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 Copyright (c) 2013 Stephan Jaetzold.
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at
 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONStringer;
import org.json.JSONWriter;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import static*;

 * Represents the properties and abilities of a Philips hue Bridge.
 * Bridges on the local network can be discovered using
 * <code>{@link #discover()}</code>
 * which does a UPnP search for any bridges.
 * <p>
 *     In order to use the lights it is necessary to call {@link #authenticate(boolean)}.
 *     It checks that a username provided with {@link #setUsername(String)}
 *     is allowed for the bridge. If not and the method is called with <code>true</code> as parameter
 *     it waits for up to 30 seconds for the link button on the bridge to be pressed so that access is granted for a new user.
 *     It is not necessary to provide a name for the new user, a random one will be generated then.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Save the username along with the UDN obtained via {@link #getUDN()} to later use it again with the same bridge device.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     An authenticated bridge provides the lights and groups via corresponding get methods and can be told to
 *     initiate a search for new lights.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Any problem communicating with the bridge device will result in a {@link HueCommException} to be thrown which carries
 *     the error json with more information.
 * </p>
 * @see HueLightBulb
 * @see HueLightGroup
 * @see HueVirtualLightGroup
 * @author Stephan Jaetzold <p><small>Created at 20.03.13, 15:10</small>
public class HueBridge {
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());

     * If {@link #discover()} does not return what is expected this field might help track down the cause.
     * But this should be rare and probably means there is a bug in generating or parsing the discovery responses somewhere.
     * It is unusual not to throw an exception but instead remember it in a variable, but it would otherwise not be possible to
     * be able to discover bridges if e.g. some completely unrelated UPnP device causes an exception with its response.
    public static Exception lastDiscoveryException;
     * If {@link #discover()} should return quicker if there are no bridges found, set this to a lower value.
     * Might not find existing bridges then if the network is very slow. 1-4 is acceptable.
    public static int discoveryAttempts = 3;

     * Do a UPnP search for Philips hue bridges on the local network.
     * The returned bridges are not authenticated and not synced.
     * So all information at that point will be the base URL and UPnP UDN.
     * @return All Philips hue bridges discovered on the local network. If none are found an empty list is returned.
    public static List<HueBridge> discover() {

    final HueBridgeComm comm;

    String UDN;
    String username;
    boolean authenticated = false;
    boolean initialSyncDone = false;

    String deviceType = getClass().getName();

    String name;
    final Map<Integer, HueLightBulb> lights = new TreeMap<>();
    final Map<Integer, HueLightGroup> groups = new TreeMap<>();
    final Map<Integer, HueVirtualLightGroup> virtualGroups = new TreeMap<>();

     * Get a HueBridge for a known IP Address without using {@link #discover()}.
     * @param address The IP Adress of the Philips Hue Bridge
     * @param username A username to authenticate with. May be null (in which case one will be generated on successful authentication)
    public HueBridge(InetAddress address, String username) {
        this(constructBaseUrlFor(address), username);

    HueBridge(URL baseUrl, String username) {
        this.username = username;
        this.comm = new HueBridgeComm(baseUrl);
        // this group is implicit and always contains all lights of this bridge
        final HueLightGroup group = new HueLightGroup(this, 0, lights); = "Implicit";
        groups.put(0, group);

     * The base URL of the Philips hue bridge REST API this bridge instance connects to.
     * @return The base URL of the Philips hue bridge REST API this bridge instance connects to.
    public URL getBaseUrl() {
        return comm.baseUrl;

     * The UPnP unique device identifier string of the bridge.
     * It can be used to identify the same bridge device later even if its IP changes due to some other configuration.
     * @return The UPnP unique device identifier string of the bridge.
    public String getUDN() {
        return UDN;

     * @return The username that is used to connect to the bridge device. Or null if this bridge is not authenticated and no username was explicitly set.
    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

