Example usage for twitter4j User getId

List of usage examples for twitter4j User getId


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j User getId.


long getId();

Source Link


Returns the id of the user


From source file:edu.cmu.geolocator.coder.utils.JSON2Tweet.java

License:Apache License

public static JSONTweet getJSONTweet(String JSONString) {
    JSONTweet jsontweet = new JSONTweet();
    if (JSONString == null)
        return null;

    Status tweet = null;/* w  w w  .j a  va  2  s .  co  m*/
    try {
        // parse json to object type
        tweet = DataObjectFactory.createStatus(JSONString);
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        System.err.println("error parsing tweet object");
        return null;

    jsontweet.JSON = JSONString;
    jsontweet.id = tweet.getId();
    jsontweet.source = tweet.getSource();
    jsontweet.text = tweet.getText();
    jsontweet.createdat = tweet.getCreatedAt();
    jsontweet.tweetgeolocation = tweet.getGeoLocation();

    User user;
    if ((user = tweet.getUser()) != null) {

        jsontweet.userdescription = user.getDescription();
        jsontweet.userid = user.getId();
        jsontweet.userlanguage = user.getLang();
        jsontweet.userlocation = user.getLocation();
        jsontweet.username = user.getName();
        jsontweet.usertimezone = user.getTimeZone();
        jsontweet.usergeoenabled = user.isGeoEnabled();

        if (user.getURL() != null) {
            String url = user.getURL().toString();

            jsontweet.userurl = url;

            String addr = url.substring(7).split("/")[0];
            String[] countrysuffix = addr.split("[.]");
            String suffix = countrysuffix[countrysuffix.length - 1];

            jsontweet.userurlsuffix = suffix;

            try {
                InetAddress address = null;//InetAddress.getByName(user.getURL().getHost());

                String generate_URL
                // =
                // "http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&template=php3.txt&IpAddress="
                        = "http://www.geoplugin.net/php.gp?ip=" + address.getHostAddress();
                URL data = new URL(generate_URL);
                URLConnection yc = data.openConnection();
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream()));
                String inputLine;
                String temp = "";
                while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
                    temp += inputLine + "\n";
                temp = temp.split("s:2:\"")[1].split("\"")[0];

                jsontweet.userurllocation = temp;

            } catch (Exception uhe) {
                jsontweet.userurllocation = null;

    return jsontweet;


From source file:gh.polyu.user.TrackUsers.java

License:Apache License

public void track(final int no, final int p) {
    final TwitterDBHandle handle = new TwitterDBHandle();
    handle.intialTwitterDBhandle();/*www.j  a va  2  s  .  c  o  m*/

    while (alive) {
        alive = false;
        StatusListener listener = new StatusListener() {
            ArrayList<_TweetLink> listlink = new ArrayList<_TweetLink>();
            int cnt = 0;
            String oldmonth = "20138";
            String table = "UserTweet20138";
            String oldday = "";
            String currentday = "";
            String currentmonth = "";
            long lastinsert = 0l;
            long nowinsert = 0l;
            int newday = 0;
            String newtime = "";


            public void onStatus(Status status) {
                if (status.getId() == 123 && status.getText().equals("YOU are WORNG!.")) {
                    System.out.println("Connection Need to be rebuilt!!");
                    alive = true;
                } else if (status.getLang().equals("en")) {
                    _TweetLink tweet = new _TweetLink();
                    String Test = status.getText();
                    Date time = status.getCreatedAt();
                    HashtagEntity[] hashtagentity = status.getHashtagEntities();
                    StringBuffer hashen = new StringBuffer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < hashtagentity.length; i++) {


                    URLEntity[] URLEn = status.getURLEntities();
                    StringBuffer URL = new StringBuffer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < URLEn.length; i++) {


                    //user mention
                    UserMentionEntity[] userEn = status.getUserMentionEntities();
                    StringBuffer mentuser = new StringBuffer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < userEn.length; i++) {
                    //System.out.println("mentuser: "+ mentuser);
                    // original twitterID
                    //original user ID

