Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 DataTorrent, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import; import*; import*; import; import; import; import org.junit.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; /** * Performance testing of various Hadoop files, including HFile, TFile, MapFile, Plain * * Tests include: * - Sequential writes of keys in increasing sequence * - Sequential reads of entire file * - Sequential reads given a key id * - Random reads given a key * - Performance with compressed and uncompressed data * * Configurable parameters: * - number of key/value pairs to test * - characters used to generate values * - size of each key ( default: 100 bytes ) * - size of each value ( default: 1000 bytes ) * * Tests can be run in local mode or on Hadoop cluster. To run tests on a Hadoop cluster use the following configuration: * Note: Be sure to replace MALHAR_PATH location with local checkout of <a href="">Malhar</a> library. * * MALHAR_PATH=~/repos/sashadt-malhar * M2_HOME=/home/sasha/.m2 * export HADOOP_CLASSPATH="${M2_HOME}/repository/org/cloudera/htrace/htrace-core/2.04/htrace-core-2.04.jar:${M2_HOME}/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-protocol/0.98.2-hadoop2/hbase-protocol-0.98.2-hadoop2.jar:${M2_HOME}/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-client/0.98.2-hadoop2/hbase-client-0.98.2-hadoop2.jar:${M2_HOME}/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-common/0.98.2-hadoop2/hbase-common-0.98.2-hadoop2.jar:${M2_HOME}/repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-server/0.98.2-hadoop2/hbase-server-0.98.2-hadoop2.jar:${MALHAR_PATH}/contrib/target/*" * export HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS="-DTEST_KV_COUNT=100000 -DTEST_KEY_SIZE_BYTES=100 -DTEST_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES=1000 -Dlog4j.debug -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${MALHAR_PATH}/library/src/test/resources/" * hadoop org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.datatorrent.contrib.hdht.HadoopFilePerformanceTest * */ public class HadoopFilePerformanceTest { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HadoopFilePerformanceTest.class); public HadoopFilePerformanceTest() { } private static int testSize = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("TEST_KV_COUNT", "10000")); private static int keySizeBytes = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("TEST_KEY_SIZE_BYTES", "100")); private static int valueSizeBytes = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("TEST_VALUE_SIZE_BYTES", "1000")); private static int blockSize = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("TEST_BLOCK_SIZE", "65536")); private static char[] valueValidChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .toCharArray(); private static String keyFormat = "%0" + keySizeBytes + "d"; private static Map<String, String> testSummary = new TreeMap<String, String>(); private static String getValue() { return RandomStringUtils.random(valueSizeBytes, valueValidChars); } private static String getKey(int i) { return String.format(keyFormat, i); } private enum Testfile { MAPFILE, TFILE, TFILE_GZ, DTFILE, DTFILE_GZ, HFILE, HFILE_GZ, PLAIN; public String filename() { return HadoopFilePerformanceTest.class.getName() + ".test." + this.toString(); } public Path filepath() { return new Path(filename()); } } private Configuration conf = null; private FileSystem hdfs = null; @Before public void startup() throws Exception { conf = new Configuration(); hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf); deleteTestfiles(); } @After public void cleanup() throws Exception { deleteTestfiles(); hdfs.close(); } private final Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); private void startTimer() { timer.reset(); timer.start(); } private String stopTimer(Testfile fileType, String testType) throws IOException { timer.stop(); long elapsedMS = timer.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); String testKey = testSize + "," + + "-" + testType; long fileSize = hdfs.getContentSummary(fileType.filepath()).getSpaceConsumed(); testSummary.put(testKey, "" + elapsedMS + "," + fileSize); return String.format("%,d", timer.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) + " ns ( " + timer.toString(6) + " )"; } @AfterClass public static void summary() throws Exception { long heapMax = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage().getMax(); long nonHeapMax = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getMax(); System.out.println("=============================================================================="); System.out.println( "Test Size: " + String.format("%,d", testSize) + " pairs (" + String.format("%,d", keySizeBytes) + " key bytes /" + String.format("%,d", valueSizeBytes) + " value bytes)"); System.out.println( "Memory: " + String.format("%,d", heapMax) + " Heap MAX + " + String.format("%,d", nonHeapMax) + " Non-Heap Max = " + String.format("%,d", (heapMax + nonHeapMax)) + " Total MAX"); System.out.println("=============================================================================="); System.out.println("KV PAIRS (" + keySizeBytes + "/" + valueSizeBytes + "), TEST ID, ELAPSED TIME (s/microseconds), FILE SIZE (bytes)"); Iterator<?> it = testSummary.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<?, ?> kv = (Map.Entry<?, ?