Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Dangelmayr IT GmbH. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of FXL GUI API. * * FXL GUI API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FXL GUI API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FXL GUI API. If not, see <>. */ package co.fxl.gui.gwt; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import co.fxl.gui.api.ICallback; import co.fxl.gui.api.IContainer; import co.fxl.gui.api.ICursor; import co.fxl.gui.api.IDialog; import co.fxl.gui.api.IDisplay; import co.fxl.gui.api.IGridPanel; import co.fxl.gui.api.IPopUp; import co.fxl.gui.api.IScrollPane; import co.fxl.gui.api.IWebsite; import co.fxl.gui.api.IWidgetProvider; import co.fxl.gui.api.WidgetProviderNotFoundException; import co.fxl.gui.impl.CallbackTemplate; import co.fxl.gui.impl.Constants; import co.fxl.gui.impl.DialogImpl; import co.fxl.gui.impl.Display; import co.fxl.gui.impl.DisplayTemplate; import co.fxl.gui.impl.ImagePathResolver; import co.fxl.gui.impl.RuntimeTemplate; import co.fxl.gui.impl.StatusDisplay; import co.fxl.gui.impl.StatusDisplay.Fix; import co.fxl.gui.impl.ToolbarImpl; import co.fxl.gui.log.impl.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class GWTDisplay extends DisplayTemplate implements IDisplay, WidgetParent { // TODO Look: Quirk: GWT: IE9: Hhe von ComboBox stimmt nicht (eventuell // in // Grid einbetten) // TODO Look: Quirk: GWT: Safari: Hhe von ComboBox stimmt nicht // (eventuell // in Grid einbetten) private static final String OPERA_PREFIX = "Opera/"; private static final String FIREFOX = "Firefox/"; private static final String CHROME = "Chrome/"; public static final String BROWSER_WARNING_IE8 = "You are using an outdated browser with a slow javascript engine! If possible: Update to Internet Explorer 9+ or switch to another browser like Firefox or Chrome. This will significantly improve application response time."; public static final String BROWSER_WARNING_FIREFOX36 = "You are using an outdated browser! If possible: Update to Firefox 12+ or switch to another browser like Chrome. This will significantly improve application response time."; // public static final String BROWSER_WARNING_ZOOM_CHROME = // "You are using a zoom level other than 100%. Please switch to zoom level 100%, for example by clicking Ctrl+0, to avoid unexpected behaviour."; static GWTDisplay instance; private GWTContainer<Widget> container; private GWTUncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler; // waiting-delta public static boolean waiting = false; static int lastClickX = 0; static int lastClickY = 0; private Scheduler scheduler = new SchedulerImpl(); private IRuntime runtime; private boolean scrolling = true; private List<Element> styles = new LinkedList<Element>(); private boolean blocked; private boolean queueNotifyResizeListener; private static String USER_AGENT = Window.Navigator.getUserAgent(); private static final String USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE = USER_AGENT.toLowerCase(); public static boolean isFirefox = USER_AGENT.contains("Gecko/") && USER_AGENT.contains("Firefox/"); public static boolean isSafari = USER_AGENT.contains("Safari/") && !USER_AGENT.contains("Chrome/"); public static boolean isFirefox3 = isFirefox && USER_AGENT.contains("Firefox/3."); static boolean isChrome = USER_AGENT.contains("Chrome/"); public static boolean isInternetExplorer = !isFirefox && (USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("msie") || USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("rv:")); public static boolean isInternetExplorer8OrBelow = USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("msie 8.0") || USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("msie 7.0") || USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("msie 6.0") || USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("msie 5.0"); public static boolean isOpera = USER_AGENT.startsWith(OPERA_PREFIX); static boolean isInternetExplorer9 = USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("msie 9.0"); static boolean isInternetExplorer11Plus = USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains("rv:") && !USER_AGENT_LOWER_CASE.contains(" firefox/"); static boolean isInternetExplorer9OrBelow = isInternetExplorer9 || isInternetExplorer8OrBelow; public static int deltaY(MouseWheelEvent event) { return isInternetExplorer11Plus ? -eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(event.getNativeEvent()) / 40 : event.getDeltaY(); } public native static int eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(NativeEvent evt) /*-{ return evt.wheelDelta; }-*/; public static void notifyEvent(DomEvent<?