                    // user ID

                    User users = status.getUser();

                    Place Pl = status.getPlace();
                    String place = "";
                    if (Pl != null) {
                        place = Pl.getFullName();
                        //System.out.println("place "+place);
                    // Retweetcoun
                    long num = 0;
                    if (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null) {
                        num = status.getRetweetedStatus().getRetweetCount();
                    } else {
                    //   if(Retweet!=null)

                    //System.out.println("Retweetcount: "+ Retweet);

                    boolean favourate = status.isFavorited();
                    fav = 1;
                    fav =0;
                    System.out.println("isf "+ fav);

                    // is retweet

                    //String other = status.toString();
                    // tweet.setOther(other);
                    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                    int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                    int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
                    int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                    currentmonth = String.valueOf(year) + String.valueOf(month);
                    currentday = String.valueOf(day);
                    if (currentmonth.equals(oldmonth)) {
                        if (currentday.equals(oldday))
                        else {
                            newday = 1;
                            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddHH:mm:ss ");
                            Date curDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());//     
                            newtime = formatter.format(curDate);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            table = "UserTweet" + String.valueOf(year) + String.valueOf(month);
                            System.out.println("create new table " + table);
                            String CREATE_TABLE = "create table " + table
                                    + "(TweetID varchar(100), UserName varchar(200), TwitterUser varchar(145), OriginID varchar(100), OriginUser varchar(100), place varchar(100), RetweetCount varchar(100), isRetweet int(5), Text varchar(500), Time datetime,"
                                    + "Hashtag varchar(200), URL varchar(200), UerMention varchar(200))";
                            Statement st = handle.conn.createStatement();
                            String Create_Index = "alter table " + table + " add index time (Time)";
                            String Create_Index2 = "alter table " + table + " add index userID (TwitterUser)";
                            String key = "ALTER TABLE " + table + " ADD PRIMARY KEY (TweetID)";
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                        try {
                            TwitterDBHandle handle2 = new TwitterDBHandle();
                            table = "UserTweet" + String.valueOf(year) + String.valueOf(month);
                            System.out.println("create new table " + table);
                            String CREATE_TABLE = "create table " + table
                                    + "(TweetID varchar(100), UserName varchar(200), TwitterUser varchar(145), OriginID varchar(100), OriginUser varchar(100), place varchar(100), RetweetCount varchar(100), isRetweet int(5), Text varchar(500), Time datetime,"
                                    + "Hashtag varchar(200), URL varchar(200), UerMention varchar(200))";
                            Statement st = handle2.conn.createStatement();
                            String Create_Index = "alter table " + table + " add index time (Time)";
                            String Create_Index2 = "alter table " + table + " add index userID (TwitterUser)";
                            String key = "ALTER TABLE " + table + " ADD PRIMARY KEY (TweetID)";
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                    //System.out.println("OTHER: "+ other);

                    if ((cnt++) % 1000 == 0) {

                        if (newday == 1) {
                            newday = 0;
                            oldday = currentday;
                            GmailSend gs = new GmailSend("cscchenyoyo@gmail.com", "910316ccy");
                            gs.send("THREAD" + p + " :" + "program no" + no + "message" + newtime,
                                    "I am still alive");
                            newtime = "";

                        try {
                            handle.userTweet(table, listlink);
                            nowinsert = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                    "No: " + no + "program " + "totally " + cnt + " tweets downloaded!\n"
                                            + new Date(nowinsert) + "  " + new Date(lastinsert));
                            lastinsert = nowinsert;
                            nowinsert = 0l;
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                            TwitterDBHandle handle2 = new TwitterDBHandle();

