Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Arthur Pachachura, LASA Robotics, and contributors * MIT licensed * * Thank you to Brendan Hollaway (FTC Venom). */ package; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.core.RotatedRect; import org.opencv.core.Size; import java.util.List; /** * Static beacon analysis methods */ class BeaconAnalyzer { static Beacon.BeaconAnalysis analyze_REALTIME(List<Contour> contoursRed, List<Contour> contoursBlue, Mat img, ScreenOrientation orientation, boolean debug) { //DEBUG Draw contours before filtering if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursRed, new ColorRGBA("#FF0000"), 2); if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursBlue, new ColorRGBA("#0000FF"), 2); //Get the largest contour in each - we're calling this one the main light int largestIndexRed = findLargestIndex(contoursRed); int largestIndexBlue = findLargestIndex(contoursBlue); Contour largestRed = (largestIndexRed != -1) ? contoursRed.get(largestIndexRed) : null; Contour largestBlue = (largestIndexBlue != -1) ? contoursBlue.get(largestIndexBlue) : null; //If we don't have a main light for one of the colors, we know both colors are the same if (largestRed == null || largestBlue == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); //The height of the beacon on screen is the height of the best contour Contour largestHeight = ((largestRed.size().height) > (largestBlue.size().height)) ? largestRed : largestBlue; double beaconHeight = largestHeight.size().height; //Look at the locations of the largest contours //Check to see if the largest red contour is more left-most than the largest right contour //If it is, then we know that the left beacon is red and the other blue, and vice versa Point bestRedCenter = largestRed.centroid(); Point bestBlueCenter = largestBlue.centroid(); //DEBUG R/B text if (debug) Drawing.drawText(img, "R", bestRedCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0)); if (debug) Drawing.drawText(img, "B", bestBlueCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 255)); //Test which side is red and blue //If the distance between the sides is smaller than a value, then return unknown //Figure out which way to read the image double orientationAngle = orientation.getAngle(); boolean swapLeftRight = orientationAngle >= 180; //swap if LANDSCAPE_WEST or PORTRAIT_REVERSE boolean readOppositeAxis = orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT || orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT_REVERSE; //read other axis if any kind of portrait boolean leftIsRed; Contour leftMostContour, rightMostContour; if (readOppositeAxis) { if (bestRedCenter.y < bestBlueCenter.y) { leftIsRed = true; } else if (bestBlueCenter.y < bestRedCenter.y) { leftIsRed = false; } else { return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); } } else { if (bestRedCenter.x < bestBlueCenter.x) { leftIsRed = true; } else if (bestBlueCenter.x < bestRedCenter.x) { leftIsRed = false; } else { return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); } } //Swap left and right if necessary leftIsRed = swapLeftRight != leftIsRed; //Get the left-most best contour (or top-most if axis swapped) (or right-most if L/R swapped) if (readOppositeAxis) { //Get top-most best contour leftMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestRed : largestBlue; //Get bottom-most best contour rightMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestBlue : largestRed; } else { //Get left-most best contour leftMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestRed : largestBlue; //Get the right-most best contour rightMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestBlue : largestRed; } //Swap left and right if necessary //BUGFIX: invert when we swap if (swapLeftRight) { Contour temp = leftMostContour; leftMostContour = rightMostContour; rightMostContour = temp; } //Get the approximate bounding box of the contours double widthContours = rightMostContour.right() - leftMostContour.left(); double heightContours = Math.max(leftMostContour.height(), rightMostContour.height()); //Center of contours is the average of centers of the contours Point lCenter = leftMostContour.centroid(); Point rCenter = rightMostContour.centroid(); Point center = new Point((lCenter.x + rCenter.x) / 2, (lCenter.y + rCenter.y) / 2); if (debug) Drawing.drawCross(img, center, new ColorRGBA("#ffffff"), 10, 4); Rectangle centerRect = new