Example usage for org.json JSONObject remove

List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject remove


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONObject remove.


public Object remove(String key) 

Source Link


Remove a name and its value, if present.


From source file:de.jaetzold.philips.hue.HueBridge.java

 * Returns all lights found at the last search for new lights.
 * If the returned list is empty it can mean that no scan has been performed, no new lights have been discovered or a scan is currently active.
 * Whether a scan was active at the last call to this method can be queried by calling {@link #isScanActive()}.
 * See <a href="http://developers.meethue.com/1_lightsapi.html#12_get_new_lights">Philips hue API, Section 1.2</a> for further reference.
 *//*w w  w.jav  a2 s .  c  o m*/
public Collection<? extends HueLightBulb> getNewLights() {
    final List<JSONObject> response = request(GET, "/lights/new", "");
    final JSONObject lightsJson = response.get(0);
    final String lastscan = (String) lightsJson.remove("lastscan");
    scanActive = lastscan.equals("active");
    final ArrayList<HueLightBulb> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object key : lightsJson.keySet()) {
        Integer lightId = null;
        try {
            lightId = Integer.parseInt((String) key);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (lightId != null) {
            final HueLightBulb light = getLight(lightId);
            if (light == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "For some reason the new light is not available... probable bug?");
    return result;

From source file:com.rapid.actions.Logic.java

public String getJavaScript(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application, Page page, Control control,
        JSONObject jsonDetails) throws Exception {

    String js = "";

    // assume we couldn't make a condition
    String conditionsJavaScript = "false";

    // check conditions is set
    if (_conditions != null) {
        // check we have some
        if (_conditions.size() > 0) {
            // reset conditionsJavaScript
            conditionsJavaScript = "";
            // loop them
            for (int i = 0; i < _conditions.size(); i++) {
                // add the condition
                conditionsJavaScript += _conditions.get(i)
                        .getJavaScript(rapidRequest.getRapidServlet().getServletContext(), application, page);
                // if there is going to be another condition
                if (i < _conditions.size() - 1) {
                    // add the separator
                    if ("or".equals(_conditionsType)) {
                        conditionsJavaScript += " || ";
                    } else {
                        conditionsJavaScript += " && ";
                    }/*from  w ww .jav a  2s .  c om*/

    // create the if statement   
    js += "if (" + conditionsJavaScript + ") {\n";

    // add any try actions
    if (_trueActions != null) {
        for (Action action : _trueActions)
            js += "  " + action.getJavaScript(rapidRequest, application, page, control, jsonDetails).trim()
                    .replace("\n", "\n  ") + "\n";

    // close the if
    js += "}";

    // assume no false actions
    boolean gotFalseActions = false;
    // if there is a collection
    if (_falseActions != null) {
        // if there are some in the collection we have false actions
        if (_falseActions.size() > 0)
            gotFalseActions = true;

    // check for false actions
    if (gotFalseActions) {
        // add any false actions as an else
        js += " else {\n";
        for (Action action : _falseActions)
            js += "  " + action.getJavaScript(rapidRequest, application, page, control, jsonDetails).trim()
                    .replace("\n", "\n  ") + "\n";
        js += "}";
    } else {
        // if we got some details
        if (jsonDetails != null) {
            // check the details for a defaultErrorHandler
            String defaultErrorHandler = jsonDetails.optString("defaultErrorHandler", null);
            // if we got one
            if (defaultErrorHandler != null) {
                // print it
                js += " else {\n  " + defaultErrorHandler + "\n}";
                // remove it from the jsonObject to stop it re-appearing elsewhere

    // final line break
    js += "\n";

    // return what we built         
    return js;

From source file:org.sleeksnap.ScreenSnapper.java

public boolean convertUploadDefinition(final JSONObject uploadConfig, final Class<?> originalClass,
        final Class<?> newClass) {
    if (uploadConfig.has(originalClass.getName())) {
        uploadConfig.put(newClass.getName(), uploadConfig.remove(originalClass.getName()));
        return true;
    }//from  w ww .  java 2  s  .c o  m
    return false;

From source file:com.joyfulmongo.db.QueryConditionFilterGeoQuery.java

public static void adjustConstraints(JSONObject constraints) {
    String geoPointKey = null;/*from  www .  j  ava2s .c o  m*/
    ContainerObjectGeoPoint geoPoint = null;

