Java tutorial
package org.designosaurs.opmode; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.Log; import com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller.R; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.vuforia.Matrix34F; import com.vuforia.Tool; import com.vuforia.Vec3F; import org.designosaurs.Vector2; import org.designosaurs.VuforiaLocalizerImplSubclass; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcontroller.internal.FtcRobotControllerActivity; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.OpenGLMatrix; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaLocalizer; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackable; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackables; import; import; import; import; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.core.Size; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import; @Autonomous(name = "Designosaurs Autonomous", group = "Auto") public class DesignosaursAuto extends DesignosaursOpMode { /* Hardware */ private DesignosaursHardware robot = new DesignosaursHardware(this); private ButtonPusherManager buttonPusherManager = new ButtonPusherManager(robot); private ShooterManager shooterManager = new ShooterManager(robot); /* Image Processors */ private BeaconFinder beaconFinder = new BeaconFinder(); private BeaconProcessor beaconProcessor = new BeaconProcessor(); /* Configuration */ private static final double FAST_DRIVE_POWER = 0.8; private static final double TURN_POWER = 0.4; private static final double MIN_DRIVE_POWER = 0.2; private static final double DRIVE_POWER = 0.3; private static final double SLOW_DOWN_AT = 300; private static final int BEACON_ALIGNMENT_TOLERANCE = 80; private static final boolean SAVE_IMAGES = true; private static final boolean TEST_MODE = false; private static final boolean ENABLE_CAMERA_STREAMING = false; private static final String TAG = "DesignosaursAuto"; private static final String VUFORIA_LICENCE_KEY = "ATwI0oz/////AAAAGe9HyiYVEU6pmTFAb65tOfUrioTxlZtITHRLN1h3wllaw67kJsUOHwPVDsCN0vxiKy/9Qi9NnjpkVfUnn0gwIHyKJgTYkG7+dCaJtFJlY94qa1YPCy0y4rwhVQFkDkcaCiNoiS7ZSU5KLeIABF4Gvz9qYwJJtwxWGp4fbjyu+arTOUw160+Fg5XMjoftS8FAQPx4wF33sVdGw+CYX0fHdwQzOyN0PpIwBQ9xvb8e1c76FoHF0YUZyV/q0XeR97nRj1TfnesPc+v7Z72SEDCXAAdVVS6L9u/mVAxq4zTaXsdGcVsqHeaouoGmQ/1Ey/YYShqHaRZXWwC4GsgaxO9tCkWNH+hTjFZA2pgvKVl5HmLR"; // Whether to block out the garbage data in the center of the beacon, assuming that it's not taped // The field setup guide says it should be taped on the inside, I have yet to see one configured as such private static final boolean OBFUSCATE_MIDDLE = true; private static final boolean HOTEL_MODE = false; /* State Machine */ private final byte STATE_INITIAL_POSITIONING = 0; private final byte STATE_SEARCHING = 1; private final byte STATE_ALIGNING_WITH_BEACON = 2; private final byte STATE_WAITING_FOR_PLACER = 3; private final byte STATE_FINISHED = 4; /* Team Colors */ private final byte TEAM_UNSELECTED = 0; private final byte TEAM_BLUE = 1; private final byte TEAM_RED = 2; /* Beacon Sides */ private final byte SIDE_LEFT = 0; private final byte SIDE_RIGHT = 1; /* Camera Configuration */ private final int IMAGE_WIDTH = 1280; private final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 720; /* Current State */ private byte autonomousState = STATE_INITIAL_POSITIONING; private int ticksInState = 0; private String stateMessage = "Starting..."; private byte beaconsFound = 0; private int centeredPos = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private long lastTelemetryUpdate = 0; private byte teamColor = TEAM_UNSELECTED; private byte targetSide = SIDE_LEFT; private String lastScoredBeaconName = ""; private Context appContext; private VuforiaLocalizerImplSubclass vuforia = null; private int ballsShot = 0; private Matrix34F lastPose; private long lastFrameSentAt = 0; /* Pose Tracking Points */ private Vector2 center; private Vector2 start; private Vector2 end; // Interpret the initialization string returned by the IMU private String getIMUState() { if (robot.getCalibrationStatus().contains(" ")) switch (Integer.valueOf(robot.getCalibrationStatus().split("\\s+")[1].substring(1, 2))) { case 0: return "disabled"; case 1: return "Initializing..."; case 2: return "Calibrating..."; case 3: return "Ready!"; } return robot.getCalibrationStatus(); } // Write pre-run state to telemetry (driver station) private void setInitState(String state) { telemetry.clear(); telemetry.addLine("== Designosaurs 2017 =="); telemetry.addLine(state); telemetry.addLine(""); telemetry.addLine("IMU: " + getIMUState()); telemetry.addLine("Team color: " + teamColorToString()); telemetry.update(); } // Write running state to telemetry (driver station) private void updateRunningState() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTelemetryUpdate < 250) return; lastTelemetryUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); telemetry.clear(); telemetry.addLine(stateMessage); telemetry.addLine(""); telemetry.addLine("State: " + getStateMessage()); telemetry.addLine("Time in state: " + String.valueOf(ticksInState)); telemetry.addLine("Button pusher: " + buttonPusherManager.getStatusMessage()); telemetry.addLine("Beacons scored: " + String.valueOf(beaconsFound)); telemetry.update(); } // Shortcut method private void updateRunningState(String newStateMessage) { stateMessage = newStateMessage; Log.i(TAG, "New state msg: " + newStateMessage); updateRunningState(); } // Looped before start because IMU initializes asynchronously private void updateTeamColor() { boolean changed = false; if (gamepad1.x) { changed = true; teamColor = TEAM_BLUE; } if (gamepad1.b) { changed = true; teamColor = TEAM_RED; } if (changed) setInitState("Ready!"); } // Uses the separate OpenCV Manager app to shave a bit off the app size private BaseLoaderCallback mLoaderCallback = new BaseLoaderCallback(appContext) { @Override public void onManagerConnected(int status) { switch (status) { case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS: Log.i(TAG, "OpenCV loaded successfully!"); break; default: Log.i(TAG, "OpenCV load failure."); } } }; // Get points to crop to, where we think the image is private void recalculateCriticalPoints() { if (lastPose != null) { start = new Vector2( Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), lastPose, new Vec3F(210, 300, 0))); // 127, 92, 0 end = new Vector2(Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), lastPose, new Vec3F(-210, 125, 0))); // -127, -92, 0 center = new Vector2(Tool.projectPoint(vuforia.getCameraCalibration(), lastPose, new Vec3F(0, 0, 0))); } } // Sanitize beacon cropping range in case it's outside the camera's viewport private void boundPoints() { if (start.x < 0) start.x = 0; if (start.y < 0) start.y = 0; if (end.x < 0) end.x = 0; if (end.y < 0) end.y = 0; if (start.x > IMAGE_WIDTH) start.x = IMAGE_WIDTH; if (start.y > IMAGE_HEIGHT) start.y = IMAGE_HEIGHT; if (end.x > IMAGE_WIDTH) end.x = IMAGE_WIDTH; if (end.y > IMAGE_HEIGHT) end.y = IMAGE_HEIGHT; } // Perform crop based on critical points, and return cropped image data from Vuforia frame private Mat getRegionAboveBeacon() { // Timing is wrong _ if (vuforia.rgb == null || start == null || end == null) return null; Mat output = new Mat(); Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(vuforia.rgb.getWidth(), vuforia.rgb.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); bm.copyPixelsFromBuffer(vuforia.rgb.getPixels()); if (end.x - start.x <= 0 || end.y - start.y <= 0) { Log.i(TAG, "Failing beacon recognition call because of improper viewport!"); Log.i(TAG, "start: " + start.toString()); Log.i(TAG, "end: " + end.toString()); Log.i(TAG, "dX: " + (end.x - start.x)); Log.i(TAG, "dY: " + (end.y - start.y)); return null; } try { // Pass the region above the image to OpenCV: Bitmap croppedImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm, start.x, start.y, end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y); croppedImage = DesignosaursUtils.rotate(croppedImage, 90); Utils.bitmapToMat(croppedImage, output); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return output; } // Force the robot to not see the first beacon again and go back void