Java tutorial
/* GenChess, a genesis chess engine * Copyright (C) 2014, Justin Madru ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.chess.genesis.engine; import*; import android.content.*; import android.os.*; import android.view.*; import android.widget.*; import com.chess.genesis.*; import com.chess.genesis.activity.*; import*; import com.chess.genesis.dialog.*; import*; import com.chess.genesis.util.*; import com.chess.genesis.view.*; import org.json.*; public abstract class GameState implements Handler.Callback { protected final GameFrag game; protected final Activity activity; protected final Bundle settings; protected final ProgressMsg progress; protected final ObjectArray<Move> history; protected final HintList hintList; protected final Board board; protected Handler handle; protected NetworkClient net; protected Engine cpu; protected int ycol; protected int type; protected int oppType; protected int hindex = -1; protected abstract void revertMove(final Move move); protected abstract void applyMove(final Move move, final boolean erase, final boolean localmove); public abstract void setBoard(); public abstract void boardClick(final View v); public abstract void placeClick(final View v); public abstract void handleMove(final int from, final int to); @Override public boolean handleMessage(final Message msg) { try { switch (msg.what) { case GenEngine.MSG: case RegEngine.MSG: final Bundle bundle = (Bundle) msg.obj; if (bundle.getLong("time") == 0) { cpu.setBoard(board); new Thread(cpu).start(); return true; } else if (activity.isFinishing()) { // activity is gone, so give up! return true; } currentMove(); final Move tmove = bundle.getParcelable("move"); final Move move = board.newMove(); if (board.validMove(tmove, move)) applyMove(move, true, true); break; case CpuTimeDialog.MSG: final PrefEdit pref = new PrefEdit(activity); pref.putInt(R.array.pf_cputime, (Integer) msg.obj); pref.commit(); cpu.setTime((Integer) msg.obj); break; case NetworkClient.GAME_DRAW: case NetworkClient.SUBMIT_MOVE: JSONObject json = (JSONObject) msg.obj; if (json.getString("result").equals("error")) { undoMove(); progress.remove(); Toast.makeText(activity, "ERROR:\n" + json.getString("reason"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return true; } progress.setText("Checking Game Status"); net.game_status(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); break; case ResignConfirm.MSG: progress.setText("Sending Resignation"); net.resign_game(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); break; case NudgeConfirm.MSG: progress.setText("Sending Nudge"); net.nudge_game(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); break; case IdleResignConfirm.MSG: progress.setText("Sending Idle Resign"); net.idle_resign(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); break; case DrawDialog.MSG: case AcceptDrawDialog.MSG: final String value = (String) msg.obj; progress.setText("Sending Draw"); net.game_draw(settings.getString("gameid"), value); new Thread(net).start(); break; case PawnPromoteDialog.MSG: applyMove((RegMove) msg.obj, true, true); break; case NetworkClient.RESIGN_GAME: case NetworkClient.IDLE_RESIGN: json = (JSONObject) msg.obj; if (json.getString("result").equals("error")) { progress.remove(); Toast.makeText(activity, "ERROR:\n" + json.getString("reason"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return true; } progress.setText("Resignation Sent"); net.game_status(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); break; case NetworkClient.NUDGE_GAME: json = (JSONObject) msg.obj; if (json.getString("result").equals("error")) Toast.makeText(activity, "ERROR:\n" + json.getString("reason"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); progress.remove(); break; case NetworkClient.GAME_STATUS: json = (JSONObject) msg.obj; if (json.getString("result").equals("error")) { progress.remove(); Toast.makeText(activity, "ERROR:\n" + json.getString("reason"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return true; } final int status = Enums.GameStatus(json.getString("status")); settings.putString("status", String.valueOf(status)); final GameDataDB db = new GameDataDB(activity); db.updateOnlineGame(json); db.close(); GenesisNotifier.clearNotification(activity, GenesisNotifier.YOURTURN_NOTE); applyRemoteMove(json.getString("history")); if (status != Enums.ACTIVE) { if (Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("eventtype")) == Enums.INVITE) { progress.remove(); ShowGameStats(json); return true; } progress.setText("Retrieving Score"); net.game_score(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); } else { progress.setText("Status Synced"); progress.remove(); } break; case NetworkClient.GAME_SCORE: json = (JSONObject) msg.obj; if (json.getString("result").equals("error")) { progress.remove(); Toast.makeText(activity, "ERROR:\n" + json.getString("reason"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return true; } progress.setText("Score Loaded"); progress.remove(); ShowGameStats(json); break; case RematchConfirm.MSG: final Bundle data = (Bundle) msg.obj; progress.setText("Sending Newgame Request"); final String opponent = data.getString("opp_name"); final String color = Enums.ColorType(data.getInt("color")); final String gametype = Enums.GameType(data.getInt("gametype")); net.new_game(opponent, gametype, color); new Thread(net).start(); break; case NetworkClient.NEW_GAME: json = (JSONObject) msg.obj; if (json.getString("result").equals("error")) { progress.remove(); Toast.makeText(activity, "ERROR:\n" + json.getString("reason"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return true; } progress.setText(json.getString("reason")); progress.remove(); break; } return true; } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public GameState(final GameFrag _game, final Board _board) { game = _game; activity = game.getActivity(); settings = game.getArguments(); board = _board; handle = new Handler(this); history = new ObjectArray<Move>(board.moveGenerator()); hintList = new HintList(activity, this, board); progress = new ProgressMsg(activity); type = settings.getInt("type", Enums.ONLINE_GAME); switch (type) { case Enums.LOCAL_GAME: default: cpu = board instanceof GenBoard ? new GenEngine(handle, board) : new RegEngine(handle, board); cpu.setTime(Pref.getInt(activity, R.array.pf_cputime)); oppType = Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("opponent")); net = null; ycol = (oppType == Enums.CPU_WHITE_OPPONENT) ? Piece.BLACK : Piece.WHITE; break; case Enums.ONLINE_GAME: case Enums.ARCHIVE_GAME: oppType = Enums.HUMAN_OPPONENT; cpu = null; net = new NetworkClient(activity, handle); ycol = settings.getString("username").equals(settings.getString("white")) ? Piece.WHITE : Piece.BLACK; break; } } public void reset() { hindex = -1; game.reset(); history.clear(); board.reset(); } public void backMove() { if (hindex < 0) return; revertMove(history.get(hindex)); } public void forwardMove() { if (hindex + 1 >= history.size()) return; applyMove(history.get(hindex + 1), false, true); } public void currentMove() { final int len = history.size(); while (hindex + 1 < len) applyMove(history.get(hindex + 1), false, true); } public void firstMove() { while (hindex > 0) revertMove(history.get(hindex)); } public void undoMove() { if (hindex < 0) return; revertMove(history.get(hindex)); history.pop(); } protected int yourColor() { switch (type) { case Enums.LOCAL_GAME: if (oppType == Enums.HUMAN_OPPONENT) return board.getStm(); case Enums.ONLINE_GAME: return ycol; case Enums.ARCHIVE_GAME: return board.getStm(); default: return 0; } } protected void check_endgame() { switch (type) { case Enums.LOCAL_GAME: return; case Enums.ONLINE_GAME: if (Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("status")) == Enums.ACTIVE) { // check for draw offers and pending draws if (Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("drawoffer")) * ycol < 0) new AcceptDrawDialog(activity, handle).show(); else if (Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("drawoffer")) * ycol > 0) new PendingDrawDialog(activity).show(); return; } else if (Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("eventtype")) == Enums.INVITE) { try { ShowGameStats(new JSONObject()); } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { progress.setText("Retrieving Score"); net.game_score(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); } break; case Enums.ARCHIVE_GAME: settings.putInt("yourcolor", ycol); new GameStatsDialog(activity, settings).show(); break; } } public Bundle getBundle() { return settings; } public void resync() { progress.setText("Updating Game State"); net.game_status(settings.getString("gameid")); new Thread(net).start(); } public void setCpuTime() { new CpuTimeDialog(activity, handle, cpu.getTime()).show(); } protected boolean runCPU() { // Start computer player if (oppType == Enums.HUMAN_OPPONENT) return false; else if (hindex + 1 < history.size()) return false; else if (board.getStm() == ycol) return false; if (cpu.isActive()) { cpu.stop(); return true; } cpu.setBoard(board); new Thread(cpu).start(); return true; } public void submitMove() { progress.setText("Sending Move"); final String gameid = settings.getString("gameid"); final String move =; net.submit_move(gameid, move); new Thread(net).start(); } protected boolean boardNotEditable() { return type == Enums.ARCHIVE_GAME || (type == Enums.ONLINE_GAME && hindex + 1 < history.size()); } private void preCommonMove() { // legal move always ends with king not in check if (hindex > 1) { final int king = board.kingIndex(board.getStm()); final BoardButton kingI = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(king); kingI.setCheck(false); } } protected void preApplyMove() { hintList.clear(); if (hindex >= 0) { // undo last move highlight final BoardButton to = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(history.get(hindex).to); to.setLast(false); preCommonMove(); } } protected void preRevertMove() { hintList.clear(); preCommonMove(); } private void postCommonMove() { // move caused check if (board.incheck(board.getStm())) { final int king = board.kingIndex(board.getStm()); final BoardButton kingI = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(king); kingI.setCheck(true); } // set captured pieces game.captured_count.setPieces(board.getPieceCounts(Piece.DEAD)); setStm(); } protected void postApplyMove() { postCommonMove(); } protected void postRevertMove() { // redo last move highlight if (hindex >= 0) { final BoardButton hto = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(history.get(hindex).to); hto.setLast(true); } postCommonMove(); } protected void applyRemoteMove(final String hist) { if (hist == null || hist.length() < 3) return; final String[] movehistory = hist.trim().split(" +"); final String sMove = movehistory[movehistory.length - 1]; // don't apply duplicate moves if (history.size() != 0 && sMove.equals( return; // must be on most current move to apply it currentMove(); Toast.makeText(activity, "New move loaded...