Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco Activiti Mobile for Android. * * Alfresco Activiti Mobile for Android is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco Activiti Mobile for Android is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. * */ package; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import; import android.text.Html; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import; import; import; import; import; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.ContainerRepresentation; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.DynamicTableRepresentation; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.FormDefinitionRepresentation; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.FormFieldRepresentation; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.FormFieldTypes; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.FormOutcomeRepresentation; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.FormTabRepresentation; import com.activiti.client.api.model.editor.form.RestFieldRepresentation; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; /** * Created by jpascal on 28/03/2015. */ public class FormManager { protected ViewGroup vRoot; protected AlfrescoFragment fr; protected WeakReference<FragmentActivity> activity; private Map<String, BaseField> fieldsIndex; private Map<String, ViewGroup> tabHookViewIndex; private LinkedHashMap<String, TabField> formTabFieldIndex; private Map<String, FormFieldRepresentation> formFieldIndex = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList<BaseField> fieldsOrderIndex = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<BaseField> mandatoryFields = new ArrayList<>(0); private Map<String, View> outcomeIndex; private BaseField currentPickerField; private FormDefinitionRepresentation data; private AppVersion version; private TabLayout tabLayout = null; // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTORS & HELPERS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public FormManager(AlfrescoFragment fr, ViewGroup vRoot, FormDefinitionRepresentation data, AppVersion version) { = fr; this.vRoot = vRoot; this.activity = new WeakReference<>(fr.getActivity()); = data; this.version = version; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC METHODS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void prepare(FormDefinitionRepresentation data) { = data; vRoot.removeAllViews(); generateForm(LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()), false); } public void displayReadForm() { vRoot.removeAllViews(); generateForm(LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()), false); } public void displayEditForm() { vRoot.removeAllViews(); generateForm(LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()), true); } public Map<String, View> getOutComesView() { return (outcomeIndex == null) ? new HashMap<String, View>(0) : outcomeIndex; } public HashMap<String, Object> getValues() { HashMap<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(fieldsIndex.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, BaseField> entry : fieldsIndex.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().hasEditionValueChanged()) { props.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getOutputValue()); } } return props; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public boolean hasOutcome() { return data.getOutcomes() != null && data.getOutcomes().size() > 0; } public boolean checkValidation() { if (mandatoryFields.isEmpty()) { return true; } boolean isValid = true; boolean requiredFocus = false; for (BaseField field : mandatoryFields) { if (!field.isValid()) { field.showError(); isValid = false; // Focus the first view that is invalid if (!requiredFocus) { field.getEditionView().requestFocus(); requiredFocus = true; } } } return isValid; } public void setPropertyValue(String propertyId, Object object) { fieldsIndex.get(propertyId).setEditionValue(object); } public BaseField getField(String propertyId) { return fieldsIndex.get(propertyId); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERATOR // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void generateForm(LayoutInflater li, boolean isEdition) { boolean hasTab = false; if (!version.is120OrAbove()) { generateForm11(li, isEdition); return; } ViewGroup rootView; // Generate Tabs if (data.getTabs() != null && !data.getTabs().isEmpty()) { rootView = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_root_tabs, null); hasTab = true; tabLayout = (TabLayout) rootView.findViewById(; tabLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); tabHookViewIndex = new HashMap<>(data.getTabs().size()); formTabFieldIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>(data.getTabs().size()); int i = 0; for (FormTabRepresentation tabRepresentation : data.getTabs()) { TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.newTab().setText(tabRepresentation.getTitle()) .setTag(tabRepresentation.getId()); tabLayout.addTab(tab); ViewGroup tabHookView = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_tab_children, null); tabHookViewIndex.put(tabRepresentation.getId(), tabHookView); tabHookView.setVisibility(View.GONE); rootView.addView(tabHookView); formTabFieldIndex.put(tabRepresentation.getId(), new TabField(tab, tabRepresentation, i, tabHookView)); i++; } tabLayout.setOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() { @Override public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) { formTabFieldIndex.get(tab.getTag()).getHookView().