Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2018 CW Chiu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.SeekBar; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; public class AudioPlayer_page { private static final String TAG = "AUDIO_PLAYER"; // error logging tag private static final int DURATION_1S = 1000; // 1 seconds per slide private static Audio_manager mAudioManager; // slide show being played private static int mAudio_tryTimes; // use to avoid useless looping in Continue mode private AppCompatActivity act; private Async_audioUrlVerify mAudioUrlVerifyTask; private AudioUi_page audioUi_page; public static Handler mAudioHandler; private int notesCount; public AudioPlayer_page(AppCompatActivity act, AudioUi_page audioUi_page) { this.act = act; this.audioUi_page = audioUi_page; System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / constructor "); // start a new handler mAudioHandler = new Handler(); int playingPageTableId = TabsHost.mTabsPagerAdapter.getItem(TabsHost.getFocus_tabPos()).page_tableId; DB_page db_page = new DB_page(MainAct.mAct, playingPageTableId); notesCount = db_page.getNotesCount(true); } /** * prepare audio info */ public static void prepareAudioInfo() { mAudioManager = new Audio_manager(); mAudioManager.updateAudioInfo(); } /** * Run audio state */ public void runAudioState() { System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _runAudioState "); // if media player is null, set new fragment if (BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer == null)//for first { // show toast if Audio file is not found or No selection of audio file if ((Audio_manager.getAudioFilesCount() == 0) && (Audio_manager.getAudioPlayMode() == Audio_manager.PAGE_PLAY_MODE)) { Audio_manager.setPlayerState(Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_STOP); Toast.makeText(act, R.string.audio_file_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { Audio_manager.setPlayerState(Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_PLAY); mAudio_tryTimes = 0; //for 1st play audioUrl_page = Audio_manager.getAudioStringAt(Audio_manager.mAudioPos); while (!UtilAudio.hasAudioExtension(audioUrl_page)) { Audio_manager.mAudioPos++; audioUrl_page = Audio_manager.getAudioStringAt(Audio_manager.mAudioPos); if (Audio_manager.mAudioPos >= TabsHost.getCurrentPage().getNotesCountInPage(MainAct.mAct)) break; } if (UtilAudio.hasAudioExtension(audioUrl_page) && Util.isUriExisted(audioUrl_page, MainAct.mAct)) { startNewAudio(); } else { Audio_manager.setPlayerState(Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_STOP); Toast.makeText(act, R.string.audio_file_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } } else { // from play to pause if (BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.isPlaying()) { System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _runAudioState / play -> pause"); BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.pause(); mAudioHandler.removeCallbacks(page_runnable); Audio_manager.setPlayerState(Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_PAUSE); //for pause if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(MainAct.mAct).getTransportControls().pause(); else BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.pause(); } else // from pause to play { System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _runAudioState / pause -> play"); mAudio_tryTimes = 0; if ((mAudioHandler != null) && (Audio_manager.getAudioPlayMode() == Audio_manager.PAGE_PLAY_MODE)); Audio_manager.setPlayerState(Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_PLAY); //for play if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(MainAct.mAct).getTransportControls().play(); else BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.start(); } } } /** * Set audio listeners */ private void setAudioListeners() { // on prepared BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(new OnPreparedListener() { @Override public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) { System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _setAudioListeners / onPrepared"); BackgroundAudioService.mIsPrepared = true; BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.start(); BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.seekTo(0); } }); // on completed BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) { System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _setAudioListeners / onCompletion"); if (BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer != null) BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.release(); BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer = null; BackgroundAudioService.mIsCompleted = true; } }); // on error BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener(new MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener() { @Override public boolean onError(MediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra) { // more than one error when playing an index System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _setAudioListeners / _onError / what = " + what + " , extra = " + extra); return false; } }); // on buffering update BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer .setOnBufferingUpdateListener(new MediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener() { @Override public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent) { System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _setAudioListeners / _onBufferingUpdate"); if (TabsHost.getCurrentPage().seekBarProgress != null) TabsHost.getCurrentPage().seekBarProgress.setSecondaryProgress(percent); } }); } // set list view footer audio control private void showAudioPanel(AppCompatActivity act, boolean enable) { // System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _showAudioPanel / enable = " + enable); View audio_panel = act.findViewById(; if (audio_panel != null) { TextView audio_panel_title_textView = (TextView) audio_panel.findViewById(; SeekBar seekBarProgress = (SeekBar) audio_panel.findViewById(; // show audio panel if (enable) { audio_panel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); audio_panel_title_textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // set footer message with audio name String audioStr = Audio_manager.getAudioStringAt(Audio_manager.mAudioPos); audio_panel_title_textView.setText(Util.getDisplayNameByUriString(audioStr, act)); // show audio playing item number TextView audioPanel_audio_number = (TextView) audio_panel .findViewById(; String message = act.getResources().getString(R.string.menu_button_play) + "#" + (Audio_manager.mAudioPos + 1); audioPanel_audio_number.setText(message); seekBarProgress.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { audio_panel.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } } private boolean isAudioPanelOn() { View audio_panel = act.findViewById(; boolean isOn = false; if (audio_panel != null) isOn = (audio_panel.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE); return isOn; } /** * Continue mode runnable */ private String audioUrl_page; public Runnable page_runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _page_runnable"); if (!Audio_manager.isRunnableOn_page) { stopHandler(); stopAsyncTask(); if ((audioUi_page != null) && (Audio_manager.getPlayerState() == Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_STOP)) showAudioPanel(act, false); return; } if (Audio_manager.getCheckedAudio(Audio_manager.mAudioPos) == 1) { // for incoming call case and after Key protection if (!isAudioPanelOn()) showAudioPanel(act, true); // check if audio file exists or not audioUrl_page = Audio_manager.getAudioStringAt(Audio_manager.mAudioPos); if (!Async_audioUrlVerify.mIsOkUrl) { mAudio_tryTimes++; play_nextAudio(); return; } else { if (BackgroundAudioService.mIsPrepared) { // media file length media_file_length = BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.getDuration(); // gets the song length in milliseconds from URL System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _setAudioPlayerListeners / media_file_length = " + media_file_length); // set footer message: media name if (!Util.isEmptyString(audioUrl_page)) { // set seek bar progress TextView audioPanel_file_length = (TextView) act .findViewById(; // show audio file length of playing int fileHour = Math.round((float) (media_file_length / 1000 / 60 / 60)); int fileMin = Math .round((float) ((media_file_length - fileHour * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 1000 / 60)); int fileSec = Math.round( (float) ((media_file_length - fileHour * 60 * 60 * 1000 - fileMin * 1000 * 60) / 1000)); if (audioPanel_file_length != null) { audioPanel_file_length.setText(String.format(Locale.US, "%2d", fileHour) + ":" + String.format(Locale.US, "%02d", fileMin) + ":" + String.format(Locale.US, "%02d", fileSec)); } if (isOnAudioPlayingPage()) { scrollHighlightAudioItemToVisible(TabsHost.getCurrentPage().recyclerView); TabsHost.getCurrentPage().itemAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } // add for calling runnable if (Audio_manager.getAudioPlayMode() == Audio_manager.PAGE_PLAY_MODE) mAudioHandler.postDelayed(page_runnable, Util.oneSecond / 4); BackgroundAudioService.mIsPrepared = false; } if (BackgroundAudioService.mIsCompleted) { // get next index if (Audio_manager.getAudioPlayMode() == Audio_manager.PAGE_PLAY_MODE) { play_nextAudio(); if (isOnAudioPlayingPage()) { scrollHighlightAudioItemToVisible(TabsHost.getCurrentPage().recyclerView); TabsHost.getCurrentPage().itemAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } BackgroundAudioService.mIsCompleted = false; } } if (mAudio_tryTimes < Audio_manager.getAudioFilesCount()) { // update page audio seek bar if (audioUi_page != null) update_audioPanel_progress(audioUi_page); if (mAudio_tryTimes == 0) mAudioHandler.postDelayed(page_runnable, DURATION_1S); else mAudioHandler.postDelayed(page_runnable, DURATION_1S / 10); } } else if ((Audio_manager.getCheckedAudio(Audio_manager.mAudioPos) == 0))// for non-audio item { // System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / page_runnable / for non-audio item"); play_nextAudio(); TabsHost.audioPlayer_page.scrollHighlightAudioItemToVisible(TabsHost.getCurrentPage().recyclerView); TabsHost.getCurrentPage().itemAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } }; private