Example usage for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem

List of usage examples for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem


In this page you can find the example usage for org.w3c.dom NamedNodeMap getNamedItem.


public Node getNamedItem(String name);

Source Link


Retrieves a node specified by name.


From source file:org.ale.scanner.zotero.web.zotero.ZoteroAPIClient.java

public static Access parsePermissions(String resp, Account user) {
    /* example:/*from   w  ww  .ja v  a2 s  . c  o m*/
      <key key="xxx">
      <access library="1" files="1" notes="1" write="1"/>
      <access group="12345" write="1"/>
      <access group="all" write="1"/>
    Document doc = ZoteroAPIClient.parseXML(resp);
    if (doc == null)
        return null;

    NodeList keys = doc.getElementsByTagName("key");
    if (keys.getLength() == 0)
        return null;

    Node keyNode = keys.item(0);
    Node keyAttr = keyNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("key");
    if (keyAttr == null)
        return null;

    String key = keyAttr.getNodeValue();
    if (!key.equals(user.getKey()))
        return null;

    NodeList accessTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("access");
    int[] groups = new int[accessTags.getLength()];
    int[] permissions = new int[accessTags.getLength()];
    for (int i = 0; i < accessTags.getLength(); i++) {
        permissions[i] = Access.READ;

        NamedNodeMap attr = accessTags.item(i).getAttributes();
        Node groupNode = attr.getNamedItem("group");
        if (groupNode == null) { // Library access?
            groupNode = attr.getNamedItem("library");
            if (groupNode == null)
                return null;
            groups[i] = Group.GROUP_LIBRARY;
        } else { // Individual group or all groups
            if (groupNode.getNodeValue().equals("all"))
                groups[i] = Group.GROUP_ALL;
                groups[i] = Integer.parseInt(groupNode.getNodeValue());

        Node writeNode = attr.getNamedItem("write");
        if (writeNode != null && writeNode.getNodeValue().equals("1")) {
            permissions[i] |= Access.WRITE;

        Node noteNode = attr.getNamedItem("notes");
        if (noteNode != null && noteNode.getNodeValue().equals("1")) {
            permissions[i] |= Access.NOTE;
    return new Access(user.getDbId(), groups, permissions);

From source file:com.ryderbot.utils.ModelUtils.java

public static Contract generateContract(NamedNodeMap attributes) {
    DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    Long contractID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("contractID").getNodeValue());
    Long issuerID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("issuerID").getNodeValue());
    Long issuerCorpID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("issuerCorpID").getNodeValue());
    Long assigneeID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("assigneeID").getNodeValue());
    Long acceptorID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("acceptorID").getNodeValue());
    Long startStationID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("startStationID").getNodeValue());
    Long endStationID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("endStationID").getNodeValue());
    String type = attributes.getNamedItem("type").getNodeValue();
    String status = attributes.getNamedItem("status").getNodeValue();
    String title = attributes.getNamedItem("title").getNodeValue();
    boolean forCorp = attributes.getNamedItem("forCorp").getNodeValue().equals("1") ? true : false;
    String availability = attributes.getNamedItem("availability").getNodeValue();
    Integer numDays = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("numDays").getNodeValue());
    Double price = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("price").getNodeValue());
    Double reward = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("reward").getNodeValue());
    ;/*from  w ww  .java2s  .c  om*/
    Double collateral = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("collateral").getNodeValue());
    Double buyout = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("buyout").getNodeValue());
    Double volume = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("volume").getNodeValue());

    Date dateIssued = null;
    Date dateExpired = null;
    Date dateAccepted = null;
    Date dateCompleted = null;

    try {
        dateIssued = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("dateIssued").getNodeValue());
        dateExpired = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("dateExpired").getNodeValue());
        dateAccepted = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("dateAccepted").getNodeValue());
        dateCompleted = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("dateCompleted").getNodeValue());
    } catch (DOMException | ParseException e) {


    Contract contract = new Contract(contractID);

    return contract;

From source file:com.ryderbot.utils.ModelUtils.java

public static CorporationSheet generateCorpSheet(Node node) {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Long, String> divisions = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Long, String> walletDivisions = new HashMap<>();
    Logo logo = new Logo(null);

    NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();

    for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
        Node child = children.item(i);

        String key = child.getNodeName();
        if (key.equals("rowset")) {
            String name = child.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();

