Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.collections.CollectionFilter; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.logic.reflection.registry.Registry; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.util.CommonUtils; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.util.LooseContext; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.util.Rect; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.ClientNotifications; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.browsermod.BrowserMod; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.HasComplexPanel; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.dialog.RelativePopupPanel; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.handlers.HasChildHandlers; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.layout.HasLayoutInfo; import cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.widget.layout.HasLayoutInfo.LayoutInfo; /** * * @author Nick Reddel */ public class WidgetUtils { public static final String CONTEXT_REALLY_ABSOLUTE_TOP = WidgetUtils.class.getName() + ".CONTEXT_REALLY_ABSOLUTE_TOP"; private static boolean debug = false; private static List<Widget> hiddenWidgets; private static List<SplitLayoutPanel> morphedWidgets; private static List<ElementLayout> elementLayouts; private static Text tempPositioningText; private static final String SPLIT_PANEL_RESTORE_PROP = "_split_panel_restore"; private static long lastSquelch = 0; public static boolean debugScroll; public static void addOrRemoveStyleName(Widget w, String styleName, boolean add) { if (!add) { w.removeStyleName(styleName); } else { w.addStyleName(styleName); } } public static List<Widget> allChildren(HasWidgets p) { List<Widget> widgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); if (p instanceof Widget) { widgets.add((Widget) p); } Iterator<Widget> iterator = p.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Widget w =; if (w instanceof HasWidgets) { widgets.addAll(allChildren((HasWidgets) w)); } else { widgets.add(w); } } return widgets; } // TODO - check all calls here either the cp implements haschildhandlers, or // explain why t'hell not...(doesn't add handlers to the child widgets would // be a good reason) public static void clearChildren(ComplexPanel cp) { for (int i = cp.getWidgetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Widget widget = cp.getWidget(i); cp.remove(i); } if (cp instanceof HasChildHandlers) { HasChildHandlers hch = (HasChildHandlers) cp; hch.detachHandlers(); } } public static void clearChildren(TabPanel tp) { for (int i = tp.getWidgetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tp.remove(i); } } public static native void clearFocussedDocumentElement()/*-{ if ($doc.activeElement) { var tagName = $doc.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName != "body" && tagName != "html") { $doc.activeElement.blur(); } } }-*/; public static final native void click(Element elt) /*-{ var elem_remote =;; try { elem_remote.focus(); } catch (e) { } }-*/; public static Element clickGetAnchorAncestor(ClickEvent clickEvent) { Event event =; // handle localisation spans Element target = null; if (! { return null; } target =; Element anchor = DomUtils.getSelfOrAncestorWithTagName(target, "A"); return anchor; } public static ComplexPanel complexChildOrSelf(Widget w) { if (w instanceof ComplexPanel) { return (ComplexPanel) w; } if (w instanceof HasComplexPanel) { return ((HasComplexPanel) w).getComplexPanel(); } if (w instanceof SimplePanel) { return complexChildOrSelf(((SimplePanel) w).getWidget()); } return RootPanel.get(); } public static void copySize(Widget from, Widget to) { to.setSize(from.getOffsetWidth() + "px", from.getOffsetHeight() + "px"); } public static void copyTextToClipboard(String text) { FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); TextArea ta = new TextArea(); ta.setSize("600px", "300px"); ta.setText(text); fp.add(ta); PopupPanel pp = new PopupPanel(); pp.add(fp); pp.setAnimationEnabled(false);; ta.setSelectionRange(0, text.length()); try { execCopy(); } catch (JavaScriptException e) { pp.hide(); if (e.getMessage().contains("NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS")) { Registry.impl(ClientNotifications.class) .showMessage(new HTML("<div class='info'>Sorry, clipboard operations" + " are disabled by Mozilla/Firefox" + " security settings. <br><br> Please see " + "<a href=''>" + "</a></div> ")); } else { throw e; } } pp.hide(); } public static NativeEvent createZeroClick() { return Document.get().createClickEvent(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false); } public static void disableTextBoxHelpers(Widget textBox) { Element elt = textBox.getElement(); elt.