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); final Move move = board.newMove(); move.parse(sMove); if (board.validMove(move) != Move.VALID_MOVE) return; applyMove(move, true, false); } public void save(final Context context, final boolean exitgame) { switch (type) { case Enums.LOCAL_GAME: final GameDataDB db = new GameDataDB(context); final int id = Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("id")); if (history.size() < 1) { db.deleteLocalGame(id); db.close(); return; } else if (exitgame) { db.close(); return; } final long stime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String zfen = board.printZfen(); final String hist = history.toString(); // save update local game data bundle settings.putString("history", hist); settings.putString("stime", String.valueOf(stime)); settings.putString("zfen", zfen); db.saveLocalGame(id, stime, zfen, hist); db.close(); break; case Enums.ONLINE_GAME: if (exitgame) return; game.displaySubmitMove(); case Enums.ARCHIVE_GAME: break; } } public final void setStm() { String think = "", wstr, bstr; boolean mate = false; switch (board.isMate()) { case Move.NOT_MATE: default: if (runCPU()) think = " thinking"; break; case Move.CHECK_MATE: case Move.STALE_MATE: mate = true; break; } if (type == Enums.LOCAL_GAME) { wstr = "White"; bstr = "Black"; } else { wstr = settings.getString("white"); bstr = settings.getString("black"); } final TabText white = (TabText) activity.findViewById(; final TabText black = (TabText) activity.findViewById(; if (board.getStm() == Piece.WHITE) { white.setText(wstr + think); white.setActive(true); black.setText(bstr); black.setActive(false); if (mate) white.setTabTextColor(MColors.RED); } else { white.setText(wstr); white.setActive(false); black.setText(bstr + think); black.setActive(true); if (mate) black.setTabTextColor(MColors.RED); } } protected void setBoard(final int[] pieces) { for (int i = -6; i < 0; i++) { final PlaceButton button = (PlaceButton) activity.findViewById(i + 1000); button.setCount(pieces[i + 6]); } for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { final PlaceButton button = (PlaceButton) activity.findViewById(i + 1000); button.setCount(pieces[i + 6]); } // set board pieces final int[] squares = board.getBoardArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { final int loc = BaseBoard.SF88(i); final BoardButton button = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(loc); button.setPiece(squares[loc]); } // set last move highlight if (history.size() != 0) { final BoardButton to = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(; to.setLast(true); } // move caused check if (board.incheck(board.getStm())) { final int king = board.kingIndex(board.getStm()); final BoardButton kingI = (BoardButton) activity.findViewById(king); kingI.setCheck(true); } // set captured pieces game.captured_count.setPieces(board.getPieceCounts(Piece.DEAD)); setStm(); } public void nudge_resign() { final GameDataDB db = new GameDataDB(activity); final Bundle data = db.getOnlineGameData(settings.getString("gameid")); db.close(); final int yturn = Integer.parseInt(data.getString("yourturn")); if (yturn == Enums.YOUR_TURN) { new ResignConfirm(activity, handle).show(); return; } switch (Integer.parseInt(data.getString("idle"))) { default: case Enums.NOTIDLE: Toast.makeText(activity, "Game must be idle before nudging", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case Enums.IDLE: new NudgeConfirm(activity, handle).show(); break; case Enums.NUDGED: Toast.makeText(activity, "Game is already nudged", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case Enums.CLOSE: new IdleResignConfirm(activity, handle).show(); break; } } public void rematch() { final String opp = settings.getString("username").equals(settings.getString("white")) ? settings.getString("black") : settings.getString("white"); new RematchConfirm(activity, handle, opp).show(); } public void draw() { new DrawDialog(activity, handle).show(); } private void ShowGameStats(final JSONObject json) throws JSONException { json.put("yourcolor", ycol); json.put("white_name", settings.getString("white")); json.put("black_name", settings.getString("black")); json.put("eventtype", settings.getString("eventtype")); json.put("status", settings.getString("status")); json.put("gametype", Enums.GameType(Integer.parseInt(settings.getString("gametype")))); json.put("gameid", settings.getString("gameid")); new GameStatsDialog(activity, json).show(); } public boolean boardLongClick(final View v) { hintList.longBoardClick((BoardButton) v, yourColor()); return true; } }