Example usage for org.opencv.core Mat get

List of usage examples for org.opencv.core Mat get


In this page you can find the example usage for org.opencv.core Mat get.


public double[] get(int row, int col) 

Source Link


From source file:org.it.tdt.edu.vn.platedetection.process.LicensePlateDetection.java

License:Open Source License

public void executePreprocessor() {
    OriginalImage originalImage = new OriginalImage(imgUrl);
    BufferedImage bufferedImage = originalImage.getImageFromResourcesDirectory();
    OriginalMat originalMat = new OriginalMat(bufferedImage);

    Mat mat = originalMat.createGrayImage();
    showImageResult(mat, "nh gc");
    long blackCount = 0;
    long whiteCount = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols(); j++) {
            double temp[] = mat.get(i, j);
            if (temp[0] > 230)
                whiteCount++;// ww  w.  ja  v a2s  .c  om
            else if (temp[0] < 35)
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i += 16) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols(); j += 8) {
            Rect rect = new Rect(new Point(i, j), new Size(8, 16));
    ThresholdMat thresholdMat = new ThresholdMat(mat, 0, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);
    Mat mat1 = thresholdMat.createMatResult();
    if (blackCount > whiteCount) {
        showImageResult(mat1, "nh ly  ly ngng");

        CloseMat openMat = new CloseMat(mat1, Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, 5, 5, 1);
        Mat mat2 = openMat.createMatResult();
        showImageResult(mat2, "Thut ton open");
    } else {


From source file:org.it.tdt.edu.vn.platedetection.process.LicensePlateDetection.java

License:Open Source License

public void licensePlateDetection() {

    OriginalImage originalImage = new OriginalImage(imgUrl);
    BufferedImage bufferedImage = originalImage.getImageFromResourcesDirectory();
    OriginalMat originalMat = new OriginalMat(bufferedImage);

    // Step 1//  w w w  .  j a v  a 2 s  . c  o m
    Mat mat = originalMat.createGrayImage();

    long blackCount = 0;
    long whiteCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols(); j++) {
            double temp[] = mat.get(i, j);
            if (temp[0] > 230)
            else if (temp[0] < 35)
    System.out.println("whiteCount: " + whiteCount);
    System.out.println("blackCount: " + blackCount);
    // ImageResult imageResult1 = new ImageResult(mat,
    // "GrayImage1");
    // imageResult1.showResultImage();

    // Step 2
    BilateralFilteringMat bilateralFilteringMat = new BilateralFilteringMat(mat, 75, 75, 1);
    Mat mat2 = bilateralFilteringMat.createMatResult();

    // ImageResult imageResult2 = new ImageResult(mat2,
    // "Gauss");
    // imageResult2.showResultImage();
    // Step 3
    HistogramEqualizationMat histogramEqualizationMat = new HistogramEqualizationMat(mat2);

    Mat mat3 = histogramEqualizationMat.createMatResult();
    // ImageResult imageResult3 = new ImageResult(mat3,
    // "HistogramEqualizationMat");
    // imageResult3.showResultImage();

    // Step 4
    OpenMat openMat = new OpenMat(mat3, Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, 5, 5, 2.2);

    Mat mat4 = openMat.createMatResult();
    // ImageResult imageResult4 = new ImageResult(mat4,
    // "OpenMat");
    // imageResult4.showResultImage();

    // Step 5
    SubtractMat subtractMat = new SubtractMat(mat4, mat3);

    Mat mat5 = subtractMat.createMatResult();
    // ImageResult imageResult5 = new ImageResult(mat5,
    // "SubtractMat");
    // imageResult5.showResultImage();
    // Step 6
    ThresholdMat thresholdMat = new ThresholdMat(mat5, 0, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

    // Mat mat6 = thresholdMat.createMatResult();
    // ImageResult imageResult6 = new ImageResult(mat6,
    // "THRESH_OTSU");
    // imageResult6.showResultImage();

