Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of yourPISD. * * yourPISD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * yourPISD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with yourPISD. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import android.util.SparseArray; import app.sunstreak.yourpisd.util.HTTPResponse; import app.sunstreak.yourpisd.util.Request; public class Student { private final Session session; public final int studentId; public final String name; JSONArray classList; int[][] gradeSummary; private AttendanceData attendanceData; int[] classIds; int[] classMatch; SparseArray<JSONObject> classGrades = new SparseArray<JSONObject>(); // Map<Integer[], JSONObject> classGrades = new HashMap<Integer[], // JSONObject>(); Bitmap studentPictureBitmap; public static final int CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM = -2; public static final int NO_GRADES_ENTERED = -1; public static final String[] SEMESTER_AVERAGE_KEY = { "firstSemesterAverage", "secondSemesterAverage" }; public Student(int studentId, String studentName, Session session) { this.session = session; this.studentId = studentId; String tempName = studentName; name = tempName.substring(tempName.indexOf(",") + 2, tempName.indexOf("(")) + tempName.substring(0, tempName.indexOf(",")); } public void loadClassList() throws IOException { String postParams = "{\"studentId\":\"" + studentId + "\"}"; ArrayList<String[]> requestProperties = new ArrayList<String[]>(); requestProperties.add(new String[] { "Content-Type", "application/json" }); HTTPResponse init = Request.sendPost( "" + session.pageUniqueId, session.cookies, requestProperties, true, postParams); String response = init.getData(); int responseCode = init.getResponseCode(); try { classList = (new JSONArray(response)).getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("classes"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(response); } } public JSONArray getClassList() { return classList; } public List<Integer> getClassesForTerm(int termIndex) { List<Integer> classesForTerm = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (gradeSummary == null) throw new RuntimeException("Grade Summary has not been fetched."); for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < gradeSummary.length; classIndex++) { // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(gradeSummary[classIndex])); int termLocation = termIndex < 4 ? termIndex + 1 : termIndex + 2; if (gradeSummary[classIndex][termLocation] != CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM) classesForTerm.add(classIndex); } return classesForTerm; } /** * Uses internet every time. * * @throws org.json.JSONException */ public int[][] loadGradeSummary() throws JSONException { try { String classId = "" + classList.getJSONObject(0).getInt("enrollmentId"); String termId = "" + classList.getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(0).getInt("termId"); String url = "" + "&EnrollmentId=" + classId + "&TermId=" + termId + "&ReportType=0&StudentId=" + studentId; HTTPResponse summary = Request.sendGet(url, session.cookies); String response = summary.getData(); int responseCode = summary.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) System.out.println("Response code: " + responseCode); /* * puts averages in classList, under each term. */ Element doc = Jsoup.parse(response); gradeSummary = Parser.gradeSummary(doc, classList); matchClasses(gradeSummary); for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < gradeSummary.length; classIndex++) { int jsonIndex = classMatch[classIndex]; JSONArray terms = classList.getJSONObject(jsonIndex).getJSONArray("terms"); int firstTermIndex = 0; int lastTermIndex = 0; if (terms.length() == 8) { // Full year course firstTermIndex = 0; lastTermIndex = 7; } else if (terms.length() == 4) { if (terms.optJSONObject(0).optString("description").equals("1st Six Weeks")) { // First semester course firstTermIndex = 0; lastTermIndex = 3; } else { // Second semester course firstTermIndex = 4; lastTermIndex = 7; } } for (int termIndex = firstTermIndex; termIndex <= lastTermIndex; termIndex++) { int arrayLocation = termIndex > 3 ? termIndex + 2 : termIndex + 1; int average = gradeSummary[classIndex][arrayLocation]; if (average != NO_GRADES_ENTERED) classList.getJSONObject(jsonIndex).getJSONArray("terms") .getJSONObject(termIndex - firstTermIndex).put("average", average); } classList.getJSONObject(jsonIndex).put("firstSemesterAverage", gradeSummary[classIndex][5]); classList.getJSONObject(jsonIndex).put("secondSemesterAverage", gradeSummary[classIndex][10]); } // Last updated time of summary --> goes in this awkward place classList.getJSONObject(0).put("summaryLastUpdated", new Instant().getMillis()); return gradeSummary; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public int[] getClassIds() { if (classIds != null) return classIds; if (classList == null) { System.err.println("You didn't login!"); return classIds; } try { classIds = new int[classList.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < classList.length(); i++) { classIds[i] = classList.getJSONObject(i).getInt("classId"); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return classIds; } // public int[] getTermIds(int classId) throws JSONException { for (int i = 0; i < classList.length(); i++) { if (classList.getJSONObject(i).getInt("classId") == classId) { JSONArray terms = classList.getJSONObject(i).getJSONArray("terms"); int[] termIds = new int[terms.length()]; for (int j = 0; j < terms.length(); j++) { termIds[j] = terms.getJSONObject(j).getInt("termId"); } return termIds; } } // if class not found. return null; } public int getTermCount(int index) throws JSONException { return classList.getJSONObject(index).getJSONArray("terms").length(); } private String getDetailedReport(int classId, int termId, int studentId) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { String url = "" + "&EnrollmentId=" + classId + "&TermId=" + termId + "&ReportType=0&StudentId=" + studentId; HTTPResponse report = Request.sendGet(url, session.cookies); String response = report.getData(); int responseCode = report.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) { System.out.println("Response code: " + responseCode); } return response; } public String[] getAssignmentDetails(int classIndex, int termIndex, int assignmentId) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, JSONException { // System.out.println(classList.getJSONObject(classMatch[classIndex])); // TODO This is hardcoded and messy! // Takes care of second semester classes that for some reason // don't have a term index of 4-8, perhaps because they didn't // exist in the fall semester. if (classList.getJSONObject(classMatch[classIndex]).getJSONArray("terms").length() <= termIndex) termIndex -= 4; HTTPResponse details = Request.sendGet( "" + "assignmentId=" + assignmentId + "&H=" + session.domain.hValue + "&GradebookId=" + studentId + "&TermId=" + classList.getJSONObject(classMatch[classIndex]).getJSONArray("terms") .getJSONObject(termIndex).getInt("termId") + "&StudentId=" + studentId + "&", session.cookies); return Parser.parseAssignment(details.getData()); } public boolean hasGradeSummary() { return classList.optJSONObject(0).optLong("summaryLastUpdated", -1) != -1; } // public int[][] getGradeSummary () { // // if (!hasGradeSummary()) // try { // loadGradeSummary(); // } catch (JSONException e) { // return null; // } // return gradeSummary; // } public boolean hasClassDuringSemester(int classIndex, int semesterIndex) { if (gradeSummary == null) throw new RuntimeException( "Grade summary is null. " + "Operation hasClassDuringSemester() not allowed."); // much cryptic. so obfuscate. sorry, i'll clean it up later for (int i = 4 * semesterIndex + semesterIndex; i < 4 * semesterIndex + 4; i++) if (gradeSummary[classIndex][i + 1] != CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM) return true; return false; } public boolean hasClassGrade(int classIndex, int termIndex) throws JSONException { int termIndexOffset = 0; if (gradeSummary[classIndex][3] == CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM) termIndexOffset = 4; termIndex -= termIndexOffset; if (classGrades.indexOfKey(classIndex) < 0) return false; JSONObject classGrade = classGrades.get(classIndex); JSONArray terms = classGrade.getJSONArray("terms"); JSONObject term = terms.getJSONObject(termIndex); long lastUpdated = term.optLong("lastUpdated", -1); return lastUpdated != -1; } public