Example usage for org.xml.sax Attributes getQName

List of usage examples for org.xml.sax Attributes getQName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.xml.sax Attributes getQName.


public abstract String getQName(int index);

Source Link


Look up an attribute's XML qualified (prefixed) name by index.


From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

private String getRefObjectNameFromAttr(Attributes attrs) {
    String refObjName = null;//from ww  w  .  j  av  a2s.  com
    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (NAME_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            refObjName = attValue;
    return refObjName;

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.jesl.simulator.TNT4JSimulatorParserHandler.java

private void startActivity(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
    //   if (!SIM_XML_ROOT.equals(curElement))
    //      throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: must have <" + SIM_XML_ROOT + "> as parent element", saxLocator);

    if (simCurrTime == null)
        simCurrTime = new UsecTimestamp();

    TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Started activity ...");

    TrackingActivity parentActivity = curActivity;

    activeActivities.push(curActivity);//from www.  j  a v  a2 s. c  om

    curActivity = null;

    curActivityStart = new UsecTimestamp(simCurrTime);

    String name = null;
    int srcId = 0;
    ActivityStatus status = null;
    OpLevel sev = null;
    OpCompCode cc = null;
    int rc = 0;
    long pid = 0L;
    long tid = 0L;
    String exc = null;
    String loc = null;
    String res = null;
    String user = null;
    String[] corrs = null;

    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
            String attName = attributes.getQName(i);
            String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i));

            if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) {
                name = attValue;
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE)) {
                srcId = Integer.parseInt(attValue);
                if (srcId <= 0)
                    throw new SAXParseException(
                            "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0",
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_STATUS)) {
                status = ActivityStatus.valueOf(attValue);
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SEVERITY)) {
                sev = getLevel(attValue);
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CC)) {
                cc = OpCompCode.valueOf(attValue);
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_RC)) {
                rc = Integer.parseInt(attValue);
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_PID)) {
                pid = Long.parseLong(attValue);
                if (pid <= 0L)
                    throw new SAXParseException(
                            "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0",
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_TID)) {
                tid = Long.parseLong(attValue);
                if (tid <= 0L)
                    throw new SAXParseException(
                            "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0",
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_EXC)) {
                exc = attValue;
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_LOC)) {
                loc = attValue;
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_RES)) {
                res = attValue;
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_USER)) {
                user = attValue;
            } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CORRS)) {
                corrs = attValue.split(",");
                for (int c = 0; c < corrs.length; c++) {
                    if (TNT4JSimulator.isGenerateValues())
                        corrs[c] = generateValues(corrs[c]);
                    if (!Utils.isEmpty(corSuffix)) {
                        corrs[c] += corSuffix;
            } else {
                throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "'",

        if (srcId <= 0)
            throw new SAXParseException(
                    "<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + "' is missing",

        Source source = sourceIds.get(srcId);
        if (source == null)
            throw new SAXParseException(
                    "<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: " + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + " '" + srcId + "' is not defined",

        curTracker = trackers.get(source.getFQName());
        if (curTracker == null)
            throw new SAXParseException(
                    "<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: " + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + " '" + srcId + "' is not defined",

        curActivity = curTracker.newActivity();
        curActivity.setUser(user == null ? source.getUser() : user);
        curActivity.setStatus(status == null ? ActivityStatus.BEGIN : status);
        curActivity.setSeverity(sev == null ? OpLevel.INFO : sev);
        curActivity.setCompCode(cc == null ? OpCompCode.SUCCESS : cc);
        if (pid > 0L)
        if (tid > 0L)
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name))
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(loc))
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(res))
        if (status != null)
        if (rc != 0)
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(exc))
        if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(corrs))

        TNT4JSimulator.debug(simCurrTime, "Started activity: " + name);

        if (parentActivity != null)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof SAXException)
            throw (SAXException) e;
        throw new SAXException("Failed processing event '" + name + "': " + e, e);

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

 * Processes a {@code <resource-ref>} element.
 * @param attrs/*from  w w  w .  ja  v  a  2  s.  c o  m*/
 *            List of element attributes
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if error occurs parsing element
private void processResourceReference(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
    String id = null;
    String type = null;
    String uri = null;
    String delim = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (ID_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            id = attValue;
        } else if (TYPE_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            type = attValue;
        } else if (URI_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            uri = attValue;
        } else if (SEPARATOR_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            delim = attValue;

    notEmpty(id, RESOURCE_REF_ELMT, ID_ATTR);
    notEmpty(type, RESOURCE_REF_ELMT, TYPE_ATTR);
    notEmpty(uri, RESOURCE_REF_ELMT, URI_ATTR);

    if (type.equals(ResourceReferenceType.VALUES_MAP.value())) {
        try {
            if (resourcesMap == null) {
                resourcesMap = new HashMap<>(5);