Rectangle(center, widthContours, heightContours); //Calculate confidence double widthBeacon = rightMostContour.right() - leftMostContour.left(); double WH_ratio = widthBeacon / beaconHeight; double ratioError = Math.abs((Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO - WH_ratio)) / Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO; // perfect value = 0; double averageHeight = (leftMostContour.height() + rightMostContour.height()) / 2.0; double dy = Math.abs((lCenter.y - rCenter.y) / averageHeight * Constants.FAST_HEIGHT_DELTA_FACTOR); double dArea = Math.sqrt(leftMostContour.area() / rightMostContour.area()); double confidence = MathUtil.normalPDFNormalized( MathUtil.distance(MathUtil.distance(ratioError, dy), dArea) / Constants.FAST_CONFIDENCE_ROUNDNESS, Constants.FAST_CONFIDENCE_NORM, 0.0); if (leftIsRed) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, centerRect, confidence); else return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, centerRect, confidence); } static Beacon.BeaconAnalysis analyze_FAST(ColorBlobDetector detectorRed, ColorBlobDetector detectorBlue, Mat img, Mat gray, ScreenOrientation orientation, Rectangle bounds, boolean debug) { //Figure out which way to read the image double orientationAngle = orientation.getAngle(); boolean swapLeftRight = orientationAngle >= 180; //swap if LANDSCAPE_WEST or PORTRAIT_REVERSE boolean readOppositeAxis = orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT || orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT_REVERSE; //read other axis if any kind of portrait //Bound the image if (readOppositeAxis) //Force the analysis box to transpose inself in place //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination bounds = new Rectangle(new Point( / img.height() * img.width(), / img.width() * img.height()), bounds.height(), bounds.width()) .clip(new Rectangle(img.size())); if (!swapLeftRight && readOppositeAxis) //Force the analysis box to flip across its primary axis bounds = new Rectangle( new Point((img.size().width / 2) + Math.abs( - (img.size().width / 2)),, bounds.width(), bounds.height()); else if (swapLeftRight && !readOppositeAxis) //Force the analysis box to flip across its primary axis bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(, img.size().height -, bounds.width(), bounds.height()); bounds = bounds.clip(new Rectangle(img.size())); //Get contours within the bounds detectorRed.process(img); detectorBlue.process(img); List<Contour> contoursRed = detectorRed.getContours(); List<Contour> contoursBlue = detectorBlue.getContours(); //DEBUG Draw contours before filtering if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursRed, new ColorRGBA("#FF0000"), 2); if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursBlue, new ColorRGBA("#0000FF"), 2); if (debug) Drawing.drawRectangle(img, bounds, new ColorRGBA("#aaaaaa"), 4); //Get the largest contour in each - we're calling this one the main light int largestIndexRed = findLargestIndexInBounds(contoursRed, bounds); int largestIndexBlue = findLargestIndexInBounds(contoursBlue, bounds); Contour largestRed = (largestIndexRed != -1) ? contoursRed.get(largestIndexRed) : null; Contour largestBlue = (largestIndexBlue != -1) ? contoursBlue.get(largestIndexBlue) : null; //If we don't have a main light for one of the colors, we know both colors are the same //TODO we should re-filter the contours by size to ensure that we get at least a decent size if (largestRed == null && largestBlue == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); //INFO The best contour from each color (if available) is selected as red and blue //INFO The two best contours are then used to calculate the location of the beacon //If we don't have a main light for one of the colors, we know both colors are the same //TODO we should re-filter the contours by size to ensure that we get at least a decent size //If the largest part of the non-null color is wider than a certain distance, then both are bright //Otherwise, only one may be lit //If only one is lit, and is wider than a certain distance, it is bright //TODO We are currently assuming that the beacon cannot be in a "bright" state if (largestRed == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); else if (largestBlue == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); //The height of the beacon on screen is the height of the best contour Contour largestHeight = ((largestRed.size().height) > (largestBlue.size().height)) ? largestRed : largestBlue; double beaconHeight = largestHeight.size().height; //Get beacon width on screen by extrapolating from height final double beaconActualHeight = Constants.BEACON_HEIGHT; //cm, only the lit up portion - 14.0 for entire final double beaconActualWidth = Constants.BEACON_WIDTH; //cm final double beaconWidthHeightRatio = Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO; double beaconWidth = beaconHeight * beaconWidthHeightRatio; Size beaconSize = new Size(beaconWidth, beaconHeight); //Look at the locations of the largest contours //Check to see if the largest red contour is more left-most than the largest right contour //If it is, then we know that the left beacon is red and the other blue, and vice versa Point bestRedCenter = largestRed.centroid(); Point bestBlueCenter = largestBlue.centroid(); //DEBUG R/B text if (debug) Drawing.drawText(img, "R", bestRedCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0)); if (debug) Drawing.drawText(img, "B", bestBlueCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 255)); //Test which side is red and blue //If the distance between the sides is smaller than a value, then return unknown final int minDistance = (int) (Constants.DETECTION_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width); //percent of beacon width boolean leftIsRed; Contour leftMostContour, rightMostContour; if (readOppositeAxis) { if (bestRedCenter.y + minDistance < bestBlueCenter.y) { leftIsRed = true; } else if (bestBlueCenter.y + minDistance < bestRedCenter.y) { leftIsRed = false; } else { return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); } } else { if (bestRedCenter.x + minDistance < bestBlueCenter.x) { leftIsRed = true; } else if (bestBlueCenter.x + minDistance < bestRedCenter.x) { leftIsRed = false; } else { return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); } } //Swap left and right if necessary leftIsRed = swapLeftRight != leftIsRed; //Get the left-most best contour (or top-most if axis swapped) (or right-most if L/R swapped) if (readOppositeAxis) { //Get top-most best contour leftMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestRed : largestBlue; //Get bottom-most best contour rightMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().y) < (largestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? largestBlue : largestRed; } else { //Get left-most best contour leftMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().x) < (largestBlue.topLeft().x)) ? largestRed : largestBlue; //Get the right-most best contour rightMostContour = ((largestRed.topLeft().x) < (largestBlue.topLeft().x)) ? largestBlue : largestRed; } //DEBUG Logging if (debug) Log.d("Beacon", "Orientation: " + orientation + "Angle: " + orientationAngle + " Swap Axis: " + readOppositeAxis + " Swap Direction: " + swapLeftRight); //Swap left and right if necessary //BUGFIX: invert when we swap if (!swapLeftRight) { Contour temp = leftMostContour; leftMostContour = rightMostContour; rightMostContour = temp; } //Now that we have the two contours, let's find ellipses that match //Draw the box surrounding both contours //Get the width of the contours double widthBeacon = rightMostContour.right() - leftMostContour.left(); //Center of contours is the average of centroids of the contours Point center = new Point((leftMostContour.centroid().x + rightMostContour.centroid().x) / 2, (leftMostContour.centroid().y + rightMostContour.centroid().y) / 2); //Get the combined height of the contours double heightContours = Math.max(leftMostContour.bottom(), rightMostContour.bottom()) - Math.min(,; //The largest size ratio of tested over actual is the scale ratio double scale = Math.max(widthBeacon / beaconActualWidth, heightContours / beaconActualHeight); //Define size of bounding box by scaling the actual beacon size Size beaconSizeFinal = new Size(beaconActualWidth * scale, beaconActualHeight * scale); //Swap x and y if we rotated the view if (readOppositeAxis) { //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination beaconSizeFinal = new Size(beaconSizeFinal.height, beaconSizeFinal.width); } //Get points of the bounding box Point beaconTopLeft = new Point(center.x - (beaconSizeFinal.width / 2), center.y - (beaconSizeFinal.height / 2)); Point beaconBottomRight = new Point(center.x + (beaconSizeFinal.width / 2), center.y + (beaconSizeFinal.height / 2)); Rectangle boundingBox = new Rectangle(new Rect(beaconTopLeft, beaconBottomRight)); //Get