JSONObject getClassGrade(int classIndex, int termIndex) throws JSONException { String html = ""; int classId = gradeSummary[classIndex][0]; int termIndexOffset = 0; if (gradeSummary[classIndex][3] == CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM) termIndexOffset = 4; termIndex -= termIndexOffset; if (hasClassGrade(classIndex, termIndex + termIndexOffset)) return classGrades.get(classIndex).optJSONArray("terms").optJSONObject(termIndex); try { int termId = getTermIds(classId)[termIndex]; html = getDetailedReport(classId, termId, studentId); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Parse the teacher name if not already there. try { classList.getJSONObject(classIndex).getString("teacher"); } catch (JSONException e) { // Teacher was not found. String[] teacher = Parser.teacher(html); try { classList.getJSONObject(classIndex).put("teacher", teacher[0]); classList.getJSONObject(classIndex).put("teacherEmail", teacher[1]); } catch (JSONException f) { e.printStackTrace(); } } JSONObject classGrade; try { classGrade = new JSONObject(classList.getJSONObject(getClassMatch()[classIndex]).toString()); JSONArray termGrades = Parser.detailedReport(html); Object[] termCategory = Parser.termCategoryGrades(html); JSONArray termCategoryGrades = (JSONArray) termCategory[0]; if ((Integer) termCategory[1] != -1) classGrade.getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(termIndex).put("average", termCategory[1]); classGrade.getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(termIndex).put("grades", termGrades); classGrade.getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(termIndex).put("categoryGrades", termCategoryGrades); Instant in = new Instant(); // String time = in.toString(); // System.out.println(time); classGrade.getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(termIndex).put("lastUpdated", in.getMillis()); // classGrade.getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(termIndex).put("lastUpdated", // "0"); // System.out.println("cg= " + classGrade); if (classGrades.indexOfKey(classIndex) < 0) classGrades.put(classIndex, classGrade); return classGrade.getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(termIndex); } catch (JSONException e) { System.err.println("Error: Class index = " + classIndex + "; JSON index = " + getClassMatch()[classIndex] + "; Term index = " + termIndex + "."); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public String getClassName(int classIndex) { if (classList == null) return "null"; else try { return Parser.toTitleCase(classList.getJSONObject(classIndex).getString("title")); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "jsonException"; } } public String getShortClassName(int classIndex) { String name = getClassName(classIndex); if (name.indexOf('(') != -1) return name.substring(0, name.indexOf('(')); return name; } private void loadStudentPicture() { ArrayList<String[]> requestProperties = new ArrayList<String[]>(); requestProperties.add(new String[] { "Content-Type", "image/jpeg" }); Object[] response = Request.getBitmap( "" + studentId, session.cookies, requestProperties, true); studentPictureBitmap = (Bitmap) response[0]; int responseCode = (Integer) response[1]; // cookies = cookies; } public Bitmap getStudentPicture() { if (studentPictureBitmap == null) loadStudentPicture(); return studentPictureBitmap; } public void matchClasses(int[][] gradeSummary) { getClassIds(); // int[][] gradeSummary = getGradeSummary(); int classCount = gradeSummary.length; classMatch = new int[classCount]; int classesMatched = 0; while (classesMatched < classCount) { for (int i = 0; i < classIds.length; i++) if (classIds[i] == gradeSummary[classesMatched][0]) { classMatch[classesMatched] = i; classesMatched++; break; } } } public int[] getClassMatch() { return classMatch; } public double getCumulativeGPA(float oldCumulativeGPA, float numCredits) { // Averages given GPA with spring semester grades. int SPRING_SEMESTER = 1; double oldSum = (double) oldCumulativeGPA * (double) numCredits; double newNumCredits = numCredits + getNumCredits(SPRING_SEMESTER); return (getGPA(SPRING_SEMESTER) * getNumCredits(SPRING_SEMESTER) + oldSum) / newNumCredits; } public int getNumCredits(int semesterIndex) { if (classMatch == null) return -2; int pointCount = 0; for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classMatch.length; classIndex++) { int jsonIndex = classMatch[classIndex]; int grade = classList.optJSONObject(jsonIndex).optInt(SEMESTER_AVERAGE_KEY[semesterIndex]); if (!