Example usage for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem

List of usage examples for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem


In this page you can find the example usage for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem.


public Node getNamedItem(String name);

Source Link


Retrieves a node specified by name.


From source file:com.mirth.connect.model.converters.DICOMSerializer.java

private void renameTagToAttr(Document document, Node node) throws DOMException {
    NamedNodeMap attr = node.getAttributes();

    if (attr != null) {
        Node tagAttr = attr.getNamedItem("tag");

        if (tagAttr != null) {
            String tag = "tag" + tagAttr.getNodeValue();

            if (!tag.equals("?") && tag.equals(node.getNodeName())) {
                document.renameNode(node, null, "attr");
            }/*www .  ja va 2  s.  c  o  m*/

From source file:com.microsoft.alm.plugin.external.commands.StatusCommand.java

 * Parses the output of the status command when formatted as xml.
 * SAMPLE//from   w  w  w  .j  ava 2s  .c  o m
 * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 * <status>
 * <pending-changes/>
 * <candidate-pending-changes>
 * <pending-change server-item="$/tfsTest_01/test.txt" version="0" owner="jason" date="2016-07-13T12:36:51.060-0400" lock="none" change-type="add" workspace="MyNewWorkspace2" computer="JPRICKET-DEV2" local-item="D:\tmp\test\test.txt"/>
 * </candidate-pending-changes>
 * </status>
public List<PendingChange> parseOutput(final String stdout, final String stderr) {
    final List<PendingChange> changes = new ArrayList<PendingChange>(100);
    final NodeList nodes = super.evaluateXPath(stdout, "/status/*/pending-change");

    // Convert all the xpath nodes to pending change models
    if (nodes != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
            final NamedNodeMap attributes = nodes.item(i).getAttributes();
            final boolean isCandidate = StringUtils
                    .equalsIgnoreCase(nodes.item(i).getParentNode().getNodeName(), CANDIDATE_TAG);
            final Node sourceItem = attributes.getNamedItem("source-item"); // not always present
            changes.add(new PendingChange(attributes.getNamedItem("server-item").getNodeValue(),
                    attributes.getNamedItem("computer").getNodeValue(), isCandidate,
                    sourceItem != null ? sourceItem.getNodeValue() : StringUtils.EMPTY));
    return changes;

From source file:com.axelor.apps.base.test.PrepareCsv.java

public void prepareCsv() {
    String xmlDir = System.getProperty("xmlDir");
    String csvDir = System.getProperty("csvDir");
    List<String> ignoreType = Arrays.asList("one-to-one", "many-to-many", "one-to-many");
    try {//  www  .  j ava2  s  .  c  o  m
        if (xmlDir != null && csvDir != null) {
            File xDir = new File(xmlDir);
            File cDir = new File(csvDir);
            List<String[]> blankData = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            if (xDir.isDirectory() && cDir.isDirectory()) {
                for (File xf : xDir.listFiles()) {
                    LOG.info("Processing XML: " + xf.getName());
                    List<String> fieldList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    Document doc = dBuilder.parse(xf);
                    NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("module");
                    String module = nList.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
                    nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("entity");
                    if (nList != null) {
                        NodeList fields = nList.item(0).getChildNodes();
                        Integer count = 0;
                        String csvFileName = module + "_" + CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL,
                                xf.getName().replace(".xml", ".csv"));
                        while (count < fields.getLength()) {
                            Node field = fields.item(count);
                            NamedNodeMap attrs = field.getAttributes();
                            String type = field.getNodeName();
                            if (attrs != null && attrs.getNamedItem("name") != null
                                    && !ignoreType.contains(type)) {
                                String fieldName = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
                                if (type.equals("many-to-one")) {
                                    String[] objName = attrs.getNamedItem("ref").getNodeValue().split("\\.");
                                    String refName = objName[objName.length - 1];
                                    String nameColumn = getNameColumn(xmlDir + "/" + refName + ".xml");
                                    if (nameColumn != null)
                                        fieldList.add(fieldName + "." + nameColumn);
                                    else {
                                        LOG.error("No name column found for " + refName + ", field '"
                                                + attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue() + "'");
                                } else

                        cTool.csvWriter(csvDir, csvFileName, ';', StringUtils.join(fieldList, ",").split(","),
                        LOG.info("CSV file prepared: " + csvFileName);