>); System.out.println(kv.getKey() + "," + kv.getValue()); } } private void deleteTestfiles() throws Exception { for (Testfile t : Testfile.values()) { if (hdfs.exists(t.filepath())) { logger.debug("deleting: {}", t.filename()); hdfs.delete(t.filepath(), true); } } } @Test public void testPlainFileWrite() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.PLAIN.filepath(); logger.debug("Writing {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); startTimer(); FSDataOutputStream fos = hdfs.create(file); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { fos.writeUTF(getKey(i) + ":" + getValue()); } fos.close();"Duration: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.PLAIN, "WRITE")); logger.debug("Space consumed: {} bytes", String.format("%,d", hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getSpaceConsumed())); Assert.assertTrue(hdfs.exists(file)); hdfs.delete(file, true); } private void writeMapFile() throws Exception { Path path = Testfile.MAPFILE.filepath(); Text key = new Text(); Text value = new Text(); long fsMinBlockSize = conf.getLong("dfs.namenode.fs-limits.min-block-size", 0); long testBlockSize = (blockSize < fsMinBlockSize) ? fsMinBlockSize : (long) blockSize; MapFile.Writer writer = new MapFile.Writer(conf, path, MapFile.Writer.keyClass(key.getClass()), MapFile.Writer.valueClass(value.getClass()), MapFile.Writer.compression(SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE), SequenceFile.Writer.blockSize(testBlockSize), SequenceFile.Writer.bufferSize((int) testBlockSize)); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { key.set(getKey(i)); value.set(getValue()); writer.append(key, value); } IOUtils.closeStream(writer); } @Test public void testMapFileWrite() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.MAPFILE.filepath(); logger.debug("Writing {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); startTimer(); writeMapFile();"Duration: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.MAPFILE, "WRITE")); Assert.assertTrue(hdfs.exists(file)); ContentSummary fileInfo = hdfs.getContentSummary(file); logger.debug("Space consumed: {} bytes in {} files", String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getSpaceConsumed()), String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getFileCount())); } @Test public void testMapFileRead() throws Exception {"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", Testfile.MAPFILE.filename(), String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeMapFile(); Text key = new Text(); Text value = new Text(); writeMapFile(); // Set amount of memory to use for buffer float bufferPercent = 0.25f; int bufferSize = (int) (ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage().getMax() * bufferPercent); MapFile.Reader reader = new MapFile.Reader(Testfile.MAPFILE.filepath(), conf, SequenceFile.Reader.bufferSize(bufferSize)); startTimer(); reader.reset(); while (, value)) { //logger.debug("read key:{} value:{}", key, value); }"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.MAPFILE, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); reader.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { key.set(getKey(i)); reader.get(key, value); //logger.debug("{}:{}", key, value); }"Duration for reader.get(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.MAPFILE, "READ-SEQ-ID")); Random random = new Random(); startTimer(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { key.set(getKey(random.nextInt(testSize))); reader.get(key, value); //logger.debug("{}:{}", key, value); }"Duration for reader.get(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.MAPFILE, "READ-RAND")); reader.close(); } public void writeHFile(Path file, Compression.Algorithm compression) throws Exception { CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf); cacheConf.shouldEvictOnClose(); FSDataOutputStream fos = hdfs.create(file); KeyValue.KVComparator comparator = new KeyValue.RawBytesComparator(); HFileContext context = new HFileContextBuilder().withBlockSize(blockSize).withCompression(compression) .build(); logger.debug("context.getBlockSize(): {}", context.getBlocksize()); logger.debug("context.getCompression(): {}", context.getCompression()); logger.debug("context.getDataBlockEncoding(): {}", context.getDataBlockEncoding()); logger.debug("context.getBytesPerChecksum(): {}", context.getBytesPerChecksum()); HFile.Writer writer = new HFileWriterV3(conf, cacheConf, hdfs, file, fos, comparator, context); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { writer.append(getKey(i).getBytes(), getValue().getBytes()); //logger.debug("fos.getPos(): {}", fos.getPos() ); } //writer.appendFileInfo(StoreFile.MAJOR_COMPACTION_KEY, Bytes.toBytes(true)); writer.close(); } public void writeTFile(Path file, String cname) throws Exception { FSDataOutputStream fos = hdfs.create(file); TFile.Writer writer = new TFile.Writer(fos, blockSize, cname, "jclass:" + BytesWritable.Comparator.class.getName(), new Configuration()); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { String k = getKey(i); String v = getValue(); writer.append(k.getBytes(), v.getBytes()); } writer.close(); fos.close(); } @Test public void testHFileWrite() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.HFILE.filepath();"Writing {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); startTimer(); writeHFile(file, Compression.Algorithm.NONE);"Duration: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE, "WRITE")); Assert.assertTrue(hdfs.exists(file)); ContentSummary fileInfo = hdfs.getContentSummary(file); logger.debug("Space consumed: {} bytes in {} files", String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getSpaceConsumed()), String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getFileCount())); } @Test