     * Set the username to use with this bridge.
     * If this is different from the previous username the bridge needs to be authenticated again.
     * @see #authenticate(boolean)
     * @param username A username to authenticate with. May be null (in which case one will be generated on successful authentication)
    public void setUsername(String username) {
        if (username != null && !username.matches("\\s*[-\\w]{10,40}\\s*")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "A username must be 10-40 characters long and may only contain the characters -,_,a-b,A-B,0-9");
        authenticated &= equalEnough(this.username, username);
        this.username = username == null ? username : username.trim();

     * Being authenticated means the current username has already been checked to be accepted by the bridge API found at {@link #getBaseUrl()}.
     * @return true if the current username is allowed by the bridge device.
    public boolean isAuthenticated() {
        return authenticated;

     * Check for the current username to be allowed by the bridge device. Or generate and use a random user if none has been set with
     * {@link #setUsername(String)}. If the parameter <code>waitForGrant</code> is true and the currently set username is not allowed
     * by the bridge wait for up to 30 seconds for the link button on the bridge to be pressed to get an allowed username.
     * @see #authenticate(String, boolean)
     * @param waitForGrant true if the method should wait for up to 30 seconds for the link button to be pressed
     * @return true if authentication was successful.
    public boolean authenticate(boolean waitForGrant) {
        return authenticate(username, waitForGrant);

     * The name that has been assigned to the bridge device.
     * @return The name that has been assigned to the bridge device.
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Assign a new name to the bridge device. This name is actually sent to and stored on the device.
     * It must be between 4 and 16 characters long.
     * <p>See <a href="">Philips hue API, Section 4.3</a> for further reference.</p>
     * @param name The new name of the bridge device.
    public void setName(String name) {
        if (name == null || name.trim().length() < 4 || name.trim().length() > 16) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Name (without leading or trailing whitespace) has to be 4-16 characters long");
        checkedSuccessRequest(PUT, "/config", JO().key("name").value(name)); = name;

     * Provide a collection of all hue lights that are currently known by the bridge.
     * On adding completely new lights call {@link #searchForNewLights()} so that the bridge device finds and connects those new lights.
     * @see #getLight(Integer)
     * @see #getLightIds()
     * @return A collection of all hue lights that are currently known by the bridge.
    public Collection<? extends HueLightBulb> getLights() {
        return lights.values();

     * Get a light with a known id. Either saved from earlier or from the ids returned by {@link #getLightIds()}.
     * @param id the id of the light to return
     * @return A {@link HueLightBulb} with the given id or null if none with that id is known.
    public HueLightBulb getLight(Integer id) {
        return lights.get(id);

     * The ids of all the lights known to this bridge device.
     * @return The ids of all the lights known to this bridge device.
    public Set<Integer> getLightIds() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(lights.keySet());

     * Provide a collection of all groups that are currently defined on the bridge.
     * @see #getGroup(Integer)
     * @see #getGroupIds()
     * @return A collection of all groups that are currently defined on the bridge.
    public Collection<? extends HueLightGroup> getGroups() {
        return groups.values();

     * Get a group with a known id. Either saved from earlier or from the ids returned by {@link #getGroupIds()}.
     * @param id the id of the group to return
     * @return A {@link HueLightGroup} with the given id or null if none with that id exists.
    public HueLightGroup getGroup(Integer id) {
        return groups.get(id);

     * The ids of all the groups defined on this bridge device.
     * @return The ids of all the groups defined on this bridge device.
    public Set<Integer> getGroupIds() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(groups.keySet());

     * Provide a collection of all {@link HueVirtualLightGroup} instances that are currently defined on this bridge API instance.
     * @see HueVirtualLightGroup
     * @see #getVirtualGroup(Integer)
     * @see #getVirtualGroupIds()
     * @return A collection of all virtual groups that are currently defined on this bridge API instance.
    public Collection<HueVirtualLightGroup> getVirtualGroups() {
        return virtualGroups.values();

     * Get a virtual group with a known id. Either saved from earlier or from the ids returned by {@link #getVirtualGroupIds()}.
     * @param id the id of the virtual group to return
     * @return A {@link HueVirtualLightGroup} with the given id or null if none with that id is defined on this bridge API instance.
    public HueVirtualLightGroup getVirtualGroup(Integer id) {
        return virtualGroups.get(id);