void stopHandler() { if (mAudioHandler != null) { mAudioHandler.removeCallbacks(page_runnable); mAudioHandler = null; } } private void stopAsyncTask() { // stop async task // make sure progress dialog will disappear if ((mAudioUrlVerifyTask != null) && (!mAudioUrlVerifyTask.isCancelled())) { mAudioUrlVerifyTask.cancel(true); if ((mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mUrlVerifyDialog != null) && mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mUrlVerifyDialog.isShowing()) { mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mUrlVerifyDialog.dismiss(); } if ((mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mAsyncTaskAudioPrepare != null) && (mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mAsyncTaskAudioPrepare.mPrepareDialog != null) && mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mAsyncTaskAudioPrepare.mPrepareDialog.isShowing()) { mAudioUrlVerifyTask.mAsyncTaskAudioPrepare.mPrepareDialog.dismiss(); } } } // check if is on audio playing page public static boolean isOnAudioPlayingPage() { return ((Audio_manager.getPlayerState() != Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_STOP) && (MainAct.mPlaying_folderPos == FolderUi.getFocus_folderPos()) && (TabsHost.getFocus_tabPos() == MainAct.mPlaying_pagePos) && (TabsHost.getCurrentPage().recyclerView != null)); } public static int media_file_length; private static final int UNBOUNDED = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED); /** * Scroll highlight audio item to visible position * * At the following conditions * 1) click audio item of list view (this highlight is not good for user expectation, so cancel this condition now) * 2) click previous/next item in audio controller * 3) change tab to playing tab * 4) back from key protect off * 5) if seeker bar reaches the end * In order to view audio highlight item, playing(highlighted) audio item can be auto scrolled to top, * unless it is at the end page of list view, there is no need to scroll. */ public void scrollHighlightAudioItemToVisible(RecyclerView recyclerView) { // System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _scrollHighlightAudioItemToVisible"); if (recyclerView == null) return; LinearLayoutManager layoutMgr = ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.getLayoutManager()); // version limitation: _scrollListBy // NoteFragment.drag_listView.scrollListBy(firstVisibleIndex_top); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19) return; int pos; int itemHeight = 50;//init int dividerHeight; int firstVisible_note_pos; View v; pos = layoutMgr.findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); // System.out.println("---------------- pos = " + pos); View childView; if (recyclerView.getAdapter() != null) { childView = layoutMgr.findViewByPosition(pos); // avoid exception: audio playing and doing checked notes operation at non-playing page if (childView == null) return; childView.measure(UNBOUNDED, UNBOUNDED); itemHeight = childView.getMeasuredHeight(); // System.out.println("---------------- itemHeight = " + itemHeight); } // dividerHeight = recyclerView.getDividerHeight();//todo temp dividerHeight = 0; // System.out.println("---------------- dividerHeight = " + dividerHeight); firstVisible_note_pos = layoutMgr.findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); // System.out.println("---------------- firstVisible_note_pos = " + firstVisible_note_pos); v = recyclerView.getChildAt(0); int firstVisibleNote_top = (v == null) ? 0 : v.getTop(); // System.out.println("---------------- firstVisibleNote_top = " + firstVisibleNote_top); // System.out.println("---------------- Audio_manager.mAudioPos = " + Audio_manager.mAudioPos); if (firstVisibleNote_top < 0) { // restore index and top position recyclerView.scrollBy(0, firstVisibleNote_top); // System.out.println("----- scroll backwards by firstVisibleNote_top " + firstVisibleNote_top); } boolean noScroll = false; // base on Audio_manager.mAudioPos to scroll if (firstVisible_note_pos != Audio_manager.mAudioPos) { while ((firstVisible_note_pos != Audio_manager.mAudioPos) && (!noScroll)) { int offset = itemHeight + dividerHeight; // scroll forwards if (firstVisible_note_pos > Audio_manager.mAudioPos) { recyclerView.scrollBy(0, -offset); // System.out.println("-----scroll forwards (to top)" + (-offset)); } // scroll backwards else if (firstVisible_note_pos < Audio_manager.mAudioPos) { // when real item height could be larger than visible item height, so // scroll twice here in odder to do scroll successfully, otherwise scroll could fail recyclerView.scrollBy(0, offset / 2); recyclerView.scrollBy(0, offset / 2); // System.out.println("-----scroll backwards (to bottom) " + offset); } // System.out.println("---------------- firstVisible_note_pos = " + firstVisible_note_pos); // System.out.println("---------------- Page.drag_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition() = " + listView.getFirstVisiblePosition()); if (firstVisible_note_pos == layoutMgr.findFirstVisibleItemPosition()) noScroll = true; else { // update first visible index firstVisible_note_pos = layoutMgr.findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); } } // do