    Iterator<String> iter = constraints.keys();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String constraintKey = iter.next();
        Object o = constraints.get(constraintKey);
        if (o instanceof JSONObject) {
            Object nearSphere = ((JSONObject) o).opt(S_KEY);
            if (nearSphere != null && nearSphere instanceof JSONObject) {
                ContainerObject childObj = ContainerObjectFactory.getChildObject(S_KEY,
                        (JSONObject) nearSphere);
                if (childObj instanceof ContainerObjectGeoPoint) {
                    geoPointKey = constraintKey;
                    geoPoint = (ContainerObjectGeoPoint) childObj;

    if (geoPointKey != null && geoPoint != null) {
        JSONArray geoArray = geoPoint.to2DArray();
        JSONObject nearSphereCondition = new JSONObject();
        nearSphereCondition.put(S_KEY, geoArray);
        constraints.put(ContainerObjectGeoPoint.S_GEO_POINT, nearSphereCondition);

From source file:com.rapid.actions.Webservice.java

public String getJavaScript(RapidRequest rapidRequest, Application application, Page page, Control control,
        JSONObject jsonDetails) throws Exception {

    String js = "";

    if (_request != null) {

        // get the rapid servlet
        RapidHttpServlet rapidServlet = rapidRequest.getRapidServlet();

        // get the most recent sequence number for this action to stop slow-running early requests overwriting the results of fast later requests
        js += "var sequence = getWebserviceActionSequence('" + getId() + "');\n";

        // drop in the query variable which holds our inputs and sequence
        js += "var query = { inputs:[], sequence:sequence };\n";

        // build the inputs
        if (_request.getInputs() != null) {
            for (Parameter parameter : _request.getInputs()) {
                String itemId = parameter.getItemId();
                if (itemId != null) {
                    // get any parameter field
                    String field = parameter.getField();
                    // check if there was one
                    if (field == null) {
                        // no field
                        js += "  query.inputs.push({id:'" + itemId + "',value:" + Control.getDataJavaScript(
                                rapidServlet.getServletContext(), application, page, itemId, null) + "});\n";
                    } else {
                        // got field so let in appear in the inputs for matching later
                        js += "  query.inputs.push({id:'" + itemId + "',value:"
                                + Control.getDataJavaScript(rapidServlet.getServletContext(), application, page,
                                        itemId, field)
                                + ",field:'" + field + "'});\n";
                    }/* w  w  w  . ja va  2 s.co  m*/
        } // got inputs

        // control can be null when the action is called from the page load
        String controlParam = "";
        if (control != null)
            controlParam = "&c=" + control.getId();

        // get the outputs
        ArrayList<Parameter> outputs = _request.getOutputs();

        // instantiate the jsonDetails if required
        if (jsonDetails == null)
            jsonDetails = new JSONObject();
        // look for a working page in the jsonDetails
        String workingPage = jsonDetails.optString("workingPage", null);
        // look for an offline page in the jsonDetails
        String offlinePage = jsonDetails.optString("offlinePage", null);

        // get the js to show the loading (if applicable)
        if (_showLoading)
            js += "  " + getLoadingJS(page, outputs, true);

        // stringify the query
        js += "query = JSON.stringify(query);\n";

        // open the ajax call
        js += "$.ajax({ url : '~?a=" + application.getId() + "&v=" + application.getVersion() + "&p="
                + page.getId() + controlParam + "&act=" + getId()
                + "', type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json',\n";
        js += "  data: query,\n";
        js += "  error: function(server, status, message) {\n";

        // if there is a working page
        if (workingPage != null) {
            // remove any working page dialogue 
            js += "    $('#" + workingPage + "dialogue').remove();\n";
            // remove any working page dialogue cover
            js += "    $('#" + workingPage + "cover').remove();\n";
            // remove the working page so as not to affect actions further down the tree

        // hide the loading javascript (if applicable)
        if (_showLoading)
            js += "    " + getLoadingJS(page, outputs, false);

        // this avoids doing the errors if the page is unloading or the back button was pressed
        js += "    if (server.readyState > 0) {\n";

        // retain if error actions
        boolean errorActions = false;

        // prepare a default error hander we'll show if no error actions, or pass to child actions for them to use
        String defaultErrorHandler = "alert('Error with webservice action : ' + server.responseText||message);";
        // if we have an offline page
        if (offlinePage != null) {
            // update defaultErrorHandler to navigate to offline page
            defaultErrorHandler = "if (Action_navigate && typeof _rapidmobile != 'undefined' && !_rapidmobile.isOnline()) {\n        Action_navigate('~?a="
                    + application.getId() + "&v=" + application.getVersion() + "&p=" + offlinePage
                    + "&action=dialogue',true,'" + getId() + "');\n      } else {\n         "
                    + defaultErrorHandler + "\n      }";
            // remove the offline page so we don't interfere with actions down the three

