Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 JKOOL, LLC. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jkoolcloud.jesl.simulator; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.config.DefaultConfigFactory; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.config.TrackerConfig; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.ActivityStatus; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.Message; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.OpCompCode; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.OpLevel; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.OpType; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.Property; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.PropertySnapshot; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.UsecTimestamp; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.core.ValueTypes; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.source.DefaultSourceFactory; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.source.Source; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.tracker.DefaultTrackerFactory; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.tracker.Tracker; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.tracker.TrackingActivity; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.tracker.TrackingEvent; import com.jkoolcloud.tnt4j.utils.Utils; /** * Implements the SAX DefaultHandler for parsing jKool TNT4J Activity Simulator XML. * * This is the guts of the simulator. As the activities and events are parsed, they * are executed. * * @version $Revision: $ */ public class TNT4JSimulatorParserHandler extends DefaultHandler { public static final String SIM_XML_ROOT = "tnt4j-simulator"; public static final String SIM_XML_SOURCE = "source"; public static final String SIM_XML_MSG = "msg"; public static final String SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT = "snapshot"; public static final String SIM_XML_PROP = "prop"; public static final String SIM_XML_VAR = "var"; public static final String SIM_XML_OPTION = "option"; public static final String SIM_XML_ACTIVITY = "activity"; public static final String SIM_XML_EVENT = "event"; public static final String SIM_XML_SLEEP = "sleep"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_ID = "id"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME = "name"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_TYPE = "type"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_VALTYPE = "valtype"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_VALUE = "value"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_FQN = "fqn"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_USER = "user"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_URL = "url"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_MIME = "mime"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_ENC = "enc"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_CHARSET = "charset"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_FILE = "file"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_BINFILE = "binfile"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE = SIM_XML_SOURCE; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_PID = "pid"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_TID = "tid"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_STATUS = "status"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_SEVERITY = "sev"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_CC = "cc"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_RC = "rc"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_EXC = "exc"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_ELAPSED = "elapsed"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_SNAPSHOTS = "snapshots"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_TAGS = "tags"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_CORRS = "corrs"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG = SIM_XML_MSG; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG_TEXT = "msgtext"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_MSGAGE = "msgage"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_WAIT = "wait"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_RES = "res"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_LOC = "loc"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_CAT = "cat"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_MSEC = "msec"; public static final String SIM_XML_ATTR_USEC = "usec"; private HashMap<String, Source> sourceNames = new HashMap<String, Source>(); private HashMap<Integer, Source> sourceIds = new HashMap<Integer, Source>(); private HashMap<Integer, Message> messageIds = new HashMap<Integer, Message>(); private Stack<TrackingActivity> activeActivities = new Stack<TrackingActivity>(); private Stack<String> activeElements = new Stack<String>(); private HashMap<String, Long> genValues = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private ConcurrentMap<String, String> vars = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(vars); private Message curMsg; private TrackingActivity curActivity; private TrackingEvent curEvent; private PropertySnapshot curSnapshot; private UsecTimestamp curActivityStart; private UsecTimestamp simCurrTime; private String curElement; private StringBuilder curElmtValue = new StringBuilder(); private Random rand = new Random(); private String tagSuffix = ""; private String corSuffix = ""; private Locator saxLocator = null; private