            } else
                LOG.error("XML and CSV paths must be directory");
        } else
            LOG.error("Please input XML and CSV directory path");
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:eu.planets_project.tb.impl.services.tags.DefaultServiceTagHandlerImpl.java

private void parseTags() {
    int defaultPriority = 2;
    NodeList tags = root.getElementsByTagName("tag");

    for (int k = 0; k < tags.getLength(); k++) {
        ServiceTagImpl serTag = new ServiceTagImpl();
        Node tag = tags.item(k);//from   www . j  av  a 2  s  .  com
        NodeList tag_children = tag.getChildNodes();

        NamedNodeMap tagattributes = tag.getAttributes();
        try {
            //priority not mandatory - may have a default value
            int priority = Integer.parseInt(tagattributes.getNamedItem("priority").getNodeValue());
        } catch (Exception e) {

        for (int i = 0; i < tag_children.getLength(); i++) {
            Node child = tag_children.item(i);
            if (child.getNodeName().equals("name") && child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                //set name
            if (child.getNodeName().equals("description") && child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                //set description
        //store tag, name is id
        this.hmDefaultTags.put(serTag.getName(), serTag);


From source file:com.axelor.csv.script.PrepareCsv.java

 * Method to generate csv files/*w w w . j a  v  a2s. c o m*/
 * @param xmlDir 
 * @param csvDir
public void prepareCsv(String xmlDir, String csvDir) {
    List<String> ignoreType = Arrays.asList("one-to-one", "many-to-many", "one-to-many");
    try {
        if (xmlDir != null && csvDir != null) {
            File xDir = new File(xmlDir);
            File cDir = new File(csvDir);
            List<String[]> blankData = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            if (xDir.isDirectory() && cDir.isDirectory()) {
                for (File xf : xDir.listFiles()) {
                    LOG.info("Processing XML: " + xf.getName());
                    List<String> fieldList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    Document doc = dBuilder.parse(xf);
                    NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("module");
                    String module = nList.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
                    nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("entity");
                    if (nList != null) {
                        NodeList fields = nList.item(0).getChildNodes();
                        Integer count = 0;
                        String csvFileName = module + "_" + CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL,
                                xf.getName().replace(".xml", ".csv"));
                        while (count < fields.getLength()) {
                            Node field = fields.item(count);
                            NamedNodeMap attrs = field.getAttributes();
                            String type = field.getNodeName();
                            if (attrs != null && attrs.getNamedItem("name") != null
                                    && !ignoreType.contains(type)) {
                                String fieldName = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
                                if (type.equals("many-to-one")) {
                                    String[] objName = attrs.getNamedItem("ref").getNodeValue().split("\\.");
                                    String refName = objName[objName.length - 1];
                                    String nameColumn = getNameColumn(xmlDir + "/" + refName + ".xml");
                                    if (nameColumn != null)
                                        fieldList.add(fieldName + "." + nameColumn);
                                    else {
                                        LOG.error("No name column found for " + refName + ", field '"
                                                + attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue() + "'");
                                } else

                        CsvTool.csvWriter(csvDir, csvFileName, ';', StringUtils.join(fieldList, ",").split(","),
                        LOG.info("CSV file prepared: " + csvFileName);

            } else
                LOG.error("XML and CSV paths must be directory");
        } else
            LOG.error("Please input XML and CSV directory path");
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:eu.masconsult.bgbanking.banks.fibank.ebanking.EFIBankClient.java

private void obtainSession(DefaultHttpClient httpClient, AuthToken authToken)
        throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
    HttpEntity entity;/*from   www.  j a  v a2  s .  co  m*/
    try {
        entity = new StringEntity("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><LOGIN><USER_NAME>" + authToken.username
                + "</USER_NAME><USER_PASS>" + authToken.password
                + "</USER_PASS><USER_LANG>BG</USER_LANG><PATH>Login</PATH></LOGIN>", "utf-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(LOGIN_URL);
    post.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
    post.setHeader("Accept", "*/*");

    HttpResponse resp = httpClient.execute(post);
    if (resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid credentials!");

    String response = EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity());

    Log.v(TAG, "response = " + response);

    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

    DocumentBuilder db;
    try {
        db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        throw new ParseException(e.getMessage());

