Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Base64; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpOptions; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpProcessor; import; import; import; /** * Base class for communicating with an EAS server. Anything that needs to send messages to the * server can subclass this to get access to the {@link #sendHttpClientPost} family of functions. * TODO: This class has a regrettable name. It's not a connection, but rather a task that happens * to have (and use) a connection to the server. */ public class EasServerConnection { /** Logging tag. */ private static final String TAG = Eas.LOG_TAG; /** * Timeout for establishing a connection to the server. */ private static final long CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 20 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; /** * Timeout for http requests after the connection has been established. */ protected static final long COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 30 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; // Exchange server only accepts letter and digital as device type. Trim all // other characters. private static final String DEVICE_TYPE = (Build.BRAND + Build.MODEL).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); private static final String USER_AGENT = DEVICE_TYPE + '/' + Build.VERSION.RELEASE + '-' + Eas.CLIENT_VERSION; /** Message MIME type for EAS version 14 and later. */ private static final String EAS_14_MIME_TYPE = "application/"; /** * Value for {@link #mStoppedReason} when we haven't been stopped. */ public static final int STOPPED_REASON_NONE = 0; /** * Passed to {@link #stop} to indicate that this stop request should terminate this task. */ public static final int STOPPED_REASON_ABORT = 1; /** * Passed to {@link #stop} to indicate that this stop request should restart this task (e.g. in * order to reload parameters). */ public static final int STOPPED_REASON_RESTART = 2; private static final String[] ACCOUNT_SECURITY_KEY_PROJECTION = { EmailContent.AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY }; private static String sDeviceId = null; protected final Context mContext; // TODO: Make this private if possible. Subclasses must be careful about altering the HostAuth // to not screw up any connection caching (use redirectHostAuth). protected final HostAuth mHostAuth; protected final Account mAccount; private final long mAccountId; // Bookkeeping for interrupting a request. This is primarily for use by Ping (there's currently // no mechanism for stopping a sync). // Access to these variables should be synchronized on this. private HttpUriRequest mPendingRequest = null; private boolean mStopped = false; private int mStoppedReason = STOPPED_REASON_NONE; /** The protocol version to use, as a double. */ private double mProtocolVersion = 0.0d; /** Whether {@link #setProtocolVersion} was last called with a non-null value. */ private boolean mProtocolVersionIsSet = false; /** * The client for any requests made by this object. This is created lazily, and cleared * whenever our host auth is redirected. */ private HttpClient mClient; /** * This is used only to check when our client needs to be refreshed. */ private EmailClientConnectionManager mClientConnectionManager; public EasServerConnection(final Context context, final Account account, final HostAuth hostAuth) { mContext = context; mHostAuth = hostAuth; mAccount = account; mAccountId = account.mId; setProtocolVersion(account.mProtocolVersion); } protected EmailClientConnectionManager getClientConnectionManager() throws CertificateException { final EmailClientConnectionManager connManager = EasConnectionCache.instance() .getConnectionManager(mContext, mHostAuth); if (mClientConnectionManager != connManager) { mClientConnectionManager = connManager; mClient = null; } return connManager; } public void redirectHostAuth(final String newAddress) { mClient = null; mHostAuth.mAddress = newAddress; if (mHostAuth.isSaved()) { EasConnectionCache.instance().uncacheConnectionManager(mHostAuth); final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1); cv.put(EmailContent.HostAuthColumns.ADDRESS, newAddress); mHostAuth.update(mContext, cv); } } private HttpClient getHttpClient(final long timeout) throws CertificateException { if (mClient == null) { final HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, (int) (CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, (int) (timeout)); HttpConnectionParams.setSocketBufferSize(params, 8192); mClient = new DefaultHttpClient(getClientConnectionManager(), params) { @Override protected BasicHttpProcessor createHttpProcessor() { final BasicHttpProcessor processor = super.createHttpProcessor(); processor.addRequestInterceptor(new CurlLogger()); processor.addResponseInterceptor(new WbxmlResponseLogger()); return processor; } }; } return mClient; } private String makeAuthString() { final String cs = mHostAuth.mLogin + ":" + mHostAuth.mPassword; return "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(cs.