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"); elt.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"); elt.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); elt.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"); } public static native boolean docHasFocus() /*-{ if (typeof $wnd.document.hasFocus !== "undefined") { return $wnd.document.hasFocus(); } else { return true; } }-*/; public static native boolean docIsVisible() /*-{ if (typeof $wnd.document.hidden !== "undefined") { return !$wnd.document.hidden; } else { return true; } }-*/; public static native boolean execCopy() /*-{ return $wnd.document.execCommand("copy"); }-*/; // TODO - actually Widget.fireEvent() would be much better here - duh... // nah - this is the right way public static void fireClickOnHandler(final HasClickHandlers source, final ClickHandler handler) { final HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration = source.addClickHandler(handler); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { NativeEvent event = createZeroClick(); DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(event, source); handlerRegistration.removeHandler(); } }); } public static native void focus(Element elem) /*-{ elem.focus(); }-*/; public static int getBestOffsetHeight(Element e) { return getBestOffsetHeight(e, false); } public static int getBestOffsetWidth(Element e) { return getBestOffsetWidth(e, false); } public static native String getBoundingClientRect(Element elem) /*-{ if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = String.prototype.f = function() { var s = this, i = arguments.length; while (i--) { s = s.replace(new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'gm'), arguments[i]); } return s; }; } var implAccess =; var remote =; var rect = remote.getBoundingClientRect(); return "x:{0}, y:{1},w:{2},h:{3}".format(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); }-*/; public static native String getComputedStyle(Element eltMulti, String attributeName)/*-{ var elt =; if (elt.currentStyle) { return elt.currentStyle[attributeName]; } if ($wnd.getComputedStyle) { return $wnd.getComputedStyle(elt, null)[attributeName]; } }-*/; public static native String getComputedStyleProperty(Element eltMulti, String strCssRule) /*-{ var elem =; if ($doc.defaultView && $doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { strValue = $doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, "").getPropertyValue( strCssRule); } else if (oElm.currentStyle) { strCssRule = strCssRule.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(strMatch, p1) { return p1.toUpperCase(); }); strValue = oElm.currentStyle[strCssRule]; } return strValue; }-*/; public static List<Element> getElementAncestors(Element elem) { List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<>(); while (elem != null) { elements.add(elem); elem = elem.getParentElement(); } return elements; } public static native Element getElementByNameOrId(Document doc, String name) /*-{ var e = doc.getElementById(name); if (!e) { e = doc.getElementsByName(name) && doc.getElementsByName(name).length == 1 ? doc .getElementsByName(name)[0] : null; } return e; }-*/; public static Element getElementForAroundPositioning(Element from) { boolean hidden = isZeroOffsetDims(from); if (!isZeroOffsetDims(from)) { return from; } ClientNodeIterator itr = new ClientNodeIterator(from, ClientNodeIterator.SHOW_ELEMENT); Element elt = null; while ((elt = (Element) itr.nextNode()) != null) { if (!isZeroOffsetDims(elt)) { return elt; } } while (elt != null) { if (!isZeroOffsetDims(elt)) { return elt; } elt = elt.getParentElement(); } return null; } public static Element getElementForPositioning0(Element from) { assert tempPositioningText == null; if (!isVisibleAncestorChain(from)) { return null; } boolean hidden = isZeroOffsetDims(from); int kidCount = from.getChildCount(); if (kidCount != 0 && !hidden) { return from; } Node parent = from.getParentNode(); if (parent != null && parent.getFirstChild() == from && parent.