advanceToSecondBeacon(String beaconName) { lastScoredBeaconName = beaconName; beaconsFound++; centeredPos = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } // This is where the main logic block lives @Override public void runOpMode() { appContext = hardwareMap.appContext; long startTime; if (TEST_MODE) { DesignosaursHardware.hardwareEnabled = false; Log.i(TAG, "*** TEST MODE ENABLED ***"); Log.i(TAG, "Hardware is disabled, skipping to beacon search state."); Log.i(TAG, "Web debugging interface can be found at http://" + DesignosaursUtils.getIpAddress(appContext) + ":9001/"); autonomousState = STATE_SEARCHING; } setInitState("Configuring hardware..."); robot.init(hardwareMap); setInitState("Initializing vuforia..."); VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters params = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(; params.cameraDirection = VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.BACK; params.vuforiaLicenseKey = VUFORIA_LICENCE_KEY; vuforia = new VuforiaLocalizerImplSubclass(params); // Vuforia tracks the images, we'll call them beacons VuforiaTrackables beacons = vuforia.loadTrackablesFromAsset("FTC_2016-17"); beacons.get(0).setName("wheels"); beacons.get(1).setName("tools"); beacons.get(2).setName("legos"); beacons.get(3).setName("gears"); setInitState("Initializing OpenCV..."); OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_3_1_0, appContext, mLoaderCallback); setInitState("Select team color using the gamepad."); while (!isStarted() && !isStopRequested()) { updateTeamColor(); robot.waitForTick(25); } if (DesignosaursHardware.hardwareEnabled) { buttonPusherManager.start(); buttonPusherManager.setStatus(ButtonPusherManager.STATE_HOMING); shooterManager.start(); shooterManager.setStatus(ShooterManager.STATE_AT_BASE); } if (HOTEL_MODE) setState(STATE_SEARCHING); beacons.activate(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); robot.startTimer(); long ticksSeeingImage = 0; while (opModeIsActive()) { String beaconName = ""; // Detect and process images for (VuforiaTrackable beac : beacons) { OpenGLMatrix pose = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) beac.getListener()).getRawPose(); if (pose != null) { beaconName = beac.getName(); if (beac.getName().equals(lastScoredBeaconName)) // fixes seeing the first beacon and wanting to go back to it continue; Matrix34F rawPose = new Matrix34F(); float[] poseData = Arrays.copyOfRange(pose.transposed().getData(), 0, 12); rawPose.setData(poseData); lastPose = rawPose; recalculateCriticalPoints(); boundPoints(); centeredPos = center.y; // drive routines align based on this } } if (vuforia.rgb != null && ENABLE_CAMERA_STREAMING && System.currentTimeMillis() > (lastFrameSentAt + 50)) { lastFrameSentAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(vuforia.rgb.getWidth(), vuforia.rgb.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); bm.copyPixelsFromBuffer(vuforia.rgb.getPixels()); Bitmap resizedbitmap = DesignosaursUtils.resize(bm, bm.getWidth() / 2, bm.getHeight() / 2); FtcRobotControllerActivity.webServer.streamCameraFrame(resizedbitmap); if (center != null) { ArrayList<String> coords = new ArrayList<>(4); coords.add(start.toString()); coords.add(end.toString()); coords.add(center.toString()); FtcRobotControllerActivity.webServer.streamPoints(coords); } } switch (autonomousState) { case STATE_INITIAL_POSITIONING: robot.startOrientationTracking(); if (teamColor == TEAM_BLUE) { robot.rightMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.REVERSE); robot.leftMotor.setDirection(DcMotor.Direction.FORWARD); } if (teamColor == TEAM_RED) { robot.accel(0.3, 0.5); shooterManager.setStatus(ShooterManager.STATE_SCORING); robot.setDrivePower(0); robot.waitForTick(1400); robot.accel(0.3, 0.5); robot.waitForTick(1400); robot.goStraight(-0.2, 0.8); updateRunningState("Initial turn..."); robot.turn(-34, 0.3); updateRunningState("Secondary move..."); robot.accel(0.5, FAST_DRIVE_POWER); robot.goStraight(2.8, FAST_DRIVE_POWER); robot.decel(0.5, 0); updateRunningState("Secondary turn..."); robot.turn(38, 0.2); } else { robot.goStraight(-0.3, 0.5); shooterManager.setStatus(ShooterManager.STATE_SCORING); robot.setDrivePower(0); robot.accel(-0.3, 0.5); robot.waitForTick(1400); robot.goStraight(-0.8, 0.4); robot.setDrivePower(0); robot.turn(179, 0.45); updateRunningState("Initial turn..."); robot.turn(22, 0.3); updateRunningState("Secondary move..."); robot.accel(0.5, FAST_DRIVE_POWER); robot.goStraight(4.1, FAST_DRIVE_POWER); robot.decel(0.5, 0); updateRunningState("Secondary turn..."); robot.turn(-35, 0.3); } robot.setDrivePower(0); // Allow the camera time to focus: robot.waitForTick(1000); setState(STATE_SEARCHING); break; case STATE_SEARCHING: if (Math.abs(getRelativePosition()) < BEACON_ALIGNMENT_TOLERANCE) { stateMessage = "Analysing beacon data..."; robot.setDrivePower(0); ticksSeeingImage++; vuforia.disableFlashlight(); if (ticksSeeingImage < 5) continue; byte pass = 0; boolean successful = false; BeaconPositionResult lastBeaconPosition = null; int[] range = { 0, 500 }; Mat image = null; while (!successful) { image = getRegionAboveBeacon(); if (image == null || vuforia.rgb == null) { Log.w(TAG, "No frame! _"); robot.setDrivePower(MIN_DRIVE_POWER); continue; } lastBeaconPosition = beaconFinder.process(System.currentTimeMillis(), image, SAVE_IMAGES) .getResult(); range = lastBeaconPosition.getRangePixels(); if (range[0] < 0) range[0] = 0; if (range[1] > image.width()) range[1] = image.width(); Log.i(TAG, "Beacon finder results: " + lastBeaconPosition.toString()); if (lastBeaconPosition.isConclusive()) successful = true; else { pass++; Log.i(TAG, "Searching for beacon presence, pass #" + beaconsFound + ":" + pass + "."); // We can't see both buttons, so move back and forth and run detection algorithm again if (pass <= 3) robot.goCounts(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? -400 : 400, 0.2); if (pass <= 4 && pass >= 3) robot.goCounts(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? 1000 : -1000, 0.2); if (pass > 4) { robot.goCounts(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? -1600 : 1600, 0.4); successful = true; } // Allow camera time to autofocus: robot.setDrivePower(0); robot.waitForTick(100); } } if (autonomousState != STATE_SEARCHING) continue; // Change the values in the following line for how much off the larger image we crop (y-wise, // the x axis is controlled by where the robot thinks the beacon is, see BeaconFinder). // TODO: Tune this based on actual field Log.i(TAG, "Source image is " + image.height() + "px by " + image.width() + "px"); int width = range[1] - range[0]; Log.i(TAG, "X: " + range[0] + " Y: 0, WIDTH: " + width + ", HEIGHT: " + (image.height() > 50 ? image.height() - 50 : image.height())); if (range[0] < 0) range[0] = 0; if (width < 0) width = image.width() - range[0]; Mat croppedImageRaw = new Mat(image, new Rect(range[0], 0, width, image.height() > 50 ? image.height() - 50 : image.height())), croppedImage = new Mat(); Imgproc.resize(croppedImageRaw, croppedImage, new Size(), 0.5, 0.5, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); if (OBFUSCATE_MIDDLE) Imgproc.rectangle(croppedImage, new Point((croppedImage.width() / 2) - 35, 0), new Point((croppedImage.width() / 2) + 55, croppedImage.height()), new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255), -1); BeaconColorResult lastBeaconColor = beaconProcessor .process(System.currentTimeMillis(), croppedImage, SAVE_IMAGES).getResult(); BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor targetColor = (teamColor == TEAM_RED ? BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor.RED : BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor.BLUE); Log.i(TAG, "*** BEACON FOUND ***"); Log.i(TAG, "Target color: " + (targetColor == BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor.BLUE ? "Blue" : "Red")); Log.i(TAG, "Beacon colors: " + lastBeaconColor.toString()); // Beacon is already the right color: if (lastBeaconColor.getLeftColor() == targetColor && lastBeaconColor.getRightColor() == targetColor) { robot.accel(0.5, 1); robot.goStraight(targetSide == SIDE_LEFT ? 