DefaultTrackerFactory trackerFactory = new DefaultTrackerFactory(); private HashMap<String, Tracker> trackers = new HashMap<String, Tracker>(); private Tracker curTracker = null; private Random random = new Random(); public Map<String, Long> getSinkStats() { TreeMap<String, Long> sinkStats = new TreeMap<String, Long>(); for (Tracker tracker : trackers.values()) { Map<String, Object> stats = tracker.getStats(); for (String stat : stats.keySet()) { Object value = stats.get(stat); if (value instanceof Number) { TNT4JSimulator.incrementValue(sinkStats, stat, ((Number) value).longValue()); } } } sinkStats.put(Utils.qualify(this, "tracker-sources"), (long) trackers.size()); return sinkStats; } private String generateValues(String base) { if (base == null) return base; String newStr = base; String[] valLabels = base.split("%"); for (int i = 1; i < valLabels.length; i += 2) { String valLabel = valLabels[i]; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(valLabel)) newStr = newStr.replace("%%", TNT4JSimulator.newUUID()); else { Long val = genValues.get(valLabel); if (val == null) { val = new Long(Utils.currentTimeUsec() + (genValues.size() + 1)); genValues.put(valLabel, val); } newStr = newStr.replaceAll("%" + valLabel + "%", val.toString()); } } return newStr; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) { saxLocator = locator; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { activeActivities.clear(); activeElements.clear(); genValues.clear(); curMsg = null; curActivity = null; curActivityStart = null; curElement = null; setDocumentLocator(saxLocator); if (TNT4JSimulator.useUniqueTags()) { tagSuffix = "@" + String.valueOf(Utils.currentTimeUsec()) + "@" + TNT4JSimulator.getIteration(); } if (TNT4JSimulator.useUniqueIds()) { for (Message m : messageIds.values()) { m.setTrackingId(TNT4JSimulator.newUUID()); } } if (TNT4JSimulator.useUniqueCorrs()) { corSuffix = "@" + String.valueOf(Utils.currentTimeUsec()) + "@" + TNT4JSimulator.getIteration(); } simCurrTime = new UsecTimestamp(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { curElmtValue.setLength(0); if (name.equals(SIM_XML_ROOT)) TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Starting next iteration..."); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_SOURCE)) recordSource(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT)) recordSnapshot(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_PROP)) recordProperty(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_MSG)) recordMessage(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_ACTIVITY)) startActivity(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_EVENT)) runEvent(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_SLEEP)) pauseSimulator(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_VAR)) defineVar(attributes); else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_OPTION)) defineOption(attributes); else throw new SAXParseException("Unrecognized element <" + name + ">", saxLocator); activeElements.push(curElement); curElement = name; } protected String processVarValue(String value) throws SAXParseException { double valueNext = 0; double totalValue = 0; String symbol = null; // If addition or multiplication are specified, then do the math. // For now, only one or the other is permitted. if (value.indexOf("+") > 0 && (value.indexOf("*") > 0)) throw new SAXParseException("Either multiplicaton or addition but not both are allowed", saxLocator); else if (value.indexOf("bet") > 0) { if ((value.substring(value.indexOf("bet") + 4, value.length()).length() > 9)) { BigInteger min = new BigInteger(value.substring(0, value.indexOf("bet") - 1)); BigInteger max = new BigInteger(value.substring(value.indexOf("bet") + 4, value.length())); BigInteger diff = max.subtract(min); diff = diff.add(new BigInteger("1")); BigInteger rnd = new BigInteger(diff.bitLength(), random); BigInteger finalVal = rnd.add(min); value = "" + finalVal; } else { int min = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, value.indexOf("bet") - 1)); int max = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(value.indexOf("bet") + 4, value.length())); value = "" + (random.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min); } } else if ((value.indexOf("+") > 0 && (value.indexOf("*") < 0)) || (value.indexOf("*") > 0 && (value.indexOf("+") < 0))) { symbol = (value.indexOf("+") > 0) ? "+" : "*"; totalValue = symbol.equals("*") ? 1 : 0; while (value.indexOf(symbol) > 0) { valueNext = Double.parseDouble(vars.get(value.substring(0, value.indexOf(symbol) - 1))); if (symbol.equals("+")) totalValue = totalValue + valueNext; else totalValue = totalValue * valueNext; value = value.substring(value.indexOf(symbol) + 2, value.length()); } totalValue = symbol.equals("*") ? totalValue * Double.parseDouble(value) : totalValue + Double.parseDouble(vars.get(value.substring(0, value.length()))); value = "" + totalValue; } return value; } private void defineOption(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { String name = null; String value = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) name = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_VALUE)) { value = attValue; String[] args = value.split(","); TNT4JSimulator.processArgs(this, args); } else { throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_PROP + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_VAR + ">: must specify '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME + "'", saxLocator); TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Defining