    // //Step 7
    // CannyMat cannyMat = new CannyMat(mat6, 250,
    // 255);
    // Mat mat7 = cannyMat.createMatResult();
    // ImageResult imageResult7 = new ImageResult(mat7,
    // "GrayImage7");
    // imageResult7.showResultImage();
    // //Step 8
    // MorphologyMatBase morphologyMatBase = new MorphologyMatBase(
    // mat7, Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, 3, 3, 1);
    // Mat mat8 = morphologyMatBase.dilate();
    // ImageResult imageResult8 = new ImageResult(mat8,
    // "GrayImage8");
    // imageResult8.showResultImage();
    // //Step 9
    // RectangleDetection rect = new RectangleDetection(mat8);
    // ImageResult imageResult = new
    // ImageResult(rect.executeRectangleDetection(),
    // "GrayImage9");
    // imageResult.showResultImage();


From source file:org.lasarobotics.vision.util.color.Color.java

License:Open Source License

 * Convert this color to a different colorspace and return a scalar
 * @param to Colorspace to convert to//w  ww  .  ja v a2  s  .  co  m
 * @return Scalar in other colorspace
public Scalar convertColorScalar(ColorSpace to) {
    if (getColorSpace() == to)
        return getScalar();
    if (!getColorSpace().canConvertTo(to))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert color to the desired color space.");

    Scalar output = this.getScalar();

    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < getColorSpace().getConversionsTo(to).length; i += 3) {
            int conversion = getColorSpace().getConversionsTo(to)[i];
            int inputDim = getColorSpace().getConversionsTo(to)[i + 1];
            int outputDim = getColorSpace().getConversionsTo(to)[i + 2];

            Mat pointMatTo = new Mat();
            Mat pointMatFrom = new Mat(1, 1, CvType.CV_8UC(inputDim), output);
            Imgproc.cvtColor(pointMatFrom, pointMatTo, conversion, outputDim);
            output = new Scalar(pointMatTo.get(0, 0));
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert color to the desired color space.");

    return output;

From source file:org.openpnp.machine.reference.ReferenceCamera.java

License:Open Source License

private Mat rotate(Mat mat, double rotation) {
    if (rotation == 0D) {
        return mat;
    }//from   w ww  .jav a  2 s.c om

    // See:
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22041699/rotate-an-image-without-cropping-in-opencv-in-c
    Point center = new Point(mat.width() / 2D, mat.height() / 2D);
    Mat mapMatrix = Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(center, rotation, 1.0);

    // determine bounding rectangle
    Rect bbox = new RotatedRect(center, mat.size(), rotation).boundingRect();
    // adjust transformation matrix
    double[] cx = mapMatrix.get(0, 2);
    double[] cy = mapMatrix.get(1, 2);
    cx[0] += bbox.width / 2D - center.x;
    cy[0] += bbox.height / 2D - center.y;
    mapMatrix.put(0, 2, cx);
    mapMatrix.put(1, 2, cy);

    Mat dst = new Mat(bbox.width, bbox.height, mat.type());
    Imgproc.warpAffine(mat, dst, mapMatrix, bbox.size(), Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR);


    return dst;

From source file:org.openpnp.machine.reference.vision.OpenCvVisionProvider.java

License:Open Source License

 * Attempt to find matches of the given template within the current camera
 * frame. Matches are returned as TemplateMatch objects which contain
 * a Location in Camera coordinates. The results are sorted best score
 * to worst score./*from   w w  w. j  av a2s.  c o  m*/
 * @param template
 * @return
public List<TemplateMatch> getTemplateMatches(BufferedImage template) {
    // TODO: ROI
    BufferedImage image = camera.capture();

    // Convert the camera image and template image to the same type. This
    // is required by the cvMatchTemplate call.
    template = OpenCvUtils.convertBufferedImage(template, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
    image = OpenCvUtils.convertBufferedImage(image, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);

    Mat templateMat = OpenCvUtils.toMat(template);
    Mat imageMat = OpenCvUtils.toMat(image);
    Mat resultMat = new Mat();

    Imgproc.matchTemplate(imageMat, templateMat, resultMat, Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);

    Mat debugMat = null;
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        debugMat = imageMat.clone();

    MinMaxLocResult mmr = Core.minMaxLoc(resultMat);
    double maxVal = mmr.maxVal;

    // TODO: Externalize?
    double threshold = 0.7f;
    double corr = 0.85f;

    double rangeMin = Math.max(threshold, corr * maxVal);
    double rangeMax = maxVal;