                            try {
                                handle2.userTweet(table, listlink);
                                nowinsert = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                System.err.println("New Database No: " + no + "program " + "totally " + cnt
                                        + " tweets downloaded!\n" + new Date(nowinsert) + new Date(lastinsert));
                                lastinsert = nowinsert;
                                nowinsert = 0l;
                            } catch (SQLException e1) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                                GmailSend gs = new GmailSend("cscchenyoyo@gmail.com", "910316ccy");
                                try {
                                    gs.SendSSLMessage("cscchenyoyo@gmail.com", "program error",
                                            "both databases are down");
                                } catch (MessagingException ee) {
                                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                            GmailSend gs = new GmailSend("cscchenyoyo@gmail.com", "910316ccy");
                            try {
                                gs.SendSSLMessage("cscchenyoyo@gmail.com", "program error",
                                        "change database to another one");
                            } catch (MessagingException ee) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            public void onDeletionNotice(StatusDeletionNotice statusDeletionNotice) {
                //System.out.println("Got a status deletion notice id:" + statusDeletionNotice.getStatusId());

            public void onTrackLimitationNotice(int numberOfLimitedStatuses) {
                //System.out.println("Got track limitation notice:" + numberOfLimitedStatuses);

            public void onScrubGeo(long userId, long upToStatusId) {
                //System.out.println("Got scrub_geo event userId:" + userId + " upToStatusId:" + upToStatusId);

            public void onStallWarning(StallWarning warning) {
                //System.out.println("Got stall warning:" + warning);

            public void onException(Exception ex) {

        TwitterStream twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory().getInstance();
        twitterOAuth twtOauth = new twitterOAuth();
        twtOauth.AuthoritywithS(twitterStream, key);
        twitterStream.filter(new FilterQuery(0, follow));

        /*  try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
           // TODO Auto-generated catch block

From source file:info.maslowis.twitterripper.command.impl.twitter.FriendDeleteAll.java

License:Open Source License

public void execute() throws ExecuteCmdException {
    try {//from   w w w  .  ja  v  a  2s  .c  o  m
                .a("This command delete all user from your friend list! You want to continue? [yes/no]")
        String input = Application.INSTANCE.getReader().readLine();
        if (input.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
            try {
                long nextCursor = -1L;
                final int countEntry = 200;
                while (nextCursor != 0) {
                    PagableResponseList<User> users = twitter.getFriendsList(twitter.getId(), nextCursor,
                    for (User user : users) {
                        out.println("You unfollow from " + Util.toString(user));
                    nextCursor = users.getNextCursor();
            } catch (TwitterException e) {
                throw new ExecuteCmdException(e);
        } else {
            out.println("Command was cancelled");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error reading input", e);

From source file:info.maslowis.twitterripper.util.Util.java

License:Open Source License

 * Returns a representation the user as string
 * @return a representation the user as string in format <em>User{id=, name='', screenName='', location='', description=''}</em>
 *//*w w  w .  j  a v a 2  s  . co m*/
public static String toString(final User user) {
    return "User{id=" + user.getId() + ", name='" + user.getName() + "', screenName='" + user.getScreenName()
            + "', location='" + user.getLocation() + "', description='" + user.getDescription() + "'}";

From source file:io.druid.examples.twitter.TwitterSpritzerFirehoseFactory.java

License:Apache License

public Firehose connect(InputRowParser parser) throws IOException {
    final ConnectionLifeCycleListener connectionLifeCycleListener = new ConnectionLifeCycleListener() {
        @Override/*w  w w.  j a v  a 2s  .  c om*/
        public void onConnect() {

        public void onDisconnect() {

         * called before thread gets cleaned up
        public void onCleanUp() {
    }; // ConnectionLifeCycleListener

    final TwitterStream twitterStream;
    final StatusListener statusListener;
    final int QUEUE_SIZE = 2000;
    /** This queue is used to move twitter events from the twitter4j thread to the druid ingest thread.   */
    final BlockingQueue<Status> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Status>(QUEUE_SIZE);
    final long startMsec = System.currentTimeMillis();