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !isZeroOffsetDims((Element) parent)) { return (Element) parent; } ClientNodeIterator itr = new ClientNodeIterator(from, ClientNodeIterator.SHOW_ALL); Element fromContainingBlock = DomUtils.getContainingBlock(from); Node node = from; int insertTextIfOffsetMoreThanXChars = 100; while ((node = node.getPreviousSibling()) != null) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { insertTextIfOffsetMoreThanXChars -= TextUtils.normalizeWhitespaceAndTrim(node.getNodeValue()) .length(); if (insertTextIfOffsetMoreThanXChars < 0) { // this causes a relayout - so we try and avoid. most of the // time, positioning elements will contain text (or be from // a friendly browser), or be at the start of a block elt) tempPositioningText = Document.get().createTextNode("---"); from.appendChild(tempPositioningText); return from; } } } // give up after 50 node iterations (big tables maybe) int max = 50; while ((node = itr.nextNode()) != null && max-- > 0) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (!isZeroOffsetDims(node.getParentElement()) && node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("img")) { return (Element) node; } if (!UIObject.isVisible((Element) node)) { itr.skipChildren(); } } else { // text if (!isZeroOffsetDims(node.getParentElement()) // we don't want the combined ancestor of everyone... && (!node.getParentElement().isOrHasChild(from) || // but we do want <p><a><b>*some-text*</b></p> DomUtils.getContainingBlock(node) == fromContainingBlock)) { return node.getParentElement(); } } } return from.getParentElement(); } public static native Element getElementForSelector(Element elto, String selector) /*-{ if (!($doc.querySelector)) { return null; } @cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.util.WidgetUtils::ensureRemote(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(elto); var elt =; var from = (elt) ? elt : $doc; var splits = selector.split("::"); for (var idx = 0; idx < splits.length; idx += 2) { var selectorPart = splits[idx]; var textRegex = idx == splits.length - 1 ? null : splits[idx + 1]; if (textRegex == null) { from = from.querySelector(selectorPart); break; } var nl = from.querySelectorAll(splits[idx]); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < nl.length; i++) { var item = nl[i]; if (item.innerHTML.indexOf(textRegex) != -1 || item.innerHTML.match(new RegExp(textRegex))) { from = item; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return null; } } var eltout =;)(from); return eltout; }-*/; public static native NodeList getElementsForSelector(Element elto, String selector) /*-{ if (!($doc.querySelector)) { return null; } var elt =; var from = (elt) ? elt : $doc; var nodeList = from.querySelectorAll(selector); return;)(nodeList); }-*/; public static native Element getFocussedDocumentElement()/*-{ if ($doc.activeElement) { var tagName = $doc.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase(); return tagName != "body" && tagName != "html" ?;)($doc.activeElement) : null; } return null; }-*/; public static native int getOffsetHeightWithMargins(Element elem) /*-{ var implAccess =; var remote =; if ( == 'none') { return 0; } var h = remote.offsetHeight; var marginTop = @cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.util.WidgetUtils::getComputedStyle(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;Ljava/lang/String;)(elem,"margin"); var marginBottom = @cc.alcina.framework.gwt.client.util.WidgetUtils::getComputedStyle(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;Ljava/lang/String;)(elem,"margin"); if (marginTop.indexOf("px") != -1) { h += parseInt(marginTop.substring(0, marginTop.length - 2)); } if (marginBottom.indexOf("px") != -1) { h += parseInt(marginBottom.substring(0, marginBottom.length - 2)); } return h; }-*/; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <W extends Widget> W getParentWidget(Widget w, Class<W> widgetClass) { while (w != null) { if (w.getClass() == widgetClass) { return (W) w; } w = w.getParent(); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <W extends Widget> W getParentWidget(Widget w, String widgetClassName) { while (w != null) { if (CommonUtils.simpleClassName(w.getClass()).equals(widgetClassName)) { return (W) w; } w = w.getParent(); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Widget getParentWidgetSatisfyingCallback(Widget w, CollectionFilter<Object> callback) { while (w != null) { if (callback.allow(w)) { return w; } w = w.getParent(); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Widget> T getParentWidgetSatisfyingTypedCallback(Widget w, CollectionFilter<Widget> callback) { while (w != null) { if (callback.allow(w)) { return (T) w; } w = w.getParent(); } return null; } public static Widget getPositioningParent(Widget widget) { while (widget.getParent() != null) { String pos = getComputedStyle(widget.getElement(), "position"); if (pos != null && (pos.equals("relative") || pos.equals("absolute"))) { return widget; } widget = widget.getParent(); } return