(grade == NO_GRADES_ENTERED || grade == CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM)) pointCount++; } return pointCount; } public double getGPA(int semesterIndex) { if (classMatch == null) return -2; double pointSum = 0; int pointCount = 0; for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classMatch.length; classIndex++) { int jsonIndex = classMatch[classIndex]; int grade = classList.optJSONObject(jsonIndex).optInt(SEMESTER_AVERAGE_KEY[semesterIndex]); if (grade == NO_GRADES_ENTERED || grade == CLASS_DISABLED_DURING_TERM) continue; // Failed class if (grade < 70) { // Do not increment pointSum because the student received a GPA // of 0. pointCount++; } else { double classGPA = maxGPA(classIndex) - gpaDifference(grade); pointSum += classGPA; pointCount++; } } try { return pointSum / pointCount; } catch (ArithmeticException e) { return Double.NaN; } } public double maxGPA(int classIndex) { return maxGPA(getClassName(classMatch[classIndex])); } public static double maxGPA(String className) { className = className.toUpperCase(); if (className.contains("PHYS IB SL") || className.contains("MATH STDY IB")) return 4.5; String[] split = className.split("[\\s()\\d\\/]+"); for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals("AP") || split[i].equals("IB")) return 5; if (split[i].equals("H") || split[i].equals("IH")) return 4.5; } return 4; } public static double gpaDifference(int grade) { if (grade == NO_GRADES_ENTERED) return Double.NaN; if (grade <= 100 & grade >= 97) return 0; if (grade >= 93) return 0.2; if (grade >= 90) return 0.4; if (grade >= 87) return 0.6; if (grade >= 83) return 0.8; if (grade >= 80) return 1.0; if (grade >= 77) return 1.2; if (grade >= 73) return 1.4; if (grade >= 71) return 1.6; if (grade == 70) return 2; // Grade below 70 or above 100 return -1; } public int examScoreRequired(int classIndex, int gradeDesired) { if (classMatch == null) throw new RuntimeException("Class match is null!"); try { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sum += classList.getJSONObject(classMatch[classIndex]).getJSONArray("terms").getJSONObject(i) .getInt("average"); } sum = (gradeDesired - 0.5) * 4 - sum; return (int) Math.ceil(sum); } catch (Exception e) { // Not enough grades for calculation return -1; } } public boolean hasAttendanceData() { return attendanceData != null; } public AttendanceData loadAttendanceSummary() throws IOException, JSONException { final int MAX_TRIES = 5; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TRIES; i++) { try { String url = "" + "AttendanceSummary.aspx?EnrollmentId=" + classIds[0] + "&TermId=" + getTermIds(classIds[0]) + "&ReportType=0&StudentId=" + studentId; HTTPResponse summaryWithBadData = Request.sendGet(url, session.cookies); String html = summaryWithBadData.getData(); int responseCode = summaryWithBadData.getResponseCode(); AttendanceData sumWithBadData = new AttendanceData(session, html); String postParams = "__VIEWSTATE=" + session.viewState + "&__EVENTVALIDATION=" + session.eventValidation + "&ctl00%24ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder%24uxStudentId=" + studentId + "&ctl00%24ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder%24ContentPane%24dateCtrl=" + AttendanceData.START_OF_SPRING_SEMESTER + "&ctl00%24ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder%24ContentPane%24uxEndDate=" + AttendanceData.END_OF_SPRING_SEMESTER + "&PageUniqueId=" + URLEncoder.encode(session.pageUniqueId, "UTF-8"); HTTPResponse attendanceSummaryReq = Request.sendPost(url, postParams, session.cookies); html = attendanceSummaryReq.getData(); responseCode = attendanceSummaryReq.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) throw new IOException("Response code of " + responseCode + " when loading attendance summary."); attendanceData = new AttendanceData(session, html); attendanceData.parseDetailedView(); return attendanceData; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // TODO !!! return null; } }