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP); } private String makeUserString() { if (sDeviceId == null) { sDeviceId = new AccountServiceProxy(mContext).getDeviceId(); if (sDeviceId == null) { LogUtils.e(TAG, "Could not get device id, defaulting to '0'"); sDeviceId = "0"; } } return "&User=" + Uri.encode(mHostAuth.mLogin) + "&DeviceId=" + sDeviceId + "&DeviceType=" + DEVICE_TYPE; } private String makeBaseUriString() { return EmailClientConnectionManager.makeScheme(mHostAuth.shouldUseSsl(), mHostAuth.shouldTrustAllServerCerts(), mHostAuth.mClientCertAlias) + "://" + mHostAuth.mAddress + "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"; } public String makeUriString(final String cmd) { String uriString = makeBaseUriString(); if (cmd != null) { uriString += "?Cmd=" + cmd + makeUserString(); } return uriString; } private String makeUriString(final String cmd, final String extra) { return makeUriString(cmd) + extra; } /** * If a sync causes us to update our protocol version, this function must be called so that * subsequent calls to {@link #getProtocolVersion()} will do the right thing. * @return Whether the protocol version changed. */ public boolean setProtocolVersion(String protocolVersionString) { mProtocolVersionIsSet = (protocolVersionString != null); if (protocolVersionString == null) { protocolVersionString = Eas.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION; } final double oldProtocolVersion = mProtocolVersion; mProtocolVersion = Eas.getProtocolVersionDouble(protocolVersionString); return (oldProtocolVersion != mProtocolVersion); } /** * @return The protocol version for this connection. */ public double getProtocolVersion() { return mProtocolVersion; } /** * @return The useragent string for our client. */ public final String getUserAgent() { return USER_AGENT; } /** * Send an http OPTIONS request to server. * @return The {@link EasResponse} from the Exchange server. * @throws IOException */ protected EasResponse sendHttpClientOptions() throws IOException, CertificateException { // For OPTIONS, just use the base string and the single header final HttpOptions method = new HttpOptions(URI.create(makeBaseUriString())); method.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString()); method.setHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent()); return EasResponse.fromHttpRequest(getClientConnectionManager(), getHttpClient(COMMAND_TIMEOUT), method); } protected void resetAuthorization(final HttpPost post) { post.removeHeaders("Authorization"); post.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString()); } /** * Make an {@link HttpPost} for a specific request. * @param uri The uri for this request, as a {@link String}. * @param entity The {@link HttpEntity} for this request. * @param contentType The Content-Type for this request. * @param usePolicyKey Whether or not a policy key should be sent. * @return */ public HttpPost makePost(final String uri, final HttpEntity entity, final String contentType, final boolean usePolicyKey) { final HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri); post.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString()); post.setHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersion", String.valueOf(mProtocolVersion)); post.setHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent()); post.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); // If there is no entity, we should not be setting a content-type since this will // result in a 400 from the server in the case of loading an attachment. if (contentType != null && entity != null) { post.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType); } if (usePolicyKey) { // If there's an account in existence, use its key; otherwise (we're creating the // account), send "0". The server will respond with code 449 if there are policies // to be enforced final String key; final String accountKey; if (mAccountId == Account.NO_ACCOUNT) { accountKey = null; } else { accountKey = Utility.getFirstRowString(mContext, ContentUris.withAppendedId(Account.CONTENT_URI, mAccountId), ACCOUNT_SECURITY_KEY_PROJECTION, null, null, null, 0); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(accountKey)) { key = accountKey; } else { key = "0"; } post.setHeader("X-MS-PolicyKey", key); } post.setEntity(entity); return post; } public HttpGet makeGet(final String uri) { final HttpGet get = new HttpGet(uri); return get; } /** * Make an {@link HttpOptions} request for this connection. * @return The {@link HttpOptions} object. */ public HttpOptions makeOptions() { final HttpOptions method = new HttpOptions(URI.create(makeBaseUriString())); method.setHeader("Authorization", makeAuthString()); method.setHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent()); return method; } /** * Send a POST request to the server. * @param cmd The command we're sending to the server. * @param entity The {@link HttpEntity} containing the payload of the message. * @param timeout The timeout for this POST. * @return The response from the Exchange server. * @throws IOException */ protected EasResponse sendHttpClientPost(String cmd, final HttpEntity entity, final long timeout) throws IOException, CertificateException { final boolean isPingCommand = cmd.equals("Ping"); // Split the mail sending commands // TODO: This logic should not be here, the command should be generated correctly // in a subclass of EasOperation. String extra = null; boolean msg = false; if (cmd.startsWith("SmartForward&") || cmd.startsWith("SmartReply&")) { final int cmdLength = cmd.indexOf('&'); extra = cmd.substring(cmdLength); cmd = cmd.substring(0, cmdLength); msg = true; } else if (cmd.startsWith("SendMail&")) { msg = true; } // Send the proper Content-Type header; it's always wbxml except for messages when // the EAS protocol version is < 14.0 // If entity is null (e.g. for attachments), don't set this header final String contentType; if (msg && (getProtocolVersion() < Eas.