Example usage for org.opencv.core Mat height

List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat height


In this page you can find the example usage for org.opencv.core Mat height.


public int height() 

Source Link


From source file:org.akvo.caddisfly.sensor.colorimetry.strip.util.ResultUtil.java

License:Open Source License

public static Mat createStripMat(@NonNull Mat mat, @NonNull Point centerPatch, boolean grouped, int maxWidth) {
    //done with lab schema, make rgb to show in image view
    // mat holds the strip image
    Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, mat, Imgproc.COLOR_Lab2RGB);

    int rightBorder = 0;

    double ratio;
    if (mat.width() < MIN_STRIP_WIDTH) {
        ratio = MAX_STRIP_HEIGHT / mat.height();
        rightBorder = BORDER_SIZE;// w  w w .jav a  2  s  .  c  o  m
    } else {
        ratio = (double) (maxWidth - 10) / (double) mat.width();

    Imgproc.resize(mat, mat, new Size(mat.width() * ratio, mat.height() * ratio));

    Core.copyMakeBorder(mat, mat, BORDER_SIZE + ARROW_TRIANGLE_HEIGHT, BORDER_SIZE * 2, 0, rightBorder,

    // Draw an arrow to the patch
    // only draw if this is not a 'grouped' strip
    if (!grouped) {
        double x = centerPatch.x * ratio;
        double y = 0;
        MatOfPoint matOfPoint = new MatOfPoint(new Point((x - ARROW_TRIANGLE_LENGTH), y),
                new Point((x + ARROW_TRIANGLE_LENGTH), y), new Point(x, y + ARROW_TRIANGLE_HEIGHT),
                new Point((x - ARROW_TRIANGLE_LENGTH), y));

        Imgproc.fillConvexPoly(mat, matOfPoint, DARK_GRAY, Core.LINE_AA, 0);
    return mat;

From source file:org.akvo.caddisfly.sensor.colorimetry.strip.util.ResultUtil.java

License:Open Source License

public static Mat createDescriptionMat(String desc, int width) {
    int[] baseline = new int[1];
    Size textSizeDesc = Imgproc.getTextSize(desc, Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, TITLE_FONT_SIZE, 1, baseline);
    Mat descMat = new Mat((int) Math.ceil(textSizeDesc.height) * 3, width, CvType.CV_8UC3, LAB_WHITE);
    Imgproc.putText(descMat, desc, new Point(2, descMat.height() - textSizeDesc.height),

    return descMat;

From source file:org.akvo.caddisfly.sensor.colorimetry.strip.util.ResultUtil.java

License:Open Source License

 * Create Mat to hold a rectangle for each color with the corresponding value.
 * @param patches the patches on the strip
 * @param width   the width of the Mat to be returned
 * @return the Mat with the color range// w ww  .  j a v a  2 s.co m
public static Mat createColorRangeMatGroup(@NonNull List<StripTest.Brand.Patch> patches, int width) {

    // vertical size of mat: size of color block - X_MARGIN + top distance

    double xTranslate = (double) width / (double) patches.get(0).getColors().length();
    int numPatches = patches.size();
    Mat colorRangeMat = new Mat((int) Math.ceil(numPatches * (xTranslate + X_MARGIN) - X_MARGIN), width,
            CvType.CV_8UC3, LAB_WHITE);

    JSONArray colors;
    int offset = 0;
    for (int p = 0; p < numPatches; p++) {
        colors = patches.get(p).getColors();
        for (int d = 0; d < colors.length(); d++) {
            try {

                JSONObject colorObj = colors.getJSONObject(d);

                double value = colorObj.getDouble(SensorConstants.VALUE);
                JSONArray lab = colorObj.getJSONArray(SensorConstants.LAB);
                Scalar scalarLab = new Scalar((lab.getDouble(0) / 100) * MAX_RGB_INT_VALUE,
                        lab.getDouble(1) + 128, lab.getDouble(2) + 128);

                //draw a rectangle filled with color for result value
                Point topLeft = new Point(xTranslate * d, offset);
                Point bottomRight = new Point(topLeft.x + xTranslate - X_MARGIN,
                        xTranslate + offset - X_MARGIN);
                Imgproc.rectangle(colorRangeMat, topLeft, bottomRight, scalarLab, -1);