     * The ids of all the virtual groups defined on this bridge API instance.
     * @return The ids of all the virtual groups defined on this bridge API instance.
    public Set<Integer> getVirtualGroupIds() {
        return virtualGroups.keySet();

     * Attempt to verify the given username is allowed to access the bridge instance.
     * If the username is not allowed (or not given, meaning <code>null</code>) and <code>waitForGrant</code> is <code>true</code>,
     * the method then waits for up to 30 seconds to be granted access to the bridge. This would be done by pressing the bridges button.
     * If authentication succeeds, the username for which it succeeded is then saved and the method returns <code>true</code>.
     * <p>See <a href="">Philips hue API, Section 4.1</a> for further reference.</p>
     * @see #authenticate(boolean)
     * @param usernameToTry a username to authenticate with or null if a new one should be generated by the bridge if access is granted through pressing the hardware button.
     * @param waitForGrant if true, this method blocks for up to 30 seconds or until access to the bridge is allowed, whichever comes first.
     * @return true, if this bridge API instance has now a username that is verified to be allowed to access the bridge device.
    public boolean authenticate(String usernameToTry, boolean waitForGrant) {
        if (usernameToTry != null && !usernameToTry.matches("\\s*[-\\w]{10,40}\\s*")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "A username must be 10-40 characters long and may only contain the characters -,_,a-b,A-B,0-9");

        if (!isAuthenticated() || !equalEnough(username, usernameToTry)) {
            // if we have an usernameToTry then check that first whether it already exists
            // I just don't get why a "create new user" request for an existing user results in the same 101 error as when the user does not exist.
            // But for this reason this additional preliminary request is necessary.
            if (!equalEnough(null, usernameToTry)) {
                try {
                    authenticated = true;
                } catch (HueCommException e) {

            if (!isAuthenticated()) {
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                int waitSeconds = 30;
                do {
                    JSONObject response = new JSONObject();
                    try {
                        final JSONWriter jsonWriter = new JSONStringer().object().key("devicetype")
                        if (usernameToTry != null && usernameToTry.trim().length() >= 10) {
                        // use comm directly here because the user is not currently set
                        response = comm.request(POST, "api", jsonWriter.endObject().toString()).get(0);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.log(Level.WARNING, "IOException on create user request", e);
                    final JSONObject success = response.optJSONObject("success");
                    if (success != null && success.has("username")) {
                        username = success.getString("username");
                        authenticated = true;
                        waitForGrant = false;
                    } else {
                        final JSONObject error = response.optJSONObject("error");
                        if (error != null && error.has("type")) {
                            if (error.getInt("type") != 101) {
                                log.warning("Got unexpected error on create user: " + error);
                                waitForGrant = false;
                    if (waitForGrant) {
                        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > waitSeconds * 1000) {
                            waitForGrant = false;
                        } else {
                            try {
                                Thread.sleep(900 + Math.round(Math.random() * 100));
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                } while (waitForGrant);

        if (isAuthenticated() && !initialSyncDone) {

        return isAuthenticated();

     * Starts a search for new lights.
     * See <a href="">Philips hue API, Section 1.3</a> for further reference.
    public void searchForNewLights() {
        checkedSuccessRequest(POST, "/lights", "");

    private boolean scanActive = false;

     * Returns all lights found at the last search for new lights.
     * If the returned list is empty it can mean that no scan has been performed, no new lights have been discovered or a scan is currently active.
     * Whether a scan was active at the last call to this method can be queried by calling {@link #isScanActive()}.
     * See <a href="">Philips hue API, Section 1.2</a> for further reference.
    public Collection<? extends HueLightBulb> getNewLights() {
        final List<JSONObject> response = request(GET, "/lights/new", "");
        final JSONObject lightsJson = response.get(0);
        final String lastscan = (String) lightsJson.remove("lastscan");
        scanActive = lastscan.equals("active");
        final ArrayList<HueLightBulb> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Object key : lightsJson.keySet()) {
            Integer lightId = null;
            try {
                lightId = Integer.parseInt((String) key);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (lightId != null) {
                final HueLightBulb light = getLight(lightId);
                if (light == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "For some reason the new light is not available... probable bug?");
        return result;