        // add any error actions
        if (_errorActions != null) {
            // count the actions
            int i = 0;
            // loop the actions
            for (Action action : _errorActions) {
                // retain that we have custom error actions
                errorActions = true;
                // if this is the last error action add in the default error handler
                if (i == _errorActions.size() - 1)
                    jsonDetails.put("defaultErrorHandler", defaultErrorHandler);
                // add the js
                js += "         " + action.getJavaScript(rapidRequest, application, page, control, jsonDetails)
                        .trim().replace("\n", "\n         ") + "\n";
                // if this is the last error action and the default error handler is still present, remove it so it isn't sent down the success path
                if (i == _errorActions.size() - 1 && jsonDetails.optString("defaultErrorHandler", null) != null)
                // increase the count
        // add default error handler if none in collection
        if (!errorActions)
            js += "      " + defaultErrorHandler + "\n";

        // close unloading check
        js += "    }\n";

        // close error actions
        js += "  },\n";

        // open success function
        js += "  success: function(data) {\n";

        // get the js to hide the loading (if applicable)
        if (_showLoading)
            js += "  " + getLoadingJS(page, outputs, false);

        // check there are outputs
        if (outputs != null) {
            if (outputs.size() > 0) {
                // open if data check
                js += "    if (data) {\n";
                // the outputs array we're going to make
                String jsOutputs = "";
                // loop the output parameters
                for (int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) {

                    // get the parameter
                    Parameter output = outputs.get(i);
                    // get the control the data is going into
                    Control outputControl = page.getControl(output.getItemId());
                    // try the application if still null
                    if (outputControl == null)
                        outputControl = application.getControl(rapidServlet.getServletContext(),
                    // check the control is still on the page
                    if (outputControl != null) {
                        // get any mappings we may have
                        String details = outputControl.getDetailsJavaScript(application, page);
                        // set to empty string or clean up
                        if (details == null) {
                            details = "";
                        } else {
                            details = ", details: " + details;
                        // append the javascript outputs
                        jsOutputs += "{id: '" + outputControl.getId() + "', type: '" + outputControl.getType()
                                + "', field: '" + output.getField() + "'" + details + "}";
                        // add a comma if not the last
                        if (i < outputs.size() - 1)
                            jsOutputs += ",";

                js += "      var outputs = [" + jsOutputs + "];\n";
                // send them them and the data to the webservice action            
                js += "      Action_webservice(ev, '" + getId() + "', data, outputs);\n";
                // close if data check
                js += "    }\n";

        // if there is a working page (from the details)
        if (workingPage != null) {
            // remove any working page dialogue 
            js += "  $('#" + workingPage + "dialogue').remove();\n";
            // remove any working page dialogue cover
            js += "  $('#" + workingPage + "cover').remove();\n";
            // remove the working page so as not to affect actions further down the tree

        // add any sucess actions
        if (_successActions != null) {
            for (Action action : _successActions) {
                js += "    " + action.getJavaScript(rapidRequest, application, page, control, jsonDetails)
                        .trim().replace("\n", "\n    ") + "\n";

        // close success function
        js += "  }\n";

        // close ajax call
        js += "});";

    // return what we built         
    return js;

From source file:com.futureplatforms.kirin.internal.attic.ProxyGenerator.java

protected void handleSetter(JSONObject obj, String key, Object value) {
    if (value == null) {
    } else {//from   w w w .  jav  a2  s .c  o  m
        try {
            obj.putOpt(key, value);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.e(C.TAG, "Problem putting " + value + " into a JSONObject with key " + key, e);

From source file:org.eclipse.orion.internal.server.servlets.xfer.TransferResourceDecorator.java