                //draw color value below rectangle
                if (p == 0) {
                    Size textSizeValue = Imgproc.getTextSize(DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(value),
                            Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, NORMAL_FONT_SCALE, 1, null);
                    Point centerText = new Point(
                            topLeft.x + (bottomRight.x - topLeft.x) / 2 - textSizeValue.width / 2,
                            colorRangeMat.height() - textSizeValue.height);
                    Imgproc.putText(colorRangeMat, DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(value), centerText,
                            Core.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, NORMAL_FONT_SCALE, LAB_GREY, 2, Core.LINE_AA, false);

            } catch (JSONException e) {
        offset += xTranslate;
    return colorRangeMat;

From source file:org.akvo.caddisfly.sensor.colorimetry.strip.util.ResultUtil.java

License:Open Source License

public static Mat getPatch(@NonNull Mat mat, @NonNull Point patchCenter, int subMatSize) {

    //make a subMat around center of the patch
    int minRow = (int) Math.round(Math.max(patchCenter.y - subMatSize, 0));
    int maxRow = (int) Math.round(Math.min(patchCenter.y + subMatSize, mat.height()));
    int minCol = (int) Math.round(Math.max(patchCenter.x - subMatSize, 0));
    int maxCol = (int) Math.round(Math.min(patchCenter.x + subMatSize, mat.width()));

    //  create subMat
    return mat.submat(minRow, maxRow, minCol, maxCol).clone();

From source file:org.akvo.caddisfly.sensor.colorimetry.strip.util.ResultUtil.java

License:Open Source License

public static ColorDetected getPatchColor(@NonNull Mat mat, @NonNull Point patchCenter, int subMatSize) {

    //make a subMat around center of the patch
    int minRow = (int) Math.round(Math.max(patchCenter.y - subMatSize, 0));
    int maxRow = (int) Math.round(Math.min(patchCenter.y + subMatSize, mat.height()));
    int minCol = (int) Math.round(Math.max(patchCenter.x - subMatSize, 0));
    int maxCol = (int) Math.round(Math.min(patchCenter.x + subMatSize, mat.width()));

    //  create subMat
    Mat patch = mat.submat(minRow, maxRow, minCol, maxCol);

    // compute the mean color and return it
    return OpenCVUtil.detectStripPatchColor(patch);

From source file:org.designosaurs.opmode.DesignosaursAuto.java

public void runOpMode() {
    appContext = hardwareMap.appContext;
    long startTime;

    if (TEST_MODE) {
        DesignosaursHardware.hardwareEnabled = false;

        Log.i(TAG, "*** TEST MODE ENABLED ***");
        Log.i(TAG, "Hardware is disabled, skipping to beacon search state.");
        Log.i(TAG, "Web debugging interface can be found at http://"
                + DesignosaursUtils.getIpAddress(appContext) + ":9001/");

        autonomousState = STATE_SEARCHING;
    }//  w  w  w  .  j a  va2  s .c om

    setInitState("Configuring hardware...");

    setInitState("Initializing vuforia...");
    VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters params = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(R.id.cameraMonitorViewId);
    params.cameraDirection = VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.BACK;
    params.vuforiaLicenseKey = VUFORIA_LICENCE_KEY;

    vuforia = new VuforiaLocalizerImplSubclass(params);

    // Vuforia tracks the images, we'll call them beacons
    VuforiaTrackables beacons = vuforia.loadTrackablesFromAsset("FTC_2016-17");

    setInitState("Initializing OpenCV...");
    OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_3_1_0, appContext, mLoaderCallback);

    setInitState("Select team color using the gamepad.");

    while (!isStarted() && !isStopRequested()) {


    if (DesignosaursHardware.hardwareEnabled) {

    if (HOTEL_MODE)

    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    long ticksSeeingImage = 0;
    while (opModeIsActive()) {
        String beaconName = "";

        // Detect and process images
        for (VuforiaTrackable beac : beacons) {
            OpenGLMatrix pose = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) beac.getListener()).getRawPose();

            if (pose != null) {
                beaconName = beac.getName();

                if (beac.getName().equals(lastScoredBeaconName)) // fixes seeing the first beacon and wanting to go back to it

                Matrix34F rawPose = new Matrix34F();
                float[] poseData = Arrays.copyOfRange(pose.transposed().getData(), 0, 12);
                lastPose = rawPose;

                centeredPos = center.y; // drive routines align based on this

        if (vuforia.rgb != null && ENABLE_CAMERA_STREAMING
                && System.currentTimeMillis() > (lastFrameSentAt + 50)) {
            lastFrameSentAt = System.currentTimeMillis();

            Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(vuforia.rgb.getWidth(), vuforia.rgb.getHeight(),

            Bitmap resizedbitmap = DesignosaursUtils.resize(bm, bm.getWidth() / 2, bm.getHeight() / 2);

            if (center != null) {
                ArrayList<String> coords = new ArrayList<>(4);


        switch (autonomousState) {

            if (teamColor == TEAM_BLUE) {

            if (teamColor == TEAM_RED) {
                robot.accel(0.3, 0.5);
                robot.accel(0.3, 0.5);
                robot.goStraight(-0.2, 0.8);

                updateRunningState("Initial turn...");
                robot.turn(-34, 0.3);

                updateRunningState("Secondary move...");
                robot.accel(0.5, FAST_DRIVE_POWER);
                robot.goStraight(2.8, FAST_DRIVE_POWER);
                robot.decel(0.5, 0);

                updateRunningState("Secondary turn...");
                robot.turn(38, 0.2);
            } else {
                robot.goStraight(-0.3, 0.5);
                robot.accel(-0.3, 0.5);
                robot.goStraight(-0.8, 0.4);

                robot.turn(179, 0.45);

                updateRunningState("Initial turn...");
                robot.turn(22, 0.3);

                updateRunningState("Secondary move...");
                robot.accel(0.5, FAST_DRIVE_POWER);
                robot.goStraight(4.1, FAST_DRIVE_POWER);
                robot.decel(0.5, 0);

                updateRunningState("Secondary turn...");
                robot.turn(-35, 0.3);

            // Allow the camera time to focus:
        case STATE_SEARCHING:
            if (Math.abs(getRelativePosition()) < BEACON_ALIGNMENT_TOLERANCE) {
                stateMessage = "Analysing beacon data...";

                if (ticksSeeingImage < 5)

                byte pass = 0;
                boolean successful = false;
                BeaconPositionResult lastBeaconPosition = null;
                int[] range = { 0, 500 };
                Mat image = null;

                while (!successful) {
                    image = getRegionAboveBeacon();
                    if (image == null || vuforia.rgb == null) {
                        Log.w(TAG, "No frame! _");


                    lastBeaconPosition = beaconFinder.process(System.currentTimeMillis(), image, SAVE_IMAGES)
                    range = lastBeaconPosition.getRangePixels();

                    if (range[0] < 0)
                        range[0] = 0;

                    if (range[1] > image.width())
                        range[1] = image.width();

                    Log.i(TAG, "Beacon finder results: " + lastBeaconPosition.toString());

                    if (lastBeaconPosition.isConclusive())
                        successful = true;
                    else {

                        Log.i(TAG, "Searching for beacon presence, pass #" + beaconsFound + ":" + pass + ".");

                        // We can't see both buttons, so move back and forth and run detection algorithm again
                        if (pass <= 3)
                            robot.goCounts(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? -400 : 400, 0.2);

                        if (pass <= 4 && pass >= 3)
                            robot.goCounts(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? 1000 : -1000, 0.2);

                        if (pass > 4) {
                            robot.goCounts(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? -1600 : 1600, 0.4);
                            successful = true;

                        // Allow camera time to autofocus:

                if (autonomousState != STATE_SEARCHING)

                // Change the values in the following line for how much off the larger image we crop (y-wise,
                // the x axis is controlled by where the robot thinks the beacon is, see BeaconFinder).
                // TODO: Tune this based on actual field
                Log.i(TAG, "Source image is " + image.height() + "px by " + image.width() + "px");

                int width = range[1] - range[0];
                Log.i(TAG, "X: " + range[0] + " Y: 0, WIDTH: " + width + ", HEIGHT: "
                        + (image.height() > 50 ? image.height() - 50 : image.height()));

                if (range[0] < 0)
                    range[0] = 0;

                if (width < 0)
                    width = image.width() - range[0];

                Mat croppedImageRaw = new Mat(image,
                        new Rect(range[0], 0, width,
                                image.height() > 50 ? image.height() - 50 : image.height())),
                        croppedImage = new Mat();

