Example usage for twitter4j User getId

List of usage examples for twitter4j User getId


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j User getId.


long getId();

Source Link


Returns the id of the user


From source file:DataCollections.UserHelper.java

public User_dbo convertUserToUser_dbo(User user) {

    User_dbo u = new User_dbo();


    if (geoinfoavailable) {
        double[] geocoor = geohelper.searchGeoLocCoor(user.getLocation());
    }//from  w  ww  .j  ava  2  s. c  o  m
    return u;

From source file:de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor.java

License:Open Source License

 * Translate user.//from   w  w w.j a v  a  2  s . c o m
 * @param user the user
 * @param profile the profile
 * @return the string
public static String translateUser(User user, String profile) {
    String ret = "profile of *" + profile + "*\n" + "name: " + user.getName() + "\n" + "screen name: "
            + user.getScreenName() + "\n" + "id: " + user.getId() + "\n";

    if (user.getDescription() != null)
        ret += "description: " + user.getDescription() + "\n";
    if (user.getURL() != null)
        ret += "url: " + JatterTools.expandUrl(user.getURL()) + "\n";
    if (user.getLang() != null)
        ret += "language: " + user.getLang() + "\n";
    if (user.getLocation() != null)
        ret += "location: " + user.getLocation() + "\n";
    if (user.getTimeZone() != null)
        ret += "time zone: " + user.getTimeZone() + "\n";

    ret += "tweets: " + user.getStatusesCount() + "\n";
    ret += "favourites: " + user.getFavouritesCount() + "\n";
    ret += "followers: " + user.getFollowersCount() + "\n";
    ret += "friends: " + user.getFriendsCount() + "\n";

    if (user.getStatus() != null)
        ret += "last status: " + TwitterStatusProcessor.translateTwitterStatus(user.getStatus());
    return ret;

From source file:de.jetwick.data.JUser.java

License:Apache License

 * This method refreshes the properties of this user by the specified
 * Twitter4j user/*from   w w  w  . j  av a  2  s .co m*/
 * @param user
public Status updateFieldsBy(User user) {
    twitterId = user.getId();

    // user.getFollowersCount();
    // user.getFriendsCount();
    // user.getTimeZone()

    if (user.getProfileImageURL() != null)

    if (user.getURL() != null)

    return user.getStatus();

From source file:de.jetwick.tw.Twitter4JUser.java

License:Apache License

public int compareTo(User o) {
    if (id < o.getId())
        return -1;
    else if (id > o.getId())
        return 1;
    return 0;//from  ww  w. ja v a 2 s. co m

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.loader.support.ParcelableUserLoader.java

License:Open Source License

private static User showUserAlternative(final Twitter twitter, final long id, final String screenName)
        throws TwitterException {
    final String searchScreenName;
    if (screenName != null) {
        searchScreenName = screenName;/*  w  w w.ja v a2  s .  c  om*/
    } else if (id != -1) {
        searchScreenName = twitter.showFriendship(twitter.getId(), id).getTargetUserScreenName();
    } else
        return null;
    for (final User user : twitter.searchUsers(searchScreenName, 1)) {
        if (user.getId() == id || searchScreenName.equals(user.getScreenName()))
            return user;
    return null;

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.loader.support.Twitter4JUsersLoader.java

License:Open Source License

public List<ParcelableUser> loadInBackground() {
    final List<ParcelableUser> data = getData();
    final List<User> users;
    try {/* w  ww  .  j  ava 2 s  .  c o  m*/
        users = getUsers(getTwitterInstance(mContext, mAccountId, true));
        if (users == null)
            return data;
    } catch (final TwitterException e) {
        return data;
    int pos = data.size();
    for (final User user : users) {
        if (hasId(user.getId())) {
        data.add(new ParcelableUser(user, mAccountId, pos));
    return data;

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.model.ParcelableDirectMessage.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableDirectMessage(final DirectMessage message, final long account_id, final boolean is_outgoing) {
    this.account_id = account_id;
    this.is_outgoing = is_outgoing;
    final User sender = message.getSender(), recipient = message.getRecipient();
    final String sender_profile_image_url_string = sender != null
            ? ParseUtils.parseString(sender.getProfileImageUrlHttps())
            : null;/* ww  w . ja v a2s  .  com*/
    final String recipient_profile_image_url_string = recipient != null
            ? ParseUtils.parseString(recipient.getProfileImageUrlHttps())
            : null;
    id = message.getId();
    timestamp = getTime(message.getCreatedAt());
    sender_id = sender != null ? sender.getId() : -1;
    recipient_id = recipient != null ? recipient.getId() : -1;
    text_html = formatDirectMessageText(message);
    text_plain = message.getText();
    sender_name = sender != null ? sender.getName() : null;
    recipient_name = recipient != null ? recipient.getName() : null;
    sender_screen_name = sender != null ? sender.getScreenName() : null;
    recipient_screen_name = recipient != null ? recipient.getScreenName() : null;
    sender_profile_image_url = sender_profile_image_url_string;
    recipient_profile_image_url = recipient_profile_image_url_string;
    text_unescaped = toPlainText(text_html);
    medias = ParcelableMedia.fromEntities(message);
    first_media = medias != null && medias.length > 0 ? medias[0].url : null;

