > i * 64 && (int) touch_x < (i * 64) + 64) { if (Stardust3d.DEBUG) System.out.printf("finger is in " + i); int mcurrentMenuItem = i; SoundManager.playuiclick(); switch (mcurrentMenuItem) { case 0: { // chat simulation.pullout = false; Stardust3d.refreshChat(Stardust3d.chatChannel, false); Stardust3d.stationScreen = 4; break; } case 1: { // inventory simulation.pullout = false; // if docked show cargo and warehouse inventory if (Ship.STATUS == 0) { Stardust3d.stationScreen = 2; } else { // we are in space // display cargo only Stardust3d.stationScreen = 3; } break; } case 2: { // ship Stardust3d.stationScreen = 6; simulation.pullout = false; break; } case 3: { // char Stardust3d.stationScreen = 5; simulation.pullout = false; break; } case 4: { // market Stardust3d.stationScreen = 9; simulation.pullout = false; // Stardust3d.gameMode = 13; // tell stardust we need a new screen // Stardust3d.selectScreen = true; break; } case 5: { // help Stardust3d.stationScreen = 8; simulation.pullout = false; break; } case 6: { // options simulation.pullout = false; Stardust3d.stationScreen = 7; break; } case 7: { // exit simulation.pullout = false; Stardust3d.stationScreen = -1; DialogListener dialogListener = (new DialogListener() { @Override public void optionSelected(int option) { SoundManager.playuiclick(); System.out.println("option " + option); // if close if (option == 1) { Renderer.stage.clear(); Stardust3d.stationScreen = 0; } // if exit if (option == 0) { String passed = Stardust3d.MyDataOp.postChat( Stardust3d.myCharacter.getFirstname() + " " + Stardust3d.myCharacter.getSurname() + " has logged out.", 1, 48); passed = Stardust3d.MyDataOp.logout(Stardust3d.myCharacter.getUid());; } } }); dialog = (Actors.twoOptionsDialog("Are you sure you want to quit the game?", dialogListener, "Exit Game", "Exit", "Cancel", skin)); Renderer.stage.addActor(dialog); break; } case 8: { // options simulation.pullout = false; Stardust3d.stationScreen = 13; break; } } } } } } @Override public void explosion() { SoundManager.playexplosion(); } @Override public void boom() { SoundManager.playboom(); } @Override public void shot() { SoundManager.playshot(); } @Override public void missile() { SoundManager.playmissile(); } @Override public void repair() { SoundManager.playRepair(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub = new PerspectiveCamera(67,,;; } @Override public void show() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void hide() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void pause() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void resume() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void draw(float delta) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }