Java tutorial
/*************************************************************** * This file is part of the [fleXive](R) framework. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 * UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( * All rights reserved * * The [fleXive](R) project is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 or higher as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * The GNU Lesser General Public License can be found at * * A copy is found in the textfile LGPL.txt and important notices to the * license from the author are found in LICENSE.txt distributed with * these libraries. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For further information about UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh, * please see the company website: * * For further information about [fleXive](R), please see the * project website: * * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the file! ***************************************************************/ package; import com.flexive.core.Database; import com.flexive.core.DatabaseConst; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorage; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorageInfo; import com.flexive.core.flatstorage.FxFlatStorageManager; import; import com.flexive.shared.*; import com.flexive.shared.configuration.SystemParameters; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxApplicationException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxDbException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxInvalidParameterException; import com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxNotFoundException; import com.flexive.shared.impex.FxDivisionExportInfo; import com.flexive.shared.impex.FxImportExportConstants; import com.flexive.shared.structure.FxDataType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import; import; /** * Division Importer * * @author Markus Plesser (, UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh ( */ public class GenericDivisionImporter implements FxImportExportConstants { /* //test script for flatstorage as hierarchical: // Default [fleXive] imports for Groovy import com.flexive.shared.* import com.flexive.shared.interfaces.* import com.flexive.shared.value.* import com.flexive.shared.content.* import* import* import com.flexive.shared.tree.* import com.flexive.shared.workflow.* import* import com.flexive.shared.scripting.groovy.* import com.flexive.shared.structure.* import* import com.flexive.shared.impex.* import com.flexive.core.* import* import* File data = new File("/home/mplesser/impex/") ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(data) java.sql.Connection con = Database.getDbConnection() try { FxDivisionExportInfo ei = GenericDivisionImporter.getInstance().getDivisionExportInfo(zip) GenericDivisionImporter.getInstance().importFlatStoragesHierarchical(con, zip, ei) } finally { con.close() } */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GenericDivisionImporter.class); @SuppressWarnings({ "FieldCanBeLocal" }) private static GenericDivisionImporter INSTANCE = new GenericDivisionImporter(); private static boolean DBG = false; /** * Getter for the importer singleton * * @return exporter */ public static GenericDivisionImporter getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Does importing a division require a non-transactional connection? * * @return need non-TX Connection or use "regular"? */ public boolean importRequiresNonTXConnection() { return false; } /** * Get a file from the zip archive * * @param zip zip archive containing the file * @param file name of the file * @return ZipEntry * @throws FxNotFoundException if the archive does not contain the file */ protected ZipEntry getZipEntry(ZipFile zip, String file) throws FxNotFoundException { ZipEntry ze = zip.getEntry(file); if (ze == null) throw new FxNotFoundException("ex.import.missingFile", file, zip.getName()); return ze; } /** * Get division export information from an exported archive * * @param zip zip file containing the export * @return FxDivisionExportInfo * @throws FxApplicationException on errors */ public FxDivisionExportInfo getDivisionExportInfo(ZipFile zip) throws FxApplicationException { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_BUILD_INFOS); FxDivisionExportInfo exportInfo; try { DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze)); XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); String[] drops; String dropsRaw = xPath.evaluate("/flexive/drops", document); if (dropsRaw == null || !dropsRaw.startsWith("[")) drops = new String[0]; else { dropsRaw = dropsRaw.substring(1, dropsRaw.length() - 1); drops = dropsRaw.split(", "); } exportInfo = new FxDivisionExportInfo(Integer.parseInt(xPath.evaluate("/flexive/division", document)), Integer.parseInt(xPath.evaluate("/flexive/schema", document)), Integer.parseInt(xPath.evaluate("/flexive/build", document)), xPath.evaluate("/flexive/verbose", document), xPath.evaluate("/flexive/appserver", document), xPath.evaluate("/flexive/database", document), xPath.evaluate("/flexive/dbdriver", document), xPath.evaluate("/flexive/domain", document), Arrays.asList(drops), xPath.evaluate("/flexive/user", document), FxFormatUtils.getDateTimeFormat().parse(xPath.evaluate("/flexive/date", document))); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FxApplicationException(e, "ex.import.parseInfoFailed", e.getMessage()); } return exportInfo; } /** * Wipe all tables of a division * * @param con an open and valid connection for the division to wipe * @throws Exception on errors */ public void wipeDivisionData(Connection con) throws Exception { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA_FT); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_ACLS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_BINARY_TRANSIT); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_SEARCHCACHE_PERM); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_SEARCHCACHE_MEMORY); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA_ITEM); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE); setFieldNull(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE + "_LIVE", "PARENT"); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE + "_LIVE"); setFieldNull(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE, "PARENT"); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE); boolean hasFlatStorages = false; for (FxFlatStorageInfo flat : FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance().getFlatStorageInfos()) { hasFlatStorages = true; dropTableData(stmt, flat.getName()); dropTable(stmt, flat.getName()); } if (hasFlatStorages) { dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_FLATSTORE_INFO); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_FLATSTORE_MAPPING); } dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_RESOURCES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE_MAP); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE_TREE); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE_VALUES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_HISTORY); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_LOCKS); setFieldNull(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES, "ICON_REF"); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_ASSIGNMENTS + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST_ITEM + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_GROUPS + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_STEPDEFINITION + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_SCRIPT_MAPPING_TYPES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_SCRIPT_MAPPING_ASSIGN); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ROLE_MAPPING); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_GROUP_OPTIONS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTY_OPTIONS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES_OPTIONS); stmt.execute(StorageManager.getStorageImpl().getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(false)); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_ASSIGNMENTS); stmt.execute(StorageManager.getStorageImpl().getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(true)); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_GROUPS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPERELATIONS); setFieldNull(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES, "PARENT"); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_DATATYPES + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_DATATYPES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST_ITEM); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_SCRIPTS); setFieldNull(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_BINARY, "PREVIEW_REF"); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_BINARY); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_ROUTES); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_STEP); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_STEPDEFINITION); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_APPLICATION); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_DIVISION); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_NODE); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_USER); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ASSIGN_GROUPS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS_ASSIGNMENT); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_USERGROUPS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_ACCOUNTS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_MANDATORS); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_LANG + DatabaseConst.ML); dropTableData(stmt, DatabaseConst.TBL_LANG); final String divisionPath = File.separatorChar + String.valueOf(FxContext.get().getDivisionId()); FxFileUtils.removeDirectory(FxBinaryUtils.getBinaryDirectory() + divisionPath); FxFileUtils.removeDirectory(FxBinaryUtils.getTransitDirectory() + divisionPath); } /** * Set a column of a table to <code>null</code> * * @param stmt statement to operate on * @param table name of the table * @param column name of the column * @throws SQLException on errors */ private void setFieldNull(Statement stmt, String table, String column) throws SQLException { int count = stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + column + "=NULL");"Set [" + count + "] entries in [" + table + "." + column + "] to NULL"); } /** * Drop a table * * @param stmt statement to operate on * @param table name of the table to drop * @throws SQLException on errors */ protected void dropTable(Statement stmt, String table) throws SQLException { stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE " + table);"Dropped table [" + table + "]"); } /** * Drop all data of a table * * @param stmt statement to operate on * @param table name of the table * @throws SQLException on errors */ private void dropTableData(Statement stmt, String table) throws SQLException { int count = stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + table);"Removed [" + count + "] entries from table [" + table + "]"); } /** * Helper class to keep information about columns in a prepared statement */ class ColumnInfo { ColumnInfo(int columnType, int index) { this.columnType = columnType; this.index = index; } int columnType; int index; } /** * Import data from a zip archive to a database table * * @param stmt statement to use * @param zip zip archive containing the zip entry * @param ze zip entry within the archive * @param xpath xpath containing the entries to import * @param table name of the table * @throws Exception on errors */ protected void importTable(Statement stmt, final ZipFile zip, final ZipEntry ze, final String xpath, final String table) throws Exception { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, xpath, table, true, false); } /** * Import data from a zip archive to a database table * * @param stmt statement to use * @param zip zip archive containing the zip entry * @param ze zip entry within the archive * @param xpath xpath containing the entries to import * @param table name of the table * @param executeInsertPhase execute the insert phase? * @param executeUpdatePhase execute the update phase? * @param updateColumns columns that should be set to <code>null</code> in a first pass (insert) * and updated to the provided values in a second pass (update), * columns that should be used in the where clause have to be prefixed * with "KEY:", to assign a default value use the expression "columnname:default value", * if the default value is "@", it will be a negative counter starting at 0, decreasing. * If the default value starts with "%", it will be set to the column following the "%" * character in the first pass * @throws Exception on errors */ protected void importTable(Statement stmt, final ZipFile zip, final ZipEntry ze, final String xpath, final String table, final boolean executeInsertPhase, final boolean executeUpdatePhase, final String... updateColumns) throws Exception { //analyze the table final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE 1=2"); StringBuilder sbInsert = new StringBuilder(500); StringBuilder sbUpdate = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new StringBuilder(500) : null; if (rs == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not analyze table [" + table + "]!"); sbInsert.append("INSERT INTO ").append(table).append(" ("); final ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData(); final Map<String, ColumnInfo> updateClauseColumns = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(md.getColumnCount()) : null; final Map<String, ColumnInfo> updateSetColumns = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new LinkedHashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(md.getColumnCount()) : null; final Map<String, String> presetColumns = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, String>(10) : null; //preset to a referenced column (%column syntax) final Map<String, String> presetRefColumns = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, String>(10) : null; final Map<String, Integer> counters = updateColumns.length > 0 ? new HashMap<String, Integer>(10) : null; final Map<String, ColumnInfo> insertColumns = new HashMap<String, ColumnInfo>( md.getColumnCount() + (counters != null ? counters.size() : 0)); int insertIndex = 1; int updateSetIndex = 1; int updateClauseIndex = 1; boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < md.getColumnCount(); i++) { final String currCol = md.getColumnName(i + 1).toLowerCase(); if (updateColumns.length > 0) { boolean abort = false; for (String col : updateColumns) { if (col.indexOf(':') > 0 && !col.startsWith("KEY:")) { String value = col.substring(col.indexOf(':') + 1); col = col.substring(0, col.indexOf(':')); if ("@".equals(value)) { if (currCol.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) { counters.put(col, 0); insertColumns.put(col, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), insertIndex++)); sbInsert.append(',').append(currCol); } } else if (value.startsWith("%")) { if (currCol.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) { presetRefColumns.put(col, value.substring(1)); insertColumns.put(col, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), insertIndex++)); sbInsert.append(',').append(currCol); // System.out.println("==> adding presetRefColumn "+col+" with value of "+value.substring(1)); } } else if (!presetColumns.containsKey(col)) presetColumns.put(col, value); } if (currCol.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) { abort = true; updateSetColumns.put(currCol, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), updateSetIndex++)); break; } } if (abort) continue; } if (first) { first = false; } else sbInsert.append(','); sbInsert.append(currCol); insertColumns.put(currCol, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), insertIndex++)); } if (updateColumns.length > 0 && executeUpdatePhase) { sbUpdate.append("UPDATE ").append(table).append(" SET "); int counter = 0; for (String updateColumn : updateSetColumns.keySet()) { if (counter++ > 0) sbUpdate.append(','); sbUpdate.append(updateColumn).append("=?"); } sbUpdate.append(" WHERE "); boolean hasKeyColumn = false; for (String col : updateColumns) { if (!col.startsWith("KEY:")) continue; hasKeyColumn = true; String keyCol = col.substring(4); for (int i = 0; i < md.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (!md.getColumnName(i + 1).equalsIgnoreCase(keyCol)) continue; updateClauseColumns.put(keyCol, new ColumnInfo(md.getColumnType(i + 1), updateClauseIndex++)); sbUpdate.append(keyCol).append("=? AND "); break; } } if (!hasKeyColumn) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Update columns require a KEY!"); sbUpdate.delete(sbUpdate.length() - 5, sbUpdate.length()); //remove trailing " AND " //"shift" clause indices for (String col : updateClauseColumns.keySet()) { GenericDivisionImporter.ColumnInfo ci = updateClauseColumns.get(col); ci.index += (updateSetIndex - 1); } } if (presetColumns != null) { for (String key : presetColumns.keySet()) sbInsert.append(',').append(key); } sbInsert.append(")VALUES("); for (int i = 0; i < insertColumns.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) sbInsert.append(','); sbInsert.append('?'); } if (presetColumns != null) { for (String key : presetColumns.keySet()) sbInsert.append(',').append(presetColumns.get(key)); } sbInsert.append(')'); if (DBG) {"Insert statement:\n" + sbInsert.toString()); if (updateColumns.length > 0)"Update statement:\n" + sbUpdate.toString()); } //build a map containing all nodes that require attributes //this allows for matching simple xpath queries like "flatstorages/storage[@name='FX_FLAT_STORAGE']/data" final Map<String, List<String>> queryAttributes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(5); for (String pElem : xpath.split("/")) { if (!(pElem.indexOf('@') > 0 && pElem.indexOf('[') > 0)) continue; List<String> att = new ArrayList<String>(5); for (String pAtt : pElem.split("@")) { if (!(pAtt.indexOf('=') > 0)) continue; att.add(pAtt.substring(0, pAtt.indexOf('='))); } queryAttributes.put(pElem.substring(0, pElem.indexOf('[')), att); } final PreparedStatement psInsert = stmt.getConnection().prepareStatement(sbInsert.toString()); final PreparedStatement psUpdate = updateColumns.length > 0 && executeUpdatePhase ? stmt.getConnection().prepareStatement(sbUpdate.toString()) : null; try { final SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser(); final DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() { private String currentElement = null; private Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(10); private StringBuilder sbData = new StringBuilder(10000); boolean inTag = false; boolean inElement = false; int counter; List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>(10); StringBuilder currPath = new StringBuilder(100); boolean insertMode = true; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { counter = 0; inTag = false; inElement = false; path.clear(); currPath.setLength(0); sbData.setLength(0); data.clear(); currentElement = null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { if (target != null && target.startsWith("fx_")) { if (target.equals("fx_mode")) insertMode = "insert".equals(data); } else super.processingInstruction(target, data); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { if (insertMode)"Imported [" + counter + "] entries into [" + table + "] for xpath [" + xpath + "]"); else"Updated [" + counter + "] entries in [" + table + "] for xpath [" + xpath + "]"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { pushPath(qName, attributes); if (currPath.toString().equals(xpath)) { inTag = true; data.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String name = attributes.getLocalName(i); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) name = attributes.getQName(i); data.put(name, attributes.getValue(i)); } } else { currentElement = qName; } inElement = true; sbData.setLength(0); } /** * Push a path element from the stack * * @param qName element name to push * @param att attributes */ private void pushPath(String qName, Attributes att) { if (att.getLength() > 0 && queryAttributes.containsKey(qName)) { String curr = qName + "["; boolean first = true; final List<String> attList = queryAttributes.get(qName); for (int i = 0; i < att.getLength(); i++) { if (!attList.contains(att.getQName(i))) continue; if (first) first = false; else curr += ','; curr += "@" + att.getQName(i) + "='" + att.getValue(i) + "'"; } curr += ']'; path.add(curr); } else path.add(qName); buildPath(); } /** * Pop the top path element from the stack */ private void popPath() { path.remove(path.size() - 1); buildPath(); } /** * Rebuild the current path */ private synchronized void buildPath() { currPath.setLength(0); for (String s : path) currPath.append(s).append('/'); if (currPath.length() > 1) currPath.delete(currPath.length() - 1, currPath.length()); // System.out.println("currPath: " + currPath); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (currPath.toString().equals(xpath)) { if (DBG)"Insert [" + xpath + "]: [" + data + "]"); inTag = false; try { if (insertMode) { if (executeInsertPhase) { processColumnSet(insertColumns, psInsert); counter += psInsert.executeUpdate(); } } else { if (executeUpdatePhase) { if (processColumnSet(updateSetColumns, psUpdate)) { processColumnSet(updateClauseColumns, psUpdate); counter += psUpdate.executeUpdate(); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } } else { if (inTag) { data.put(currentElement, sbData.toString()); } currentElement = null; } popPath(); inElement = false; sbData.setLength(0); } /** * Process a column set * * @param columns the columns to process * @param ps prepared statement to use * @return if data other than <code>null</code> has been set * @throws SQLException on errors * @throws ParseException on date/time conversion errors */ private boolean processColumnSet(Map<String, ColumnInfo> columns, PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, ParseException { boolean dataSet = false; for (String col : columns.keySet()) { ColumnInfo ci = columns.get(col); String value = data.get(col); if (insertMode && counters != null && counters.get(col) != null) { final int newVal = counters.get(col) - 1; value = String.valueOf(newVal); counters.put(col, newVal); // System.out.println("new value for " + col + ": " + newVal); } if (insertMode && presetRefColumns != null && presetRefColumns.get(col) != null) { value = data.get(presetRefColumns.get(col)); // System.out.println("Set presetRefColumn for "+col+" to ["+value+"] from column ["+presetRefColumns.get(col)+"]"); } if (value == null) ps.setNull(ci.index, ci.columnType); else { dataSet = true; switch (ci.columnType) { case Types.BIGINT: case Types.NUMERIC: if (DBG)"BigInt " + ci.index + "->" + new BigDecimal(value)); ps.setBigDecimal(ci.index, new BigDecimal(value)); break; case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: if (DBG)"Double " + ci.index + "->" + Double.parseDouble(value)); ps.setDouble(ci.index, Double.parseDouble(value)); break; case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: case java.sql.Types.REAL: if (DBG)"Float " + ci.index + "->" + Float.parseFloat(value)); ps.setFloat(ci.index, Float.parseFloat(value)); break; case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: case java.sql.Types.DATE: if (DBG)"Timestamp/Date " + ci.index + "->" + FxFormatUtils.getDateTimeFormat().parse(value)); ps.setTimestamp(ci.index, new Timestamp(FxFormatUtils.getDateTimeFormat().parse(value).getTime())); break; case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: if (DBG)"Integer " + ci.index + "->" + Integer.valueOf(value)); ps.setInt(ci.index, Integer.valueOf(value)); break; case Types.INTEGER: case Types.DECIMAL: try { if (DBG)"Long " + ci.index + "->" + Long.valueOf(value)); ps.setLong(ci.index, Long.valueOf(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //Fallback (temporary) for H2 if the reported long is a big decimal (tree...) ps.setBigDecimal(ci.index, new BigDecimal(value)); } break; case Types.BIT: case Types.CHAR: case Types.BOOLEAN: if (DBG)"Boolean " + ci.index + "->" + value); if ("1".equals(value) || "true".equals(value)) ps.setBoolean(ci.index, true); else ps.setBoolean(ci.index, false); break; case Types.LONGVARBINARY: case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.BLOB: case Types.BINARY: ZipEntry bin = zip.getEntry(value); if (bin == null) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup binary [" + value + "]!"); ps.setNull(ci.index, ci.columnType); break; } try { ps.setBinaryStream(ci.index, zip.getInputStream(bin), (int) bin.getSize()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("IOException importing binary [" + value + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } break; case Types.CLOB: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: case SQL_LONGNVARCHAR: case SQL_NCHAR: case SQL_NCLOB: case SQL_NVARCHAR: if (DBG)"String " + ci.index + "->" + value); ps.setString(ci.index, value); break; default: LOG.warn("Unhandled type [" + ci.columnType + "] for column [" + col + "]"); } } } return dataSet; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (inElement) sbData.append(ch, start, length); } }; handler.processingInstruction("fx_mode", "insert"); parser.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze), handler); if (updateColumns.length > 0 && executeUpdatePhase) { handler.processingInstruction("fx_mode", "update"); parser.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze), handler); } } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, psInsert, psUpdate); } } /** * Import language settings * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importLanguages(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_LANGUAGES); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "languages/lang", DatabaseConst.TBL_LANG); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "languages/lang_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_LANG + DatabaseConst.ML); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import mandators * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importMandators(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_MANDATORS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "mandators/mandator", DatabaseConst.TBL_MANDATORS); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import security data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importSecurity(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_SECURITY); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/accounts/data/account", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACCOUNTS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/accounts/details/detail", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/acls/acl", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/acls/acl_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/groups/group", DatabaseConst.TBL_USERGROUPS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/assignments/assignment", DatabaseConst.TBL_ACLS_ASSIGNMENT); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/groupAssignments/assignment", DatabaseConst.TBL_ASSIGN_GROUPS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "security/roleAssignments/assignment", DatabaseConst.TBL_ROLE_MAPPING); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import workflow data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importWorkflows(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_WORKFLOWS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "workflow/workflows/workflow", DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "workflow/stepDefinitions/stepdef", DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_STEPDEFINITION, true, true, "unique_target", "KEY:id"); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "workflow/stepDefinitions/stepdef_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_STEPDEFINITION + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "workflow/steps/step", DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_STEP); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "workflow/routes/route", DatabaseConst.TBL_WORKFLOW_ROUTES); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import configurations * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importConfigurations(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_CONFIGURATIONS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "configurations/application/entry", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_APPLICATION); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "configurations/division/entry", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_DIVISION); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "configurations/node/entry", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_NODE); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "configurations/user/entry", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONFIG_USER); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import structural data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importStructures(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_STRUCTURES); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/selectlists/list", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/selectlists/list_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/datatypes/type", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_DATATYPES); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/datatypes/type_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_DATATYPES + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/types/tdef", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES, true, false, "icon_ref"); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/types/tdef_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/types/trel", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPERELATIONS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/types/topts", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES_OPTIONS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/properties/property", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/properties/property_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/groups/group", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_GROUPS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/groups/group_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_GROUPS + DatabaseConst.ML); importAssignments(con, zip, ze, stmt); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/assignments/assignment_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_ASSIGNMENTS + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/selectlists/item", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST_ITEM); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/selectlists/item_t", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_SELECTLIST_ITEM + DatabaseConst.ML); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/groups/goption", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_GROUP_OPTIONS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/properties/poption", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTY_OPTIONS); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } protected void importAssignments(Connection con, ZipFile zip, ZipEntry ze, Statement stmt) throws Exception { DBStorage storage = StorageManager.getStorageImpl(); try { stmt.execute(storage.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(false)); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "structures/assignments/assignment", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_ASSIGNMENTS, true, true, "base:0", "parentgroup:%id", "pos:@", "KEY:id"); } finally { stmt.execute(storage.getReferentialIntegrityChecksStatement(true)); } } /** * Import database and filesystem binaries * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importBinaries(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_BINARIES); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "binaries/binary", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_BINARY); ZipEntry curr; final String nodeBinDir = FxBinaryUtils.getBinaryDirectory(); File binDir = new File( nodeBinDir + File.separatorChar + String.valueOf(FxContext.get().getDivisionId())); if (!binDir.exists()) //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored binDir.mkdirs(); if (!binDir.exists() && binDir.isDirectory()) { LOG.error("Failed to create binary directory [" + binDir.getAbsolutePath() + "]!"); return; } int count = 0; for (Enumeration e = zip.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) { curr = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement(); if (curr.getName().startsWith(FOLDER_FS_BINARY) && !curr.isDirectory()) { File out = new File(binDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + curr.getName().substring(FOLDER_FS_BINARY.length() + 1)); String path = out.getAbsolutePath(); path = path.replace('\\', '/'); //normalize separator chars path = path.replace('/', File.separatorChar); path = path.substring(0, out.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)); File fPath = new File(path); if (!fPath.exists()) { if (!fPath.mkdirs()) { LOG.error("Failed to create path [" + path + "!]"); continue; } } if (!out.createNewFile()) { LOG.error("Failed to create file [" + out.getAbsolutePath() + "]!"); continue; } if (FxFileUtils.copyStream2File(curr.getSize(), zip.getInputStream(curr), out)) count++; else LOG.error("Failed to write zip stream to file [" + out.getAbsolutePath() + "]!"); } } FxContext.get().runAsSystem(); try { EJBLookup.getNodeConfigurationEngine().put(SystemParameters.NODE_BINARY_PATH, nodeBinDir); } finally { FxContext.get().stopRunAsSystem(); }"Imported [" + count + "] files to filesystem binary storage located at [" + binDir.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import hierarchical contents * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importHierarchicalContents(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_DATA_HIERARCHICAL); ZipEntry ze_struct = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_STRUCTURES); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "hierarchical/content", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "hierarchical/data", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "hierarchical/acl", DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_ACLS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze_struct, "structures/types/tdef", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_TYPES, false, true, "icon_ref", "KEY:id"); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import scripting data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importScripts(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_SCRIPTS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "scripts/script", DatabaseConst.TBL_SCRIPTS); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "scripts/assignmap", DatabaseConst.TBL_SCRIPT_MAPPING_ASSIGN); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "scripts/typemap", DatabaseConst.TBL_SCRIPT_MAPPING_TYPES); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import tree