v scroll TabsHost.store_listView_vScroll(recyclerView); TabsHost.resume_listView_vScroll(recyclerView); } } /** * Start new audio */ private void startNewAudio() { System.out.println( "AudioPlayer_page / _startNewAudio / Audio_manager.mAudioPos = " + Audio_manager.mAudioPos); // remove call backs to make sure next toast will appear soon if (mAudioHandler != null) mAudioHandler.removeCallbacks(page_runnable); mAudioHandler = null; mAudioHandler = new Handler(); Audio_manager.isRunnableOn_page = true; Audio_manager.isRunnableOn_note = false; BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer = null; // verify audio URL Async_audioUrlVerify.mIsOkUrl = false; if ((Audio_manager.getAudioPlayMode() == Audio_manager.PAGE_PLAY_MODE) && (Audio_manager.getCheckedAudio(Audio_manager.mAudioPos) == 0)) { mAudioHandler.postDelayed(page_runnable, Util.oneSecond / 4); } else { mAudioUrlVerifyTask = new Async_audioUrlVerify(act, mAudioManager.getAudioStringAt(Audio_manager.mAudioPos)); mAudioUrlVerifyTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, "Searching media ..."); while (!Async_audioUrlVerify.mIsOkUrl) { //wait for Url verification try { Thread.sleep(Util.oneSecond / 20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // prepare audio if (Async_audioUrlVerify.mIsOkUrl) { showAudioPanel(act, true); // launch handler if ((Audio_manager.getPlayerState() != Audio_manager.PLAYER_AT_STOP) && (Audio_manager.getAudioPlayMode() == Audio_manager.PAGE_PLAY_MODE)) { mAudioHandler.postDelayed(page_runnable, Util.oneSecond / 4); } // during audio Preparing Async_audioPrepare mAsyncTaskAudioPrepare = new Async_audioPrepare(act); mAsyncTaskAudioPrepare.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, "Preparing to play ..."); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(MainAct.mAct).getTransportControls() .playFromUri(Uri.parse(audioUrl_page), null); MediaControllerCompat.getMediaController(MainAct.mAct).getTransportControls().play(); } else { BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.reset(); try { BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(act, Uri.parse(audioUrl_page)); // prepare the MediaPlayer to play, this will delay system response BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.prepare(); setAudioListeners(); } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(act, R.string.audio_message_could_not_open_file, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Audio_manager.stopAudioPlayer(); } } } } } /** * Play next audio at AudioPlayer_page */ private void play_nextAudio() { // Toast.makeText(act,"Can not open file, try next one.",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _playNextAudio"); if (BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer != null) { BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.release(); BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer = null; } // new audio index Audio_manager.mAudioPos++; if (Audio_manager.mAudioPos >= notesCount) Audio_manager.mAudioPos = 0; //back to first index // check try times,had tried or not tried yet, anyway the audio file is found System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / check mTryTimes = " + mAudio_tryTimes); if (mAudio_tryTimes < Audio_manager.getAudioFilesCount()) { audioUrl_page = Audio_manager.getAudioStringAt(Audio_manager.mAudioPos); if (UtilAudio.hasAudioExtension(audioUrl_page) && Util.isUriExisted(audioUrl_page, MainAct.mAct)) startNewAudio(); } else // try enough times: still no audio file is found { Toast.makeText(act, R.string.audio_message_no_media_file_is_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // do not show highlight if (MainAct.mSubMenuItemAudio != null) MainAct.mSubMenuItemAudio.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_slideshow); // stop media player Audio_manager.stopAudioPlayer(); } System.out.println( "AudioPlayer_page / _playNextAudio / Audio_manager.mAudioPos = " + Audio_manager.mAudioPos); } private void update_audioPanel_progress(AudioUi_page audioUi_page) { // if(!listView.isShown()) // return; // System.out.println("AudioPlayer_page / _update_audioPanel_progress"); // get current playing position int currentPos = 0; if (BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer != null) currentPos = BackgroundAudioService.mMediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); int curHour = Math.round((float) (currentPos / 1000 / 60 / 60)); int curMin = Math.round((float) ((currentPos - curHour * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 1000 / 60)); int curSec = Math.round((float) ((currentPos - curHour * 60 * 60 * 1000 - curMin * 60 * 1000) / 1000)); // set current playing time audioUi_page.audioPanel_curr_pos.setText(String.format(Locale.US, "%2d", curHour) + ":" + String.format(Locale.US, "%02d", curMin) + ":" + String.format(Locale.US, "%02d", curSec));//??? why affect audio title? // set current progress AudioUi_page.mProgress = (int) (((float) currentPos / media_file_length) * 100); if (media_file_length > 0) audioUi_page.seekBarProgress.setProgress(AudioUi_page.mProgress); // This math construction give a percentage of "was playing"/"media length" } }