Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015, ?? * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.angelatech.yeyelive.view; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import com.angelatech.yeyelive.R; import java.util.Random; public class PeriscopeLayout extends RelativeLayout { private Interpolator line = new LinearInterpolator();// private Interpolator acc = new AccelerateInterpolator();// private Interpolator dce = new DecelerateInterpolator();//? private Interpolator accdec = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();//?? private Interpolator[] interpolators; private int mHeight; private int mWidth; private LayoutParams lp; private Drawable[] drawables; private Random random = new Random(); private int dHeight; private int dWidth; public PeriscopeLayout(Context context) { super(context); init(context); } public PeriscopeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(context); } public PeriscopeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); init(context); } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) public PeriscopeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes); init(context); } private void init(Context mContext) { //? drawables = new Drawable[7]; Drawable love_0 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart1); Drawable love_1 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart2); Drawable love_2 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart3); Drawable love_3 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart4); Drawable love_4 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart5); Drawable love_5 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart6); Drawable love_6 = ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.love_heart7); drawables[0] = love_0; drawables[1] = love_1; drawables[2] = love_2; drawables[3] = love_3; drawables[4] = love_4; drawables[5] = love_5; drawables[6] = love_6; //? ?? //? 3?,?? dHeight = love_0.getIntrinsicHeight(); dWidth = love_0.getIntrinsicWidth(); // lp = new LayoutParams(dWidth, dHeight); lp.addRule(CENTER_HORIZONTAL, TRUE);//TRUE ?? ?true lp.addRule(ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM, TRUE); // ?? interpolators = new Interpolator[4]; interpolators[0] = line; interpolators[1] = acc; interpolators[2] = dce; interpolators[3] = accdec; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); mWidth = getMeasuredWidth(); mHeight = getMeasuredHeight(); } public void addHeart() { ImageView imageView = new ImageView(getContext()); //? imageView.setImageDrawable(drawables[random.nextInt(7)]); imageView.setLayoutParams(lp); addView(imageView); Animator set = getAnimator(imageView); set.addListener(new AnimEndListener(imageView)); set.start(); } private Animator getAnimator(View target) { AnimatorSet set = getEnterAnimtor(target); ValueAnimator bezierValueAnimator = getBezierValueAnimator(target); AnimatorSet finalSet = new AnimatorSet(); finalSet.playSequentially(set); finalSet.playSequentially(set, bezierValueAnimator); finalSet.setInterpolator(interpolators[random.nextInt(4)]); finalSet.setTarget(target); return finalSet; } private AnimatorSet getEnterAnimtor(final View target) { ObjectAnimator alpha = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(target, View.ALPHA, 0.2f, 1f); ObjectAnimator scaleX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(target, View.SCALE_X, 0.2f, 1f); ObjectAnimator scaleY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(target, View.SCALE_Y, 0.2f, 1f); AnimatorSet enter = new AnimatorSet(); enter.setDuration(500); enter.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); enter.playTogether(alpha, scaleX, scaleY); enter.setTarget(target); return enter; } private ValueAnimator getBezierValueAnimator(View target) { //??- - BezierEvaluator evaluator = new BezierEvaluator(getPointF(2), getPointF(1)); // ? ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofObject(evaluator, new PointF((mWidth - dWidth) / 2, mHeight - dHeight), new PointF(random.nextInt(getWidth()), 0)); animator.addUpdateListener(new BezierListenr(target)); animator.setTarget(target); animator.setDuration(1500); return animator; } /** * ? * */ private PointF getPointF(int scale) { try { PointF pointF = new PointF(); pointF.x = random.nextInt((mWidth - 100));//?100 x, ??~~ //?Y ? ,Y?? ? pointF.y = random.nextInt((mHeight - 100)) / scale; return pointF; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private class BezierListenr implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener { private View target; public BezierListenr(View target) { = target; } @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { try { //???x y view ?? PointF pointF = (PointF) animation.getAnimatedValue(); target.setX(pointF.x); target.setY(pointF.y); // ?alpha target.setAlpha(1 - animation.getAnimatedFraction()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class AnimEndListener extends AnimatorListenerAdapter { private View target; public AnimEndListener(View target) { = target; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { super.onAnimationEnd(animation); //??add ?view????,view??remove removeView((target)); } } }