public void testHFileWriteGZ() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.HFILE_GZ.filepath();"Writing {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); startTimer(); writeHFile(file, Compression.Algorithm.GZ);"Duration: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE_GZ, "WRITE")); Assert.assertTrue(hdfs.exists(file)); ContentSummary fileInfo = hdfs.getContentSummary(file); logger.debug("Space consumed: {} bytes in {} files", String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getSpaceConsumed()), String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getFileCount())); } @Test public void testTFileWrite() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.TFILE.filepath();"Writing {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); startTimer(); writeTFile(file, TFile.COMPRESSION_NONE);"Duration: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE, "WRITE")); Assert.assertTrue(hdfs.exists(file)); ContentSummary fileInfo = hdfs.getContentSummary(file); logger.debug("Space consumed: {} bytes in {} files", String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getSpaceConsumed()), String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getFileCount())); } @Test public void testTFileWriteGZ() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.TFILE_GZ.filepath();"Writing {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); startTimer(); writeTFile(file, TFile.COMPRESSION_GZ);"Duration: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE_GZ, "WRITE")); Assert.assertTrue(hdfs.exists(file)); ContentSummary fileInfo = hdfs.getContentSummary(file); logger.debug("Space consumed: {} bytes in {} files", String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getSpaceConsumed()), String.format("%,d", fileInfo.getFileCount())); } private void readHFileSeq(Path file, Compression.Algorithm compression) throws Exception { CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf); HFile.Reader reader = HFile.createReader(hdfs, file, cacheConf, conf); HFileScanner scanner = reader.getScanner(true, true, false); scanner.seekTo(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") KeyValue kv = null; while ( { kv = scanner.getKeyValue(); //logger.debug("key: {} value: {}", new String (kv.getKey()), new String (kv.getValue())); } } private void readHFileSeqId(Path file, Compression.Algorithm compression) throws Exception { CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf); HFile.Reader reader = HFile.createReader(hdfs, file, cacheConf, conf); HFileScanner scanner = reader.getScanner(true, true, false); @SuppressWarnings("unused") KeyValue kv = null; scanner.seekTo(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { scanner.seekTo(getKey(i).getBytes()); kv = scanner.getKeyValue(); //logger.debug("key: {} value: {}", new String (kv.getKey()), new String (kv.getValue())); } } private void readHFileRandom(Path file, Compression.Algorithm compression) throws Exception { CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf); HFile.Reader reader = HFile.createReader(hdfs, file, cacheConf, conf); HFileScanner scanner = reader.getScanner(true, true, false); @SuppressWarnings("unused") KeyValue kv = null; scanner.seekTo(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { scanner.seekTo(); scanner.seekTo(getKey(random.nextInt(testSize)).getBytes()); kv = scanner.getKeyValue(); //logger.debug("key: {} value: {}", new String (kv.getKey()), new String (kv.getValue())); } } @Test public void testHFileRead() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.HFILE.filepath(); Compression.Algorithm compression = Compression.Algorithm.NONE;"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeHFile(file, compression); startTimer(); readHFileSeq(file, compression);"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); readHFileSeqId(file, compression);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE, "READ-SEQ-ID")); startTimer(); readHFileRandom(file, compression);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE, "READ-RAND")); } @Test public void testHFileReadGZ() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.HFILE_GZ.filepath(); Compression.Algorithm compression = Compression.Algorithm.GZ;"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeHFile(file, compression); startTimer(); readHFileSeq(file, compression);"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE_GZ, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); readHFileSeqId(file, compression);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE_GZ, "READ-SEQ-ID")); startTimer(); readHFileRandom(file, compression);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.HFILE_GZ, "READ-RAND")); } @Test public void testTFileRead() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.TFILE.filepath();"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeTFile(file, TFile.COMPRESSION_NONE); startTimer(); readTFileSeq(file);"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); readTFileSeqId(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE, "READ-SEQ-ID")); startTimer(); readTFileRandom(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE, "READ-RAND")); } @Test public void testTFileReadGZ() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.TFILE_GZ.filepath();"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeTFile(file, TFile.COMPRESSION_GZ); startTimer(); readTFileSeq(file);"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE_GZ, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); readTFileSeqId(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE_GZ, "READ-SEQ-ID")); startTimer(); readTFileRandom(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.TFILE_GZ, "READ-RAND")); } private