Example usage for org.opencv.core Mat get

List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat get


In this page you can find the example usage for org.opencv.core Mat get.


public double[] get(int row, int col) 

Source Link


From source file:overwatchteampicker.OverwatchTeamPicker.java

public static ReturnValues findImage(String template, String source, int flag) {
    File lib = null;//w  ww . j  a v a2  s  . co m
    BufferedImage image = null;
    try {
        image = ImageIO.read(new File(source));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
    String bitness = System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model");

    if (os.toUpperCase().contains("WINDOWS")) {
        if (bitness.endsWith("64")) {
            lib = new File("C:\\Users\\POWERUSER\\Downloads\\opencv\\build\\java\\x64\\"
                    + System.mapLibraryName("opencv_java2413"));
        } else {
            lib = new File("libs//x86//" + System.mapLibraryName("opencv_java2413"));
    String tempObject = "images\\hero_templates\\" + template + ".png";
    String source_pic = source;
    Mat objectImage = Highgui.imread(tempObject, Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
    Mat sceneImage = Highgui.imread(source_pic, Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

    MatOfKeyPoint objectKeyPoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();
    FeatureDetector featureDetector = FeatureDetector.create(FeatureDetector.SURF);
    featureDetector.detect(objectImage, objectKeyPoints);
    KeyPoint[] keypoints = objectKeyPoints.toArray();
    MatOfKeyPoint objectDescriptors = new MatOfKeyPoint();
    DescriptorExtractor descriptorExtractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(DescriptorExtractor.SURF);
    descriptorExtractor.compute(objectImage, objectKeyPoints, objectDescriptors);

    // Create the matrix for output image.
    Mat outputImage = new Mat(objectImage.rows(), objectImage.cols(), Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    Scalar newKeypointColor = new Scalar(255, 0, 0);
    Features2d.drawKeypoints(objectImage, objectKeyPoints, outputImage, newKeypointColor, 0);

    // Match object image with the scene image
    MatOfKeyPoint sceneKeyPoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();
    MatOfKeyPoint sceneDescriptors = new MatOfKeyPoint();
    featureDetector.detect(sceneImage, sceneKeyPoints);
    descriptorExtractor.compute(sceneImage, sceneKeyPoints, sceneDescriptors);

    Mat matchoutput = new Mat(sceneImage.rows() * 2, sceneImage.cols() * 2, Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    Scalar matchestColor = new Scalar(0, 255, 25);

    List<MatOfDMatch> matches = new LinkedList<MatOfDMatch>();
    DescriptorMatcher descriptorMatcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcher.FLANNBASED);
    descriptorMatcher.knnMatch(objectDescriptors, sceneDescriptors, matches, 2);

    LinkedList<DMatch> goodMatchesList = new LinkedList<DMatch>();

    float nndrRatio = .78f;

    for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
        MatOfDMatch matofDMatch = matches.get(i);
        DMatch[] dmatcharray = matofDMatch.toArray();
        DMatch m1 = dmatcharray[0];
        DMatch m2 = dmatcharray[1];

        if (m1.distance <= m2.distance * nndrRatio) {


    if (goodMatchesList.size() >= 4) {

        List<KeyPoint> objKeypointlist = objectKeyPoints.toList();
        List<KeyPoint> scnKeypointlist = sceneKeyPoints.toList();

        LinkedList<Point> objectPoints = new LinkedList<>();
        LinkedList<Point> scenePoints = new LinkedList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < goodMatchesList.size(); i++) {

        MatOfPoint2f objMatOfPoint2f = new MatOfPoint2f();
        MatOfPoint2f scnMatOfPoint2f = new MatOfPoint2f();

        Mat homography = Calib3d.findHomography(objMatOfPoint2f, scnMatOfPoint2f, Calib3d.RANSAC, 3);

        Mat obj_corners = new Mat(4, 1, CvType.CV_32FC2);
        Mat scene_corners = new Mat(4, 1, CvType.CV_32FC2);

        obj_corners.put(0, 0, new double[] { 0, 0 });
        obj_corners.put(1, 0, new double[] { objectImage.cols(), 0 });
        obj_corners.put(2, 0, new double[] { objectImage.cols(), objectImage.rows() });
        obj_corners.put(3, 0, new double[] { 0, objectImage.rows() });

        Core.perspectiveTransform(obj_corners, scene_corners, homography);

        Mat img = Highgui.imread(source_pic, Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

        Core.line(img, new Point(scene_corners.get(0, 0)), new Point(scene_corners.get(1, 0)),
                new Scalar(0, 255, 255), 4);
        Core.line(img, new Point(scene_corners.get(1, 0)), new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)),
                new Scalar(255, 255, 0), 4);
        Core.line(img, new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)), new Point(scene_corners.get(3, 0)),
                new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);
        Core.line(img, new Point(scene_corners.get(3, 0)), new Point(scene_corners.get(0, 0)),
                new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);