                Imgproc.resize(croppedImageRaw, croppedImage, new Size(), 0.5, 0.5, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);

                if (OBFUSCATE_MIDDLE)
                    Imgproc.rectangle(croppedImage, new Point((croppedImage.width() / 2) - 35, 0),
                            new Point((croppedImage.width() / 2) + 55, croppedImage.height()),
                            new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), -1);

                BeaconColorResult lastBeaconColor = beaconProcessor
                        .process(System.currentTimeMillis(), croppedImage, SAVE_IMAGES).getResult();
                BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor targetColor = (teamColor == TEAM_RED
                        ? BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor.RED
                        : BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor.BLUE);

                Log.i(TAG, "*** BEACON FOUND ***");
                Log.i(TAG, "Target color: "
                        + (targetColor == BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor.BLUE ? "Blue" : "Red"));
                Log.i(TAG, "Beacon colors: " + lastBeaconColor.toString());

                // Beacon is already the right color:
                if (lastBeaconColor.getLeftColor() == targetColor
                        && lastBeaconColor.getRightColor() == targetColor) {
                    robot.accel(0.5, 1);
                    robot.goStraight(targetSide == SIDE_LEFT ? 1.2 : 0.7, 1);
                    robot.decel(0.5, DRIVE_POWER);


                // Both sides of the beacon are the wrong color, so just score the left side:
                if (lastBeaconColor.getLeftColor() != targetColor
                        && lastBeaconColor.getRightColor() != targetColor) {
                    targetSide = SIDE_LEFT;
                    robot.setDrivePower(-DRIVE_POWER * 0.75);


                // TODO: Replace goStraight call with proper combined distance from beacon offset + target side offset
                robot.goStraight(lastBeaconPosition.getOffsetFeet(), DRIVE_POWER);

                targetSide = lastBeaconColor.getLeftColor() == targetColor ? SIDE_LEFT : SIDE_RIGHT;
                robot.setDrivePower(-DRIVE_POWER * 0.75);

            } else if (Math.abs(getRelativePosition()) < SLOW_DOWN_AT) {
                stateMessage = "Beacon seen, centering (" + String.valueOf(getRelativePosition()) + ")...";

                if (getRelativePosition() > 0 && getRelativePosition() != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            stateMessage = "Positioning to deploy placer...";

            if (ticksInState > 450)

            double targetCounts = (targetSide == SIDE_LEFT) ? 1150 : 250;

            if (Math.max(Math.abs(robot.getAdjustedEncoderPosition(robot.leftMotor)),
                    Math.abs(robot.getAdjustedEncoderPosition(robot.rightMotor))) >= targetCounts) {
                Log.i(TAG, "//// DEPLOYING ////");


            stateMessage = "Waiting for placer to deploy.";

            if ((buttonPusherManager.getStatus() != ButtonPusherManager.STATE_SCORING
                    && buttonPusherManager.getTicksInState() >= 10)
                    || buttonPusherManager.getStatus() == ButtonPusherManager.STATE_AT_BASE) {

                if (beaconsFound == 2 || HOTEL_MODE)
                else {
                    robot.turn(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? -3 : 3, 0.2);
                    robot.accel(0.5, 1);
                    robot.turn(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? 2 : -2, 0.2);
                    robot.goStraight(targetSide == SIDE_LEFT ? 1.5 : 1, 1);
                    robot.decel(0.5, DRIVE_POWER);



From source file:org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.opmodes.demo.VuforiaNavigationTest1.java

License:Open Source License

public void loop() {
    VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame frame;
    mVLib.loop(true); // update location info and do debug telemetry
    if (!mVLib.getFrames().isEmpty()) {
        frame = mVLib.getFrames().poll();

        Image img = frame.getImage(0);

        ByteBuffer buf = img.getPixels();

        Mat m = new Mat();
        m.put(0, 0, buf.array());/*from   w  w  w .  j a  va2s . co  m*/
        telemetry.addData("Mat Width:", m.width());
        telemetry.addData("Mat Height:", m.height());


From source file:org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.opmodes.old2017.OpenCVVuforia.java

License:Open Source License

public void loop() {
    VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame frame;
    mVLib.loop(true); // update location info and do debug telemetry
    if (!mVLib.getFrames().isEmpty()) {
        frame = mVLib.getFrames().poll();

        Image img = frame.getImage(0);

        ByteBuffer buf = img.getPixels();