widget;// root panel } public native static int getRelativeTopTo(Element elem, Element end) /*-{ var top = 0; while (elem != end) { top += elem.offsetTop; elem = elem.offsetParent; } return top; }-*/; public static native int getScrollLeft(Element elem) /*-{ var left = 0; var curr = elem; // This intentionally excludes body which has a null offsetParent. while (curr.offsetParent) { left -= curr.scrollLeft; curr = curr.parentNode; } return left; }-*/; public static native int getScrollTop(Element elem) /*-{ var top = 0; var curr = elem; // This intentionally excludes body which has a null offsetParent. while (curr.offsetParent) { top -= curr.scrollTop; curr = curr.parentNode; } return top; }-*/; public static void hardCancelEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) { event.cancel(); cancelPossibleIEShortcut(); } public static boolean hasTempPositioningText() { return tempPositioningText != null; } public static native boolean isBrowserSupportsCopy() /*-{ return $wnd.document.queryCommandSupported("copy"); }-*/; public static boolean isLessThanXpixelsFrom(Element e, int hDistance, int vDistance) { Event currentEvent = Event.getCurrentEvent(); return isLessThanXpixelsFrom0(e, hDistance, vDistance, currentEvent.getClientX(), currentEvent.getClientY()); } public static boolean isNewTabModifier() { Event event = Event.getCurrentEvent(); return isNewTabModifier(event); } public static boolean isNewTabModifier(NativeEvent event) { return BrowserMod.getOperatingSystem().equals("Macintosh") ? event.getMetaKey() : event.getCtrlKey(); } public static boolean isVisibleAncestorChain(Element e) { if (e == null || e.getOwnerDocument() == null) { return false; } Element documentElement = e.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement(); while (e != documentElement) { if (!UIObject.isVisible(e)) { return false; } if ("hidden".equals(e.getStyle().getVisibility())) { return false; } Element old = e; e = e.getParentElement(); // detached if (e == null) { return false; } } return true; } public static boolean isVisibleAncestorChain(Widget w) { return isVisibleAncestorChain(w.getElement()); } public static boolean isVisibleWithOffsetParent(Widget w) { return isVisibleWithOffsetParent(w.getElement()); } public static boolean isZeroOffsetDims(Element e) { return e.getOffsetHeight() == 0 || e.getOffsetWidth() == 0; } public static void maximiseWidget(Widget widget) { restoreFromMaximise(); hiddenWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); morphedWidgets = new ArrayList<SplitLayoutPanel>(); elementLayouts = new ArrayList<ElementLayout>(); Element e = widget.getElement(); while (widget.getParent() != null) { Widget parent = widget.getParent(); if (parent instanceof SplitLayoutPanel) { morphSplitPanel((SplitLayoutPanel) parent, widget, false); } else if (parent instanceof HasWidgets && !(parent instanceof TabPanel)) { HasWidgets hw = (HasWidgets) parent; for (Iterator<Widget> itr = hw.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Widget w =; if (w != widget && w.isVisible()) { hiddenWidgets.add(w); w.setVisible(false); } } } widget = widget.getParent(); } while (e.getParentElement() != RootPanel.get().getElement()) { ElementLayout layout = new ElementLayout(e); elementLayouts.add(layout); layout.maximise(); e = e.getParentElement(); } } public static void maybeClosePopupParent(ClickEvent clickEvent) { Widget w = (Widget) clickEvent.getSource(); CollectionFilter<Object> callback = new CollectionFilter<Object>() { @Override public boolean allow(Object o) { return o instanceof RelativePopupPanel; } }; RelativePopupPanel pp = (RelativePopupPanel) getParentWidgetSatisfyingCallback(w, callback); if (pp != null) { pp.hide(); } } public static void populateListFromEnum(ListBox box, Object[] objs) { for (Object obj : objs) { String k = obj.toString(); String friendly = k.toLowerCase().replace('_', ' '); box.addItem(friendly, k); } } public static int propertyPx(String propertyString) { if (propertyString.indexOf("px") == -1) { return 0; } return (int) Float.parseFloat(propertyString.replace("px", "")); } public static boolean recentSquelch() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSquelch < 100; } public static void releaseTempPositioningText() { if (tempPositioningText != null) { tempPositioningText.removeFromParent(); tempPositioningText = null; } } public static void replace(Widget current, Widget newWidget) { replace(current, newWidget, null); } public static void replace(Widget current, Widget newWidget, Panel parent) { if (parent == null) { parent = (Panel) current.getParent(); } if (current == null || current.getParent() != parent) { parent.add(newWidget); return; } if (parent instanceof SimplePanel) { ((SimplePanel) parent).setWidget(newWidget); return; } ComplexPanel cp = (ComplexPanel) parent; int index = cp.getWidgetIndex(current); cp.remove(index); if (cp instanceof FlowPanel) { FlowPanel fp = (FlowPanel) cp; fp.insert(newWidget, index); } } public static void resizeUsingInfo(int containerHeight, int containerWidth, Iterator<Widget> widgets, int parentAdjustHeight, int parentAdjustWidth) { while (widgets.hasNext()) { Widget widget =; if (widget == null || !widget.isVisible()) { continue; } int availableHeight = containerHeight; int availableWidth = containerWidth; if (widget instanceof HasLayoutInfo) { String name = widget.getClass().getName(); if (debug) { GWT.log(CommonUtils.formatJ("%s: ", CommonUtils.simpleClassName(widget.getClass())), null); } LayoutInfo info = ((HasLayoutInfo) widget).getLayoutInfo(); info.beforeLayout(); if (info.to100percentOfAvailableHeight() || info.to100percentOfAvailableWidth()) { int usedHeight = 0; int usedWidth = 0; Widget parent = widget.getParent(); Iterator<Widget> childIterator = null; availableHeight = info.useBestOffsetForParentHeight() ? getBestOffsetHeight(parent.getElement(), true) : containerHeight; availableHeight = Math.min(availableHeight, containerHeight); availableWidth = info.useBestOffsetForParentWidth() ? getBestOffsetWidth(parent.getElement(), true) : containerWidth; availableWidth = Math.min(availableWidth, containerWidth); if (parent instanceof HasLayoutInfo) { childIterator = ((HasLayoutInfo) parent).getLayoutInfo().getLayoutWidgets(); } else if (parent instanceof HasWidgets) { childIterator = ((HasWidgets) parent).iterator(); } boolean ignoreChildrenForHeight = info.to100percentOfAvailableHeight() && (isDirectionalLayoutPanel(parent, true) || info.ignoreSiblingsForHeight()); boolean ignoreChildrenForWidth = info.to100percentOfAvailableWidth() && (isDirectionalLayoutPanel(parent, false) || info.ignoreSiblingsForWidth()); if (childIterator != null) { while (childIterator.hasNext()) { Widget cw =; if (cw != widget && WidgetUtils.isVisibleWithOffsetParent(cw.getElement()) && cw.isAttached()) { if (!ignoreChildrenForHeight) { usedHeight += getBestOffsetHeight(cw.getElement(), true, false); } if (!ignoreChildrenForWidth) { usedWidth += getBestOffsetWidth(cw.getElement()); } } } } if (info.to100percentOfAvailableHeight()) { availableHeight = availableHeight - usedHeight - parentAdjustHeight - info.getAdjustHeight(); if (debug) { GWT.log(CommonUtils.formatJ("%s: %s - comp %s", CommonUtils.simpleClassName(widget.getClass()), availableHeight, containerHeight), null); } if (availableHeight >= 0) { widget.setHeight((availableHeight) + "px"); } } if (info.to100percentOfAvailableWidth()) { availableWidth = availableWidth - usedWidth - parentAdjustWidth - info.getAdjustWidth(); if (availableWidth >= 0) { widget.setWidth((availableWidth) + "px"); } } } Iterator<Widget> toResize = info.getWidgetsToResize(); while (toResize.hasNext()) { + "px"); } resizeUsingInfo(availableHeight, availableWidth, info.getLayoutWidgets(), info.getClientAdjustHeight(), info.getClientAdjustWidth()); info.afterLayout(); } // haslayoutinfo else if (widget instanceof HasWidgets) { resizeUsingInfo(availableHeight, availableWidth, ((HasWidgets) widget).iterator(), 0, 0); } } // while } public static void resizeUsingInfo(int availableHeight, int availableWidth, Widget w) { resizeUsingInfo(availableHeight, availableWidth, Arrays.asList(new Widget[] { w }).iterator(), 0, 0); } public static void resizeUsingInfo(Widget w) { resizeUsingInfo(getBestOffsetHeight(w.getElement()), getBestOffsetWidth(w.getElement()), w); } public static void restoreFromMaximise() { if (hiddenWidgets == null) { return; } // reverse order for webkit/gecko and (??) for (int i = elementLayouts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ElementLayout layout = elementLayouts.get(i); layout.restore(); } for (SplitLayoutPanel w : morphedWidgets) { morphSplitPanel(w, null, true); } for (Widget w : hiddenWidgets) { w.setVisible(true); } hiddenWidgets = null; } public static void scrollBodyTo(int y) { BodyElement body = Document.get().getBody(); body.setPropertyInt("scrollTop", y); Element documentElement = Document.get().getDocumentElement(); documentElement.setPropertyInt("scrollTop", y); scrollTo(0, y); } public static void scrollIntoView(Element e) { scrollIntoView(e, 0); } public static void scrollIntoView(Element e, int fromTop) { scrollIntoView(e, fromTop, false); } public