            InputStream is;

            try {
                URL url = new URL(uri);
                is = url.openStream();
            } catch (MalformedURLException exc) {
                is = new FileInputStream(uri);

            if (uri.toLowerCase().endsWith(".json")) { // NON-NLS
                resourcesMap.put(id, Utils.fromJsonToMap(is, false));
            } else if (uri.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv")) { // NON-NLS
                resourcesMap.put(id, fromPropsToMap(is, StringUtils.isEmpty(delim) ? "," : delim)); // NON-NLS
            } else if (uri.toLowerCase().endsWith(".properties")) { // NON-NLS
                resourcesMap.put(id, fromPropsToMap(is, StringUtils.isEmpty(delim) ? "=" : delim)); // NON-NLS
            } else {
                throw new SAXParseException(
                                "ConfigParserHandler.invalidResource", id, uri),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SAXException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                    "ConfigParserHandler.jsonParseException", id, uri), e);
    } else {
        throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.invalidRefType", id, type), currParseLocation);

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

 * Processes a {@code <java-object>} element.
 * @param attrs//from   ww w  .j av  a2  s . co  m
 *            List of element attributes
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if error occurs parsing element
private void processJavaObject(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
    if (javaObjectData == null) {
        javaObjectData = new JavaObjectData();

    String name = null;
    String className = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (NAME_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            name = attValue;
        } else if (CLASS_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            className = attValue;

    notEmpty(name, JAVA_OBJ_ELMT, NAME_ATTR);
    notEmpty(className, JAVA_OBJ_ELMT, CLASS_ATTR);

    javaObjectData.name = name;
    javaObjectData.className = className;

From source file:com.flexive.core.storage.GenericDivisionImporter.java

 * Import flat storages to the hierarchical storage
 * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data
 * @param zip zip file containing the data
 * @throws Exception on errors//from w  w w  .j a va 2  s  .c o  m
protected void importFlatStoragesHierarchical(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception {
    //mapping: storage->level->columnname->assignment id
    final Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>>> flatAssignmentMapping = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>>>(
    //mapping: assignment id->position index
    final Map<Long, Integer> assignmentPositions = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(100);
    //mapping: flatstorage->column sizes [string,bigint,double,select,text]
    final Map<String, Integer[]> flatstoragesColumns = new HashMap<String, Integer[]>(5);
    ZipEntry zeMeta = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_FLATSTORAGE_META);
    DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document = builder.parse(zip.getInputStream(zeMeta));
    XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();

    //calculate column sizes
    NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/flatstorageMeta/storageMeta", document,
    Node currNode;
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
        currNode = nodes.item(i);
        int cbigInt = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("bigInt").getNodeValue());
        int cdouble = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("double").getNodeValue());
        int cselect = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("select").getNodeValue());
        int cstring = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("string").getNodeValue());
        int ctext = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("text").getNodeValue());
        String tableName = null;
        if (currNode.hasChildNodes()) {
            for (int j = 0; j < currNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++)
                if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("name")) {
                    tableName = currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent();
        if (tableName != null) {
            flatstoragesColumns.put(tableName, new Integer[] { cstring, cbigInt, cdouble, cselect, ctext });

    //parse mappings
    nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/flatstorageMeta/mapping", document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
        currNode = nodes.item(i);
        long assignment = Long.valueOf(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("assid").getNodeValue());
        int level = Integer.valueOf(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("lvl").getNodeValue());
        String storage = null;
        String columnname = null;
        final NodeList childNodes = currNode.getChildNodes();
        for (int c = 0; c < childNodes.getLength(); c++) {
            Node child = childNodes.item(c);
            if ("tblname".equals(child.getNodeName()))
                storage = child.getTextContent();
            else if ("colname".equals(child.getNodeName()))
                columnname = child.getTextContent();
        if (storage == null || columnname == null)
            throw new Exception("Invalid flatstorage export: could not read storage or column name!");
        if (!flatAssignmentMapping.containsKey(storage))
            flatAssignmentMapping.put(storage, new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Long>>(20));
        Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>> levelMap = flatAssignmentMapping.get(storage);
        if (!levelMap.containsKey(level))
            levelMap.put(level, new HashMap<String, Long>(30));
        Map<String, Long> columnMap = levelMap.get(level);
        if (!columnMap.containsKey(columnname))
            columnMap.put(columnname, assignment);
        //calculate position
                getAssignmentPosition(flatstoragesColumns.get(storage), columnname));
    if (flatAssignmentMapping.size() == 0) {
        LOG.warn("No flatstorage assignments found to process!");
    ZipEntry zeData = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_DATA_FLAT);