    List<TemplateMatch> matches = new ArrayList<TemplateMatch>();
    for (Point point : matMaxima(resultMat, rangeMin, rangeMax)) {
        TemplateMatch match = new TemplateMatch();
        int x = point.x;
        int y = point.y;
        match.score = resultMat.get(y, x)[0] / maxVal;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            Core.rectangle(debugMat, new org.opencv.core.Point(x, y),
                    new org.opencv.core.Point(x + templateMat.cols(), y + templateMat.rows()), new Scalar(255));
            Core.putText(debugMat, "" + match.score,
                    new org.opencv.core.Point(x + templateMat.cols(), y + templateMat.rows()),
                    Core.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, new Scalar(255));

        Location offsets = getPixelCenterOffsets(x + (templateMat.cols() / 2), y + (templateMat.rows() / 2));
        match.location = camera.getLocation().subtract(offsets);

    Collections.sort(matches, new Comparator<TemplateMatch>() {
        public int compare(TemplateMatch o1, TemplateMatch o2) {
            return ((Double) o2.score).compareTo(o1.score);

    saveDebugImage("template", templateMat);
    saveDebugImage("camera", imageMat);
    saveDebugImage("result", resultMat);
    saveDebugImage("debug", debugMat);

    return matches;

From source file:org.openpnp.machine.reference.vision.OpenCvVisionProvider.java

License:Open Source License

static List<Point> matMaxima(Mat mat, double rangeMin, double rangeMax) {
    List<Point> locations = new ArrayList<Point>();

    int rEnd = mat.rows() - 1;
    int cEnd = mat.cols() - 1;

    for (int r = 0; r <= rEnd; r++) {
        MinMaxState state = MinMaxState.BEFORE_INFLECTION;
        double curVal = mat.get(r, 0)[0];
        for (int c = 1; c <= cEnd; c++) {
            double val = mat.get(r, c)[0];

            if (val == curVal) {
            } else if (curVal < val) {
                if (state == MinMaxState.BEFORE_INFLECTION) {
                    // n/a
                } else {
                    state = MinMaxState.BEFORE_INFLECTION;
                }//w  w w .j av a2s  . co m
            } else { // curVal > val
                if (state == MinMaxState.BEFORE_INFLECTION) {
                    if (rangeMin <= curVal && curVal <= rangeMax) { // ROW
                                                                    // MAXIMA
                        if (0 < r && (mat.get(r - 1, c - 1)[0] >= curVal || mat.get(r - 1, c)[0] >= curVal)) {
                            // cout << "reject:r-1 " << r << "," << c-1 <<
                            // endl;
                            // - x x
                            // - - -
                            // - - -
                        } else if (r < rEnd
                                && (mat.get(r + 1, c - 1)[0] > curVal || mat.get(r + 1, c)[0] > curVal)) {
                            // cout << "reject:r+1 " << r << "," << c-1 <<
                            // endl;
                            // - - -
                            // - - -
                            // - x x
                        } else if (1 < c
                                && (0 < r && mat.get(r - 1, c - 2)[0] >= curVal || mat.get(r, c - 2)[0] > curVal
                                        || r < rEnd && mat.get(r + 1, c - 2)[0] > curVal)) {
                            // cout << "reject:c-2 " << r << "," << c-1 <<
                            // endl;
                            // x - -
                            // x - -
                            // x - -
                        } else {
                            locations.add(new Point(c - 1, r));
                    state = MinMaxState.AFTER_INFLECTION;
                } else {
                    // n/a

            curVal = val;