     * Whether a scan was active at the last call to {@link #getNewLights()}
    public boolean isScanActive() {
        return scanActive;

    public String toString() {
        return (initialSyncDone ? getName() + "@" : "<Unsynced Hue Bridge>@") + getBaseUrl() + "#" + getUDN();

    // *****************************************
    // Implementation internal methods
    // *****************************************

    private void completeSync(String username) {
        try {
            final List<JSONObject> response = comm.request(GET, "api/" + username.trim(), "");
            if (response.size() > 0) {
                final JSONObject datastore = response.get(0);
                if (datastore.has("error")) {
                    throw new HueCommException(datastore.getJSONObject("error"));
                if (datastore.has("config") && datastore.has("lights") && datastore.has("groups")) {
                    initialSyncDone = true;
                } else {
                    throw new HueCommException("Incomplete response. Missing at least one of config/lights/groups");
            } else {
                throw new HueCommException("Empty response");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new HueCommException(e);

    private void parseConfig(JSONObject config) {
        name = config.getString("name");

    private void parseLights(JSONObject lightsJson) {
        final Iterator<?> keys = lightsJson.keys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            Object key =;
            try {
                Integer id = Integer.parseInt((String) key);
                HueLightBulb light = lights.get(id);
                if (light == null) {
                    light = new HueLightBulb(this, id);
                    lights.put(id, light);

                final JSONObject lightJson = lightsJson.getJSONObject((String) key);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e instanceof HueCommException) {
                    throw e;
                } else {
                    throw new HueCommException("Lights result parsing failed. Probably some unexpected format?", e);

    private void parseGroups(JSONObject groupsJson) {
        final Iterator<?> keys = groupsJson.keys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            Object key =;
            try {
                Integer id = Integer.parseInt((String) key);
                HueLightGroup group = groups.get(id);
                if (group == null) {
                    group = new HueLightGroup(this, id);
                    groups.put(id, group);

                final JSONObject lightJson = groupsJson.getJSONObject((String) key);
       = lightJson.getString("name");

                final JSONArray lightsArray = lightJson.getJSONArray("lights");
                for (int i = 0; i < lightsArray.length(); i++) {
                    Integer lightId = Integer.parseInt(lightsArray.getString(i));
                    final HueLightBulb light = getLight(lightId);
                    if (light == null) {
                        //noinspection ThrowCaughtLocally
                        throw new HueCommException("Can not find light with id " + lightId);
                    } else {
                        group.lights.put(lightId, light);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e instanceof HueCommException) {
                    throw e;
                } else {
                    throw new HueCommException("Groups result parsing failed. Probably some unexpected format?", e);

    List<JSONObject> checkedSuccessRequest(HueBridgeComm.RM method, String userPath, Object json) {
        final List<JSONObject> response = request(method, userPath, json);
        for (JSONObject entry : response) {
            if (!entry.has("success")) {
                throw new HueCommException(entry.getJSONObject("error"));
        return response;

    List<JSONObject> request(HueBridgeComm.RM method, String userPath, Object json) {
        try {
            return comm.request(method, "api/" + username.trim() + userPath, json.toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new HueCommException(e);

    void checkAuthAndSync() {
        if (!isAuthenticated()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Need to authenticate first.");
        if (!initialSyncDone) {

     * Helper method to shorten creation of a JSONObject String.
     * @return A JSONStringer with an object already 'open' and auto-object-end on a call to toString()
    private static JSONStringer JO() {
        return new JSONStringer() {

            public String toString() {
                return writer.toString() + (mode != 'd' ? "}" : "");

    private static boolean equalEnough(String a, String b) {
        // two strings are equal if either both are null/effectively empty or both represent the same string.
        return (a == null || a.trim().equals("")) && (b == null || b.trim().equals(""))
                || a != null && b != null && a.equals(b);

    private static URL constructBaseUrlFor(InetAddress address) {
        try {
            return new URL("http://" + address.getHostAddress() + "/");
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not construct http URL from the given address", e);