    final String xpathStorage = "flatstorages/storage";
    final String xpathData = "flatstorages/storage/data";

    final PreparedStatement psGetAssInfo = con.prepareStatement(
                    + " a, " + DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES + " p WHERE a.ID=? AND p.ID=a.APROPERTY");
    final Map<Long, Object[]> assignmentPropAlias = new HashMap<Long, Object[]>(assignmentPositions.size());
    final String insert1 = "INSERT INTO " + DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA +
    //1  2   3   4    5     6      =1     =1    =1     =1          7         8          9
    final String insert2 = "(?,?,?,?,1,?,?,1,1,1,?,?,?,";
    final PreparedStatement psString = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FTEXT1024,UFTEXT1024,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psText = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FCLOB,UFCLOB,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psDouble = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FDOUBLE,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psNumber = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FINT,FSELECT,FBIGINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psLargeNumber = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FBIGINT,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psFloat = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FFLOAT,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psBoolean = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FBOOL,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psReference = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FREF,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)");
    final PreparedStatement psSelectOne = con
            .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,?)");
    try {
        final SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
        final DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() {
            private String currentElement = null;
            private String currentStorage = null;
            private Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(10);
            private StringBuilder sbData = new StringBuilder(10000);
            boolean inTag = false;
            boolean inElement = false;
            List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>(10);
            StringBuilder currPath = new StringBuilder(100);
            int insertCount = 0;

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
                inTag = false;
                inElement = false;
                currentElement = null;
                currentStorage = null;
                insertCount = 0;

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
                LOG.info("Imported [" + insertCount + "] flatstorage entries into the hierarchical storage");

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
                    throws SAXException {
                pushPath(qName, attributes);
                if (currPath.toString().equals(xpathData)) {
                    inTag = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
                        String name = attributes.getLocalName(i);
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name))
                            name = attributes.getQName(i);
                        data.put(name, attributes.getValue(i));
                } else if (currPath.toString().equals(xpathStorage)) {
                    currentStorage = attributes.getValue("name");
                    LOG.info("Processing storage: " + currentStorage);
                } else {
                    currentElement = qName;
                inElement = true;

             * Push a path element from the stack
             * @param qName element name to push
             * @param att attributes
            @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" })
            private void pushPath(String qName, Attributes att) {

             * Pop the top path element from the stack
            private void popPath() {
                path.remove(path.size() - 1);

             * Rebuild the current path
            private synchronized void buildPath() {
                for (String s : path)
                if (currPath.length() > 1)
                    currPath.delete(currPath.length() - 1, currPath.length());
                //                    System.out.println("currPath: " + currPath);

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
                if (currPath.toString().equals(xpathData)) {
                    //                        LOG.info("Insert [" + xpathData + "]: [" + data + "]");
                    inTag = false;
                    /*try {
                    if (insertMode) {
                        if (executeInsertPhase) {
                            processColumnSet(insertColumns, psInsert);
                            counter += psInsert.executeUpdate();
                    } else {
                        if (executeUpdatePhase) {
                            if (processColumnSet(updateSetColumns, psUpdate)) {
                                processColumnSet(updateClauseColumns, psUpdate);
                                counter += psUpdate.executeUpdate();
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                    throw new SAXException(e);
                    } catch (ParseException e) {
                    throw new SAXException(e);
                } else {
                    if (inTag) {
                        data.put(currentElement, sbData.toString());
                    currentElement = null;
                inElement = false;

            void processData() {
                //                    System.out.println("processing " + currentStorage + " -> " + data);
                final String[] cols = { "string", "bigint", "double", "select", "text" };
                for (String column : data.keySet()) {
                    if (column.endsWith("_mld"))
                    for (String check : cols) {
                        if (column.startsWith(check)) {
                            if ("select".equals(check) && "0".equals(data.get(column)))
                                continue; //dont insert 0-referencing selects
                            try {
                            } catch (SQLException e) {
                                //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown
                                throw new FxDbException(e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage())