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } @Override public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) { formTabFieldIndex.get(tab.getTag()).getHookView().setVisibility(View.GONE); } @Override public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) { formTabFieldIndex.get(tab.getTag()).getHookView().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); tabLayout.getTabAt(0).select(); } else { rootView = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_root, null); } ViewGroup hookView = rootView; fieldsIndex = new HashMap<>(data.getFields().size()); // Generate Fields ViewGroup groupRoot = null; BaseField field; for (FormFieldRepresentation fieldData : data.getFields()) { if (FormFieldTypes.GROUP.equals(fieldData.getType())) { if (groupRoot != null) { rootView.addView(groupRoot); } // Header field = generateField(fieldData, rootView, isEdition); groupRoot = null; if (fieldData instanceof ContainerRepresentation) { // Create groupView if (groupRoot == null) { groupRoot = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_fields_group, null); } if (hasTab && fieldData.getTab() != null) { hookView = (ViewGroup) tabHookViewIndex.get(fieldData.getTab()) .findViewById(; } else { hookView = (ViewGroup) groupRoot.findViewById(; } Map<String, List<FormFieldRepresentation>> fields = ((ContainerRepresentation) fieldData) .getFields(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<FormFieldRepresentation>> entry : fields.entrySet()) { for (FormFieldRepresentation representation : entry.getValue()) { formFieldIndex.put(representation.getId(), representation); field = generateField(representation, hookView, isEdition); fieldsOrderIndex.add(field); fieldsIndex.put(representation.getId(), field); // Mark All fields in edition mode if (isEdition) { // Mark required Field if (representation.isRequired()) { mandatoryFields.add(field); } if (representation instanceof RestFieldRepresentation) { field.setFragment(fr); } } // If requires fragment for pickers. if (field.isPickerRequired()) { field.setFragment(fr); } } } } } else if (FormFieldTypes.CONTAINER.equals(fieldData.getType())) { // Create groupView if (groupRoot == null) { groupRoot = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_fields_group, null); } if (hasTab && fieldData.getTab() != null) { hookView = (ViewGroup) tabHookViewIndex.get(fieldData.getTab()) .findViewById(; } else { hookView = (ViewGroup) groupRoot.findViewById(; } Map<String, List<FormFieldRepresentation>> fields = ((ContainerRepresentation) fieldData) .getFields(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<FormFieldRepresentation>> entry : fields.entrySet()) { for (FormFieldRepresentation representation : entry.getValue()) { field = generateField(representation, hookView, isEdition); fieldsOrderIndex.add(field); fieldsIndex.put(representation.getId(), field); // Mark All fields in edition mode if (isEdition) { // Mark required Field if (representation.isRequired()) { mandatoryFields.add(field); } if (representation instanceof RestFieldRepresentation) { field.setFragment(fr); } } // If requires fragment for pickers. if (field.isPickerRequired()) { field.setFragment(fr); } } } } else if (FormFieldTypes.DYNAMIC_TABLE.equals(fieldData.getType()) || (FormFieldTypes.READONLY.equals(fieldData.getType()) && fieldData.getParams().get("field") != null && (FormFieldTypes.DYNAMIC_TABLE.toString() .equals(((HashMap) fieldData.getParams().get("field")).get("type"))))) { // Create groupView if (groupRoot == null) { groupRoot = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_fields_group, null); } if (hasTab && fieldData.getTab() != null) { hookView = (ViewGroup) tabHookViewIndex.get(fieldData.getTab()) .findViewById(; } else { hookView = (ViewGroup) groupRoot.findViewById(; } if (fieldData instanceof DynamicTableRepresentation) { field = generateField(fieldData, hookView, isEdition); fieldsOrderIndex.add(field); continue; } } } // Now time to evaluate everyone evaluateViews(); // Add Container to root ? if (groupRoot != null) { rootView.addView(groupRoot); } vRoot.addView(rootView); // OUTCOME if (!isEdition) { return; } View vr; if (data.getOutcomes() == null || data.getOutcomes().size() == 0) { outcomeIndex = new HashMap<>(1); vr = generateOutcome(rootView, getActivity().getString(R.string.form_default_outcome_complete), li); outcomeIndex.put(getActivity().getString(R.string.form_default_outcome_complete), vr); } else { outcomeIndex = new HashMap<>(data.getOutcomes().size()); for (FormOutcomeRepresentation outcomeData : data.getOutcomes()) { vr = generateOutcome(rootView, outcomeData.getName(), li); outcomeIndex.put(outcomeData.getName(), vr); } } } /** * Works for 1.1 Form Definition * * @param li * @param isEdition */ protected void generateForm11(LayoutInflater