Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Saravan Pantham * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import; import; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import android.database.MergeCursor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.PowerManager; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.RemoteViews; import android.widget.Toast; import com.adityarathi.muo.R; import com.adityarathi.muo.dbHelper.DBAccessHelper; import com.adityarathi.muo.helpers.AudioManagerHelper; import com.adityarathi.muo.helpers.EqualizerHelper; import com.adityarathi.muo.helpers.SongHelper; import com.adityarathi.muo.receivers.HeadsetButtonsReceiver; import com.adityarathi.muo.receivers.HeadsetPlugBroadcastReceiver; import com.adityarathi.muo.remoteControl.RemoteControlClientCompat; import com.adityarathi.muo.remoteControl.RemoteControlHelper; import com.adityarathi.muo.utils.Common; import com.adityarathi.muo.utils.PlaybackKickstarter; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Random; /** * The meat and potatoes of the entire app. Manages * playback, equalizer effects, and all other audio * related operations. * * @author Saravan Pantham */ public class AudioPlaybackService extends Service { //Context and Intent. private Context mContext; private Service mService; //Global Objects Provider. private Common mApp; //PrepareServiceListener instance. private PrepareServiceListener mPrepareServiceListener; //MediaPlayer objects and flags. private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer; private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer2; private int mCurrentMediaPlayer = 1; private boolean mFirstRun = true; //AudioManager. private AudioManager mAudioManager; private AudioManagerHelper mAudioManagerHelper; //Flags that indicate whether the mediaPlayers have been initialized. private boolean mMediaPlayerPrepared = false; private boolean mMediaPlayer2Prepared = false; //Cursor object(s) that will guide the rest of this queue. private Cursor mCursor; private MergeCursor mMergeCursor; //Holds the indeces of the current cursor, in the order that they'll be played. private ArrayList<Integer> mPlaybackIndecesList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Holds the indeces of songs that were unplayable. private ArrayList<Integer> mFailedIndecesList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Song data helpers for each MediaPlayer object. private SongHelper mMediaPlayerSongHelper; private SongHelper mMediaPlayer2SongHelper; //Pointer variable. private int mCurrentSongIndex; //Equalizer/Audio FX helpers. private EqualizerHelper mEqualizerHelper; //Notification elements. private NotificationCompat.Builder mNotificationBuilder; public static final int mNotificationId = 1080; //NOTE: Using 0 as a notification ID causes Android to ignore the notification call. //Custom actions for media player controls via the notification bar. public static final String LAUNCH_NOW_PLAYING_ACTION = "com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player.LAUNCH_NOW_PLAYING_ACTION"; public static final String PREVIOUS_ACTION = "com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player.PREVIOUS_ACTION"; public static final String PLAY_PAUSE_ACTION = "com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player.PLAY_PAUSE_ACTION"; public static final String NEXT_ACTION = "com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player.NEXT_ACTION"; public static final String STOP_SERVICE = "com.aniruddhc.acemusic.player.STOP_SERVICE"; //Indicates if an enqueue/queue reordering operation was performed on the original queue. private boolean mEnqueuePerformed = false; //Handler object. private Handler mHandler; //Volume variables that handle the crossfade effect. private float mFadeOutVolume = 1.0f; private float mFadeInVolume = 1.0f; //Headset plug receiver. private HeadsetPlugBroadcastReceiver mHeadsetPlugReceiver; //Crossfade. private int mCrossfadeDuration; //A-B Repeat variables. private int mRepeatSongRangePointA = 0; private int mRepeatSongRangePointB = 0; //Indicates if the user changed the track manually. private boolean mTrackChangedByUser = false; //RemoteControlClient for use with remote controls and ICS+ lockscreen controls. private RemoteControlClientCompat mRemoteControlClientCompat; private ComponentName mMediaButtonReceiverComponent; //Enqueue reorder scalar. private int mEnqueueReorderScalar = 0; //Temp placeholder for GMusic Uri. public static final Uri URI_BEING_LOADED = Uri.parse("uri_being_loaded"); private long mServiceStartTime; /** * Constructor that should be used whenever this * service is being explictly created. * * @param context The context being passed in. */ public AudioPlaybackService(Context context) { mContext = context; } /** * Empty constructor. Required if a custom constructor * was explicitly declared (see above). */ public AudioPlaybackService() { super(); } /** * Prepares the MediaPlayer objects for first use * and starts the service. The workflow of the entire * service starts here. * * @param intent Calling intent. * @param flags Service flags. * @param startId Service start ID. */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); //Context. mContext = getApplicationContext(); mService = this; mHandler = new Handler(); mApp = (Common) getApplicationContext(); mApp.setService((AudioPlaybackService) this); mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); //Initialize Google Analytics. initGoogleAnalytics(); //Initialize the MediaPlayer objects. initMediaPlayers(); //Time to play nice with other music players (and audio apps) and request audio focus. mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); mAudioManagerHelper = new AudioManagerHelper(); // Request audio focus for playback mAudioManagerHelper.setHasAudioFocus(requestAudioFocus()); //Grab the crossfade duration for this session. mCrossfadeDuration = mApp.getCrossfadeDuration(); //Initialize audio effects (equalizer, virtualizer, bass boost) for this session. initAudioFX(); mMediaButtonReceiverComponent = new ComponentName(this.getPackageName(), HeadsetButtonsReceiver.class.getName()); mAudioManager.registerMediaButtonEventReceiver(mMediaButtonReceiverComponent); //if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getBoolean(Common.SHOW_LOCKSCREEN_CONTROLS, true)==true) { // initRemoteControlClient(); //} mApp.getPlaybackKickstarter().setBuildCursorListener(buildCursorListener); //The service has been successfully started. setPrepareServiceListener(mApp.getPlaybackKickstarter()); getPrepareServiceListener().onServiceRunning(this); return START_STICKY; } /** * Public interface that provides access to * major events during the service startup * process. * * @author Saravan Pantham */ public interface PrepareServiceListener { /** * Called when the service is up and running. */ public void onServiceRunning(AudioPlaybackService service); /** * Called when the service failed to start. * Also returns the failure reason via the exception * parameter. */ public void onServiceFailed(Exception exception); } /** * Initializes Google Analytics. */ private void initGoogleAnalytics() { } /** * Initializes remote control clients for this service session. * Currently used for lockscreen controls. * public void initRemoteControlClient() { if (mRemoteControlClientCompat==null) { Intent remoteControlIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON); remoteControlIntent.setComponent(mMediaButtonReceiverComponent); mRemoteControlClientCompat = new RemoteControlClientCompat(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, remoteControlIntent, 0)); RemoteControlHelper.registerRemoteControlClient(mAudioManager, mRemoteControlClientCompat); } mRemoteControlClientCompat.setPlaybackState(RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); mRemoteControlClientCompat.setTransportControlFlags(RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PLAY | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PAUSE | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_NEXT | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_STOP | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUS); } */ /** * Initializes the MediaPlayer objects for this service session. */ private void initMediaPlayers() { /* * Release the MediaPlayer objects if they are still valid. */ if (mMediaPlayer != null) { mMediaPlayer.release(); mMediaPlayer = null; } if (mMediaPlayer2 != null) { getMediaPlayer2().release(); mMediaPlayer2 = null; } mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mMediaPlayer2 = new MediaPlayer(); setCurrentMediaPlayer(1); getMediaPlayer().reset(); getMediaPlayer2().reset(); //Loop the players if the repeat mode is set to repeat the current song. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(true); getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(true); } try { mMediaPlayer.setWakeMode(mContext, PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK); getMediaPlayer2().setWakeMode(mContext, PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK); } catch (Exception e) { mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mMediaPlayer2 = new MediaPlayer(); setCurrentMediaPlayer(1); } //Set the mediaPlayers' stream sources. mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); getMediaPlayer2().setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); } /** * Initializes the list of pointers to each cursor row. */ private void initPlaybackIndecesList(boolean playAll) { if (getCursor() != null && getPlaybackIndecesList() != null) { getPlaybackIndecesList().clear(); for (int i = 0; i < getCursor().getCount(); i++) { getPlaybackIndecesList().add(i); } if (isShuffleOn() && !playAll) { //Build a new list that doesn't include the current song index. ArrayList<Integer> newList = new ArrayList<Integer>(getPlaybackIndecesList()); newList.remove(getCurrentSongIndex()); //Shuffle the new list. Collections.shuffle(newList, new Random(System.nanoTime())); //Plug in the current song index back into the new list. newList.add(getCurrentSongIndex(), getCurrentSongIndex()); mPlaybackIndecesList = newList; } else if (isShuffleOn() && playAll) { //Shuffle all elements. Collections.shuffle(getPlaybackIndecesList(), new Random(System.nanoTime())); } } else { stopSelf(); } } /** * Requests AudioFocus from the OS. * * @return True if AudioFocus was gained. False, otherwise. */ private boolean requestAudioFocus() { int result = mAudioManager.requestAudioFocus(audioFocusChangeListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); if (result != AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) { //Stop the service. mService.stopSelf(); Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.close_other_audio_apps, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Initializes the equalizer and audio effects for this service session. */ public void initAudioFX() { try { //Instatiate the equalizer helper object. mEqualizerHelper = new EqualizerHelper(mContext, mMediaPlayer.getAudioSessionId(), getMediaPlayer2().getAudioSessionId(), mApp.isEqualizerEnabled()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mEqualizerHelper.setIsEqualizerSupported(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); mEqualizerHelper.setIsEqualizerSupported(false); } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) { return null; } /** * Retrieves the EQ values for mMediaPlayer's current song and * applies them to the EQ engine. * * @param songId The id of the song that mMediaPlayer is current handling. */ private void applyMediaPlayerEQ(String songId) { if (mEqualizerHelper == null) return; short fiftyHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(50000); short oneThirtyHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(130000); short threeTwentyHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(320000); short eightHundredHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(800000); short twoKilohertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(2000000); short fiveKilohertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(5000000); short twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().getBand(9000000); //Get the equalizer/audioFX settings for this specific song. int[] eqValues = mApp.getDBAccessHelper().getSongEQValues(songId); //50Hz Band. if (eqValues[0] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[0] < 16) { if (eqValues[0] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[0]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[0] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[0] - 16) * 100)); } //130Hz Band. if (eqValues[1] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[1] < 16) { if (eqValues[1] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[1]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[1] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[1] - 16) * 100)); } //320Hz Band. if (eqValues[2] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[2] < 16) { if (eqValues[2] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[2]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[2] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[2] - 16) * 100)); } //800Hz Band. if (eqValues[3] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[3] < 16) { if (eqValues[3] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[3]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[3] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[3] - 16) * 100)); } //2kHz Band. if (eqValues[4] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[4] < 16) { if (eqValues[4] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[4]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[4] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[4] - 16) * 100)); } //5kHz Band. if (eqValues[5] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[5] < 16) { if (eqValues[5] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[5]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[5] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[5] - 16) * 100)); } //12.5kHz Band. if (eqValues[6] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[6] < 16) { if (eqValues[6] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[6]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[6] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[6] - 16) * 100)); } //Set the audioFX values. mEqualizerHelper.getVirtualizer().setStrength((short) eqValues[7]); mEqualizerHelper.getBassBoost().setStrength((short) eqValues[8]); if (eqValues[9] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_NONE); } else if (eqValues[9] == 1) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_LARGEHALL); } else if (eqValues[9] == 2) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_LARGEROOM); } else if (eqValues[9] == 3) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_MEDIUMHALL); } else if (eqValues[9] == 4) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_MEDIUMROOM); } else if (eqValues[9] == 5) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_SMALLROOM); } else if (eqValues[9] == 6) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_PLATE); } } /** * Retrieves the EQ values for mMediaPlayer2's current song and * applies them to the EQ engine. * * @param songId The id of the song that mMediaPlayer is current handling. */ private void applyMediaPlayer2EQ(String songId) { if (mEqualizerHelper == null) return; short fiftyHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(50000); short oneThirtyHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(130000); short threeTwentyHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(320000); short eightHundredHertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(800000); short twoKilohertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(2000000); short fiveKilohertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(5000000); short twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand = mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().getBand(9000000); //Get the mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer()/audioFX settings for this specific song. int[] eqValues = mApp.getDBAccessHelper().getSongEQValues(songId); //50Hz Band. if (eqValues[0] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[0] < 16) { if (eqValues[0] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[0]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[0] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiftyHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[0] - 16) * 100)); } //130Hz Band. if (eqValues[1] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[1] < 16) { if (eqValues[1] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[1]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[1] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(oneThirtyHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[1] - 16) * 100)); } //320Hz Band. if (eqValues[2] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[2] < 16) { if (eqValues[2] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[2]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[2] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(threeTwentyHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[2] - 16) * 100)); } //800Hz Band. if (eqValues[3] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[3] < 16) { if (eqValues[3] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[3]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[3] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(eightHundredHertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[3] - 16) * 100)); } //2kHz Band. if (eqValues[4] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[4] < 16) { if (eqValues[4] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[4]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[4] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twoKilohertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[4] - 16) * 100)); } //5kHz Band. if (eqValues[5] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[5] < 16) { if (eqValues[5] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[5]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[5] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(fiveKilohertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[5] - 16) * 100)); } //12.5kHz Band. if (eqValues[6] == 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) 0); } else if (eqValues[6] < 16) { if (eqValues[6] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) -1500); } else { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) (-(16 - eqValues[6]) * 100)); } } else if (eqValues[6] > 16) { mEqualizerHelper.getEqualizer2().setBandLevel(twelvePointFiveKilohertzBand, (short) ((eqValues[6] - 16) * 100)); } //Set the audioFX values. mEqualizerHelper.getVirtualizer2().setStrength((short) eqValues[7]); mEqualizerHelper.getBassBoost2().setStrength((short) eqValues[8]); if (eqValues[9] == 0) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_NONE); } else if (eqValues[9] == 1) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_LARGEHALL); } else if (eqValues[9] == 2) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_LARGEROOM); } else if (eqValues[9] == 3) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_MEDIUMHALL); } else if (eqValues[9] == 4) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_MEDIUMROOM); } else if (eqValues[9] == 5) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_SMALLROOM); } else if (eqValues[9] == 6) { mEqualizerHelper.getReverb2().setPreset(PresetReverb.PRESET_PLATE); } } /** * Builds and returns a fully constructed Notification for devices * on Jelly Bean and above (API 16+). */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") private Notification buildJBNotification(SongHelper songHelper) { mNotificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext); mNotificationBuilder.setOngoing(true); mNotificationBuilder.setAutoCancel(false); mNotificationBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher); //Open