            NodeList rowset = child.getChildNodes();
            for (int j = 0; j < rowset.getLength(); j++) {
                try {
                    NamedNodeMap attributes = rowset.item(j).getAttributes();

                    Long accountKey = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("accountKey").getNodeValue());
                    String description = attributes.getNamedItem("description").getNodeValue();

                    if (description.equals("Wallet Division 1")) {
                        description = "Master Wallet";
                    }/*from  w w  w .j a  v a  2s  .  c  o m*/

                    if (name.equals("divisions")) {
                        divisions.put(accountKey, description);
                    } else if (name.equals("walletDivisions")) {
                        walletDivisions.put(accountKey, description);
                } catch (Exception e) {
        } else if (key.equals("logo")) {
            //            Node current = child.getFirstChild();
            //            Long graphicID = Long.parseLong(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo = new Logo(graphicID);
            //            current = current.getNextSibling();
            //            Integer value = Integer.parseInt(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo.setShape1(value);
            //            current = current.getNextSibling();
            //            value = Integer.parseInt(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo.setShape2(value);
            //            current = current.getNextSibling();
            //            value = Integer.parseInt(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo.setShape3(value);
            //            current = current.getNextSibling();
            //            value = Integer.parseInt(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo.setColor1(value);
            //            current = current.getNextSibling();
            //            value = Integer.parseInt(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo.setColor2(value);
            //            current = current.getNextSibling();
            //            value = Integer.parseInt(current.getTextContent());
            //            logo.setColor3(value);
        } else {
            String value = child.getTextContent();

            map.put(key, value);

    Long corporationID = Long.parseLong(map.get("corporationID"));
    CorporationSheet corpSheet = new CorporationSheet(corporationID);

    String corporationName = map.get("corporationName");
    String ticker = map.get("ticker");
    Long ceoID = Long.parseLong(map.get("ceoID"));
    String ceoName = map.get("ceoName");
    Long stationID = Long.parseLong(map.get("stationID"));
    String stationName = map.get("stationName");
    String description = map.get("description");
    String url = map.get("url");
    Long allianceID = Long.parseLong(map.get("allianceID"));
    Long factionID = Long.parseLong(map.get("factionID"));
    String allianceName = map.get("allianceName");
    Double taxRate = Double.parseDouble(map.get("taxRate"));
    Integer memberCount = Integer.parseInt(map.get("memberCount"));
    Integer memberLimit = Integer.parseInt(map.get("memberLimit"));
    Long shares = Long.parseLong(map.get("shares"));


    return corpSheet;

From source file:Main.java

static boolean canBeMerged(Node node1, Node node2, String requiredTagName) {
    if (node1.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE || node2.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
        return false;

    Element element1 = (Element) node1;
    Element element2 = (Element) node2;

    if (!equals(requiredTagName, element1.getTagName()) || !equals(requiredTagName, element2.getTagName()))
        return false;

    NamedNodeMap attributes1 = element1.getAttributes();
    NamedNodeMap attributes2 = element2.getAttributes();

    if (attributes1.getLength() != attributes2.getLength())
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < attributes1.getLength(); i++) {
        final Attr attr1 = (Attr) attributes1.item(i);
        final Attr attr2;
        if (isNotEmpty(attr1.getNamespaceURI()))
            attr2 = (Attr) attributes2.getNamedItemNS(attr1.getNamespaceURI(), attr1.getLocalName());
        else/*  w w  w  . j  ava  2s.  co  m*/
            attr2 = (Attr) attributes2.getNamedItem(attr1.getName());

        if (attr2 == null || !equals(attr1.getTextContent(), attr2.getTextContent()))
            return false;

    return true;

From source file:ambit.data.qmrf.QMRFConverter.java

public static ArrayList findNodeIDRef(String name_node, String ref_name, String catalog_name,
        org.w3c.dom.Document source) throws Exception {

    source.getDocumentElement();//www .  ja  v  a2  s  . c om
    ArrayList return_list = new ArrayList();
    NodeList objCatNodes = source.getElementsByTagName(name_node);