data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importTree(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_TREE); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "tree/edit/node", DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE, true, true, "parent", "KEY:id"); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "tree/live/node", DatabaseConst.TBL_TREE + "_LIVE", true, true, "parent", "KEY:id"); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import history data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importHistory(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_HISTORY); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "history/entry", DatabaseConst.TBL_HISTORY); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import resource data * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importResources(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_RESOURCES); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "resources/entry", DatabaseConst.TBL_RESOURCES); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "resources/phrase", DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "resources/phraseVal", DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE_VALUES); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "resources/phraseTree", DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE_TREE); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "resources/phraseMap", DatabaseConst.TBL_PHRASE_MAP); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import briefcases * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importBriefcases(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_BRIEFCASES); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "briefcases/briefcase", DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "briefcases/data", DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA); importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "briefcases/dataItem", DatabaseConst.TBL_BRIEFCASE_DATA_ITEM); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Import flat storages to the hierarchical storage * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ protected void importFlatStoragesHierarchical(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { //mapping: storage->level->columnname->assignment id final Map<String, Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>>> flatAssignmentMapping = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>>>( 5); //mapping: assignment id->position index final Map<Long, Integer> assignmentPositions = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(100); //mapping: flatstorage->column sizes [string,bigint,double,select,text] final Map<String, Integer[]> flatstoragesColumns = new HashMap<String, Integer[]>(5); ZipEntry zeMeta = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_FLATSTORAGE_META); DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse(zip.getInputStream(zeMeta)); XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); //calculate column sizes NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/flatstorageMeta/storageMeta", document, XPathConstants.NODESET); Node currNode; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { currNode = nodes.item(i); int cbigInt = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("bigInt").getNodeValue()); int cdouble = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("double").getNodeValue()); int cselect = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("select").getNodeValue()); int cstring = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("string").getNodeValue()); int ctext = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("text").getNodeValue()); String tableName = null; if (currNode.hasChildNodes()) { for (int j = 0; j < currNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("name")) { tableName = currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent(); } } if (tableName != null) { flatstoragesColumns.put(tableName, new Integer[] { cstring, cbigInt, cdouble, cselect, ctext }); } } //parse mappings nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/flatstorageMeta/mapping", document, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { currNode = nodes.item(i); long assignment = Long.valueOf(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("assid").getNodeValue()); int level = Integer.valueOf(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("lvl").getNodeValue()); String storage = null; String columnname = null; final NodeList childNodes = currNode.getChildNodes(); for (int c = 0; c < childNodes.getLength(); c++) { Node child = childNodes.item(c); if ("tblname".equals(child.getNodeName())) storage = child.getTextContent(); else if ("colname".equals(child.getNodeName())) columnname = child.getTextContent(); } if (storage == null || columnname == null) throw new Exception("Invalid flatstorage export: could not read storage or column name!"); if (!flatAssignmentMapping.containsKey(storage)) flatAssignmentMapping.put(storage, new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Long>>(20)); Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>> levelMap = flatAssignmentMapping.get(storage); if (!levelMap.containsKey(level)) levelMap.put(level, new HashMap<String, Long>(30)); Map<String, Long> columnMap = levelMap.get(level); if (!columnMap.containsKey(columnname)) columnMap.put(columnname, assignment); //calculate position assignmentPositions.put(assignment, getAssignmentPosition(flatstoragesColumns.get(storage), columnname)); } if (flatAssignmentMapping.size() == 0) { LOG.warn("No flatstorage assignments found to process!"); return; } ZipEntry zeData = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_DATA_FLAT); final String xpathStorage = "flatstorages/storage"; final String xpathData = "flatstorages/storage/data"; final PreparedStatement psGetAssInfo = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT DISTINCT a.APROPERTY,a.XALIAS,p.DATATYPE FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_ASSIGNMENTS + " a, " + DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_PROPERTIES + " p WHERE a.ID=? AND p.ID=a.APROPERTY"); final Map<Long, Object[]> assignmentPropAlias = new HashMap<Long, Object[]>(assignmentPositions.size()); final String insert1 = "INSERT INTO " + DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT_DATA + //1 2 3 4 5 6 =1 =1 =1 =1 7 8 9 "(ID,VER,POS,LANG,TPROP,ASSIGN,XDEPTH,XMULT,XINDEX,PARENTXMULT,ISMAX_VER,ISLIVE_VER,ISMLDEF,"; final String insert2 = "(?,?,?,?,1,?,?,1,1,1,?,?,?,"; final PreparedStatement psString = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FTEXT1024,UFTEXT1024,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psText = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FCLOB,UFCLOB,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psDouble = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FDOUBLE,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psNumber = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FINT,FSELECT,FBIGINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psLargeNumber = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FBIGINT,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psFloat = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FFLOAT,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psBoolean = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FBOOL,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psReference = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FREF,FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,0,?)"); final PreparedStatement psSelectOne = con .prepareStatement(insert1 + "FSELECT,FINT)VALUES" + insert2 + "?,?)"); try { final SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser(); final DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() { private String currentElement = null; private String currentStorage = null; private Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(10); private StringBuilder sbData = new StringBuilder(10000); boolean inTag = false; boolean inElement = false; List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>(10); StringBuilder currPath = new StringBuilder(100); int insertCount = 0; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { inTag = false; inElement = false; path.clear(); currPath.setLength(0); sbData.setLength(0); data.clear(); currentElement = null; currentStorage = null; insertCount = 0; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException {"Imported [" + insertCount + "] flatstorage entries into the hierarchical storage"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { pushPath(qName, attributes); if (currPath.toString().equals(xpathData)) { inTag = true; data.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String name = attributes.getLocalName(i); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) name = attributes.getQName(i); data.put(name, attributes.getValue(i)); } } else if (currPath.toString().equals(xpathStorage)) { currentStorage = attributes.getValue("name");"Processing storage: " + currentStorage); } else { currentElement = qName; } inElement = true; sbData.setLength(0); } /** * Push a path element from the stack * * @param qName element name to push * @param att attributes */ @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" }) private void pushPath(String qName, Attributes att) { path.add(qName); buildPath(); } /** * Pop the top path element from the stack */ private void popPath() { path.remove(path.size() - 1); buildPath(); } /** * Rebuild the current path */ private synchronized void buildPath() { currPath.setLength(0); for (String s : path) currPath.append(s).append('/'); if (currPath.length() > 1) currPath.delete(currPath.length() - 1, currPath.length()); // System.out.println("currPath: " + currPath); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (currPath.toString().equals(xpathData)) { //"Insert [" + xpathData + "]: [" + data + "]"); inTag = false; processData(); /*try { if (insertMode) { if (executeInsertPhase) { processColumnSet(insertColumns, psInsert); counter += psInsert.executeUpdate(); } } else { if (executeUpdatePhase) { if (processColumnSet(updateSetColumns, psUpdate)) { processColumnSet(updateClauseColumns, psUpdate); counter += psUpdate.executeUpdate(); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SAXException(e); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SAXException(e); }*/ } else { if (inTag) { data.put(currentElement, sbData.toString()); } currentElement = null; } popPath(); inElement = false; sbData.setLength(0); } void processData() { // System.out.println("processing " + currentStorage + " -> " + data); final String[] cols = { "string", "bigint", "double", "select", "text" }; for (String column : data.keySet()) { if (column.endsWith("_mld")) continue; for (String check : cols) { if (column.startsWith(check)) { if ("select".equals(check) && "0".equals(data.get(column))) continue; //dont insert 0-referencing selects try { insertData(column); } catch (SQLException e) { //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown throw new FxDbException(e, "ex.db.sqlError", e.getMessage()) .asRuntimeException(); } } } } } private void insertData(String column) throws SQLException { final int level = Integer.parseInt(data.get("lvl")); long assignment = flatAssignmentMapping.get(currentStorage).get(level) .get(column.toUpperCase()); int pos = FxArrayUtils.getIntElementAt(data.get("positions"), ',', assignmentPositions.get(assignment)); String _valueData = data.get("valuedata"); Integer valueData = _valueData == null ? null : FxArrayUtils.getHexIntElementAt(data.get("valuedata"), ',', assignmentPositions.get(assignment)); Object[] propXP = getPropertyXPathDataType(assignment); long prop = (Long) propXP[0]; String xpath = (String) propXP[1]; FxDataType dataType; try { dataType = FxDataType.getById((Long) propXP[2]); } catch (FxNotFoundException e) { throw e.asRuntimeException(); } long id = Long.parseLong(data.get("id")); int ver = Integer.parseInt(data.get("ver")); long lang = Integer.parseInt(data.get("lang")); boolean isMaxVer = "1".equals(data.get("ismax_ver")); boolean isLiveVer = "1".equals(data.get("islive_ver")); boolean mlDef = "1".equals(data.get(column + "_mld")); PreparedStatement ps; int vdPos; switch (dataType) { case String1024: ps = psString; ps.setString(10, data.get(column)); ps.setString(11, data.get(column).toUpperCase()); vdPos = 12; break; case Text: case HTML: ps = psText; ps.setString(10, data.get(column)); ps.setString(11, data.get(column).toUpperCase()); vdPos = 12; break; case Number: ps = psNumber; ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; case LargeNumber: ps = psLargeNumber; ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; case Reference: ps = psReference; ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; case Float: ps = psFloat; ps.setFloat(10, Float.valueOf(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; case Double: ps = psDouble; ps.setDouble(10, Double.valueOf(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; case Boolean: ps = psBoolean; ps.setBoolean(10, "1".equals(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; case SelectOne: ps = psSelectOne; ps.setLong(10, Long.valueOf(data.get(column))); vdPos = 11; break; default: //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown throw new FxInvalidParameterException("assignment", "ex.structure.flatstorage.datatype.unsupported", .asRuntimeException(); } ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, ver); ps.setInt(3, pos); ps.setLong(4, lang); ps.setLong(5, prop); ps.setLong(6, assignment); ps.setBoolean(7, isMaxVer); ps.setBoolean(8, isLiveVer); ps.setBoolean(9, mlDef); if (valueData == null) ps.setNull(vdPos, java.sql.Types.NUMERIC); else ps.setInt(vdPos, valueData); ps.executeUpdate(); insertCount++; } /** * Get property id, xpath and data type for an assignment * * @param assignment assignment id * @return Object[] {propertyId, xpath, datatype} */ private Object[] getPropertyXPathDataType(long assignment) { if (assignmentPropAlias.get(assignment) != null) return assignmentPropAlias.get(assignment); try { psGetAssInfo.setLong(1, assignment); ResultSet rs = psGetAssInfo.