static void scrollIntoView(Element elem, int fromTop, boolean forceFromTop) { int y1 = Document.get().getBodyOffsetTop() + Window.getScrollTop(); int y2 = y1 + Window.getClientHeight(); Element parent = elem.getParentElement(); int absoluteTop = elem.getAbsoluteTop(); int offsetHeight = elem.getOffsetHeight(); int absoluteBottom = absoluteTop + offsetHeight; boolean recalcAbsoluteTopAfterScroll = true; if (absoluteTop == 0) { Text tptCopy = tempPositioningText; tempPositioningText = null; Element positioning = WidgetUtils.getElementForPositioning0(elem); if (positioning != null) { absoluteTop = positioning.getAbsoluteTop(); recalcAbsoluteTopAfterScroll = false; } releaseTempPositioningText(); tempPositioningText = tptCopy; } if (!forceFromTop && (absoluteTop >= y1 && absoluteTop < y2)) { return; } if (forceFromTop && { int to = absoluteTop - fromTop; scrollBodyTo(to); return; } scrollElementIntoView(elem); y1 = Document.get().getBodyOffsetTop() + Window.getScrollTop(); y2 = y1 + Window.getClientHeight(); // not sure why...but I feel there's a reason if (recalcAbsoluteTopAfterScroll) { absoluteTop = elem.getAbsoluteTop(); } if (absoluteTop < y1 || absoluteTop > y2 || fromTop != 0) { scrollBodyTo((Math.max(0, absoluteTop - fromTop))); } } public static void scrollIntoViewWhileKeepingRect(Rect bounds, Widget widget, int pad) { // assume widget is below bounds int scrollTop = Window.getScrollTop(); int clientHeight = Window.getClientHeight(); int widgetTop = widget.getAbsoluteTop(); int widgetHeight = widget.getOffsetHeight(); if (widgetTop + widgetHeight + pad > scrollTop + clientHeight) { int bestDeltaDown = widgetTop + widgetHeight + pad - (scrollTop + clientHeight); int delta = Math.min(bounds.y1 - scrollTop, bestDeltaDown); delta = Math.max(0, delta); smoothScrollTo(scrollTop + delta, widget); } } public static void scrollTo(int x, int y) { debugScroll("" + x + ":" + y); Window.scrollTo(x, y); debugScroll("" + x + ":" + y); } public static native void selectElement(Element elem)/*-{ var sel, range; var implAccess =; var remote =; if ($wnd.getSelection && $doc.createRange) { sel = $wnd.getSelection(); range = $doc.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(remote); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } else if ($doc.body.createTextRange) { range = $doc.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(remote);; } }-*/; public static void setColumnVisibility(HTMLTable table, int column, boolean visible) { int rows = table.getRowCount(); for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { UIObject.setVisible(table.getCellFormatter().getElement(row, column), visible); } } public static void setCssVisibility(Widget widget, boolean visible) { widget.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("visibility", visible ? "visible" : "hidden"); } public static void setOpacity(Widget w, int opacityPercent) { Element e = w.getElement(); String opacity = opacityPercent == 100 ? "1.0" : "0." + CommonUtils.padTwo(opacityPercent); e.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", opacity); } public static void setOrRemoveStyleName(Widget widget, String styleName, boolean set) { if (set) { widget.addStyleName(styleName); } else { widget.removeStyleName(styleName); } } public static void showInNewTabOrThisWindow(String url) { Event currentEvent = Event.getCurrentEvent(); currentEvent.preventDefault(); if (WidgetUtils.isNewTabModifier(currentEvent)) {, "_blank", ""); } else { Window.Location.assign(url); } } public static void smoothScrollTo(int scrollTo, Widget widget) { new SmoothScroller(scrollTo, widget); } public static void squelchCurrentEvent() { Event currentEvent = Event.getCurrentEvent(); lastSquelch = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentEvent != null) { currentEvent.stopPropagation(); currentEvent.preventDefault(); } } public static void squelchIfNotNewTab() { if (!isNewTabModifier()) { squelchCurrentEvent(); } } public static void toggleStyleName(Widget w, String styleName) { String current = w.getStyleName(); if (current.contains(styleName)) { w.removeStyleName(styleName); } else { w.addStyleName(styleName); } } public static FlowPanel wrapInDiv(Widget widget) { FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); fp.add(widget); return fp; } private static native void cancelPossibleIEShortcut() /*-{ try { $wnd.event.keyCode = 0; // this is a hack to capture ctrl+f ctrl+p etc } catch (e) { } }-*/; private static void debugScroll(String message) { if (debugScroll) { ClientNotifications.get() .log(CommonUtils.formatJ("scroll