option: '" + name + "=" + value + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing definition for option '" + name + "': " + e, e); } } private void defineVar(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { String name = null; String value = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) name = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_VALUE)) { value = processVarValue(attValue); } else { throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_PROP + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_VAR + ">: must specify '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME + "'", saxLocator); if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("=?")) { // requires input if not defined String oVal = vars.get(name); if (oVal == null) { value = processVarValue(TNT4JSimulator.readFromConsole("\nDefine variable [" + name + "]:")); } else { TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Skipping duplicate variable: '" + name + "=" + value + "', existing.value='" + oVal + "'"); } } String eVal = vars.putIfAbsent(name, value); if (eVal != null) { TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Skipping duplicate variable: '" + name + "=" + value + "', existing.value='" + eVal + "'"); } TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Defining variable: '" + name + "=" + value + "'"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing definition for variable '" + name + "': " + e, e); } } private void recordSource(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (TNT4JSimulator.getIteration() > 1L) return; if (!SIM_XML_ROOT.equals(curElement)) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_SOURCE + ">: must have <" + SIM_XML_ROOT + "> as parent element", saxLocator); int id = 0; String fqn = null; String url = null; String user = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_ID)) id = Integer.parseInt(attValue); else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_FQN)) fqn = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_USER)) user = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_URL)) url = attValue; else throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_SOURCE + "> attribute " + attName, saxLocator); } if (id <= 0) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_SOURCE + "> element has missing or invalid " + SIM_XML_ATTR_ID + " attribute ", saxLocator); if (sourceIds.containsKey(id)) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_SOURCE + "> duplicate " + SIM_XML_ATTR_ID + " attribute: " + id, saxLocator); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fqn)) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_SOURCE + "> element is missing " + SIM_XML_ATTR_FQN + " attribute ", saxLocator); if (sourceNames.containsKey(fqn)) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_SOURCE + "> duplicate " + SIM_XML_ATTR_FQN + " attribute: " + fqn, saxLocator); Source src = DefaultSourceFactory.getInstance().newFromFQN(fqn); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(user)) src.setUser(user); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) src.setUrl(url); sourceNames.put(fqn, src); sourceIds.put(id, src); TrackerConfig srcCfg = DefaultConfigFactory.getInstance().getConfig(fqn); srcCfg.setSource(src); srcCfg.setProperty("Url", TNT4JSimulator.getConnectUrl()); String token = TNT4JSimulator.getAccessToken(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(token)) srcCfg.setProperty("Token", token); Tracker tracker = trackerFactory.getInstance(; trackers.put(fqn, tracker); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXParseException("Failed processing definition for source: ", saxLocator, e); } TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Recording Server: " + fqn + " ..."); } private void recordSnapshot(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if ((curActivity == null || !SIM_XML_ACTIVITY.equals(curElement)) && (curEvent == null || !SIM_XML_EVENT.equals(curElement))) { throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT + ">: must have <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> or <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> as parent element", saxLocator); } String name = null; String category = null; OpLevel severity = OpLevel.INFO; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) { name = attValue; TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Recording Snapshot: " + attValue + " ..."); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CAT)) { category = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SEVERITY)) { severity = getLevel(attValue); } else { throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT + ">: missing '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME + "'", saxLocator); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(category)) category = null; curSnapshot = new PropertySnapshot(category, name, severity, simCurrTime); curSnapshot.setTTL(TNT4JSimulator.getTTL()); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing definition for snapshot '" + name + "': " + e, e); } } private void recordProperty(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (curElement == null) { throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_PROP + ">: Must have <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">, <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + ">, or <" + SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT + "> as parent element", saxLocator); } String name = null; String type = null; String value = null; String valType = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) name = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_TYPE)) type = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_VALUE)) value = attValue; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_VALTYPE)) valType = attValue; else throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_PROP + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_PROP + ">: must specify '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME + "'", saxLocator); TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Recording " + curElement + " property: " + name + " ..."); Property prop = processPropertyValue(name, type, value, valType); if (SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT.equals(curElement)) curSnapshot.add(prop); else if (SIM_XML_EVENT.equals(curElement)) curEvent.getOperation().addProperty(prop); else if (SIM_XML_ACTIVITY.equals(curElement)) curActivity.addProperty(prop); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing definition for property '" + name + "': " + e, e); } } private Property processPropertyValue(String name, String type, String value, String valType) throws SAXParseException { Object propValue = value; if ("INTEGER".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Integer num = Integer.parseInt(generateFromRange(type, value)); propValue = (int) TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(num.intValue()); } else if ("LONG".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Long num = Long.parseLong(generateFromRange(type, value)); propValue = (long) TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(num.longValue()); } else if ("DECIMAL".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Double num = Double.parseDouble(generateFromRange(type, value)); propValue = TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(num.doubleValue()); } else if ("BOOLEAN".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(valType)) valType = "boolean"; propValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } else if ("TIMESTAMP".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { try { try { propValue = new UsecTimestamp((long) TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(Long.parseLong(value))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { propValue = new UsecTimestamp(value, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS", (String) null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SAXParseException("Failed parsing timestamp", saxLocator, e); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(valType)) valType = ValueTypes.VALUE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP; } else if ("STRING".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { propValue = value.toString(); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(type)) { throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_PROP + ">: invalid type: " + type, saxLocator); } return new Property(name, propValue, valType); } private void recordMessage(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (TNT4JSimulator.getIteration() > 1L) return; if (!SIM_XML_ROOT.equals(curElement)) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_MSG + ">: must have <" + SIM_XML_ROOT + "> as parent element", saxLocator); int id = 0; String mimeType = null; String encoding = null; String charset = null; String fileName = null; boolean isBinary = false; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_ID)) { id = Integer.parseInt(attValue); TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Recording Message: " + attValue + " ..."); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_MIME)) { mimeType = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_ENC)) { encoding = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CHARSET)) { charset = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_FILE)) { fileName = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_BINFILE)) { isBinary = Boolean.parseBoolean(attValue); } else { throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_MSG + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } } if (id == 0) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_MSG + ">: missing or invalid '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_ID + "'", saxLocator); curMsg = messageIds.get(id); if (curMsg == null) { curMsg = new Message(TNT4JSimulator.newUUID()); messageIds.put(id, curMsg); } if (fileName != null) { if (isBinary) { BufferedInputStream fileReader = null; try { File f = new File(fileName); fileReader = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); byte[] binData = new byte[(int) f.length()]; int totalBytesRead = 0; while (totalBytesRead < binData.length) { int bytesRemaining = binData.length - totalBytesRead; int bytesRead =, totalBytesRead, bytesRemaining); if (bytesRead > 0) totalBytesRead += bytesRead; curMsg.setMessage(binData); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SAXParseException("Failed loading message data from " + fileName, saxLocator, e); } finally { if (fileReader != null) try { fileReader.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { } } } else { FileReader fileReader = null; try { fileReader = new FileReader(fileName); StringBuffer msgData = new StringBuffer(); char[] text = new char[2048]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead =, 0, text.length)) > 0) msgData.append(text, 0, numRead); curMsg.setMessage(msgData.