Example usage for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem

List of usage examples for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem


In this page you can find the example usage for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem.


public Node getNamedItem(String name);

Source Link


Retrieves a node specified by name.


From source file:Main.java

 * Allows to retrieve the UUID of the node.
 * @param node node to be modified.//from www  . ja v a  2s . co  m
 * @return the UUID of the node.
public static String getNodeId(Node node) {
    String nodeId = null;
    NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
    if (nnm != null) {
        Attr a = (Attr) nnm.getNamedItemNS(CEFX_NAMESPACE, CEFXUID);
        if (a == null) {
            String name = CEFXUID;
            a = (Attr) nnm.getNamedItem(name);
        if (a != null) {
            nodeId = a.getNodeValue();
    return nodeId;

From source file:org.owasp.benchmark.tools.BenchmarkCrawler.java

public static String getAttributeValue(String name, Node node) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;
    }// w  w w  .j  ava2s  .c om
    NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
    if (nnm != null) {
        Node attrnode = nnm.getNamedItem(name);
        if (attrnode != null) {
            String value = attrnode.getNodeValue();
            if (value.equals("[random]")) {
                value = getToken();
            //System.out.println("El value es: " + value);
            return value;
    return null;

From source file:Main.java

 * Set or add node attribute./*from  ww  w.j a  v a2  s . c  o m*/
 * @param node
 *          the node
 * @param attributeName
 *          the attribute name
 * @param attributeValue
 *          the attribute value
 * @param doc
 *          the document
public static void setAddNodeAttribute(Node node, String attributeName, String attributeValue, Document doc) {
    if (null == node) {
    NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
    Element element = (Element) node;
    if (null == attributes) {
        element.setAttributeNode(getAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue, doc));
    } else {
        Node n = attributes.getNamedItem(attributeName);
        if (null == n) {
            element.setAttributeNode(getAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue, doc));
        } else {

From source file:Main.java

 * Compares the attributes of two XML <code>Node</code> objects. This method
 * returns <code>true</code> if all attribute name-value pairs match 
 * disregarding their order of placement.
 * //from w w  w.  ja  v a  2s.  c o  m
 * @param   n1    first <code>Node</code>
 * @param   n2    second <code>Node</code>
 * @return  boolean
public static boolean diffAttributes(Node n1, Node n2) {
    NamedNodeMap n1Atts = n1.getAttributes();
    NamedNodeMap n2Atts = n2.getAttributes();

    if (n1Atts.getLength() != n2Atts.getLength()) {
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < n1Atts.getLength(); i++) {
        Node a1 = n1Atts.item(i);
        Node a2Val = n2Atts.getNamedItem(a1.getNodeName());
        if (a2Val == null || !a1.getNodeValue().equals(a2Val.getNodeValue())) {
            return false;
    return true;

From source file:jp.go.nict.langrid.client.soap.io.SoapResponseParser.java

private static Node findFirstDescendantHasAttr(Node parent, String attrName, String attrValue) {
    if (parent == null)
        return null;
    Node n = parent.getFirstChild();
    while (n != null) {
        NamedNodeMap attrs = n.getAttributes();
        if (attrs != null) {
            Node attr = attrs.getNamedItem(attrName);
            if (attr != null) {
                if (attr.getNodeValue().equals(attrValue)) {
                    return n;
                }//from  w w  w. j a v  a  2s .  co  m
        Node d = findFirstDescendantHasAttr(n, attrName, attrValue);
        if (d != null) {
            return d;
        n = n.getNextSibling();
    return n;

From source file:Main.java

private static boolean hasEqualAttributes(Node arg0, Node arg) {

    NamedNodeMap map1 = arg0.getAttributes();
    NamedNodeMap map2 = arg.getAttributes();
    int len = map1.getLength();
    if (len != map2.getLength()) {
        return false;
    }/*from ww w .j  a v a 2s.c o m*/

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        Node n1 = map1.item(i);
        if (n1.getNodeName() != null) {
            Node n2 = map2.getNamedItem(n1.getNodeName());
            if (n2 == null) {
                return false;
            } else if (!n1.getNodeValue().equals(n2.getNodeValue())) {
                return false;
    return true;

From source file:de.matzefratze123.heavyspleef.util.I18NNew.java

private static void readEntry(Node node, String parentEntry) {
    NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();

    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
        Node childNode = list.item(i);
        String nodeName = childNode.getNodeName();

        if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(MESSAGE_ENTRY)) {
            NamedNodeMap attributes = childNode.getAttributes();
            Node idNode = attributes.getNamedItem(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (idNode == null) {
                Logger.warning("Warning: No id for message in " + MESSAGES_FILE + ". Ignoring message...");
            }/*from ww w.  ja va  2  s  . c om*/

            String id = idNode.getNodeValue();
            String value = childNode.getTextContent();

            messages.put(parentEntry + id, value);
        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(ENTRY_ENTRY)) {
            NamedNodeMap attributes = childNode.getAttributes();
            Node nameNode = attributes.getNamedItem(ENTRY_NAME);
            String entryName = nameNode.getNodeValue();

            readEntry(childNode, parentEntry + entryName + ".");

From source file:com.jaeksoft.searchlib.util.XPathParser.java

private final static String getAttributeString(Node node, String attributeName, boolean unescapeXml) {
    NamedNodeMap attr = node.getAttributes();
    if (attr == null)
        return null;
    Node n = attr.getNamedItem(attributeName);
    if (n == null)
        return null;
    String t = n.getTextContent();
    if (t == null)
        return null;
    return unescapeXml ? StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(t) : t;

From source file:DomUtil.java

public static String getAttribute(Node element, String attName) {
    NamedNodeMap attrs = element.getAttributes();
    if (attrs == null)
        return null;
    Node attN = attrs.getNamedItem(attName);
    if (attN == null)
        return null;
    return attN.getNodeValue();

From source file:it.polimi.diceH2020.plugin.control.JSonReader.java

private static boolean findAttribute(NamedNodeMap element, String attribute) {
    Boolean result = false;//from  w ww. ja v a 2  s . c  om

    try {
        Node value = element.getNamedItem(attribute);
        if (value != null) {
            result = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return result;