Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Cask Data, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import co.cask.cdap.api.ProgramSpecification; import; import co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetAdmin; import co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetDefinition; import co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.DatasetProperties; import co.cask.cdap.api.dataset.table.Table; import co.cask.cdap.api.flow.FlowSpecification; import co.cask.cdap.api.flow.FlowletConnection; import co.cask.cdap.api.flow.FlowletDefinition; import co.cask.cdap.api.schedule.ScheduleSpecification; import co.cask.cdap.api.service.ServiceSpecification; import co.cask.cdap.api.worker.WorkerSpecification; import co.cask.cdap.api.workflow.WorkflowToken; import; import; import; import; import co.cask.cdap.archive.ArchiveBundler; import co.cask.cdap.common.ApplicationNotFoundException; import co.cask.cdap.common.ProgramNotFoundException; import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.CConfiguration; import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.Constants; import co.cask.cdap.common.namespace.NamespacedLocationFactory; import co.cask.cdap.data2.datafabric.dataset.DatasetsUtil; import co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.DatasetFramework; import co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.DatasetManagementException; import co.cask.cdap.data2.dataset2.tx.Transactional; import; import; import; import co.cask.cdap.proto.AdapterStatus; import co.cask.cdap.proto.Id; import co.cask.cdap.proto.NamespaceMeta; import co.cask.cdap.proto.ProgramRunStatus; import co.cask.cdap.templates.AdapterDefinition; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionExecutor; import co.cask.tephra.TransactionExecutorFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.twill.filesystem.Location; import org.apache.twill.filesystem.LocationFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Implementation of the Store that ultimately places data into MetaDataTable. */ public class DefaultStore implements Store { public static final String APP_META_TABLE = "app.meta"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultStore.class); private static final Id.DatasetInstance appMetaDatasetInstanceId = Id.DatasetInstance .from(Constants.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE, APP_META_TABLE); private final LocationFactory locationFactory; private final NamespacedLocationFactory namespacedLocationFactory; private final CConfiguration configuration; private final DatasetFramework dsFramework; private Transactional<AppMds, AppMetadataStore> txnl; @Inject public DefaultStore(CConfiguration conf, LocationFactory locationFactory, NamespacedLocationFactory namespacedLocationFactory, TransactionExecutorFactory txExecutorFactory, DatasetFramework framework) { this.configuration = conf; this.locationFactory = locationFactory; this.namespacedLocationFactory = namespacedLocationFactory; this.dsFramework = framework; txnl = Transactional.of(txExecutorFactory, new Supplier<AppMds>() { @Override public AppMds get() { try { Table mdsTable = DatasetsUtil.getOrCreateDataset(dsFramework, appMetaDatasetInstanceId, "table", DatasetProperties.EMPTY, DatasetDefinition.NO_ARGUMENTS, null); return new AppMds(mdsTable); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }); } /** * Adds datasets and types to the given {@link DatasetFramework} used by app mds. * * @param framework framework to add types and datasets to */ public static void setupDatasets(DatasetFramework framework) throws IOException, DatasetManagementException { framework.addInstance(Table.class.getName(), Id.DatasetInstance.from(Constants.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE_ID, APP_META_TABLE), DatasetProperties.EMPTY); } @Nullable @Override public Program loadProgram(final Id.Program id) throws IOException, ApplicationNotFoundException, ProgramNotFoundException { ApplicationMeta appMeta = txnl .executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, ApplicationMeta>() { @Override public ApplicationMeta apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getApplication(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId()); } }); if (appMeta == null) { throw new ApplicationNotFoundException(Id.Application.from(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId())); } if (!programExists(id, appMeta.getSpec())) { throw new ProgramNotFoundException(id); } Location programLocation = getProgramLocation(id); // I guess this can happen when app is being deployed at the moment... // todo: should be prevented by framework // todo: this should not be checked here but in start() Preconditions.checkArgument(appMeta.getLastUpdateTs() >= programLocation.lastModified(), "Newer