Java tutorial
/* * Copyright [2016] [Mannheim University of Applied Sciences] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package bio.gcat; import static bio.gcat.Utilities.EMPTY; import static bio.gcat.Utilities.SPACE; import static bio.gcat.gui.helper.Guitilities.setBoxLayout; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import; import; import; public class Parameter { public enum Type { TEXT(String.class), BOOLEAN(Boolean.class), DECIMAL(Double.class), NUMBER(Number.class), LIST( Object.class), FILE(File.class); private Class<?> typeClass; private Type(Class<?> typeClass) { this.typeClass = typeClass; } public boolean checkType(Object object) { return this == LIST || typeClass.isInstance(object); } public Object initialValue() { try { return typeClass.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { return null; /* e.g. for file */ } } public static Type forClass(Class<?> typeClass) { for (Type type : Type.values()) if (type.typeClass.equals(typeClass)) return type; throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Repeatable(Annotations.class) @Target({ ElementType.TYPE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface Annotation { String key(); String label(); Type type(); String value() default EMPTY; } @Target({ ElementType.TYPE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface Annotations { Annotation[] value(); } public final String key, label; public final Type type; public final Object value; public final Number minimum, maximum, step; public final Object[] options; public final String[] labels; public final FileFilter filter; public Parameter(String key, String label, Type type) { this(key, label, type, type.initialValue()); } public Parameter(String key, String label, Type type, Object value) { this.key = key; this.label = label; this.type = type; this.options = this.labels = null; this.filter = null; this.value = type.checkType(value) ? value : type.initialValue(); this.minimum = Short.MIN_VALUE; this.maximum = Short.MAX_VALUE; this.step = 1; } public Parameter(String key, String label, String value) { this(key, label, Type.TEXT, value); } public Parameter(String key, String label, int value) { this(key, label, Type.NUMBER, value); } public Parameter(String key, String label, int minimum, int maximum) { this(key, label, minimum, minimum, maximum); } public Parameter(String key, String label, int minimum, int value, int maximum) { this(key, label, minimum, value, maximum, 1); } public Parameter(String key, String label, int minimum, int value, int maximum, int step) { this.key = key; this.label = label; this.type = Type.NUMBER; this.options = this.labels = null; this.filter = null; this.value = value; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum; this.step = step; } public Parameter(String key, String label, double value) { this(key, label, Type.DECIMAL, value); } public Parameter(String key, String label, double minimum, double maximum) { this(key, label, minimum, minimum, maximum); } public Parameter(String key, String label, double minimum, double value, double maximum) { this(key, label, minimum, value, maximum, .1); } public Parameter(String key, String label, double minimum, double value, double maximum, double step) { this.key = key; this.label = label; this.type = Type.DECIMAL; this.options = this.labels = null; this.filter = null; this.value = value; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum; this.step = step; } public Parameter(String key, String label, boolean value) { this(key, label, Type.BOOLEAN, value); } public Parameter(String key, String label, Object[] options) { this(key, label, options != null && options.length > 0 ? options[0] : null, options); } public Parameter(String key, String label, Object value, Object[] options) { this(key, label, value, options, (String[]) Iterables .toArray(Iterables.transform(Arrays.asList(options), new Function<Object, String>() { @Override public String apply(Object option) { return option != null ? option.toString() : null; } }), String.class)); } public Parameter(String key, String label, Object[] options, String... labels) { this(key, label, options != null && options.length > 0 ? options[0] : null, options, labels); } public Parameter(String key, String label, Object value, Object[] options, String... labels) { this.key = key; this.label = label; this.type = Type.LIST; this.options = options; this.labels = labels; this.filter = null; this.value = value; this.minimum = this.maximum = this.step = null; } public Parameter(String key, String label, File value) { this(key, label, Type.FILE, value); } public Parameter(String key, String label, FileFilter filter) { this.key = key; this.label = label; this.type = Type.FILE; this.options = this.labels = null; this.filter = filter; this.value = null; this.minimum = this.maximum = this.step = null; } public class Component extends JComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l; private java.awt.Component component; public Component() { this(value); } public Component(Object uncheckedValue) { super(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); final Object value = type.checkType(uncheckedValue) ? uncheckedValue : type.initialValue(); switch (type) { case TEXT: ((JTextField) (component = new JTextField())).setText((String) value); break; case NUMBER: case DECIMAL: ((JSpinner) (component = new JSpinner(Type.NUMBER.equals(type) ? new SpinnerNumberModel(((Number) value).intValue(), minimum.intValue(), maximum.intValue(), step.intValue()) : new SpinnerNumberModel(((Double) value).doubleValue(), minimum.doubleValue(), maximum.doubleValue(), step.doubleValue())))).setValue(value); //((NumberFormatter)((JSpinner.NumberEditor)((JSpinner)component).getEditor()).getTextField().getFormatter()).setAllowsInvalid(false); break; case BOOLEAN: ((JCheckBox) (component = new JCheckBox(label))) .setSelected(value != null ? (Boolean) value : false); break; case LIST: ((JComboBox<?>) (component = new JComboBox<Object>(options) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l; @Override public int getSelectedIndex() { Object selected = dataModel.getSelectedItem(); for (int index = 0; index < dataModel.getSize(); index++) { Object object = dataModel.getElementAt(index); if (object == selected || (object != null && object.equals(selected))) return index; } return -1; } })).setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l; @Override public java.awt.Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?> list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); if (index == -1) index = ((JComboBox<?>) component).getSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) index = list.getSelectedIndex(); setText(!labels[index].isEmpty() ? labels[index] : SPACE); return this; } }); ((JComboBox<?>) component).setSelectedItem(value); break; case FILE: component = new FileComponent(filter); break; } add(component, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (component instanceof JComponent) ((JComponent) component).setToolTipText(label); } public java.awt.Component getComponent() { return component; } public void setValue(Object value) { switch (type) { case TEXT: ((JTextField) component).setText((String) value); break; case NUMBER: case DECIMAL: ((JSpinner) component).setValue(value); break; case BOOLEAN: ((JCheckBox) component).setSelected((Boolean) value); break; case LIST: ((JComboBox<?>) component).setSelectedItem(value); break; case FILE: ((FileComponent) component).setFile((File) value); break; } } public Object getValue() { switch (type) { case TEXT: return ((JTextField) component).getText(); case NUMBER: case DECIMAL: return ((JSpinner) component).getValue(); case BOOLEAN: return ((JCheckBox) component).isSelected(); case LIST: return ((JComboBox<?>) component).getSelectedItem(); case FILE: try { return ((FileComponent) component).openFile(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } return null; } public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) { switch (type) { case TEXT: ((JTextField) component).addVetoableChangeListener(listener); break; case NUMBER: case DECIMAL: ((JSpinner) component).addVetoableChangeListener(listener); break; case BOOLEAN: ((JCheckBox) component).addVetoableChangeListener(listener); break; case LIST: ((JComboBox<?>) component).addVetoableChangeListener(listener); break; case FILE: ((FileComponent) component).addVetoableChangeListener(listener); break; } } @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) { switch (type) { case NUMBER: case DECIMAL: ((JSpinner) component).addChangeListener(listener); break; case BOOLEAN: ((JCheckBox) component).addChangeListener(listener); break; } } @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public void addItemListener(ItemListener listener) { switch (type) { case BOOLEAN: ((JCheckBox) component).addItemListener(listener); break; case LIST: ((JComboBox<?>) component).addItemListener(listener); break; } } @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener) { switch (type) { case TEXT: ((JTextField) component).addActionListener(listener); break; case BOOLEAN: ((JCheckBox) component).addActionListener(listener); break; case LIST: ((JComboBox<?>) component).addActionListener(listener); break; case FILE: ((FileComponent) component).addActionListener(listener); break; } } } public static String GET_PARAMETERS = "getParameters"; public static Parameter[] getParameters(Class<?