        //this currently throws an unsupportedOperation exception
        byte[] ray = buf.array();
        Mat m = new Mat();
        m.put(0, 0, ray);/*from   w w  w.  j a v a  2 s .co m*/
        telemetry.addData("Mat Width:", m.width());
        telemetry.addData("Mat Height:", m.height());


From source file:org.lasarobotics.vision.ftc.resq.BeaconAnalyzer.java

License:Open Source License

static Beacon.BeaconAnalysis analyze_FAST(ColorBlobDetector detectorRed, ColorBlobDetector detectorBlue,
        Mat img, Mat gray, ScreenOrientation orientation, Rectangle bounds, boolean debug) {
    //Figure out which way to read the image
    double orientationAngle = orientation.getAngle();
    boolean swapLeftRight = orientationAngle >= 180; //swap if LANDSCAPE_WEST or PORTRAIT_REVERSE
    boolean readOppositeAxis = orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT
            || orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT_REVERSE; //read other axis if any kind of portrait

    //Bound the image
    if (readOppositeAxis)
        //Force the analysis box to transpose inself in place
        //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
        bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(bounds.center().y / img.height() * img.width(),
                bounds.center().x / img.width() * img.height()), bounds.height(), bounds.width())
                        .clip(new Rectangle(img.size()));
    if (!swapLeftRight && readOppositeAxis)
        //Force the analysis box to flip across its primary axis
        bounds = new Rectangle(
                new Point((img.size().width / 2) + Math.abs(bounds.center().x - (img.size().width / 2)),
                bounds.width(), bounds.height());
    else if (swapLeftRight && !readOppositeAxis)
        //Force the analysis box to flip across its primary axis
        bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(bounds.center().x, img.size().height - bounds.center().y),
                bounds.width(), bounds.height());
    bounds = bounds.clip(new Rectangle(img.size()));

    //Get contours within the bounds
    detectorRed.process(img);/*from  w w w  . j  a  v a 2  s  . c om*/
    List<Contour> contoursRed = detectorRed.getContours();
    List<Contour> contoursBlue = detectorBlue.getContours();

    //DEBUG Draw contours before filtering
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursRed, new ColorRGBA("#FF0000"), 2);
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursBlue, new ColorRGBA("#0000FF"), 2);

    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawRectangle(img, bounds, new ColorRGBA("#aaaaaa"), 4);

    //Get the largest contour in each - we're calling this one the main light
    int largestIndexRed = findLargestIndexInBounds(contoursRed, bounds);
    int largestIndexBlue = findLargestIndexInBounds(contoursBlue, bounds);
    Contour largestRed = (largestIndexRed != -1) ? contoursRed.get(largestIndexRed) : null;
    Contour largestBlue = (largestIndexBlue != -1) ? contoursBlue.get(largestIndexBlue) : null;

    //If we don't have a main light for one of the colors, we know both colors are the same
    //TODO we should re-filter the contours by size to ensure that we get at least a decent size
    if (largestRed == null && largestBlue == null)
        return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis();

    //INFO The best contour from each color (if available) is selected as red and blue
    //INFO The two best contours are then used to calculate the location of the beacon

    //If we don't have a main light for one of the colors, we know both colors are the same
    //TODO we should re-filter the contours by size to ensure that we get at least a decent size

    //If the largest part of the non-null color is wider than a certain distance, then both are bright
    //Otherwise, only one may be lit
    //If only one is lit, and is wider than a certain distance, it is bright
    //TODO We are currently assuming that the beacon cannot be in a "bright" state
    if (largestRed == null)
        return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis();
    else if (largestBlue == null)
        return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis();

    //The height of the beacon on screen is the height of the best contour
    Contour largestHeight = ((largestRed.size().height) > (largestBlue.size().height)) ? largestRed
            : largestBlue;
    double beaconHeight = largestHeight.size().height;

    //Get beacon width on screen by extrapolating from height
    final double beaconActualHeight = Constants.BEACON_HEIGHT; //cm, only the lit up portion - 14.0 for entire
    final double beaconActualWidth = Constants.BEACON_WIDTH; //cm
    final double beaconWidthHeightRatio = Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO;
    double beaconWidth = beaconHeight * beaconWidthHeightRatio;
    Size beaconSize = new Size(beaconWidth, beaconHeight);

    //Look at the locations of the largest contours
    //Check to see if the largest red contour is more left-most than the largest right contour
    //If it is, then we know that the left beacon is red and the other blue, and vice versa

    Point bestRedCenter = largestRed.centroid();
    Point bestBlueCenter = largestBlue.centroid();

    //DEBUG R/B text
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawText(img, "R", bestRedCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0));
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawText(img, "B", bestBlueCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 255));

    //Test which side is red and blue
    //If the distance between the sides is smaller than a value, then return unknown
    final int minDistance = (int) (Constants.DETECTION_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width); //percent of beacon width

    boolean leftIsRed;
    Contour leftMostContour, rightMostContour;
    if (readOppositeAxis) {
        if (bestRedCenter.y + minDistance < bestBlueCenter.y) {
            leftIsRed = true;
        } else if (bestBlueCenter.y + minDistance < bestRedCenter.y) {
            leftIsRed = false;
        } else {
            return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis();
    } else {
        if (bestRedCenter.x + minDistance < bestBlueCenter.x) {
            leftIsRed = true;
        } else if (bestBlueCenter.x + minDistance < bestRedCenter.x) {
            leftIsRed = false;
        } else {
            return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis();

    //Swap left and right if necessary
    leftIsRed = swapLeftRight != leftIsRed;

    //Get the left-most best contour (or top-most if axis swapped) (or right-most if L/R swapped)
    if (readOppositeAxis) {
        //Get top-most best contour
        leftMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestRed : largestBlue;
        //Get bottom-most best contour
        rightMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestBlue : largestRed;
    } else {
        //Get left-most best contour
        leftMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().x) < (largestBlue.topLeft().x)) ? largestRed : largestBlue;
        //Get the right-most best contour
        rightMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().x) < (largestBlue.topLeft().x)) ? largestBlue : largestRed;

    //DEBUG Logging
    if (debug)
        Log.d("Beacon", "Orientation: " + orientation + "Angle: " + orientationAngle + " Swap Axis: "
                + readOppositeAxis + " Swap Direction: " + swapLeftRight);

    //Swap left and right if necessary
    //BUGFIX: invert when we swap
    if (!swapLeftRight) {
        Contour temp = leftMostContour;
        leftMostContour = rightMostContour;
        rightMostContour = temp;

    //Now that we have the two contours, let's find ellipses that match

    //Draw the box surrounding both contours
    //Get the width of the contours
    double widthBeacon = rightMostContour.right() - leftMostContour.left();

    //Center of contours is the average of centroids of the contours
    Point center = new Point((leftMostContour.centroid().x + rightMostContour.centroid().x) / 2,
            (leftMostContour.centroid().y + rightMostContour.centroid().y) / 2);

    //Get the combined height of the contours
    double heightContours = Math.max(leftMostContour.bottom(), rightMostContour.bottom())
            - Math.min(leftMostContour.top(), rightMostContour.top());

    //The largest size ratio of tested over actual is the scale ratio
    double scale = Math.max(widthBeacon / beaconActualWidth, heightContours / beaconActualHeight);

    //Define size of bounding box by scaling the actual beacon size
    Size beaconSizeFinal = new Size(beaconActualWidth * scale, beaconActualHeight * scale);

    //Swap x and y if we rotated the view
    if (readOppositeAxis) {
        //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
        beaconSizeFinal = new Size(beaconSizeFinal.height, beaconSizeFinal.width);

    //Get points of the bounding box
    Point beaconTopLeft = new Point(center.x - (beaconSizeFinal.width / 2),
            center.y - (beaconSizeFinal.height / 2));
    Point beaconBottomRight = new Point(center.x + (beaconSizeFinal.width / 2),
            center.y + (beaconSizeFinal.height / 2));
    Rectangle boundingBox = new Rectangle(new Rect(beaconTopLeft, beaconBottomRight));

    //Get ellipses in region of interest
    //Make sure the rectangles don't leave the image size
    Rectangle leftRect = leftMostContour.getBoundingRectangle().clip(new Rectangle(img.size()));
    Rectangle rightRect = rightMostContour.getBoundingRectangle().clip(new Rectangle(img.size()));
    Mat leftContourImg = gray.submat((int) leftRect.top(), (int) leftRect.bottom(), (int) leftRect.left(),
            (int) leftRect.right());
    Mat rightContourImg = gray.submat((int) rightRect.top(), (int) rightRect.bottom(), (int) rightRect.left(),
            (int) rightRect.right());