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.model.ParcelableStatus.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableStatus(final Status orig, final long account_id, final boolean is_gap) {
    this.is_gap = is_gap;
    this.account_id = account_id;
    id = orig.getId();/*from  w  w w  .ja  va2  s. c om*/
    timestamp = getTime(orig.getCreatedAt());
    is_retweet = orig.isRetweet();
    final Status retweeted = orig.getRetweetedStatus();
    final User retweet_user = retweeted != null ? orig.getUser() : null;
    retweet_id = retweeted != null ? retweeted.getId() : -1;
    //NOTE getTime(orig.getCreatedAt())
    retweet_timestamp = retweeted != null ? getTime(retweeted.getCreatedAt()) : -1;
    retweeted_by_id = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getId() : -1;
    retweeted_by_name = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getName() : null;
    retweeted_by_screen_name = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getScreenName() : null;
    retweeted_by_profile_image = retweet_user != null
            ? ParseUtils.parseString(retweet_user.getProfileImageUrlHttps())
            : null;
    final Status status = retweeted != null ? retweeted : orig;
    final User user = status.getUser();
    user_id = user.getId();
    user_name = user.getName();
    user_screen_name = user.getScreenName();
    user_profile_image_url = ParseUtils.parseString(user.getProfileImageUrlHttps());
    user_is_protected = user.isProtected();
    user_is_verified = user.isVerified();
    user_is_following = user.isFollowing();
    text_html = formatStatusText(status);
    media = ParcelableMedia.fromEntities(status);
    text_plain = status.getText();
    retweet_count = status.getRetweetCount();
    favorite_count = status.getFavoriteCount();
    reply_count = status.getReplyCount();
    descendent_reply_count = status.getDescendentReplyCount();
    in_reply_to_name = getInReplyToName(status);
    in_reply_to_screen_name = status.getInReplyToScreenName();
    in_reply_to_status_id = status.getInReplyToStatusId();
    in_reply_to_user_id = status.getInReplyToUserId();
    source = status.getSource();
    location = new ParcelableLocation(status.getGeoLocation());
    is_favorite = status.isFavorited();
    text_unescaped = toPlainText(text_html);
    my_retweet_id = retweeted_by_id == account_id ? id : -1;
    is_possibly_sensitive = status.isPossiblySensitive();
    mentions = ParcelableUserMention.fromUserMentionEntities(status.getUserMentionEntities());
    first_media = media != null && media.length > 0 ? media[0].url : null;

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.model.ParcelableUser.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableUser(final User user, final long account_id, final long position) {
    this.position = position;
    this.account_id = account_id;
    final URLEntity[] urls_url_entities = user.getURLEntities();
    id = user.getId();
    created_at = getTime(user.getCreatedAt());
    is_protected = user.isProtected();
    is_verified = user.isVerified();//from  w w  w.  j  a  v a 2s. co  m
    name = user.getName();
    screen_name = user.getScreenName();
    description_plain = user.getDescription();
    description_html = formatUserDescription(user);
    description_expanded = formatExpandedUserDescription(user);
    location = user.getLocation();
    profile_image_url = ParseUtils.parseString(user.getProfileImageUrlHttps());
    profile_banner_url = user.getProfileBannerImageUrl();
    url = ParseUtils.parseString(user.getURL());
    url_expanded = url != null && urls_url_entities != null && urls_url_entities.length > 0
            ? ParseUtils.parseString(urls_url_entities[0].getExpandedURL())
            : null;
    is_follow_request_sent = user.isFollowRequestSent();
    followers_count = user.getFollowersCount();
    friends_count = user.getFriendsCount();
    statuses_count = user.getStatusesCount();
    favorites_count = user.getFavouritesCount();
    listed_count = user.getListedCount();
    is_cache = false;
    is_following = user.isFollowing();
    description_unescaped = toPlainText(description_html);

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.model.ParcelableUserList.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableUserList(final UserList list, final long account_id, final long position,
        final boolean is_following) {
    final User user = list.getUser();
    this.position = position;
    this.account_id = account_id;
    id = list.getId();//from w  w w  .  j a v a 2  s.c o  m
    is_public = list.isPublic();
    this.is_following = is_following;
    name = list.getName();
    description = list.getDescription();
    user_id = user.getId();
    user_name = user.getName();
    user_screen_name = user.getScreenName();
    user_profile_image_url = ParseUtils.parseString(user.getProfileImageUrlHttps());
    members_count = list.getMemberCount();
    subscribers_count = list.getSubscriberCount();