program update time than the specification update time. " + "Application must be redeployed"); return Programs.create(programLocation); } @Override public void compareAndSetStatus(final Id.Program id, final String pid, final ProgramRunStatus expectedStatus, final ProgramRunStatus updateStatus) { Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedStatus != null, "Expected of program run should be defined"); Preconditions.checkArgument(updateStatus != null, "Updated state of program run should be defined"); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { RunRecordMeta target = mds.apps.getRun(id, pid); if (target.getStatus() == expectedStatus) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long nowSecs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(now); switch (updateStatus) { case RUNNING: mds.apps.recordProgramStart(id, pid, nowSecs, target.getAdapterName(), target.getTwillRunId()); break; case SUSPENDED: mds.apps.recordProgramSuspend(id, pid); break; case COMPLETED: case KILLED: case FAILED: mds.apps.recordProgramStop(id, pid, nowSecs, updateStatus); break; default: break; } } return null; } }); } @Override public void setStart(final Id.Program id, final String pid, final long startTime, final String adapter, final String twillRunId) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.recordProgramStart(id, pid, startTime, adapter, twillRunId); return null; } }); } @Override public void setStart(Id.Program id, String pid, long startTime) { setStart(id, pid, startTime, null, null); } @Override public void setStop(final Id.Program id, final String pid, final long endTime, final ProgramRunStatus runStatus) { Preconditions.checkArgument(runStatus != null, "Run state of program run should be defined"); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.recordProgramStop(id, pid, endTime, runStatus); return null; } }); // todo: delete old history data } @Override public void setSuspend(final Id.Program id, final String pid) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.recordProgramSuspend(id, pid); return null; } }); } @Override public void setResume(final Id.Program id, final String pid) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.recordProgramResumed(id, pid); return null; } }); } @Override public List<RunRecordMeta> getRuns(final Id.Program id, final ProgramRunStatus status, final long startTime, final long endTime, final int limit, final String adapter) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, List<RunRecordMeta>>() { @Override public List<RunRecordMeta> apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getRuns(id, status, startTime, endTime, limit, adapter); } }); } @Override public List<RunRecordMeta> getRuns(Id.Program id, ProgramRunStatus status, long startTime, long endTime, int limit) { return getRuns(id, status, startTime, endTime, limit, null); } @Override public List<RunRecordMeta> getRuns(final ProgramRunStatus status, final Predicate<RunRecordMeta> filter) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, List<RunRecordMeta>>() { @Override public List<RunRecordMeta> apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getRuns(status, filter); } }); } /** * Returns run record for a given run. * * @param id program id * @param runid run id * @return run record for runid */ @Override public RunRecordMeta getRun(final Id.Program id, final String runid) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, RunRecordMeta>() { @Override public RunRecordMeta apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getRun(id, runid); } }); } @Override public void addApplication(final Id.Application id, final ApplicationSpecification spec, final Location appArchiveLocation) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.writeApplication(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId(), spec, appArchiveLocation.toURI().toString()); return null; } }); } // todo: this method should be moved into DeletedProgramHandlerState, bad design otherwise @Override public List<ProgramSpecification> getDeletedProgramSpecifications(final Id.Application id, ApplicationSpecification appSpec) { ApplicationMeta existing = txnl .executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, ApplicationMeta>() { @Override public ApplicationMeta apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getApplication(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); } }); List<ProgramSpecification> deletedProgramSpecs = Lists.newArrayList(); if (existing != null) { ApplicationSpecification existingAppSpec = existing.getSpec(); ImmutableMap<String, ProgramSpecification> existingSpec = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ProgramSpecification>() .putAll(existingAppSpec.getMapReduce()).putAll(existingAppSpec.getSpark()) .putAll(existingAppSpec.getWorkflows()).putAll(existingAppSpec.getFlows()) .putAll(existingAppSpec.getServices()).putAll(existingAppSpec.getWorkers()).build(); ImmutableMap<String, ProgramSpecification> newSpec = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ProgramSpecification>() .putAll(appSpec.getMapReduce()).putAll(appSpec.getSpark()).putAll(appSpec.getWorkflows()) .putAll(appSpec.getFlows()).putAll(appSpec.getServices()).putAll(appSpec.getWorkers()).build(); MapDifference<String, ProgramSpecification> mapDiff = Maps.difference(existingSpec, newSpec); deletedProgramSpecs.addAll(mapDiff.entriesOnlyOnLeft().values()); } return deletedProgramSpecs; } @Override public void addStream(final Id.Namespace id, final StreamSpecification streamSpec) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.writeStream(id.getId(), streamSpec); return null; } }); } @Override public StreamSpecification getStream(final Id.Namespace id, final String name) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, StreamSpecification>() { @Override public StreamSpecification apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getStream(id.getId(), name); } }); } @Override public Collection<StreamSpecification> getAllStreams(final Id.Namespace id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Collection<StreamSpecification>>() { @Override public Collection<StreamSpecification> apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getAllStreams(id.getId()); } }); } @Override public FlowSpecification setFlowletInstances(final Id.Program id, final String flowletId, final int count) { Preconditions.checkArgument(count > 0, "cannot change number of flowlet instances to negative number: " + count); LOG.trace( "Setting flowlet instances: namespace: {}, application: {}, flow: {}, flowlet: {}, " + "new instances count: {}", id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), id.getId(), flowletId, count); FlowSpecification flowSpec = txnl .executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, FlowSpecification>() { @Override public FlowSpecification apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, id); ApplicationSpecification newAppSpec = updateFlowletInstancesInAppSpec(appSpec, id, flowletId, count); replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(id, newAppSpec); mds.apps.updateAppSpec(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), newAppSpec); return appSpec.getFlows().get(id.getId()); } }); LOG.trace("Set flowlet instances: namespace: {}, application: {}, flow: {}, flowlet: {}, instances now: {}", id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), id.getId(), flowletId, count); return flowSpec; } @Override public int getFlowletInstances(final Id.Program id, final String flowletId) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, id); FlowSpecification flowSpec = getFlowSpecOrFail(id, appSpec); FlowletDefinition flowletDef = getFlowletDefinitionOrFail(flowSpec, flowletId, id); return flowletDef.getInstances(); } }); } @Override public void setWorkerInstances(final Id.Program id, final int instances) { Preconditions.checkArgument(instances > 0, "cannot change number of program " + "instances to negative number: " + instances); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, id); WorkerSpecification workerSpec = getWorkerSpecOrFail(id, appSpec); WorkerSpecification newSpecification = new WorkerSpecification(workerSpec.getClassName(), workerSpec.getName(), workerSpec.getDescription(), workerSpec.getProperties(), workerSpec.getDatasets(), workerSpec.getResources(), instances); ApplicationSpecification newAppSpec = replaceWorkerInAppSpec(appSpec, id, newSpecification); replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(id, newAppSpec); mds.apps.updateAppSpec(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), newAppSpec); return null; } }); LOG.trace("Setting program instances: namespace: {}, application: {}, worker: {}, new instances count: {}", id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), id.getId(), instances); } @Override public void setServiceInstances(final Id.Program id, final int instances) { Preconditions.checkArgument(instances > 0, "cannot change number of program instances to negative number: %s", instances); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, id); ServiceSpecification serviceSpec = getServiceSpecOrFail(id, appSpec); // Create a new spec copy from the old one, except with updated instances number serviceSpec = new ServiceSpecification(serviceSpec.getClassName(), serviceSpec.getName(), serviceSpec.getDescription(), serviceSpec.getHandlers(), serviceSpec.getResources(), instances); ApplicationSpecification newAppSpec = replaceServiceSpec(appSpec, id.getId(), serviceSpec); replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(id, newAppSpec); mds.apps.updateAppSpec(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), newAppSpec); return null; } }); LOG.trace("Setting program instances: namespace: {}, application: {}, service: {}, new instances count: {}", id.getNamespaceId(), id.getApplicationId(), id.getId(), instances); } @Override public int getServiceInstances(final Id.Program id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, id); ServiceSpecification serviceSpec = getServiceSpecOrFail(id, appSpec); return serviceSpec.getInstances(); } }); } @Override public int getWorkerInstances(final Id.Program id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, id); WorkerSpecification workerSpec = getWorkerSpecOrFail(id, appSpec); return workerSpec.getInstances(); } }); } @Override public void removeApplication(final Id.Application id) { LOG.trace("Removing application: namespace: {}, application: {}", id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.deleteApplication(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteProgramArgs(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteProgramHistory(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); return null; } }); } @Override public void removeAllApplications(final Id.Namespace id) { LOG.trace("Removing all applications of namespace with id: {}", id.getId()); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.deleteApplications(id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteProgramArgs(id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteProgramHistory(id.getId()); return null; } }); } @Override public void removeAll(final Id.Namespace id) { LOG.trace("Removing all applications of namespace with id: {}", id.getId()); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.deleteApplications(id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteProgramArgs(id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteAllStreams(id.getId()); mds.apps.deleteProgramHistory(id.getId()); return null; } }); } @Override public void storeRunArguments(final Id.Program id, final Map<String, String> arguments) { LOG.trace("Updated program args in mds: id: {}, app: {}, prog: {}, args: {}", id.getId(), id.getApplicationId(), id.getId(), Joiner.on(",").withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(arguments)); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.writeProgramArgs(id, arguments); return null; } }); } @Override public Map<String, String> getRunArguments(final Id.Program id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ProgramArgs programArgs = mds.apps.getProgramArgs(id); return programArgs == null ? Maps.<String, String>newHashMap() : programArgs.getArgs(); } }); } @Nullable @Override public ApplicationSpecification getApplication(final Id.Application id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, ApplicationSpecification>() { @Override public ApplicationSpecification apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return getApplicationSpec(mds, id); } }); } @Override public Collection<ApplicationSpecification> getAllApplications(final Id.Namespace id) { return txnl .executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Collection<ApplicationSpecification>>() { @Override public Collection<ApplicationSpecification> apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return Lists.transform(mds.apps.getAllApplications(id.getId()), new Function<ApplicationMeta, ApplicationSpecification>() { @Override public ApplicationSpecification apply(ApplicationMeta input) { return input.getSpec(); } }); } }); } @Nullable @Override public Location getApplicationArchiveLocation(final Id.Application id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Location>() { @Override public Location apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationMeta meta = mds.apps.getApplication(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); return meta == null ? null : locationFactory.create(URI.create(meta.getArchiveLocation())); } }); } @Override public void changeFlowletSteamConnection(final Id.Program flow, final String flowletId, final String oldValue, final String newValue) { Preconditions.checkArgument(flow != null, "flow cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(flowletId != null, "flowletId cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(oldValue != null, "oldValue cannot be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(newValue != null, "newValue cannot be null"); LOG.trace( "Changing flowlet stream connection: namespace: {}, application: {}, flow: {}, flowlet: {}," + " old coonnected stream: {}, new connected stream: {}", flow.getNamespaceId(), flow.getApplicationId(), flow.getId(), flowletId, oldValue, newValue); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, flow); FlowSpecification flowSpec = getFlowSpecOrFail(flow, appSpec); boolean adjusted = false; List<FlowletConnection> conns = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FlowletConnection con : flowSpec.getConnections()) { if (FlowletConnection.Type.STREAM == con.getSourceType() && flowletId.equals(con.getTargetName()) && oldValue.equals(con.getSourceName())) { conns.add(new FlowletConnection(con.getSourceType(), newValue, con.getTargetName())); adjusted = true; } else { conns.add(con); } } if (!adjusted) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Cannot change stream connection to %s, the connection to be changed is not found," + " namespace: %s, application: %s, flow: %s, flowlet: %s, source stream: %s", newValue, flow.getNamespaceId(), flow.getApplicationId(), flow.getId(), flowletId, oldValue)); } FlowletDefinition flowletDef = getFlowletDefinitionOrFail(flowSpec, flowletId, flow); FlowletDefinition newFlowletDef = new FlowletDefinition(flowletDef, oldValue, newValue); ApplicationSpecification newAppSpec = replaceInAppSpec(appSpec, flow, flowSpec, newFlowletDef, conns); replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(flow, newAppSpec); Id.Application app = flow.getApplication(); mds.apps.updateAppSpec(app.getNamespaceId(), app.getId(), newAppSpec); return null; } }); LOG.trace( "Changed flowlet stream connection: namespace: {}, application: {}, flow: {}, flowlet: {}," + " old coonnected stream: {}, new connected stream: {}", flow.getNamespaceId(), flow.getApplicationId(), flow.getId(), flowletId, oldValue, newValue); // todo: change stream "used by" flow mapping in metadata? } @Override public void addSchedule(final Id.Program program, final ScheduleSpecification scheduleSpecification) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, program); Map<String, ScheduleSpecification> schedules = Maps.newHashMap(appSpec.getSchedules()); String scheduleName = scheduleSpecification.getSchedule().getName(); Preconditions.checkArgument(!schedules.containsKey(scheduleName), "Schedule with the name '" + scheduleName + "' already exists."); schedules.put(scheduleSpecification.getSchedule().getName(), scheduleSpecification); ApplicationSpecification newAppSpec = new AppSpecificationWithChangedSchedules(appSpec, schedules); replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(program, newAppSpec); mds.apps.updateAppSpec(program.getNamespaceId(), program.getApplicationId(), newAppSpec); return null; } }); } @Override public void deleteSchedule(final Id.Program program, final String scheduleName) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getAppSpecOrFail(mds, program); Map<String, ScheduleSpecification> schedules = Maps.newHashMap(appSpec.getSchedules()); ScheduleSpecification removed = schedules.remove(scheduleName); if (removed == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no such schedule @ account id: " + program.getNamespaceId() + ", app id: " + program.getApplication() + ", program id: " + program.getId() + ", schedule name: " + scheduleName); } ApplicationSpecification newAppSpec = new AppSpecificationWithChangedSchedules(appSpec, schedules); replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(program, newAppSpec); mds.apps.updateAppSpec(program.getNamespaceId(), program.getApplicationId(), newAppSpec); return null; } }); } private static class AppSpecificationWithChangedSchedules extends ForwardingApplicationSpecification { private final Map<String, ScheduleSpecification> newSchedules; private AppSpecificationWithChangedSchedules(ApplicationSpecification delegate, Map<String, ScheduleSpecification> newSchedules) { super(delegate); this.newSchedules = newSchedules; } @Override public Map<String, ScheduleSpecification> getSchedules() { return newSchedules; } } @Override public boolean applicationExists(final Id.Application id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getApplicationSpec(mds, id); return appSpec != null; } }); } @Override public boolean programExists(final Id.Program id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getApplicationSpec(mds, id.getApplication()); if (appSpec == null) { return false; } return programExists(id, appSpec); } }); } private boolean programExists(Id.Program id, ApplicationSpecification appSpec) { switch (id.getType()) { case FLOW: return appSpec.getFlows().containsKey(id.getId()); case MAPREDUCE: return appSpec.getMapReduce().containsKey(id.getId()); case SERVICE: return appSpec.getServices().containsKey(id.getId()); case SPARK: return appSpec.getSpark().containsKey(id.getId()); case WEBAPP: return false; case WORKER: return appSpec.getWorkers().containsKey(id.getId()); case WORKFLOW: return