    //Locate ellipses in the image to process contours against
    List<Ellipse> ellipsesLeft = PrimitiveDetection.locateEllipses(leftContourImg).getEllipses();
    Detectable.offset(ellipsesLeft, new Point(leftRect.left(), leftRect.top()));
    List<Ellipse> ellipsesRight = PrimitiveDetection.locateEllipses(rightContourImg).getEllipses();
    Detectable.offset(ellipsesRight, new Point(rightRect.left(), rightRect.top()));

    //Score ellipses
    BeaconScoringCOMPLEX scorer = new BeaconScoringCOMPLEX(img.size());
    List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> scoredEllipsesLeft = scorer.scoreEllipses(ellipsesLeft, null, null,
    scoredEllipsesLeft = filterEllipses(scoredEllipsesLeft);
    ellipsesLeft = BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList(scoredEllipsesLeft);
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawEllipses(img, ellipsesLeft, new ColorRGBA("#00ff00"), 3);
    List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> scoredEllipsesRight = scorer.scoreEllipses(ellipsesRight, null,
            null, gray);
    scoredEllipsesRight = filterEllipses(scoredEllipsesRight);
    ellipsesRight = BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList(scoredEllipsesRight);
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawEllipses(img, ellipsesRight, new ColorRGBA("#00ff00"), 3);

    //Calculate ellipse center if present
    Point centerLeft;
    Point centerRight;
    boolean done = false;
    do {
        centerLeft = null;
        centerRight = null;
        if (scoredEllipsesLeft.size() > 0)
            centerLeft = scoredEllipsesLeft.get(0).ellipse.center();
        if (scoredEllipsesRight.size() > 0)
            centerRight = scoredEllipsesRight.get(0).ellipse.center();

        //Flip axis if necesary
        if (centerLeft != null && readOppositeAxis) {
            centerLeft.set(new double[] { centerLeft.y, centerLeft.x });
        if (centerRight != null && readOppositeAxis) {
            centerRight.set(new double[] { centerRight.y, centerRight.x });

        //Make very, very sure that we didn't just find the same ellipse
        if (centerLeft != null && centerRight != null) {
            if (Math.abs(centerLeft.x - centerRight.x) < Constants.ELLIPSE_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width) {
                //Are both ellipses on the left or right side of the beacon? - remove the opposite side's ellipse
                if (Math.abs(centerLeft.x - leftRect.center().x) < Constants.ELLIPSE_MIN_DISTANCE
                        * beaconSize.width)
            } else
                done = true;
        } else
            done = true;

    } while (!done);

    //Improve the beacon center if both ellipses present
    byte ellipseExtrapolated = 0;
    if (centerLeft != null && centerRight != null) {
        if (readOppositeAxis)
            center.y = (centerLeft.x + centerRight.x) / 2;
            center.x = (centerLeft.x + centerRight.x) / 2;
    //Extrapolate other ellipse location if one present
    //FIXME: This method of extrapolation may not work when readOppositeAxis is true
    else if (centerLeft != null) {
        ellipseExtrapolated = 2;
        if (readOppositeAxis)
            centerRight = new Point(centerLeft.x - 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerLeft.x),
                    (centerLeft.y + center.y) / 2);
            centerRight = new Point(centerLeft.x + 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerLeft.x),
                    (centerLeft.y + center.y) / 2);
        if (readOppositeAxis)
            centerRight.set(new double[] { centerRight.y, centerRight.x });
    } else if (centerRight != null) {
        ellipseExtrapolated = 1;
        if (readOppositeAxis)
            centerLeft = new Point(centerRight.x + 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerRight.x),
                    (centerRight.y + center.y) / 2);
            centerLeft = new Point(centerRight.x - 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerRight.x),
                    (centerRight.y + center.y) / 2);
        if (readOppositeAxis)
            centerLeft.set(new double[] { centerLeft.y, centerLeft.x });

    //Draw center locations
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawCross(img, center, new ColorRGBA("#ffffff"), 10, 4);
    if (debug && centerLeft != null) {
        ColorRGBA c = ellipseExtrapolated != 1 ? new ColorRGBA("#ffff00") : new ColorRGBA("#ff00ff");
        //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
        Drawing.drawCross(img, !readOppositeAxis ? centerLeft : new Point(centerLeft.y, centerLeft.x), c, 8, 3);
    if (debug && centerRight != null) {
        ColorRGBA c = ellipseExtrapolated != 2 ? new ColorRGBA("#ffff00") : new ColorRGBA("#ff00ff");
        //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
        Drawing.drawCross(img, !readOppositeAxis ? centerRight : new Point(centerRight.y, centerRight.x), c, 8,

