Java tutorial
/* * Copyright JackChan. All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import java.util.List; public class BasicBehavior<T extends View> extends CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<T> { // ?? private ListenerAnimatorEndBuild listenerAnimatorEndBuild; public BasicBehavior(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); listenerAnimatorEndBuild = new ListenerAnimatorEndBuild(); } // We only support the FAB <> Snackbar shift movement on Honeycomb and above. This is // because we can use view translation properties which greatly simplifies the code. private static final boolean SNACKBAR_BEHAVIOR_ENABLED = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11; private ValueAnimatorCompat mFabTranslationYAnimator; private float mFabTranslationY; private Rect mTmpRect; @Override public boolean layoutDependsOn(CoordinatorLayout parent, T child, View dependency) { // We're dependent on all SnackbarLayouts (if enabled) return SNACKBAR_BEHAVIOR_ENABLED && dependency instanceof Snackbar.SnackbarLayout; } @Override public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, T child, View dependency) { if (dependency instanceof Snackbar.SnackbarLayout) { updateFabTranslationForSnackbar(parent, child, dependency); } else if (dependency instanceof AppBarLayout) { // If we're depending on an AppBarLayout we will show/hide it automatically // if the FAB is anchored to the AppBarLayout updateFabVisibility(parent, (AppBarLayout) dependency, child); } return false; } @Override public void onDependentViewRemoved(CoordinatorLayout parent, T child, View dependency) { if (dependency instanceof Snackbar.SnackbarLayout) { updateFabTranslationForSnackbar(parent, child, dependency); } } private boolean updateFabVisibility(CoordinatorLayout parent, AppBarLayout appBarLayout, T child) { final CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); if (lp.getAnchorId() != appBarLayout.getId()) { // The anchor ID doesn't match the dependency, so we won't automatically // show/hide the FAB return false; } if (child.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { // The view isn't set to be visible so skip changing it's visibility return false; } if (mTmpRect == null) { mTmpRect = new Rect(); } // First, let's get the visible rect of the dependency final Rect rect = mTmpRect; ViewGroupUtils.getDescendantRect(parent, appBarLayout, rect); if (rect.bottom <= appBarLayout.getMinimumHeightForVisibleOverlappingContent()) { if (listenerAnimatorEndBuild.isFinish()) // If the anchor's bottom is below the seam, we'll animate our FAB out scaleHide(child,; } else { // Else, we'll animate our FAB back in scaleShow(child, null); } return true; } private void updateFabTranslationForSnackbar(CoordinatorLayout parent, final T fab, View snackbar) { final float targetTransY = getFabTranslationYForSnackBar(parent, fab); if (mFabTranslationY == targetTransY) { // We're already at (or currently animating to) the target value, return... return; } final float currentTransY = ViewCompat.getTranslationY(fab); // Make sure that any current animation is cancelled if (mFabTranslationYAnimator != null && mFabTranslationYAnimator.isRunning()) { mFabTranslationYAnimator.cancel(); } if (fab.isShown() && Math.abs(currentTransY - targetTransY) > (fab.getHeight() * 0.667f)) { // If the FAB will be travelling by more than 2/3 of it's height, let's animate // it instead if (mFabTranslationYAnimator == null) { mFabTranslationYAnimator = ViewUtils.createAnimator(); mFabTranslationYAnimator.setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN_INTERPOLATOR); mFabTranslationYAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimatorCompat.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimatorCompat animator) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(fab, animator.getAnimatedFloatValue()); } }); } mFabTranslationYAnimator.setFloatValues(currentTransY, targetTransY); mFabTranslationYAnimator.start(); } else { // Now update the translation Y ViewCompat.setTranslationY(fab, targetTransY); } mFabTranslationY = targetTransY; } private float getFabTranslationYForSnackBar(CoordinatorLayout parent, T fab) { float minOffset = 0; final List<View> dependencies = parent.getDependencies(fab); for (int i = 0, z = dependencies.size(); i < z; i++) { final View view = dependencies.get(i); if (view instanceof Snackbar.SnackbarLayout && parent.doViewsOverlap(fab, view)) { minOffset = Math.min(minOffset, ViewCompat.getTranslationY(view) - view.getHeight()); } } return minOffset; } @Override public boolean onLayoutChild(CoordinatorLayout parent, T child, int layoutDirection) { // First, lets make sure that the visibility of the FAB is consistent final List<View> dependencies = parent.getDependencies(child); for (int i = 0, count = dependencies.size(); i < count; i++) { final View dependency = dependencies.get(i); if (dependency instanceof AppBarLayout && updateFabVisibility(parent, (AppBarLayout) dependency, child)) { break; } } // Now let the CoordinatorLayout lay out the FAB parent.onLayoutChild(child, layoutDirection); return true; } public static final ViewPropertyAnimatorListener DEFAULT_OUT_ANIMATOR_LISTENER = new ViewPropertyAnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { view.setVisibility(View.GONE); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(View view) { } }; public static class ListenerAnimatorEndBuild { private boolean isOutExecute = false; private ViewPropertyAnimatorListener outAnimatorListener; public ListenerAnimatorEndBuild() { outAnimatorListener = new ViewPropertyAnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { isOutExecute = true; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { view.setVisibility(View.GONE); isOutExecute = false; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(View view) { isOutExecute = false; } }; } public boolean isFinish() { return !isOutExecute; } public ViewPropertyAnimatorListener build() { return outAnimatorListener; } } public static final FastOutSlowInInterpolator FASTOUTSLOWININTERPOLATOR = new FastOutSlowInInterpolator(); public static void scaleShow(View view) { scaleShow(view, null); } public static void scaleShow(View view, ViewPropertyAnimatorListener viewPropertyAnimatorListener) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ViewCompat.animate(view).scaleX(1.0f).scaleY(1.0f).alpha(1.0f).setDuration(800) .setInterpolator(FASTOUTSLOWININTERPOLATOR).setListener(viewPropertyAnimatorListener).start(); } public static void scaleHide(View view) { scaleHide(view, DEFAULT_OUT_ANIMATOR_LISTENER); } public static void scaleHide(View view, ViewPropertyAnimatorListener viewPropertyAnimatorListener) { ViewCompat.animate(view).scaleX(0.0f).scaleY(0.0f).alpha(0.0f).setDuration(800) .setInterpolator(FASTOUTSLOWININTERPOLATOR).setListener(viewPropertyAnimatorListener).start(); } }