from: %s,%s", Window.getScrollLeft(), Window.getScrollTop())); ClientNotifications.get().log(message); } } private static void ensureRemote(Element element) { element.implAccess().ensureRemote(); } private static int getBestOffsetHeight(Element e, boolean parentPass) { return getBestOffsetHeight(e, parentPass, true); } private static int getBestOffsetHeight(Element e, boolean parentPass, boolean allowParentPass) { int h = e.getPropertyInt("offsetHeight"); if (h != 0 || e.getParentElement() == null) { return h; } if (e.getFirstChildElement() == null && !parentPass) { return getBestOffsetHeight(e, true); } if (!allowParentPass) { return 0; } return getBestOffsetHeight(parentPass ? e.getParentElement() : e.getFirstChildElement(), parentPass); } private static int getBestOffsetWidth(Element e, boolean parentPass) { int h = e.getPropertyInt("offsetWidth"); if (h != 0 || e.getParentElement() == null) { return h; } if (e.getFirstChildElement() == null && !parentPass) { return getBestOffsetWidth(e, true); } return getBestOffsetWidth(parentPass ? e.getParentElement() : e.getFirstChildElement(), parentPass); } private static boolean isDirectionalLayoutPanel(Widget panel, boolean horizontal) { if (panel instanceof DockLayoutPanel) { DockLayoutPanel dlp = (DockLayoutPanel) panel; Iterator<Widget> itr = dlp.iterator(); for (Widget widget : dlp) { Direction dir = dlp.getWidgetDirection(widget); if (horizontal && (dir == Direction.NORTH || dir == Direction.SOUTH)) { return false; } if (!horizontal && (dir == Direction.WEST || dir == Direction.EAST)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } private static native boolean isLessThanXpixelsFrom0(Element e, int hDistance, int vDistance, int x, int y) /*-{ try { var rects = e.getClientRects(); for (var idx = 0; idx < rects.length; idx++) { var rect = rects[idx]; var hOk = rect.left - x < hDistance && x - rect.right < hDistance; var vOk = - y < vDistance && y - rect.bottom < vDistance; if (hOk && vOk) { return true; } } return false; } catch (e2) { return false; } }-*/; private native static boolean isVisibleWithOffsetParent(Element elem)/*-{ var implAccess =; var remote =; return ( != 'none' && remote.offsetParent != null); }-*/; private static void morphSplitPanel(SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel, Widget keepChild, boolean restore) { final String zeroSize = "0px"; boolean hsp = isDirectionalLayoutPanel(splitPanel, true); for (int index = 0; index < splitPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { Widget w = splitPanel.getWidget(index); if (CommonUtils.simpleClassName(w.getClass()).contains("Splitter")) { w.setVisible(restore); } else { Element container = splitPanel.getWidgetContainerElement(w); container.getStyle().setDisplay(restore || keepChild == w ? Display.BLOCK : Display.NONE); } } if (!restore) { morphedWidgets.add(splitPanel); } } private static void scrollElementIntoView(Element e) { debugScroll(CommonUtils.formatJ("elt:%s", e)); e.scrollIntoView(); } // those values might be needed for non-webkit @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class ElementLayout { private String position; private String height; private String width; // ff3.5, at least private String overflow; private final Element element; public ElementLayout(Element element) { this.element = element; } void maximise() { position = element.getStyle().getProperty("position"); overflow = element.getStyle().getProperty("overflow"); element.getStyle().setProperty("position", ""); element.getStyle().setProperty("overflow", ""); } void restore() { element.getStyle().setProperty("position", position); element.getStyle().setProperty("overflow", overflow); } } static class SmoothScroller implements Handler { private HandlerRegistration attachHandlerRegistration; private Timer timer; private double lastWindowPos; int ticks = 0; public SmoothScroller(final int scrollTo, final Widget widget) { lastWindowPos = Window.getScrollTop(); final int tickCount = 30; final double delta = (scrollTo - lastWindowPos) / tickCount; timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { int windowPos = Window.getScrollTop(); if (Math.abs(windowPos - lastWindowPos) > 1) { cancel(); } else { if (ticks++ > tickCount) { Window.scrollTo(0, scrollTo); cancel(); } else { lastWindowPos += delta; Window.scrollTo(0, (int) lastWindowPos); } } } }; timer.scheduleRepeating(16); this.attachHandlerRegistration = widget.addAttachHandler(this); } @Override public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { timer.cancel(); attachHandlerRegistration.removeHandler(); } } }