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && { Object[] data = new Object[] { rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getLong(3) }; assignmentPropAlias.put(assignment, data); return data; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not load data for assignment " + assignment + ": " + e.getMessage()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load data for assignment " + assignment + "!"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (inElement) sbData.append(ch, start, length); } }; parser.parse(zip.getInputStream(zeData), handler); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, psGetAssInfo, psString, psBoolean, psDouble, psFloat, psLargeNumber, psNumber, psReference, psSelectOne, psText); } } /** * Get the assignment position based on the column name * * @param columnSizes number of columns o feach type * @param columnname name of the column to evaluate * @return position */ private int getAssignmentPosition(Integer[] columnSizes, String columnname) { if (columnSizes == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No columnSizes available!"); //[string,bigint,double,select,text] int start; if (columnname.startsWith("STRING")) start = 0; else if (columnname.startsWith("BIGINT")) start = columnSizes[0]; else if (columnname.startsWith("DOUBLE")) start = columnSizes[0] + columnSizes[1]; else if (columnname.startsWith("SELECT")) start = columnSizes[0] + columnSizes[1] + columnSizes[2]; else if (columnname.startsWith("TEXT")) start = columnSizes[0] + columnSizes[1] + columnSizes[2] + columnSizes[3]; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown column: " + columnname); return start + Integer.parseInt(columnname.substring(columnname.length() - 3)); //format COLUMNxxx, xxx=number } /** * Import briefcases * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @param exportInfo information about the exported data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importFlatStorages(Connection con, ZipFile zip, FxDivisionExportInfo exportInfo) throws Exception { if (!canImportFlatStorages(exportInfo)) { importFlatStoragesHierarchical(con, zip); return; } ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_FLATSTORAGE_META); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze)); XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/flatstorageMeta/storageMeta", document, XPathConstants.NODESET); Node currNode; List<String> storages = new ArrayList<String>(5); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { currNode = nodes.item(i); int cbigInt = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("bigInt").getNodeValue()); int cdouble = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("double").getNodeValue()); int cselect = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("select").getNodeValue()); int cstring = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("string").getNodeValue()); int ctext = Integer.parseInt(currNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("text").getNodeValue()); String tableName = null; String description = null; if (currNode.hasChildNodes()) { for (int j = 0; j < currNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("name")) { tableName = currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent(); } else if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("description")) { description = currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent(); } } if (tableName != null) { if (description == null) description = "FlatStorage " + tableName; final FxFlatStorage flatStorage = FxFlatStorageManager.getInstance(); for (FxFlatStorageInfo fi : flatStorage.getFlatStorageInfos()) { if (fi.getName().equals(tableName)) { flatStorage.removeFlatStorage(tableName); break; } } // TODO - flat storage type detection flatStorage.createFlatStorage(con, tableName, FxFlatStorageInfo.Type.TypeNormal, description, cstring, ctext, cbigInt, cdouble, cselect); storages.add(tableName); } } importTable(stmt, zip, ze, "flatstorageMeta/mapping", DatabaseConst.TBL_STRUCT_FLATSTORE_MAPPING); ZipEntry zeData = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_DATA_FLAT); for (String storage : storages) importTable(stmt, zip, zeData, "flatstorages/storage[@name='" + storage + "']/data", storage); } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } /** * Can this importer import flatstorages from the given export? * * @param exportInfo info about the export * @return flatstorages can be imported */ protected boolean canImportFlatStorages(FxDivisionExportInfo exportInfo) { return true; } /** * Import sequencer settings * * @param con an open and valid connection to store imported data * @param zip zip file containing the data * @throws Exception on errors */ public void importSequencers(Connection con, ZipFile zip) throws Exception { ZipEntry ze = getZipEntry(zip, FILE_SEQUENCERS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); try { SequencerStorage seq = StorageManager.getSequencerStorage(); for (CustomSequencer cust : seq.getCustomSequencers()) seq.removeSequencer(cust.getName()); DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse(zip.getInputStream(ze)); XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/sequencers/syssequence", document, XPathConstants.NODESET); Node currNode; String seqName; long value; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { currNode = nodes.item(i); if (currNode.hasChildNodes()) { seqName = null; value = -1L; for (int j = 0; j < currNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("name")) { seqName = currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent(); } else if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("value")) { value = Long.parseLong(currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent()); } if (value != -1L && seqName != null) { try { if (value <= 0) value = 1; //make sure we have a valid value FxSystemSequencer sseq = FxSystemSequencer.valueOf(seqName); //check if this is really a system sequencer seq.setSequencerId(sseq.getSequencerName(), value);"Set sequencer [" + seqName + "] to [" + value + "]"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.error("Could not find system sequencer named [" + seqName + "]!"); } } } } nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/sequencers/usrsequence", document, XPathConstants.NODESET); boolean rollOver = false; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { currNode = nodes.item(i); if (currNode.hasChildNodes()) { seqName = null; value = -1L; for (int j = 0; j < currNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("name")) { seqName = currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent(); } else if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("value")) { value = Long.parseLong(currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent()); } else if (currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("rollover")) { rollOver = "1".equals(currNode.getChildNodes().item(j).getTextContent()); } if (value != -1L && seqName != null) { seq.createSequencer(seqName, rollOver, value);"Created sequencer [" + seqName + "] with start value [" + value + "], rollover: " + rollOver); } } } } finally { Database.closeObjects(GenericDivisionImporter.class, stmt); } } }