li, boolean isEdition) { ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_root, null); ViewGroup hookView = rootView; fieldsIndex = new HashMap<>(data.getFields().size()); boolean createGroup = true; ViewGroup groupRoot = null; BaseField field; for (FormFieldRepresentation fieldData : data.getFields()) { if (FormFieldTypes.GROUP.equals(fieldData.getType())) { if (groupRoot != null) { rootView.addView(groupRoot); } // Header field = generateField(fieldData, rootView, isEdition); createGroup = true; groupRoot = null; } else { if (createGroup) { // Create groupView groupRoot = (ViewGroup) li.inflate(R.layout.form_fields_group, null); hookView = (ViewGroup) groupRoot.findViewById(; createGroup = false; } // Normal Field field = generateField(fieldData, hookView, isEdition); } fieldsOrderIndex.add(field); fieldsIndex.put(fieldData.getId(), field); // Mark All fields in edition mode if (isEdition) { // Mark required Field if (fieldData.isRequired()) { mandatoryFields.add(field); } if (fieldData instanceof RestFieldRepresentation) { field.setFragment(fr); } } // If requires fragment for pickers. if (field.isPickerRequired()) { field.setFragment(fr); } } // Now time to evaluate everyone evaluateViews(); // Add Container to root ? if (groupRoot != null) { rootView.addView(groupRoot); } vRoot.addView(rootView); // OUTCOME if (!isEdition) { return; } View vr; if (data.getOutcomes() == null || data.getOutcomes().size() == 0) { outcomeIndex = new HashMap<>(1); vr = generateOutcome(rootView, getActivity().getString(R.string.form_default_outcome_complete), li); outcomeIndex.put(getActivity().getString(R.string.form_default_outcome_complete), vr); } else { outcomeIndex = new HashMap<>(data.getOutcomes().size()); for (FormOutcomeRepresentation outcomeData : data.getOutcomes()) { vr = generateOutcome(rootView, outcomeData.getName(), li); outcomeIndex.put(outcomeData.getName(), vr); } } } private BaseField generateField(FormFieldRepresentation data, ViewGroup hookView, boolean isEdition) { boolean tmpIsEdition = isEdition; // First we prepare the field String dataType = (tmpIsEdition) ? data.getType() : data.getReadOnlyFieldType(); // ReadOnly is a specific case // We don't use type but the type defined by params. // Works like a pointer to a specific field if (FormFieldTypes.READONLY.equals(dataType)) { dataType = data.getReadOnlyFieldType(); tmpIsEdition = false; } BaseField field = FieldTypeFactory.createField(getActivity(), this, dataType, data, !tmpIsEdition); // Then we create the view View fieldView = (tmpIsEdition) ? field.setupEditionView(data.getValue()) : field.setupdReadView(); // If a view has been generated we kept it. if (fieldView != null) { hookView.addView(fieldView); } return field; } private View generateOutcome(ViewGroup hookView, String name, LayoutInflater li) { View vr = li.inflate(R.layout.form_outcome, null); ((Button) vr.findViewById(; hookView.addView(vr); return vr; } public void evaluateViews() { FormEvaluateExpression formEvaluateExpression = new FormEvaluateExpression(getValues(), formFieldIndex); for (BaseField field : fieldsOrderIndex) { if (field.getData().getVisibilityCondition() != null) { field.evaluateVisibility( formEvaluateExpression.evaluateExpression(field.getData().getVisibilityCondition())); } else { field.evaluateVisibility(); } } if (tabLayout == null) { return; } Map<String, TabLayout.Tab> tabLaIndex = new HashMap<>(tabLayout.getTabCount()); for (int i = 0; i < tabLayout.getTabCount(); i++) { tabLaIndex.put((String) tabLayout.getTabAt(i).getTag(), tabLayout.getTabAt(i)); } for (Map.Entry<String, TabField> tabField : formTabFieldIndex.entrySet()) { if (tabField.getValue().getData().getVisibilityCondition() != null) { TabField tabInfo = tabField.getValue(); boolean isVisible = formEvaluateExpression .evaluateExpression(tabInfo.getData().getVisibilityCondition()); if (isVisible && !tabLaIndex.containsKey(tabInfo.getId())) { tabLayout.addTab(tabInfo.getTab()); } else if (!isVisible && tabLaIndex.containsKey(tabInfo.getId())) { tabLayout.removeTabAt(tabLaIndex.get(tabInfo.getId()).getPosition()); } } } } public void refreshViews() { for (BaseField field : fieldsOrderIndex) { field.refreshEditionView(); } } /** * Unsupported + Required field */ public void abort() { getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(); MaterialDialog.Builder builder = new MaterialDialog.Builder(getActivity()) .title(R.string.form_message_unsupported_title) .cancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { dialog.dismiss(); } }).content(Html.fromHtml(getActivity().getString(R.string.form_message_unsupported_description))) .positiveText(R.string.ok).callback(new MaterialDialog.ButtonCallback() { @Override public void onPositive(MaterialDialog dialog) { } });; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int getVersionNumber() { return fr.getVersionNumber(); } public FragmentActivity getActivity() { return activity.get(); } public void setCurrentPickerField(BaseField field) { currentPickerField = field; } public BaseField getCurrentPickerField() { return currentPickerField; } public String getTaskId() { return data.getTaskId(); } }