    //Draw the rectangle containing the beacon
    if (debug)
        Drawing.drawRectangle(img, boundingBox, new ColorRGBA(0, 255, 0), 4);

    //Tell us the height of the beacon
    //TODO later we can get the distance away from the beacon based on its height and position

    //Remove the largest index and look for the next largest
    //If the next largest is (mostly) within the area of the box, then merge it in with the largest
    //Check if the size of the largest contour(s) is about twice the size of the other
    //This would indicate one is brightly lit and the other is not
    //If this is not true, then neither part of the beacon is highly lit

    //Get confidence approximation
    double WH_ratio = widthBeacon / beaconHeight;
    double ratioError = Math.abs((Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO - WH_ratio)) / Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO; // perfect value = 0;
    double averageHeight = (leftMostContour.height() + rightMostContour.height()) / 2.0;
    double dy = Math.abs((leftMostContour.centroid().y - rightMostContour.centroid().y) / averageHeight
            * Constants.FAST_HEIGHT_DELTA_FACTOR);
    double dArea = Math.sqrt(leftMostContour.area() / rightMostContour.area());
    double buttonsdy = (centerLeft != null && centerRight != null)
            ? (Math.abs(centerLeft.y - centerRight.y) / averageHeight * Constants.FAST_HEIGHT_DELTA_FACTOR)
            : Constants.ELLIPSE_PRESENCE_BIAS;
    double confidence = MathUtil.normalPDFNormalized(
            MathUtil.distance(MathUtil.distance(MathUtil.distance(ratioError, dy), dArea), buttonsdy)
                    / Constants.FAST_CONFIDENCE_ROUNDNESS,
            Constants.FAST_CONFIDENCE_NORM, 0.0);

    //Get button ellipses
    Ellipse leftEllipse = scoredEllipsesLeft.size() > 0 ? scoredEllipsesLeft.get(0).ellipse : null;
    Ellipse rightEllipse = scoredEllipsesRight.size() > 0 ? scoredEllipsesRight.get(0).ellipse : null;

    //Test for color switching
    if (leftEllipse != null && rightEllipse != null && leftEllipse.center().x > rightEllipse.center().x) {
        Ellipse tE = leftEllipse;
        leftEllipse = rightEllipse;
        rightEllipse = tE;
    } else if ((leftEllipse != null && leftEllipse.center().x > center.x)
            || (rightEllipse != null && rightEllipse.center().x < center.x)) {
        Ellipse tE = leftEllipse;
        leftEllipse = rightEllipse;
        rightEllipse = tE;

    //Axis correction for ellipses
    if (swapLeftRight) {
        if (leftEllipse != null)
            leftEllipse = new Ellipse(
                    new RotatedRect(new Point(img.width() - leftEllipse.center().x, leftEllipse.center().y),
                            leftEllipse.size(), leftEllipse.angle()));
        if (rightEllipse != null)
            rightEllipse = new Ellipse(
                    new RotatedRect(new Point(img.width() - rightEllipse.center().x, rightEllipse.center().y),
                            rightEllipse.size(), rightEllipse.angle()));
        //Swap again after correcting axis to ensure left is left and right is right
        Ellipse tE = leftEllipse;
        leftEllipse = rightEllipse;
        rightEllipse = tE;

    //Switch axis if necessary
    if (readOppositeAxis)
        boundingBox = boundingBox.transpose();

    if (leftIsRed)
        return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, boundingBox,
                confidence, leftEllipse, rightEllipse);
        return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, boundingBox,
                confidence, leftEllipse, rightEllipse);

From source file:org.lasarobotics.vision.image.Filter.java

License:Open Source License

 * Downsample and blur an image (using a Gaussian pyramid kernel)
 * @param img   The image//from  w ww  .ja va 2  s  .  c  o  m
 * @param scale The scale, a number greater than 1
public static void downsample(Mat img, double scale) {
    Imgproc.pyrDown(img, img, new Size((double) img.width() / scale, (double) img.height() / scale));