up the player screen when the user taps on the notification. Intent launchNowPlayingIntent = new Intent(); launchNowPlayingIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.LAUNCH_NOW_PLAYING_ACTION); PendingIntent launchNowPlayingPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, launchNowPlayingIntent, 0); mNotificationBuilder.setContentIntent(launchNowPlayingPendingIntent); //Grab the notification layouts. RemoteViews notificationView = new RemoteViews(mContext.getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_custom_layout); RemoteViews expNotificationView = new RemoteViews(mContext.getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_custom_expanded_layout); //Initialize the notification layout buttons. Intent previousTrackIntent = new Intent(); previousTrackIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.PREVIOUS_ACTION); PendingIntent previousTrackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, previousTrackIntent, 0); Intent playPauseTrackIntent = new Intent(); playPauseTrackIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.PLAY_PAUSE_ACTION); PendingIntent playPauseTrackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, playPauseTrackIntent, 0); Intent nextTrackIntent = new Intent(); nextTrackIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.NEXT_ACTION); PendingIntent nextTrackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, nextTrackIntent, 0); Intent stopServiceIntent = new Intent(); stopServiceIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.STOP_SERVICE); PendingIntent stopServicePendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, stopServiceIntent, 0); //Check if audio is playing and set the appropriate play/pause button. if (mApp.getService().isPlayingMusic()) { notificationView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.ic_play); expNotificationView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.ic_play); } else { notificationView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.ic_play); expNotificationView.setImageViewResource(, R.drawable.ic_play); } //Set the notification content. expNotificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getTitle()); expNotificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getArtist()); expNotificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getAlbum()); notificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getTitle()); notificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getArtist()); //Set the states of the next/previous buttons and their pending intents. if (mApp.getService().isOnlySongInQueue()) { //This is the only song in the queue, so disable the previous/next buttons. expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); } else if (mApp.getService().isFirstSongInQueue()) { //This is the the first song in the queue, so disable the previous button. expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); } else if (mApp.getService().isLastSongInQueue()) { //This is the last song in the cursor, so disable the next button. expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); } else { //We're smack dab in the middle of the queue, so keep the previous and next buttons enabled. expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); expNotificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, previousTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, previousTrackPendingIntent); } //Set the "Stop Service" pending intents. expNotificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, stopServicePendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, stopServicePendingIntent); //Set the album art. expNotificationView.setImageViewBitmap(, songHelper.getAlbumArt()); notificationView.setImageViewBitmap(, songHelper.getAlbumArt()); //Attach the shrunken layout to the notification. mNotificationBuilder.setContent(notificationView); //Build the notification object. Notification notification =; //Attach the expanded layout to the notification and set its flags. notification.bigContentView = expNotificationView; notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE | Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR | Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT; return notification; } /** * Builds and returns a fully constructed Notification for devices * on Ice Cream Sandwich (APIs 14 & 15). */ private Notification buildICSNotification(SongHelper songHelper) { mNotificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext); mNotificationBuilder.setOngoing(true); mNotificationBuilder.setAutoCancel(false); mNotificationBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher); //Open up the player screen when the user taps on the notification. Intent launchNowPlayingIntent = new Intent(); launchNowPlayingIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.LAUNCH_NOW_PLAYING_ACTION); PendingIntent launchNowPlayingPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, launchNowPlayingIntent, 0); mNotificationBuilder.setContentIntent(launchNowPlayingPendingIntent); //Grab the notification layout. RemoteViews notificationView = new RemoteViews(mContext.getPackageName(), R.layout.notification_custom_layout); //Initialize the notification layout buttons. Intent previousTrackIntent = new Intent(); previousTrackIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.PREVIOUS_ACTION); PendingIntent previousTrackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, previousTrackIntent, 0); Intent playPauseTrackIntent = new Intent(); playPauseTrackIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.PLAY_PAUSE_ACTION); PendingIntent playPauseTrackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, playPauseTrackIntent, 0); Intent nextTrackIntent = new Intent(); nextTrackIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.NEXT_ACTION); PendingIntent nextTrackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, nextTrackIntent, 0); Intent stopServiceIntent = new Intent(); stopServiceIntent.setAction(AudioPlaybackService.STOP_SERVICE); PendingIntent stopServicePendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext.getApplicationContext(), 0, stopServiceIntent, 0); //Check if audio is playing and set the appropriate play/pause button. if (mApp.getService().isPlayingMusic()) { notificationView.setImageViewResource(, R.mipmap.ic_launcher); } else { notificationView.setImageViewResource(, R.mipmap.ic_launcher); } //Set the notification content. notificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getTitle()); notificationView.setTextViewText(, songHelper.getArtist()); //Set the states of the next/previous buttons and their pending intents. if (mApp.getService().isOnlySongInQueue()) { //This is the only song in the queue, so disable the previous/next buttons. notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); } else if (mApp.getService().isFirstSongInQueue()) { //This is the the first song in the queue, so disable the previous button. notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); } else if (mApp.getService().isLastSongInQueue()) { //This is the last song in the cursor, so disable the next button. notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.INVISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); } else { //We're smack dab in the middle of the queue, so keep the previous and next buttons enabled. notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setViewVisibility(, View.VISIBLE); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, playPauseTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, nextTrackPendingIntent); notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, previousTrackPendingIntent); } //Set the "Stop Service" pending intent. notificationView.setOnClickPendingIntent(, stopServicePendingIntent); //Set the album art. notificationView.setImageViewBitmap(, songHelper.getAlbumArt()); //Attach the shrunken layout to the notification. mNotificationBuilder.setContent(notificationView); //Build the notification object and set its flags. Notification notification =; notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_FOREGROUND_SERVICE | Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR | Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT; return notification; } /** * Returns the appropriate notification based on the device's * API level. */ private Notification buildNotification(SongHelper songHelper) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) return buildJBNotification(songHelper); else return buildICSNotification(songHelper); } /** * Updates the current notification with info from the specified * SongHelper object. */ public void updateNotification(SongHelper songHelper) { Notification notification = null; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) notification = buildJBNotification(songHelper); else notification = buildICSNotification(songHelper); //Update the current notification. NotificationManager notifManager = (NotificationManager) mApp .