    //   set up Twitter Spritzer
    twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory().getInstance();
    statusListener = new StatusListener() { // This is what really gets called to deliver stuff from twitter4j
        public void onStatus(Status status) {
            // time to stop?
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted, time to stop");
            try {
                boolean success = queue.offer(status, 15L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                if (!success) {
                    log.warn("queue too slow!");
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("InterruptedException", e);

        public void onDeletionNotice(StatusDeletionNotice statusDeletionNotice) {
            //log.info("Got a status deletion notice id:" + statusDeletionNotice.getStatusId());

        public void onTrackLimitationNotice(int numberOfLimitedStatuses) {
            // This notice will be sent each time a limited stream becomes unlimited.
            // If this number is high and or rapidly increasing, it is an indication that your predicate is too broad, and you should consider a predicate with higher selectivity.
            log.warn("Got track limitation notice:" + numberOfLimitedStatuses);

        public void onScrubGeo(long userId, long upToStatusId) {
            //log.info("Got scrub_geo event userId:" + userId + " upToStatusId:" + upToStatusId);

        public void onException(Exception ex) {

        public void onStallWarning(StallWarning warning) {
            System.out.println("Got stall warning:" + warning);

    twitterStream.sample(); // creates a generic StatusStream
    log.info("returned from sample()");

    return new Firehose() {

        private final Runnable doNothingRunnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

        private long rowCount = 0L;
        private boolean waitIfmax = (getMaxEventCount() < 0L);
        private final Map<String, Object> theMap = new TreeMap<>();
        // DIY json parsing // private final ObjectMapper omapper = new ObjectMapper();

        private boolean maxTimeReached() {
            if (getMaxRunMinutes() <= 0) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return (System.currentTimeMillis() - startMsec) / 60000L >= getMaxRunMinutes();

        private boolean maxCountReached() {
            return getMaxEventCount() >= 0 && rowCount >= getMaxEventCount();

        public boolean hasMore() {
            if (maxCountReached() || maxTimeReached()) {
                return waitIfmax;
            } else {
                return true;

        public InputRow nextRow() {
            // Interrupted to stop?
            if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted, time to stop");

            // all done?
            if (maxCountReached() || maxTimeReached()) {
                if (waitIfmax) {
                    // sleep a long time instead of terminating
                    try {
                        log.info("reached limit, sleeping a long time...");
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("InterruptedException", e);
                } else {
                    // allow this event through, and the next hasMore() call will be false
            if (++rowCount % 1000 == 0) {
                log.info("nextRow() has returned %,d InputRows", rowCount);

            Status status;
            try {
                status = queue.take();
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("InterruptedException", e);


            HashtagEntity[] hts = status.getHashtagEntities();
            String text = status.getText();
            theMap.put("text", (null == text) ? "" : text);
            theMap.put("htags", (hts.length > 0)
                    ? Lists.transform(Arrays.asList(hts), new Function<HashtagEntity, String>() {
                        public String apply(HashtagEntity input) {
                            return input.getText();
                    : ImmutableList.<String>of());

            long[] lcontrobutors = status.getContributors();
            List<String> contributors = new ArrayList<>();
            for (long contrib : lcontrobutors) {
                contributors.add(String.format("%d", contrib));
            theMap.put("contributors", contributors);

            GeoLocation geoLocation = status.getGeoLocation();
            if (null != geoLocation) {
                double lat = status.getGeoLocation().getLatitude();
                double lon = status.getGeoLocation().getLongitude();
                theMap.put("lat", lat);
                theMap.put("lon", lon);
            } else {
                theMap.put("lat", null);
                theMap.put("lon", null);

            if (status.getSource() != null) {
                Matcher m = sourcePattern.matcher(status.getSource());
                theMap.put("source", m.find() ? m.group(1) : status.getSource());

            theMap.put("retweet", status.isRetweet());

            if (status.isRetweet()) {
                Status original = status.getRetweetedStatus();
                theMap.put("retweet_count", original.getRetweetCount());