        MatOfDMatch goodMatches = new MatOfDMatch();

        Features2d.drawMatches(objectImage, objectKeyPoints, sceneImage, sceneKeyPoints, goodMatches,
                matchoutput, matchestColor, newKeypointColor, new MatOfByte(), 2);
        if (new Point(scene_corners.get(0, 0)).x < new Point(scene_corners.get(1, 0)).x
                && new Point(scene_corners.get(0, 0)).y < new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)).y) {
            System.out.println("found " + template);
            Highgui.imwrite("points.jpg", outputImage);
            Highgui.imwrite("matches.jpg", matchoutput);
            Highgui.imwrite("final.jpg", img);

            if (flag == 0) {
                ReturnValues retVal = null;
                int y = (int) new Point(scene_corners.get(3, 0)).y;
                int yHeight = (int) new Point(scene_corners.get(3, 0)).y
                        - (int) new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)).y;
                if (y < image.getHeight() * .6) { //if found hero is in upper half of image then return point 3,0
                    retVal = new ReturnValues(y + (int) (image.getHeight() * .01), yHeight);
                } else { //if found hero is in lower half of image then return point 2,0
                    y = (int) new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)).y;
                    retVal = new ReturnValues(y + (int) (image.getHeight() * .3), yHeight);
                return retVal;
            } else if (flag == 1) {
                int[] xPoints = new int[4];
                int[] yPoints = new int[4];

                xPoints[0] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(0, 0)).x);
                xPoints[1] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(1, 0)).x);
                xPoints[2] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)).x);
                xPoints[3] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(3, 0)).x);

                yPoints[0] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(0, 0)).y);
                yPoints[1] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(1, 0)).y);
                yPoints[2] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(2, 0)).y);
                yPoints[3] = (int) (new Point(scene_corners.get(3, 0)).y);

                ReturnValues retVal = new ReturnValues(xPoints, yPoints);
                return retVal;

    return null;


From source file:qupath.opencv.processing.OpenCVTools.java

License:Open Source License

 * Fill holes in a binary image (1-channel, 8-bit unsigned) with an area <= maxArea.
 * /*w  w w  .  j  a  v a 2 s. c o  m*/
 * @param matBinary
 * @param maxArea
public static void fillSmallHoles(Mat matBinary, double maxArea) {
    Mat matHoles = new Mat();
    invertBinary(matBinary, matHoles);
    List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
    Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
    Imgproc.findContours(matHoles, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_CCOMP, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
    List<MatOfPoint> contoursTemp = new ArrayList<>(1);
    Scalar color = new Scalar(255);
    int ind = 0;
    for (MatOfPoint contour : contours) {
        // Only fill the small, inner contours
        if (hierarchy.get(0, ind)[3] >= 0 || Imgproc.contourArea(contour) > maxArea) {
        Imgproc.drawContours(matBinary, contoursTemp, 0, color, -1);

From source file:Reconhecimento.Circulo.java

segmenta o circulo para acompanhamento do movimento 
**//*www .  j  a v  a  2s .  c  om*/
public static void segmentarCirculo(int minRaio, int maxRaio, int minThreshold, int maxThreshold,
        int medianBlurKernel) {

    class threadSegmentar extends Thread {

        public boolean closed = false;
        public double CentroX;
        public double CentroY;

        public void run() {
            int contador = 0;

            File folder = new File("imagens/frames");
            if (folder.exists() == false) {
            for (String file : folder.list()) {
                new File(folder, file).delete();

            ind = (char) ((int) ind + 1);

            JFrame frame = new JFrame();
            JLabel label = new JLabel();
            frame.setBounds(10, 10, 640, 480);
            label.setSize(640, 480);
            frame.setLocation(250, 250);
            closed = false;

            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                    closed = true;

            Mat img = new Mat();
            Mat circles = new Mat();
            Mat grayImg = new Mat();
            Mat gravar = new Mat();
            Mat element = new Mat();

            VideoCapture cap = new VideoCapture(Video.videoAtual);

            // capturar primeiro frame do video 

            Imgproc.cvtColor(img, grayImg, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

            Imgproc.medianBlur(grayImg, grayImg, 5);

            Imgproc.HoughCircles(grayImg, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 100, 220, 10, minRaio,

            double Circle[] = circles.get(0, 0);

            Point center = new Point(Math.round(Circle[0]), Math.round(Circle[1]));

            int radius = (int) Math.round(Circle[2]);

            CentroX = center.x;
            CentroY = center.y;


            boolean continuar = true;

            while (continuar) {

                // passar a imagem para tons de cinza
                Imgproc.cvtColor(img, grayImg, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

