Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//package com.java2s;
//License from project: Apache License 

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;

import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

public class Main {
     * Start the activity.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param clz         The activity class.
     * @param requestCode if >= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, null, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode, null);

     * Start the activity.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param clz         The activity class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param options     Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode, final Bundle options) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, null, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode, options);

     * Start the activity.
     * @param activity       The activity.
     * @param clz            The activity class.
     * @param requestCode    if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                       onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param sharedElements The names of the shared elements to transfer to the called
     *                       Activity and their associated Views.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode, final View... sharedElements) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, null, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode,
                getOptionsBundle(activity, sharedElements));

     * Start the activity.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param clz         The activity class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param enterAnim   A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    incoming activity.
     * @param exitAnim    A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    outgoing activity.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode, @AnimRes final int enterAnim,
            @AnimRes final int exitAnim) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, null, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode,
                getOptionsBundle(activity, enterAnim, exitAnim));
            activity.overridePendingTransition(enterAnim, exitAnim);

     * Start the activity.
     * @param extras      The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param clz         The activity class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode, null);

     * Start the activity.
     * @param extras      The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param clz         The activity class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param options     Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode, @NonNull final Bundle options) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode, options);

     * Start the activity.
     * @param extras         The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param activity       The activity.
     * @param clz            The activity class.
     * @param requestCode    if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                       onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param sharedElements The names of the shared elements to transfer to the called
     *                       Activity and their associated Views.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode, final View... sharedElements) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode,
                getOptionsBundle(activity, sharedElements));

     * Start the activity.
     * @param extras      The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param clz         The activity class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param enterAnim   A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    incoming activity.
     * @param exitAnim    A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    outgoing activity.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final Class<? extends Activity> clz, final int requestCode, @AnimRes final int enterAnim,
            @AnimRes final int exitAnim) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, activity.getPackageName(), clz.getName(), requestCode,
                getOptionsBundle(activity, enterAnim, exitAnim));
            activity.overridePendingTransition(enterAnim, exitAnim);

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param extras      The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param pkg         The name of the package.
     * @param cls         The name of the class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final String pkg, @NonNull final String cls, final int requestCode) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, pkg, cls, requestCode, null);

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param extras      The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param pkg         The name of the package.
     * @param cls         The name of the class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param options     Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final String pkg, @NonNull final String cls, final int requestCode, final Bundle options) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, pkg, cls, requestCode, options);

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param extras         The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param activity       The activity.
     * @param pkg            The name of the package.
     * @param cls            The name of the class.
     * @param requestCode    if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                       onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param sharedElements The names of the shared elements to transfer to the called
     *                       Activity and their associated Views.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final String pkg, @NonNull final String cls, final int requestCode,
            final View... sharedElements) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, pkg, cls, requestCode, getOptionsBundle(activity, sharedElements));

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param extras      The Bundle of extras to add to this intent.
     * @param pkg         The name of the package.
     * @param cls         The name of the class.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param enterAnim   A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    incoming activity.
     * @param exitAnim    A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    outgoing activity.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Bundle extras, @NonNull final Activity activity,
            @NonNull final String pkg, @NonNull final String cls, final int requestCode,
            @AnimRes final int enterAnim, @AnimRes final int exitAnim) {
        startActivityForResult(activity, extras, pkg, cls, requestCode,
                getOptionsBundle(activity, enterAnim, exitAnim));
            activity.overridePendingTransition(enterAnim, exitAnim);

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param intent      The description of the activity to start.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity, @NonNull final Intent intent,
            final int requestCode) {
        startActivityForResult(intent, activity, requestCode, null);

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param intent      The description of the activity to start.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param options     Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity, @NonNull final Intent intent,
            final int requestCode, final Bundle options) {
        startActivityForResult(intent, activity, requestCode, options);

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param activity       The activity.
     * @param intent         The description of the activity to start.
     * @param requestCode    if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                       onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param sharedElements The names of the shared elements to transfer to the called
     *                       Activity and their associated Views.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity, @NonNull final Intent intent,
            final int requestCode, final View... sharedElements) {
        startActivityForResult(intent, activity, requestCode, getOptionsBundle(activity, sharedElements));

     * Start the activity for result.
     * @param activity    The activity.
     * @param intent      The description of the activity to start.
     * @param requestCode if &gt;= 0, this code will be returned in
     *                    onActivityResult() when the activity exits.
     * @param enterAnim   A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    incoming activity.
     * @param exitAnim    A resource ID of the animation resource to use for the
     *                    outgoing activity.
    public static void startActivityForResult(@NonNull final Activity activity, @NonNull final Intent intent,
            final int requestCode, @AnimRes final int enterAnim, @AnimRes final int exitAnim) {
        startActivityForResult(intent, activity, requestCode, getOptionsBundle(activity, enterAnim, exitAnim));
            activity.overridePendingTransition(enterAnim, exitAnim);

    private static void startActivityForResult(final Activity activity, final Bundle extras, final String pkg,
            final String cls, final int requestCode, final Bundle options) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
        if (extras != null)
        intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(pkg, cls));
        startActivityForResult(intent, activity, requestCode, options);

    private static void startActivityForResult(final Intent intent, final Activity activity, final int requestCode,
            final Bundle options) {
        if (options != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
            activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode, options);
        } else {
            activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);

    private static Bundle getOptionsBundle(final Context context, final int enterAnim, final int exitAnim) {
        return ActivityOptionsCompat.makeCustomAnimation(context, enterAnim, exitAnim).toBundle();

    private static Bundle getOptionsBundle(final Activity activity, final View[] sharedElements) {
            return null;
        if (sharedElements == null)
            return null;
        int len = sharedElements.length;
        if (len <= 0)
            return null;
        Pair<View, String>[] pairs = new Pair[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            pairs[i] = Pair.create(sharedElements[i], sharedElements[i].getTransitionName());
        return ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(activity, pairs).toBundle();