                User originator = original.getUser();
                theMap.put("originator_screen_name", originator != null ? originator.getScreenName() : "");
                        originator != null ? originator.getFollowersCount() : "");
                theMap.put("originator_friends_count", originator != null ? originator.getFriendsCount() : "");
                theMap.put("originator_verified", originator != null ? originator.isVerified() : "");

            User user = status.getUser();
            final boolean hasUser = (null != user);
            theMap.put("follower_count", hasUser ? user.getFollowersCount() : 0);
            theMap.put("friends_count", hasUser ? user.getFriendsCount() : 0);
            theMap.put("lang", hasUser ? user.getLang() : "");
            theMap.put("utc_offset", hasUser ? user.getUtcOffset() : -1); // resolution in seconds, -1 if not available?
            theMap.put("statuses_count", hasUser ? user.getStatusesCount() : 0);
            theMap.put("user_id", hasUser ? String.format("%d", user.getId()) : "");
            theMap.put("screen_name", hasUser ? user.getScreenName() : "");
            theMap.put("location", hasUser ? user.getLocation() : "");
            theMap.put("verified", hasUser ? user.isVerified() : "");

            theMap.put("ts", status.getCreatedAt().getTime());

            List<String> dimensions = Lists.newArrayList(theMap.keySet());

            return new MapBasedInputRow(status.getCreatedAt().getTime(), dimensions, theMap);

        public Runnable commit() {
            // ephemera in, ephemera out.
            return doNothingRunnable; // reuse the same object each time

        public void close() throws IOException {
            log.info("CLOSE twitterstream");
            twitterStream.shutdown(); // invokes twitterStream.cleanUp()

From source file:io.rakam.datasource.twitter.TweetProcessor.java

License:Apache License

public void onStatus(Status status) {
    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

    GeoLocation geoLocation = status.getGeoLocation();
    if (geoLocation != null) {
        map.put("latitude", geoLocation.getLatitude());
        map.put("longitude", geoLocation.getLongitude());
    }//from   w  w  w .j av a2 s.c om

    map.put("_time", status.getCreatedAt().getTime());
    Place place = status.getPlace();
    if (place != null) {
        map.put("country_code", place.getCountryCode());
        map.put("place", place.getName());
        map.put("place_type", place.getPlaceType());
        map.put("place_id", place.getId());

    User user = status.getUser();
    map.put("_user", user.getId());
    map.put("user_lang", user.getLang());
    map.put("user_created", user.getCreatedAt());
    map.put("user_followers", user.getFollowersCount());
    map.put("user_status_count", user.getStatusesCount());
    map.put("user_verified", user.isVerified());

    map.put("id", status.getId());
    map.put("is_reply", status.getInReplyToUserId() > -1);
    map.put("is_retweet", status.isRetweet());
    map.put("has_media", status.getMediaEntities().length > 0);
    map.put("hashtags", Arrays.stream(status.getHashtagEntities()).map(HashtagEntity::getText)
    map.put("user_mentions", Arrays.stream(status.getUserMentionEntities()).map(UserMentionEntity::getText)
    map.put("language", "und".equals(status.getLang()) ? null : status.getLang());
    map.put("is_positive", classifier.isPositive(status.getText()));

    Event event = new Event().properties(map).collection(collection);


From source file:it.baywaylabs.jumpersumo.twitter.TwitterUtility.java

License:Open Source License

 * Twitter utility for extract id from twitter username.
 * @param name Twitter User Name.//  w w  w.j  a  v a2  s . c om
 * @param twitter Twitter4j instance.
 * @return Twitter Id user, or 0 if is not find.
public Long getIdUser(String name, Twitter twitter) {
    if (twitter != null) {
        User user = null;
        try {
            user = twitter.showUser(name);
        } catch (TwitterException e) {
        return user.getId();
    return 0l;

From source file:it.greenvulcano.gvesb.social.twitter.directcall.TwitterOperationGetUserTimeline.java