> event) { if (event != null) { final NativeEvent nativeEvent = event.getNativeEvent(); notifyEvent(nativeEvent); } } public static void notifyEvent(NativeEvent nativeEvent) { lastClickX = nativeEvent.getClientX(); lastClickY = nativeEvent.getClientY(); } private GWTDisplay() { // GWTDisplayClientBundle.INSTANCE.css().ensureInjected(); Display.instance(this);; container = new GWTContainer<Widget>(this) { public void setComponent(Widget component) { widget = component; widget.setWidth("100%"); RootPanel.get().add(component, 0, 0); } }; // TODO AOPC: Aspect Log.instance(new GWTLog()); ToolbarImpl.ALLOW_ALIGN_END_FOR_FLOW_PANEL = !isSafari && !(isChrome && getBrowserVersion() <= 13); Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() { @Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { if (!scrolling) { RootPanel.get().setSize(width() + "px", height() + "px"); } notifyResizeListeners(); } }); Log.instance().debug("User agent: " + Window.Navigator.getUserAgent()); runtime = new RuntimeTemplate(getBrowserName(), getBrowserVersion()); declareConstants(); GWTFormat.setUp(); // if (isChromeZoomActive()) { // Log.instance().debug( // "Zoom is active in Google Chrome: " // + Display.instance().width() + " inner-width vs " // + getOuterWidth() + " outer-width"); // } StatusDisplay.FIX = new Fix() { @Override public void apply(IScrollPane p, boolean small) { ScrollPanel e = p.nativeElement(); if (!small) e.getElement().getStyle().setOverflowX(Overflow.HIDDEN); else e.getElement().getStyle().setOverflowX(Overflow.AUTO); } }; // if (Storage.isLocalStorageSupported()) { // register(new IServiceProvider<ILocalStorage>() { // // @Override // public Class<ILocalStorage> serviceType() { // return ILocalStorage.class; // } // // @Override // public ILocalStorage getService() { // return new GWTLocalStorage(); // } // }); // } } void addStyle(String text) { Element bodyElement = RootPanel.getBodyElement(); Element newChild = DOM.createElement("style"); newChild.setInnerText(text); parentElement = bodyElement.getParentElement(); parentElement.insertBefore(newChild, bodyElement); styles.add(newChild); Log.instance().debug("Adding style: " + text); } void clearStyles() { for (Element e : styles) { RootPanel.getBodyElement().getParentElement().removeChild(e); } styles.clear(); } // public static boolean isChromeZoomActive() { // return CHROME // && Display.instance().width() < (getOuterWidth() / 1.05); // } private void declareConstants() { // TODO replace with declarations in the respective widgets Constants.put("TableViewTemplate.CORRECT_HEIGHT", !isInternetExplorer); // if (isInternetExplorer()) { // Constants.put("DashboardPagePage.HEIGHT_DECREMENT", 3); // Constants.put("DashboardPagePage.HEIGHT_CONTENT_DECREMENT", 30); // } if (isFirefox) { Constants.put("ScrollTableWidgetImpl.ADD_TOP_PANEL_TOP_PADDING", true); if (isFirefox3) { Constants.put("FormWidgetImpl.FIXED_WIDTH", true); Constants.put("NavigationItemImpl.USE_TEMP_FLIP", false); } } if (isOpera) Constants.put("ScrollTableWidgetImpl.ADD_TOP_PANEL_SPACING", true); // if (isFirefox() || isOpera()) { // Constants.put("MiniFilterPanel.MODIFIED_TITLE_ADD", true); // } final boolean isChrome15Plus = isChrome && getBrowserVersion() >= 15; final String imagePath = Constants.get("GWTLazyTreeWidget.IMAGE_PATH", (isChrome15Plus ? "" : GWT.getModuleBaseURL()) + "images/"); Constants.put("ImagePathResolver", new ImagePathResolver() { @Override public String resolve(String resource) { if (isChrome15Plus) { ImageResource ir = GWTImage.resolve(resource); if (ir != null) return ir.getSafeUri().asString(); } return imagePath + resource; } }); } private String getBrowserName() { if (isChrome) { // assert !isSafari && !isInternetExplorer && !isOpera && // !isFirefox; return co.fxl.gui.impl.Env.CHROME; } else if (isOpera) { // assert !isSafari && !isInternetExplorer && !isChrome && // !isFirefox; return co.fxl.gui.impl.Env.OPERA; } else if (isInternetExplorer) { // assert !isSafari && !isChrome && !isOpera && !isFirefox; return co.fxl.gui.impl.Env.IE; } else if (isFirefox) { // assert !isSafari && !isChrome && !isOpera && !isInternetExplorer; return co.fxl.gui.impl.Env.FIREFOX; } else if (isSafari) { // assert !isInternetExplorer && !isChrome && !isOpera && // !isFirefox; return co.fxl.gui.impl.Env.SAFARI; } return co.fxl.gui.impl.Env.OTHER_BROWSER; } public static int getBrowserVersion() { if (isFirefox) { return getBrowserVersionFirefox(); } if (isChrome) { return getBrowserVersionChrome(USER_AGENT); } if (isInternetExplorer) { if (isInternetExplorer8OrBelow) return 8; else if (isInternetExplorer9) return 9; else if (isInternetExplorer11Plus) return 11; else return 10; } if (isOpera) { return getBrowserVersionOpera(); } return -1; } private static int getBrowserVersionFirefox() { if (USER_AGENT.contains(FIREFOX)) { int index = USER_AGENT.indexOf(FIREFOX) + FIREFOX.length(); int index2 = USER_AGENT.indexOf(".", index); String substring = USER_AGENT.substring(index, index2); return Integer.valueOf(substring); } return 4; } private static int getBrowserVersionOpera() { try { int index = OPERA_PREFIX.length(); int index2 = OPERA_PREFIX.indexOf(".", index); String substring = USER_AGENT.substring(index, index2); return Integer.valueOf(substring); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } private static int getBrowserVersionChrome(String userAgent) { int index = userAgent.indexOf(CHROME) + CHROME.length(); int lastIndex = userAgent.indexOf(".", index); if (index == -1 || lastIndex == -1 || index >= lastIndex) return -1; String number = userAgent.substring(index, lastIndex); try { return Integer.valueOf(number); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } @Override public IDisplay height(int pixel) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public IDisplay width(int pixel) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } static IWidgetProvider<?> lookupWidgetProvider(Class<?> interfaceClass) { IWidgetProvider<?> iWidgetProvider = instance.widgetProviders.get(interfaceClass); if (iWidgetProvider == null) throw new WidgetProviderNotFoundException(interfaceClass); return iWidgetProvider; } @Override public IDisplay title(String title) { Window.setTitle(title); return this; } @Override public IContainer container() { return container; } @Override public IDisplay visible(boolean visible) { if (container.widget != null) container.widget.setVisible(visible); return this; } @Override public IDisplay fullscreen() { return this; } public static IDisplay instance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new GWTDisplay(); } return instance; } @Override public IDialog showDialog() { return new DialogImpl() { @Override protected void decorate(IGridPanel grid) { GWTGridPanel gridPanel = (GWTGridPanel) grid; Element element = gridPanel.container.widget.getElement(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "tableLayout", "fixed"); element.getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.HIDDEN); DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "wordWrap", "break-word"); } }; } @Override public IWebsite showWebsite() { return new GWTWebsite(); } @Override public IColor color() { return new GWTStyleColor(null) { @Override public void setColor(String color) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), "backgroundColor", color); } }; } @Override public IDisplay addExceptionHandler(IExceptionHandler handler) { GWTUncaughtExceptionHandler h = setUpUncaughtExceptionHandler(); h.add(handler); return this; } private GWTUncaughtExceptionHandler setUpUncaughtExceptionHandler() { if (uncaughtExceptionHandler == null) { uncaughtExceptionHandler = new GWTUncaughtExceptionHandler(); GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); } return uncaughtExceptionHandler; } @Override public void add(Widget widget) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // @Override // public GWTDisplay lookupDisplay() { // return this; // } @Override public void remove(Widget widget) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int height() { return Window.getClientHeight(); } @Override public int width() { return Window.getClientWidth(); } @Override public ICursor<IDisplay> cursor() { return new GWTCursor<IDisplay>(this, RootPanel.get()); } // public static native String getUserAgent() /*-{ return navigator.userAgent; }-*/; private static native int getOuterWidth() /*-{ return window.outerWidth; }-*/; @Override public IDisplay block(boolean waiting) { blocked = waiting; // waiting-delta waiting = waiting; DOM.setStyleAttribute(RootPanel.get().getElement(), "cursor", waiting ? "wait" : "default"); if (!waiting && queueNotifyResizeListener) { notifyResizeListeners(); } return this; } @Override