    InputSource is = new InputSource();
    is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(response));

    Document doc;
    try {
        doc = db.parse(is);
    } catch (SAXException e) {
        throw new ParseException(e.getMessage());

    NodeList session = doc.getElementsByTagName("SESSION");
    if (session == null || session.getLength() != 1) {
        throw new ParseException("can't find SESSION ");

    NamedNodeMap attributes = session.item(0).getAttributes();
    authToken.sessionId = attributes.getNamedItem("id").getTextContent();

From source file:com.collabnet.ccf.core.recovery.HospitalArtifactReplayer.java

private Element getRouterElement(Document document) {
    NodeList beanNodesList = document.getElementsByTagName("bean");
    Node routerNode = null;/*  w ww.  j av  a 2s  . co m*/
    for (int i = 0; i < beanNodesList.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = beanNodesList.item(i);
        NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes();
        Node idNode = nodeMap.getNamedItem("id");
        String id = idNode.getNodeValue();
        // FIXME What happens if the router is not called router?
        if (id.equals("Router")) {
            routerNode = node;
    return (Element) routerNode;

From source file:com.collabnet.ccf.core.recovery.HospitalArtifactReplayer.java

private void stripOffProcessors(Element routerElement) {
    NodeList propertyNodes = routerElement.getElementsByTagName("property");
    for (int i = 0; i < propertyNodes.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = propertyNodes.item(i);
        NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes();
        Node nameNode = nodeMap.getNamedItem("name");
        String value = nameNode.getNodeValue();
        // FIXME What happens if no map is used within the router?
        if (value.equals("processMap")) {
            NodeList propertyChilds = ((Element) node).getElementsByTagName("map");
            Node mapNode = propertyChilds.item(0);
            removeProcessors(mapNode);//from w  w w .j  a  v a2 s.  c  o  m

From source file:com.mediaworx.intellij.opencmsplugin.opencms.OpenCmsConfiguration.java

 * Reads the export points from the module configuration
 * @param moduleName    the module whose export points should be returned
 * @return  A List of export points for the given module
 *///  w w w .j  av  a2  s . c om
public List<OpenCmsModuleExportPoint> getExportPointsForModule(String moduleName) {
    List<OpenCmsModuleExportPoint> exportPoints = new ArrayList<OpenCmsModuleExportPoint>();
    Document configDocument = getParsedModuleConfigurationFile();
    if (configDocument != null) {
        try {
            NodeList nl = xmlHelper.getNodeListForXPath(configDocument,
                    String.format(EXPORTPOINT_XPATH, moduleName));
            int numExportPoints = nl.getLength();

            for (int i = 0; i < numExportPoints; i++) {
                Node n = nl.item(i);
                NamedNodeMap attr = n.getAttributes();
                String uri = attr.getNamedItem("uri").getNodeValue();
                String destination = attr.getNamedItem("destination").getNodeValue();
                LOG.info("Exportpoint " + (i + 1) + ": uri=" + uri + " - destination=" + destination);
                exportPoints.add(new OpenCmsModuleExportPoint(uri, destination));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.warn("There was an Exception initializing export points for module " + moduleName, e);
    return exportPoints;

From source file:com.mediaworx.intellij.opencmsplugin.opencms.OpenCmsConfiguration.java

 * Reads the module resource from the module configuration
 * @param moduleName    the module whose resources should be returned
 * @return A List of module resources for the given module
 *//*ww  w  . jav  a2s  .  c om*/
public List<String> getModuleResourcesForModule(String moduleName) {
    List<String> moduleResources = new ArrayList<String>();
    Document configDocument = getParsedModuleConfigurationFile();

    if (configDocument != null) {
        try {
            NodeList nl = xmlHelper.getNodeListForXPath(configDocument,
                    String.format(MODULE_RESOURCE_XPATH, moduleName));
            int numResources = nl.getLength();

            for (int i = 0; i < numResources; i++) {
                Node n = nl.item(i);
                NamedNodeMap attr = n.getAttributes();
                String uri = attr.getNamedItem("uri").getNodeValue();
                LOG.info("Module Resource " + (i + 1) + ": uri=" + uri);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.warn("There was an Exception initializing export points for module " + moduleName, e);
    return moduleResources;