> parameterized) { if (parameterized.isAnnotationPresent(Annotation.class)) return getParameters(parameterized.getAnnotationsByType(Annotation.class)); else if (parameterized.isAnnotationPresent(Annotations.class)) return getParameters(parameterized.getAnnotation(Annotations.class).value()); else try { Object parameters = parameterized.getMethod(GET_PARAMETERS).invoke(null); return parameters instanceof Parameter[] ? (Parameter[]) parameters : null; } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | SecurityException e) { return null; } } private static Parameter[] getParameters(Annotation[] annotations) { Parameter[] parameters = new Parameter[annotations.length]; for (int annotation = 0; annotation < annotations.length; annotation++) parameters[annotation] = getParameter(annotations[annotation]); return parameters; } private static Parameter getParameter(Annotation annotation) { String value, values[]; Matcher matcher; if ((value = annotation.value()).isEmpty()) return new Parameter(annotation.key(), annotation.label(), annotation.type()); else switch (annotation.type()) { case TEXT: return new Parameter(annotation.key(), annotation.label(), annotation.value()); case NUMBER: try { Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[2 + (values = value.split(",")).length]; Arrays.fill(types, int.class); types[0] = types[1] = String.class; return Parameter.class.getConstructor(types) .newInstance(ObjectArrays.concat(new Object[] { annotation.key(), annotation.label() }, -> Integer.parseInt(input)).toArray(), Object.class)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } case DECIMAL: try { Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[2 + (values = value.split(",")).length]; Arrays.fill(types, double.class); types[0] = types[1] = String.class; return Parameter.class.getConstructor(types) .newInstance(ObjectArrays.concat(new Object[] { annotation.key(), annotation.label() }, -> Double.parseDouble(input)).toArray(), Object.class)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } case BOOLEAN: return new Parameter(annotation.key(), annotation.label(), Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); case LIST: return new Parameter(annotation.key(), annotation.label(), value.split(",")); case FILE: if ((matcher = Pattern.compile(".* \\(\\*\\.(\\w+)\\)").matcher(value)).matches()) return new Parameter(annotation.key(), annotation.label(), new FileFilter() { @Override public String getDescription() { return value; } @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return file.isDirectory() || file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith('.' +; } }); else return new Parameter(annotation.key(), annotation.label(), new File(value)); default: return null; } } public static Class<?>[] getTypes(Parameter[] parameters) { Class<?>[] types = new Class[parameters.length]; for (int parameter = 0; parameter < parameters.length; parameter++) types[parameter] = parameters[parameter].type.typeClass; return types; } public static Object[] getValues(Parameter[] parameters) { if (parameters == null) return new Object[0]; Object[] values = new Object[parameters.length]; for (int parameter = 0; parameter < parameters.length; parameter++) values[parameter] = parameters[parameter].value; return values; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof Option)) return false; return key.equals(((Option) object).key); } @Override public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } private static class FileComponent extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l; private JTextField display; private JFileChooser chooser; public FileComponent() { setBoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.X_AXIS); chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setDialogTitle("Open File"); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))); add(display = new JTextField()); display.setEditable(false); display.setBackground(Color.WHITE); add(new JButton(new AbstractAction("Choose File") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (chooser.showOpenDialog(FileComponent.this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) display.setText(chooser.getSelectedFile().getName()); } })); } public FileComponent(FileFilter filter) { this(); chooser.setFileFilter(filter); } public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener) { if (chooser != null) chooser.addActionListener(listener); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener) { if (chooser != null) chooser.removeActionListener(listener); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public ActionListener[] getActionListeners() { return chooser != null ? chooser.getActionListeners() : null; } public void setFile(File file) { if (chooser != null) chooser.setSelectedFile(file); display.setText(file != null ? file.getName() : null); } public InputStream openFile() throws IOException { File selected = chooser.getSelectedFile(); return selected != null ? new FileInputStream(selected) : null; } } }