ellipses in region of interest //Make sure the rectangles don't leave the image size Rectangle leftRect = leftMostContour.getBoundingRectangle().clip(new Rectangle(img.size())); Rectangle rightRect = rightMostContour.getBoundingRectangle().clip(new Rectangle(img.size())); Mat leftContourImg = gray.submat((int), (int) leftRect.bottom(), (int) leftRect.left(), (int) leftRect.right()); Mat rightContourImg = gray.submat((int), (int) rightRect.bottom(), (int) rightRect.left(), (int) rightRect.right()); //Locate ellipses in the image to process contours against List<Ellipse> ellipsesLeft = PrimitiveDetection.locateEllipses(leftContourImg).getEllipses(); Detectable.offset(ellipsesLeft, new Point(leftRect.left(),; List<Ellipse> ellipsesRight = PrimitiveDetection.locateEllipses(rightContourImg).getEllipses(); Detectable.offset(ellipsesRight, new Point(rightRect.left(),; //Score ellipses BeaconScoringCOMPLEX scorer = new BeaconScoringCOMPLEX(img.size()); List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> scoredEllipsesLeft = scorer.scoreEllipses(ellipsesLeft, null, null, gray); scoredEllipsesLeft = filterEllipses(scoredEllipsesLeft); ellipsesLeft = BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList(scoredEllipsesLeft); if (debug) Drawing.drawEllipses(img, ellipsesLeft, new ColorRGBA("#00ff00"), 3); List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> scoredEllipsesRight = scorer.scoreEllipses(ellipsesRight, null, null, gray); scoredEllipsesRight = filterEllipses(scoredEllipsesRight); ellipsesRight = BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList(scoredEllipsesRight); if (debug) Drawing.drawEllipses(img, ellipsesRight, new ColorRGBA("#00ff00"), 3); //Calculate ellipse center if present Point centerLeft; Point centerRight; boolean done = false; do { centerLeft = null; centerRight = null; if (scoredEllipsesLeft.size() > 0) centerLeft = scoredEllipsesLeft.get(0); if (scoredEllipsesRight.size() > 0) centerRight = scoredEllipsesRight.get(0); //Flip axis if necesary if (centerLeft != null && readOppositeAxis) { centerLeft.set(new double[] { centerLeft.y, centerLeft.x }); } if (centerRight != null && readOppositeAxis) { centerRight.set(new double[] { centerRight.y, centerRight.x }); } //Make very, very sure that we didn't just find the same ellipse if (centerLeft != null && centerRight != null) { if (Math.abs(centerLeft.x - centerRight.x) < Constants.ELLIPSE_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width) { //Are both ellipses on the left or right side of the beacon? - remove the opposite side's ellipse if (Math.abs(centerLeft.x - < Constants.ELLIPSE_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width) scoredEllipsesRight.remove(0); else scoredEllipsesLeft.remove(0); } else done = true; } else done = true; } while (!done); //Improve the beacon center if both ellipses present byte ellipseExtrapolated = 0; if (centerLeft != null && centerRight != null) { if (readOppositeAxis) center.y = (centerLeft.x + centerRight.x) / 2; else center.x = (centerLeft.x + centerRight.x) / 2; } //Extrapolate other ellipse location if one present //FIXME: This method of extrapolation may not work when readOppositeAxis is true else if (centerLeft != null) { ellipseExtrapolated = 2; if (readOppositeAxis) centerRight = new Point(centerLeft.x - 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerLeft.x), (centerLeft.y + center.y) / 2); else centerRight = new Point(centerLeft.x + 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerLeft.x), (centerLeft.y + center.y) / 2); if (readOppositeAxis) centerRight.set(new double[] { centerRight.y, centerRight.x }); } else if (centerRight != null) { ellipseExtrapolated = 1; if (readOppositeAxis) centerLeft = new Point(centerRight.x + 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerRight.x), (centerRight.y + center.y) / 2); else centerLeft = new Point(centerRight.x - 2 * Math.abs(center.x - centerRight.x), (centerRight.y + center.y) / 2); if (readOppositeAxis) centerLeft.set(new double[] { centerLeft.y, centerLeft.x }); } //Draw center locations if (debug) Drawing.drawCross(img, center, new ColorRGBA("#ffffff"), 10, 4); if (debug && centerLeft != null) { ColorRGBA c = ellipseExtrapolated != 1 ? new ColorRGBA("#ffff00") : new ColorRGBA("#ff00ff"); //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination Drawing.drawCross(img, !readOppositeAxis ? centerLeft : new Point(centerLeft.y, centerLeft.x), c, 8, 3); } if (debug && centerRight != null) { ColorRGBA c = ellipseExtrapolated != 2 ? new ColorRGBA("#ffff00") : new ColorRGBA("#ff00ff"); //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination Drawing.drawCross(img, !readOppositeAxis ? centerRight : new Point(centerRight.y, centerRight.x), c, 8, 3); } //Draw the rectangle containing the beacon if (debug) Drawing.drawRectangle(img, boundingBox, new ColorRGBA(0, 255, 0), 4); //Tell us the height of the beacon //TODO later we can get the distance away from the beacon based on its height and position //Remove the largest index and look for the next largest //If the next largest is (mostly) within the area of the box, then merge it in with the largest //Check if the size of the largest contour(s) is about twice the size of the other //This would indicate one is brightly lit and the other is not //If this is not true, then neither part of the beacon is highly lit //Get confidence approximation double WH_ratio = widthBeacon / beaconHeight; double ratioError = Math.abs((Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO - WH_ratio)) / Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO; // perfect value = 0; double averageHeight = (leftMostContour.height() + rightMostContour.height()) / 2.0; double dy = Math.abs((leftMostContour.centroid().y - rightMostContour.centroid().y) / averageHeight * Constants.FAST_HEIGHT_DELTA_FACTOR); double dArea = Math.sqrt(leftMostContour.area() / rightMostContour.area()); double buttonsdy = (centerLeft != null && centerRight != null) ? (Math.abs(centerLeft.y - centerRight.y) / averageHeight * Constants.FAST_HEIGHT_DELTA_FACTOR) : Constants.ELLIPSE_PRESENCE_BIAS; double confidence = MathUtil.normalPDFNormalized( MathUtil.distance(MathUtil.distance(MathUtil.distance(ratioError, dy), dArea), buttonsdy) / Constants.FAST_CONFIDENCE_ROUNDNESS, Constants.FAST_CONFIDENCE_NORM, 0.0); //Get button ellipses Ellipse leftEllipse = scoredEllipsesLeft.size() > 0 ? scoredEllipsesLeft.get(0).ellipse : null; Ellipse rightEllipse = scoredEllipsesRight.size() > 0 ? scoredEllipsesRight.get(0).ellipse : null; //Test for color switching if (leftEllipse != null && rightEllipse != null && > { Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } else if ((leftEllipse != null && > center.x) || (rightEllipse != null && < center.x)) { Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } //Axis correction for ellipses if (swapLeftRight) { if (leftEllipse != null) leftEllipse = new Ellipse( new RotatedRect(new Point(img.width() -,, leftEllipse.size(), leftEllipse.angle())); if (rightEllipse != null) rightEllipse = new Ellipse( new RotatedRect(new Point(img.width() -,, rightEllipse.size(), rightEllipse.angle())); //Swap again after correcting axis to ensure left is left and right is right Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } //Switch axis if necessary if (readOppositeAxis) boundingBox = boundingBox.transpose(); if (leftIsRed) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, boundingBox, confidence, leftEllipse, rightEllipse); else return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, boundingBox, confidence, leftEllipse, rightEllipse); } private static List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> filterEllipses( List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> ellipses) { for (int i = ellipses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (ellipses.get(i).score < Constants.ELLIPSE_SCORE_REQ) ellipses.remove(i); return ellipses; } private static int findLargestIndexInBounds(List<Contour> contours, Rectangle bounds) { if (contours.size() < 1) return -1; int largestIndex = 0; double maxArea = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) { Contour c = contours.get(i); if (c.area() > maxArea && c.isMostlyInside(bounds)) { largestIndex = i; maxArea = c.area(); } } return largestIndex; } private static int findLargestIndex(List<Contour> contours) { if (contours.size() < 1) return -1; int largestIndex = 0; double maxArea = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) { Contour c = contours.get(i); if (c.area() > maxArea) { largestIndex = i; maxArea = c.area(); } } return largestIndex; } static Beacon.BeaconAnalysis analyze_COMPLEX(List<Contour> contoursRed, List<Contour> contoursBlue, Mat img, Mat gray, ScreenOrientation orientation, Rectangle bounds, boolean debug) { //The idea behind the SmartScoring algorithm is that the largest score in each contour/ellipse set