            private void insertData(String column) throws SQLException {
                final int level = Integer.parseInt(data.get("lvl"));
                long assignment = flatAssignmentMapping.get(currentStorage).get(level)
                int pos = FxArrayUtils.getIntElementAt(data.get("positions"), ',',
                String _valueData = data.get("valuedata");
                Integer valueData = _valueData == null ? null
                        : FxArrayUtils.getHexIntElementAt(data.get("valuedata"), ',',
                Object[] propXP = getPropertyXPathDataType(assignment);
                long prop = (Long) propXP[0];
                String xpath = (String) propXP[1];
                FxDataType dataType;
                try {
                    dataType = FxDataType.getById((Long) propXP[2]);
                } catch (FxNotFoundException e) {
                    throw e.asRuntimeException();
                long id = Long.parseLong(data.get("id"));
                int ver = Integer.parseInt(data.get("ver"));
                long lang = Integer.parseInt(data.get("lang"));
                boolean isMaxVer = "1".equals(data.get("ismax_ver"));
                boolean isLiveVer = "1".equals(data.get("islive_ver"));
                boolean mlDef = "1".equals(data.get(column + "_mld"));
                PreparedStatement ps;
                int vdPos;
                switch (dataType) {
                case String1024:
                    ps = psString;
                    ps.setString(10, data.get(column));
                    ps.setString(11, data.get(column).toUpperCase());
                    vdPos = 12;
                case Text:
                case HTML:
                    ps = psText;
                    ps.setString(10, data.get(column));
                    ps.setString(11, data.get(column).toUpperCase());
                    vdPos = 12;
                case Number:
                    ps = psNumber;
                    ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                case LargeNumber:
                    ps = psLargeNumber;
                    ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                case Reference:
                    ps = psReference;
                    ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                case Float:
                    ps = psFloat;
                    ps.setFloat(10, Float.valueOf(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                case Double:
                    ps = psDouble;
                    ps.setDouble(10, Double.valueOf(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                case Boolean:
                    ps = psBoolean;
                    ps.setBoolean(10, "1".equals(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                case SelectOne:
                    ps = psSelectOne;
                    ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column)));
                    vdPos = 11;
                    //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown
                    throw new FxInvalidParameterException("assignment",
                            "ex.structure.flatstorage.datatype.unsupported", dataType.name())
                ps.setLong(1, id);
                ps.setInt(2, ver);
                ps.setInt(3, pos);
                ps.setLong(4, lang);
                ps.setLong(5, prop);
                ps.setLong(6, assignment);
                ps.setBoolean(7, isMaxVer);
                ps.setBoolean(8, isLiveVer);
                ps.setBoolean(9, mlDef);
                if (valueData == null)
                    ps.setNull(vdPos, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC);
                    ps.setInt(vdPos, valueData);

             * Get property id, xpath and data type for an assignment
             * @param assignment assignment id
             * @return Object[] {propertyId, xpath, datatype}
            private Object[] getPropertyXPathDataType(long assignment) {
                if (assignmentPropAlias.get(assignment) != null)
                    return assignmentPropAlias.get(assignment);
                try {
                    psGetAssInfo.setLong(1, assignment);
                    ResultSet rs = psGetAssInfo.executeQuery();
                    if (rs != null && rs.next()) {
                        Object[] data = new Object[] { rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getLong(3) };
                        assignmentPropAlias.put(assignment, data);
                        return data;
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Could not load data for assignment " + assignment + ": " + e.getMessage());
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load data for assignment " + assignment + "!");

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
                if (inElement)
                    sbData.append(ch, start, length);

        parser.parse(zip.getInputStream(zeData), handler);
    } finally {
        Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, psGetAssInfo, psString, psBoolean, psDouble,
                psFloat, psLargeNumber, psNumber, psReference, psSelectOne, psText);