    Node objNode = objCatNodes.item(0);
    NodeList objNodes = objNode.getChildNodes();
    for (int i = 0; i < objNodes.getLength(); i = i + 1) {

        if (objNodes.item(i).getNodeName().equals(ref_name)) {
            NamedNodeMap objAttributes = objNodes.item(i).getAttributes();
            Node attribute = objAttributes.getNamedItem("idref");
            NodeList objNodesAuthor = source.getElementsByTagName(catalog_name);
            for (int j = 0; j < objNodesAuthor.getLength(); j = j + 1) {
                String id = objNodesAuthor.item(j).getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue();
                if (id.equals(attribute.getNodeValue())) {
                    //Node name = objNodesAuthor.item(j).getAttributes().getNamedItem(xml_attribute_name);



    return return_list;

From source file:apps.ParsedPost.java

public static ParsedPost parsePost(String postText, boolean excludeCode) throws Exception {
    Document post = XmlHelper.parseDocWithoutXMLDecl(postText);

    NamedNodeMap attr = post.getDocumentElement().getAttributes();

    if (null == attr) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid entry, no attributes!");
    }//from  www . j  a va 2  s  .c o m

    Node itemId = attr.getNamedItem("Id");
    Node itemAcceptedAnswerId = attr.getNamedItem("AcceptedAnswerId");
    Node itemParentId = attr.getNamedItem("ParentId");
    Node itemPostTypeId = attr.getNamedItem("PostTypeId");
    Node itemTitle = attr.getNamedItem("Title");
    Node itemBody = attr.getNamedItem("Body");

    if (null == itemId)
        throw new Exception("Missing Id");
    if (null == itemPostTypeId)
        throw new Exception("Missing PostTypeId");
    if (null == itemBody)
        throw new Exception("Missing Body");

    String id = XmlHelper.getNodeValue(itemId);
    String acceptedAnswerId = itemAcceptedAnswerId != null ? XmlHelper.getNodeValue(itemAcceptedAnswerId) : "";
    String postIdType = XmlHelper.getNodeValue(itemPostTypeId);
    String parentId = itemParentId != null ? XmlHelper.getNodeValue(itemParentId) : "";
    String title = itemTitle != null ? XmlHelper.getNodeValue(itemTitle) : "";
    String body = XmlHelper.getNodeValue(itemBody);

    return new ParsedPost(id, acceptedAnswerId, parentId, postIdType,
            (new PostCleaner(title, MIN_CODE_CHARS, true)).getText(),
            (new PostCleaner(body, MIN_CODE_CHARS, excludeCode)).getText());

From source file:sep.gaia.resources.poi.POILoaderWorker.java

 * Parses XML-data from the Overpass-API containing both nodes and ways and creates 
 * <code>PointOfInterest</code>-objects from it. When a way is contained, one of its nodes
 * is picked as the describing POIs location.
 * @param doc The document to parse.//  w  ww  .ja  v  a2s  . c o  m
 * @return The POIs described by the Overpass-data.
private static Collection<PointOfInterest> parseResponse(Document doc) {

    // First all ways must be parsed, because later the contained nodes must be known:   
    Collection<Way> ways = new LinkedList<>();
    NodeList wayElements = doc.getElementsByTagName("way");

    // Iterate all way-elements:
    for (int i = 0; i < wayElements.getLength(); i++) {
        Node wayElement = wayElements.item(i);

        Set<String> nodeReferences = new HashSet<>();
        Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();

        // Iterate all child-elements of the way-element:
        NodeList childs = wayElement.getChildNodes();
        for (int j = 0; j < childs.getLength(); j++) {
            Node currentChild = childs.item(j);

            // If its a node reference
            if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("nd")) {
                // Add its ID to the ways node references:
                NamedNodeMap attributes = currentChild.getAttributes();
                String ref = attributes.getNamedItem("ref").getNodeValue();

                // If its an attribute tag-element:
            } else if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("tag")) {
                // Add the k/v-attributes to the ways attributes:
                NamedNodeMap attributes = currentChild.getAttributes();
                String key = attributes.getNamedItem("k").getNodeValue();
                String value = attributes.getNamedItem("v").getNodeValue();
                tags.put(key, value);

        // Remember the way for later use:
        Way way = new Way(nodeReferences, tags);

    // Now all node-elements are parsed:
    NodeList nodeElements = doc.getElementsByTagName("node");
    Collection<PointOfInterest> pois = new ArrayList<>(nodeElements.getLength());

    for (int i = 0; i < nodeElements.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = nodeElements.item(i);