License:Open Source License

public void execute(SocialAdapterAccount account) throws SocialAdapterException {
    try {//from   w w w .java  2s .c  o m
        Twitter twitter = (Twitter) account.getProxyObject();
        Paging paging = new Paging();
        if ((sinceId != null) && !"".equals(sinceId)) {
        if ((maxId != null) && !"".equals(maxId)) {
        if ((count != null) && !"".equals(count)) {
        if ((userId == null) || "".equals(userId)) {
            dataUser = twitter.getScreenName();
            dataUserId = String.valueOf(twitter.getId());
            statusList = twitter.getUserTimeline(paging);
        } else {
            User user = null;
            try {
                long id = Long.parseLong(userId);
                user = twitter.showUser(id);
                statusList = twitter.getUserTimeline(id, paging);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
                user = twitter.showUser(userId);
                statusList = twitter.getUserTimeline(userId, paging);
            dataUser = user.getScreenName();
            dataUserId = String.valueOf(user.getId());
    } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
        logger.error("Call to TwitterOperationGetUserTimeline failed. Check userId[" + userId + "], sinceId["
                + sinceId + "], maxId[" + maxId + "] and count[" + count + "] format.", exc);
        throw new SocialAdapterException("Call to TwitterOperationGetUserTimeline failed. Check followingId["
                + userId + "], sinceId[" + sinceId + "], maxId[" + maxId + "] and count[" + count + "] format.",
    } catch (TwitterException exc) {
        logger.error("Call to TwitterOperationGetUserTimeline followingId[" + userId + "], sinceId[" + sinceId
                + "], maxId[" + maxId + "] and count[" + count + "] failed.", exc);
        throw new SocialAdapterException("Call to TwitterOperationGetUserTimeline followingId[" + userId
                + "], sinceId[" + sinceId + "], maxId[" + maxId + "] and count[" + count + "] failed.", exc);

From source file:kerguelenpetrel.FriendSomeoneServlet.java

License:Apache License

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    User friend = null;
    resp.setContentType("text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
    try {//from ww  w  . jav  a  2 s. c o m
        //Get the Twitter object
        Twitter twit = TwitterFactory.getSingleton();

        //Find a friend of a follower to bother
        long[] followerIDs = twit.getFollowersIDs(twit.getId(), cursor, 30).getIDs();

        if (followerIDs.length == 0) {
            resp.getWriter().println("Cannot find any followers \n");

        //Load the potential victim IDs
        long[] friendIDs = twit.getFollowersIDs(followerIDs[r.nextInt(followerIDs.length)], cursor).getIDs();

        if (friendIDs.length == 0) {
            resp.getWriter().println("Cannot find any followers to bother \n");

        //Get a new friend
        friend = twit.showUser(friendIDs[r.nextInt(friendIDs.length)]);
        resp.getWriter().println("Made a new friend with @" + friend.getScreenName());

        //Write to our new friend
        StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate(writeToFriend(friend.getScreenName(), resp));
        resp.getWriter().println("Tweet posted: " + status.getStatus());
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        resp.getWriter().println("Problem with Twitter \n");

From source file:kerguelenpetrel.UnfriendSomeoneServlet.java

License:Apache License

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    User unfriend = null;
    Random r = new Random();

    resp.setContentType("text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
    try {/*from   www  .j a v a  2  s.  c  o  m*/
        //Get the Twitter object
        Twitter twit = TwitterFactory.getSingleton();

        //Find a friend of a follower to bother
        long[] followerIDs = twit.getFollowersIDs(twit.getId(), cursor).getIDs();
        if (followerIDs.length == 0) {
            resp.getWriter().println("No friends to unfollow");
        unfriend = twit.showUser(followerIDs[r.nextInt(followerIDs.length)]);
        resp.getWriter().println("Successfully unfollowed @" + unfriend.getScreenName());
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        resp.getWriter().println("Problem with Twitter \n");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        resp.getWriter().println("Problem! \n");