                // limiarizacao
                Imgproc.threshold(grayImg, grayImg, minThreshold, maxThreshold, THRESH_BINARY_INV);

                Core.bitwise_not(grayImg, grayImg);

                // filtro da mediana
                Imgproc.medianBlur(grayImg, grayImg, medianBlurKernel);

                // deteccao de vertices
                Imgproc.Canny(grayImg, grayImg, 100, 255);

                // aplicar transformada circular de hough
                Imgproc.HoughCircles(grayImg, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 100, 220, 9, minRaio,

                try {
                    for (int x = 0; x < circles.cols(); x++) {
                        double vCircle[] = circles.get(0, x);

                        center = new Point(Math.round(vCircle[0]), Math.round(vCircle[1]));
                        radius = (int) Math.round(vCircle[2]);

                        // analisa a distancia entre o circulo do frame anterior e atual
                        if (((center.x <= CentroX) || (center.x - CentroX <= 5))
                                && (Math.sqrt(CentroX * CentroX + CentroY * CentroY)
                                        - Math.sqrt(center.x * center.x + center.y * center.y) <= 70.0)
                                && (Math.sqrt(CentroX * CentroX + CentroY * CentroY)
                                        - Math.sqrt(center.x * center.x + center.y * center.y) >= -70.0)) {

                            Core.circle(img, center, radius, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, 8, 0);

                            CentroX = center.x;
                            CentroY = center.y;
                } catch (Exception e) {

                Imgproc.resize(img, gravar, new Size(640, 480));
                Highgui.imwrite("imagens/frames/houghcircles" + contador + ind + ".jpg", gravar);

                label.setIcon(new ImageIcon("imagens/frames/houghcircles" + contador + ind + ".jpg"));


                continuar = cap.read(img) && !closed;

    if (Video.videoAtual == null) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Selecione um arquivo de video!", "Nenhum vdeo selecionado",

    threadSegmentar t = new threadSegmentar();

From source file:Reconhecimento.Regua.java

public static void segmentarRegua() {

    long tempoInicio = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // coordenadas do retangulo de selecao 
    int x0 = TelaSegmentarRegua.localizarReguaPanel1.x0;
    int y0 = TelaSegmentarRegua.localizarReguaPanel1.y0;
    int x = TelaSegmentarRegua.localizarReguaPanel1.xf;
    int y = TelaSegmentarRegua.localizarReguaPanel1.yf;

    if (x0 > x) {
        int aux = x0;
        x0 = x;//w  ww.  j  a  v a 2s.  c  o  m
        x = aux;

    if (y0 > y) {
        int aux = y0;
        y0 = y;
        y = aux;

    Mat bigImage = Highgui.imread(TelaSegmentarRegua.localizarReguaPanel1.imagem);
    // cortar imagem de acordo com a selecao
    Mat img = new Mat(bigImage, new Rect(x0, y0, x - x0, y - y0));

    Mat grayImg = new Mat();
    // passar imagem para tons de cinza
    Imgproc.cvtColor(img, grayImg, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
    // limiarizacao 
    Imgproc.threshold(grayImg, grayImg, 190, 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV);
    Core.bitwise_not(grayImg, grayImg);

    List<Point> pontos = new ArrayList<Point>();

    // adicionar todos os pontos da referentes a regua em um vetor
    for (int i = 0; i < grayImg.rows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < grayImg.cols(); j++) {
            if (Arrays.toString(grayImg.get(i, j)).equals("[255.0]")) {
                pontos.add(new Point(j, i));
                Core.line(img, new Point(j, i), new Point(j, i), new Scalar(255, 0, 0));

    String filename = "imagens/regua_segmentada" + Math.random() * 1000 + ".jpg";

    Mat img2 = new Mat();
    Imgproc.resize(img, img2, new Size(img.size().width * 3.0, img.size().height * 3.0));
    Highgui.imwrite(filename, img2);

    int xMin = 5000, yMin = 5000;
    int xMax = 0, yMax = 0;

    // pontos extremos da regua
    for (Point ponto : pontos) {
        if (ponto.x > xMax) {
            xMax = (int) ponto.x;
        if (ponto.x < xMin) {
            xMin = (int) ponto.x;
        if (ponto.y > yMax) {
            yMax = (int) ponto.y;
        if (ponto.y < yMin) {
            yMin = (int) ponto.y;

    // regua na posicao horizontal
    if (xMax - xMin > yMax - yMin) {
        a proporcao da imagem utilizada no processamento torna necessario
        a multiplicacao por 2 para manter a proporcao das medidas 
        larguraPixels = (xMax - xMin) * 2;
    // regua na posicao vertical
    else {
        larguraPixels = (yMax - yMin) * 2;

    long tempoFim = System.currentTimeMillis() - tempoInicio;

    centimetrosPorPixel = 30.0 / larguraPixels;