        if (state == MinMaxState.BEFORE_INFLECTION) {
            if (rangeMin <= curVal && curVal <= rangeMax) { // ROW MAXIMA
                if (0 < r && (mat.get(r - 1, cEnd - 1)[0] >= curVal || mat.get(r - 1, cEnd)[0] >= curVal)) {
                    // cout << "rejectEnd:r-1 " << r << "," << cEnd-1 <<
                    // endl;
                    // - x x
                    // - - -
                    // - - -
                } else if (r < rEnd
                        && (mat.get(r + 1, cEnd - 1)[0] > curVal || mat.get(r + 1, cEnd)[0] > curVal)) {
                    // cout << "rejectEnd:r+1 " << r << "," << cEnd-1 <<
                    // endl;
                    // - - -
                    // - - -
                    // - x x
                } else if (1 < r && mat.get(r - 1, cEnd - 2)[0] >= curVal || mat.get(r, cEnd - 2)[0] > curVal
                        || r < rEnd && mat.get(r + 1, cEnd - 2)[0] > curVal) {
                    // cout << "rejectEnd:cEnd-2 " << r << "," << cEnd-1 <<
                    // endl;
                    // x - -
                    // x - -
                    // x - -
                } else {
                    locations.add(new Point(cEnd, r));

    return locations;

From source file:org.surmon.pattern.detector.houghcircle.HoughCircleDetector.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from ww  w.  j av  a 2  s .  c  o m
 * Runs detection of circles in image. Hough detector parameters are taken
 * from declared fields. This method detects circle particles in given image.
public List<CircleParticle> detectIn(PatternImage image) {
    List<CircleParticle> circles = new ArrayList<>();
    Mat mat = image.getPixels();
    Mat rawCircles = new Mat();

    Imgproc.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, new Size(ksize, ksize), sigma);
    Imgproc.HoughCircles(mat, rawCircles, Imgproc.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp, minDist, param1, param2, minRadius,

    // creates particle and assignes to image
    for (int i = 0; i < rawCircles.cols(); i++) {
        double[] var = rawCircles.get(0, i);
        CircleParticle circle = new CircleParticle(i, var[0], var[1], var[2]);

    return circles;

From source file:org.surmon.pattern.visualization.gl.utils.BufferUtils.java

public static final ByteBuffer createByteBuffer(List<Mat> obj, Dimension3D dim) {

    final int pixelsInBuffer = 1;
    final int width = dim.getWidth();
    final int height = dim.getHeight();
    final int depth = obj.size();
    final int volume = width * height * depth;

    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume * pixelsInBuffer);

    for (Mat mat : obj) {
        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                double[] pixel = mat.get(i, j);
                bb.put((byte) pixel[0]);
            }// w  w w . j a v a 2s  .c  o  m

    return bb;

From source file:org.usfirst.frc.team2084.CMonster2016.vision.Target.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a new possible target based on the specified blob and calculates
 * its score.//from  w w w. j  av  a 2  s. c om
 * @param p the shape of the possible target
public Target(MatOfPoint contour, Mat grayImage) {
    // Simplify contour to make the corner finding algorithm work better
    MatOfPoint2f fContour = new MatOfPoint2f();
    contour.convertTo(fContour, CvType.CV_32F);
    Imgproc.approxPolyDP(fContour, fContour, VisionParameters.getGoalApproxPolyEpsilon(), true);
    fContour.convertTo(contour, CvType.CV_32S);

    this.contour = contour;

    // Check area, and don't do any calculations if it is not valid
    if (validArea = validateArea()) {

        // Find a bounding rectangle
        RotatedRect rect = Imgproc.minAreaRect(fContour);

        Point[] rectPoints = new Point[4];

        for (int j = 0; j < rectPoints.length; j++) {
            Point rectPoint = rectPoints[j];

            double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            Point point = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < contour.rows(); i++) {
                Point contourPoint = new Point(contour.get(i, 0));
                double dist = distance(rectPoint, contourPoint);
                if (dist < minDistance) {
                    minDistance = dist;
                    point = contourPoint;

            rectPoints[j] = point;
        MatOfPoint2f rectMat = new MatOfPoint2f(rectPoints);
        // Refine the corners to improve accuracy
        Imgproc.cornerSubPix(grayImage, rectMat, new Size(4, 10), new Size(-1, -1),
                new TermCriteria(TermCriteria.EPS + TermCriteria.COUNT, 30, 0.1));
        rectPoints = rectMat.toArray();

        // Identify each corner
        SortedMap<Double, List<Point>> x = new TreeMap<>();
        Arrays.stream(rectPoints).forEach((p) -> {
            List<Point> points;
            if ((points = x.get(p.x)) == null) {
                x.put(p.x, points = new LinkedList<>());

        int i = 0;
        for (Iterator<List<Point>> it = x.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            List<Point> s = it.next();

            for (Point p : s) {
                switch (i) {
                case 0:
                    topLeft = p;
                case 1:
                    bottomLeft = p;
                case 2:
                    topRight = p;
                case 3:
                    bottomRight = p;

