Java tutorial
/* * (C) 2007-2012 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * Authors: * leiwen <> , boyan <> */ package cn.leancloud.diamond.client.processor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import cn.leancloud.diamond.common.Constants; import cn.leancloud.diamond.mockserver.MockServer; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.SimpleHttpConnectionManager; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import cn.leancloud.diamond.client.DiamondConfigure; public class ServerAddressProcessor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServerAddressProcessor.class); private static final int SC_OK = 200; private volatile boolean isRun = false; private volatile DiamondConfigure diamondConfigure = null; private HttpClient configHttpClient = null; private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor = null; private int asynAcquireIntervalInSec = 300; public ServerAddressProcessor(DiamondConfigure diamondConfigure, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor) { this.diamondConfigure = diamondConfigure; this.scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor; } // void setAsynAcquireIntervalInSec(int asynAcquireIntervalInSec) { this.asynAcquireIntervalInSec = asynAcquireIntervalInSec; } public synchronized void start() { if (isRun) { return; } isRun = true; initHttpClient(); if (this.diamondConfigure.isLocalFirst()) { acquireServerAddressFromLocal(); } else { synAcquireServerAddress(); asynAcquireServerAddress(); } } public synchronized void stop() { if (!isRun) { return; } this.scheduledExecutor.shutdown(); isRun = false; } private void initHttpClient() { HostConfiguration hostConfiguration = new HostConfiguration(); SimpleHttpConnectionManager connectionManager = new SimpleHttpConnectionManager(); connectionManager.closeIdleConnections(5000L); HttpConnectionManagerParams params = new HttpConnectionManagerParams(); params.setStaleCheckingEnabled(diamondConfigure.isConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled()); params.setConnectionTimeout(diamondConfigure.getConnectionTimeout()); connectionManager.setParams(params); configHttpClient = new HttpClient(connectionManager); configHttpClient.setHostConfiguration(hostConfiguration); } protected void acquireServerAddressFromLocal() { if (!isRun) { throw new RuntimeException( "ServerAddressProcessor???????"); } if (MockServer.isTestMode()) { diamondConfigure.addDomainName("??"); return; } int acquireCount = 0; if (diamondConfigure.getDomainNameList().size() == 0) { reloadServerAddresses(); if (diamondConfigure.getDomainNameList().size() == 0) { if (!acquireServerAddressOnce(acquireCount)) { acquireCount++; if (acquireServerAddressOnce(acquireCount)) { // storeServerAddressesToLocal(); "????ConfigServer???"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("???"); } } else { "????ConfigServer???"); // storeServerAddressesToLocal(); } } else { "??????ConfigServer????"); } } } protected void synAcquireServerAddress() { if (!isRun) { throw new RuntimeException( "ServerAddressProcessor???????"); } if (MockServer.isTestMode()) { diamondConfigure.addDomainName("??"); return; } int acquireCount = 0; if (diamondConfigure.getDomainNameList().size() == 0) { if (!acquireServerAddressOnce(acquireCount)) { acquireCount++; if (acquireServerAddressOnce(acquireCount)) { // storeServerAddressesToLocal(); "????ConfigServer???"); } else {"?Diamond?"); reloadServerAddresses(); if (diamondConfigure.getDomainNameList().size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("???"); } } else { "????ConfigServer???"); // storeServerAddressesToLocal(); } } } protected void asynAcquireServerAddress() { if (MockServer.isTestMode()) { return; } this.scheduledExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!isRun) { log.warn("ServerAddressProcessor??????"); return; } int acquireCount = 0; if (!acquireServerAddressOnce(acquireCount)) { acquireCount++; if (acquireServerAddressOnce(acquireCount)) { // storeServerAddressesToLocal(); } } else { // storeServerAddressesToLocal(); } asynAcquireServerAddress(); } }, asynAcquireIntervalInSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } void storeServerAddressesToLocal() { List<String> domainNameList = new ArrayList<String>(diamondConfigure.getDomainNameList()); PrintWriter printWriter = null; BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null; try { File serverAddressFile = new File( generateLocalFilePath(this.diamondConfigure.getFilePath(), "ServerAddress")); if (!serverAddressFile.exists()) { serverAddressFile.createNewFile(); } printWriter = new PrintWriter(serverAddressFile); bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(printWriter); for (String serveraddress : domainNameList) { bufferedWriter.write(serveraddress); bufferedWriter.newLine(); } bufferedWriter.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("??", e); } finally { if (bufferedWriter != null) { try { bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } if (printWriter != null) { printWriter.close(); } } } void reloadServerAddresses() { FileInputStream fis = null; InputStreamReader reader = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { File serverAddressFile = new File( generateLocalFilePath(this.diamondConfigure.getFilePath(), "ServerAddress")); if (!serverAddressFile.exists()) { return; } fis = new FileInputStream(serverAddressFile); reader = new InputStreamReader(fis); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader); String address = null; while ((address = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { address = address.trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(address)) { diamondConfigure.getDomainNameList().add(address); } } bufferedReader.close(); reader.close(); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("???", e); } finally { if (bufferedReader != null) { try { bufferedReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } String generateLocalFilePath(String directory, String fileName) { String sign = ""; if (null == directory) { directory = System.getProperty("user.home"); } if (directory.endsWith("\\") || directory.endsWith("/")) { sign = ""; } else { sign = "/"; } return directory + sign + fileName; } /** * ?diamond?? * * @param acquireCount * ?01? * @return */ private boolean acquireServerAddressOnce(int acquireCount) { HostConfiguration hostConfiguration = configHttpClient.getHostConfiguration(); String configServerAddress; int port; if (null != diamondConfigure.getConfigServerAddress()) { configServerAddress = diamondConfigure.getConfigServerAddress(); port = diamondConfigure.getConfigServerPort(); } else { if (acquireCount == 0) { configServerAddress = Constants.DEFAULT_DOMAINNAME; port = Constants.DEFAULT_PORT; } else { configServerAddress = Constants.DAILY_DOMAINNAME; port = Constants.DEFAULT_PORT; } } hostConfiguration.setHost(configServerAddress, port); String serverAddressUrl = Constants.CONFIG_HTTP_URI_FILE; HttpMethod httpMethod = new GetMethod(serverAddressUrl); // HttpMethod? HttpMethodParams params = new HttpMethodParams(); params.setSoTimeout(diamondConfigure.getOnceTimeout()); // /////////////////////// httpMethod.setParams(params); try { if (SC_OK == configHttpClient.executeMethod(httpMethod)) { InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream()); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader); String address = null; List<String> newDomainNameList = new LinkedList<String>(); while ((address = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { address = address.trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(address)) { newDomainNameList.add(address); } } if (newDomainNameList.size() > 0) { log.debug("?"); this.diamondConfigure.setDomainNameList(newDomainNameList); return true; } } else { log.warn("??"); } } catch (HttpException e) { log.error(getErrorMessage(configServerAddress) + ", " + e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(getErrorMessage(configServerAddress) + ", " + e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(getErrorMessage(configServerAddress) + ", " + e); } finally { httpMethod.releaseConnection(); } return false; } public String getErrorMessage(String configServerAddress) { if (configServerAddress.equals(Constants.DEFAULT_DOMAINNAME)) { return "????Http,,configServerAddress=" + configServerAddress + ","; } else { return "????Http, configServerAddress=" + configServerAddress + ","; } } }