    TelaSegmentarRegua2 telaResposta = new TelaSegmentarRegua2();
    telaResposta.jLabel1.setIcon(new ImageIcon(filename));
    telaResposta.jLabel4.setText(larguraPixels + " pixels");
    telaResposta.jLabel5.setText(String.valueOf(centimetrosPorPixel).substring(0, 5));
    telaResposta.jLabel7.setText(tempoFim + " ms");
    telaResposta.setLocation(200, 200);


From source file:Reconhecimento.SaltoSegmentacaoCirculo.java

private static Point segmentarCirculo(Mat img) {
    Mat grayImg = new Mat();
    Mat circles = new Mat();
    Mat element = new Mat();

    Imgproc.cvtColor(img, grayImg, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

    // filtro da mediana
    Imgproc.medianBlur(grayImg, grayImg, 5);

    // transformada circular de hough
    Imgproc.HoughCircles(grayImg, circles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, 100, 220, 17, 5, 10);

    Point centro = new Point(0, 0);
    Point center;//from w  ww . j  ava  2 s  . c  om

    for (int x = 0; x < circles.cols(); x++) {
        double vCircle[] = circles.get(0, x);

        center = new Point(Math.round(vCircle[0]), Math.round(vCircle[1]));

        // pegar o circulo mais embaixo
        if (centro.y < center.y) {
            centro = center.clone();

        int radius = (int) Math.round(vCircle[2]);

        Core.circle(img, center, radius, new Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, 8, 0);
    return centro;

From source file:saliency.saliency.java

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *//*from ww w . j av  a 2  s .  c  o m*/
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO code application logic here


    Mat input_img = imread("input_img/sea.jpg");
    //fot temp test start
    Imgproc.resize(input_img, input_img, new Size(1980, 1080), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    //fot temp test end
    if (input_img.cols() == 0) {

    ///////////////////////step 1 : Extraction of Early Visual Deatures///////////////////////////////
    //intensity image: intensity_img
    Mat intensity_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_16UC1);
    //intensity = (R+G+B)/3
    int img_width = intensity_img.cols();
    int img_height = intensity_img.rows();
    int x, y;
    int i, c, s;
    int max_intensity = 0;
    for (x = 0; x < img_width; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < img_height; y++) {
            int temp_intensity = ((int) input_img.get(y, x)[0] + (int) input_img.get(y, x)[1]
                    + (int) input_img.get(y, x)[2]) / 3;
            intensity_img.put(y, x, temp_intensity);
            if (max_intensity < temp_intensity) {
                max_intensity = temp_intensity;
    //create Guassian pyramid for intensity
    Mat[] i_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9];
    i_gaussian_pyramid[0] = intensity_img.clone();
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        i_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = i_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone();
        Imgproc.pyrDown(i_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], i_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size());