will become the best //DONE First, ellipses and contours are are detected and pre-filtered to remove eccentricities //Second, ellipses, and contours are scored independently based on size and color ... higher score is better //Third, comparative analysis is used on each ellipse and contour to create a score for the contours //Ellipses within rectangles strongly increase in value //Ellipses without nearby/contained contours are removed //Ellipses with nearby/contained contours associate themselves with the contour //Pairs of ellipses (those with similar size and x-position) greatly increase the associated contours' value //Contours without nearby/contained ellipses lose value //Contours near another contour of the opposite color increase in value //Contours and ellipses near the expected area (if any expected area) increase in value //Finally, a fraction of the ellipse value is added to the value of the contour //The best ellipse is found first, then only this ellipse adds to the value //The best contour from each color (if available) is selected as red and blue //The two best contours are then used to calculate the location of the beacon //TODO Filter out bad contours - filtering currently ignored //DEBUG Draw contours before filtering if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursRed, new ColorRGBA("#FFCDD2"), 2); if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, contoursBlue, new ColorRGBA("#BBDEFB"), 2); //Score contours BeaconScoringCOMPLEX scorer = new BeaconScoringCOMPLEX(img.size()); List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredContour> scoredContoursRed = scorer.scoreContours(contoursRed, null, null, img, gray); List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredContour> scoredContoursBlue = scorer.scoreContours(contoursBlue, null, null, img, gray); //DEBUG Draw red and blue contours after filtering if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredContour.getList(scoredContoursRed), new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0), 2); if (debug) Drawing.drawContours(img, BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredContour.getList(scoredContoursBlue), new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 255), 2); //Locate ellipses in the image to process contours against //Each contour must have an ellipse of correct specification PrimitiveDetection primitiveDetection = new PrimitiveDetection(); PrimitiveDetection.EllipseLocationResult ellipseLocationResult = PrimitiveDetection.locateEllipses(gray); //Filter out bad ellipses - TODO filtering currently ignored List<Ellipse> ellipses = ellipseLocationResult.getEllipses(); //DEBUG Ellipse data before filtering //Drawing.drawEllipses(img, ellipses, new ColorRGBA("#ff0745"), 1); //Score ellipses List<BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse> scoredEllipses = scorer.scoreEllipses(ellipses, null, null, gray); //DEBUG Ellipse data after filtering if (debug) Drawing.drawEllipses(img, BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList(scoredEllipses), new ColorRGBA("#FFC107"), 2); //DEBUG draw top 5 ellipses if (scoredEllipses.size() > 0 && debug) { Drawing.drawEllipses(img, BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList( scoredEllipses.subList(0, scoredEllipses.size() > 5 ? 5 : scoredEllipses.size())), new ColorRGBA("#d0ff00"), 3); Drawing.drawEllipses(img, BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.ScoredEllipse.getList( scoredEllipses.subList(0, scoredEllipses.size() > 3 ? 3 : scoredEllipses.size())), new ColorRGBA("#00ff00"), 3); } //Third, comparative analysis is used on each ellipse and contour to create a score for the contours BeaconScoringCOMPLEX.MultiAssociatedContours associations = scorer.scoreAssociations(scoredContoursRed, scoredContoursBlue, scoredEllipses); double score = (associations.blueContours.size() > 0 ? associations.blueContours.get(0).score : 0) + (associations.redContours.size() > 0 ? associations.redContours.get(0).score : 0); double confidence = score / Constants.CONFIDENCE_DIVISOR; //INFO The best contour from each color (if available) is selected as red and blue //INFO The two best contours are then used to calculate the location of the beacon //Get the best contour in each (starting with the largest) if any contours exist //We're calling this one the main light Contour bestRed = (associations.redContours.size() > 0) ? associations.redContours.get(0).contour.contour : null; Contour