public IDisplay notifyResizeListeners() { if (blocked) { queueNotifyResizeListener = true; return this; } else { queueNotifyResizeListener = false; return super.notifyResizeListeners(); } } @Override public IDisplay invokeLater(final Runnable runnable) { scheduler.scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() {; } }); return this; } @Override public IDisplay invokeLater(final Runnable runnable, long ms) { scheduler.scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() {; return false; } }, (int) ms); return this; } @Override public IPopUp showPopUp() { return new GWTPopUp(); } @Override public IDisplay size(int width, int height) { return width(width).height(height); } // public IDisplay runAsync(final Runnable runnable) { // GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { // // @Override // public void onSuccess() { //; // } // // @Override // public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { // throw new RuntimeException(reason); // } // }); // return this; // } @Override public String title() { return Window.getTitle(); } @Override public IDisplay clear() { RootPanel.get().clear(); return this; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) void createWidget(final Class interfaceClass, final IContainer c, final ICallback widget) { ensure(interfaceClass, new CallbackTemplate<Void>(widget) { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { Object w = lookupWidgetProvider(interfaceClass).createWidget(container); widget.onSuccess(w); } }); } @Override public IDisplay scrolling(boolean scrolling) { this.scrolling = scrolling; // Window.enableScrolling(scrolling); // if (isChrome()) { // Window.addWindowScrollHandler(new ScrollHandler() { // // private Long timeToRescroll = null; // // @Override // public void onWindowScroll(ScrollEvent arg0) { // boolean schedule = timeToRescroll == null; // timeToRescroll = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000; // if (schedule) // schedule(); // } // // private void schedule() { // int l = (int) Math.max(250, // timeToRescroll - System.currentTimeMillis()); // invokeLater(new Runnable() { // @Override // public void run() { // if (System.currentTimeMillis() < timeToRescroll) { // schedule(); // return; // } // if (Window.getScrollTop() != -1) { // Window.scrollTo(Window.getScrollLeft(), -1); // } // timeToRescroll = null; // } // }, l); // } // }); // } return this; } void resetScrollPanelTop() { if (isChrome && !scrolling && Window.getScrollTop() != 0) { Window.scrollTo(Window.getScrollLeft(), 0); } } @Override public IRuntime runtime() { return runtime; } void notifyElement(GWTElement<?, ?> e) { // TODO ... } @Override public IDisplay font(String fontFamily, int fontSize) { clearStyles(); if (!isInternetExplorer9OrBelow && !isOpera) { String font = "font-family: " + fontFamily + " !important; font-size: " + fontSize + "px;"; addStyle("body, table td, select, input, button { " + font + "}"); addStyle(".gwt-TextArea-FXL { height: 100px; padding: 3px; " + font + "}"); addStyle(".gwt-TextBox-FXL { padding: 3px; " + font + "}"); if (fontFamily.contains("'Open Sans'")) { addStyle( "html, body { -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility: hidden; }"); } } if (!isInternetExplorer11Plus && !isInternetExplorer8OrBelow) addStyle("::selection { background-color:transparent; }"); return this; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public IContainer newContainer() { return new GWTContainer(); } @Override public void reload() { Window.Location.reload(); } // private int styleCounter = 0; // // @Override // public <T extends IElement<T>> IDecorator<T> adoptStyle( // final IDecorator<T> style) { // return new IDecorator<T>() { // // private String name; // // @Override // public void decorate(T element) { // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Element e = ((GWTElement<?, T>) element).container.widget // .getElement(); // if (name == null) { // // String before = getStyleString(e); // style.decorate(element); // String after = getStyleString(e); // // String delta = after.substring(before.length()); // name = "S" + styleCounter++; // addStyle("." + name + " { " + after + "}"); // } else { // e.setPropertyString("style", ""); // element.addStyle(name); // } // } // // private String getStyleString(Element e) { // String t = e.toString(); // int index = t.indexOf("style=\"") + "style=\"".length(); // return t.substring(index, t.indexOf("\"", index)); // } // }; // } }