    //create intensity feature map using center-surround differences
    Mat[][] intensity_feature_map = new Mat[3][2];
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            intensity_feature_map[c][s] = center_surround.main(i_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2],
                    i_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], 0);
    //imwrite("intensity_feature_map_00.bmp", intensity_feature_map[0][0]);
    //get normalized color image by I.
    Mat norm_input_img = input_img.clone();
    norm_input_img.convertTo(norm_input_img, CV_64F);
    for (x = 0; x < img_width; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < img_height; y++) {
            //normalization is only applied at the locations where I is larger than 1/10 of its maximum over entire image
            double[] temp = new double[3];
            if (intensity_img.get(y, x)[0] > (max_intensity / 10)) {
                temp[0] = norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0] / intensity_img.get(y, x)[0];
                temp[1] = norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1] / intensity_img.get(y, x)[0];
                temp[2] = norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] / intensity_img.get(y, x)[0];
                norm_input_img.put(y, x, temp);
            } else {
                temp[0] = 0;
                temp[1] = 0;
                temp[2] = 0;
                norm_input_img.put(y, x, temp);
    //get R G B Y(Yellow) single color channel images
    Mat r_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1);
    Mat g_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1);
    Mat b_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1);
    Mat y_img = new Mat(input_img.rows(), input_img.cols(), CV_64FC1);
    //[0]: b [1]:g [2]:r
    for (x = 0; x < img_width; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < img_height; y++) {
            //R = min(0,r-(g+b)/2)
            double temp_chroma = max(0, (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2]
                    - (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0]) / 2));
            r_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma);
            //G = max(0,g-(r+b)/2)
            temp_chroma = max(0, (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]
                    - (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0]) / 2));
            g_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma);
            //B = max(0,b-(r+g)/2)
            temp_chroma = max(0, (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0]
                    - (norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]) / 2));
            b_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma);
            //Y = max(0,(r+g)/2-|r-g|/2-b)
            temp_chroma = max(0,
                    ((norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]) / 2
                            - abs(norm_input_img.get(y, x)[2] + norm_input_img.get(y, x)[1]) / 2
                            - norm_input_img.get(y, x)[0]));
            y_img.put(y, x, temp_chroma);
    //create Gaussian pyramid for 4 color channels
    Mat[] b_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9];
    b_gaussian_pyramid[0] = b_img.clone();
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        b_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = b_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone();
        Imgproc.pyrDown(b_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], b_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size());
    Mat[] g_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9];
    g_gaussian_pyramid[0] = g_img.clone();
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        g_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = g_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone();
        Imgproc.pyrDown(g_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], g_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size());
    Mat[] r_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9];
    r_gaussian_pyramid[0] = r_img.clone();
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        r_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = r_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone();
        Imgproc.pyrDown(r_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], r_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size());
    Mat[] y_gaussian_pyramid = new Mat[9];
    y_gaussian_pyramid[0] = y_img.clone();
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        y_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1] = y_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone();
        Imgproc.pyrDown(y_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], y_gaussian_pyramid[i + 1], new Size());
    //create color feature map using center-surround differences
    //RG(c,s) = |(R(c)-G(c))(-)(G(c)-R(c))|
    Mat[][] rg_feature_map = new Mat[3][2];
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat r_minus_g = r_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2].clone();
            Core.subtract(r_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], g_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], r_minus_g);
            Mat g_minus_r = g_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5].clone();
            Core.subtract(g_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], r_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], g_minus_r);
            rg_feature_map[c][s] = center_surround.main(r_minus_g, g_minus_r, 1);
    //BY(c,s) = |(B(c)-Y(c))(-)(Y(c)-B(c))|
    Mat[][] by_feature_map = new Mat[3][2];
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat b_minus_g = b_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2].clone();
            Core.subtract(b_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], y_gaussian_pyramid[c + 2], b_minus_g);
            Mat y_minus_b = y_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5].clone();
            Core.subtract(y_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], b_gaussian_pyramid[s + c + 5], y_minus_b);
            by_feature_map[c][s] = center_surround.main(b_minus_g, y_minus_b, 1);
    //create oriented Gabor pyramid from intensity image
    int kernel_size = 10;//31;//adjust value according to reference
    double sigma = 3;//default:  = 0.56 .  the larger , the support of the Gabor function  and the number of visible parallel excitatory and inhibitory stripe zones increases.
    double[] theta = new double[4];
    theta[0] = 0;
    theta[1] = Math.PI / 4;
    theta[2] = Math.PI / 2;
    theta[3] = Math.PI * 3 / 4;
    double lambda = 5;//36; minimum 3
    double gamma = 0.5;//0.02;
    // double psi = 0;
    Mat[][] gabor_pyramid = new Mat[4][9];
    int theta_index;
    for (theta_index = 0; theta_index < 4; theta_index++) {
        Mat gabor_kernel = Imgproc.getGaborKernel(new Size(kernel_size, kernel_size), sigma, theta[theta_index],
                lambda, gamma);
        //gabor_pyramid[theta_index][0] = intensity_img.clone();
        for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            //gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i] = gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i].clone();
            gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i] = i_gaussian_pyramid[i].clone();
            Imgproc.filter2D(i_gaussian_pyramid[i], gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i], -1, gabor_kernel);
            //Imgproc.resize(gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i], gabor_pyramid[theta_index][i], new Size(), 0.5, 0.5, Imgproc.INTER_AREA);
    //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_01.bmp", gabor_pyramid[0][1]);
    //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_11.bmp", gabor_pyramid[1][1]);
    //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_21.bmp", gabor_pyramid[2][1]);
    //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_31.bmp", gabor_pyramid[3][1]);
    //imwrite("gabor_pyramid_03.bmp", gabor_pyramid[0][3]);
    //get orientation feature map using center-surround differences
    Mat[][][] orientation_feature_map = new Mat[4][3][2];
    for (theta_index = 0; theta_index < 4; theta_index++) {
        for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
            for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
                orientation_feature_map[theta_index][c][s] = center_surround
                        .main(gabor_pyramid[theta_index][c + 2], gabor_pyramid[theta_index][s + c + 5], 0);
    //imwrite("orientation_test_00.bmp", orientation_feature_map[0][0][0]);
    ///////////////////////step 2 : the saliency map///////////////////////////////
    //get intensity conspicuity map
    Mat intensity_conspicuity_map = Mat.zeros(intensity_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(intensity_feature_map[c][s]);
            Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(intensity_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, intensity_feature_map[2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(intensity_conspicuity_map, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0,
            /*if(c == 0 && s == 0){
            imwrite("in.bmp", intensity_feature_map[c][s]);
            imwrite("resized_feature_map.bmp", resized_feature_map);
    //Core.normalize(intensity_conspicuity_map, intensity_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    //imwrite("intensity_conspicuity_map.bmp", intensity_conspicuity_map);
    //get color conspicuity map
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Core.normalize(rg_feature_map[c][s], rg_feature_map[c][s], 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
            rg_feature_map[c][s].convertTo(rg_feature_map[c][s], CV_16UC1);
            Core.normalize(by_feature_map[c][s], by_feature_map[c][s], 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
            by_feature_map[c][s].convertTo(by_feature_map[c][s], CV_16UC1);
    Mat color_conspicuity_map = Mat.zeros(rg_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(rg_feature_map[c][s]);
            Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(rg_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, rg_feature_map[2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(color_conspicuity_map, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 12, 0, color_conspicuity_map);
            norm_out = map_norm.main(by_feature_map[c][s]);
            resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(by_feature_map[2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, by_feature_map[2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(color_conspicuity_map, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 12, 0, color_conspicuity_map);
    //get orientation conspicuity map
    Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_0 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[0][c][s]);
            Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_0, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0,

    Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_1 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[1][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[1][c][s]);
            Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[1][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[1][2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_1, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0,
    Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_2 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[2][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[2][c][s]);
            Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[2][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[2][2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_2, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0,
    Mat orientation_conspicuity_map_3 = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[3][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
        for (s = 0; s < 2; s++) {
            Mat norm_out = map_norm.main(orientation_feature_map[3][c][s]);
            Mat resized_feature_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[3][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
            Imgproc.resize(norm_out, resized_feature_map, orientation_feature_map[3][2][0].size(), 0, 0,
            Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map_3, 1, resized_feature_map, 1.0 / 6, 0,
    Mat orientation_conspicuity_map = Mat.zeros(orientation_feature_map[0][2][0].size(), CV_16UC1);
    Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_0), 1.0 / 4, 0,
    Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_1), 1.0 / 4, 0,
    Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_2), 1.0 / 4, 0,
    Core.addWeighted(orientation_conspicuity_map, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_3), 1.0 / 4, 0,
    Mat saliency = Mat.zeros(intensity_conspicuity_map.size(), CV_16UC1);
    Core.addWeighted(saliency, 1, map_norm.main(intensity_conspicuity_map), 1.0 / 3, 0, saliency);
    Core.addWeighted(saliency, 1, map_norm.main(color_conspicuity_map), 1.0 / 3, 0, saliency);
    Core.addWeighted(saliency, 1, map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map), 1.0 / 3, 0, saliency);
    Core.normalize(saliency, saliency, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    //fot temp test
    Imgproc.resize(saliency, saliency, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("saliency.bmp", saliency);

    Core.normalize(intensity_conspicuity_map, intensity_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(intensity_conspicuity_map, intensity_conspicuity_map, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0,
    imwrite("intensity_conspicuity_map.bmp", intensity_conspicuity_map);
    Core.normalize(color_conspicuity_map, color_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(color_conspicuity_map, color_conspicuity_map, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0,
    imwrite("color_conspicuity_map.bmp", color_conspicuity_map);
    Core.normalize(orientation_conspicuity_map, orientation_conspicuity_map, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(orientation_conspicuity_map, orientation_conspicuity_map, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0,
    imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map.bmp", orientation_conspicuity_map);
    Imgproc.resize(input_img, input_img, new Size(720, 480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("input_img.bmp", input_img);
    //for testing algorithm
    Mat temp1 = Mat.zeros(intensity_conspicuity_map.size(), CV_16UC1);
    temp1 = map_norm.main(intensity_conspicuity_map);
    Core.normalize(temp1, temp1, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp1, temp1, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("intensity.bmp", temp1);
    temp1 = map_norm.main(color_conspicuity_map);
    Core.normalize(temp1, temp1, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp1, temp1, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("color.bmp", temp1);
    temp1 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map);
    Core.normalize(temp1, temp1, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp1, temp1, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("orientation.bmp", temp1);
    Mat temp2 = Mat.zeros(orientation_conspicuity_map_0.size(), CV_16UC1);
    temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_0);
    Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_0.bmp", temp2);
    temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_1);
    Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_1.bmp", temp2);
    temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_2);
    Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_2.bmp", temp2);
    temp2 = map_norm.main(orientation_conspicuity_map_3);
    Core.normalize(temp2, temp2, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX);
    Imgproc.resize(temp2, temp2, new Size(720,480), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);
    imwrite("orientation_conspicuity_map_3.bmp", temp2);