bestBlue = (associations.blueContours.size() > 0) ? associations.blueContours.get(0).contour.contour : null; Ellipse bestRedEllipse = (associations.redContours.size() > 0 && associations.redContours.get(0).ellipses.size() > 0) ? associations.redContours.get(0).ellipses.get(0).ellipse : null; Ellipse bestBlueEllipse = (associations.blueContours.size() > 0 && associations.blueContours.get(0).ellipses.size() > 0) ? associations.blueContours.get(0).ellipses.get(0).ellipse : null; //If we don't have a main light for one of the colors, we know both colors are the same //TODO we should re-filter the contours by size to ensure that we get at least a decent size if (bestRed == null && bestBlue == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.UNKNOWN, Beacon.BeaconColor.UNKNOWN, new Rectangle(), 0.0f); //TODO rotate image based on camera rotation here //The height of the beacon on screen is the height of the best contour Contour largestHeight = ((bestRed != null ? bestRed.size().height : 0) > (bestBlue != null ? bestBlue.size().height : 0)) ? bestRed : bestBlue; assert largestHeight != null; double beaconHeight = largestHeight.size().height; //Get beacon width on screen by extrapolating from height final double beaconActualHeight = Constants.BEACON_HEIGHT; //cm, only the lit up portion - 14.0 for entire final double beaconActualWidth = Constants.BEACON_WIDTH; //cm final double beaconWidthHeightRatio = Constants.BEACON_WH_RATIO; double beaconWidth = beaconHeight * beaconWidthHeightRatio; Size beaconSize = new Size(beaconWidth, beaconHeight); //If the largest part of the non-null color is wider than a certain distance, then both are bright //Otherwise, only one may be lit //If only one is lit, and is wider than a certain distance, it is bright //TODO We are currently assuming that the beacon cannot be in a "bright" state if (bestRed == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); else if (bestBlue == null) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); //Look at the locations of the largest contours //Check to see if the largest red contour is more left-most than the largest right contour //If it is, then we know that the left beacon is red and the other blue, and vice versa Point bestRedCenter = bestRed.centroid(); Point bestBlueCenter = bestBlue.centroid(); //DEBUG R/B text if (debug) Drawing.drawText(img, "R", bestRedCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0)); if (debug) Drawing.drawText(img, "B", bestBlueCenter, 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 255)); //Test which side is red and blue //If the distance between the sides is smaller than a value, then return unknown final int minDistance = (int) (Constants.DETECTION_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width); //percent of beacon width //Figure out which way to read the image double orientationAngle = orientation.getAngle(); boolean swapLeftRight = orientationAngle >= 180; //swap if LANDSCAPE_WEST or PORTRAIT_REVERSE boolean readOppositeAxis = orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT || orientation == ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT_REVERSE; //read other axis if any kind of portrait boolean leftIsRed; Contour leftMostContour, rightMostContour; Ellipse leftEllipse, rightEllipse; if (readOppositeAxis) { if (bestRedCenter.y + minDistance < bestBlueCenter.y) { leftIsRed = true; } else if (bestBlueCenter.y + minDistance < bestRedCenter.y) { leftIsRed = false; } else { return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); } } else { if (bestRedCenter.x + minDistance < bestBlueCenter.x) { leftIsRed = true; } else if (bestBlueCenter.x + minDistance < bestRedCenter.x) { leftIsRed = false; } else { return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(); } } //Swap left and right if necessary leftIsRed = swapLeftRight != leftIsRed; //Get the left-most best contour (or top-most if axis swapped) (or right-most if L/R swapped) if (readOppositeAxis) { //Get top-most best contour leftMostContour = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestRed : bestBlue; leftEllipse = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestRedEllipse : bestBlueEllipse; //Get bottom-most best contour rightMostContour = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestBlue : bestRed; rightEllipse = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestBlueEllipse : bestRedEllipse; } else { //Get left-most best contour leftMostContour = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestRed : bestBlue; leftEllipse = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestRedEllipse : bestBlueEllipse; //Get the right-most best contour rightMostContour = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestBlue : bestRed; rightEllipse = ((bestRed.topLeft().y) < (bestBlue.topLeft().y)) ? bestBlueEllipse : bestRedEllipse; } //Swap left and right if necessary //BUGFIX: invert when we swap if (swapLeftRight) { Contour temp = leftMostContour; leftMostContour = rightMostContour; rightMostContour = temp; Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } //Draw the box surrounding both contours //Get the width of the contours double widthBeacon = rightMostContour.right() - leftMostContour.left(); //Center of contours is the average of centers of the contours Point center = new Point((leftMostContour.centroid().x + rightMostContour.centroid().x) / 2, (leftMostContour.centroid().y + rightMostContour.centroid().y) / 2); //Get the combined height of the contours double heightContours = Math.max(leftMostContour.bottom(), rightMostContour.bottom()) - Math.min(,; //The largest size ratio of tested over actual is the scale ratio double scale = Math.max(widthBeacon / beaconActualWidth, heightContours / beaconActualHeight); //Define size of bounding box by scaling the actual beacon size Size beaconSizeFinal = new Size(beaconActualWidth * scale, beaconActualHeight * scale); //Swap x and y if we rotated the view if (readOppositeAxis) { //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination beaconSizeFinal = new Size(beaconSizeFinal.height, beaconSizeFinal.width); } //Get points of the bounding box Point beaconTopLeft = new Point(center.x - (beaconSizeFinal.width / 2), center.y - (beaconSizeFinal.height / 2)); Point beaconBottomRight = new Point(center.x + (beaconSizeFinal.width / 2), center.y + (beaconSizeFinal.height / 2)); Rectangle boundingBox = new Rectangle(new Rect(beaconTopLeft, beaconBottomRight)); //Draw the rectangle containing the beacon if (debug) Drawing.drawRectangle(img, boundingBox, new ColorRGBA(0, 255, 0), 4); //Tell us the height of the beacon //TODO later we can get the distance away from the beacon based on its height and position //Remove the largest index and look for the next largest //If the next largest is (mostly) within the area of the box, then merge it in with the largest //Check if the size of the largest contour(s) is about twice the size of the other //This would indicate one is brightly lit and the other is not //Draw some more debug info if (debug) Drawing.drawCross(img, center, new ColorRGBA("#ffffff"), 10, 4); if (debug && leftEllipse != null) Drawing.drawCross(img,, new ColorRGBA("#ffff00"), 8, 3); if (debug && rightEllipse != null) Drawing.drawCross(img,, new ColorRGBA("#ffff00"), 8, 3); //Test for color switching if (leftEllipse != null && rightEllipse != null && > { Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } else if ((leftEllipse != null && > center.x) || (rightEllipse != null && < center.x)) { Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } //Axis correction for ellipses if (swapLeftRight) { if (leftEllipse != null) leftEllipse = new Ellipse( new RotatedRect(new Point(img.width() -,, leftEllipse.size(), leftEllipse.angle())); if (rightEllipse != null) rightEllipse = new Ellipse( new RotatedRect(new Point(img.width() -,, rightEllipse.size(), rightEllipse.angle())); //Swap again after correcting axis to ensure left is left and right is right Ellipse tE = leftEllipse; leftEllipse = rightEllipse; rightEllipse = tE; } //Make very, very sure that we didn't just find the same ellipse if (leftEllipse != null && rightEllipse != null) { if (Math.abs( - < Constants.ELLIPSE_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width) { //Are both ellipses on the left or right side of the beacon? - remove the opposite side's ellipse if (Math.abs( - < Constants.ELLIPSE_MIN_DISTANCE * beaconSize.width) rightEllipse = null; else leftEllipse = null; } } //Switch axis if necessary if (readOppositeAxis) boundingBox = boundingBox.transpose(); //If this is not true, then neither part of the beacon is highly lit if (leftIsRed) return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, boundingBox, confidence, leftEllipse, rightEllipse); else return new Beacon.BeaconAnalysis(Beacon.BeaconColor.BLUE, Beacon.BeaconColor.RED, boundingBox, confidence, leftEllipse, rightEllipse); } }