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SAXParseException("Failed loading message data from " + fileName, saxLocator, e); } finally { if (fileReader != null) try { fileReader.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { } } } curMsg = null; // to ignore msg element value } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) curMsg.setMimeType(mimeType); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(encoding)) curMsg.setEncoding(encoding); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(charset)) curMsg.setCharset(charset); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing definition for message '" + id + "': " + e, e); } } private void recordMsgData() throws SAXException { if (curMsg == null) return; String msgData = curElmtValue.toString(); if (TNT4JSimulator.isGenerateValues()) msgData = generateValues(msgData); curMsg.setMessage(msgData); } private void startActivity(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { // if (!SIM_XML_ROOT.equals(curElement)) // throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: must have <" + SIM_XML_ROOT + "> as parent element", saxLocator); if (simCurrTime == null) simCurrTime = new UsecTimestamp(); TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Started activity ..."); TrackingActivity parentActivity = curActivity; activeActivities.push(curActivity); curActivity = null; curActivityStart = new UsecTimestamp(simCurrTime); String name = null; int srcId = 0; ActivityStatus status = null; OpLevel sev = null; OpCompCode cc = null; int rc = 0; long pid = 0L; long tid = 0L; String exc = null; String loc = null; String res = null; String user = null; String[] corrs = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) { name = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE)) { srcId = Integer.parseInt(attValue); if (srcId <= 0) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_STATUS)) { status = ActivityStatus.valueOf(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SEVERITY)) { sev = getLevel(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CC)) { cc = OpCompCode.valueOf(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_RC)) { rc = Integer.parseInt(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_PID)) { pid = Long.parseLong(attValue); if (pid <= 0L) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_TID)) { tid = Long.parseLong(attValue); if (tid <= 0L) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_EXC)) { exc = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_LOC)) { loc = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_RES)) { res = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_USER)) { user = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CORRS)) { corrs = attValue.split(","); for (int c = 0; c < corrs.length; c++) { if (TNT4JSimulator.isGenerateValues()) corrs[c] = generateValues(corrs[c]); if (!Utils.isEmpty(corSuffix)) { corrs[c] += corSuffix; } } } else { throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } } if (srcId <= 0) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + "> attribute '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + "' is missing", saxLocator); Source source = sourceIds.get(srcId); if (source == null) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: " + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + " '" + srcId + "' is not defined", saxLocator); curTracker = trackers.get(source.getFQName()); if (curTracker == null) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: " + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + " '" + srcId + "' is not defined", saxLocator); curActivity = curTracker.newActivity(); curActivity.setTTL(TNT4JSimulator.getTTL()); curActivity.setSource(source); curActivity.setUser(user == null ? source.getUser() : user); curActivity.setStatus(status == null ? ActivityStatus.BEGIN : status); curActivity.setSeverity(sev == null ? OpLevel.INFO : sev); curActivity.setCompCode(cc == null ? OpCompCode.SUCCESS : cc); if (pid > 0L) curActivity.setPID(pid); if (tid > 0L) curActivity.setTID(tid); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) curActivity.setName(name); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(loc)) curActivity.setLocation(loc); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(res)) curActivity.setResource(res); if (status != null) curActivity.setStatus(status); if (rc != 0) curActivity.setReasonCode(rc); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(exc)) curActivity.setException(exc); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(corrs)) curActivity.setCorrelator(corrs); TNT4JSimulator.debug(simCurrTime, "Started activity: " + name); curActivity.start(curActivityStart); if (parentActivity != null) parentActivity.add(curActivity); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing event '" + name + "': " + e, e); } } private void stopActivity() throws SAXException { long elapsed = simCurrTime.difference(curActivity.getStartTime()); curActivity.stop(simCurrTime, elapsed); TNT4JSimulator.debug(simCurrTime, "Stopped activity " + curActivity.getName() + ", elapsed.usec: " + elapsed); if (curActivity.getStatus() == ActivityStatus.BEGIN) curActivity.setStatus(ActivityStatus.END); Tracker tracker = trackers.get(curActivity.getSource().getFQName()); if (tracker != null) tracker.tnt(curActivity); curActivity = activeActivities.pop(); curActivityStart = null; curTracker = null; } private void runEvent(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Started event ..."); String name = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_EVENT + ">: '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME + "' must be specified", saxLocator); if (simCurrTime == null) simCurrTime = new UsecTimestamp(); OpType type = OpType.EVENT; OpLevel severity = OpLevel.INFO; String valStr; valStr = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(SIM_XML_ATTR_TYPE)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(valStr)) type = OpType.valueOf(valStr); valStr = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(SIM_XML_ATTR_SEVERITY)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(valStr)) severity = getLevel(valStr); int srcId = 0; OpCompCode cc = null; int rc = 0; long pid = 0L; long tid = 0L; String exc = null; String loc = null; String res = null; String user = null; String msgtext = null; String[] corrs = null; String[] labels = null; long elapsed = 0L; long msgAge = 0L; Integer msgId = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_NAME)) { // handled above } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_TYPE)) { // handled above } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SEVERITY)) { // handled above } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE)) { srcId = Integer.parseInt(attValue); if (srcId <= 0) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CC)) { cc = OpCompCode.valueOf(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_RC)) { rc = Integer.parseInt(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_PID)) { pid = Long.parseLong(attValue); if (pid <= 0L) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_TID)) { tid = Long.parseLong(attValue); if (tid <= 0L) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be > 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_EXC)) { exc = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_LOC)) { loc = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_RES)) { res = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_USER)) { user = attValue; } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_ELAPSED)) { elapsed = Long.parseLong(attValue); if (elapsed < 0L) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_EVENT + ">: '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_ELAPSED + "' must be >= 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_MSGAGE)) { msgAge = Long.parseLong(attValue); if (msgAge < 0L) throw new SAXParseException( "Invalid <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + attName + "', must be >= 0", saxLocator); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_TAGS)) { labels = attValue.split(","); for (int l = 0; l < labels.length; l++) { if (TNT4JSimulator.isGenerateValues()) labels[l] = generateValues(labels[l]); if (!Utils.isEmpty(tagSuffix)) { labels[l] += tagSuffix; } } } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_CORRS)) { corrs = attValue.split(","); for (int c = 0; c < corrs.length; c++) { if (TNT4JSimulator.isGenerateValues()) corrs[c] = generateValues(corrs[c]); if (!Utils.isEmpty(corSuffix)) { corrs[c] += corSuffix; } } } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG)) { msgId = Integer.parseInt(attValue); } else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG_TEXT)) { msgtext = attValue; } else { throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } } if (srcId <= 0 && curActivity == null) { throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + "' is missing for event without parent activity", saxLocator); } if ((msgId != null) && (msgtext != null)) { throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> has both attributes '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG + "' and '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG_TEXT + "'", saxLocator); } curEvent = curTracker.newEvent(severity, type, name, (String) null, (String) null, (String) null, (Object[]) null); Source source = (curEvent != null ? curEvent.getSource() : null); if (source == null) source = (curActivity != null ? curActivity.getSource() : null); if (srcId > 0) { source = sourceIds.get(srcId); if (source == null) throw new SAXParseException( "<" + SIM_XML_EVENT + ">: " + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + " '" + srcId + "' is not defined", saxLocator); curTracker = trackers.get(source.getFQName()); if (curTracker == null) throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_ACTIVITY + ">: " + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + " '" + srcId + "' is not defined", saxLocator); } if (source == null || curTracker == null) { throw new SAXParseException("<" + SIM_XML_EVENT + "> attribute '" + SIM_XML_ATTR_SOURCE + "' is missing for event without parent activity", saxLocator); } if (curActivity != null) { curEvent.setLocation(curActivity.getLocation()); curEvent.getOperation().setPID(curActivity.getPID()); curEvent.getOperation().setTID(curActivity.getTID()); curEvent.getOperation().setResource(curActivity.getResource()); curEvent.getOperation().setUser(curActivity.getUser()); } curEvent.setTTL(TNT4JSimulator.getTTL()); curEvent.getOperation().setSeverity(severity == null ? OpLevel.INFO : severity); curEvent.getOperation().setCompCode(cc == null ? OpCompCode.SUCCESS : cc); if (srcId > 0) curEvent.setSource(source); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(user)) curEvent.getOperation().setUser(user); else if (curActivity == null) curEvent.getOperation().setUser(source.getUser()); if (pid > 0L) curEvent.getOperation().setPID(pid); if (tid > 