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notifManager.notify(mNotificationId, notification); } /** * Updates all remote control clients (including the lockscreen controls). */ public void updateRemoteControlClients(SongHelper songHelper) { try { //Update the remote controls mRemoteControlClientCompat.editMetadata(true) .putString(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ARTIST, getCurrentSong().getArtist()) .putString(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, getCurrentSong().getTitle()) .putString(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM, getCurrentSong().getAlbum()) .putLong(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DURATION, getCurrentMediaPlayer().getDuration()) .putBitmap(RemoteControlClientCompat.MetadataEditorCompat.METADATA_KEY_ARTWORK, getCurrentSong().getAlbumArt()) .apply(); if (mRemoteControlClientCompat != null) { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().isPlaying()) mRemoteControlClientCompat.setPlaybackState(RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); else mRemoteControlClientCompat.setPlaybackState(RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PAUSED); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method combines mCursor with the specified newCursor. * * @param newCursor The new cursor to append to mCursor. * @param playNext Pass true if newCursor should be appeneded after the current song. */ public void enqueueCursor(Cursor newCursor, boolean playNext) { Cursor[] cursorArray = { getCursor(), newCursor }; mMergeCursor = new MergeCursor(cursorArray); setCursor(mMergeCursor); getCursor().moveToPosition(mPlaybackIndecesList.get(mCurrentSongIndex)); mEnqueuePerformed = true; if (playNext) { //Check which mMediaPlayer is currently playing, and prepare the other mediaPlayer. prepareAlternateMediaPlayer(); } } /** * This method combines the current cursor with the specified playlist cursor. * @param newCursor */ public void enqueuePlaylistCursor(Cursor newCursor) { String[] matrixCursorColumns = { DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM, DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE, DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH, DBAccessHelper.SONG_DURATION, DBAccessHelper.SONG_GENRE, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ID, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ART_PATH, DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE }; //Create an empty matrix getCursor() with the specified columns. MatrixCursor mMatrixCursor = new MatrixCursor(matrixCursorColumns); //Make a copy of the old getCursor() and copy it's contents over to the matrix getCursor(). Cursor tempCursor = getCursor(); tempCursor.moveToFirst(); MediaMetadataRetriever mMMDR = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); for (int i = 0; i < tempCursor.getCount(); i++) { tempCursor.moveToPosition(i); //Check which type of getCursor() the service currently has. if (getCursor().getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH) == -1) { //We'll have to manually extract the info from the audio file. /* String songFilePath = tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_FILE_PATH)); try { mMMDR.setDataSource(songFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { //Skip the song if there's a problem with reading it. continue; }*/ String songArtist = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ARTIST); String songAlbum = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM); String songTitle = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE); String songDuration = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DURATION); String songGenre = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_GENRE); mMatrixCursor .addRow(new Object[] { songArtist, songAlbum, songTitle, "", songDuration, songGenre }); } else { mMatrixCursor.addRow( new Object[] { tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_DURATION)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_GENRE)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ID)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ART_PATH)), tempCursor.getString(tempCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE)) }); } } tempCursor.close(); //Copy the contents of the new getCursor() over to the MatrixCursor. if (newCursor.getCount() > 0) { String songArtist = ""; String songAlbum = ""; String songTitle = ""; String filePath = ""; String songDuration = ""; for (int j = 0; j < newCursor.getCount(); j++) { /* newCursor.moveToPosition(j); filePath = newCursor.getString(newCursor.getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_SONG_FILE_PATH)); try { mMMDR.setDataSource(filePath); } catch (Exception e) { continue; }*/ //Get the metadata from the song file. songArtist = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ARTIST); songAlbum = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM); songTitle = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE); songDuration = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DURATION); String songGenre = mMMDR.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_GENRE); mMatrixCursor.addRow( new Object[] { songArtist, songAlbum, songTitle, filePath, songDuration, songGenre }); } } mEnqueuePerformed = true; newCursor.close(); mCursor = (Cursor) mMatrixCursor; mMatrixCursor.close(); } /** * Listens for audio focus changes and reacts accordingly. */ private OnAudioFocusChangeListener audioFocusChangeListener = new OnAudioFocusChangeListener() { @Override public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) { if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT) { //We've temporarily lost focus, so pause the mMediaPlayer, wherever it's at. try { getCurrentMediaPlayer().pause(); updateNotification(mApp.getService().getCurrentSong()); //updateWidgets(); //scrobbleTrack(SimpleLastFMHelper.PAUSE); mAudioManagerHelper.setHasAudioFocus(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK) { //Lower the current mMediaPlayer volume. mAudioManagerHelper.setAudioDucked(true); mAudioManagerHelper.setTargetVolume(5); mAudioManagerHelper.setStepDownIncrement(1); mAudioManagerHelper.setCurrentVolume(mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC)); mAudioManagerHelper.setOriginalVolume(mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC));; } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) { if (mAudioManagerHelper.isAudioDucked()) { //Crank the volume back up again. mAudioManagerHelper.setTargetVolume(mAudioManagerHelper.getOriginalVolume()); mAudioManagerHelper.setStepUpIncrement(1); mAudioManagerHelper.setCurrentVolume(mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC));; mAudioManagerHelper.setAudioDucked(false); } else { //We've regained focus. Update the audioFocus tag, but don't start the mMediaPlayer. mAudioManagerHelper.setHasAudioFocus(true); } } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) { //We've lost focus permanently so pause the service. We'll have to request focus again later. getCurrentMediaPlayer().pause(); updateNotification(mApp.getService().getCurrentSong()); //updateWidgets(); //scrobbleTrack(SimpleLastFMHelper.PAUSE); mAudioManagerHelper.setHasAudioFocus(false); } } }; /** * Fades out volume before a duck operation. */ private Runnable duckDownVolumeRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mAudioManagerHelper.getCurrentVolume() > mAudioManagerHelper.getTargetVolume()) { mAudioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, (mAudioManagerHelper.getCurrentVolume() - mAudioManagerHelper.getStepDownIncrement()), 0); mAudioManagerHelper.setCurrentVolume(mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC)); mHandler.postDelayed(this, 50); } } }; /** * Fades in volume after a duck operation. */ private Runnable duckUpVolumeRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mAudioManagerHelper.getCurrentVolume() < mAudioManagerHelper.getTargetVolume()) { mAudioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, (mAudioManagerHelper.getCurrentVolume() + mAudioManagerHelper.getStepUpIncrement()), 0); mAudioManagerHelper.setCurrentVolume(mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC)); mHandler.postDelayed(this, 50); } } }; /** * Called once mMediaPlayer is prepared. */ public OnPreparedListener mediaPlayerPrepared = new OnPreparedListener() { @Override public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) { //Update the prepared flag. setIsMediaPlayerPrepared(true); //Set the completion listener for mMediaPlayer. getMediaPlayer().setOnCompletionListener(onMediaPlayerCompleted); //Check to make sure we have AudioFocus. if (checkAndRequestAudioFocus() == true) { //Check if the the user saved the track's last playback position. if (getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getSavedPosition() != -1) { //Seek to the saved track position. mMediaPlayer.seekTo((int) getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getSavedPosition()); mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(new String[] { Common.SHOW_AUDIOBOOK_TOAST }, new String[] { "" + getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getSavedPosition() }); } //This is the first time mMediaPlayer has been prepared, so start it immediately. if (mFirstRun) { startMediaPlayer(); mFirstRun = false; } } else { return; } } }; /** * Called once mMediaPlayer2 is prepared. */ public OnPreparedListener mediaPlayer2Prepared = new OnPreparedListener() { @Override public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) { //Update the prepared flag. setIsMediaPlayer2Prepared(true); //Set the completion listener for mMediaPlayer2. getMediaPlayer2().setOnCompletionListener(onMediaPlayer2Completed); //Check to make sure we have AudioFocus. if (checkAndRequestAudioFocus() == true) { //Check if the the user saved the track's last playback position. if (getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getSavedPosition() != -1) { //Seek to the saved track position. mMediaPlayer2.seekTo((int) getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getSavedPosition()); mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(new String[] { Common.SHOW_AUDIOBOOK_TOAST }, new String[] { "" + getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getSavedPosition() }); } } else { return; } } }; /** * Completion listener for mMediaPlayer. */ private OnCompletionListener onMediaPlayerCompleted = new OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) { //Remove the crossfade playback. mHandler.removeCallbacks(startCrossFadeRunnable); mHandler.removeCallbacks(crossFadeRunnable); //Set the track position handler (notifies the handler when the track should start being faded). if (mHandler != null && mApp.isCrossfadeEnabled()) {; } //Reset the fadeVolume variables. mFadeInVolume = 0.0f; mFadeOutVolume = 1.0f; //Reset the volumes for both mediaPlayers. getMediaPlayer().