appSpec.getWorkflows().containsKey(id.getId()); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected ProgramType " + id.getType()); } } @Override @Nullable public NamespaceMeta createNamespace(final NamespaceMeta metadata) { Preconditions.checkArgument(metadata != null, "Namespace metadata cannot be null."); return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, NamespaceMeta>() { @Override public NamespaceMeta apply(AppMds input) throws Exception { Id.Namespace namespaceId = Id.Namespace.from(metadata.getName()); NamespaceMeta existing = input.apps.getNamespace(namespaceId); if (existing != null) { return existing; } input.apps.createNamespace(metadata); return null; } }); } @Override public void updateNamespace(final NamespaceMeta metadata) { Preconditions.checkArgument(metadata != null, "Namespace metadata cannot be null."); txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds input) throws Exception { NamespaceMeta existing = input.apps.getNamespace(Id.Namespace.from(metadata.getName())); if (existing != null) { input.apps.createNamespace(metadata); } return null; } }); } @Override @Nullable public NamespaceMeta getNamespace(final Id.Namespace id) { Preconditions.checkArgument(id != null, "Namespace id cannot be null."); return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, NamespaceMeta>() { @Override public NamespaceMeta apply(AppMds input) throws Exception { return input.apps.getNamespace(id); } }); } @Override @Nullable public NamespaceMeta deleteNamespace(final Id.Namespace id) { Preconditions.checkArgument(id != null, "Namespace id cannot be null."); return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, NamespaceMeta>() { @Override public NamespaceMeta apply(AppMds input) throws Exception { NamespaceMeta existing = input.apps.getNamespace(id); if (existing != null) { input.apps.deleteNamespace(id); } return existing; } }); } @Override public List<NamespaceMeta> listNamespaces() { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, List<NamespaceMeta>>() { @Override public List<NamespaceMeta> apply(AppMds input) throws Exception { return input.apps.listNamespaces(); } }); } @Override public void addAdapter(final Id.Namespace id, final AdapterDefinition adapterSpec) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.writeAdapter(id, adapterSpec, AdapterStatus.STOPPED); return null; } }); } @Nullable @Override public AdapterDefinition getAdapter(final Id.Namespace id, final String name) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, AdapterDefinition>() { @Override public AdapterDefinition apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getAdapter(id, name); } }); } @Nullable @Override public AdapterStatus getAdapterStatus(final Id.Namespace id, final String name) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, AdapterStatus>() { @Override public AdapterStatus apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getAdapterStatus(id, name); } }); } @Nullable @Override public AdapterStatus setAdapterStatus(final Id.Namespace id, final String name, final AdapterStatus status) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, AdapterStatus>() { @Override public AdapterStatus apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.setAdapterStatus(id, name, status); } }); } @Override public Collection<AdapterDefinition> getAllAdapters(final Id.Namespace id) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Collection<AdapterDefinition>>() { @Override public Collection<AdapterDefinition> apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getAllAdapters(id); } }); } @Override public void removeAdapter(final Id.Namespace id, final String name) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.deleteAdapter(id, name); return null; } }); } @Override public void removeAllAdapters(final Id.Namespace id) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.deleteAllAdapters(id); return null; } }); } @Override public void setWorkflowProgramStart(final Id.Program programId, final String programRunId, final String workflow, final String workflowRunId, final String workflowNodeId, final long startTimeInSeconds, final String adapter, final String twillRunId) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.recordWorkflowProgramStart(programId, programRunId, workflow, workflowRunId, workflowNodeId, startTimeInSeconds, adapter, twillRunId); return null; } }); } @Override public void updateWorkflowToken(final Id.Workflow workflowId, final String workflowRunId, final WorkflowToken token) { txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { mds.apps.updateWorkflowToken(workflowId, workflowRunId, token); return null; } }); } @Override public WorkflowToken getWorkflowToken(final Id.Workflow workflowId, final String workflowRunId) { return