From source file:com.flexive.core.storage.GenericDivisionImporter.java

 * Import data from a zip archive to a database table
 * @param stmt               statement to use
 * @param zip                zip archive containing the zip entry
 * @param ze                 zip entry within the archive
 * @param xpath              xpath containing the entries to import
 * @param table              name of the table
 * @param executeInsertPhase execute the insert phase?
 * @param executeUpdatePhase execute the update phase?
 * @param updateColumns      columns that should be set to <code>null</code> in a first pass (insert)
 *                           and updated to the provided values in a second pass (update),
 *                           columns that should be used in the where clause have to be prefixed
 *                           with "KEY:", to assign a default value use the expression "columnname:default value",
 *                           if the default value is "@", it will be a negative counter starting at 0, decreasing.
 *                           If the default value starts with "%", it will be set to the column following the "%"
 *                           character in the first pass
 * @throws Exception on errors/*  w  w  w.j  a  v  a2s .  c om*/
protected void importTable(Statement stmt, final ZipFile zip, final ZipEntry ze, final String xpath,
        final String table, final boolean executeInsertPhase, final boolean executeUpdatePhase,
        final String... updateColumns) throws Exception {
    //analyze the table
    final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE 1=2");
    StringBuilder sbInsert = new StringBuilder(500);
    StringBuilder sbUpdate = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new StringBuilder(500) : null;
    if (rs == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not analyze table [" + table + "]!");
    sbInsert.append("INSERT INTO ").append(table).append(" (");
    final ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
    final Map<String, ColumnInfo> updateClauseColumns = updateColumns.length > 0
            ? new HashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(md.getColumnCount())
            : null;
    final Map<String, ColumnInfo> updateSetColumns = updateColumns.length > 0
            ? new LinkedHashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(md.getColumnCount())
            : null;
    final Map<String, String> presetColumns = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, String>(10) : null;
    //preset to a referenced column (%column syntax)
    final Map<String, String> presetRefColumns = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, String>(10)
            : null;
    final Map<String, Integer> counters = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, Integer>(10) : null;
    final Map<String, ColumnInfo> insertColumns = new HashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(
            md.getColumnCount() + (counters != null ? counters.size() : 0));
    int insertIndex = 1;
    int updateSetIndex = 1;
    int updateClauseIndex = 1;
    boolean first = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < md.getColumnCount(); i++) {
        final String currCol = md.getColumnName(i + 1).toLowerCase();
        if (updateColumns.length > 0) {
            boolean abort = false;
            for (String col : updateColumns) {
                if (col.indexOf(':') > 0 && !col.startsWith("KEY:")) {
                    String value = col.substring(col.indexOf(':') + 1);
                    col = col.substring(0, col.indexOf(':'));
                    if ("@".equals(value)) {
                        if (currCol.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) {
                            counters.put(col, 0);
                            insertColumns.put(col, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), insertIndex++));
                    } else if (value.startsWith("%")) {
                        if (currCol.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) {
                            presetRefColumns.put(col, value.substring(1));
                            insertColumns.put(col, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), insertIndex++));
                            //                                System.out.println("==> adding presetRefColumn "+col+" with value of "+value.substring(1));
                    } else if (!presetColumns.containsKey(col))
                        presetColumns.put(col, value);
                if (currCol.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) {
                    abort = true;
                    updateSetColumns.put(currCol, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), updateSetIndex++));
            if (abort)
        if (first) {
            first = false;
        } else
        insertColumns.put(currCol, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), insertIndex++));
    if (updateColumns.length > 0 && executeUpdatePhase) {
        sbUpdate.append("UPDATE ").append(table).append(" SET ");
        int counter = 0;
        for (String updateColumn : updateSetColumns.keySet()) {
            if (counter++ > 0)
        sbUpdate.append(" WHERE ");
        boolean hasKeyColumn = false;
        for (String col : updateColumns) {
            if (!col.startsWith("KEY:"))
            hasKeyColumn = true;
            String keyCol = col.substring(4);
            for (int i = 0; i < md.getColumnCount(); i++) {
                if (!md.getColumnName(i + 1).equalsIgnoreCase(keyCol))
                updateClauseColumns.put(keyCol, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), updateClauseIndex++));
                sbUpdate.append(keyCol).append("=? AND ");