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); try { if (isAtEndOfQueue() && getRepeatMode() != Common.REPEAT_PLAYLIST) { stopSelf(); } else if (isMediaPlayer2Prepared()) { startMediaPlayer2(); } else { //Check every 100ms if mMediaPlayer2 is prepared.; } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { //mMediaPlayer2 isn't prepared yet.; } } }; /** * Completion listener for mMediaPlayer2. */ private OnCompletionListener onMediaPlayer2Completed = new OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) { //Remove the crossfade playback. mHandler.removeCallbacks(startCrossFadeRunnable); mHandler.removeCallbacks(crossFadeRunnable); //Set the track position handler (notifies the handler when the track should start being faded). if (mHandler != null && mApp.isCrossfadeEnabled()) {; } //Reset the fadeVolume variables. mFadeInVolume = 0.0f; mFadeOutVolume = 1.0f; //Reset the volumes for both mediaPlayers. getMediaPlayer().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); try { if (isAtEndOfQueue() && getRepeatMode() != Common.REPEAT_PLAYLIST) { stopSelf(); } else if (isMediaPlayerPrepared()) { startMediaPlayer(); } else { //Check every 100ms if mMediaPlayer is prepared.; } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { //mMediaPlayer isn't prepared yet.; } } }; /** * Buffering listener. */ public OnBufferingUpdateListener bufferingListener = new OnBufferingUpdateListener() { @Override public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent) { if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getBoolean("NOW_PLAYING_ACTIVE", false) == true) { if (mp == getCurrentMediaPlayer()) { float max = mp.getDuration() / 1000; float maxDividedByHundred = max / 100; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(new String[] { Common.UPDATE_BUFFERING_PROGRESS }, new String[] { "" + (int) (percent * maxDividedByHundred) }); } } } }; /** * Error listener for mMediaPlayer. */ public OnErrorListener onErrorListener = new OnErrorListener() { @Override public boolean onError(MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer, int what, int extra) { /* This error listener might seem like it's not doing anything. * However, removing this will cause the mMediaPlayer object to go crazy * and skip around. The key here is to make this method return true. This * notifies the mMediaPlayer object that we've handled all errors and that * it shouldn't do anything else to try and remedy the situation. * * TL;DR: Don't touch this interface. Ever. */ return true; } }; /** * Starts mMediaPlayer if it is prepared and ready for playback. * Otherwise, continues checking every 100ms if mMediaPlayer is prepared. */ private Runnable startMediaPlayerIfPrepared = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isMediaPlayerPrepared()) startMediaPlayer(); else mHandler.postDelayed(this, 100); } }; /** * Starts mMediaPlayer if it is prepared and ready for playback. * Otherwise, continues checking every 100ms if mMediaPlayer2 is prepared. */ private Runnable startMediaPlayer2IfPrepared = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isMediaPlayer2Prepared()) startMediaPlayer2(); else mHandler.postDelayed(this, 100); } }; /** * First runnable that handles the cross fade operation between two tracks. */ public Runnable startCrossFadeRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //Check if we're in the last part of the current song. try { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().isPlaying()) { int currentTrackDuration = getCurrentMediaPlayer().getDuration(); int currentTrackFadePosition = currentTrackDuration - (mCrossfadeDuration * 1000); if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().getCurrentPosition() >= currentTrackFadePosition) { //Launch the next runnable that will handle the cross fade effect. mHandler.postDelayed(crossFadeRunnable, 100); } else { mHandler.postDelayed(startCrossFadeRunnable, 1000); } } else { mHandler.postDelayed(startCrossFadeRunnable, 1000); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; /** * Crossfade runnable. */ public Runnable crossFadeRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { //Do not crossfade if the current song is set to repeat itself. if (getRepeatMode() != Common.REPEAT_SONG) { //Do not crossfade if this is the last track in the queue. if (getCursor().getCount() > (mCurrentSongIndex + 1)) { //Set the next mMediaPlayer's volume and raise it incrementally. if (getCurrentMediaPlayer() == getMediaPlayer()) { getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(mFadeInVolume, mFadeInVolume); getMediaPlayer().setVolume(mFadeOutVolume, mFadeOutVolume); //If the mMediaPlayer is already playing or it hasn't been prepared yet, we can't use crossfade. if (!getMediaPlayer2().isPlaying()) { if (mMediaPlayer2Prepared == true) { if (checkAndRequestAudioFocus() == true) { //Check if the the user requested to save the track's last playback position. if (getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getSavedPosition() != -1) { //Seek to the saved track position. getMediaPlayer2() .seekTo((int) getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getSavedPosition()); mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand( new String[] { Common.SHOW_AUDIOBOOK_TOAST }, new String[] { "" + getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getSavedPosition() }); } getMediaPlayer2().start(); } else { return; } } } } else { getMediaPlayer().setVolume(mFadeInVolume, mFadeInVolume); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(mFadeOutVolume, mFadeOutVolume); //If the mMediaPlayer is already playing or it hasn't been prepared yet, we can't use crossfade. if (!getMediaPlayer().isPlaying()) { if (mMediaPlayerPrepared == true) { if (checkAndRequestAudioFocus() == true) { //Check if the the user requested to save the track's last playback position. if (getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getSavedPosition() != -1) { //Seek to the saved track position. getMediaPlayer() .seekTo((int) getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getSavedPosition()); mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand( new String[] { Common.SHOW_AUDIOBOOK_TOAST }, new String[] { "" + getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getSavedPosition() }); } getMediaPlayer().start(); } else { return; } } } } mFadeInVolume = mFadeInVolume + (float) (1.0f / (((float) mCrossfadeDuration) * 10.0f)); mFadeOutVolume = mFadeOutVolume - (float) (1.0f / (((float) mCrossfadeDuration) * 10.0f)); mHandler.postDelayed(crossFadeRunnable, 100); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; /** * Grabs the song parameters at the specified index, retrieves its * data source, and beings to asynchronously prepare mMediaPlayer. * Once mMediaPlayer is prepared, mediaPlayerPrepared is called. * * @return True if the method completed with no exceptions. False, otherwise. */ public boolean prepareMediaPlayer(int songIndex) { try { //Stop here if we're at the end of the queue. if (songIndex == -1) return true; //Reset mMediaPlayer to it's uninitialized state. getMediaPlayer().reset(); //Loop the player if the repeat mode is set to repeat the current song. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(true); } //Set mMediaPlayer's song data. SongHelper songHelper = new SongHelper(); if (mFirstRun) { /* * We're not preloading the next song (mMediaPlayer2 is not * playing right now). mMediaPlayer's song is pointed at * by mCurrentSongIndex. */ songHelper.populateSongData(mContext, songIndex); setMediaPlayerSongHelper(songHelper); //Set this service as a foreground service. startForeground(mNotificationId, buildNotification(songHelper)); } else { songHelper.populateSongData(mContext, songIndex); setMediaPlayerSongHelper(songHelper); } /* * Set the data source for mMediaPlayer and start preparing it * asynchronously. */ getMediaPlayer().setDataSource(mContext, getSongDataSource(getMediaPlayerSongHelper())); getMediaPlayer().setOnPreparedListener(mediaPlayerPrepared); getMediaPlayer().setOnErrorListener(onErrorListener); getMediaPlayer().prepareAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("DEBUG", "MESSAGE", e); e.printStackTrace(); //Display an error toast to the user. showErrorToast(); //Add the current song index to the list of failed indeces. getFailedIndecesList().add(songIndex); //Start preparing the next song. if (!isAtEndOfQueue() || mFirstRun) prepareMediaPlayer(songIndex + 1); else return false; return false; } return true; } /** * Grabs the song parameters at the specified index, retrieves its * data source, and beings to asynchronously prepare mMediaPlayer2. * Once mMediaPlayer2 is prepared, mediaPlayer2Prepared is called. * * @return True if the method completed with no exceptions. False, otherwise. */ public boolean prepareMediaPlayer2(int songIndex) { try { //Stop here if we're at the end of the queue. if (songIndex == -1) return true; //Reset mMediaPlayer2 to its uninitialized state. getMediaPlayer2().reset(); //Loop the player if the repeat mode is set to repeat the current song. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(true); } //Set mMediaPlayer2's song data. SongHelper songHelper = new SongHelper(); songHelper.populateSongData(mContext, songIndex); setMediaPlayer2SongHelper(songHelper); /* * Set the data source for mMediaPlayer and start preparing it * asynchronously. */ getMediaPlayer2().setDataSource(mContext, getSongDataSource(getMediaPlayer2SongHelper())); getMediaPlayer2().setOnPreparedListener(mediaPlayer2Prepared); getMediaPlayer2().setOnErrorListener(onErrorListener); getMediaPlayer2().prepareAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //Display an error toast to the user. showErrorToast(); //Add the current song index to the list of failed indeces. getFailedIndecesList().add(songIndex); //Start preparing the next song. if (!isAtEndOfQueue()) prepareMediaPlayer2(songIndex + 1); else return false; return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the Uri of a song's data source. * If the song is a local file, its file path is * returned. If the song is from GMusic, its local * copy path is returned (if it exists). If no local * copy exists, the song's remote URL is requested * from Google's servers and a temporary placeholder * (URI_BEING_LOADED) is returned. */ private Uri getSongDataSource(SongHelper songHelper) { //Return the song's file path. return Uri.parse(songHelper.getFilePath()); } /** * Sets the A-B Repeat song markers. * * @param pointA The duration to repeat from (in millis). * @param pointB The duration to repeat until (in millis). */ public void setRepeatSongRange(int pointA, int pointB) { mRepeatSongRangePointA = pointA; mRepeatSongRangePointB = pointB; getCurrentMediaPlayer().seekTo(pointA); mHandler.postDelayed(checkABRepeatRange, 100); } /** * Clears the A-B Repeat song markers. */ public void clearABRepeatRange() { mHandler.removeCallbacks(checkABRepeatRange); mRepeatSongRangePointA = 0; mRepeatSongRangePointB = 0; mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putInt(Common.REPEAT_MODE, Common.REPEAT_OFF); } /** * Called repetitively to check for A-B repeat markers. */ private Runnable checkABRepeatRange = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().isPlaying()) { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().getCurrentPosition() >= (mRepeatSongRangePointB)) { getCurrentMediaPlayer().seekTo(mRepeatSongRangePointA); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getInt(Common.REPEAT_MODE, Common.REPEAT_OFF) == Common.A_B_REPEAT) { mHandler.postDelayed(checkABRepeatRange, 100); } } }; /** * Fix for KitKat error where the service is killed as soon * as the app is swiped away from the Recents menu. */ @Override public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, KitKatFixActivity.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } /** * Displays an error toast. */ private void showErrorToast() { Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.song_failed_to_load, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } /** * Deploys the current track's data to the specified * scrobbler. * * @param state The scrobble state. */ public void scrobbleTrack(int state) { //If scrobbling is enabled, send out the appropriate action events. if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getInt("SCROBBLING", 0) == 0) { //Scrobbling is disabled. return; } //Get the metadata of the track. getCursor().moveToPosition(mPlaybackIndecesList.get(mCurrentSongIndex)); String songTitle = getCursor().getString(getCursor().getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE)); String songArtist = getCursor().getString(getCursor().getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST)); String songAlbum = getCursor().getString(getCursor().getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM)); int songDurationInSecs; try { songDurationInSecs = getCursor().getInt(getCursor().getColumnIndex(DBAccessHelper.SONG_DURATION)) / 1000; } catch (Exception e) { songDurationInSecs = 0; } /* if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getInt("SCROBBLING", 0)==1) { //Simple LastFM Helper. SimpleLastFMHelper.initializeActionIntent(); SimpleLastFMHelper.attachMetadata(state, songArtist, songAlbum, songTitle, songDurationInSecs); SimpleLastFMHelper.sendBroadcast(mContext); } else if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getInt("SCROBBLING", 0)==2) { //Scrobble Droid. ScrobbleDroidHelper.initializeActionIntent(); if (state==SimpleLastFMHelper.START || state==SimpleLastFMHelper.RESUME) { ScrobbleDroidHelper.attachMetadata(true, songArtist, songAlbum, songTitle, songDurationInSecs); } else if (state==SimpleLastFMHelper.PAUSE) { ScrobbleDroidHelper.attachMetadata(false, songArtist, songAlbum, songTitle, songDurationInSecs); } ScrobbleDroidHelper.sendBroadcast(mContext); } */ } /** * Checks if we have AudioFocus. If not, it explicitly requests it. * * @return True if we have AudioFocus. False, otherwise. */ private boolean checkAndRequestAudioFocus() { if (mAudioManagerHelper.hasAudioFocus() == false) { if (requestAudioFocus() == true) { return true; } else { //Unable to get focus. Notify the user. Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.unable_to_get_audio_focus, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * Registers the headset plug receiver. */ public void registerHeadsetPlugReceiver() { //Register the headset plug receiver. if (mApp.getSharedPreferences().getString("UNPLUG_ACTION", "PAUSE_MUSIC_PLAYBACK") .equals("PAUSE_MUSIC_PLAYBACK")) { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG); mHeadsetPlugReceiver = new HeadsetPlugBroadcastReceiver(); mService.registerReceiver(mHeadsetPlugReceiver, filter); } } /** * Increments mCurrentSongIndex based on mErrorCount. * Returns the new value of mCurrentSongIndex. */ public int incrementCurrentSongIndex() { if ((getCurrentSongIndex() + 1) < getCursor().getCount()) mCurrentSongIndex++; return mCurrentSongIndex; } /** * Decrements mCurrentSongIndex by one. Returns the new value * of mCurrentSongIndex. */ public int decrementCurrentSongIndex() { if ((getCurrentSongIndex() - 1) > -1) mCurrentSongIndex--; return mCurrentSongIndex; } /** * Increments mEnqueueReorderScalar. Returns the new value * of mEnqueueReorderScalar. */ public int incrementEnqueueReorderScalar() { mEnqueueReorderScalar++; return mCurrentSongIndex; } /** * Decrements mEnqueueReorderScalar. Returns the new value * of mEnqueueReorderScalar. */ public int decrementEnqueueReorderScalar() { mEnqueueReorderScalar--; return mCurrentSongIndex; } /** * Starts playing mMediaPlayer and sends out the update UI broadcast, * and updates the notification and any open widgets. * * Do NOT call this method before mMediaPlayer has been prepared. */ private void startMediaPlayer() throws IllegalStateException { //Set the media player's equalizer/audio fx. applyMediaPlayerEQ(getMediaPlayerSongHelper().getId()); //Aaaaand let the show begin! setCurrentMediaPlayer(1); getMediaPlayer().start(); //Set the new value for mCurrentSongIndex. if (mFirstRun == false) { do { setCurrentSongIndex(determineNextSongIndex()); } while (getFailedIndecesList().contains(getCurrentSongIndex())); getFailedIndecesList().clear(); } else { while (getFailedIndecesList().contains(getCurrentSongIndex())) { setCurrentSongIndex(determineNextSongIndex()); } //Initialize the crossfade runnable. if (mHandler != null && mApp.isCrossfadeEnabled()) {; } } //Update the UI. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PAGER_POSTIION, Common.UPDATE_PLAYBACK_CONTROLS, Common.HIDE_STREAMING_BAR, Common.UPDATE_SEEKBAR_DURATION, Common.UPDATE_EQ_FRAGMENT }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { getCurrentSongIndex() + "", "", "", getMediaPlayer().getDuration() + "", "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); setCurrentSong(getCurrentSong()); //Start preparing the next song. prepareMediaPlayer2(determineNextSongIndex()); } /** * Starts playing mMediaPlayer2, sends out the update UI broadcast, * and updates the notification and any open widgets. * * Do NOT call this method before mMediaPlayer2 has been prepared. */ private void startMediaPlayer2() throws IllegalStateException { //Set the media player's equalizer/audio fx. applyMediaPlayer2EQ(getMediaPlayer2SongHelper().getId()); //Aaaaaand let the show begin! setCurrentMediaPlayer(2); getMediaPlayer2().start(); //Set the new value for mCurrentSongIndex. do { setCurrentSongIndex(determineNextSongIndex()); } while (getFailedIndecesList().contains(getCurrentSongIndex())); getFailedIndecesList().clear(); //Update the UI. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PAGER_POSTIION, Common.UPDATE_PLAYBACK_CONTROLS, Common.HIDE_STREAMING_BAR, Common.UPDATE_SEEKBAR_DURATION, Common.UPDATE_EQ_FRAGMENT }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { getCurrentSongIndex() + "", "", "", getMediaPlayer2().getDuration() + "", "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); setCurrentSong(getCurrentSong()); //Start preparing the next song. prepareMediaPlayer(determineNextSongIndex()); } /** * Starts/resumes the current media player. Returns true if * the operation succeeded. False, otherwise. */ public boolean startPlayback() { try { //Check to make sure we have audio focus. if (checkAndRequestAudioFocus()) { getCurrentMediaPlayer().start(); //Update the UI and scrobbler. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PLAYBACK_CONTROLS }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); updateNotification(mApp.getService().getCurrentSong()); //updateWidgets(); //scrobbleTrack(SimpleLastFMHelper.START); } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Pauses the current media player. Returns true if * the operation succeeded. False, otherwise. */ public boolean pausePlayback() { try { getCurrentMediaPlayer().pause(); //Update the UI and scrobbler. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PLAYBACK_CONTROLS }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); updateNotification(mApp.getService().getCurrentSong()); //updateWidgets(); //scrobbleTrack(SimpleLastFMHelper.PAUSE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Stops the current media player. Returns true if * the operation succeeded. False, otherwise. */ public boolean stopPlayback() { try { getCurrentMediaPlayer().stop(); //Update the UI and scrobbler. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PLAYBACK_CONTROLS }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); updateNotification(mApp.getService().getCurrentSong()); //updateWidgets(); //scrobbleTrack(SimpleLastFMHelper.PAUSE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Skips to the next track (if there is one) and starts * playing it. Returns true if the operation succeeded. * False, otherwise. */ public boolean skipToNextTrack() { try { //Reset both MediaPlayer objects. getMediaPlayer().reset(); getMediaPlayer2().reset(); clearCrossfadeCallbacks(); //Loop the players if the repeat mode is set to repeat the current song. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(true); getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(true); } //Remove crossfade runnables and reset all volume levels. getHandler().removeCallbacks(crossFadeRunnable); getMediaPlayer().