1.2 : 0.7, 1); robot.decel(0.5, DRIVE_POWER); advanceToSecondBeacon(beaconName); continue; } // Both sides of the beacon are the wrong color, so just score the left side: if (lastBeaconColor.getLeftColor() != targetColor && lastBeaconColor.getRightColor() != targetColor) { targetSide = SIDE_LEFT; robot.setDrivePower(-DRIVE_POWER * 0.75); setState(STATE_ALIGNING_WITH_BEACON); continue; } // TODO: Replace goStraight call with proper combined distance from beacon offset + target side offset robot.goStraight(lastBeaconPosition.getOffsetFeet(), DRIVE_POWER); robot.setDrivePower(0); robot.resetDriveEncoders(); targetSide = lastBeaconColor.getLeftColor() == targetColor ? SIDE_LEFT : SIDE_RIGHT; robot.setDrivePower(-DRIVE_POWER * 0.75); setState(STATE_ALIGNING_WITH_BEACON); } else if (Math.abs(getRelativePosition()) < SLOW_DOWN_AT) { stateMessage = "Beacon seen, centering (" + String.valueOf(getRelativePosition()) + ")..."; robot.resetDriveEncoders(); if (getRelativePosition() > 0 && getRelativePosition() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) robot.setDrivePower(-MIN_DRIVE_POWER); else robot.setDrivePower(MIN_DRIVE_POWER); } break; case STATE_ALIGNING_WITH_BEACON: stateMessage = "Positioning to deploy placer..."; if (ticksInState > 450) robot.emergencyStop(); double targetCounts = (targetSide == SIDE_LEFT) ? 1150 : 250; if (Math.max(Math.abs(robot.getAdjustedEncoderPosition(robot.leftMotor)), Math.abs(robot.getAdjustedEncoderPosition(robot.rightMotor))) >= targetCounts) { Log.i(TAG, "//// DEPLOYING ////"); robot.setDrivePower(0); robot.startOrientationTracking(true); buttonPusherManager.setStatus(ButtonPusherManager.STATE_SCORING); setState(STATE_WAITING_FOR_PLACER); } break; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_PLACER: stateMessage = "Waiting for placer to deploy."; if ((buttonPusherManager.getStatus() != ButtonPusherManager.STATE_SCORING && buttonPusherManager.getTicksInState() >= 10) || buttonPusherManager.getStatus() == ButtonPusherManager.STATE_AT_BASE) { advanceToSecondBeacon(beaconName); if (beaconsFound == 2 || HOTEL_MODE) setState(STATE_FINISHED); else { robot.turn(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? -3 : 3, 0.2); robot.accel(0.5, 1); robot.turn(teamColor == TEAM_RED ? 2 : -2, 0.2); robot.goStraight(targetSide == SIDE_LEFT ? 1.5 : 1, 1); robot.decel(0.5, DRIVE_POWER); setState(STATE_SEARCHING); } } } ticksInState++; updateRunningState(); robot.waitForTick(20); } } // DesignosaursOpMode created so this gets called @Override public void onStop() { Log.i(TAG, "*** SHUTTING DOWN ***"); buttonPusherManager.shutdown(); shooterManager.shutdown(); robot.shutdown(); } // Please use this instead of directly updating state machine private void setState(byte newState) { switch (newState) { case STATE_SEARCHING: robot.setDrivePower(DRIVE_POWER); vuforia.enableFlashlight(); stateMessage = "Searching for beacon..."; break; case STATE_FINISHED: stateMessage = "Done."; } autonomousState = newState; Log.i(TAG, "*** SWITCHING STATES ***"); Log.i(TAG, "New state: " + getStateMessage()); Log.i(TAG, "Time in previous state: " + String.valueOf(ticksInState)); ticksInState = 0; } // Gets written to the driver station to explain the current state private String getStateMessage() { switch (autonomousState) { case STATE_INITIAL_POSITIONING: return "initial positioning"; case STATE_SEARCHING: return "searching"; case STATE_ALIGNING_WITH_BEACON: return "aligning with desired color"; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_PLACER: return "waiting for placer"; case STATE_FINISHED: return "finished"; } return "unknown"; } // Gets written to the driver station to represent what's selected on the joysticks private String teamColorToString() { switch (teamColor) { case TEAM_UNSELECTED: return "** UNSELECTED **"; case TEAM_BLUE: return "BLUE"; case TEAM_RED: return "RED"; } return "unknown"; } // Offset here represents how far the camera is from the button pusher private int getRelativePosition() { // Adjust the offset for the button pusher -> camera distance int result = centeredPos - 450; if (teamColor == TEAM_BLUE) result = -result; return result; } }