        // Get the nodes ID and position:
        NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
        String id = attributes.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue();
        float lat = Float.parseFloat(attributes.getNamedItem("lat").getNodeValue());
        float lon = Float.parseFloat(attributes.getNamedItem("lon").getNodeValue());

        // If the node is part of a way, add its position to the ways position-set:
        Way containedIn = null;
        Iterator<Way> wayIter = ways.iterator();
        while (wayIter.hasNext() && containedIn == null) {
            Way current = wayIter.next();
            if (current.containsNode(id)) {
                current.addNode(new FloatVector3D(lat, lon, 0));
                containedIn = current;

        // If this node is not a part of a way:
        if (containedIn == null) {
            Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();

            // Iterate all children of the node:
            NodeList childs = node.getChildNodes();
            for (int j = 0; j < childs.getLength(); j++) {
                Node currentChild = childs.item(j);
                NamedNodeMap childAttrs = currentChild.getAttributes();

                // Add attribute for each k/v-element:
                if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("tag")) {
                    String key = childAttrs.getNamedItem("k").getNodeValue();
                    String value = childAttrs.getNamedItem("v").getNodeValue();
                    tags.put(key, value);

            // Valid POIs must have a name:
            String name = tags.get("name");
            if (name != null) {
                // Create the POI from read data and add it to results:
                PointOfInterest poi = createPoiFromTags(lat, lon, tags);
                if (poi != null) {

    // The last thing to do is to convert all generated ways to POIs:
    for (Way way : ways) {
        PointOfInterest poi = wayToPoi(way);
        if (poi != null) {

    return pois;

From source file:com.connexta.arbitro.attr.AttributeDesignator.java

 * Creates a new <code>AttributeDesignator</code> based on the DOM root of the XML data.
 * @param root     the DOM root of the AttributeDesignatorType XML type
 * @return the designator/*w w w . ja  v  a  2 s.c o m*/
 * @throws ParsingException if the AttributeDesignatorType was invalid
public static AttributeDesignator getInstance(Node root) throws ParsingException {

    URI type = null;
    URI id = null;
    String issuer = null;
    boolean mustBePresent = false;
    URI category = null;
    int target;

    String tagName = DOMHelper.getLocalName(root);

    if (tagName.equals("SubjectAttributeDesignator")) {
        target = SUBJECT_TARGET;
    } else if (tagName.equals("ResourceAttributeDesignator")) {
        target = RESOURCE_TARGET;
    } else if (tagName.equals("ActionAttributeDesignator")) {
        target = ACTION_TARGET;
    } else if (tagName.equals("EnvironmentAttributeDesignator")) {
        target = ENVIRONMENT_TARGET;
    } else {
        throw new ParsingException(
                "AttributeDesignator cannot be constructed using " + "type: " + DOMHelper.getLocalName(root));

    NamedNodeMap attrs = root.getAttributes();

    try {
        // there's always an Id
        id = new URI(attrs.getNamedItem("AttributeId").getNodeValue());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParsingException("Required AttributeId missing in " + "AttributeDesignator", e);

    try {
        // there's always a data type
        type = new URI(attrs.getNamedItem("DataType").getNodeValue());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParsingException("Required DataType missing in " + "AttributeDesignator", e);

    try {
        // there might be an issuer
        Node node = attrs.getNamedItem("Issuer");
        if (node != null)
            issuer = node.getNodeValue();

        // if it's for the Subject section, there's another attr
        if (target == SUBJECT_TARGET) {
            Node scnode = attrs.getNamedItem("SubjectCategory");
            if (scnode != null) {
                category = new URI(scnode.getNodeValue());
            } else {
                category = new URI(SUBJECT_CATEGORY_DEFAULT);
        } else if (target == RESOURCE_TARGET) {
            category = new URI(XACMLConstants.RESOURCE_CATEGORY);
        } else if (target == ACTION_TARGET) {
            category = new URI(XACMLConstants.ACTION_CATEGORY);
        } else if (target == ENVIRONMENT_TARGET) {
            category = new URI(XACMLConstants.ENT_CATEGORY);

        // there might be a mustBePresent flag
        node = attrs.getNamedItem("MustBePresent");
        if (node != null)
            if (node.getNodeValue().equals("true"))
                mustBePresent = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // this shouldn't ever happen, but in theory something could go
        // wrong in the code in this try block
        throw new ParsingException("Error parsing AttributeDesignator " + "optional attributes", e);

    return new AttributeDesignator(target, type, id, mustBePresent, issuer, category);