txnl.executeUnchecked(new TransactionExecutor.Function<AppMds, WorkflowToken>() { @Override public WorkflowToken apply(AppMds mds) throws Exception { return mds.apps.getWorkflowToken(workflowId, workflowRunId); } }); } @VisibleForTesting void clear() throws Exception { DatasetAdmin admin = dsFramework.getAdmin(appMetaDatasetInstanceId, null); if (admin != null) { admin.truncate(); } } /** * @return The {@link Location} of the given program. * @throws RuntimeException if program can't be found. */ private Location getProgramLocation(Id.Program id) throws IOException { String appFabricOutputDir = configuration.get(Constants.AppFabric.OUTPUT_DIR, System.getProperty("")); return Programs.programLocation(namespacedLocationFactory, appFabricOutputDir, id); } private ApplicationSpecification getApplicationSpec(AppMds mds, Id.Application id) { ApplicationMeta meta = mds.apps.getApplication(id.getNamespaceId(), id.getId()); return meta == null ? null : meta.getSpec(); } private static ApplicationSpecification replaceServiceSpec(ApplicationSpecification appSpec, String serviceName, ServiceSpecification serviceSpecification) { return new ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedServices(appSpec, serviceName, serviceSpecification); } private static final class ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedServices extends ForwardingApplicationSpecification { private final String serviceName; private final ServiceSpecification serviceSpecification; private ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedServices(ApplicationSpecification delegate, String serviceName, ServiceSpecification serviceSpecification) { super(delegate); this.serviceName = serviceName; this.serviceSpecification = serviceSpecification; } @Override public Map<String, ServiceSpecification> getServices() { Map<String, ServiceSpecification> services = Maps.newHashMap(super.getServices()); services.put(serviceName, serviceSpecification); return services; } } private void replaceAppSpecInProgramJar(Id.Program id, ApplicationSpecification appSpec) { try { Location programLocation = getProgramLocation(id); ArchiveBundler bundler = new ArchiveBundler(programLocation); Program program = Programs.create(programLocation); String className = program.getMainClassName(); Location tmpProgramLocation = programLocation.getTempFile(""); try { ProgramBundle.create(id, bundler, tmpProgramLocation, className, appSpec); Location movedTo = tmpProgramLocation.renameTo(programLocation); if (movedTo == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not replace program jar with the one with updated app spec, " + "original program file: " + programLocation.toURI() + ", was trying to replace with file: " + tmpProgramLocation.toURI()); } } finally { if (tmpProgramLocation != null && tmpProgramLocation.exists()) { tmpProgramLocation.delete(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } private static FlowletDefinition getFlowletDefinitionOrFail(FlowSpecification flowSpec, String flowletId, Id.Program id) { FlowletDefinition flowletDef = flowSpec.getFlowlets().get(flowletId); if (flowletDef == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no such flowlet @ namespace id: " + id.getNamespaceId() + ", app id: " + id.getApplication() + ", flow id: " + id.getId() + ", flowlet id: " + flowletId); } return flowletDef; } private static FlowSpecification getFlowSpecOrFail(Id.Program id, ApplicationSpecification appSpec) { FlowSpecification flowSpec = appSpec.getFlows().get(id.getId()); if (flowSpec == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no such flow @ namespace id: " + id.getNamespaceId() + ", app id: " + id.getApplication() + ", flow id: " + id.getId()); } return flowSpec; } private static ServiceSpecification getServiceSpecOrFail(Id.Program id, ApplicationSpecification appSpec) { ServiceSpecification spec = appSpec.getServices().get(id.getId()); if (spec == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no such service @ namespace id: " + id.getNamespaceId() + ", app id: " + id.getApplication() + ", service id: " + id.getId()); } return spec; } private static WorkerSpecification getWorkerSpecOrFail(Id.Program id, ApplicationSpecification appSpec) { WorkerSpecification workerSpecification = appSpec.getWorkers().get(id.getId()); if (workerSpecification == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no such worker @ namespace id: " + id.getNamespaceId() + ", app id: " + id.getApplication() + ", worker id: " + id.getId()); } return workerSpecification; } private static ApplicationSpecification updateFlowletInstancesInAppSpec(ApplicationSpecification appSpec, Id.Program id, String flowletId, int count) { FlowSpecification flowSpec = getFlowSpecOrFail(id, appSpec); FlowletDefinition flowletDef = getFlowletDefinitionOrFail(flowSpec, flowletId, id); final FlowletDefinition adjustedFlowletDef = new FlowletDefinition(flowletDef, count); return replaceFlowletInAppSpec(appSpec, id, flowSpec, adjustedFlowletDef); } private ApplicationSpecification getAppSpecOrFail(AppMds mds, Id.Program id) { ApplicationSpecification appSpec = getApplicationSpec(mds, id.getApplication()); if (appSpec == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no such application @ namespace id: " + id.getNamespaceId() + ", app id: " + id.getApplication().getId()); } return appSpec; } private static ApplicationSpecification replaceInAppSpec(final ApplicationSpecification appSpec, final Id.Program id, final FlowSpecification flowSpec, final FlowletDefinition adjustedFlowletDef, final List<FlowletConnection> connections) { // as app spec is immutable we have to do this trick return replaceFlowInAppSpec(appSpec, id, new FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowletsAndConnections(flowSpec, adjustedFlowletDef, connections)); } private static class FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowlets extends ForwardingFlowSpecification { private final FlowletDefinition adjustedFlowletDef; private FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowlets(FlowSpecification delegate, FlowletDefinition adjustedFlowletDef) { super(delegate); this.adjustedFlowletDef = adjustedFlowletDef; } @Override public Map<String, FlowletDefinition> getFlowlets() { Map<String, FlowletDefinition> flowlets = Maps.newHashMap(super.getFlowlets()); flowlets.put(adjustedFlowletDef.getFlowletSpec().getName(), adjustedFlowletDef); return flowlets; } } private static final class FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowletsAndConnections extends FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowlets { private final List<FlowletConnection> connections; private FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowletsAndConnections(FlowSpecification delegate, FlowletDefinition adjustedFlowletDef, List<FlowletConnection> connections) { super(delegate, adjustedFlowletDef); this.connections = connections; } @Override public List<FlowletConnection> getConnections() { return connections; } } private static ApplicationSpecification replaceFlowletInAppSpec(final ApplicationSpecification appSpec, final Id.Program id, final FlowSpecification flowSpec, final FlowletDefinition adjustedFlowletDef) { // as app spec is immutable we have to do this trick return replaceFlowInAppSpec(appSpec, id, new FlowSpecificationWithChangedFlowlets(flowSpec, adjustedFlowletDef)); } private static ApplicationSpecification replaceFlowInAppSpec(final ApplicationSpecification appSpec, final Id.Program id, final FlowSpecification newFlowSpec) { // as app spec is immutable we have to do this trick return new ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedFlows(appSpec, id.getId(), newFlowSpec); } private static final class ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedFlows extends ForwardingApplicationSpecification { private final FlowSpecification newFlowSpec; private final String flowId; private ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedFlows(ApplicationSpecification delegate, String flowId, FlowSpecification newFlowSpec) { super(delegate); this.newFlowSpec = newFlowSpec; this.flowId = flowId; } @Override public Map<String, FlowSpecification> getFlows() { Map<String, FlowSpecification> flows = Maps.newHashMap(super.getFlows()); flows.put(flowId, newFlowSpec); return flows; } } private static ApplicationSpecification replaceWorkerInAppSpec(final ApplicationSpecification appSpec, final Id.Program id, final WorkerSpecification workerSpecification) { return new ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedWorkers(appSpec, id.getId(), workerSpecification); } private static final class ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedWorkers extends ForwardingApplicationSpecification { private final String workerId; private final WorkerSpecification workerSpecification; private ApplicationSpecificationWithChangedWorkers(ApplicationSpecification delegate, String workerId, WorkerSpecification workerSpec) { super(delegate); this.workerId = workerId; this.workerSpecification = workerSpec; } @Override public Map<String, WorkerSpecification> getWorkers() { Map<String, WorkerSpecification> workers = Maps.newHashMap(super.getWorkers()); workers.put(workerId, workerSpecification); return workers; } } private static final class AppMds implements Iterable<AppMetadataStore> { private final AppMetadataStore apps; private AppMds(Table mdsTable) { this.apps = new AppMetadataStore(mdsTable); } @Override public Iterator<AppMetadataStore> iterator() { return Iterators.singletonIterator(apps); } } }