        if (!hasKeyColumn)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Update columns require a KEY!");
        sbUpdate.delete(sbUpdate.length() - 5, sbUpdate.length()); //remove trailing " AND "
        //"shift" clause indices
        for (String col : updateClauseColumns.keySet()) {
            GenericDivisionImporter.ColumnInfo ci = updateClauseColumns.get(col);
            ci.index += (updateSetIndex - 1);
    if (presetColumns != null) {
        for (String key : presetColumns.keySet())
    for (int i = 0; i < insertColumns.size(); i++) {
        if (i > 0)
    if (presetColumns != null) {
        for (String key : presetColumns.keySet())
    if (DBG) {
        LOG.info("Insert statement:\n" + sbInsert.toString());
        if (updateColumns.length > 0)
            LOG.info("Update statement:\n" + sbUpdate.toString());
    //build a map containing all nodes that require attributes
    //this allows for matching simple xpath queries like "flatstorages/storage[@name='FX_FLAT_STORAGE']/data"
    final Map<String, List<String>> queryAttributes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(5);
    for (String pElem : xpath.split("/")) {
        if (!(pElem.indexOf('@') > 0 && pElem.indexOf('[') > 0))
        List<String> att = new ArrayList<String>(5);
        for (String pAtt : pElem.split("@")) {
            if (!(pAtt.indexOf('=') > 0))
            att.add(pAtt.substring(0, pAtt.indexOf('=')));
        queryAttributes.put(pElem.substring(0, pElem.indexOf('[')), att);
    final PreparedStatement psInsert = stmt.getConnection().prepareStatement(sbInsert.toString());
    final PreparedStatement psUpdate = updateColumns.length > 0 && executeUpdatePhase
            ? stmt.getConnection().prepareStatement(sbUpdate.toString())
            : null;
    try {
        final SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
        final DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() {
            private String currentElement = null;
            private Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(10);
            private StringBuilder sbData = new StringBuilder(10000);
            boolean inTag = false;
            boolean inElement = false;
            int counter;
            List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>(10);
            StringBuilder currPath = new StringBuilder(100);
            boolean insertMode = true;

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
                counter = 0;
                inTag = false;
                inElement = false;
                currentElement = null;

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException {
                if (target != null && target.startsWith("fx_")) {
                    if (target.equals("fx_mode"))
                        insertMode = "insert".equals(data);
                } else
                    super.processingInstruction(target, data);

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
                if (insertMode)
                    LOG.info("Imported [" + counter + "] entries into [" + table + "] for xpath [" + xpath
                            + "]");
                    LOG.info("Updated [" + counter + "] entries in [" + table + "] for xpath [" + xpath + "]");

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
                    throws SAXException {
                pushPath(qName, attributes);
                if (currPath.toString().equals(xpath)) {
                    inTag = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
                        String name = attributes.getLocalName(i);
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name))
                            name = attributes.getQName(i);
                        data.put(name, attributes.getValue(i));
                } else {
                    currentElement = qName;
                inElement = true;

             * Push a path element from the stack
             * @param qName element name to push
             * @param att attributes
            private void pushPath(String qName, Attributes att) {
                if (att.getLength() > 0 && queryAttributes.containsKey(qName)) {
                    String curr = qName + "[";
                    boolean first = true;
                    final List<String> attList = queryAttributes.get(qName);
                    for (int i = 0; i < att.getLength(); i++) {
                        if (!attList.contains(att.getQName(i)))
                        if (first)
                            first = false;
                            curr += ',';
                        curr += "@" + att.getQName(i) + "='" + att.getValue(i) + "'";
                    curr += ']';
                } else

             * Pop the top path element from the stack
            private void popPath() {
                path.remove(path.size() - 1);

             * Rebuild the current path
            private synchronized void buildPath() {
                for (String s : path)
                if (currPath.length() > 1)
                    currPath.delete(currPath.length() - 1, currPath.length());
                //                    System.out.println("currPath: " + currPath);

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
                if (currPath.toString().equals(xpath)) {
                    if (DBG)
                        LOG.info("Insert [" + xpath + "]: [" + data + "]");
                    inTag = false;
                    try {
                        if (insertMode) {
                            if (executeInsertPhase) {
                                processColumnSet(insertColumns, psInsert);
                                counter += psInsert.executeUpdate();
                        } else {
                            if (executeUpdatePhase) {
                                if (processColumnSet(updateSetColumns, psUpdate)) {
                                    processColumnSet(updateClauseColumns, psUpdate);
                                    counter += psUpdate.executeUpdate();
                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        throw new SAXException(e);
                    } catch (ParseException e) {
                        throw new SAXException(e);
                } else {
                    if (inTag) {
                        data.put(currentElement, sbData.toString());
                    currentElement = null;
                inElement = false;