0L) curEvent.getOperation().setTID(tid); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) curEvent.getOperation().setName(name); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(loc)) curEvent.setLocation(loc); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(res)) curEvent.getOperation().setResource(res); if (rc != 0) curEvent.getOperation().setReasonCode(rc); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(exc)) curEvent.getOperation().setException(exc); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(corrs)) curEvent.setCorrelator(corrs); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(labels)) curEvent.setTag(labels); if (msgAge > 0L) curEvent.setMessageAge((long) TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(msgAge)); elapsed = TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(elapsed); if (msgId != null && msgId > 0) { Message eventMsg = messageIds.get(msgId.intValue()); if (eventMsg == null) { throw new SAXParseException( "Undefined " + SIM_XML_ATTR_MSG + " '" + msgId + "' for <" + SIM_XML_EVENT + ">", saxLocator); } curEvent.setTrackingId(eventMsg.getTrackingId()); curEvent.setMessage(expandEnvVars(eventMsg.getMessage())); } else if (msgtext != null) { curEvent.setMessage(expandEnvVars(msgtext)); } curEvent.start(simCurrTime); simCurrTime.add(0, elapsed); curEvent.stop(simCurrTime, elapsed); TNT4JSimulator.debug(simCurrTime, "Ran event: " + name + ", elapsed.usec=" + elapsed); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof SAXException) throw (SAXException) e; throw new SAXException("Failed processing event '" + name + "': " + e, e); } } private void pauseSimulator(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { long usec = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String attName = attributes.getQName(i); String attValue = expandEnvVars(attributes.getValue(i)); if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_MSEC)) usec = Long.parseLong(attValue) * 1000L; else if (attName.equals(SIM_XML_ATTR_USEC)) usec = Long.parseLong(attValue); else throw new SAXParseException("Unknown <" + SIM_XML_SLEEP + "> attribute '" + attName + "'", saxLocator); } if (usec > 0) { simCurrTime.add(0L, (long) TNT4JSimulator.varyValue(usec)); TNT4JSimulator.trace(simCurrTime, "Executed sleep, usec=" + usec); } } /** * Map string value to {@code OpLevel} * * @param valStr level value string * @return mapped {@code OpLevel} object instance */ public OpLevel getLevel(String valStr) { if (valStr.equalsIgnoreCase(OpLevel.ANY_LEVEL)) { return OpLevel.anyLevel(); } else if (valStr.equalsIgnoreCase("SUCCESS")) { return OpLevel.INFO; } return OpLevel.valueOf(valStr); } /** * Define a global variable usable for variable substitution * * @param name variable name * @param value associated with the variable */ public void setVar(String name, String value) { vars.put(name, value); } /** * Resolve variable given name to a global variable. * Global variables are referenced using: ${var} convention. * * @param text object to use * @return resolved variable or itself if not a variable */ public String expandEnvVars(String text) { return StrSubstitutor.replaceSystemProperties(sub.replace(text)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name) throws SAXException { if (name.equals(SIM_XML_MSG)) { recordMsgData(); curMsg = null; } else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_SNAPSHOT)) { if (curEvent != null) curEvent.getOperation().addSnapshot(curSnapshot); else curActivity.add(curSnapshot); curSnapshot = null; } else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_ACTIVITY)) { stopActivity(); } else if (name.equals(SIM_XML_EVENT)) { if (curActivity != null) { curActivity.tnt(curEvent); } else { Tracker tracker = trackers.get(curEvent.getSource().getFQName()); if (tracker != null) tracker.tnt(curEvent); } curEvent = null; } curElement = activeElements.pop(); } long nextLong(Random rng, long n) { if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be positive"); long bits, val; do { bits = (rng.nextLong() << 1) >>> 1; val = bits % n; } while (bits - val + (n - 1) < 0L); return val; } public String generateFromRange(String type, String in) { if (in.indexOf('[') == 0 && in.indexOf(']') > 0) { StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(in, "[:]"); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER")) { int min = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken()); int max = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken()); int range = max - min + 1; int randomNum = rand.nextInt(range) + min; return String.valueOf(randomNum); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("LONG")) { long min = Long.parseLong(tk.nextToken()); long max = Long.parseLong(tk.nextToken()); long range = max - min + 1; long randomNum = nextLong(rand, range) + min; return String.valueOf(randomNum); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) { double min = Double.parseDouble(tk.nextToken()); double max = Double.parseDouble(tk.nextToken()); double range = max - min + 1; double randomNum = nextLong(rand, (long) range) + min; double rdnFloat = randomNum + rand.nextDouble(); return String.valueOf(rdnFloat); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("BOOLEAN")) { int min = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken()); int max = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken()); int range = max - min + 1; int randomNum = rand.nextInt(range) + min; return String.valueOf(randomNum > min); } } return in; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { curElmtValue.append(ch, start, length); } }