Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of JATTER * <> * * Copyright (c) 2014 Martin Scharm -- <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.binfalse.jatter.processors; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.camel.component.xmpp.XmppMessage; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message; import de.binfalse.bflog.LOGGER; import de.binfalse.jatter.Config; import de.binfalse.jatter.JatterTools; import twitter4j.Status; import twitter4j.TwitterException; import twitter4j.User; /** * The Class JabberMessageProcessor. * * @author martin */ public class JabberMessageProcessor implements Processor { /** The config. */ private Config config; /** * Instantiates a new jabber message processor. * * @param config the config */ public JabberMessageProcessor(Config config) { this.config = config; } /** * Checks if is bot command. * * @param exchange the exchange * @return true, if is bot command */ public static boolean isBotCommand(Exchange exchange) { String s = getSmackMessage(exchange).getBody(); boolean botCmd = s.startsWith("!"); if (botCmd) LOGGER.debug("found bot command: ", s); return botCmd; } /** * Gets the smack message. * * @param exchange the exchange * @return the smack message */ public static Message getSmackMessage(final Exchange exchange) { XmppMessage xmppMessage = (XmppMessage) exchange.getIn(); Message smackMessage = xmppMessage.getXmppMessage(); return smackMessage; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.camel.Processor#process(org.apache.camel.Exchange) */ @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Message message = getSmackMessage(exchange); String[] msg = message.getBody().substring(1).split("\\s+"); boolean help = false; if (msg.length < 1 || msg[0].length() < 1) { exchange.getOut().setBody("there was no command... try !help"); help = true; } String result = ""; try { switch (msg[0]) { case "retweet": case "rt": result += retweet(msg); break; case "favorite": case "favourite": case "fav": result += favorite(msg); break; case "delete": case "del": result += delete(msg); break; /* TODO: find an option to set the geolocation through camel * case "location": result += setLocation (msg); break;*/ case "follow": result += follow(msg); break; case "unfollow": result += unfollow(msg); break; case "profile": result += getProfile(msg); break; default: help = true; } } catch (TwitterException e) { result += "received an *error from twitter*: " + e.getMessage(); } if (help) result += usage(); exchange.getOut().setBody(result); } /** * Favorite. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the string * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String favorite(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { long id = 0; try { id = Long.parseLong(commandLine[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "*" + id + "* is not a number"; } Status status = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).createFavorite(id); if (status != null) return "fav'ed *" + id + "*\n" + TwitterStatusProcessor.translateTwitterStatus(status); else return "cannot find status *" + id + "*"; } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Delete. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the string * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String delete(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { long id = 0; try { id = Long.parseLong(commandLine[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "*" + id + "* is not a number"; } Status status = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).destroyStatus(id); if (status != null) return "deleted *" + id + "*\n" + TwitterStatusProcessor.translateTwitterStatus(status); else return "cannot find status *" + id + "*"; } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Set the location for upcoming tweets. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the string * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String setLocation(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { String newLocation = commandLine[1]; int pos = newLocation.indexOf(","); String lat = newLocation.substring(0, pos); String lon = newLocation.substring(pos + 1); try { long a = Long.parseLong(lat); long o = Long.parseLong(lon); config.setTwitterLocationLatitude(a + ""); config.setTwitterLocationLongitude(o + ""); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "*" + lat + "* or *" + lon + "* is not a number"; } // TODO: there is no interface for setting geolocations in camel yet } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Retweet. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the string * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String retweet(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { long id = 0; try { id = Long.parseLong(commandLine[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return "*" + id + "* is not a number"; } Status status = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).retweetStatus(id); if (status != null) return "retweeted *" + id + "*\n" + TwitterStatusProcessor.translateTwitterStatus(status); else return "cannot find status *" + id + "*"; } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Unfollow. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the string * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String unfollow(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { String profile = commandLine[1]; User user = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).destroyFriendship(profile); if (user != null) return "unfollowed *" + profile + "*\n" + translateUser(user, profile); else return "cannot find *" + profile + "*"; } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Follow. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the string * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String follow(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { String profile = commandLine[1]; User user = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).createFriendship(profile); if (user != null) return "following *" + profile + "*\n" + translateUser(user, profile); else return "cannot find *" + profile + "*"; } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Translate user. * * @param user the user * @param profile the profile * @return the string */ public static String translateUser(User user, String profile) { String ret = "profile of *" + profile + "*\n" + "name: " + user.getName() + "\n" + "screen name: " + user.getScreenName() + "\n" + "id: " + user.getId() + "\n"; if (user.getDescription() != null) ret += "description: " + user.getDescription() + "\n"; if (user.getURL() != null) ret += "url: " + JatterTools.expandUrl(user.getURL()) + "\n"; if (user.getLang() != null) ret += "language: " + user.getLang() + "\n"; if (user.getLocation() != null) ret += "location: " + user.getLocation() + "\n"; if (user.getTimeZone() != null) ret += "time zone: " + user.getTimeZone() + "\n"; ret += "tweets: " + user.getStatusesCount() + "\n"; ret += "favourites: " + user.getFavouritesCount() + "\n"; ret += "followers: " + user.getFollowersCount() + "\n"; ret += "friends: " + user.getFriendsCount() + "\n"; if (user.getStatus() != null) ret += "last status: " + TwitterStatusProcessor.translateTwitterStatus(user.getStatus()); return ret; } /** * Gets the profile. * * @param commandLine the command line * @return the profile * @throws TwitterException the twitter exception */ private String getProfile(String[] commandLine) throws TwitterException { if (commandLine.length == 2) { String profile = commandLine[1]; User user = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).users().showUser(profile); if (user != null) return translateUser(user, profile); else return "cannot find *" + profile + "*"; } if (commandLine.length == 1) { User user = JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).users() .showUser(JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).getScreenName()); if (user != null) return translateUser(user, JatterTools.getTwitterInstance(config).getScreenName()); else return "cannot find your profile"; } return "do not understand '" + String.join(" ", commandLine) + "'.. try !help"; } /** * Usage. * * @return the string */ public String usage() { return "\n" + "*avaiable commands* (commands always start with !)\n" + "*retweet|rt [ID]* retweet message\n" + "*favourite|favorite|fav [ID]* fav message\n" + "*delete|del [ID]* delete message\n" + "*follow [USER]* start following a user\n" + "*unfollow [USER]* stop following a user\n" + "*profile [USER]* show the profile of a user - shows your profile if no USER is supplied\n" + //"*location [LATITUDE,LONGITUDE]* set the location of your status updates - to unset location leave arguments empty\n" + " - [ID] is the last number in a Twitter status\n" + " - [USER] is the username of a profile"; } }