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); //Increment the song index. incrementCurrentSongIndex(); //Update the UI. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PAGER_POSTIION }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { getCurrentSongIndex() + "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); //Start the playback process. mFirstRun = true; prepareMediaPlayer(getCurrentSongIndex()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Skips to the previous track (if there is one) and starts * playing it. Returns true if the operation succeeded. * False, otherwise. */ public boolean skipToPreviousTrack() { /* * If the current track is not within the first three seconds, * reset it. If it IS within the first three seconds, skip to the * previous track. */ try { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().getCurrentPosition() > 3000) { getCurrentMediaPlayer().seekTo(0); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } try { //Reset both MediaPlayer objects. getMediaPlayer().reset(); getMediaPlayer2().reset(); clearCrossfadeCallbacks(); //Loop the players if the repeat mode is set to repeat the current song. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(true); getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(true); } //Remove crossfade runnables and reset all volume levels. getHandler().removeCallbacks(crossFadeRunnable); getMediaPlayer().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); //Decrement the song index. decrementCurrentSongIndex(); //Update the UI. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PAGER_POSTIION }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { getCurrentSongIndex() + "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); //Start the playback process. mFirstRun = true; prepareMediaPlayer(getCurrentSongIndex()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Skips to the specified track index (if there is one) and starts * playing it. Returns true if the operation succeeded. * False, otherwise. */ public boolean skipToTrack(int trackIndex) { try { //Reset both MediaPlayer objects. getMediaPlayer().reset(); getMediaPlayer2().reset(); clearCrossfadeCallbacks(); //Loop the players if the repeat mode is set to repeat the current song. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(true); getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(true); } //Remove crossfade runnables and reset all volume levels. getHandler().removeCallbacks(crossFadeRunnable); getMediaPlayer().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); //Update the song index. setCurrentSongIndex(trackIndex); //Update the UI. String[] updateFlags = new String[] { Common.UPDATE_PAGER_POSTIION }; String[] flagValues = new String[] { getCurrentSongIndex() + "" }; mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(updateFlags, flagValues); //Start the playback process. mFirstRun = true; prepareMediaPlayer(trackIndex); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Toggles the playback state between playing and paused and * returns whether the current media player is now playing * music or not. */ public boolean togglePlaybackState() { if (isPlayingMusic()) pausePlayback(); else startPlayback(); return isPlayingMusic(); } /** * Determines the next song's index based on the repeat * mode and current song index. Returns -1 if we're at * the end of the queue. */ private int determineNextSongIndex() { if (isAtEndOfQueue() && getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_PLAYLIST) return 0; else if (!isAtEndOfQueue() && getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) return getCurrentSongIndex(); else if (isAtEndOfQueue()) return -1; else return (getCurrentSongIndex() + 1); } /** * Checks which MediaPlayer object is currently in use, and * starts preparing the other one. */ public void prepareAlternateMediaPlayer() { if (mCurrentMediaPlayer == 1) prepareMediaPlayer2(determineNextSongIndex()); else prepareMediaPlayer(determineNextSongIndex()); } /** * Toggles shuffle mode and returns whether shuffle is now on or off. */ public boolean toggleShuffleMode() { if (isShuffleOn()) { //Set shuffle off. mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean(Common.SHUFFLE_ON, false).commit(); //Save the element at the current index. int currentElement = getPlaybackIndecesList().get(getCurrentSongIndex()); //Reset the cursor pointers list. Collections.sort(getPlaybackIndecesList()); //Reset the current index to the index of the old element. setCurrentSongIndex(getPlaybackIndecesList().indexOf(currentElement)); } else { //Set shuffle on. mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean(Common.SHUFFLE_ON, true).commit(); //Build a new list that doesn't include the current song index. ArrayList<Integer> newList = new ArrayList<Integer>(getPlaybackIndecesList()); newList.remove(getCurrentSongIndex()); //Shuffle the new list. Collections.shuffle(newList, new Random(System.nanoTime())); //Plug in the current song index back into the new list. newList.add(getCurrentSongIndex(), getCurrentSongIndex()); mPlaybackIndecesList = newList; //Collections.shuffle(getPlaybackIndecesList().subList(0, getCurrentSongIndex())); //Collections.shuffle(getPlaybackIndecesList().subList(getCurrentSongIndex()+1, getPlaybackIndecesList().size())); } /* Since the queue changed, we're gonna have to update the * next MediaPlayer object with the new song info. */ prepareAlternateMediaPlayer(); //Update all UI elements with the new queue order. mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(new String[] { Common.NEW_QUEUE_ORDER }, new String[] { "" }); return isShuffleOn(); } /** * Applies the specified repeat mode. */ public void setRepeatMode(int repeatMode) { if (repeatMode == Common.REPEAT_OFF || repeatMode == Common.REPEAT_PLAYLIST || repeatMode == Common.REPEAT_SONG || repeatMode == Common.A_B_REPEAT) { //Save the repeat mode. mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putInt(Common.REPEAT_MODE, repeatMode).commit(); } else { //Just in case a bogus value is passed in. mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putInt(Common.REPEAT_MODE, Common.REPEAT_OFF).commit(); } /* * Set the both MediaPlayer objects to loop if the repeat mode * is Common.REPEAT_SONG. */ try { if (repeatMode == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(true); getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(true); } else { getMediaPlayer().setLooping(false); getMediaPlayer2().setLooping(false); } //Prepare the appropriate next song. prepareAlternateMediaPlayer(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* * Remove the crossfade callbacks and reinitalize them * only if the user didn't select A-B repeat. */ clearCrossfadeCallbacks(); if (repeatMode != Common.A_B_REPEAT) if (mHandler != null && mApp.isCrossfadeEnabled()); } /** * Returns the current active MediaPlayer object. */ public MediaPlayer getCurrentMediaPlayer() { if (mCurrentMediaPlayer == 1) return mMediaPlayer; else return mMediaPlayer2; } /** * Returns the primary MediaPlayer object. Don't * use this method directly unless you have a good * reason to explicitly call mMediaPlayer. Use * getCurrentMediaPlayer() whenever possible. */ public MediaPlayer getMediaPlayer() { return mMediaPlayer; } /** * Returns the secondary MediaPlayer object. Don't * use this method directly unless you have a good * reason to explicitly call mMediaPlayer2. Use * getCurrentMediaPlayer() whenever possible. */ public MediaPlayer getMediaPlayer2() { return mMediaPlayer2; } /** * Indicates if mMediaPlayer is prepared and * ready for playback. */ public boolean isMediaPlayerPrepared() { return mMediaPlayerPrepared; } /** * Indicates if mMediaPlayer2 is prepared and * ready for playback. */ public boolean isMediaPlayer2Prepared() { return mMediaPlayer2Prepared; } /** * Indicates if music is currently playing. */ public boolean isPlayingMusic() { try { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer().isPlaying()) return true; else return false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Returns an instance of SongHelper. This * object can be used to pull details about * the current song. */ public SongHelper getCurrentSong() { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer() == mMediaPlayer) { return mMediaPlayerSongHelper; } else { return mMediaPlayer2SongHelper; } } /** * Removes all crossfade callbacks on the current * Handler object. Also resets the volumes of the * MediaPlayer objects to 1.0f. */ private void clearCrossfadeCallbacks() { if (mHandler == null) return; mHandler.removeCallbacks(startCrossFadeRunnable); mHandler.removeCallbacks(crossFadeRunnable); try { getMediaPlayer().