void readTFileRandom(Path file) throws IOException { Random random = new Random(); FSDataInputStream in =; long size = hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getLength(); TFile.Reader reader = new TFile.Reader(in, size, new Configuration()); Scanner scanner = reader.createScanner(); scanner.rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { // scanner.rewind(); scanner.seekTo(getKey(random.nextInt(testSize)).getBytes()); // Entry en = scanner.entry(); // en.get(new BytesWritable(new byte[en.getKeyLength()]), new BytesWritable(new byte[en.getValueLength()])); } reader.close(); } private void readTFileSeqId(Path file) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream in =; long size = hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getLength(); TFile.Reader reader = new TFile.Reader(in, size, new Configuration()); Scanner scanner = reader.createScanner(); scanner.rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { scanner.seekTo(getKey(i).getBytes()); Entry en = scanner.entry(); en.get(new BytesWritable(new byte[en.getKeyLength()]), new BytesWritable(new byte[en.getValueLength()])); } reader.close(); } private void readTFileSeq(Path file) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream in =; long size = hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getLength(); TFile.Reader reader = new TFile.Reader(in, size, new Configuration()); Scanner scanner = reader.createScanner(); scanner.rewind(); do { Entry en = scanner.entry(); en.get(new BytesWritable(new byte[en.getKeyLength()]), new BytesWritable(new byte[en.getValueLength()])); } while (scanner.advance() && !scanner.atEnd()); reader.close(); } @Test public void testDTFileRead() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.DTFILE.filepath();"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeTFile(file, TFile.COMPRESSION_NONE); startTimer(); readDTFileSeq(file);"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.DTFILE, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); readDTFileSeq(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.DTFILE, "READ-SEQ-ID")); startTimer(); readDTFileRandom(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.DTFILE, "READ-RAND")); } @Test public void testDTFileReadGZ() throws Exception { Path file = Testfile.DTFILE_GZ.filepath();"Reading {} with {} key/value pairs", file, String.format("%,d", testSize)); writeTFile(file, TFile.COMPRESSION_GZ); startTimer(); readDTFileSeq(file);"Duration for SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.DTFILE_GZ, "READ-SEQ")); startTimer(); readDTFileSeqId(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) SEQUENTIAL keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.DTFILE_GZ, "READ-SEQ-ID")); startTimer(); readDTFileRandom(file);"Duration for scanner.seekTo(key) RANDOM keys: {}", stopTimer(Testfile.DTFILE_GZ, "READ-RAND")); } private void readDTFileSeq(Path file) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream in =; long size = hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getLength(); reader = new, size, new Configuration()); scanner = reader.createScanner(); scanner.rewind(); do { en = scanner.entry(); en.getBlockBuffer(); en.getKeyOffset(); en.getKeyLength(); en.getValueLength(); en.getValueOffset(); // System.out.println(new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(en.getBlockBuffer(), en.getKeyOffset(), en.getKeyOffset() + en.getKeyLength())) + ", " + new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(en.getBlockBuffer(), en.getValueOffset(), en.getValueOffset() + en.getValueLength()))); } while (scanner.advance() && !scanner.atEnd()); reader.close(); } private void readDTFileRandom(Path file) throws IOException { Random random = new Random(); FSDataInputStream in =; long size = hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getLength(); reader = new, size, new Configuration()); scanner = reader.createScanner(); scanner.rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { scanner.seekTo(getKey(random.nextInt(testSize)).getBytes()); en = scanner.entry(); en.getBlockBuffer(); en.getKeyOffset(); en.getKeyLength(); en.getValueLength(); en.getValueOffset(); // System.out.println(new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(en.getBlockBuffer(), en.getKeyOffset(), en.getKeyOffset() + en.getKeyLength())) + ", " + new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(en.getBlockBuffer(), en.getValueOffset(), en.getValueOffset() + en.getValueLength()))); } reader.close(); } private void readDTFileSeqId(Path file) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream in =; long size = hdfs.getContentSummary(file).getLength(); reader = new, size, new Configuration()); scanner = reader.createScanner(); scanner.rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { scanner.seekTo(getKey(i).getBytes()); en = scanner.entry(); en.getBlockBuffer(); en.getKeyOffset(); en.getKeyLength(); en.getValueLength(); en.getValueOffset(); // System.out.println(new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(en.getBlockBuffer(), en.getKeyOffset(), en.getKeyOffset() + en.getKeyLength())) + ", " + new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(en.getBlockBuffer(), en.getValueOffset(), en.getValueOffset() + en.getValueLength()))); } reader.close(); } }