Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Dennis Motta * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.desno365.mods; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.desno365.mods.Activities.MainActivity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Fragment used for managing interactions for and presentation of a navigation drawer. * See the <a href=""> * design guidelines</a> for a complete explanation of the behaviors implemented here. */ public class MainNavigationDrawerFragment extends Fragment { public static DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; public AnimatedExpandableListView mDrawerListView; /** * A pointer to the current callbacks instance (the Activity). */ private NavigationDrawerCallbacks mCallbacks; /** * Helper component that ties the action bar to the navigation drawer. */ private ActionBarDrawerToggle mDrawerToggle; private View mFragmentContainerView; private List<Item> items; // commented code that change the checked item //public int mCurrentSelectedPosition = 0; public MainNavigationDrawerFragment() { } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); try { mCallbacks = (NavigationDrawerCallbacks) activity; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new ClassCastException("Activity must implement NavigationDrawerCallbacks."); } } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { mDrawerListView = (AnimatedExpandableListView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.navigation_drawer_fragment, container, false); items = new ArrayList<Item>(); // Populate our list with groups and it's children ChildItem home = new ChildItem(); home.title = getString(R.string.home_title); home.hasIcon = true; home.iconId = R.drawable.ic_action_home; items.add(home); GroupItem mods = new GroupItem(); mods.title = getString(R.string.mods); mods.hasIcon = true; mods.iconId = R.drawable.ic_action_extension; ChildItem child1 = new ChildItem(); child1.title = getString(R.string.mod5_title); mods.children.add(child1); ChildItem child2 = new ChildItem(); child2.title = getString(R.string.mod1_title); mods.children.add(child2); ChildItem child3 = new ChildItem(); child3.title = getString(R.string.mod2_title); mods.children.add(child3); ChildItem child4 = new ChildItem(); child4.title = getString(R.string.mod3_title); mods.children.add(child4); ChildItem child5 = new ChildItem(); child5.title = getString(R.string.mod4_title); mods.children.add(child5); ChildItem child6 = new ChildItem(); child6.title = getString(R.string.mod6_title); mods.children.add(child6); items.add(mods); ChildItem about = new ChildItem(); about.title = getString(R.string.action_info); about.hasIcon = true; about.iconId = R.drawable.ic_action_info; items.add(about); ChildItem help = new ChildItem(); help.title = getString(R.string.action_help); help.hasIcon = true; help.iconId = R.drawable.ic_action_help; items.add(help); ChildItem news = new ChildItem(); news.title = getString(R.string.news_title); news.hasIcon = true; news.iconId = R.drawable.ic_action_news; items.add(news); ChildItem settings = new ChildItem(); settings.title = getString(R.string.action_settings); settings.hasIcon = true; settings.iconId = R.drawable.ic_action_settings; items.add(settings); NavigationDrawerAdapter adapter = new NavigationDrawerAdapter(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); adapter.setData(items); mDrawerListView.setAdapter(adapter); // In order to show animations, we need to use a custom click handler // for our ExpandableListView. mDrawerListView.setOnGroupClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnGroupClickListener() { @Override public boolean onGroupClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, long id) { if (isGroupExpandable(groupPosition)) { GroupItem group = (GroupItem) items.get(groupPosition); // We call collapseGroupWithAnimation(int) and // expandGroupWithAnimation(int) to animate group // expansion/collapse. if (mDrawerListView.isGroupExpanded(groupPosition)) { mDrawerListView.collapseGroupWithAnimation(groupPosition); group.groupIndicatorView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_arrow_down); } else { mDrawerListView.expandGroupWithAnimation(groupPosition); group.groupIndicatorView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_arrow_up); } } else { selectGroup(groupPosition); } return true; } }); mDrawerListView.setOnChildClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener() { @Override public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) { selectItem(groupPosition, childPosition); return false; } }); // commented code that change the checked item //mDrawerListView.setItemChecked(mCurrentSelectedPosition, true); return mDrawerListView; } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); // Forward the new configuration the drawer toggle component. mDrawerToggle.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); mCallbacks = null; } public boolean isDrawerOpen() { return mDrawerLayout != null && mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(mFragmentContainerView); } /** * Users of this fragment must call this method to set up the navigation drawer interactions. * * @param fragmentId The android:id of this fragment in its activity's layout. * @param drawerLayout The DrawerLayout containing this fragment's UI. */ public void setUp(int fragmentId, DrawerLayout drawerLayout) { mFragmentContainerView = getActivity().findViewById(fragmentId); mDrawerLayout = drawerLayout; // set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when the drawer opens mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow(R.drawable.drawer_shadow, GravityCompat.START); // set up the drawer's list view with items and click listener // ActionBarDrawerToggle ties together the the proper interactions // between the navigation drawer and the action bar app icon. mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(getActivity(), /* host Activity */ mDrawerLayout, /* DrawerLayout object */ MainActivity.toolbar, /* toolbar */ R.string.app_name, /* "open drawer" description for accessibility */ R.string.close_dialog /* "close drawer" description for accessibility */ ) { @Override public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView) { super.onDrawerOpened(drawerView); } @Override public void onDrawerClosed(View drawerView) { super.onDrawerClosed(drawerView); } }; // Defer code dependent on restoration of previous instance state. Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mDrawerToggle.syncState(); } }); mDrawerLayout.setDrawerListener(mDrawerToggle); } public void selectItem(int groupPosition, int childPosition) { // commented code that change the checked item //mCurrentSelectedPosition = position; /*if (mDrawerListView != null) { mDrawerListView.setItemChecked(position, true); }*/ if (mDrawerLayout != null && mFragmentContainerView != null) { mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(mFragmentContainerView); } if (mCallbacks != null) { mCallbacks.onNavigationDrawerItemSelected(groupPosition, childPosition); } } public void selectGroup(int position) { if (mDrawerLayout != null && mFragmentContainerView != null) { mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(mFragmentContainerView); } if (mCallbacks != null) { mCallbacks.onNavigationDrawerGroupSelected(position); } } public boolean isGroupExpandable(int position) { return !(items.get(position) instanceof ChildItem); } /** * Callbacks interface that all activities using this fragment must implement. */ public static interface NavigationDrawerCallbacks { /** * Called when an item or a group in the navigation drawer is selected. */ void onNavigationDrawerItemSelected(int groupPosition, int childPosition); void onNavigationDrawerGroupSelected(int position); } private static class Item { String title; boolean hasIcon; int iconId; } private static class GroupItem extends Item { List<ChildItem> children = new ArrayList<ChildItem>(); ImageView groupIndicatorView; } private static class ChildItem extends Item { String hint; // maybe in future I may want to add an hint under the title } private static class ChildHolder { TextView title; } private static class GroupHolder { TextView title; } /** * Adapter for our list of {@link GroupItem}s. */ private class NavigationDrawerAdapter extends AnimatedExpandableListView.AnimatedExpandableListAdapter { private LayoutInflater inflater; private List<Item> items; public NavigationDrawerAdapter(Context context) { inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); } public void setData(List<Item> items) { this.items = items; } @Override public View getRealChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ChildHolder holder; ChildItem item = getChild(groupPosition, childPosition); if (convertView == null) { holder = new ChildHolder(); convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.navigation_drawer_item, parent, false); TextView itemTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; // apply custom font with shadow Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(MainActivity.activity.getAssets(), "fonts/minecraft.ttf"); itemTextView.setTypeface(font); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) itemTextView.setShadowLayer(1, Math.round(itemTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), Math.round(itemTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), getResources().getColor(R.color.drawer_text_shadow_color)); else itemTextView.setShadowLayer(0.0001F, Math.round(itemTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), Math.round(itemTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), getResources().getColor(R.color.drawer_text_shadow_color)); holder.title = itemTextView; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ChildHolder) convertView.getTag(); } holder.title.setText(item.title); return convertView; } @Override public int getRealChildrenCount(int groupPosition) { Item group = getGroup(groupPosition); if (isGroupExpandable(groupPosition)) { return ((GroupItem) group).children.size(); } else { return 0; } } @Override public int getGroupCount() { return items.size(); } @Override public Item getGroup(int groupPosition) { return items.get(groupPosition); } @Override public ChildItem getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition) { Item group = getGroup(groupPosition); if (isGroupExpandable(groupPosition)) { // is a group return ((GroupItem) group).children.get(childPosition); } else { // is a not expandable group return ((ChildItem) group); } } @Override public long getGroupId(int groupPosition) { return groupPosition; } @Override public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) { return childPosition; } @Override public boolean hasStableIds() { return true; } @Override public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { GroupHolder holder; Item item = getGroup(groupPosition); if (convertView == null) { holder = new GroupHolder(); convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.navigation_drawer_group, parent, false); TextView groupTextView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; // apply custom font with shadow Typeface font = Typeface.createFromAsset(MainActivity.activity.getAssets(), "fonts/minecraft.ttf"); groupTextView.setTypeface(font); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) groupTextView.setShadowLayer(1, Math.round(groupTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), Math.round(groupTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), getResources().getColor(R.color.drawer_text_shadow_color)); else groupTextView.setShadowLayer(0.0001F, Math.round(groupTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), Math.round(groupTextView.getLineHeight() / 8), getResources().getColor(R.color.drawer_text_shadow_color)); holder.title = groupTextView; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (GroupHolder) convertView.getTag(); } holder.title.setText(item.title); // group indicator image View groupIndicatorImageView = convertView.findViewById(; if (isGroupExpandable(groupPosition)) { GroupItem group = (GroupItem) item; group.groupIndicatorView = (ImageView) groupIndicatorImageView; } else { groupIndicatorImageView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // group image ImageView groupImageView = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; if (item.hasIcon) { groupImageView.setImageResource(item.iconId); } return convertView; } @Override public boolean isChildSelectable(int arg0, int arg1) { return true; } } }