From source file:com.ryderbot.utils.ModelUtils.java

public static Job generateJob(NamedNodeMap attributes) {
    DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    Long jobID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("jobID").getNodeValue());
    Long installerID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("installerID").getNodeValue());
    String installerName = attributes.getNamedItem("installerName").getNodeValue();
    Long facilityID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("facilityID").getNodeValue());
    Long solarSystemID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("solarSystemID").getNodeValue());
    String solarSystemName = attributes.getNamedItem("solarSystemName").getNodeValue();
    Long stationID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("stationID").getNodeValue());
    Integer activityID = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("activityID").getNodeValue());
    Long blueprintID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("blueprintID").getNodeValue());
    ;/*from w  ww.  ja  v  a  2  s  .  c o m*/
    Long blueprintTypeID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("blueprintTypeID").getNodeValue());
    String blueprintTypeName = attributes.getNamedItem("blueprintTypeName").getNodeValue();
    Long blueprintLocationID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("blueprintLocationID").getNodeValue());
    Long outputLocationID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("outputLocationID").getNodeValue());
    Integer runs = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("runs").getNodeValue());
    Double cost = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("cost").getNodeValue());
    Long teamID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("teamID").getNodeValue());
    Integer licensedRuns = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("licensedRuns").getNodeValue());
    Double probability = Double.parseDouble(attributes.getNamedItem("probability").getNodeValue());
    Long productTypeID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("productTypeID").getNodeValue());
    String productTypeName = attributes.getNamedItem("productTypeName").getNodeValue();
    Integer status = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("status").getNodeValue());
    Long timeInSeconds = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("timeInSeconds").getNodeValue());
    Long completedCharacterID = Long.parseLong(attributes.getNamedItem("completedCharacterID").getNodeValue());
    Integer successfulRuns = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getNamedItem("successfulRuns").getNodeValue());

    Date startDate = null;
    Date endDate = null;
    Date pauseDate = null;
    Date completedDate = null;

    try {
        startDate = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("startDate").getNodeValue());
        endDate = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("endDate").getNodeValue());
        pauseDate = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("pauseDate").getNodeValue());
        completedDate = dateFormatter.parse(attributes.getNamedItem("completedDate").getNodeValue());
    } catch (DOMException | ParseException e) {


    Job job = new Job(jobID);

    return job;


From source file:com.connexta.arbitro.PolicyReference.java

 * Creates an instance of a <code>PolicyReference</code> object based on a DOM node.
 * /*w w  w.j a  va 2s  .c om*/
 * @param root the DOM root of a PolicyIdReference or a PolicySetIdReference XML type
 * @param finder the <code>PolicyFinder</code> used to handle the reference
 * @param metaData the meta-data associated with the containing policy
 * @return an instance of PolicyReference
 * @exception ParsingException if the node is invalid
public static PolicyReference getInstance(Node root, PolicyFinder finder, PolicyMetaData metaData)
        throws ParsingException {

    URI reference;
    int policyType;

    // see what type of reference we are
    String name = DOMHelper.getLocalName(root);
    if (name.equals("PolicyIdReference")) {
        policyType = POLICY_REFERENCE;
    } else if (name.equals("PolicySetIdReference")) {
        policyType = POLICYSET_REFERENCE;
    } else {
        throw new ParsingException("Unknown reference type: " + name);

    // next get the reference
    try {
        reference = new URI(root.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParsingException("Invalid URI in Reference", e);

    // now get any constraints
    NamedNodeMap map = root.getAttributes();

    String versionConstraint = null;
    Node versionNode = map.getNamedItem("Version");
    if (versionNode != null)
        versionConstraint = versionNode.getNodeValue();

    String earlyConstraint = null;
    Node earlyNode = map.getNamedItem("EarliestVersion");
    if (earlyNode != null)
        earlyConstraint = earlyNode.getNodeValue();

    String lateConstraint = null;
    Node lateNode = map.getNamedItem("LatestVersion");
    if (lateNode != null)
        lateConstraint = lateNode.getNodeValue();

    VersionConstraints constraints = new VersionConstraints(versionConstraint, earlyConstraint, lateConstraint);

    // finally, create the reference
    return new PolicyReference(reference, policyType, constraints, finder, metaData);