        // Organize corners
        if (topLeft.y > bottomLeft.y) {
            Point p = bottomLeft;
            bottomLeft = topLeft;
            topLeft = p;

        if (topRight.y > bottomRight.y) {
            Point p = bottomRight;
            bottomRight = topRight;
            topRight = p;

        // Create corners for centroid calculation
        corners = new MatOfPoint2f(rectPoints);

        // Calculate center
        Moments moments = Imgproc.moments(corners);
        center = new Point(moments.m10 / moments.m00, moments.m01 / moments.m00);

        // Put the points in the correct order for solvePNP
        rectPoints[0] = topLeft;
        rectPoints[1] = topRight;
        rectPoints[2] = bottomLeft;
        rectPoints[3] = bottomRight;
        // Recreate corners in the new order
        corners = new MatOfPoint2f(rectPoints);

        widthTop = distance(topLeft, topRight);
        widthBottom = distance(bottomLeft, bottomRight);
        width = (widthTop + widthBottom) / 2.0;
        heightLeft = distance(topLeft, bottomLeft);
        heightRight = distance(topRight, bottomRight);
        height = (heightLeft + heightRight) / 2.0;

        Mat tvec = new Mat();

        // Calculate target's location
        Calib3d.solvePnP(OBJECT_POINTS, corners, CAMERA_MAT, DISTORTION_MAT, rotation, tvec, false,

        // =======================================
        // Position and Orientation Transformation
        // =======================================

        double armAngle = VisionResults.getArmAngle();

        // Flip y axis to point upward
        Core.multiply(tvec, SIGN_NORMALIZATION_MATRIX, tvec);

        // Shift origin to arm pivot point, on the robot's centerline
        CoordinateMath.translate(tvec, CAMERA_X_OFFSET, CAMERA_Y_OFFSET, ARM_LENGTH);

        // Align axes with ground
        CoordinateMath.rotateX(tvec, -armAngle);
        Core.add(rotation, new MatOfDouble(armAngle, 0, 0), rotation);

        // Shift origin to robot center of rotation
        CoordinateMath.translate(tvec, 0, ARM_PIVOT_Y_OFFSET, -ARM_PIVOT_Z_OFFSET);

        double xPosFeet = tvec.get(0, 0)[0];
        double yPosFeet = tvec.get(1, 0)[0];
        double zPosFeet = tvec.get(2, 0)[0];

        // Old less effective aiming heading and distance calculation
        // double pixelsToFeet = TARGET_WIDTH / width;

        // distance = (TARGET_WIDTH * HighGoalProcessor.IMAGE_SIZE.width
        // / (2 * width ** Math.tan(VisionParameters.getFOVAngle() / 2)));
        // double xPosFeet = (center.x - (HighGoalProcessor.IMAGE_SIZE.width
        // / 2)) * pixelsToFeet;
        // double yPosFeet = -(center.y -
        // (HighGoalProcessor.IMAGE_SIZE.height / 2)) * pixelsToFeet;

        distance = Math.sqrt(xPosFeet * xPosFeet + zPosFeet * zPosFeet);

        position = new Point3(xPosFeet, yPosFeet, zPosFeet);

        xGoalAngle = Math.atan(xPosFeet / zPosFeet);
        yGoalAngle = Math.atan(yPosFeet / zPosFeet);

        score = calculateScore();
    } else {
        valid = false;

From source file:org.vinesrobotics.bot.utils.opencv.OpenCvManager.java

License:Open Source License

public Scalar converScalarHsv2Rgba(Scalar hsvColor) {
    Mat pointMatRgba = new Mat();
    Mat pointMatHsv = new Mat(1, 1, CvType.CV_8UC3, hsvColor);
    Imgproc.cvtColor(pointMatHsv, pointMatRgba, Imgproc.COLOR_HSV2RGB_FULL, 4);

    return new Scalar(pointMatRgba.get(0, 0));