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); getMediaPlayer2().setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns mMediaPlayer's SongHelper instance. */ public SongHelper getMediaPlayerSongHelper() { return mMediaPlayerSongHelper; } /** * Returns mMediaPlayer2's SongHelper instance. */ public SongHelper getMediaPlayer2SongHelper() { return mMediaPlayer2SongHelper; } /** * Returns the service's cursor object. */ public Cursor getCursor() { return mCursor; } /** * Returns the list of playback indeces that are used * to traverse the cursor object. */ public ArrayList<Integer> getPlaybackIndecesList() { return mPlaybackIndecesList; } /** * Returns the list of playback indeces that could * not be played. */ public ArrayList<Integer> getFailedIndecesList() { return mFailedIndecesList; } /** * Returns the current value of mCurrentSongIndex. */ public int getCurrentSongIndex() { return mCurrentSongIndex; } /** * Indicates if the track was changed by the user. */ public boolean getTrackChangedByUser() { return mTrackChangedByUser; } /** * Indicates if an enqueue operation was performed. */ public boolean getEnqueuePerformed() { return mEnqueuePerformed; } /** * Returns the EqualizerHelper instance. This * can be used to modify equalizer settings and * toggle them on/off. */ public EqualizerHelper getEqualizerHelper() { return mEqualizerHelper; } /** * Returns the mAudioManagerHelper instance. This * can be used to modify AudioFocus states. */ public AudioManagerHelper getAudioManagerHelper() { return mAudioManagerHelper; } /** * Returns the mHandler object. */ public Handler getHandler() { return mHandler; } /** * Returns the headset plug receiver object. */ public HeadsetPlugBroadcastReceiver getHeadsetPlugReceiver() { return mHeadsetPlugReceiver; } /** * Returns the current enqueue reorder scalar. */ public int getEnqueueReorderScalar() { return mEnqueueReorderScalar; } /** * Returns point A in milliseconds for A-B repeat. */ public int getRepeatSongRangePointA() { return mRepeatSongRangePointA; } /** * Returns point B in milliseconds for A-B repeat. */ public int getRepeatSongRangePointB() { return mRepeatSongRangePointB; } /** * Returns the current repeat mode. The repeat mode * is determined based on the value that is saved in * SharedPreferences. */ public int getRepeatMode() { return mApp.getSharedPreferences().getInt(Common.REPEAT_MODE, Common.REPEAT_OFF); } /** * Indicates if shuffle mode is turned on or off. */ public boolean isShuffleOn() { return mApp.getSharedPreferences().getBoolean(Common.SHUFFLE_ON, false); } /** * Indicates if mCurrentSongIndex points to the last * song in the current queue. */ public boolean isAtEndOfQueue() { return (getCurrentSongIndex() == (getPlaybackIndecesList().size() - 1)); } /** * Indicates if mCurrentSongIndex points to the first * song in the current queue. */ public boolean isAtStartOfQueue() { return getCurrentSongIndex() == 0; } /** * Sets the current active media player. Note that this * method does not modify the MediaPlayer objects in any * way. It simply changes the int variable that points to * the new current MediaPlayer object. */ public void setCurrentMediaPlayer(int currentMediaPlayer) { mCurrentMediaPlayer = currentMediaPlayer; } /** * Sets the prepared flag for mMediaPlayer. */ public void setIsMediaPlayerPrepared(boolean prepared) { mMediaPlayerPrepared = prepared; } /** * Sets the prepared flag for mMediaPlayer2. */ public void setIsMediaPlayer2Prepared(boolean prepared) { mMediaPlayer2Prepared = prepared; } /** * Changes the value of mCurrentSongIndex. */ public void setCurrentSongIndex(int currentSongIndex) { mCurrentSongIndex = currentSongIndex; } /** * Sets whether the track was changed by the user or not. */ public void setTrackChangedByUser(boolean trackChangedByUser) { mTrackChangedByUser = trackChangedByUser; } /** * Sets whether an enqueue operation was performed or not. */ public void setEnqueuePerformed(boolean enqueuePerformed) { mEnqueuePerformed = enqueuePerformed; } /** * Sets the new enqueue reorder scalar value. */ public void setEnqueueReorderScalar(int scalar) { mEnqueueReorderScalar = scalar; } /** * Sets point A in milliseconds for A-B repeat. */ public void setRepeatSongRangePointA(int value) { mRepeatSongRangePointA = value; } /** * Returns point B in milliseconds for A-B repeat. */ public void getRepeatSongRangePointB(int value) { mRepeatSongRangePointB = value; } /** * Replaces the current cursor object with the new one. */ public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) { mCursor = cursor; } /** * Moves the cursor back to the first song in the queue. * This does not necessarily move the cursor to index 0. * It moves it to the element at index 0 in * mPlaybackIndecesList. */ public void moveCursorToQueueStart() { getCursor().moveToPosition(getPlaybackIndecesList().get(0)); } /** * Moves the cursor forward to the last song in the queue. * This does not necessarily move the cursor to index * {cursorSize-1}. It moves it to the element at index * {cursorSize-1} in mPlaybackIndecesList. */ public void moveCursorToQueueEnd() { getCursor().moveToPosition(getPlaybackIndecesList().get(getPlaybackIndecesList().size() - 1)); } /** * Moves the cursor to the specified index in the queue. * Returns true if the index was valid and the cursor * position was moved successfully. False, otherwise. */ public boolean moveCursorToIndex(int index) { if (index < getCursor().getCount() && index > -1) { getCursor().moveToPosition(getPlaybackIndecesList().get(index)); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns true if there's only one song in the current queue. * False, otherwise. */ public boolean isOnlySongInQueue() { if (getCurrentSongIndex() == 0 && getCursor().getCount() == 1) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns true if mCurrentSongIndex is pointing at the first * song in the queue and there is more than one song in the * queue. False, otherwise. */ public boolean isFirstSongInQueue() { if (getCurrentSongIndex() == 0 && getCursor().getCount() > 1) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns true if mCurrentSongIndex is pointing at the last * song in the queue. False, otherwise. */ public boolean isLastSongInQueue() { if (getCurrentSongIndex() == (getCursor().getCount() - 1)) return true; else return false; } /** * Returns an instance of the PrepareServiceListener. */ public PrepareServiceListener getPrepareServiceListener() { return mPrepareServiceListener; } /** * Sets the mPrepareServiceListener object. */ public void setPrepareServiceListener(PrepareServiceListener listener) { mPrepareServiceListener = listener; } /** * Sets mMediaPlayerSongHelper. */ public void setMediaPlayerSongHelper(SongHelper songHelper) { mMediaPlayerSongHelper = songHelper; } /** * Sets mMediaPlayer2SongHelper. */ public void setMediaPlayer2SongHelper(SongHelper songHelper) { mMediaPlayer2SongHelper = songHelper; } /** * Sets the current MediaPlayer's SongHelper object. Also * indirectly calls the updateNotification() and updateWidgets() * methods via the [CURRENT SONG HELPER].setIsCurrentSong() method. */ private void setCurrentSong(SongHelper songHelper) { if (getCurrentMediaPlayer() == mMediaPlayer) { mMediaPlayerSongHelper = songHelper; mMediaPlayerSongHelper.setIsCurrentSong(); } else { mMediaPlayer2SongHelper = songHelper; mMediaPlayer2SongHelper.setIsCurrentSong(); } } /** * (non-Javadoc) * @see Service#onDestroy() */ @Override public void onDestroy() { //Notify the UI that the service is about to stop. mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(new String[] { Common.SERVICE_STOPPING }, new String[] { "" }); //Fire a broadcast message to the widget(s) to update them. //updateWidgets(); //Send service stop event to GAnalytics. //Save the last track's info within the current queue. try { mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putLong("LAST_SONG_TRACK_POSITION", getCurrentMediaPlayer().getCurrentPosition()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); mApp.getSharedPreferences().edit().putLong("LAST_SONG_TRACK_POSITION", 0); } //If the current song is repeating a specific range, reset the repeat option. if (getRepeatMode() == Common.REPEAT_SONG) { setRepeatMode(Common.REPEAT_OFF); } mFadeInVolume = 0.0f; mFadeOutVolume = 1.0f; //Unregister the headset plug receiver and RemoteControlClient. try { RemoteControlHelper.unregisterRemoteControlClient(mAudioManager, mRemoteControlClientCompat); unregisterReceiver(mHeadsetPlugReceiver); } catch (Exception e) { //Just null out the receiver if it hasn't been registered yet. mHeadsetPlugReceiver = null; } //Remove the notification. NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationManager.cancel(mNotificationId); try { mEqualizerHelper.releaseEQObjects(); mEqualizerHelper = null; } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); mEqualizerHelper = null; } if (mMediaPlayer != null) mMediaPlayer.release(); if (mMediaPlayer2 != null) getMediaPlayer2().release(); mMediaPlayer = null; mMediaPlayer2 = null; //Close the cursor(s). try { getCursor().close(); setCursor(null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //Final scrobbling. //scrobbleTrack(SimpleLastFMHelper.PAUSE); /* * If A-B repeat is enabled, disable it to prevent the * next service instance from repeating the same section * over and over on the new track. */ if (getRepeatMode() == Common.A_B_REPEAT) setRepeatMode(Common.REPEAT_OFF); //Remove audio focus and unregister the audio buttons receiver. mAudioManagerHelper.setHasAudioFocus(false); mAudioManager.abandonAudioFocus(audioFocusChangeListener); mAudioManager.unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver( new ComponentName(getPackageName(), HeadsetButtonsReceiver.class.getName())); mAudioManager = null; mMediaButtonReceiverComponent = null; mRemoteControlClientCompat = null; //Nullify the service object. mApp.setService(null); mApp.setIsServiceRunning(false); mApp = null; } /** * Interface implementation to listen for service cursor events. */ public PlaybackKickstarter.BuildCursorListener buildCursorListener = new PlaybackKickstarter.BuildCursorListener() { @Override public void onServiceCursorReady(Cursor cursor, int currentSongIndex, boolean playAll) { if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.no_audio_files_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); if (mApp.getNowPlayingActivity() != null) mApp.getNowPlayingActivity().finish(); return; } setCursor(cursor); setCurrentSongIndex(currentSongIndex); getFailedIndecesList().clear(); initPlaybackIndecesList(playAll); mFirstRun = true; prepareMediaPlayer(currentSongIndex); //Notify NowPlayingActivity to initialize its ViewPager. mApp.broadcastUpdateUICommand(new String[] { Common.INIT_PAGER }, new String[] { "" }); } @Override public void onServiceCursorFailed(String exceptionMessage) { //We don't have a valid cursor, so stop the service. Log.e("SERVICE CURSOR EXCEPTION", "onServiceCursorFailed(): " + exceptionMessage); Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.unable_to_start_playback, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); stopSelf(); } @Override public void onServiceCursorUpdated(Cursor cursor) { //Make sure the new cursor and the old cursor are the same size. if (getCursor().getCount() == cursor.getCount()) { setCursor(cursor); } } }; }