private void addTransferLinks(HttpServletRequest request, URI resource, JSONObject representation)
        throws URISyntaxException, JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    URI location = new URI(representation.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION));
    IPath targetPath = new Path(location.getPath()).removeFirstSegments(1).removeTrailingSeparator();
    IPath path = new Path("/xfer/import").append(targetPath); //$NON-NLS-1$
    URI link = new URI(resource.getScheme(), resource.getAuthority(), path.toString(), null, null);
    if (representation.has(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXCLUDED_IN_IMPORT)) {
        String linkString = link.toString();
        if (linkString.contains("?")) {
            linkString += "&" + ProtocolConstants.PARAM_EXCLUDE + "=" + URLEncoder
                    .encode(representation.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXCLUDED_IN_IMPORT), "UTF-8");
        } else {/*from w  w  w  .  j  av  a 2 s. c  o  m*/
            linkString += "?" + ProtocolConstants.PARAM_EXCLUDE + "=" + URLEncoder
                    .encode(representation.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXCLUDED_IN_IMPORT), "UTF-8");
        link = new URI(linkString);
    representation.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_IMPORT_LOCATION, link);
    //Bug 348073: don't add export links for empty directories
    if (isEmptyDirectory(request, targetPath)) {
    path = new Path("/xfer/export").append(targetPath).addFileExtension("zip"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    link = new URI(resource.getScheme(), resource.getAuthority(), path.toString(), null, null);
    if (representation.has(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXCLUDED_IN_EXPORT)) {
        String linkString = link.toString();
        if (linkString.contains("?")) {
            linkString += "&" + ProtocolConstants.PARAM_EXCLUDE + "=" + URLEncoder
                    .encode(representation.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXCLUDED_IN_EXPORT), "UTF-8");
        } else {
            linkString += "?" + ProtocolConstants.PARAM_EXCLUDE + "=" + URLEncoder
                    .encode(representation.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXCLUDED_IN_EXPORT), "UTF-8");
        link = new URI(linkString);
    representation.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_EXPORT_LOCATION, link);

From source file:de.elepferd.web.pushnotifier.server.PushNotifierServlet.java

@JsonRpcMethod(method = PushNotifierProtocol.NotesSync.METHOD, requires_login = true)
public JSONObject notesSync(final CallContext context) throws JSONException, JsonRpcException {
    // This method should return a list of updated notes since a current
    // date, optionally reconciling/merging a set of a local notes.
    String clientDeviceId = null;
    UserInfo userInfo = getCurrentUserInfo(context);
    Date sinceDate;/* w ww. j av a 2 s  .  c o  m*/

    try {
        clientDeviceId = context.getParams().optString(PushNotifierProtocol.ARG_CLIENT_DEVICE_ID);
        sinceDate = Util
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new JsonRpcException(400, "Invalid since_date.", e);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new JsonRpcException(400, "Invalid since_date.", e);

    JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject();
    JSONArray notesJson = new JSONArray();
    Transaction tx = context.getPersistenceManager().currentTransaction();
    Date newSinceDate = new Date();
    try {
        List<Note> localNotes = new ArrayList<Note>();
        if (context.getParams().has(PushNotifierProtocol.NotesSync.ARG_LOCAL_NOTES)) {
            JSONArray localChangesJson = context.getParams()
            for (int i = 0; i < localChangesJson.length(); i++) {
                try {
                    JSONObject noteJson = localChangesJson.getJSONObject(i);

                    if (noteJson.has("id")) {
                        Key existingNoteKey = Note.makeKey(userInfo.getId(), noteJson.get("id").toString());
                        try {
                            Note existingNote = (Note) context.getPersistenceManager().getObjectById(Note.class,
                            if (!existingNote.getOwnerId().equals(userInfo.getId())) {
                                // User doesn't have permission to edit this note. Instead of
                                // throwing an error, just re-create it on the server side.
                                //throw new JsonRpcException(403,
                                //        "You do not have permission to modify this note.");
                        } catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException e) {
                            // Note doesn't exist, instead of throwing an error,
                            // just re-create the note on the server side (unassign its ID).
                            //throw new JsonRpcException(404, "Note with ID "
                            //        + noteJson.get("id").toString() + " does not exist.");

                    noteJson.put("owner_id", userInfo.getId());
                    Note localNote = new Note(noteJson);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    throw new JsonRpcException(400, "Invalid local note content.", e);

        // Query server-side note changes.
        Query query = context.getPersistenceManager().newQuery(Note.class);
        query.setFilter("ownerKey == ownerKeyParam && modifiedDate > sinceDate");
        query.setOrdering("modifiedDate desc");
        query.declareParameters(Key.class.getName() + " ownerKeyParam, java.util.Date sinceDate");
        List<Note> notes = (List<Note>) query.execute(userInfo.getKey(), sinceDate);