From source file:samples.FtcTestOpenCv.java

License:Open Source License

 * This method combines an overlay image to the given background image at the specified location.
 * It is expecting both the background and overlay are color images. It also expects the overlay
 * image contains an alpha channel for opacity information.
 * @param background specifies the background image.
 * @param overlay specifies the overlay image.
 * @param locX specifies the X location on the background image where the upper left corner of the overlay
 *        image should be at/*from  w  w w. ja  va2 s.com*/
 * @param locY specifies the Y location on the backgorund image where the upper left corner of the overlay
 *        image should be at.
private void combineImage(Mat background, Mat overlay, int locX, int locY) {
    // Make sure the background image has at least 3 channels and the overlay image has
    // at least 4 channels.
    if (background.channels() >= 3 && overlay.channels() >= 4) {
        // For each row of the overlay image.
        for (int row = 0; row < overlay.rows(); row++) {
            // Calculate the corresponding row number of the background image.
            // Skip the row if it is outside of the background image.
            int destRow = locY + row;
            if (destRow < 0 || destRow >= background.rows())
            // For each column of the overlay image.
            for (int col = 0; col < overlay.cols(); col++) {
                // Calculate the corresponding column number of background image.
                // Skip the column if it is outside of the background image.
                int destCol = locX + col;
                if (destCol < 0 || destCol >= background.cols())
                // Get the source pixel from the overlay image and the destination pixel from the
                // background image. Calculate the opacity as a percentage.
                double[] srcPixel = overlay.get(row, col);
                double[] destPixel = background.get(destRow, destCol);
                double opacity = srcPixel[3] / 255.0;
                // Merge the source pixel to the destination pixel with the proper opacity.
                // Each color pixel consists of 3 channels: BGR (Blue, Green, Red).
                // The fourth channel is opacity and is only applicable for the overlay image.
                for (int channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
                    destPixel[channel] = destPixel[channel] * (1.0 - opacity) + srcPixel[channel] * opacity;
                // Put the resulting pixel into the background image.
                background.put(destRow, destCol, destPixel);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Invalid image format (src=" + overlay.channels() + ",dest=" + background.channels() + ").");

From source file:SearchSystem.SearchingAlgorithms.CBIRSearchAlgorithm.java

public byte extractFeatures(Mat image, String outputFile) {
    int rows = image.rows();
    int cols = image.cols();
    int blockHeigth = rows / numberBlocksHeigth;
    int blockWidth = cols / numberBlocksWidth;
    int sizeOfBlocks = blockHeigth * blockWidth;
    rows = numberBlocksHeigth * blockHeigth;
    cols = numberBlocksWidth * blockWidth;
    Imgproc.resize(image, image, new Size(cols, rows));

    double[] vectors = new double[numberBlocksWidth * numberBlocksHeigth * 6]; // 3 channels, average and variance for each
    int counter = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i += blockHeigth)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j += blockWidth) {
            for (int ii = i; ii < i + blockHeigth; ++ii)
                for (int jj = j; jj < j + blockWidth; ++jj) {
                    double pixel[] = image.get(ii, jj);
                    vectors[counter] += pixel[0]; // H mean
                    vectors[counter + 1] += pixel[1]; // S mean
                    vectors[counter + 2] += pixel[2]; // V mean
                }//from  w w  w .  ja va  2 s . c  om
            vectors[counter] /= sizeOfBlocks; // H mean
            vectors[counter + 1] /= sizeOfBlocks; // S mean
            vectors[counter + 2] /= sizeOfBlocks; // V mean

            for (int ii = i; ii < i + blockHeigth; ++ii)
                for (int jj = j; jj < j + blockWidth; ++jj) {
                    double pixel[] = image.get(ii, jj);
                    vectors[counter + 3] += Math.pow(pixel[0] - vectors[counter], 2); // H variation
                    vectors[counter + 4] += Math.pow(pixel[1] - vectors[counter + 1], 2); // S variation
                    vectors[counter + 5] += Math.pow(pixel[2] - vectors[counter + 2], 2); // V variation
            vectors[counter + 3] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 3] / sizeOfBlocks); // H variation
            vectors[counter + 4] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 4] / sizeOfBlocks); // S variation
            vectors[counter + 5] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 5] / sizeOfBlocks); // V variation

            counter += 6;

    writeVectorToFile(vectors, outputFile);
    return 1;