             * Process a column set
             * @param columns the columns to process
             * @param ps prepared statement to use
             * @return if data other than <code>null</code> has been set
             * @throws SQLException on errors
             * @throws ParseException on date/time conversion errors
            private boolean processColumnSet(Map<String, ColumnInfo> columns, PreparedStatement ps)
                    throws SQLException, ParseException {
                boolean dataSet = false;
                for (String col : columns.keySet()) {
                    ColumnInfo ci = columns.get(col);
                    String value = data.get(col);
                    if (insertMode && counters != null && counters.get(col) != null) {
                        final int newVal = counters.get(col) - 1;
                        value = String.valueOf(newVal);
                        counters.put(col, newVal);
                        //                            System.out.println("new value for " + col + ": " + newVal);
                    if (insertMode && presetRefColumns != null && presetRefColumns.get(col) != null) {
                        value = data.get(presetRefColumns.get(col));
                        //                            System.out.println("Set presetRefColumn for "+col+" to ["+value+"] from column ["+presetRefColumns.get(col)+"]");

                    if (value == null)
                        ps.setNull(ci.index, ci.columnType);
                    else {
                        dataSet = true;
                        switch (ci.columnType) {
                        case Types.BIGINT:
                        case Types.NUMERIC:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("BigInt " + ci.index + "->" + new BigDecimal(value));
                            ps.setBigDecimal(ci.index, new BigDecimal(value));
                        case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("Double " + ci.index + "->" + Double.parseDouble(value));
                            ps.setDouble(ci.index, Double.parseDouble(value));
                        case java.sql.Types.FLOAT:
                        case java.sql.Types.REAL:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("Float " + ci.index + "->" + Float.parseFloat(value));
                            ps.setFloat(ci.index, Float.parseFloat(value));
                        case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP:
                        case java.sql.Types.DATE:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("Timestamp/Date " + ci.index + "->"
                                        + FxFormatUtils.getDateTimeFormat().parse(value));
                                    new Timestamp(FxFormatUtils.getDateTimeFormat().parse(value).getTime()));
                        case Types.TINYINT:
                        case Types.SMALLINT:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("Integer " + ci.index + "->" + Integer.valueOf(value));
                            ps.setInt(ci.index, Integer.valueOf(value));
                        case Types.INTEGER:
                        case Types.DECIMAL:
                            try {
                                if (DBG)
                                    LOG.info("Long " + ci.index + "->" + Long.valueOf(value));
                                ps.setLong(ci.index, Long.valueOf(value));
                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                //Fallback (temporary) for H2 if the reported long is a big decimal (tree...)
                                ps.setBigDecimal(ci.index, new BigDecimal(value));
                        case Types.BIT:
                        case Types.CHAR:
                        case Types.BOOLEAN:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("Boolean " + ci.index + "->" + value);
                            if ("1".equals(value) || "true".equals(value))
                                ps.setBoolean(ci.index, true);
                                ps.setBoolean(ci.index, false);
                        case Types.LONGVARBINARY:
                        case Types.VARBINARY:
                        case Types.BLOB:
                        case Types.BINARY:
                            ZipEntry bin = zip.getEntry(value);
                            if (bin == null) {
                                LOG.error("Failed to lookup binary [" + value + "]!");
                                ps.setNull(ci.index, ci.columnType);
                            try {
                                ps.setBinaryStream(ci.index, zip.getInputStream(bin), (int) bin.getSize());
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                LOG.error("IOException importing binary [" + value + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                        case Types.CLOB:
                        case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
                        case Types.VARCHAR:
                        case SQL_LONGNVARCHAR:
                        case SQL_NCHAR:
                        case SQL_NCLOB:
                        case SQL_NVARCHAR:
                            if (DBG)
                                LOG.info("String " + ci.index + "->" + value);
                            ps.setString(ci.index, value);
                            LOG.warn("Unhandled type [" + ci.columnType + "] for column [" + col + "]");
                return dataSet;

             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
                if (inElement)
                    sbData.append(ch, start, length);

        handler.processingInstruction("fx_mode", "insert");
        parser.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze), handler);
        if (updateColumns.length > 0 && executeUpdatePhase) {
            handler.processingInstruction("fx_mode", "update");
            parser.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze), handler);
    } finally {
        Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, psInsert, psUpdate);