        // Now merge the lists and conflicting objects.
        /*Reconciler<Note> reconciler = new Reconciler<Note>() {
        public Note reconcile(Note o1, Note o2) {
            boolean pick1 = o1.getModifiedDate().after(o2.getModifiedDate());
            // Make sure only the chosen version of the note is persisted
            context.getPersistenceManager().makeTransient(pick1 ? o2 : o1);
            return pick1 ? o1 : o2;
        Collection<Note> reconciledNotes = reconciler.reconcileLists(notes, localNotes);
        for (Note note : reconciledNotes) {
        // Save the note.
        // Put it in the response output.
    } finally {
        if (tx.isActive()) {

    enqueueDeviceMessage(context.getPersistenceManager(), userInfo, clientDeviceId);

    responseJson.put(PushNotifierProtocol.NotesSync.RET_NOTES, notesJson);
    responseJson.put(PushNotifierProtocol.NotesSync.RET_NEW_SINCE_DATE, Util.formatDateISO8601(newSinceDate));
    return responseJson;

From source file:org.loklak.server.AbstractAPIHandler.java

private void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Query query)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    // basic protection
    BaseUserRole minimalBaseUserRole = getMinimalBaseUserRole() != null ? getMinimalBaseUserRole()
            : BaseUserRole.ANONYMOUS;//from w w  w  .  j a v  a2  s .  c  o  m

    if (query.isDoS_blackout()) {
        response.sendError(503, "your request frequency is too high");
    } // DoS protection
    if (DAO.getConfig("users.admin.localonly", true) && minimalBaseUserRole == BaseUserRole.ADMIN
            && !query.isLocalhostAccess()) {
                "access only allowed from localhost, your request comes from " + query.getClientHost());
    } // danger! do not remove this!

    // user identification
    ClientIdentity identity = getIdentity(request, response, query);

    // user authorization: we use the identification of the user to get the assigned authorization
    Authorization authorization = new Authorization(identity, DAO.authorization, DAO.userRoles);

    if (authorization.getBaseUserRole().ordinal() < minimalBaseUserRole.ordinal()) {
                "Base user role not sufficient. Your base user role is '"
                        + authorization.getBaseUserRole().name() + "', your user role is '"
                        + authorization.getUserRole().getDisplayName() + "'");

    // user accounting: we maintain static and persistent user data; we again search the accounts using the usder identity string
    //JSONObject accounting_persistent_obj = DAO.accounting_persistent.has(user_id) ? DAO.accounting_persistent.getJSONObject(anon_id) : DAO.accounting_persistent.put(user_id, new JSONObject()).getJSONObject(user_id);
    Accounting accounting_temporary = DAO.accounting_temporary.get(identity.toString());
    if (accounting_temporary == null) {
        accounting_temporary = new Accounting();
        DAO.accounting_temporary.put(identity.toString(), accounting_temporary);

    // the accounting data is assigned to the authorization

    // extract standard query attributes
    String callback = query.get("callback", "");
    boolean jsonp = callback.length() > 0;
    boolean minified = query.get("minified", false);

    try {
        JSONObject json = serviceImpl(query, response, authorization, authorization.getPermissions(this));
        if (json == null) {
            response.sendError(400, "your request does not contain the required data");

        // evaluate special fields
        if (json.has("$EXPIRES")) {
            int expires = json.getInt("$EXPIRES");
            FileHandler.setCaching(response, expires);

        // add session information
        JSONObject session = new JSONObject(true);
        session.put("identity", identity.toJSON());
        json.put("session", session);

        // write json
        query.setResponse(response, "application/javascript");
        PrintWriter sos = response.getWriter();
        if (jsonp)
            sos.print(callback + "(");
        sos.print(json.toString(minified ? 0 : 2));
        if (jsonp)
    } catch (APIException e) {
        response.sendError(e.getStatusCode(), e.getMessage());

From source file:org.chromium.ChromeStorage.java

private void remove(final CordovaArgs args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) {
    cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
        @Override/*  w w w  .ja va2s.  c  o  m*/
        public void run() {
            try {
                String namespace = args.getString(0);
                JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) args.optJSONObject(1);
                JSONArray jsonArray = args.optJSONArray(1);
                boolean isNull = args.isNull(1);
                List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
                JSONObject oldValues = new JSONObject();

                if (jsonObject != null) {
                    keys = toStringList(jsonObject.names());
                } else if (jsonArray != null) {
                    keys = toStringList(jsonArray);
                } else if (isNull) {
                    keys = null;

                if (keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) {
                    JSONObject storage = getStorage(namespace);
                    for (String key : keys) {
                        Object oldValue = storage.opt(key);
                        if (oldValue != null) {
                            oldValues.put(key, oldValue);
                    setStorage(namespace, storage);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not update storage", e);
                callbackContext.error("Could not update storage");