From source file:SearchSystem.SearchingAlgorithms.CBIRSearchAlgorithm.java

public byte extractFeaturesHUE(Mat image, String outputFile) {
    int rows = image.rows();
    int cols = image.cols();
    int blockHeigth = rows / numberBlocksHeigth;
    int blockWidth = cols / numberBlocksWidth;
    int sizeOfBlocks = blockHeigth * blockWidth;
    rows = numberBlocksHeigth * blockHeigth;
    cols = numberBlocksWidth * blockWidth;
    Imgproc.resize(image, image, new Size(cols, rows));
    Imgproc.cvtColor(image, image, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2HSV);

    double[] vectors = new double[numberBlocksWidth * numberBlocksHeigth * 6]; // 3 channels, average and variance for each
    int counter = 0;

    double Hmean = 0;
    double Smean = 0;
    double Vmean = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i += blockHeigth)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j += blockWidth) {
            double pixel[] = image.get(i, j);
            for (int ii = i; ii < i + blockHeigth; ++ii)
                for (int jj = j; jj < j + blockWidth; ++jj) {
                    pixel = image.get(ii, jj);
                    if (vectors[counter] < pixel[0])
                        vectors[counter] = pixel[0]; // H max
                    if (vectors[counter + 1] < pixel[1])
                        vectors[counter + 1] = pixel[1]; // H max
                    if (vectors[counter + 2] < pixel[2])
                        vectors[counter + 2] = pixel[1]; // H max

                    Hmean += pixel[0]; // H mean
                    Smean += pixel[1]; // S mean
                    Vmean += pixel[2]; // V mean
                }//from  w  ww  .ja v  a 2s  . c  om
            vectors[counter] *= 2; // OpenCV scales H to H/2 to fit uchar;

            Hmean = Hmean * 2 / sizeOfBlocks; // H mean
            Smean /= sizeOfBlocks; // S mean
            Vmean /= sizeOfBlocks; // V mean

            for (int ii = i; ii < i + blockHeigth; ++ii)
                for (int jj = j; jj < j + blockWidth; ++jj) {
                    pixel = image.get(ii, jj);
                    vectors[counter + 3] += Math.pow(pixel[0] * 2 - Hmean, 2); // H variation
                    vectors[counter + 4] += Math.pow(pixel[1] - Smean, 2); // S variation
                    vectors[counter + 5] += Math.pow(pixel[2] - Vmean, 2); // V variation
            vectors[counter + 3] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 3] / sizeOfBlocks); // H variation
            vectors[counter + 4] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 4] / sizeOfBlocks); // S variation
            vectors[counter + 5] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 5] / sizeOfBlocks); // V variation

            counter += 6;

    writeVectorToFile(vectors, outputFile);
    return 1;

From source file:SearchSystem.SearchingAlgorithms.CBIRSearchAlgorithm.java

public double[] extractFeaturesHUE(Mat image) {
    int rows = image.rows();
    int cols = image.cols();
    int blockHeigth = rows / numberBlocksHeigth;
    int blockWidth = cols / numberBlocksWidth;
    int sizeOfBlocks = blockHeigth * blockWidth;
    rows = numberBlocksHeigth * blockHeigth;
    cols = numberBlocksWidth * blockWidth;
    Imgproc.resize(image, image, new Size(cols, rows));
    Imgproc.cvtColor(image, image, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2HSV);

    double[] vectors = new double[numberBlocksWidth * numberBlocksHeigth * 6]; // 3 channels, average and variance for each
    int counter = 0;

    double Hmean = 0;
    double Smean = 0;
    double Vmean = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i += blockHeigth)
        for (int j = 0; j < cols; j += blockWidth) {
            double pixel[] = image.get(i, j);
            for (int ii = i; ii < i + blockHeigth; ++ii)
                for (int jj = j; jj < j + blockWidth; ++jj) {
                    pixel = image.get(ii, jj);
                    if (vectors[counter] < pixel[0])
                        vectors[counter] = pixel[0]; // H max
                    if (vectors[counter + 1] < pixel[1])
                        vectors[counter + 1] = pixel[1]; // H max
                    if (vectors[counter + 2] < pixel[2])
                        vectors[counter + 2] = pixel[1]; // H max

                    Hmean += pixel[0]; // H mean
                    Smean += pixel[1]; // S mean
                    Vmean += pixel[2]; // V mean
                }//from   w  w w .j  av  a2  s  .  c om
            vectors[counter] *= 2; // OpenCV scales H to H/2 to fit uchar;

            Hmean = Hmean * 2 / sizeOfBlocks; // H mean
            Smean /= sizeOfBlocks; // S mean
            Vmean /= sizeOfBlocks; // V mean

            for (int ii = i; ii < i + blockHeigth; ++ii)
                for (int jj = j; jj < j + blockWidth; ++jj) {
                    pixel = image.get(ii, jj);
                    vectors[counter + 3] += Math.pow(pixel[0] * 2 - Hmean, 2); // H variation
                    vectors[counter + 4] += Math.pow(pixel[1] - Smean, 2); // S variation
                    vectors[counter + 5] += Math.pow(pixel[2] - Vmean, 2); // V variation
            vectors[counter + 3] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 3] / sizeOfBlocks); // H variation
            vectors[counter + 4] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 4] / sizeOfBlocks); // S variation
            vectors[counter + 5] = Math.sqrt(vectors[counter + 5] / sizeOfBlocks); // V variation

            counter += 6;

    return vectors;