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

 * Processes a {@code <stream>} element.
 * @param attrs//w w  w .  j ava2s  . c om
 *            List of element attributes
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if error occurs parsing element
private void processStream(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
    if (currStream != null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.malformed.configuration", STREAM_ELMT), currParseLocation);
    String name = null;
    String className = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (NAME_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            name = attValue;
        } else if (CLASS_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            className = attValue;
    notEmpty(name, STREAM_ELMT, NAME_ATTR);
    notEmpty(className, STREAM_ELMT, CLASS_ATTR);
    if (streamsConfigData.getStream(name) != null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.duplicate", STREAM_ELMT, name), currParseLocation);
    try {
        Object newStream = Utils.createInstance(className);
        if (!(newStream instanceof TNTInputStream)) {
            throw new SAXNotSupportedException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(
                    StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME, "ConfigParserHandler.not.extend.class", STREAM_ELMT,
                    CLASS_ATTR, className, TNTInputStream.class.getName(), getLocationInfo()));
        currStream = (TNTInputStream<?, ?>) newStream;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new SAXException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.failed.to.load", STREAM_ELMT, CLASS_ATTR, className, getLocationInfo()),



From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

 * Processes a {@code <parser>} element.
 * @param attrs/*  w  w  w .ja  v a  2  s.c o m*/
 *            List of element attributes
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if error occurs parsing element
private void processParser(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
    if (currParser != null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.malformed.configuration", PARSER_ELMT), currParseLocation);
    String name = null;
    String className = null;
    String tags = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (NAME_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            name = attValue;
        } else if (CLASS_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            className = attValue;
        } else if (TAGS_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            tags = attValue;

    notEmpty(name, PARSER_ELMT, NAME_ATTR);
    notEmpty(className, PARSER_ELMT, CLASS_ATTR);
    if (streamsConfigData.getParser(name) != null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.duplicate.parser.definition", name), currParseLocation);
    try {
        Object newParser = Utils.createInstance(className);
        if (!(newParser instanceof ActivityParser)) {
            throw new SAXNotSupportedException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(
                    StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME, "ConfigParserHandler.not.implement.interface",
                    PARSER_ELMT, CLASS_ATTR, className, ActivityParser.class.getName(), getLocationInfo()));
        currParser = (ActivityParser) newParser;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new SAXException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.failed.to.load", PARSER_ELMT, CLASS_ATTR, className, getLocationInfo()),
    if (currParser != null) {

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

 * Processes a {@code <param>} element.
 * @param attrs/*w  ww  . java  2  s  .co  m*/
 *            List of element attributes
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if error occurs parsing element
private void processParam(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
    if (javaObjectData == null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(
                        "ConfigParserHandler.malformed.configuration2", PARAM_ELMT, JAVA_OBJ_ELMT),

    String name = null;
    String value = null;
    String type = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (NAME_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            name = attValue;
        } else if (VALUE_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            value = attValue;
        } else if (TYPE_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            type = attValue;

    notEmpty(name, PARAM_ELMT, NAME_ATTR);
    notEmpty(type, PARAM_ELMT, TYPE_ATTR);

    try {
        Object obj;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
            obj = Utils.createInstance(type);
        } else {
            obj = javaObjectsMap.get(value);
            if (obj == null) {
                obj = Utils.createInstance(type, new Object[] { value }, String.class);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new SAXParseException(
                        "ConfigParserHandler.could.not.init.obj.param", javaObjectData.name, name),
                currParseLocation, exc);

From source file:com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.streams.configure.sax.ConfigParserHandler.java

 * Processes a {@code <parser-ref>} element.
 * @param attrs/*  w  w  w .  j  av  a 2s  .c  o  m*/
 *            List of element attributes
 * @throws SAXException
 *             if error occurs element
private void processParserRef(Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
    if (currField == null && currStream == null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME,
                "ConfigParserHandler.malformed.configuration4", PARSER_REF_ELMT, FIELD_ELMT,
                EMBEDDED_ACTIVITY_ELMT, STREAM_ELMT), currParseLocation);
    String parserName = null;
    String aggregationType = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
        String attName = attrs.getQName(i);
        String attValue = attrs.getValue(i);
        if (NAME_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            parserName = attValue;
        } else if (AGGREGATION_ATTR.equals(attName)) {
            aggregationType = attValue;

    notEmpty(parserName, PARSER_REF_ELMT, NAME_ATTR);

    ActivityParser parser = streamsConfigData.getParser(parserName);
    if (parser == null) {
        throw new SAXParseException(
                        "ConfigParserHandler.undefined.reference", PARSER_REF_ELMT, parserName),

    if (currField != null) {
        currField.addStackedParser(parser, aggregationType);
    } else {
        try {
        } catch (IllegalStateException exc) {
            throw new SAXParseException(StreamsResources.getStringFormatted(
                    StreamsResources.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME, "ConfigParserHandler.could.not.add.stream.parser",
                    currStream.getName(), parserName), currParseLocation, exc);