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_EX2010_DOUBLE)) { contentType = MimeUtility.MIME_TYPE_RFC822; } else if (entity != null) { contentType = EAS_14_MIME_TYPE; } else { contentType = null; } final String uriString; if (extra == null) { uriString = makeUriString(cmd); } else { uriString = makeUriString(cmd, extra); } final HttpPost method = makePost(uriString, entity, contentType, !isPingCommand); // NOTE // The next lines are added at the insistence of $VENDOR, who is seeing inappropriate // network activity related to the Ping command on some networks with some servers. // This code should be removed when the underlying issue is resolved if (isPingCommand) { method.setHeader("Connection", "close"); } return executeHttpUriRequest(method, timeout); } public EasResponse sendHttpClientPost(final String cmd, final byte[] bytes, final long timeout) throws IOException, CertificateException { final ByteArrayEntity entity; if (bytes == null) { entity = null; } else { entity = new ByteArrayEntity(bytes); } return sendHttpClientPost(cmd, entity, timeout); } protected EasResponse sendHttpClientPost(final String cmd, final byte[] bytes) throws IOException, CertificateException { return sendHttpClientPost(cmd, bytes, COMMAND_TIMEOUT); } /** * Executes an {@link HttpUriRequest}. * Note: this function must not be called by multiple threads concurrently. Only one thread may * send server requests from a particular object at a time. * @param method The post to execute. * @param timeout The timeout to use. * @return The response from the Exchange server. * @throws IOException */ public EasResponse executeHttpUriRequest(final HttpUriRequest method, final long timeout) throws IOException, CertificateException { LogUtils.d(TAG, "EasServerConnection about to make request %s", method.getRequestLine()); // The synchronized blocks are here to support the stop() function, specifically to handle // when stop() is called first. Notably, they are NOT here in order to guard against // concurrent access to this function, which is not supported. synchronized (this) { if (mStopped) { mStopped = false; // If this gets stopped after the POST actually starts, it throws an IOException. // Therefore if we get stopped here, let's throw the same sort of exception, so // callers can equate IOException with "this POST got killed for some reason". throw new IOException("Command was stopped before POST"); } mPendingRequest = method; } boolean postCompleted = false; try { final EasResponse response = EasResponse.fromHttpRequest(getClientConnectionManager(), getHttpClient(timeout), method); postCompleted = true; return response; } finally { synchronized (this) { mPendingRequest = null; if (postCompleted) { mStoppedReason = STOPPED_REASON_NONE; } } } } protected EasResponse executePost(final HttpPost method) throws IOException, CertificateException { return executeHttpUriRequest(method, COMMAND_TIMEOUT); } /** * If called while this object is executing a POST, interrupt it with an {@link IOException}. * Otherwise cause the next attempt to execute a POST to be interrupted with an * {@link IOException}. * @param reason The reason for requesting a stop. This should be one of the STOPPED_REASON_* * constants defined in this class, other than {@link #STOPPED_REASON_NONE} which * is used to signify that no stop has occurred. * This class simply stores the value; subclasses are responsible for checking * this value when catching the {@link IOException} and responding appropriately. */ public synchronized void stop(final int reason) { // Only process legitimate reasons. if (reason >= STOPPED_REASON_ABORT && reason <= STOPPED_REASON_RESTART) { final boolean isMidPost = (mPendingRequest != null); LogUtils.i(TAG, "%s with reason %d", (isMidPost ? "Interrupt" : "Stop next"), reason); mStoppedReason = reason; if (isMidPost) { mPendingRequest.abort(); } else { mStopped = true; } } } /** * @return The reason supplied to the last call to {@link #stop}, or * {@link #STOPPED_REASON_NONE} if {@link #stop} hasn't been called since the last * successful POST. */ public synchronized int getStoppedReason() { return mStoppedReason; } /** * Try to register our client certificate, if needed. * @return True if we succeeded or didn't need a client cert, false if we failed to register it. */ public boolean registerClientCert() { if (mHostAuth.mClientCertAlias != null) { try { getClientConnectionManager().registerClientCert(mContext, mHostAuth); } catch (final CertificateException e) { // The client certificate the user specified is invalid/inaccessible. return false; } } return true; } /** * @return Whether {@link #setProtocolVersion} was last called with a non-null value. Note that * at construction time it is set to whatever protocol version is in the account. */ public boolean isProtocolVersionSet() { return mProtocolVersionIsSet; } }